#and we never will likely unless marcys journal mentions her parents
thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
I found it weird how Sasha and Anne didn't even hesitate to go back to earth. I get why Marcy would want to go back after everything she's gone through on amphibia. But Anne seemed oddly at peace with it and I'd argue Sasha would at least consider staying after how much amphibia helped her grow. Hell, when they came back to amphibia there was that whole gag about the plantars using hand sanitizer and Sasha said "earth made you soft" and idk the way she said that felt almost like an hint she would stay but tbh that might have been me overthinking things. Honestly it feels like the only real reason why they went to earth is just cuz... Their families are there. Which, since we never saw them, we just have to assume Sasha and Marcy's families are healthy. Idk i like bittersweet endings but it felt extremely forced here
I would suggest Anne was at peace with the idea cause you know, we got told in True Colors she's missed her family and such and therefore, she really would just go back cause all her family is on Earth and they are shown to be a pretty good family. Like yeah, the Planters are like her family, but at the same time, we saw she did miss her mom and dad and therefore, wouldn't just want to be away from them forever. There's also the whole weird Anne will be god I guess so guess she'll see Amphibia again when she dies at 91 and becomes god.
But yeah, with Sasha, it's really weird we got shown she's unsure what she wanted to do after betraying Anne and Marcy in True Colors, and in Commander Anne, seems to speak of Earth in a negative way with how it made the Planter's soft. And honestly, it does say a-lot Sasha grew more in Amphibia away from her parents, but prior to that, had been well, pretty toxic, making us question what her parents were even like. All we know is that they divorced and that the divorce led to Sasha seeking control in areas where she can have it, but cause we never see them, we dunno if they were apart of why Sasha was so toxic prior to Amphibia or not. But I guess they didn't have Sasha stay cause of how it may make the ending more bittersweet with how they cut off Amphibia forever.
And as for Marcy, honestly I think her family was a definite point for questioning on what they were like. Like, True Colors flashback shows that they seem to text her like, "We need to talk. Now." And then like, the dad shouts after her to get back here young lady as she flees the home in tears and neither run after her. And I'm pretty sure it was implied they could have moved by S3A, but like, we never see them. We never see if they actually good parents or iffy ones like flashback implies. Marcy just wants to return suddenly and we never see the parents as a result.
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