#and were dicks about translating ez
just-absolutely-super · 8 months
ahhh I remember loving that Luffy's alias was "Lucy"
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samwilsonsbabymama · 3 years
EZ’s Claim
Pairing: Ezekiel Reyes x Black Reader
Summary: Pure smut
Warning: Smut, creampie, a touch of cockwarming, more smut, i think that’s it.
Word Count: 594
A/N: @nxxstybrat​ requested a while ago that I write something for EZ similar to this fic and this is what I came up with. I do have another EZ fic in the works, so I might make it a part 2 to this fic or a stand alone fic, I haven’t decided yet. Not sure when I’m actually gonna write it though lol I typed this last night on my phone lol there are probably a lot of mistakes but I’ll fix them at a later date. I hope you all enjoy!
✨I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ✨
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EZ had you belly down, spread eagle underneath him. His fingers were locked with yours as he nipped at your throat. His hips slowly pushed his dick deeper inside of you as you gasped at the pleasure. The backs of your thighs were on top of his as he begged you to spread them wider.
Your gentle tears fell onto the sheets as he fucked you slowly. You attempted to push back against him pushed back on him, silently begging him to go faster. He chuckled and continued his slow pace, wanting to pull yet another orgasm from you. 
You were teetering on the edge; you only needed something to send you over.
EZ slid his hand down your side. It would have tickled under any other circumstance, but your mind was focused on his destination. EZ gripped your hip before slipping his hand beneath you. His fingers instantly found your clit and his touches brought you to and over the edge.
You came, crying his name softly into the pillow. You didn’t realize you were crying harder until you felt EZ kissing your tears away.
EZ pulled himself out of you and you whimpered at the loss. He shushed you and he turned you over. He smiled at the blissed-out look on your face before he kissed you deeply. Your arms instantly went around his neck as you pulled him close. You could feel him hard and heavy on your thigh and your body shook with anticipation.
EZ pulled back and gripped his dick in his hand. Your legs spread automatically and he smiled. He tapped your lips with his dick once, twice, three times before he slid the tip in. Your breath quickened with excitement as you waited for him to continue. 
But he didn’t.
He pulled out and laid his dick on top of your lips. His eyes glazed over as he watched your slick coat him. You whined each time his head reached your clit. You wanted him, but you knew all of this would end if you rushed him.
His eyes locked with yours once more.
"You got one more in you?" He asked. You both knew that you did, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"One more, baby, please," you begged. Your voice barely above a whisper, but he heard you. He flashed you that million-dollar smile before he slowly slid back home.
He hooked your leg around his waist and pulled you flush against him.
"I don't know if one is going to be enough, I might want another, and another, and another one after that." His hips punctuated each word, and you held on for dear life.
Your cries filled the air and EZ moaned in your ear telling you how good you feel. You babbled something about wanting him to fill you up, something he'd never done before, him being the Pullout King, but this time, you wanted to feel it all.
His breathing became uneven, and you knew he was closer than he let on. You clenched around him, in an effort to make him cum.
"Cum in me, please," you begged. You felt his hips stutter just before he groaned in your ear and you felt his warm cum shoot into you spurt after spurt. You rubbed his back and kept him pulled close to you as your breathing returned to normal.
You felt him twitch inside of you seconds before he began to thrust again. "I'm gonna need another one, baby girl," he said, before claiming your lips once again.
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[Part Two]
A/N 2: If you ‘liked’ it, please reblog or leave a comment/reply even if it’s only an emoji.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
The Barbershop (EZ Edition)
Angel’s Edition
Miguel’s Edition
Pairing: EZ Reyes x black!reader
Summary: The reader gets EZ ready for his patch party.
Warnings: Use of the n-word & smut
A/N: Thank you to @ly--canthrope​ for the EZ fluff prompts!  
A/N (2): I highly suggest listening to El Clavo while listening. Also, I think Nestor and Coco might be getting some attention from me, so be on the look out for that.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice” 
Person scrunching their nose & other kisses them
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When you got your first pair of clippers in high school, EZ was your first customer and ever since you’ve been cutting his hair. Even when he went off to college, EZ came back to Santo Padre to get his hari cut by his best friend. The only time you didn’t cut his hair was when he was in prison for those 8 years, but since he’s been back, he hasn’t missed an appointment.
Now here he was at your house with his hair longer than usual because he was busy with club shit. Luckily, he came by with enough time for you to do his hair before his patch party. “Ezekiel, please come to me before your hair gets this long again.”
He pinched your side as you moved around him. “Hey, you do Angel’s hair all the time and his hair is a shit ton longer than mines.”
“I’m used to Angel’s long locks! You’re supposed to be the clean-cut brother.” You stopped cutting his hair and moved the clippers in front of his face. “Oh, and if you pinch me again while I’m doing your hair, I’ll purposefully fuck up your hairline. Let’s see how many of those hang arounds will want your dick then.”
He held up his hands in surrender and mumbled his apologies, but not really meaning it. As long as you’ve been his best friend his favorite pastime was to rile you up. He loved how flustered you got when you couldn’t come up with a clever comeback. He loved how your hand slapped him across his body even if it was a little painful. He loved how your eyes widened in shock and he couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how you’ll look when he finally gets the chance to slip inside you.
Everyone was aware of his crush on you, except you. The only reason EZ didn’t tell you was because with the pair of you, timing was awful. When he realized he was in love with you, you had a boyfriend and when you broke up with that boyfriend EZ was with Emily. Then, he went off to prison and when he came back, he didn’t want to involve you with his mess, so he kept his distance. But he couldn’t wait anymore, he had to let you know.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he grabbed your attention by lightly grazing your hip. “Yes, Ezekiel?” He let out a soft groan. He loved when you used his full name. It didn’t matter if you were yelling it excitement, teasing him, or scolding him, he just loved to hear it.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t say anything else because your phone started to ring. It was your sorta boyfriend, Rick. EZ couldn’t stand him. He was a douchebag that gave you more headaches than anything. And it was obvious to EZ that you didn’t love him. It was evident in the way you talked about him like an annoying chore. For the life of him, EZ didn’t understand why you kept him around.
“Oh, so now you’re coming? Well, just meet me there because EZ’s riding with me.” EZ couldn’t help to smile a bit at you putting Rick in his place. He tried to listen to Rick’s response, but he could only make out his tone and from that he could tell he was pissed. “Why? Nigga, I don’t have to give you a reason why my best friend is riding in my car.” Even though you were busy with your little argument your hand never faltered, cutting hair was second nature to you. “Ugh, if you must know its his party and I’m planning to get him plastered, so he needs a DD. That’s good with you? Oh, wait I don’t care,” You hung up the phone soon after that.
“Rick coming?” EZ managed to keep the disdain for him out of his voice. “Who knows? Probably be better if he stays but forget about him.” You turned off the clippers and brushed his hair, then gave EZ the mirror to inspect himself. After he gave his haircut a serious inspection, he started biting his lip and doing his signature pretty boy poses.
“Okay, Lothario if you’re done making out with yourself in the mirror, imma go take a shower to start getting ready.” As you turned to walk away, EZ grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. “Thank you, querida.” He kissed your wrist and gave you those adorable puppy dog eyes. “No problem, EZ,” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, then went to your bathroom to get ready and ignored your heart swelling up from EZ’s touch.
An hour later you were still getting ready and EZ was taking a shower. While you were applying on makeup, EZ walked into your room wet, fresh out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. You knew EZ was ripped, but see it up close, my god there are no words.
EZ caught your staring in the mirror. “Like what you see?” He asked, flexing his pecs. “Ew, no!” You falsely claimed and scrunched up your nose in faux disgust.  EZ came up to you and kissed your nose before snatching your lotion off the dresser.  “You know what, you’re right. You love it.” EZ was so damn close to you that you could feel the heat of the shower radiating off of him.
“Yeah, I love it,” you deadpanned before pushing him away. “Now get ready. I don’t want you to be late to your own party.”
While EZ was having the time of his life, you were having the opposite. Rick ended up coming, but he was in a funky mood thus bringing your mood down. When his first words were something about how your dress wasn’t flattering, you made plans to break up with him. Using him as a distraction from EZ was draining your soul and you didn’t need that kind of energy in your life.
He made the breakup easier for you when you caught him in the restroom with one of Vicky’s girls with his dick in her mouth. You couldn’t even muster up any anger, instead you gave the girl and extra $100 for her troubles.
Although, getting cheated on sucked, what pissed you off the most was the girls all fawning over EZ. They were all over him like bitches in heat, rubbing on his chest, arms, and head, commenting on his haircut…your haircut. “Damn chica, just go claim your man.” Coco observed how you were sending death glares at the women.
“He’s not my man! He’s grown and can do whatever he wants.” You sputtered, surprised at being caught. “Exactly! If you weren’t too chicken, then he’d be your man.” Angel commented, taking a sip of his beer.
You ignored Coco’s and Angel’s somewhat encouraging words to look back at EZ. Your face instantly brightened when you saw how at ease he was. It wasn’t too often EZ could let go like this.
EZ felt a pair of eyes on him and when he found out it was you his eyes gleamed, he cracked that boyish smile and raised his beer to you. Excusing himself EZ made his way to you and gave you a hug. “Ezekiel, what’s with the hug?”
“I miss you.”
“You rode with me here, EZ.”
“Its Ezekiel and I barely talked to you since we’ve been here. Is it so bad that I want to party with my best friend?” You scrunched up your face. “I guess not.”
EZ hummed his appeasement and kissed your nose.  “Come dance with me.” He didn’t give you time to reject him. Tightly he tugged your hand and pulled you into the middle of the scrapyard.
Prince Royce and Maluma’s El Clavo began to play. EZ knew how much you loved this song, but since you didn’t know Spanish you didn’t understand the song. It was ironic to him that this song was playing tonight. Earlier, he saw how Angel escorted Rick out and the relief wash over you when you saw him leave. He knew Rick must’ve done something stupid. If it wasn’t for your need to avoid conflict, EZ would’ve beat his ass right then and there.
“What are you doing?” You questioned EZ as he placed his leg between yours and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Dancing obviously,” he chuckled near your ear sending vibrations throughout your body.
You decided not to fight him and followed his lead. There’s been plenty of times you’ve dance with EZ, but it was always playful and fun, but this…this was different, this was sensual. A passionate dance only meant to be shared between lovers.
“Eyes,” he ordered assertively. It was his command to you when he wanted you to feel what he was saying.
Si esta noche tu novio te bota (If tonight your boyfriend throws you out) Dile que tú no estás sola (Tell him that you are not alone) Que tú estás conmigo, que yo sí te cuido (That you are with me, that I do take care of you) No como ese idiota (no como ese idiota) (Not like that idiot (not like that idiot) Si esta noche tu novio te bota (If tonight your boyfriend throws you out) Dile que tú no andas sola (que no 'tás sola) (Tell him that you are not alone (that you are not alone) Que yo soy el clavo que saca ese clavo (That I am the nail that pulls that nail)
Y dile que se joda (And tell him to fuck) Maluma, baby
Your breath hitched as EZ began translating the lyrics to English. He had to be able to feel how fast your heart was beating. “There it is.” He pointed out. “There what is?”
“That look.” He tugged your bottom lip that you had tucked underneath your teeth. “What look?” Your breath brushed against his thumb and it took all his control not to pounce on you.
“Eyes blown out, chest heaving. See,” EZ gripped your chin to keep your eyes leveled with his. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice. It’s the same look I have when I look at you.”
“Stop playing with me, Ezekiel.” Your heart couldn’t take it if this was some sort of joke. “I’m not.” His voice did not waver.
“What about Emily? Or Gabby?”
“Distractions. Distractions that kept me from the real thing for too long.” You sucked your teeth in disbelief. EZ decided to translate the song for you some more. If you weren’t going to believe his words, then maybe you’ll believe another’s.
Yo llevo la cuenta, esta es la quinta vez  (I keep track, this is the fifth time) Pero yo no entiendo por qué no lo ves   (But I don't understand why you don't see him) Tú estás demasiado buena para estar con él (mamacita) (You're too hot to be with him (mamacita)) Tremenda mujer para estar con él  (Tremendous woman to be with him) Y si te busca a las 4:20 porque te llama borracho  (And if he looks for you at 4:20 because he calls you drunk) Ahora te quiere pero mañana vuelve a hacerte daño (Now he loves you but tomorrow he will hurt you again) Por ese bobo no llores  (For that fool, don’t cry) Deja que yo te enamore (deja que yo te enamore)  (Let me make you fall in love (let me make you fall in love)
Now that you knew EZ’s feelings, the lyrics became much more intense for you. Instinctively, you rested your forehead on his. His lips hovered over yours so much that you could taste the beer on his breath. Your acrylic nails caressed the back of his head caused him to stop his translation and purr against your neck. “You like that, Ezekiel?” You teased, giggling against his neck.
“I don’t know,” EZ pressed up against you tighter so you could feel his hardon. “You tell me if it feels like I like it.”
Now or never, you thought. You brought your lips closer to EZ’s. The both of you fighting for dominance, but ultimately EZ won, claiming you in front of the club. It wasn’t until you heard the cheers of his brothers that he’d stop kissing you.
Instantly, EZ started pulling you in the direction of your car, but you stopped him. “I can’t wait, Ezekiel. I need you now.” EZ’s normally bright eyes darkened and he led you towards the clubhouse. On your way to the dorm room, both you and EZ ignored Angel when he told you, “Don’t be surprised when EZ starts crying.”
As the pair of you made it through the hallway, each of your touches got heavier, more daring. So daring that when you finally got to his dorm your dress was halfway off. The rest of the clothes fly off like a whirlwind except EZ’s jeans. In his rush he tripped over his jeans. “Oh, that’s funny?” He asked when he caught you giggling.
“Just a little.” EZ rushed to you, tackled you to the bed and quickly turned your giggles into soft moans as he kissed you.
Despite your best efforts to keep him close, EZ pulled away. He leaned back on his haunches and admired your body. “I can’t believe I finally have you.” He lifted your leg threw it over his shoulder and started kissing you from your ankle up to your inner thighs. “You know one night when I slept over at your place. I caught you touching yourself. Your hands flew to your face to cover up the embarrassment. “Oh god,” you mumbled.
EZ’s deep chuckle made you peek through your hands. “What are you embarrassed for? For that little 10 seconds, it was the sexiest thing I’ve seen, but it was so damn torturous in the most beautiful way. Do you know how hard it is to have that vividly replaying in my head and not have you?”
The whole time EZ was talking he was getting closer to your core, but you were hyper focused on his words that his mouth on your clit took you by surprise. “Shit,” you squealed underneath his tongue. With your hand you covered your mouth to keep your screams down. EZ lifted his head at your muffled screams. “No, let me hear you. Let me know how good I make you feel.”
Following his instructions, you removed your hand and that earned you an approving smile from EZ. “Good girl.” Before he returned to his meal, EZ grabbed you by the back of your neck, forcing you to keep your eyes on him.
This time he added his fingers as he ate you out. The hold he had on you allowed no room for you to run, you had to stay there and take everything he was giving you. Add pussy eating to the long list of things that Ezekiel Reyes is great at.
Your hands shot out to EZ’s head. Scratching it was your best alternative since you had nothing to tug at. EZ raised his head, his mouth glistening from your cunt. “I bet you wish my hair was longer now.” He teased before diving right back in.
“EZ, I’m gonna cum.” You continued scratching the back of his head as he moved his tongue and fingers faster. “Cum all over my mouth, preciosa.” He murmured above your pussy.
An explosion. That was the only way you could describe your orgasm. It busted through your body, leaving you and EZ soaked. The evidence shone on his forearm, highlighting his veins, leaving you in a trance.
EZ noticed your staring at his arm. “Ride my forearm.” He demanded, excited that he’ll be able to get you off this way.
At first you were hesitant, but with EZ’s urging you hopped on it. You were experiencing immense pleasure and wanted EZ to experience the same. Tonight, was a celebration for him and this entire time his focus was on you. Completely selfless as usual. Reaching between your bodies, you began stroking him, smearing his precum all over his engorged head. “What are you doing?” He gasped, flexing his arm a bit more. “Tonight’s about you. I want to make you feel good.”
EZ nibbled at your chin. “I want you to cum all over my forearm, that’ll make me feel good.” You continued jerking him off while you rode him.
Who would’ve thought the rough ridges of his protruding veins and his constant flexing had you cumming a second time for the night? “Fuck we got to do that again!” You tried to nuzzle your face in EZ’s neck, but he wouldn’t let you because he was too busy kissing you all over your face. “EZ, I just came on your fucking arm.”
“Yeah and it was hot! I bet that douchebag couldn’t do that with his measly dick.” Slowly, he began to lay you down. “Now you’re about to cum all over my dick while screaming my name.”
Your now boyfriend made good on his promise. Opposed to Rick’s useless jackhammering, EZ made slow, powerful strokes, ensuring you were well taken care of.
He was tending to your body so well your eyes kept rolling to the back of your head. “Eyes!” He commanded harsher than ever before. When your eyes met his, you could see the struggle in his eyes. EZ wanted to be soft, gentle, and romantic, but deep down he wanted to fuck you hard, show you who you belong to.
“Make me yours, Ezekiel. Fuck me like you mean it.” It took him some time to process the words, but when he did his widened in realization that he got permission to let go. “Fuck, I love you.” He captured your lips in a searing kiss, hoping to communicate how much he loved you. “I love you too.” You told him as he had a bruising hold on your hips.
Gone was sweet soft Ezekiel. He was replaced by EZ, the harsh lover that’s gonna push you over the edge, then bring you back just to do it all over again.
Yours and EZ’s moans accompanied by the sound of bodies slapping together made a symphony that you would never get tired of. This was what you were missing for all those years apart.
“Make me proud. Cum all over this dick, querida.” EZ suckled your neck, branding you with his marks. “Ezekiel!” You cried out as your body combusted, almost feeling every molecule in your body. The newly patched Mayan silenced your cries with his mouth as he came soon after you.
EZ tried to lay in the bed with you but you refused. I t was his party and you were adamant that he enjoys it some more. You two can have your alone time later.
Just as you were sliding up your panties, EZ stuffed his fingers up your cum filled pussy. “Don’t want this leaking out.” He whispered, giving you a cheeky grin as you moaned at his ministrations.
“Okay, that’s enough you nasty ass kids. Playtime is over! Time to get fucked up, baby bro. I’m sure Y/N wants to forget the last 30 seconds.” Angel banged on the door.
“That was nice while it lasted.” You slipped your dress over your head and fixed your hair. EZ hummed his agreeance and led you out the door and ignored the childish jeering from his brothers. They could tease all they want, because as long as he has you, he doesn’t give a damn.
Taglist: @starrynite7114​ @sadeyesgf​ @ly--canthrope​ @woahitslucyylu​ @marvelmaree​ @angrythingstarlight​ @teakturn​ @thickemadame​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @strawberrywritings​ @dearsamcrobae​ @chaneajoyyy​ @spookys-girl​ @bigsisbria​
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brattyfics · 4 years
I Like Him | BlackMissFrizzle 2K Challenge
Summary: Destiny has a hard time deciding which one of the Mayans she’s in love with.
A/N: Okay, I finally completed something to submit for @blackmissfrizzle 2K Challenge. The song that inspired this is “I Like Him” by Princess Nokia. It’s one of my favorite songs right now and the video she dropped a few days ago made me even more obsessed with it. It’s down below the tag list if any one is interested. I had so much fun writing this, and I hope that translates and you guys enjoy it just as much. Reblog/like/comment and let me know!
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♪ I like him // Like him too // He my man // He my boo // He my type // He so cute // I want him // And I want him too ♪
Coco didn’t know how it happened, but the clubhouse had quickly become the hot hangout spot for Leticia and her college girlfriends. First it was Gabi, then Karmen, and finally, Destiny.
Despite his unexpected introduction to her, Coco liked Gabi. She was a good girl who kept Letty grounded. They were all good girls, but Destiny was Letty’s kindred spirit, another little troublemaker. Because they were good girls, Bishop didn’t mind them hanging around. They weren’t to be present during the weekend parties when other Mayans or Sons were likely to be in attendance, but any other time they were welcome.
The girls used the clubhouse to study, comparing notes with each other. Chucky made them snacks, and when no one was looking they were sometimes able to sneak alcohol drinks. Coco had caught them in them back gulping down beers too many times to count. He was doing worse at their age, so he let them off with a simple roll of his eyes.
Whenever he left Templo, his eyes automatically sought out the trouble making twins, interested to see what they had gotten themselves into during his absence. Every time Coco approached them, Destiny beamed like she was in a Spearmint commercial.
“Hey dad!” Letty would say, and it warmed his heart that she had come around to accepting him as her father. But then Destiny would greet him with the same “Hey dad!”, making him feel warm in other places. She always said it with a little smirk on her face which made him certain she knew what she was doing.
If the girls were hanging out and it got too late, Destiny would spend the night at their place. He didn’t mind because she always made breakfast and cleaned up her mess afterwards. Coco couldn’t help but eye her backside in the little booty shorts she wore.
Destiny always turned around to greet him with that playful, “Hey, dad!”. He would just shake his head and go out on the back porch, lighting up a cigarette. He listened to the sounds of the neighborhood while the girls bickered in the kitchen.
Letty would shove her friend and tell her to stop acting like a hoe. Destiny would just laugh. “It’s not my fault your dad is hot!”
“Stop saying that! Do I come to your house and talk about how hot your dad is?” Coco resisted the urge to growl at that admission.
“Yes. You do actually. That’s why we’re even. Besides, he knows I’m just playing. That’s my boo.”
Destiny loved flirting with Ezekiel because he had a great smile and gorgeous dimples. Plus, when she took fun digs at him he gave as good as he got.
“What’s up, old man?” She knew the nickname drove him crazy. He was the youngest out of the Mayans, but for someone her age, he was an old man.
In retaliation, he called her the only thing that would be fitting. “What’s up, little girl?” That nickname drove Destiny equally crazy so it was the perfect response. She stopped calling him old, but his nickname for her stuck regardless.
Depending on how her hair was done, Ezekiel teased her about it. If it hung loosely, he’d tug on it, disappearing in the other direction like a schoolboy on the playground. Up in two high ponytails or buns? He teased her about looking like the old-school handlebars on kiddy bikes, or a wanna be Princess Leia.
“You’re trying to make fun of me, but you’re really just telling your age, old man.”
On weekends, the girls hung at the food truck during the day to keep Gabi company while she worked. Sometimes the guys stopped by for lunch. When they did, the girls sat on the bed of the truck, swinging their legs.
Like a kindergartner, Destiny would stick her leg out in a piss-poor attempt to trip Ezekiel. He’d retaliate by snatching her taco and running off with it. When he was feeling nice, he’d take a bite and then offer it back instead of scarfing down the whole thing.
“I don’t even want it anymore.”
“Suit yourself.” EZ shrugged his shoulders, going back to talking with the guys.
Destiny folded her arms over her chest in fake annoyance until he broke and bought her a new one. She and Letty always called about how easily manipulated he was by women.
When Gabi finally admitted to her friends she was catching real feelings for EZ, Destiny took the opportunity to fuck with her. “But he’s my man!”
The first time Destiny laid eyes on Angel Reyes she was in love. Well, puppy love, but still love.
“Who is that?” She asked, tapping Letty’s hand. The young woman rolled her eyes at her friend’s wandering eyes. “No, seriously. That’s my type.” Destiny bit down on her lip, eyeing the biker as he made his way towards them.
“They’re all your type.” She heard Letty mutter under her breath, but ignored her to watch her future husband. Angel strolled over to them, giving the customary head nod before turning his attention to Chucky. Destiny turned in her chair to watch him as he asked the other man for a favor.
“Don’t break your neck.” Letty joked. “Stop drooling, coqueta.” Destiny eyed Angel from head to toe, liking what she saw. A head full of healthy hair, tattoos all up and down his arms, big boot-clad feet. She watched him swagger away and guessed by his gait he was working with something underneath those jeans.
Angel joined the other guys across the room. Karmen and Gabi made their return to the table from the bathroom. “Who is she looking at now?” Karmen asked, following her friend’s line of sight.
“Yeah.” Gabi chimed in, grinning at the stars in Destiny’s eyes. “Which one do you like now?” The ‘now that EZ is taken’ went without saying.
Destiny nodded towards Tranq first. The older man had intricate, colorful tattoos that peaked her interest. She wouldn’t mind seeing the ones he hid underneath his clothes. “I like him.” 
Taza was a bit too old for her taste, but he had an other-worldly vibe that drew her in. “Like him too.”
Then she moved on to EZ. She tried not to marvel at the gorgeous veins on his thick arms. Gabi would just have to understand. Or be mad. Destiny didn’t really care. “He my man.” 
Destiny’s big eyes settled on Coco. He was saying something animatedly, the crook in his jaw more prominent than ever. It added character. “He my boo.” Letty groaned in annoyance. 
“He’s my type. He’s so cute.” She let out a deep sigh for Angel. “I want him.”
Her eyes finally settled on El Presidente. He was a small man with a big presence. The big dick energy was strong with him. “And I want him too.”
They thought she was done until Riz, Creeper, and Gilly came inside from the yard, setting her off on another tangent.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Yours (Ezra x Reader) [Smut]
*deep breath*  This has been sitting in my Google Docs for a week and I guess I’ll post it even though it’s not good. 
Summary: Ezra x Reader have a misunderstanding that leads to a little smut.  Warnings: Unprotected sex, light choking, consent negotiation, other stuff I guess? I’m shit at this. 
Ezra was someone who was consistently in a good mood, even when he had no reason to be in one. Bad harvest? He still managed to find the positive in it. He was truly a master at plastering on a charming grin and rolling life’s punches. Which made his current mood… alarming, to say the least. 
A dark cloud had settled into your shared ship and it’s name was Ezra. 
It took two days of him stomping around, avoiding you, and sleeping in his own bunk before you managed the courage to ask him what the hell his problem was. 
“I don’t have a problem, little bird.” He answered breezily, keeping his gaze averted as he focused on inventorying the medical supplies on the ship. An entirely unnecessary task, but one he’d made into his life’s mission in an effort to avoid you.
“Really?” You questioned, arms folded across your chest. “This isn’t a problem?” You gestured between the two of you.
Ezra sniffed and fixed you with a rather disdainful look that made something in your heart physically ache. “It would seem that this is a problem for one of us,” He started, his words dripping with thinly veiled venom. “But that problem is nihil ad rem.” 
“Ezra,” You started, trying to keep your voice level as you crouched down beside him. “Will you please just tell me what’s wrong?” 
He sighed dramatically, setting aside the rolls of gauze he had been focused on counting. “I’ll return to this task at a later date. Pardon the discombobulation.” Without further comment he rose to his feet and started to leave the hull. 
“Ezra!” You snapped, following after him. “Clearly I’ve pissed you off.” 
He came to an abrupt halt, which caused you to slam into his back. Ezra turned to face you, his jaw clenched tightly as he glared down at you. You had never seen him look at you like that before and it made you take a small step backwards in response. 
Ezra dragged his fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands as they slid through his fingers. He seemed to be trying to tamp down his anger, his chest rising and falling slowly as he steadied his breathing. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” 
You inhaled sharply. 
Three days ago the pair of you had encountered a group of harvesters on the transport station, while you were waiting for clearance to set off on another venture. One of the harvesters had been an old acquaintance of yours — and unfortunately someone who you had been intimately involved with. While you hadn’t blatantly confessed as much, the man’s comments about you had been enough for Ezra to piece together the history that you shared with him. 
You hadn’t even thought anything of it. Both of you had histories, parts of your past that neither of you discussed. But that clearly wasn’t the real issue. The real issue laid with how you had introduced Ezra to the other harvester. 
“This is my friend, Ezra.” 
“That’s not what I meant!” You assured him, reaching out to brush your fingers against his cheek. 
He pulled away from your touch and you let your arm drop back to your side defeatedly. “What did you mean then, little bird?” He questioned, his dark eyes locked on your face. 
“What was I supposed to say, Ezra?” You gritted out, your own anger burning hot now. “You are my friend. But we haven’t exactly put a label on this.” You waved a hand between you. “Here’s Ezra — he’s my friend, harvesting partner, gives me the best fucking orgasms of my life, and we share a bed most nights. Unless he’s being a raging dick because I dared to call him my friend.” 
Something snapped in Ezra, you saw it in his eyes first, mere seconds before he had you pinned against the bulkhead. You wanted to shove him away, to hurt him the way he’d hurt you by ignoring you for the past two days, but you couldn’t deny the way your own anger had sparked a deep seated need within you. One that only he could satisfy.
He kissed you with a bruising force. The past two days of frustration were being translated into the desperate way that he kissed you. You curled your fingers around the back of his neck, holding him there as your other hand wandered down to the fastenings of his trousers. You could feel him, already stiff beneath your touch. 
“Gonna remind you,” He mumbled against your lips. ”Little bird.” Ezra dragged his teeth over your bottom lip with just enough pressure to make you inhale sharply. “Who I am.” 
There was nothing gentle about the way Ezra manhandled you. Even with one hand, he knew how to do damage. He nearly tore the button of your cargo pants as he jerked them open and roughly shoved them down your hips along with your panties. 
He gripped tightly at your hip, prompting you to turn around for him. It was a familiar gesture, one you knew intimately. 
“Ez—” You started, but his name died on your lips as his hand found its way from your hip to the juncture of your thighs. 
“You are positively dripping.” He drawled out, his tongue gliding over each word with a heat that made your blood practically sing for him. You should’ve been ashamed with just how slick you were. You were pissed at him, but your cunt was desperate for him. 
You planted your palms on the cool metal of the bulkhead, keeping yourself balanced as his hand nudged your stance apart wider. His fingers dragged between your folds and you let yourself get lost in the sensation. You leaned forward, resting your forehead against the wall surrendering to him. 
Ezra hesitated as you relaxed, his hand abandoning his efforts between your thighs. Gently he stroked your jaw, urging you to turn to look at him. “Is this alright, little bird? I wither at the thought of doing something you’d prefer that I didn’t.”
You shook your head quickly. “Don’t stop.” 
He leaned in to catch your lips, kissing you with a tenderness that stood in stark contrast with how harshly he’d already manhandled you. “I don’t want to be at odds with you.” He whispered, stroking your cheek. “These past two days… Each passing hour drove the blade between my ribs in deeper.” 
You reached behind you to drag your fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to fight with you either.” You assured him, tilting your head so you could kiss him again. “But right now, I really really want you to fuck me.” You sucked lightly at his bottom lip. “Use me, Ezra.” 
“Whatever you want, baby.” He whispered, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, his arm curling around your waist as he lingered there. It felt right to feel the weight of him pressed against you, his breath dancing over your skin. He felt like home. 
You loved him. Of course he was more than just your friend. 
But those thoughts were pushed from your mind as you felt his arm slip from around you, his hand moving between the two of you as he shoved his trousers down his hips. “You ready, little bird?” He questioned as he nudged your thighs apart. 
“Yes.” You breathed out as you felt the brush of his cock against your sensitive flesh. No sooner than the words had escaped your lips, Ezra gripped your hip tightly and thrust forward — filling you in one swift movement. 
Your head fell back against his shoulder, fingers trying to gain purchase against the smooth metal of the bulkhead in front of you. It had only been two days since you’d last had him — but it felt like longer. You’d mourned the loss of this, the intimacy, the completeness that came from his embrace. 
“Ezra.” You moaned out wantonly as he started to move within you. Your breath hitched as his fingers curled around your throat loosely, keeping you pressed back against his chest as he fucked into you. 
“Who do you belong to, little bird?” He questioned lowly,  dragging an open-mouthed kiss along your cheek. His mustache and the scruff around his mouth scratched against your soft skin. “Tell me, baby. Who do you belong to?”
“You!” You gasped out. 
“That’s right.” He drawled out, tightening the grasp he had on your throat as he started to thrust into you with more force. It was driving you mad, just how well he knew your body. “You’re mine, little bird.” Ezra reminded you, his voice rough with his desire for you. 
You nodded your head as best you could and promised him, “All yours.” 
He knew how much you loved it when he wrapped his hand around your throat, how the slightest bit of pressure would make you clench around his cock. You reached behind your head, raking your fingers through his hair. “Ezra.”
“Shhh.” He cooed, stroking his fingers down the column of your throat. “Let go for me, little bird.” 
“So close.” 
Ezra tightened his hold on your throat once more, his lips brushing against your. “Touch yourself. Can you do that for me?” 
You let your hand drop away from the wall where you had been supporting yourself, relying on Ezra to keep you upright, reaching down to tease at your clit. His pace faltered momentarily and you knew he was close to his own release. 
Reluctantly Ezra released your throat, curling his arm around your waist to support you better as he started to drive into you again and again. The angle, in tandem with the touch of your fingers, was enough to push you over the edge. Your inner walls fluttered around him, pleasure pulsing through your veins as your orgasm peaked. 
Your name was on his lips as he gripped at your hip, holding you flush to him as he shattered within you. You couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped you as he felt him buried deep within you. You had missed it. You had missed him and you knew you didn’t want to ever be without him. 
“Perfect.” Ezra whispered, stroking his hand down your spine as he slipped out of you. 
Once you regained your balance, you turned around to face him with a sheepish grin. You reached out and cupped his cheek, brushing your thumb over the scar there. “I love you.” The words slipped past your lips with such ease, despite the knot of anxiety in your gut. And it was worth it — so worth it. Ezra flashed an adoring smile at you as a tear slipped down his cheek. 
“I love you too, little bird.” He whispered, turning his head to kiss your palm. “I apologize for being so uncompanionable these past few days.” He mumbled against your skin. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” You said as you brushed your thumb over his bottom lip. 
Ezra shook his head, “It’s no fault of your own. I’ve been remiss in making my feelings known. You see,” He started, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips. “I find that I simply want to be yours.” 
You laughed, a smile spreading across your lips. “You are.” You promised him, draping your arms over his shoulders. “And I’m yours.” 
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imagineredwood · 5 years
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Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18   Part 19 
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: None 
Word count: 2.5k
***There are two people in the tagglist that I cannot tag for the life of me. I know the names are right but they just won’t show for me to tag 😭***
Translations: “Siempre bella.” – Always beautiful.  “Siempre mía.” – Always mine.
Camila huffed quietly to herself as she looked down at the books on the floor of the aisle, tossed down without a care by someone that couldn’t be bothered to put them back or at the very least, give it back to her so she could restock them. She leaned down and picked up the books, looking over them to make sure they weren’t damaged. The third one caught her eye, a sci-fi novel that seemed like something EZ would be into reading. She walked back to the front desk and placed the one by her purse, the others going into the bin to be stocked after closing. 
She had accepted Mr. Salvatore’s offer about becoming manager and was starting to settle into the role. Keeping the holds on books in order, re-ordering books as necessary, keeping up to date with securing the latest releases. Sometimes though she still found herself slipping back into her old role, simply wandering the aisles to make sure everything was orderly and neat. It was Friday and she had been in the role of manager all week. Though she was happy with the promotion, she couldn’t deny that the extra responsibility came with extra work though of a different kind, and she was looking forward to the weekend. Mr. Salvatore had agreed that she would be the acting manager and he would simply step in to cover for her on the weekends, allowing her to enjoy them. Running her hands over the front of her blouse, she gave a smile as two women walked in, going to the café area and placing their order.
She looked around trying to find something else that needed to be done, something else that needed to be cleaned and she came up empty, rapping her nails against the countertop. EZ had promised her that he would be taking her out for dinner tonight, no doubt to spend time with her after Marcus’ vow renewal had gone south. They hadn’t spent as much time together this week as they normally did, her busy with her new position and EZ busy with whatever he did with the club. Tonight, though they had made it a point to make sure that they spend time together, just the two of them and Camila was more than looking forward to it.
Camila looked up as the bell on the door rang. In walked Angel, all smiles as he made his way over to Camila behind the front desk. He opened his arms up wide, motioning to her as a grand gesture.
“Look at miss jefa, working at the desk.”
Camila shook her head with a laugh and walked around to the other side, wrapping her arms around Angel’s middle as he threw his around her shoulders. They embrace for a moment before letting go, the two leaning against the desk.
Camila cocked her head to the side, wondering what he was referring to.
With a shake of his head, Angel eyed her.
“How’re things with baby bro?”
His tone was questioning, wanting to know if things had worked out and if she was still upset. She gave a shrug.
“They’re fine.”
Angel tilted his head and looked at her with pursed lips, clearly not buying her response. She laughed and held her hands up.
“I’m serious. Everything’s cool. We talked, I got my feelings off of my chest and we’re good now. He knows it was rude and swore to never do it again. We’re good.”
Angel’s face relaxed and so did his shoulders, nodding in acceptance of her answer.
“I talked to him, told him what a dick he was that night.”
“He’s just a people pleaser.”
“Yeah well, sometimes he focuses on pleasing the wrong people.”
Camila didn’t have anything to say to that, knowing that Angel’s comment seemed to be true. He had known his brother far longer than she had and she knew that no matter how close she and EZ had gotten, Angel was likely speaking from experience that she couldn’t negate. Changing the subject, she reached over and tapped the back of her hand against his chest with a smile.
“What do you say about coming to the house this Sunday if you aren’t busy. Figured we could cook breakfast together.”
Angel nodded, eyes shining.
“You bringin’ pops over again?”
“Nope. Just you, me, and EZ.”
She saw him hesitate for a moment before smiling anyway.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just thought maybe-“
“No, no. I’ll be there.”
They both grinned and Angel stood back up straight, slapping his hand on the tabletop once.
“Well, I’m gonna head out. I’ll see you Sunday, Chiquita.”
He reached forward with his right hand and grabbed the back of her head, pulling her toward him and kissing the top of her head. Camila smiled gently at the show of brotherly affection and nodded as he stepped away from her, walking backward to the door as she watched.
“Excuse me, miss?”
Turning back around, Camila smiled as she faced a customer, answering her questions about their new poetry selection.
“You look beautiful.”
Camila looked down at herself. White tank top, blue jeans, and her Cortez. She looked back up at him with a smile and a laugh.
“I always look like this.”
EZ nodded, that charming grin on his lips as he looked at her.
“I know.”
He took three steps toward her, stopping as he ended up toe to toe. He reached and took her chin in his fingers, lifting her face slightly as his eyes raked over her every feature.
“Siempre bella.”
He accentuated the sentence with a kiss to her lips.
“Siempre mía.”
Camila blushed slightly under both his gaze and words, pushing her head down slightly so she could kiss the fingers that had held her chin. He sighed happily and pulled away, walking back toward her front door as she followed. She locked up the door behind her while EZ made his way out to the bike. He climbed on and began strapping on his helmet as she walked over to him. He gave a crooked smile.
“Let’s take the bike.”
Camila eyed him and the machine, apprehension visible on her face.
“What if I throw you off balance?”
“You won’t. You just gotta stay real close to me. Press yourself against my back, hold on tight, move with me.”
It was her turn to grin now, a small smirk playing at the corner of her lips.
“I mean, it sounds like a good time.”
EZ chuckled and gave his head a shake, holding another helmet out to her.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. I’ll go slow, take side roads.”
He could see her ready to agree, just a little hesitance left and he let his smile retreat a bit, his look more serious as he locked eyes with her.
“Would I ask you to do something if I thought you would get hurt?”
Camila shook her head then, a strand of hair falling into her face. Her eyes were soft and she stepped up to the bike, their eyes still on each other.
EZ gave a nod.
“That’s right. Never.”
His words sold her, and she took the helmet from his hands, placing it onto her head and doing the strap. She climbed onto the bike behind him with ease, settling against him but not close enough. EZ reached back and wrapped his fingers around her knees, gently pulling her closer to him. Her chest was now against his back, her thighs on either side of his hips and he couldn’t hide his smile as her arms snaked themselves around his middle, her hands pressing against his tummy as she held him.
“You good?”
“I’m good.”
EZ started the Harley and soon enough they were pulling out of her driveway, the California sun warming their skin. EZ rode much slower than normal, feeling her tense arms around him slowly relax. He smiled to himself and kept riding, taking back roads and longer routes. He wanted to spend more time with her like this where it was just them, the feeling of her so close. At some point, she had relaxed entirely, her chin resting against his shoulder as she watched the buildings and traffic pass. Before long, EZ was pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant and they were hopping off the bike, Camila all smiles as she pulled off the helmet and handed it back over to EZ. His smile mirrored hers as he looked at her exhilarated face.
“Have fun?”
She nodded enthusiastically and he laughed, hanging both helmets on each handlebar before reaching over and smoothing down a couple of stray strands of her hair that were out of place. Her smile stayed as he reached down to grab onto her hand, both walking into the diner. They went to the back and sat down in a booth, EZ facing the door as he always did, wanting to always see what was happening around him. He had offered to take Camila out somewhere nice, somewhere fancy to make up for his neglect of her at El Padrino’s event, but she had declined, asking to go to her favorite diner instead. He’d relented eventually and now here they were, the diner that served the absolute best bacon burgers and French toast, in Camila’s opinion. A waitress came over to hand then menu’s Camila shaking her head with a smile as she sat forward on the booth, hands resting on the seat beside her in anticipation.
“Oh, I don’t need one, thank you. I already know what I want.”
The older woman smiled in return and faced toward EZ holding a menu for him as well.
“And you, do you need a minute?”
EZ shook his head politely.
“No ma’am, I’m ready.”
The waitress tucked the menus back into the rack to the side and pulled out her notepad and pen, ready to jot down their orders. EZ ordered for them both.
“She’ll get a bacon cheeseburger, no tomatoes with the seasoned fries,”
He glanced at Camila just in case he had gotten something wrong but she nodded, smiling at both him and the woman.
“And I’ll have uh, the same but with onion rings. Both with coke.”
The waitress finished writing down their order and then turned away from them, the two lovebirds now alone at the table. EZ clasped his hands together on top of the table as he looked at Camila.
“So, how’s work jefa?”
Camila giggled and shook her head.
“You and Angel keep calling me that like I own the place. I’m just the manager.”
At that EZ shook his head.
“You aren’t ‘just’ anything. You’re a hard worker that’s passionate about what you do, and people see that. Sal sees that. You’ve been a benefit to that bookstore and you’re only going to become more and more valuable once they see how good you are.”
Camila nodded at his words but looked down at the table, a lopsided grin tugging at her lips.
“It ain’t that serious, EZ.”
Reaching across the table, he took her hand in his and held it, eyes locked with hers as she looked up at him.
“It is that serious. You’re young and passionate and smart. That’s what a place like Sal’s needs to keep going and stay at the top. Think about how many people have worked there and passed through and Sal never made them manager, but he picked you didn’t he?”
Camila nodded and so did EZ.
“There’s a reason for that.”
Her eyes twinkled as he spoke to her, pride and love in his voice and she pulled her his hand up to her lips, kissing his knuckles.
“You’re my biggest fan.”
EZ nodded with a prideful smile.
“The biggest. Except for like, my dad. He’s probably your number one fan, actually.”
They both shared a laugh and Camila looked out the window of the diner back to EZ’s bike before returning her gaze to him.
“Well, I’m very thankful.”
EZ’s eyes twinkled as he looked at her, the waitress coming back with their food on a tray.
“So are we.”
Camila smiled as Gilly called out, arms raised in the air as she walked towards the bar in the clubhouse, EZ behind her and shutting the door. He placed his beer down on the bar top and stood from his stool, taking her into his arms as she came up to him. He hugged her tightly and lifted her off the ground, a cackle coming from her. EZ grinned as he came up, loving to see her having fun with the people that had become his family. There was a slight pang of worry that hit him then.
What would happen if the club ever found out the truth about why he had joined? What if they found out about his deal and not only was he kicked to the curb or worse, she would lose the family she had learned to love as well.
He swallowed around a suddenly dry throat and pushed a smile again, choosing not to let the moment be tainted by his worries. He watched as she made her way around the bar, giving hugs and kisses to Taza, Bishop, and Tranq as if they were tíos she had known all her life. They regarded her with a warmth that made his heart swell and he stood there, stuck in his own head. His life had changed so much in the last year, he could barely keep up sometimes. Everything had been a complete roller coaster for the last 8 years, more time low than high and now it seemed that his luck was finally turning around. He was blessed with freedom, with the ability to be back with his big brother and father, to get a second chance at life and now he was blessed with Cam. A woman that loved and nurtured him while not taking any of his shit either and he was beyond grateful for the way things had started to look up for him.
To the side, Angel watched him, a small smile coming to his lips as he looked at the one worn by his baby bro. He’d been through a lot in the last decade and while there were still feelings of resentment that Angel harbored for his brother from their childhood, they couldn’t be overpowered by the feeling he got seeing EZ happy. To see him happy made him happy and he looked away from EZ to find that Camila had said all her other hellos and had gotten to him, at last. Her smile beamed as she looked at him and he mirrored her, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he tugged her into his chest, one arm holding her in a gentle chokehold as her laugh rang out and bled into the sound of music, laughter and family. 
Tag list: @caramara3   @lostgirl219 @mrsjaxtellerfan   @actuallyazriel   @vannabanana1995   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria @negansdirtygirl22 @svintsandghosts @piccasoe @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings @jadert15  @lovejn29
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
Casual moths - chapter seven
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Find the other parts on my masterlist here.
If you liked this part and wanna help me out, please consider a reblog. Thank you.
Chapter seven - ice-cream and cuddles
Angel is leaning against the side of the building, cigarette dangling from his hand. Every once in a while his gaze drifts back towards the big front windows of the ice cream shop. Callie and Daisy are sitting in one of the booths with the bright blue plastic benches. Daisy is happily pointing at pictures in the menu in front of her, no doubt trying to decide which flavour to chose. 
He can’t hold back the smile pulling at his lips as he thinks back to a moment ago when Daisy spotted him waiting in the car as Callie picked her up from her mother’s place. There’s an infinite amount of adoration and affection in her whenever she interacts with him and though he knows kids get infatuated with just about anyone, it still fills him with pride to know that she likes him this much. That she likes having him around. 
Some irresponsible, delusional part of his brain conjures up thoughts of a future much like this. One where the club doesn’t get tangled in cartel shit anymore. Where violence and death doesn’t pave his way. Where he can lead a good life with his girls. Maybe have a little house with a garden and a pool for Daisy to swim. They could get a dog, a big fluffy one. And maybe someday down the line he’d get Callie pregnant again. See her carry his baby. Give Daisy a sibling. They’d have so much love to give. One thing Angels knows for sure, never would any of his children (blood related or not) feel inadequate. Never would they be made to feel like they had to compete for his love. He’d remind them of it every damn day, so much so that they’d probably grow sick and tired of their old dad. He wouldn’t care though as long as they knew they were loved unconditionally. 
A future like that, he can almost see it, it’s there in front of him just waiting for him to reach out and grab it. But he can’t. Because he knows that no matter how much he wants it and no matter how close and real it seems, it’s just a dream. Though the movies and songs always tell you to do it, chasing your dreams is dangerous, it’s scary. Because there comes a point when maybe you can’t catch up anymore, where you have to admit to yourself that it won’t happen. And what then ? The movies never talk about that. About the heartbreak and the pain.
So he tries to keep those thoughts pushed to the back of his mind and just enjoy the time he’s given with these two ladies, however short or long that will be.
The ringing of his phone shakes him from his daydream and, after stomping out the bud of his cigarette, he answers. 
“ Took you long enough. What held you up, man ? Your kid got her hands on a screwdriver again ? “ 
Coco’s unamused chuckle sounds through the receiver, “ very funny. You should be a fucking comedian “.
“ Tell me something I don’t know. “ 
“ So, what’s got your balls in a twist then ? “ 
“ Someone trashed Callie’s Flower shop and I need to find the guy. “ 
“ Shit, really ? How bad is it ? She alright ? “ 
“ She’s not hurt but that shop is her baby. And that guy, he’s been stalking her for a while now. So me crazy delusional ex. He needs to go Coco. “ 
“ Geez man, ya know I have your back but — “ 
“ I don’t wanna kill him. I just wanna scare him off. “ 
Yet. He doesn’t wanna kill him yet. If this whole scaring off thing doesn’t work, Angel is not afraid to move on to more drastic measures. That’s both a vice and a virtue, he thinks, once someone means something to him, he’s willing to do everything to keep them safe. He’s fiercely protective, loyal to his family, to the people he — loves.
Killing that guy is not something he wants to do necessarily, but he will if it comes to it, if he has to. Coco doesn’t need to know all that though, not right now. 
“ You know where to find this guy ? “ 
“ Not yet.  I got the prospect watching her house. If I ain’t with her I’ll have him watch her every step. “ 
“ So what do you need me for ? “ 
“ I uh — kinda wanna fix shit at the store, kinda rebuild it. “ 
“ Angel. “ 
“ Look, I’ll put in all the money and shit I just need someone to help me out with the work. “ 
“ I got shit to do. “ 
“ Like what ? Making more kids ? “ 
“ Fuck you, Angel. “ 
“ That was a joke, ok ? Just a joke. Look, she’s real important to me. I told her I’d fix this. “ 
He can hear Coco sigh at the other end of the phone. Angel is painfully aware that this is a lot to ask of Coco. But he’s his closest friend and who else would he turn to if not Coco. They’ve been through the biggest piles of shit together, this is nothing compared. 
“ Well why the fuck would you say that ? Man, will you ever stop thinking with your dick ? “ 
He’s not. Maybe for the first time in his life in a situation where a woman is involved that he’s thinking with something other than his dick. He’s letting his heart lead for the first time ever. But that’s a cheesy fucking thing to say so he doesn’t say it.
“ It’s not like that. Not this time. “ he hopes the sincerity in his words translates well through the phone. Because this is serious. Whatever it is he has with her is so serious to him.
Coco is silent for a moment and Angel can just imagine him fighting with himself. But this is Coco and though he’s a weird dude, he’s got a big heart and he’s as loyal as a god damn Golden Retriever.
“ Alright. Alright I’ll help you. But you owe me man, big time. “ 
“ I do. I know I do. Thanks Coco. I’ll come around the clubhouse later, we’ll talk then. “ 
“ Sure, whatever man. Only doing it because she’s a nice girl. “ 
“ You have no idea. “ 
She’s not just nice, she’s incredible. She’s everything. 
As he catches her eyes through the window, his heart skips a beat and he knows then, that he’s doing the right thing. He’ll do whatever he has to, to see that smile.
“ I gotta go, Coco. Talk later. “
“ Yeah alright. Bye. “ 
As he finishes his phone call, Angel steps inside the ice cream store, the bell above the door chiming up as he enters. Daisy looks up and there it is again, the sparkle. The adoration as she looks at him like he’s some kind of hero. He’s far from it but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t at least try to stay the hero in her story.
“ So, what have you girls decided on, huh ? “ he asks as he slides into the booth next to Callie, Daisy sitting across from them.
“ I want one scoop of bubble gum, one scoop of mint chocolate chip and lots of sprinkles. “ the little girl replies.
“ Ooooh sprinkles sound good. What about whipped cream ? “ 
She enthusiastically nods her head. “ Yes. Love whipped cream. “ 
“ Me too. “ 
It feels easy being here, light. It feels as if all his problems don’t exist when he is with Callie and Daisy. They give his life a certain glow, a pop of color that hasn’t been there before.
He feels Callie’s hand slip into his underneath the table, fingers tangling with his. He was never one for PDA, never one for holding hands. That was before Callie though. Now every little sign of affection, he soaks up like a sponge. And so when she looks up at him he presses a soft kiss to her lips and it feels — right.
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It’s later that day, the sun slowly setting sends a pink glow across all of Santo Padre. Angel is holding a half asleep Daisy in his arms. Her head rests on his shoulders as she tiredly murmures on about some animated movie she’s been watching the other day.
This girl seems to have an unlimited amount of energy. He remembers being a child. Things back then felt infinite. Everything was exciting and grand and breathtaking. Even back then he realised that EZ was the golden child of the family. The one his parents’ hopes and dreams rested on. But it didn’t matter then because all it meant back then, was less pressure resting on him. That would change once he turned into a teenager but back then it really didn’t matter. All that mattered was having fun and causing chaos and making chocolate chip pancakes with his mom on a sunday morning.
“ Do you wanna take a nap baby ? “ Callie asks, as they enter her apartment, and combs her fingers softly through her daughter’s hair.
The little girl shakes her head adamantly, clinging tighter to Angel. Again, he can’t help but smile.
“ I wanna stay with Angel. I wanna watch Pets. “ 
“ You sure ? You seem really tired. “ 
Again she shakes his head “ No. I wanna stay with Angel. “ 
Her words are lulled in a sleepy voice and both Callie and Angel know she’s not gonna last much longer but neither of them really have the heart to tell her no. 
“ I don’t know if Angel wants to stay ? “ Callie says then looks up at him. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but he’s sure there’s something in her eyes, hope, longing — love.
“ Oh yeah I do. I’ll stay as long as you girls want me around “. 
Those words seem harmless, as if it’s just about tonight’s plans. They aren’t though. They mean more. They hold a heavy weight. And Callie knows it, she can see it in his eyes. 
So when she smiles back, his heart soars. “ You’re always welcome here, always. “ 
“ Guess we’ll be watching Pets then “ he says and sits down on the couch with Daisy still holding onto him as if he might vanish if she lets go even a tiny bit.
“ You do that. Lemme just go shower real quick, Daisy knows how the TV works. Make yourself a home. “ 
With that, Callie disappears in the bathroom. 
“ D’you wanna show me how to put the movie on ? “ Angel asks, trying to get Daisy to look up at him. She does and her big gorgeous eyes look tired. So so tired, it seems to be a struggle for her to keep them open at all.
“ It’s the silver thingie, press the big button first. “ she instructs him and points towards a silver remote control. Angel does as she says and the TV springs to live. He’s shown a menu of several things to chose from, TV, Amazon, Netflix, Music. There’s a big selection of things though none of that catches his attention.
What does catch his attention, is the picture in the background of the selection screen, one that Callie clearly uploaded and chose herself. She’s there, a bit younger, hair a bit longer and styled differently. But it’s her no doubt. The smile is the same radiant ray of sunshine that he’s grown so fond of. She’s holding a baby, one that can’t be older than a few weeks. Tiny thing. So so tiny. He doesn’t know a lot about babies, thinks they all look pretty much identical, so really he can only assume this one’s Daisy. He’s fairly sure of that though, judging only by the way Callie is looking at her in that picture. Full of love. Pride. Happiness.
There’s a man there, holding them close. His eyes are displaying the exact same kind of love. He seems so proud of these girls and Angel can only assume how that feels. He feels glimpses of that, tiny sparks every once in a while. But this guy, those were officially his girls, no buts, no almosts, no maybes. Those were his girls through and through. 
“ That’s my daddy. He went to heaven when I was a baby. “ Daisy’s tiny voice speaks up again. “ Mommy says he loves me very much. She always tells me stories. She says he’s up in the sky watching me and making sure I don’t get hurt. “ 
It hasn’t occurred to him until now, that Daisy knows so very little about her own father. That all she ever gets to learn about him is from other people’s stories. She was too young to really remember him. He wonders what that is like. Wonders if in the end it saves her a lot of heartbreaks. Maybe it’s easier to lose something you don’t remember, something you never know you had in the first place.
“ Oh I’m sure he’s watching over you. Looking at all your pretty drawings. He’s probably really proud of you learning how to swim. “ 
“ You really think he’s up there ? I can’t see him. “ 
This is not a conversation he thought he was going to have today. Existentialism and life after death is not usually a topic to debate about with a small child. And yet, sometimes kids have an easier approach to things. One that’s both less and more factual at the same time. They spend not thoughts on being reasonable, they just want to know. They just want to understand. 
“ You know, my mom went to heaven a few years ago and she always told me people we love never really leave us, that they sit up there on clouds and watch over us and send us little miracles, little wonders every once in a while when we need them. I didn’t believe any of that. My mommy was gone and I was so sad and there were no miracles for me, nothing. It felt like she was just — not there anymore. But then something did happen, life did send me a miracle and now I think my mom might actually be there looking out for me. “ 
He’s never told this to anyone before. Has had a hard time coming to terms with this himself. But spilling his heart to Daisy, someone he knows won't judge him, it feels good. It feels liberating. Like someone is taking a huge weight off of his shoulders.
“ What happened ? “ Daisy asks, cuddling further into him as he leans back on the couch. 
“ I met your mama. “ 
“ Mama’s your miracle ? “ 
“ Mmmh. And you too. “ 
She kisses his cheek at that and he’s sure he’s melting right there and then. 
“ You’re my miracle too. “ she says and lets a big yawn overtake her. “ Now can we watch secret life of pets ? “
“ Sure little one. Sure we can. “ 
It’s 20 minutes later that Callie walks back into the living room. Obnoxious animated cats and dogs are jumping around on the tv screen. She’s just about to speak up, when her eyes drift towards the couch and a smile overtakes her face.
Angel is lying on the couch, Daisy resting on his chest. Both are fast asleep, little snores echoing through the room. 
This, she decides then, is a sight she wants to see more often. This is what she wants her future to look like. Even if it’s scary. Sometimes scary things are good. Sometimes they really are worth it. 
And if anyone is worth it, it’s Angel. Even if he can’t see that himself. 
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