#and we started talking and havent stopped and we've been talking since 7pm
flowerflowerflo · 1 month
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chat is this flirting am i being flirted with
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ebdanon · 1 month
we're a different breed of christianity here so easter is tomorrow and she asked what plans we had for lunch. we said we had none aside from visiting my family as tradition some time during the day. and she went off. it was 7pm when she started, it ended at 11. so when she asked what shes done wrong toward me, i said "do you want me to behind with how you've called me a piece of shit, or do you want me to end with how you've caller me a piece or shit?" which left my fil speechless and my mil claiming shes never done that. and my husband butted in about how she's shit talked my family members - dead or alive, who she does and doesnt know, like a phone book. the names she's called my husband. how she keeps cursing everyone (its difficult to translate from my native language but it's basically something like "if ive ever done that i should drop dead right now, or if you dont do this i will drop dead right now, or i swear i have/havent done this on (insert person's) life) which is largely considered a sin here. she's cursed my niece that way so many times since we've been here, swearing on her life. the poor kid's been sick every few weeks. im not saying im superstitious but im a little stitious. she stopped mentioning the niece and started mentioning her own life. a bit later was when the oven door incident happened. i cant not be a little stitious. last night she cursed my husband and i's any future kids me might have, and any kids they might have. shes done that before but my fil never believed it because he wasnt around to hear it, until last night. i spoke up and started talking back and she let completely loose and for the first time my fil heard all the things she'd been saying he didnt believe. they slept in separate rooms after. last night's additions to the spreadsheet include how well i keep fucking my husband over to ruin his life and the relationship he has with his parents because i control him, and my parents control me; that we dont need to involve ourselves in anything theirs, we can go be happy with my parents since we're so happy listening to them; that my shit grandma told my mil how whatever my nice grandma gives her she should throw out because it's likely cursed with a spell; she also made up that the nice one said the same thing about the shit one which is impossible because she's not the one that believes in that kind of bs;
anyway, i was so over it i told her to please keep talking, so i would finally actually start recording her like she accused me of doing, so maybe we can actually make something from the scenarios she makes up in her head. because apparently she sees me as the worst thing in existence, like hitler (i wanted to say the devil but i didnt wanna go into her imaginary witchcraft bs), in charge of directing the movie where everyone is against her. she kept making up more and more things i dont remember half of it tbh, im gonna chat with my husband to jog my memory some time in the next few days. many times in the past, shes left the room claiming she was going to call my parents to ask them to stop giving us instructions. she did that last night, came back waving the phone around and her mask slipped when she noticed the phone was hung up. she got even more upset as to why my mom would hang up. my fil was appalled and grabbed the phone from her. hes the one that likes being in charge of airing dirty laundry to the public (he's shit talked his kids to coworkers so many times, in front of his granddaughter, my niece, that reports to her mom, my sil, who tells us all about it). i got texts from my family asking if im okay and whats happening, everyone was concerned, so i asked my mom what happened. she said my mil called her a bunch of times in a few minutes, screaming about something she couldnt get (im sure she know what that something is but doesnt want to say it) and i asked how many times has my mil done that. she said she didn't really remember. so, many times id guess, each time she threatened to do so maybe. i asked my mom to tell me next time she does that.
mil said she's call my whole family in the morning to let them know how horrible we are, and how we treat her badly. she went downstairs to talk to my sil for a good 15-20mins, and thats when my fil continued berating but not screaming. asking why i didn't follow doctors recommendations from the doctors he recommended. i told him bc the recommendations dont make sense, just as they didnt last year for his son and he was the one to say so. i shared about some horrible experiences with other doctors ive had which shook him. one obgyn told me id never be able to have kids after learning ive been on birth control for almost a decade at that point. she was wrong of course, so i stopped going to her, but her saying that shook me. i got a second opinion. i know fil wants a grandkid so i threw that at him, skipping over the birth control bit because my in laws hate that im on in, side note they also think tampons are unhealthy (what i use). i told him it doesnt make sense to take meds if the doc seems incompetent to ME, and i have no medical experience. you dont look at a young healthy thin person and throw beta blockers because of high blood pressure that miraculously goes down on its own after a few hours. especially since i was under observation at the hospital the first few times and they administered them to me and nothing happened. he wasnt listening the whole time and tried twisting some info around but i think my husband and i got through to him. she came back and continued screaming, calling me names, saying im the same as her sil(the one she claims is a witch) and i kept calmly responding. she asked what gave me the idea she has a problem with me and i listed off all the curses and shit talking, she said im imagining it. started making excuses. how she didnt shit talk my aunt, i misunderstood, she was just upset her son wasnt well. ah, but ive been staring at that spreadsheet for so long i have the quotes memorized. and started shit talking her again. that's the only time i yelled. i screamed "you are doing it right now". i dont scream. im a very quiet person. i had to be quiet growing up with my parents who are similar. the room went quiet when i screamed. and she left.
anyway, woke up today to her screaming at her husband again, she screamed at him last night too because he wasn't on her side after we talked to him while she was downstairs. she called my sil after everything, my sil learned all the issues mil has are actually from my fil. he's the one filling her head with garbage and she's too easy to upset. but they both have different talking points and lie a lot so i find it hard to believe.
i have other notes i forgot to mention throughout all this but i have to go now
im surprised your husband is a normal human being after being raised by those crackpots jesus christ 😭 im glad you’re standing up to them because they sound like absolute nightmares to deal with day to day
also the beef she has with your parents is absolutely crazy
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