#and we don't know how long is between DP and BW but there are 2 years between BW2 and according to some Grimsley concept art
illdothehotvoice ยท 2 years
Alternatively the anime just confirmed Ingo going to Hisui as late as right before the events of Scarlet and Violet but personally I don't believe that and the Anime canonically is a different universe so eeeeh??? But whatever helps you sleep at night king.
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gaycey-sketchit ยท 2 years
(Gary anon) Heh, my BW memories are kinda foggy, but "the basics" is more his catchphrase than *THAT. (*Which kinda fades about or little over halfway in) True. Heck, so far in JN, they've been having him pop in during the 2nd half of episodes, rather than from the beginning. (Though I'm sure that'll change soon) Interestingly, it seems in that tower, Blue caught a Cubone. Whether it's the orphaned one of the dead Marowak, I can't remember. But it's interesting food for thought.
(Part 2) (But yeah, I don't think gameverse Oak was a bad person, just probably very strict and tied to his work before mellowing out) People just like angst, maybe a little too much that ends up turning into gospel. (These two counterparts are bound to end up sharing things; meanwhile Red borrows more from Ash than the other way) I remember some being shocked that Red spoke at all when it first came out. But yeah, haven't heard many complaints on Blue. (Other than the Blue/Green)
(Part 3) (name controversy stirring again, but that's a tale as old as time) Not sure, I think it has quiet down since DP, but some still feel there's some kind of connection between Paul and Brandon that may run deep. (Truly quite a legacy, let's see what that means for Ash later) And Misty can have a Golduck that's loyal to her, than one that shows out. (I believe I've seen it, as well as some art depicting how Misty with a Togekiss. It's all in the writers' hand if it happens) Alrighty, what
(Part 4) new: No Serena cameo. Figured; though showing the place of where the infamous lip dance happened probably didn't help. Goh has a Froakie now. Sirfetch'd and Dracovish bonding. Ash won and is now rank 9. (Which kinda makes me dubious about Paul; who may or may not own a [male] Garchomp now, being another "power-up" episode. Getting Gligar episode redux vibes. Sylveon; based on some clues, it seems earlier speculation on who the owner is back on the table.
(Part 5) And if it's true, it's gonna be a long week. Goh's Suicune is back cause dirty water; looking likely to be the Yamper episode. Can't tell if that's Haxorus or Giratina behind Pikachu. We're heading back to Alola again. Another Project Mew mission with Goh and Tokio. Greninja still doing its job that he was released for, with Lucario's help. Reunion may or may not be at Hammerlocke. New promo poster and the confirmation that we're in the climax now.
Ah. Cool, he got over his racism. Character development I didn't know about!
Yeah, hopefully soon he'll start turning up earlier so we can spend a little more time with him... I'm so excited to see how his relationship with Goh develops from them coming to an understanding in the Articuno episode. (And also to see more of how close he and Ash are.)
Hmm... him having caught Cubone of all things is definitely something you can read into. Especially when you consider that Blue's parents are also nowhere to be seen. (Would've been good if he'd had a Cubone/Marowak on his team, now that I'm thinking about it.)
Yeah, that's fair.
Yeah, and I get that--angst and conflict and drama make for good stories! Sometimes things just get... a little much. But fanfic is free and so is closing the tab if I'm not enjoying it, so I try not to be too critical. (Though I won't pretend it doesn't annoy me whenever gratuitously edgy fan theory stuff like "Ash has been in a coma since the end of the first episode" and "Pokemon training is slavery" gain traction.)
True, true. It's interesting how aspects of the different Red/Blue incarnations are influenced by each other both in fanon and canon--Red's HGSS team being nearly identical to Ash's Orange Islands team (the only difference being Bulbasaur and Squirtle are fully evolved) also comes to mind.
Yeah. I love how nonverbal Red is so widely accepted that people are shocked when he isn't nonverbal. (Also unfortunately, Origins!Red really does not have much of anything interesting going on compared to every other Red incarnation.) Glad people's thoughts on Blue(/Green) are mostly positive because Origins!Blue is so good (even if his Japanese voice is way too deep for an 11 year old, but the main anime has a similar problem with some characters).
Yeah, Ash's story is really incredible to look back on.
Yeah! It's what she deserves.
I guess we'll just have to see what the writers have planned.
Alas. "The infamous lip dance" just took me out, that is the funniest way you could've phrased that. I saw a screencap on Twitter yesterday of Ash and Goh standing there and the tweeter had captioned it with just "kiss".
Good for Goh! Good for Ash and his Pokemon!
Managed to totally forget about Goh's Suicune. Cool that we'll be seeing it again! If it causes another stir reminding people of that plot point that set the fandom on fire for a bit, it's whatever.
Seems like quite a bit of interesting stuff coming up! Excited for more Project Mew stuff in particular, whether or not it means Gary making another appearance (though I won't pretend I'm not hoping to see him again) I think the Project Mew plot is interesting.
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