#meaning 4 years since BW which means at LEAST 4 years since DP
illdothehotvoice · 2 years
Alternatively the anime just confirmed Ingo going to Hisui as late as right before the events of Scarlet and Violet but personally I don't believe that and the Anime canonically is a different universe so eeeeh??? But whatever helps you sleep at night king.
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swirly592 · 5 years
Right, so I gotta vent about all this Pokémon Sword and Shield nonsense going around. Let me say that yes, the developers shouldn’t be rushed and I’d prefer 2-3 years between games if it made them better, however that doesn’t mean the game is trash just because management is awful. Sorry to tell you this, but ever since DP GameFreak has been aiming for some kind of Pokémon game every year. This isn’t a new issue.
Let’s get on with the show.
Keep in mind all of the released information so far is from 4chan. Even those posts on reddit are about information originally posted on 4chan. That’s not the most reliable source out there.
1) Dex cut
Yeah, it fucking sucks that the dex was cut, especially so much. Do I think that the cut was because they wanted to make sure each model was perfect? No, it’s probably a lie. However, I think the reason for the cut was something that people are overlooking: space. There are now nearly 1000 Pokémon to model and animate, neveminding the fact each one can be shiny (thus a new model) and there are tons of forms ranging from relatively useless like Resolute Form to Megas to regional variants. All of that is just the Pokémon, never mind and human models, background models like houses, trees, etc. I can’t help but think the switch just couldn’t handle all of it without going into negative frame rates. Hell, the games have been having issues with frame rate since BW and I’m pretty sure even back then it was due to size.
I think GF wanted people to hope about getting their favorites back while not admitting the switch isn’t the greatest thing since the invention of the lightbulb. Could I be wrong, of course. I don’t have the ability to identify just how large everything is. But don’t just assume the Dex was cut for a nefarious reason when your proof is a person claiming to know things on 4chan.
2) Animations
From the videos, they certainly don’t seem to be the best. Honestly, they don’t look any better than SM and sometimes those looked wonky. But let’s be real here: when has Pokémon ever had that great of animation? I get that GF is claiming they focused on that, but the models were never going to be the best things ever. The move animations make as much sense as they always have. Don’t forget that when using flamethrower on Pokémon that are too tall in games like Platinum, the fire comes out of the stomach. There’s just a bunch of standard motions and they simply pick the best one to use for each move.
Now, stop complaining about Wingull and Xatus overworld idle animations. Wingull has always been like that, I’m pretty sure at least once Dex entry says it’s a glider. Xatu is a psychic totem pole bird, it can do whatever it wants. Wailord’s size being shrunken down so much is quite silly, but how big do you guys want it? It’d be nice to see them all proportional to their Dex sizes, but I also want to see everything clearly. I didn’t like not being able to see the top of Alola Exeggutor after I got over how silly it was. I don’t want the same thing for other Pokémon too. Hop reusing Hau’s animations is ridiculous, but I don’t really pay attention to that kind of thing typically. He’s just meant to be a nice kid to be the rival. Don’t forget that this is a kid game, subtle emotions are both difficult to express and to interpret for someone young. If you want to do an emotion, you have to go big. There are only so many ways to express the same emotion with large movements.
3) Move cut
Alright, if this is true I am indeed pissed. There’s no need to cut the moves, especially the ones like return and hidden power which people actually use. If they were worried about the number of moves (and I’ll be fair, it’d be insane), don’t add new ones? I don’t think people would be that upset a generation added only a few moves so long as the movepools themselves were okay.
4) GTS Removal
... I get why they did it. Monetarily, it’s more logical to have a paid subscription service for online play rather than it being free. I don’t like it, but so long as the fee is low I’ll accept it. Servers are expensive and more people are wanting access to online. They have to pay for it consistently somehow.
5) Dynamax
There are people complaining that Dynamax/Gigadynamax Pokémon aren’t hard enough. The evidence they have is Coalossol being one shot by Intellon (Intelleon? No idea how you spell it). Please remember that our coal dude is fire/rock and the water starter used a decently powerful water move. Being surprised the Pokémon with a quadruple weakness to water was OHKOed by a water move is like being surprised Charizard Y is OHKOed by rock slide. At least wait until a harder challenge appears before judging the gimmick like that.
Look, I’m obviously a fan of the series. I admit some of the changes fucking suck, no matter how much I may understand why it was done. But the people who are bitching the most about how awful the game is are probably the same ones who bitched about BW when it first came out. A game many look back on fondly now.
Everyone should stop freaking the fuck out, form your own opinion about the game when it’s actually released and not just leaked, and stop trying to scare people away because you can.
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1358456 · 6 years
Dex Holder Preference List, New-V
It’s been at least half of a year since the last one. And there have been some monumental changes, likes of which have never happened before.
Top Favorites
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Platinum (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) ... The change is not here, nor shall it ever... probably. I mean, at this point, she’s been my top favorite for like 10 years. That ain’t changing. And this spot is solidified thanks to the likes of Heart and Legacy. And maybe even Wings and probably SoS as she unlocks more frost powers.
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Y (2, 2, 2, 2, 2) This won’t be changing either. Probably. ... Maybe. Well, Wings will most likely solidify her position here. “I know this isn’t the school uniform provided. But I like wearing black clothes, so that when I get blood on me, it’s not easily noticeable.”
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Red (3, 3, 3, 3, 3) If there’s anyone in the top 5 that has the highest risk of falling off, it’s Red. And it’s not that much of a risk. The experiments with a more brutal Red will solidify his position. “This is going to hurt, pal. But don’t worry. If you pass out, I’ll wake you up so we can continue.”
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Blue (4, 4, 4, 4, 4) Same old, same old. Destiny and Legacy and all that. In my newer stories, she would probably have a more happy and relaxed personality, which then allows her to be more jovial and joking, even, instead of being super serious all the time. There’s already someone else for that.
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Moon (5, 5, 5, 5, 5) The first 5 have seen no changes in the last 5 lists. The poison doctor here will remain. Her position will be solidified further, if she does something in SM for crying out loud. Evolve the damn ball bird already! Catch some sh*t! Sun’s been taking all the spotlight for the whole arc! And show some real battling talent. She’s like near the end of SM game plot, and she had battled ONCE. And lost. 0-1. What are you, Crystal?
Light Preference
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Emerald (6, 7, 6, 7, 6) Up and down and up and down and... This slight buff comes thanks to the SoS parts. Emerald the Warlock. It’s fun to use, and it’ll be even more so in later parts. “Uh oh. I think I just summoned a meteor by accident. ... RUN! ... Oh wait, it’s heading for Unova base. Never mind.”
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Diamond (8, 9, 8, 6, 7) He hasn’t really been doing anything in my stories as of late. ... Well, the next Legacy chapter should have him and Pearl doing a lot of stuff. Assuming Y doesn’t hog all the spotlight (as in, as long as Y’s chapter section doesn’t take the whole damn chapter).
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White (7, 6, 7, 10, 8) Hey, single digits again. SoS part, mostly. She’s going to be the recipient of a LOT of shenanigans, which means lots of appearances, which naturally helps the preference. I mean, if BW2 ain’t happening, then... hehe. Along with the “usual” BW doom scenes (hehe), the comedic doom she’ll suffer in SoS will certainly keep her relatively high here. “Aww... someone set our base on fire again. Come on, Black. Let’s repair and rebuild. Our skill in construction is like maxed now, so this won’t take too long.”
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Sun (9, 8, 9, 8, 9) Up and down and up and down and... Mixed thoughts about this guy. On one hand, he’s hogging all the damn spotlight in SM, which is annoying. But at the same time, he’s kind of like... living like a favorite Dex Holder in my stories. As in, he hogs a lot of spotlight, and gets mangled a lot. What are you, copying Platinum in SA? Heh. Well then. I got SunnyD and some Sun Chips. I’m ready to see Sun get his ass whipped. And hey, while in SM arc, he may be like immortal, in Legacy, he will not. If he takes a beating that badly in Legacy, he will not be getting back up. ... To get up from that bad of a beating in my stories, you need to be at least #5 on the Preference List. Ha!
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X (17, 17, 10, 9, 10) Maybe Wings will help him climb higher as Y beats the sh*t out of... I mean... we’ll see. “... Please don’t stuff me in a locker again.”
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Sapphire (16, 11, 11, 11, 11) The decreasing interest vs. SoS involvement bonus. Currently at a standstill. Maybe later on, as Sapphire gets the Firelord skills and whatever, she’ll climb higher? Hmm...
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Ruby (15, 13, 12, 12, 12) Decreasing interest, but not a lot of SoS involvement. Ain’t looking too well, honestly. For now, he remains on the bottom of this tier.
Dead Zone
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Pearl (RB, RB, RB, RB, 13) ... ... You... are not Black. This was his position. And... whoa. ... For the FIRST TIME since I first saw the DP arc WAY back in the days, Pearl is NOT anywhere near the bottom! ... This guy was my 2nd least favorite for like a DECADE. ... And now he is not. Heart buff OP. Must nerf. While this may be a temporary surge as Heart just started, this could also very well be just the start of his meteoric rise... to like... um... 9th place? The top slots are pretty packed, so he’s not getting there, but he can get close. I probably won’t be overhauling his team though. Even though he kind of needs it. F*ck this guy’s Pokemon team.
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Gold (15, 13, 14, 14, 14) Decreasing interest vs. SoS involvement. While it’s fun to use him every now and then, well... it’s not as fun as some of the others. Maybe once Gold goes further into the explosive tools in SoS... “A mine here, a mine here, a mine here, a mine here, and... ah, someone blew up.”
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Black (10, 10, 13, 13, 15) He’s never getting out of there. At least, he won’t be getting out of there in time. As time passes, I get less and less interested with this guy’s situation. It’s been like 4.5 years or something? I don’t even laugh at that scene anymore. Shame.
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Crystal (14, 16, 15, 15, 16) Time has certainly passed. I still like her, of course, but I’m just not interested. Ah, the fate of my top favorite Dex Holder. Yes, Crystal was #1 at one point, before the posts started. Then Platinum took her position and it’s just been downhill from there... for like 10 years. Ouch.
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Faitsu (11, 12, 16, 16, 17) I really don’t like her position being all the way down here. But BW2 being what it is... However, I MAY decide to start using the BW2 cast* in my stories**, and when that happens, she’ll see a lot of usage. * Faitsu only. ** Non-Pokemon focused stories only (Heart, Wings, SoS, short stories).
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Yellow (RB, RB, RB, RB, 18) ... What the f*ck?! Holy sh*t. What are you doing up here?! ... Wow. A monumental upset has occurred. She is no longer on the bottom of existence. For the first time ever. ... Still the least liked female Dex Holder, and I still harbor dislikes towards her, but her entertainment values are rising. In SoS, she is the perfect comedic victim. Whether she gets clubbed in the back of the head for a quest, or sabotaged so she falls into a pit of lava, or even gets mauled by dragons and giants... For the first time ever, she is amusing to use. Further boosted by the entertaining victim “role” in the serious stories. Heartbroken in Destiny. Heart will be broken in Legacy. ... It’ll probably be brought up a bit during SoS. And definitely during a future short story. Whether it’s her precious farm being ripped apart as a dragon crawls out of it, or it’s her heart being ripped apart from witnessing Red and Blue together, her appearances are going to hurt. But hey, at least most of those appearances will be in SoS. Thus she’ll mostly suffer the comedic pains. “Who planted a dragon egg in my farm?! THAT’S why dragons are attacking!”
Rock Bottom
Rakutsu (12, 14, 17, RB, RB). F*ck this guy still. He’ll have ONE use in my stories later on, and he won’t even really be appearing in it, since he’ll be the handler of the operations, and Blue will be the operative. ... Maybe he can do a minor op in the start of that short story. We’ll see.
Silver (RB, RB, RB, RB, RB). ... It sure is getting lonely down here. BOTH of the others of the “usual trio” have moved up. But not this guy. At least the newcomer is still down here. A damn shame. Legacy really could’ve helped Silver climb the ranks. Now the plot critical moments will have to get someone from the top 5 accompanying Silver so I don’t lose interest in writing the scene. Alas, the timing was off. Sorry, Silver. Just like Yellow, my dislike for you is not even your fault. My lack of interest is, but not my dislike.
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1358456 · 8 years
I'm a bit cofused about the timeline as well as the age of our Dex Holders. Do you mind lighten me up?
Ah, good old ages... one of the big reasons as to why I don't want the first 10 Dex Holders to appear ever again in an arc that takes place during or after DP. And of course, some asswipe already violated that...
Anyways, assuming the data I'm using (ages in Emerald arc) is accurate...
Ruby and Sapphire are just 80 days apart in age, so they're the same age. In Emerald arc, it says that Ruby is a year older than Sapphire and Emerald. But Ruby's birthday had passed, Emerald's has also passed, but Sapphire's did not. So, when Sapphire's birthday passed as well, both Ruby and Sapphire would be a year older than Emerald.
Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0
Red, Green, and Blue are all at the same age. In FRLG, they're all 16. But 2 months later in Emerald, Blue's birthday has passed and she becomes 17. So when Red's and Green's also pass, they're all 17 at that point. Which makes them 5 years older than Ruby/Sapphire.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0
Blue and Silver are 3 years apart in age, as that was one of the factors behind the kidnapping to start with (Silver 2, Blue 5, Will 8, Karen 11, ... someone else 14, the other guy 17). And Silver is 13 in Emerald, birthday NOT passed. Gold is also 13 in Emerald, birthday NOT passed. Crystal is 13 in Emerald, and her birthday HAD passed. So when everyone's birthdays have passed...
Red, Green, Blue: +6Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0
Yellow is 14 in Emerald, birthday passed.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0
Diamond and Pearl are 12 when DP started. Platinum was 11. DP started in September (English version f*cked that up and began on April ish), which is after both Diamond and Pearl's birthdays. Platinum's birthday passed around the time Candice and Maylene fought Jupiter, so Platinum had turned 12 by the end of DPPt.
Diamond and Pearl watched their first comedy act when they were 4. And that act was based on a Red Gyarados. The only Red Gyarados appeared during GSC and was caught by Silver. So in the time of GSC arc, the Sinnoh Dex Holders are AT MOST 4 years old. And it's in all likelihood that they were 4 in GSC. And in GSC, Gold and Silver were 11, birthdays not passed, Crystal was 11, birthday passed.
Which puts DPPt approx. 3 years after HGSS/ORAS. In HGSS, there's a young Cynthia with a Gabite, and given how her age is completely unknown in DPPt... or BW/BW2 for that matter (Shauntal asks you about it), there clearly has been some time between HGSS and DP. 3 years is enough.
In ORAS, there's a "flashback" that has little Platinum in it for the first time ever. Given how old she looks there, and how there is no reason for a "flashback" given the context, it's reasonable to assume that that's how old Platinum is in the time of ORAS, which is in the same year as HGSS. And also in ORAS, Diamond and Pearl are already practicing their comedy, or trying to at least, with Palmer present, and in DP, Pearl says that he hasn't seen his dad in a long while. So the 3 year time gap seems to be appropriate.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: -5
The end of DPPt has Looker being alerted to Team Plasma BEGINNING to rise in Unova. The BW2 Prologue has Team Plasma BEGINNING to rise in Unova, and it takes place 3 years before BW. Thus in all likelihood, BW takes place 3 years after DPPt.
Black is 14 in BW, birthday unknown. White is said to be the same age as Black, in BW2, which would mean she's 16 by the time of BW2, which is 2 years after BW, so she's also 14, birthday unknown. If their birthdays have passed to be 14 in BW, then they are 1 year younger than the Sinnoh trio. Else, they are the same age. I assume that Black and White have turned 14 in BW, as in their birthdays have passed.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: -5Black, White: -6
BW2 is 2 years after BW, and Rakutsu and Faitsu are 12. Rakutsu's birthday is in May, Faitsu's is in September. BW2 STARTS at September, so Faitsu is either 12, or will turn 12 very shortly, which puts them 4 years under Black and White, who are or will be 16.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: -5Black, White: -6Rakutsu, Faitsu: -10
No one knows when XY arc takes place, or how old X and Y are. The one person who can "solve" the mystery is the certain asswipe that randomly appeared in the arc. And, like the asswipe that he is, he gave no information whatsoever.
In ORAS, Red and Blue are the only Kanto Dex Holders available because the other guy went to Kalos (and f*ck Yellow). And in XY, it's revealed that it's not the first time Green came to Kalos. So his random ass appearance in XY is unrelated to his absence in ORAS, which gives no information whatsoever in terms of time or age.
But... let's say that XY arc is 3 years after BW2 because why not. And X and Y are 13 in XY because... why not. Also, no one had a starting age of 13 thus far (Sapphire 10, most everyone 11, DPPt 12, BW 14), so... why not.
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: -5Black, White: -6Rakutsu, Faitsu: -10X, Y: -12
We don't even know everything about Black and White, let alone anyone after that, and CERTAINLY not anything about Sun and Moon. If I recall, in the games, the player character is ASSUMED to be 11, so... sure, why not. As for WHEN SM arc takes place? Who knows. Let's say... 2 years after XY?
Red, Green, Blue: +6Yellow, Gold, Silver: +3Crystal: +2Ruby, Sapphire: +1Emerald: 0Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: -5Black, White: -6Rakutsu, Faitsu: -10X, Y: -12Sun, Moon: -16
22 year gap between Red and Moon this way. Heh. The Kanto Dex Holders really are old enough to be Alola Dex Holders' parents. I mean, if Moon is 11, then Red/Blue would be 33.
Blue: "Look, kid. We've been doing this since LONG before you were born."
Or even...
Blue: "Kid... I'm literally THREE times older than you."
Given how in this "chart", DPPt is smack in the middle, the basis should be placed on them, not Emerald.
Red, Green, Blue: +11Yellow, Gold, Silver: +8Crystal: +7Ruby, Sapphire: +6Emerald: +5Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: 0Black, White: -1Rakutsu, Faitsu: -5X, Y: -7Sun, Moon: -11
So, people want to see Yellow back for random reasons in BW2, huh? 25 year old Yellow, eh? ... Why? Because of PWT, Red and Green should be in BW2 too? ... Why? BW2 already has enough to focus on. It doesn't need random ass people from other regions who don't belong to make a single pointless ass appearance. Like in ORAS.
My sweet little Platinum would be in her 20s already by the time of XY and SM... sheesh. I'd rather not see her appear in any arc that is not a Sinnoh remake.
Way to make people feel old, eh? "You started this manga series years ago when these characters were 11. Now they're 33. How do you feel?"
Given the 5 year gap between Emerald and DPPt, it should've obviously served as a division line. The first 10 Dex Holders by themselves, leaving the other 11 alone. But nope. Some asswipe randomly appeared in XY and... yadda yadda yadda.
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