#and watching me smash the Baahuba|i world together with OiM must have been like watching someone liveblog their descent into insanity
tuulikki · 7 years
Tagging question for Tumblr: If you’re reblogging content about, say, the Crusades, or gifs from “Gone with the Wind”, do you blanket tag for “islamophobia” and “slavery”, even if that historical context is not explicitly part of the post? E.g., if it’s a picture of a Crusader castle or gifs of Scarlett’s dresses, is that going in too deep?
I ask because I’ve been reblogging content from the historical novel (and movie), “With Fire and Sword”, all over the place. It’s set during the Khmelnytsky Uprising, and and between revolting peasants and Cossacks tens of thousands of Jewish people lost their lives.
The Cossack hordes I’d tag as “antisemitism” because they’re fucking Cossacks. But do I also tag random pictures of men in fur hats?
What do you think, Tumblr?
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