#because lucy of ft of course lol
just-absolutely-super · 11 months
ahhh I remember loving that Luffy's alias was "Lucy"
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gralunaisland · 1 year
lol i just got a message that juvia is a well written character. Arguments from the category "oh, well, she stopped chasing Gray at the end of the manga and stopped counting on reciprocity. Now Gray is chasing after her!" However, no clear evidence was provided for this. How do you think she has "grown" even one iota as a character? sorry for my english , ehe
juvia Has Had Zero Character Growth
I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to get to your ask @sursirini! I have more asks than I can count rn and so much college work to do @_@. But I have finally returned!
Oh boy, I do not know how people think that juvia has had any character growth whatsoever. Of course that person who dmed you didn't provide any proof because they have none, and yet they keep arguing in a futile manner. I'm sorry you had to deal with that; I hope they left you alone. Also, your English is very good! I would've thought you were a native speaker! ;)
Onto your very good question, I do not think she has grown one iota as a character at all.
I actually go into 2 instances in this post of mine, and I can quickly summarize it here, but that post is much more in depth so I highly recommend reading that one as well (though actually I noticed you reblogged it so you've probably already read it! Thank you for that!)
The two instances I talked about in the aforementioned post was when juvia sacrificed herself for Gray and when she "apologized" for "killing" Silver. For the first point, I said in my post that she lacks self so therefore her sacrifice doesn't mean anything as she would die if Gray died since her entire being is based off of him. It is only selfless in the way that she is devoid of a self in the first place, and this action is just as selfish since she wouldn't have a reason to live if Gray was gone.
As for her apology, I continued on in my post to say that she never apologized and only had a personal pity party to make Gray feel bad. she's not sad for Gray at all that he had to lose his father twice, she's just sad because she thinks she lost her "right" to love him.
I can go into a couple other instances as well.
juvia sacrificing her body for Cana in their fight against Freid scene? Look no further than this post of mine where I go in depth as to how it doesn't prove any real character development not to mention goodness. Short answer is after this one instance, she goes back to being a butt to every woman again as well as making it clear that she doesn't really love FT, and "reverting back to your sickly ways" is the definition of not growing.
juvia making nice with Lucy in the Tower of Heaven? Guess what? Same thing because she goes right back to calling Lucy a blond bimbo as soon as their lives aren't in danger. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but if you only really apologize and act like you care for someone when your life is in danger but are a jerk every other time, you don't really care for them, you just don't want to feel guilty and have regrets.
All this doesn't even mention how juvia continues to stalk and harass Gray even to the end of FT and into 100yq. Literally nothing about her behavior changes; only Gray's behavior does as he is thoroughly brainwashed by this wicked woman.
Honestly at this moment, I can't even think about other examples Pros might come up with because there are so few instances of things that could be misconstrued as being character growth. If y'all think of any, let me know and I'll give you my thoughts!
Also, @absolutezerotolerance had a wonderful post that drew a really helpful comparison linked here. Most of that post was debunking a dumb gr///via post, but the thing that stood out most to me was comparing juvia at the beginning of the manga and then at the end. she really hadn't changed at all, from doom and gloom because no one loved her, to doom and gloom because no one, least of all Gray, loved her. Absolutely nothing had changed except for the fact that she only wanted Gray's affections instead of affection in general, and through that, she became a dependent, parasitic, satellite character who lacks agency.
Anyway, thank you again for your patience, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask! Have a wonderful day!
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zukkaart · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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lispenardst · 9 months
6, 7, 20 for FT ask game
6. What is your favourite parallel/reference in the show?
I mean if we’re going for the obvious it has to be “promise you won’t write” doesn’t it? Who didn’t sob like a baby at that?
I have so many that I love though. Parallels are something that this show does so well, particularly due to the a-chronological structure of the plot. I’m just going to list all my favourites below because I’ve tried and I can’t narrow it down lol
Tim gazing longingly at the couples slow dancing together at Mary’s apt in episode 2 vs Tim slow dancing with Hawk in episode 8, totally blissed out, almost like he can’t quite believe that he finally has what he’s been yearning for for so long.
Tim looking at baby Jackson in ‘57 absolutely devastated, heartbroken, gutted to the core… and then Tim watching 11 year old Jackson sleeping in ‘68, at peace with the whole situation. It shows such wonderful cathartic character growth.
Hawk’s “you know me” in episode 1 vs Tim’s “I have you” in episode 7 - such a subtle yet genius way to show how the power between the two has shifted seismically. Tim has gone from desperately seeking out and willingly taking anything that Hawk will give him - happy to accept breadcrumbs of affection - to being safe and at peace in the knowledge that he no longer needs anything from Hawk. He has his love, and is content to love him from afar.
Tim outside the bathroom door asking to come in when Hawk is sick in episode 7 vs Hawk not hesitating to come to Tim’s aid in the bathroom in episode 3, even when Tim screams at him to get out. Such a literal depiction of how they each approach the relationship - Tim wanting to help, but respecting Hawk’s boundaries and understanding the need for distance, vs Hawk never being able to stay away, regardless of whether it’s what Tim wants or not. He’s always driven by his love - everything else melts away in the face of it.
Lucy saying to her dad “we’re all going to be fine” vs Hawk saying to Jackson “we’re all going to be fine” - the FORESHADOWING
And then just a couple of cute ones:
Hawk tricking Tim with the tie in episode 4 vs Hawk tricking Tim on the beach - both so that he can grab him and scoop him up into his arms. So fucking cute 😭
“You haven’t called in three weeks.” “Four!” vs “So, how long has it been since you two have seen each other?” “A few years” “Eleven”. The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same 😭
7. A crack question: which food represents every character of Fellow Travelers?
How do I even answer this hahaha
Erm okay, so Tim is milk obviously.
Hawk is a steak - expensive, coveted, when handled badly can have a tough exterior, and is a bloody mess on the inside.
Frankie is a cocktail, fun and fruity and spicy and comes in an array of colours, flavours, etc.
Marcus is a hard one… I honestly don’t know. I’m stumped. If I think of something I’ll leave it in the comments.
Lucy is something dignified, a nice sit down meal, like a Sunday roast or something. Comforting, in keeping with tradition, a way to get the family together.
20. If Fellow Travelers had a spin-off or a continuation, what would you like it to be about?
I’d love to see more of Frankie and Marcus and Jerome, and how the fight for AIDS funding progressed over the subsequent years. The protest at the gala was very reminiscent of ACT UP, which wasn’t officially formed until 1987, so I’d love to see how that unfolded and how involved Frankie and Marcus were. While it was formed in NYC, ACT UP had divisions all over the US, including DC and San Fran - I’m sure Frankie would’ve been at the helm of the San Fran chapter. Would Hawk have gotten involved in DC? And to what extent? Would he have tried to push things in the right direction from behind the scenes?
Of course we’d also get to see how Hawk’s relationship with Kimberly develops, how he navigates his grief for Tim, potential flashbacks to moments with Tim that we haven’t seen before…
Yeah I really want this now. Ron hit me up lol
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celestialulu · 10 months
Songs I'd give to Lucy if she was a Kpop soloist and why:
title is self explanatory and some of these might just be based on vibes and sound rather than as a whole but I tried to keep it also based on the general dance/performance and lyrically aswell. idk this is just for fun because ive thought about this a bit lol ALSO i tried to keep these as soloist songs but i think a lot of group songs fit her so most of them are just group songs lol
ALSO a lot of these are nalu based but thats unavoidable because theyre very intertwined lmao
also also this ended being a longer post than i expected and i dont think anyones gonna read everything but yeah
Herione by Sunmi
I mean first of all the title is LITERALLY called Heroine like... come on. This song for me is very nalu core like whenever i hear this song the lyrics scream nalu from a Lucy POV, for me anyway. Mostly the lyrics about a hero, lucy herself has agreed that natsu is kinda like her hero in the RAVE x FT crossover little comic if you didn't know. I would said the sound kinda fits lucy its not too brooding but not too crazy and hyper and its a good middle ground that I think would suit her :)
POP! by Nayeon
Okay so I was deciding between killin' me good and pop for this list because I think they both fit her in diff ways but I think pop is better for her because its whimsical and silly and happy with a bit of cunty and that's very lucy for me <3 but in general I think both songs would work for her but anyway yes pop is very silly and fun and cute and i think thats very fitting for lucy and she would rock the pop m/v outfits
Queen of Hearts by TWICE
Okay this one is both based lyrically and vibe vise. I think it sounds like something lucy would perform its a powerful song but not too over the top and a good middle ground that would suit lucy. anyways the lyrics from the first chorus:
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its VERY fitting for lucy leaving her old life behind and starting new and becoming bigger and better yes yes yes and the lyrics about being a queen yes she is a queen and she will rule the world!!!
BONVOYAGE by Dreamcatcher
i loveee this song and honestly a lot of dreamcatcher songs I imagine nalu scenarios in my head to them because theyre songs are sooo catchy and fast paced I can imagine the craziest things,, anyway the reason I chose this song was mostly the lyrics i mean things like
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i cant explain it but this is definitely them theyre soulmates and the "maybe you dont but i love you" definitely suits lucy i specifically thought of the line in 100yq of her thinking natsu doesnt like her in that way but you know she loves him anyway and they'll be together forever in his words etc etc
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again i cant really explain how this is them but if i had to i would say the way theyre really close and best friends and yet have fallen in love with eachother but are hurting eachother going in circles with their relationship and not confronting their fears about losing each other either quite literally or their relationship and it's gonna build up until it explodes lol
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okay last part these lyrics really remind me of the ending in dragon cry when lucy tells natsu that even with the different conflicting parts of him she knows him and she knows that even with all of that hes still just natsu and its what he needed to hear and she just knew that so :)
and also other than the lyrics I think the song can be very lucy sounding,, to me anyways :D
​​​enchanted night ~ 白夜 by Billlie
Okay after the essay on the last one I wanted to do a song that has a more simple explanation,, so Billlie have amazing songs theyre one of my favourite kpop groups and if you haven't listened to their songs they bang so hard please listen <3 anyways the lyrics are all based around of course an enchanted night with lines like "The moon is freaky, the stars are dreamy" etc etc which of course suits lucy due to the stars and such but also the moon part made me think of the galuna island arc and of course the whole eclipse gate and such so yeah! (also the song sounds soft and pretty like lucy.. (: )
Playing with Fire by Blackpink
another song based off of lyrics being very nalu i mean... playing with fire as a title is very nalu,, but also the lyrics are about going too far in love and getting hurt getting burnt etc etc which like you know that one scene in 100yq and like the whole slow burn thing they have,, its very fitting to me imo and also the sound suits lucy its again middle ground powerful but not too overwhelming to the point where its too powerful that it wouldnt suit lucy (not saying she isnt powerful she has her moments which is why i think a middle ground is good)
Queencard - G-IDLE
this might be a hit or miss for some people,, but hear me outtttt... I wanted to add a song thats very high confidence and powerful but a lot of songs in mind were too dark and serious but and I feel like this fits the most,, its feminine and fun with confidence and cunt slayage and its silly and fun and its so lucy to me its so so so lucy too me. I need to draw lucy in a queencard stage outfit like yesterday thank yew also i know a lot of people thought the lyrics were cringe and this that blah blah blah but i think adds to the fun and it kinda fits lucy sometimes shes a little silly and girlfail and thats okay we love her for it
(I will leave it there for now but theres defo more songs out there for this but I dont want to make this toooo long and obv i included these songs a lot because I like them and some other people may not like the songs or agree that they suit lucy but its how I view them and its just for fun :)
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I saw the impersonate you invitation and I'm not very good at impersonations, but I will tell you what I think you are like based on your blog!
First of all you love Lucy from Fairytale, and have a lot of fun playfully obsessing over her.
I say playful, because you have a suprisingly nuanced understanding of the characters that you like. You dont just take the text (or whatever medium you are engaging with) at face value, you think through what is happening and what it means. You have excelent literary analysis skills.
I think you are probably pretty blunt and opinionated, but you are not mean or unkind. You care deeply for the people around you and put a lot of effort into understanding them.
You may lean towards pessimism sometimes, but you have a sarcastic sense of humor which can make it seem like you are more pessimistic than you really are.
You are very enthusiastic about the beautiful parts of the world, and delight in happy suprises.
I have no idea why, but you feel like somebody who thinks marine biology is cool af.
How did I do? Did I get anything right?
oh my god I love this alskfjsjf
first of all: sorry this took me a hot second to answer 😅
second: hey how does it feel to cut out a piece of my soul only to serve it to me on a silver platter?
gonna go more in depth with each one under the cut (bc I love talking about myself lol) but if you don't have the nerves for that ATM let it be known that you've got me clocked my guy. if I have to describe myself in a job interview I'm gonna ring up beloved tumblr anon to do it for me 🫡 💕
most inaccurate is probably that I'm actually not sure whether I'd call myself an optimist or pessimist (though I do know that I make an effort to be outwardly more optimistic than I actually feel) and while I do absolutely adore the ocean I'm not sure I'd say that I'm particularly interested in marine biology specifically. it's one of those things I keep telling myself I want to do more research on but I never actually do it, so like, theoretically yes but not in practice? does this make sense?
1. id say lucy heartfilia lives rent-free in my head but it would probably be more accurate to say that I feed her scraps of brain matter and heart tissue and devotion in hopes she deems my soul a worthy resting place (<- look how normal I am about her!)
FT was not only my longest obsession ever to date but also my first after moving countries, so being unwell about Lucy again feels weirdly nostalgic in a way?
2. oh yeah I do adore analysing texts and characters and devices and stuff. which is also why I adore wuthering heights lol (cycles and parallels and tragedies my beloved). I don't really know how to read WITHOUT doing this tbh? like of course there is a difference when I am actively engaging with it but sometimes I'll say something that seems pretty obvious to me and then people will be like "this is a great analysis!" lol
(also not to brag but I've been told more than once that I often approach narratives and symbolism from an angle that others haven't considered before 😏)
I actually started studying literature, but for various reasons (which include not being able to deal with a bunch of people clacking on their laptops at the same time the sound was literally driving me insane does anyone have any tips on how to deal with that) I stopped going after like a month
tho id say my favorite thing to analyze is actualy theater plays? especially because of the added element of speech (it feels unfair to judge an audiobook by this metric since books were primarily written to be read but theater is literally made to be spoken aloud and thus it is the authors duty to also think about the cadences of the words and what the different sounds feel like instead of just focusing on how it looks like on paper imo) and visuals
whenever I go with a friend (I need to go with someone so I can talk about it) I'll first ask them what they thought so I can gather my thoughts and kinda compare and then I won't shut up until we have to go out separate ways lol
3. which is a great way to get into the third point: I do have opinions about everything! (unless I don't have a lot of information on the topic in question). I always keep myself open for counter arguments (my biggest fear is becoming one of those obnoxious stubborn ignorant people who are proud of being stuck in their ways and categorically refuse to even consider other viewpoints and opinions) but unless this is about something factual where you have more experience/facts than me it's actually pretty hard to convince me.
because while I love sharing my opinions to everyone that'll listen, im Not a fan of confrontations? I tire of them pretty quickly so depending on whether you pass my vibe check I will either be honest (hey yo agree to disagree can we change topics) or pretend to agree just so we can move on without anyone getting prissy lmao
4. and yes I do try to always be kind to people! dni if you don't make an effort to wish the bus driver a good day tbh. I have this need to be acknowledged and remembered by strangers and also feel really bad whenever im mean to people so my compromise is to try to always be friendly while wearing bright hair and clothes lol
I think I also have a pretty approachable aura? I'm often asked for directions and stuff (which is always a shame for the people asking because i am lostTM)
5. okay so. this is actually a fun exercise to do. because characters in books need to be fairly simple at their core (so the author can write them consistently) while creating the illusion of being complex and layered - and you can kind of do the same thing to real people!
in my mind that makes me a bad shittalker because I'll be actively doing this while you are trying to tell me about something shitty someone else did to you. I'll try to look at it from various angles (at least within the realm of the possible when going solely by a very biased POV) which often comes across as defending them? but I think this is a rather unpopular opinion since I can't count the times I've heard "I know you don't like to shittalk people, but-" as a conversation starter lol
6. I am! a sarcastic shit! I can clearly tell the difference between my sarcasm and my serious voice, but people say that it sounds the same to them (which just makes it more fun tbh lol) tho I think that's only fair considering I often have a hard time telling when other ppl are being serious vs not
7. idk where I am on the optimism pessimism scale tbh. when I was small I figured out this neat magic trick where if u pretend to have really low expectations things seem even cooler than they actually are. it makes sense (expectations and everyone is master of their own reality and contrast etc etc) but back then I genuinely thought I had unravelled the fabric of the universe lol
so like. I'll always be kinda expecting the worst while at the same time not quite believing it? so I'm not disappointed when the "worst" does indeed happen but am also not actively psyching myself out? idk the only gymnastics I'm good at are the mental ones
long story short anon I hope I don't come off too strong but I think I am in love with you <3
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natsuisdense · 3 years
Recent 100YQ Chapter
Pardon my slightly delayed opinion on this lol I don’t want to cloud up this tag with depressing things.
I just have to say that (like many others have said) Lucy dying here would make absolutely no sense; why would the main character (or at least main female character if we’re including Natsu) and narrator of FT die in a typical match-up battle we see in most arcs that has no history behind it? It also just seems like such a sudden unnecessary thing to happen.
I also have to say that I am very sure Lucy did not lose her real arm—or she’ll somehow get it back. The whole thing with Kyria’s illusions and the fact that Hiro likes trolling his fans makes it very hard for me to believe that he would seriously injure Lucy (a character he said was his favorite) in a random battle after the franchise has been going on for over 15 years. It would be such a sudden change in our perception of who Lucy is, and I’ve always been uncomfortable with characters I’ve grown attached to having their physical appearance drastically changed.
More importantly, of ALL the times a character should have been injured in this series (literally Natsu and Erza at least 10 times each), you’re going to choose LUCY as the one to have an arm cut off? If I’m being honest, Natsu and Erza should have many more long-lasting injuries given the amount of stuff they do every arc (need I mention that Natsu was literally impaled in Aldoron?) I’m not saying that it didn’t make sense for them not to be injured because Hiro did give the whole dragon force thing to justify Natsu being okay, but it’s important to remember he can literally do whatever he wants with his characters. If the odds are against the character, he can make a bs reason to leave them unscathed. So having Lucy lose an arm right now would be, for a lack of a better word, tacky. Of course, I wouldn’t love her any less but the whole thing just seems so random to me.
I just wanted Lucy to fight Kyria on her own and win. I find it very strange that Wendy took out that cat boy who was set up to be stronger than Kyria like it was nothing while Lucy is seriously struggling. Why does Hiro always match up Lucy in the worst way possible? It always makes Lucy seem so much weaker than Wendy when she really is not at all. I then reluctantly felt that it would be okay if Laxus helped out or whatever, but if he fully takes over and beats Kyria again the next chapter that would literally be so lame. We’ve already seen Laxus beat her so wtf.
I don’t even want this to be a Nalu moment even though the ship is lagging tremendously. Why does the ship only have to progress when Lucy is hurt and Natsu gets angry that she is? This battle could be another stepping stone to Lucy’s development, and I really hope that it is rather than Laxus or Natsu proving their strength for the ten thousandth time.
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knightofameris · 4 years
karasuno’s mixtapes (pt. i)
✎ ameris’ notes. i wanted to create some playlists that the karasuno team might listen to. each one is specialized for each character!! along with my thoughts owo and these are all japanese songs that i’ve listened to!
YouTube + Spotify links included; not all songs are on Youtube and not all songs are on Spotify ):
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it!! Also,,, the spotify QR code kinda look ugly on these headers so i took them off,,, but if it’s easier for anyone i’ll put them back on and replace the current ones 
i am also personally going to fight tumblr for not letting this show up in the tags. i’ll keep this one up for now. 
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ⇾ Tsukishima Kei, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou, Yamaguchi Tadashi
Part 2 (includes the rest of Karasuno) 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯
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【 artist || title (romaji/translation of title) 】  ⇽ track organization ☆ ⇽ personal favorites
link to post w/ all separate playlists
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I feel like with how much he always has those headphones on, he probably has a range of music. From pop, indie, alternative, etc. He probably doesn’t really care much about lyrics and the meaning, though I don’t think he’d really vibe with songs that are explicit, as in sex lol, unless it’s something that’s more abstract yknow. He’s also not opposed to them either though. Just not preferred? I think if they just have a good beat or the melody fits with his current vibes at the time it’ll work. It’s funny that I don’t really write for Tsukki that much but I wanted to make his playlist first.
I think he has different playlists for what he’s doing at the time. If he’s on his way to school, and Yamaguchi isn’t with him, he’s probably listening to something upbeat to wake himself up. After practice on his way home, he’s probably listening to something chill to just relax after grueling practice.
Definitely has music based on his moods. I also feel like he has a preference towards indie music?? I have no clue why but I just feel like he does. He also probably has a few artists he keeps an eye on for when they have new releases but he isn’t obsessed with just one artist (Indigo la End is one of the artists I think he’d like). There are definitely songs on here he’d rather die than have his team know he listens to, Yuwakuno Party being one of them.
Out of the entire team, I think you’d be better off asking Tsukki (or Suga) for song recs. But it’s only a matter of whether or not he’ll give you them.
Track No. 01: 【 Indigo la End || 楽園 (Rakuen) 】 Track No. 02: 【 Indigo la End || チューリップ (Tulip) 】 ☆ Track No. 03: 【 Official髭男dism (Official HIGE DANdism) || Clap Clap 】 Track No. 04: 【 Shiggy Jr. || Yuwakuno Party 】 Track No. 05: 【 Shin Rizumu || Kanojo No Camera 】 Track No. 06: 【 KEYTALK || Sympathy 】 Track No. 07: 【 DADARAY || 誰かがキスをした (Dareka ga Kiss woshita) 】   Track No. 08: 【 frederic || Oddloop 】 Track No. 09: 【 Lucie,Too || Lucky 】 Track No. 10: 【 Aimer || Katamoi 】☆
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He probably listens to either hip hop, pop, rock, or the cute love songs (sad/angst or the good one’s he likes both). LOL Not that love is it’s own genre it’s just, they’re good. He likes it, any type of genre. Of course, whenever he’s the DJ for the day, he makes sure he doesn’t play cute love songs, cus he’s got an image to uphold, ya know?
I ALSO feel like he likes rap music? My friend and I were talking about that so like owo I think he and Noya have the same music tastes as well but I’ll probably only put one or two songs that are the same for either.
He doesn’t organize his playlists very well. I’m sorry. I just feel like he doesn’t?? But he knows which playlists are for what. They definitely range from playlists he listens to when he thinks about Kiyoko (or you heheh) to whichever he wants to listen to and that one playlist somehow has the songs, and the only songs he wants to listen to at that moment. Actually, there should be a correction, it’s not organized well to people who look at his playlists but it’s organized to himself.
I also think he’s a big fan of JPOP groups. I think he’d probably be a fan of Nogizaka46, and this is where he and Noya will probably have a disagreement (but they still listen to the other’s favorite jpop group because its still good music ya know). Sad uwu
Track No. 01: 【 RHYMESTER || After 6 】 ☆ Track No. 02: 【 TENDOUJI || Killing Heads 】 Track No. 03: 【 BREIMEN || IWBYL 】 Track No. 04: 【 神山羊 (or Yoh Kamiyama) || YELLOW 】 ☆ Track No. 05: 【 Nogizaka46 || Influencer 】 Track No. 06: 【 AKB48 || 失恋、ありがとう(Shitsuren, Arigatou) 】* Track No. 07: 【 ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ (Boku no Lyric no Bōyomi) || 輪廻転生 (Rinne tensei or aka Reincarnation) 】 Track No. 08: 【 YonYon, SIRUP || 選択 (Mirror) 】 Track No. 09: 【 鈴木麻美子 (Suzuki Mamiko) || Blue 】 ☆ Track No. 10: 【 SEEDA || Daydreaming (ft. 16FLIP) 】
*(not on Spotify, added a cover instead)
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I feel like Noya listens to pop, rock, indie, and like Tanaka the cute love songs and rap songs :3c. I want to say that Noya’s the one that finds the various love songs and gives Tanaka the recommendations. The song genre I think that was playing during that one episode where Ukai had videos of everyone and it was Nishinoya’s video, I think that was rock?? So that’s where the whole rock genre comes from anyway so lol.
In terms of a JPOP group I think he’s a fan of, it’d be AKB48 who are rivals with Nogizaka46 lul. And look, I want to say when I was researching into the music culture in Japan, it’s usually the girls that are fans of JPOP groups? But, I feel like Tanaka and Noya would be fans of them ;-;
I think Noya either organizes his playlists like in a keyboard smash all caps, and only he knows, or there’s just a bunch of playlists that are like “new Playlist” or whatever the defaults are loool.
Track No. 01: 【 BREIMEN || IWBYL 】 Track No. 02: 【 E ve || あの娘シークレット (The Secret About That Girl or aka Anoko Secret) 】  ☆ Track No. 03: 【 E ve || 心予報 (Heart Forecast or aka Kokoroyohou) 】 Track No. 04: 【 Saucy Dog || いつか  (Itsuka) 】 ☆ Track No. 05: 【 AKB48 || 恋するフォーチュンクッキー (Fortune Cookie in Love) 】* Track No. 06: 【 KID FRESINO  || Cats & Dogs (feat. カネコアヤノ) 】 Track No. 07: 【 THE BACK HORN || ハナレバナレ (hanarebanare) 】 Track No. 08: 【 Friday Night Plans || Plastic Love (cover) 】 Track No. 09: 【 eill || HUSH -MONJOE REMIX- feat. Kick a Show 】 Track No. 10: 【 Monkey Majik + m-flo || Picture Perfect 】**
*(not on Spotify, no track on there, if someone found a cover or anything lmk) **(collab between the two artists)
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Suga doesn’t really care which kind of songs he listens to. He likes them all. I feel like he leans towards “softer” songs, whatever that means, though I tried putting in a range of songs for this mixtape. Maybe I’m projecting here because I love Suga and I see a lot of myself in him, but he just likes the chill music. Which is funny because of how feral he could be. He definitely has songs he listens to that are more upbeat though. I also think he likes rap. But like I said, I don’t think he really has a preference of what genre of songs he listens to.
He has multiple playlists, from what he’s feeling mood, what activity he’s doing (working out, homework, cooking, etc.), to just what he wants to listen to at the time. Which means that playlists changes a lot because of how much he deletes and adds so he can have “atm vibes”. I think he also gives them funny names, maybe throwing in emoticons so some people don’t know what playlist is for what but he does!
I think Suga would give great music recs too. He has range so he can give anything for any genre. I think out of everyone here, Suga has to be the best DJ. He just knows what songs to play that fits best with the group and the vibe that’s going on.
Track No. 01: 【 mabanua || Blurred 】 Track No. 02: 【 Saucy Dog || いつか  (Itsuka) 】 ☆ Track No. 03: 【 I Don’t Like Mondays. || LEMONADE 】 Track No. 04: 【 Indigo la End || 小粋なバイバイ (Koikinabyebye) 】 Track No. 05: 【 DADARAY || イキツクシ (Ikitsukushi) 】 Track No. 06: 【 ビッケブランカ (Vickeblanka) || WALK (long ver.) 】 Track No. 07: 【 ゲスの極み乙女。(Gesu no Kiwami Otome) || シアワセ林檎 (shiawaseringo) 】 Track No. 08: 【 Lucky Tapes || レイディ・ブルース (Lady Blues) 】 Track No. 09: 【 Polkadot Stingray || Ichidaiji 】 Track No. 10: 【 DAOKO || Tokyo-Kick-Ass 】 ☆*
*Spotify ONLY
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OKAY so it’s already been confirmed that Hinata reads manga. I dunno how into it he is but I feel like it’s more lowkey than Tendo and also because I feel like he does spend more time with volleyball. But I also think he still does watch anime every now and then and his little sister probably watches a lot of Sailor Moon so he’s bound to have watched that too. Like that’s so cute I love sailor moon. If you don’t know what I’m trying to get at, I want to say that his playlist does consist of anime openings and endings. BECAUSE THEY’RE GOOD OKAY.
I also think maybe Vocaloid?? Like maybe he finds a few vocaloid songs because he found it through youtube recommend when he listened to anime openings and stuff. But otherwise, I think as he and his sister gets older he probably listens to what his sister does because sometimes he’s just too busy to find music (which is valid because I know my brother’s music that he plays and whenever I play something new all of a sudden it’s on his playlist, i’m also the younger one)? Or he listens to whatever is in passing (like what his friends listen to) or, again, anime openings and endings.
He probably kinda attempts to organize his playlists at first but eventually he gave up? So he probably just listens to whatever is on his library of songs and skips whatever songs he’s not feeling. If he does organize anything, it’s by songs from who recommended it or where he heard it from. Like anime songs, or songs heard from natsu, or suga, etc.
Track No. 01: 【 yama || Cream 】 Track No. 02: 【 uki3 || cutlery (self cover) 】 Track No. 03: 【 WhaleDontSleep || Osmanthus (feat. Ado) 】 Track No. 04: 【 KANA-BOON || スターマーカー (Starmaker) 】 Track No. 05: 【 KANA-BOON || Silhouette 】 Track No. 06: 【 RADWIMPS || Sparkle 】 Track No. 07: 【 DAOKO×米津玄師 || 打上花火 (Fireworks) 】 ☆ Track No. 08: 【 YOASOBI || Racing into the Night 】* Track No. 09: 【 D-51 || Brand New World 】 Track No. 10: 【 WhaleDontSleep || ねむるまち feat.yama (Sleeping Town) 】 ☆
*(not on Spotify, added a cover (?) instead)
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IS IT BAD THAT I THINK YAMAGUCHI WOULD LISTEN TO SAD MUSIC??? LIKE Okay he probably has a few things he likes but some that stick out would be rock, indie, or indie rock. Like, he grew up with Tsukki they probably listen to the same music together ya know? So with that in mind, they have similar artists and genres in general I think. Yamaguchi listens to songs with good beats he can vibe to or those soft songs he can listen to when he’s like taking the train and going through the day wanting to chill or whatnot. He also probably names his playlists like “chill dayz,” “just want to vibe,” “!!!! kinda day,” etc. lol it’s pretty cute but also I felt that.
Track No. 01: 【 R Sound Design || flos 】 ☆ Track No. 02: 【 KEYTALK || Passion 】 Track No. 03: 【 Vaundy || 東京フラッシュ (Tokyo Flash) 】 ☆ Track No. 04: 【 the shes gone || 想いあい (omoiai) 】 Track No. 05: 【 SPiCYSOL || Mellow Yellow 】 Track No. 06: 【 Brian the Sun || 神曲 (Kamikyoku) 】 Track No. 07: 【 indigo la End || 緑の少女 (Midori No Shoujo) 】 Track No. 08: 【 Luck Life (ラックライフ)  || 名前を呼ぶよ 】 Track No. 09: 【 Official髭男dism (Official HIGE DANdism) || ノーダウト 】 Track No. 10: 【 Kiro Akiyama || Caffeine 】 ☆
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✎ ameris’ notes. Not all of these are mainstream in Japan but some of them are! I’m not too sure about a few cultural aspects (specifically for the popularity of Vocaloid or any other synthetic vocals within Japan) so this is my disclaimer that these are just songs I’ve found for this purpose or listen to that I think would suit these characters; either through what I see them listening to or if the song reminded me of them.
Also i didn’t know some of these songs/artists did anime openings/endings and etc. but at the same time i’m not surprised.
I mostly made these because I’ve been getting back into Japanese music, mostly indie, or alt. Or like indie rock or indie pop... We can tell where my taste in music is lol.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
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Day 2: Alluring Fairy Tail World Pairing: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser Series: Fairy Tail Rating: M for sensitive language and content
It was a long road ahead and Gray’s beaten body couldn’t wait to jump into his bed for a much deserving rest. A day or two would do.
The ice-make mage got tired of listening to flame-brain’s whining two towns ago. Flame brain had the audacity to complain when he was the reason of the three day delay. Okay, okay maybe not just him. There was Erza and Gray to blame too. Lucy was crying all the way down to Magnolia. Something about the reward cut and her apartment rent. Gray was just thankful Natsu shut his mouth up before he fed him Erza’s luggage, wagon included, to keep him quiet. That would make them move faster.
Team Natsu arrived at the foot of Magnolia. Gray sighed in contentment. Finally, some good news. Gray couldn’t wait to reach his apartment.
 “Oi! Isn’t this Juvia?”
 Gray’s heart jumped a little hearing the name – her name. He immediately searched for her vibrant blue hair in the crowd, only to find a cherry one standing next to a newsstand, holding what appeared to be a magazine in his hand. Gray scoffed inwardly. Since when did that flame brain start reading or even become interested? Then, he suddenly remembered something. Gray took a second look at that little magazine flame-brain was holding. To Gray’s horror, Sorcerer’s Weekly’s latest issue was now all over Magnolia. The vibrant blue hair he was searching for was on that issue.
 “What? Let me see.”
 Erza walked up to the newsstand, leaving her wagon behind. Team Natsu followed, minus Gray, and gathered around the stand to get a hold of the copy and confirm the news themselves.
 “Wow, it really is her.”
 Once Gray heard the confirmation from Lucy, he dashed to the newsstand and snatched the copy from Natsu’s hands.
 “Hey!” complained the Fire Dragon Slayer. But they fell on deaf ears.
 Gray perused the magazine, running his troubled eyes from top to bottom and then back up. His midnight eyes turned green, figuratively, as he confirmed that it was really Juvia, his Juvia, on the cover and she was too provocative – with her point finger resting on her lips, telling the viewer to keep quiet. And her legs? Her legs were wide open, leaving so little in the imagination.
 Gray’s blood boiled in anger and then something else.
 And what was up with that caption? Some like it hot? A picture of fire-eating Natsu rolled by his head, causing one eye to twitch. Juvia liked it cold because she loved a certain ice-mage, right?
 “Are you gonna buy this issue, young man?”
 Blood rushed to Gray’s head. Why would he buy a magazine when he had the real thing back at the guild? But Gray composed himself and played it cool.
 “No, thanks.” He returned the magazine on the stack and rejoined his group.
 “What kind of magazine objectifies women like that?” complained Gray.
 Which earned a raise of a brow from ‘some-like-it-hot’ Natsu.
 “You didn’t say that with Mira-chan’s cover last week.” reminded Natsu.
 Gray froze at the sudden guilt that hit him. He had no qualms staring at Mirajane in a green bathing suit enjoying the beach. So, why was he acting like he was on a higher moral ground? Gray had to think of some excuse and quick before Natsu called him out of his bullshit.
 “T-that’s d-different!”
 “Huh?” Natsu walked past him, oblivious of the fact that his question turned the ice-mage make tomato red. “But I don’t see any difference.” Said Natsu, which he meant finding no difference in Mira and Juvia’s pose in their respective magazine covers.
 Lucy the Celestial mage, feeling a little playful, chimed in. “Why are they different, Gray?” She didn’t stay behind to know.
 “I-i-it’s just different, alright!”
 Lucy shook her head. “How many years now and he is still denying it. Poor Juvia.” said Lucy to herself, chuckling.
 When his team was in a good distance, Gray ran back to the newsstand. He collected all the jewels he received from the job and handed them all to the old woman owner. Then, he grabbed all the copies of Sorcerer Weekly and left the owner dumbfounded.
 Gray walked around Magnolia hogging all copies of Juvia’s Sorcerer Weekly issue: some peeking out of his cross-body bag, while the rest he carried. He smiled at himself, proud of coming up with the best idea – by buying all the copies of Sorcerer Weekly, no one would see her Juvia in such daring pose. Gray felt triumphant.
 Until he passed by another newsstand which actually hanged a number of magazines for display. Gray checked inside his pocket and came up empty.
 Now what should he do?
 Gray dropped on his bed like a hot potato, sprawled over the mattress like a spread eagle. Damn, he was exhausted. He was tired running around Magnolia all afternoon to do random jobs and earn jewels to buy all of Sorcerer Weekly’s Juvia Lockser issue. Now he had a hundred of those issue stacked beside his bed.
 He failed to realize that Sorcerer Weekly wasn’t sold in Magnolia alone. (But we will give it to Gray for trying.)
 He raised the well-wrapped gift he found earlier at his coffee table and inspected it. The ribbon was blue and neatly placed in the middle. He recognized the craftsmanship to be Juvia’s. She was good in that kind of stuff -making pretty things. Gray, on the other hand, could not make anything that can pass as pretty even if his life depended on it. Except when using his ice-make, that’s his wheelhouse.
 Gray ripped the white wrapper to see what was inside.
 Only to find the 101th Sorcerer Weekly issue he was about to add to his collection. But this one had a sticky note on it.
 “Baka.” The cute handwriting pulled the corners of Gray’s mouth into soft smile. She even put a cute little heart at the end. “Of course, I’m always proud of you.” said Gray, talking to the seductively shushing Juvia on the cover. “But I’m not too happy about this position…”
 Gray’s thick brows furrowed. The more he stared at the cover the more he regretted it. He was feeling a nosebleed coming so he better just flip the page and find where the actual interview was printed. He needed to see words instead of the picture of Juvia’s leg parted... he needed to stop. But he was in his room, alone. So, it wouldn’t be so wrong if he just took a peek… no. But now one’s gonna see him if he… no. It wouldn’t be right. Still, he was a young, hot-blooded man and it’s the healthy thing to do – no, no, no!
 He flipped the pages frantically, trying to fight the temptation to linger on that cover, and stopped only when a page piqued his interest. It was a half-page photo of Juvia. His eyes softened, lingering on Juvia’s photo. He knew Juvia wasn’t a vain woman. She hated getting her photo taken or talking about herself. So it surprised him that in this particularly issue, Juvia indulged the readers.
 Juvia’s photo came out well – perfect even – but it was nothing compared to the real thing. It would do, for now. Looking at the colored portrait, Gray allowed himself to admit that he missed Juvia. That woman got under his skin and now she became a permanent fixture in Gray’s life, even to the point that sometimes he’d feel a sudden sense of emptiness when he was away from her for too long.
 Gray’s dark longing eyes were not the only ones that traced Juvia’s features. His finger followed his gaze: from the crinkle of her blue eyes, pink-powdered cheeks down to her disarming smile.
 Nothing was more alluring than a woman’s beautiful smile.
 Gray heard that somewhere and he couldn’t agree more. Of all of Juvia’s sexy features: her breasts, her waist, her legs, the sexiest curve on Juvia’s body was her smile.
 Gray never told a soul about it but that smile, that curve of her lips that was full of love when she talked about him, when she said his name, that smile that made his stomach flutter. It was the last thing he thought about at night and the first thing he saw in his mind in the morning.
 Gray turned to the next page and read the words written on it. Just as he expected, instead of sharing about herself, Juvia talked about Gray the whole time. He let out a sigh of satisfaction. He cushioned one arm behind his head while the other held the magazine as he read, all smiles and all satisfied.
 He didn’t have to worry anymore. Those lowly bastards may see Juvia in that provocative position but the world would know, when they read the actual article, that Juvia Lockser belonged to him – Gray Fullbuster. She was his.
 They could look but only Gray was allowed to touch.
 “That’s my Juvia.” He smiled to himself; that full grin grew wider and wider as he read all the nice things Juvia could say about him.
Writer’s Corner: So what’s up? We are on Day 2 of Gruvia Week. FT World isn’t really my element but I hope you guys enjoy this little drabble I made for GW.
Also, you guys know which cover I was referring to, right? I’m sure Gray appreciated that and did not appreciate everyone looking at that. lol.
See you next entry: Day 3! #GruviaForever
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Sooo. I decided to draw V's sister from that ask I made yesterday and this is how far I've gotten with it (so yea its unfinished if you couldn't tell).
I gave her her father's eyes and mother's hair. Though she honestly looks more like her mom, maybe? Eh idk.
Also info:
Myung Kim
First Name Meaning: Brightness
Nicknames: Myu (Referred to by most people, including her parents, V, Jaehee, Zen, Yoosung, and Seven. I don't think Jumin is one to use nicknames lol)
Mungle (Jokingly by Seven, referring to how when she is angry she can be more terrifying than the Mongol warriors of the Mongol Empire)
*Age: 23 (AS) 24 (OS)
*Note: This is internationally. Korean she is 24 (AS) and 25 (OS)
Blood Type: A
Birthday: August 19th
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5'3 ft (161 cm)
Weight: 125 lbs (56 kgs)
Status: Alive (All routes but Secret Ending)
*Missing (Secret Ending)
*Note: She is missing because after V died she became extremely withdrawn and depressed (even a bit suicidal) and eventually disappeared. She's fine (well she's alive at least) but has disconnected from everyone and nobody knows where she is. She moved away from Seoul to the southernmost area of South Korea (evading police officers because of a missing person report the RFA filed) to get away from everything. She battles with suicidal thoughts every day. This is assuming she is not the MC. If she were she would still become extremely depressed and withdrawn, but Seven and the RFA would be there so she would likely be ok. Mostly.
Occupation: Freelance Digital Artist
Affiliations: RFA (CS and DS)
Mint Eye (AS If MC)
Hobbies: Painting, Taking Walks In Gardens and Parks, Visiting Her Mother's Grave Weekly (AS Only)
Relatives: Father
Mother (Deceased In AS)
Step Mother (AS Only)
Jihyun Kim/V (Older Brother)
Sister (Half/Step-Sister in AS)
Lucy (Adoptive Niece; V's AE "Forgive Ending" Only)
Personality and Background kind of, just a description I suppose: Myung may appear to be a happy-go-lucky and cheerful girl, but she really isn't as cheerful as you may think. She is usually a mixture of calm as well as bright, and is also very perceptive. She can easily read people based on a variety of things, mostly facial expressions and body language. She also isn't a half-bad singer. She is extremely close to her brother, V, and is also in turn fiercely protective of him- in AS, he's the only family she has left (she honestly just doesn't like her father and really doesn't care about him whatsoever) and due to that she does everything in her power to make sure he's ok and always tells him that "Please tell me anything and everything that's bothering you, and let me help you whenever you need it." Of course, V doesn't take her up on her offer, instead lying to her about everything going on with Rika (knowing she would likely kill Rika the moment she found out what she had done) and Saeran. Myung may be V's little sister, but she can be very big-sisterly, and often people have mistaken her for being his twin or older sister because of the way she acts. When V dies in SE, Myung is extremely devastated, depressed, and due to having witnessed it (if she is the MC) she would be traumatized due to it and would obtain a severe phobia of guns. In SE if she is the MC she would be very, VERY conflicted about Saeran, but if she is not, it is likely she would never know what truly happened to V in the SE and as stated above, she would flee Seoul and start a new life in the southern area of South Korea without telling anyone, and there is a 50/50 chance she would either live out the rest of her days there, return to Seoul eventually, or commit suicide because of her brother's death and the chaotic mess Rika created. She also would, before going missing, always violently lash ou at the sight of Rika, with Zen and Jumin having to restrain her many times because she was just so enraged and upset with Rika that she honestly just wanted her dead. The violent lashing out at Rika thing happens regardless whether she is the MC or not in the SE. She avoids Saeran as much as possible if she is the MC of the SE.
This was a long post, sorry oof 😅 — Submission
You know I love seeing and reading about MCs! So, it’s really not a bother to me to see it. I love how you drew her, it really captures the personality that you were making yesterday. It sounds like a really tragic tale, but hey, not everyone has a really happy story. The pinks in her outfit make me really happy. But, she does sound like she needs a hug. 
And, clearly, for her brother to be there for her just as much as she should try to pull him out of the darkness. 
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just-absolutely-super · 3 months
FT Oneshot Review
Doing this because it’s been so looooooong since I’ve done a review for a FT chapter
Gonna talk in depth under the cut but here’s the TLDR version:
It’s a oneshot chapter that takes place a day before the final chapter of the series proper and before 100YQ, definitely a celebration for the upcoming anime series. The plot is nothing major or groundbreaking, but it’s a very cute in-between chapter that is full of typical FT humor, and that’s what i loved about it.
More in depth thoughts here:
First, i want to talk about the art style
Mashima’s art has always been great, and i love seeing his improvement whenever i read a work of his. The changes from FT 545 and now is rather subtle, but i can tell the difference. His girls are now more soft in features, while the men look more sharp and mature. Even the way he draws eyes are now different. I saw it during the course of EZ, but comparing Lucy then and now makes it more obvious. Here’s a comparison for people
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That being said, seeing this chapter actually DRAWN by Mashima feels more like Fairy Tail to me. Don’t get me wrong, Ueda does great work at replicating the style…but in the end it’s a replica. Mashima may be involved in the sequel but he’s not the one in the driver’s seat (maybe more like a backseat driver but Ueda is behind this wheel and I WISH EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT STOP PUTTING THE BLAME SOLELY ON MASHIMA WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENS IN 100YQ, HE HAS A PARTNER IN CRIME)
Anyways, since Mashima isn’t completely involved with 100YQ, i can tell fully this oneshot was all him. The style, the humor, even the way the characters act seemed more real for me. And that’s part of why I can’t always get enthused about 100YQ, there’s always a dash of Mashima, not a main course
But this isn’t about me comparing this one little omake chapter to the sequel, so I’ll stop with that now
I liked the acknowledgment that Team Natsu (or at least everyone on the team but Erza) are not S class and therefore have no fucking business taking on the 100 Year Quest mission. And it is so on brand of Natsu to be told this and he be like, “k but imma do it anyway!” I love him your honor
It’s also on brand for all of Fairy Tail to go on a manhunt for him to keep him from doing the thing gosh dangit!
Sadly not enough Lucy T-T I know she’s not prominent because she’s supposed to be in the dark about the decision to go on the mission but still… At least she got to look fabulous for a panel with her gala dress from 545
But what do you MEAN her book isn’t selling well???? She won AN AWARD that shit should be selling like hot cakes! Justice for my queen, I’ll buy all her books!
(HC most of her sales are from the guild and surrounding guilds who know and love her <3)
Anyways, nothing really else to comment on. The humor was typical FT, and the sudden random appearance of Ichiya was wild. He’s just here for the lulz I guess lmao I just enjoyed how wacky the plot was, I missed how silly this manga could be
And the ending was perfect imo. The callback to the beginning of the series with Makarov’s words about following the path you choose really hit me harder than it probably should have lol but seeing him give the team his blessing was nice. I really liked it…
So to conclude everything, it wasn’t a big extravagant plot. With Ueda taking the reins (with supervision) with 100YQ, there really isn’t much Mashima could have written about. It’s a good prequel to chapter 545 as well as the sequel, and it’s a good celebration of the upcoming anime series
I hope Mashima continues to revisit FT independently. If he does, I’ll always be here to read about my favorite fictional people ❤️❤️❤️
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Are there any other ships you like? Big four, Zervis, Miraxus, Stingyu... I'm just curious
What I ship in Fairy Tail
This is a great question! Thank you for asking, Anon!
To be honest, there aren't many.
I'll rehash some of the ships I support that I've mentioned already in case you haven't seen those posts (which I went more in depth here) as well as give some more! I'll also tell you which ones I don't and why.
These are the main ones I like:
Natsu x Lucy
I've said so in other posts, but I do still like NaLu, though it really needs work, from Natsu being less handsy (though most of it's an accident) and for him to mature some and actually show romantic interest in Lucy. Rn, I'm seeing Lucy having to be the one to carry the ship with her budding feelings, but Natsu is mostly oblivious and treats her basically just like a best friend. Mashima should really, if he wants this ship to sail, do these things for Natsu. I only ship Natsu with Lucy.
Jellal x Erza
I said this in another post, yes, I ship this, I really like the childhood sweethearts dynamic, and I think, at least in the main FT storyline (I'm hearing Jellal acts more like juvia in 100yq and that's just barf), it's very healthy and charming because they both try to do what's best for the other and try to better and help them. I only ship Jellal and Erza with each other and in no other ship.
Gray x Lucy
My FT OTP!! Had a whole post dedicated to my reasons! Linked here. I only ship Gray with Lucy OF FRIGGIN COURSE (#protectgray2k22).
Loke/Leo x Lucy
I love this one! Their little arc together, and their fun moments like in the Loke arc or the Fantasia arc or whenever Lucy summons Leo are so cute! Leo’s such a gentleman to her and protects her well, and she doesn’t make it easy for him when he flirts but is still flustered sometimes, which I love. They’re best friends and partners and definitely have chemistry. I only ship Leo with Lucy of course.
Other Ships?
To be honest, that's basically it for me. I'm not really passionate about other ships in FT. I know I ship Lucy with a lot of people, but it's to be expected from a multi-shipper haha. I'll get into the ones I don't like, the ones I'm indifferent to, and the ones I like, but just don't really care about.
Of the rest of the Big Four, I've already said why I'm not a big fan of Gajevy (but I don't ship either of them with anyone else), and y'all KNOW my stance on gr///via (juvia deserves to stay by herself forever :D).
As for Zervis, I don't like Mavis, (sorry, Mavis lovers, I just find her annoying, especially in Fairy Tail Zero) and Idk what to think about Zeref, mainly because I don't see him often, especially since I didn't finish FT, but from what I saw of him, in Tenrou, Zero, and some in Tartaros, he wasn't particularly likable, but not hate-worthy either.
As for Miraxus, I'm not opposed to it. I didn't see many interactions between them tbh, but I could see it being really cute, the sweet (and yet potentially scary) Mirajane and big, gruff Laxus who (eventually) has a heart of gold.
Stingyu, I'm not the biggest fan of Sting, I like him enough, and I'm not really a fan of Yukino either, not because I don't like her, I just found her pretty boring. I don't mind that ship I guess, I just don't ship it personally.
Now onto ships you didn’t give as an example, Anon:
A dear friend of mine mentioned that their OTP for FT used to be StingLu, which I am totally down for, but I haven’t seen many interactions between them. I could see it being a very cute ship though! They’ve got matching hair too haha.
I could see why people like Laxus x Freid, but Freid acts a bit too fanboy for me to ship them (reminds me of juvia too much), though I really liked his loyalty and respect (along with the rest of the Thunder Legion) to Laxus.
Elfman x Evergreen (lol what's their ship name, Elfgreen? Everman?) is ok, I found it pretty cute how they were at odds and then became fond of each other.
Alzack x Bisca, I mean sure, I ship it, I just don't really care about it. Very cute couple, but they’re just background characters haha.
Lyon x juvia, yeaaaah like I said, juvia shouldn’t be inflicted on anybody, so I’d never do Lyon dirty like that.
Ren x Sherry, I don’t really like this ship. A fun fact (not really) about me is that I don’t like it when people who love someone in a show or whatever move on from that love interest to a new one. It just makes it seem so disingenuous to me, like the love was never real. I know irl, this happens a lot, and it doesn’t really discredit their past feelings to move on, but this is a personal preference of mine for fiction. So, I don’t like how Sherry moves on from Lyon to Ren.
Sherria x Wendy, nah don’t like this, I personally don’t like the idea of shipping a 12 and 15 year old together because they’re both really young. I guess it’s fine if you do, since there’s not a big age gap, but nah I’m good.
Happy x Carla, eh, don’t really like this ship, but it’s not too bad I guess. He’s kinda too pushy, and she’s kinda too mean, but overtime they warm up to each other more, like over the Edolas arc for example, so it’s not the worst.
I've already said in other posts that I don't ship Gratsu, and I definitely don't ship NaLi; I just find Lisanna a tad too annoying, and her kid self was waaay too pushy.
Reminder: basically, any ship that involves Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Jellal, and Erza besides the ones I've mentioned is a no-go for me. When I multi-ship one character from a particular anime, I don't multiship for any other character in that anime except for my favorite, so any ships you see listed are the only people I would ship them with.
I don’t really remember other extremely popular ships at this moment, but if anyone thinks of them and mentions them, I’ll give my thoughts!
Closing Notes
I know I don't have many ships, especially outside my multi-ship of Lucy, but really, if you look at other animes that I watch, my multi-shipping habit is even more outta control, so Fairy Tail actually has a bit of variety for me haha. Thank you again for asking, Anon, and I hope I didn't disappoint with my small amount of ships!
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13lov · 5 years
lucy (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: pornstar!taehyung, tattooed!taehyung x pornstar!reader
genre: pornstar au, humor, smut, light f2l, angst if you squint.
word count: 8,305
summary: after reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
warning(s): smut (masturbation, sex toys, unprotected sex, fingering, creampies ; mention of: face fucking, squirting, gxg), !ENDGAME SPOILERS!.
a/n: inspired by that video of taehyung with the fake tattoos…good lord… sorry i posted this later than i said i would, some stuff came up :( not proofread so i apologize for mistakes.
With one final thrust into the petite girl beneath him, Taehyung was fast to pull his dick completely out of her with the sigh of relief. Sure, he sighed because it was in the script, but he would’ve done it even if it weren’t apart of the porno.
He flopped on the bed, right next to the girl who was playing the role of his horny step-sister. He visualized the script in his head, and waited a few seconds before turning to his co-star and saying, “I gave you what you wanted, now, can I have my skateboard back?”
“AND CUT!” the director yells, standing up from his chair across the room. Taehyung’s manager, Seokjin, enters the set with a bathrobe in one hand and water bottle in the other and hands Tae both. “Everyone did a great job today! Remember to report back here tomorrow at two for the promo shoot, got it?!” the director asks, and everyone confirms they’ll be there.
Taehyung stands up from the messy bed to put on his bathrobe while his former co-star, Rosie, covers herself in the sheets. ‘If you’re so fucking shy, why are you doing porn?’Taehyung thinks to himself, annoyed.
“You did really good, I enjoyed it. And, you’re an amazing actor. Not many stars are good at acting, but you are.” Rosie compliments sweetly and Taehyung feels bad for what he originally thought of her.
“Thanks,” is all he can say to her because (1) he can’t compliment her back because it would be a lie and there’s no need for that, (2) he’s not interested in talking to her, and (3) he’s ready to head back to his trailer and take a shower. “See you tomorrow,” he adds, because he doesn’t want to seem like one of those stuck-up pornstars he hates so badly.
He then leaves the rented airbnb home and takes the quick walk to his trailer with Jin right by his side. “What’d you think?” Taehyung asks.
Seokjin makes a face as he thinks of an answer. “It was…decent. Not your best.”
Tae scoffed, offended, “It wasn’t my porn, I’m only here to get her some clout. You think I enjoy wasting my time with newbies when I could be with a professional? Hell no!” his rant goes on as he approaches his white trailer, opening the door and holding it so Jin can walk in first (because he’s polite like that).
“Then why film with newbies when you hate it so much? Oh wait, because their team is willing to pay big money for the number one pornstar on ‘nexxxtdoor.com’. That’s why.” Seokjin stated once he entered the trailer and sat on the white couch, Taehyung following shortly behind.
Jin was right, Tae was the number one star on the number one porn site in the country. Maybe people were drawn to his blonde mullet that was usually accompanied by one of his many headbands, or maybe it was the floral tattoos decorated nicely across his neck that drove people crazy. But it was probably just the plain old fact that Taehyung was hot, had a pretty dick, and knew how to use it.
“You’re damn right about that,” Tae says, stripping himself of his bathrobe and little clothing. He doesn’t bother to lock to door of the trailer or even cover himself up in front of Seokjin; everyone had already seen him naked, all boundaries have burned down.
“God, I’m so hot,” Jin says suddenly, and Taehyung looks over to see his manager has moved to stand directly in front of the mirror above the couch, looking directly at his reflection. “Maybe I should start doing porn just to give you a run for your money.”
“Ha!” Taehyung laughs, walking to the standing shower and turning on the hot water. “As gorgeous as you are, I’m a pretty tough guy to beat. Aren’t those two guys still fighting for second place? What are their names?” Taehyung snaps his fingers as tried to remember the names of the two porn stars fighting for second place like a bunch of losers.
“Suga, and uh, that Jimin guy. But they actually dropped a few places…” Seokjin’s tone changed, he seemed nervous.
“Oh, yeah?” Tae asked, stepping into the hot shower, “Have people finally gotten bored of them?” He grabs the white bar of soap from its appropriate holder and begins to cleanse himself, starting off with his neck and shoulders.
“Not exactly, people still like them, there’s just this…uh…”
“Spit it out, Jin.” Taehyung demands, moving the bar of soap down to his chest and belly. Small, white bubbles form at the surface but are quickly washed away with the water pouring down from the shower head.
“There’s this new girl who’s going viral really quick; she’s number two.” Jin admits with a nervous cough.
“A girl,” Taehyung repeats, “I like girls. She must be pretty good if she’s growing so quickly.” It’s true; (Taehyung does indeed like girls) it took Tae two years to become number one on nexxxtdoor, so whoever was able to pass stars as good as Jimin and Suga in such a short amount of time had to be fucking amazing.
“She sure is…something. Her name is ‘Lucy Fer’; look her up when you get home. But, yeah, I’m off to go pick up your next script; see you later.” Jin leaved without another word, and Taehyung is still in the shower.
“Lucy Fer…” he repeats in a whisper, “Lucy Fer…”
Taehyung does as he’s told later that night and types in the name of his possible nemesis on nexxtdoor.com. He clicks the little arrow and the search results pop up in a matter of seconds; your channel popping up in full display.
LUCY FER  ✓ @lucy_fer im basically a youtuber that taker her clothes off hehe </3 4.7M Subscribers | 192 Videos | Joined 1 Year Ago
Taehyung is confused by your biography, but decides he’ll find out what you mean after looking at some of your videos. And, just by the titles alone, he can see why so many people enjoy watching you:
ex bf fucks my face while frank ocean plays in my airpod$!!# (ft. namjoooooon) 2,372,084 views
After reading a few more titles of the videos you’ve uploaded, Taehyung has come to the conclusion that you’re the hottest fucking dumbass he’s ever seen and so desperately wants to fuck.
It’s weird for him to feel desperate for the girl literally coming for his career, especially when he hadn’t even seen you in action yet. And for that reason, he doesn’t like you. Does he think you’re hot? Yes. Does he want to fuck you? Of course. Does he dislike you? Actually, yes, but only becaus you’re
He sighed, straightening up in his desk chair as he kept his eyes on the illuminated screen in front of him. Curiosity got the best of him and soon enough, he was scrolling past all of your videos until he gets to your very first one:
He notices that in every thumbnail, you’re wearing a pair of red devil horns and when you’re very rarely accompanied by someone else, they’re also wearing their own set of horns, identical to yours. Even in your display picture, it’s an up-close photo of you, your hair is down and it’s dripping wet, the devil horns are on full display, and your tongue is stuck out with a lit lighter dangerously close to it.
You’re the devil. Satan. Lucifer. Lucy Fer and oh, he finally understands your stage name.
He smiles lightly and shakes his head in realization. Taehyung’s about to close the laptop and call it a night - he has a long day tomorrow - but, he decides just watching oneof videos wouldn’t hurt. I mean, you are his competition, right? He has to see why you’re so popular.
Taehyung scrolls for a few seconds before clicking on a video titled “masturbating and crying about how broke i am (ft. namjoon aka my ex bf lol)“.
The video buffers quickly, taking Taehyung by surprise. For some reason he pauses it, grabs his laptop whole, and makes his way over to his king-sized bed. He tells himself it’s because he’s going to fall asleep afterwards, but he knows that he’s retreated to the bed for other reasons.
Once he’s in a comfortable position with the Macbook in front of him, Tae finally hits the triangle-shaped button and the video plays.
Your bed and pillows are the only thing in the frame at first, then you step in and sit on the edge of the bed. You’re wearing a red skater skirt that’s a tad bit short, a lacy, black bralette, and your signature devil horns.
You stare at the camera in silence for awhile and Taehyung wonders when you’re finally gonna get down to business. That’s when the camera suddenly zooms in on your face, on the single tear that comes from your left eye and makes its way down your cheek.
"Oh,” Tae says, shocked. He wasn’t actually expecting you to cry, though the title said you would.
The camera zooms from out of your face and goes back to the full body shot of you on the bed. “Why the fuck am I so broke?” you ask, there’s a smile on your face, but another tear slips from your eyes. Taehyung then decides for himself that you are a fucking maniac.
With the way the video is edited, Tae feels like he’s watching one of those popular YouTubers; like Emma Chamberlin or Antonia Garza. Your bio had described you perfectly: you truly were just a YouTuber who took her clothes off, and everyone (including Taehyung) loved it. It was a great idea on your part, since literally no one else made homemade porn the way you did.
With you, it felt so natural and relatable and not at all like the washed-up pornstars that came before you. Your viewers loved you, and they were so attached to you. Though you considered yourself to be just another lost, twenty-three year old, your viewers thought you were perfect because of how honest you are. Being so close to them, you didn’t even mind when they called you Y/N, your real name.
Even at times when you weren’t uploading videos or going live on nexxxtdoor, you held a PG-13 rated Instagram live that allowed you to speak to your supporters on a less intense platform.
You were thankful for them, and they were thankful for you.
In the screen in front of him, Taehyung watches and listens as you talk about your card getting declined at Starbucks as you unclasp your bra. You pull the black straps down slowly until they completely fall off your arms, your boobs spilling out nicely. Your nipples are hard because of how cold it is in your apartment, but you let the people watching think it’s because you’re horny.
Though only the top half of your body is bare, Taehyung still admires you. Many of the girls had had worked with had fake boobs or a fake ass for the most part, not that it was a bad thing, it was just nice to see something he wasn’t used to.
You’re complaining again, this time about how you received a parking ticket that morning and you have no clue how you’re gonna pay for it with the amount of student debt you’re in. With a sigh, you wipe away another pathetic tear before turning on all fours with your ass in view of the camera; the black thong underneath your skirt hardly hiding anything.  
Your hand reaches under your pillow and pulls out a white vibrator. It looks dull and worn out, but no one really expecting you to have a top of the line one that costs $100.
“The police officer that gave me the ticket was pretty hot, though,” you say whilst getting into your original position on the bed. Taehyung then pauses the video, not because you’ve done anything wrong, but because he’s now realizing his hand had slipped past his pajama pants and he had began to palm himself through his boxers.
He can’t jerk off to the enemy, it’d only give you more power. But, he can follow the enemy on Instagram.
So he does exactly that.
lucy_fer is live…come watch!
The little banner pops up on Taehyung’s screen, staying for a few seconds before disappearing in his notifications tab. He considers the tempting invitation as he stares at the YouTube video that had been playing before being interrupted.
Sure, it was just an Instagram live and it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he watched. But, what if you thought otherwise? What if you thought he was only watching just so he could scope out his competition?
“Screw it,” Tae mumbled before pulling down his notifications bar and clicking on the Instagram banner. It loaded within a few seconds and soon enough, Taehyung’s presence had been announced in the stream.
k.taehyung has joined.
But your face was turned elsewhere, talking to someone who was out of view of the camera. Secretly, Tae was hoping you’d turn back in time to acknowledge that fact that he was watching. And, much to his luck, you turned back towards the camera just as his was going away.
“Three hundred already?” you asked, watching the view count go up. “You guys must be bored.”
nam_joonie yep. why dont u take that shirt off and put on a show.
You read your ex-boyfriend’s comment with a sigh, leaning back on your couch as more comments from new viewers filled the screen. “You all know Namjoon,” you said to the viewers, grabbing the cup filled with water that stood on the coffee table next to your propped up phone. “I apologize that my ex is such a perv.” You took a sip of your drink as you roommate, Jennie, leaned into the frame to read a comment that caught her interest.
pinkszn.lisa girl fuck your ex, kim taehyung is here
Once Jennie read the comment out loud the water in your mouth was done for with the way you had begun to cough it up in shock.
You had heard of Taehyung, of course, and it was a surprise enough when he followed you on Instagram a few hours ago. He was intimating, to say the least, with his tattoos and blonde mullet and headbands and…wow. In fact, he was so intimidating, you hadn’t even watched any of his pornos. You knew he was good at his craft and didn’t need to watch any of his stuff to prove it.
When you were able to finally catch your breath, you turned to Jennie, shaking your head in shock. “Stop lying,” you choked out.
Seeing this as a second opportunity from hod himself to make his presence known, Taehyung typed out a comment.
k.taehyung hi hahaha
Rainbow hearts continued to fill up the screen as you read Tae’s comment whith wide eyes. He was actually here, watching you awkwardly get choked up over him.
“Taehyung!” you said suddenly, probably a little too excited. You cleared your throat as a way to calm down, “I…we…” nervously, you looked towards Jennie with a desperate facial expression that yelled ‘help me’.
“Why don’t you…guest him?” Jennie suggested.
“Oh, yes! Can I guest you, Taehyung?” You asked hopefully, though you already had requested for him to join before he could process what was going on. Sitting up on his couch, he looked down at the floor where his housemates Jungkook and Hoseok were sat in front of the television watching whatever sports game was on.
Of course Taehyung could afford to live alone, but these truly were his best friends.
“I’m about to go live. Try not to talk too much.” he said.
“That was a terrible pass,” Jeongguk said to Hoseok, clearly ignoring Taehyung’s request as he kept his eye on the basketball game. “I could pass better than that.”
Hoseok shakes his head, grabbing a few pieces of buttery popcorn that sat in the bowl on his lap. “You can’t even play basketball that good.”
“My point exactly! I could pass better than Williamson and I’m not even good at basketball; that’s tragic.”
With an eyeroll, Taehyung accepts the request to appear in your stream and gets himself in position with his phone camera, taking off his thick, clear glasses only momentarily to properly capture his face in the frame. Seconds later, the stream connect and he appears on the bottom half of the screen with you on top.
You open your mouth in shock once Taehyung is on screen then bring an arm to cover your eyes. “Woah, Taehyung! No shirt?!”
“Woah, Y/N, no bra?” he fired back, pointing out the obvious fact that your nipples were clearly hard under the thin, white shirt you wore. To anyone watching, they could easily mistake the two of you for lifelong friends with the way you were comfortable enough to joke around like this.
Or maybe it was just cheesy pornstar humor.
Slowly, you brought your forearm down from your eyes and got a good luck at Taehyung. He was indeed topless, flower tattoos on full display along with the gold chain that hung loosely around neck. He was a gorgeous sight, to say the least, and it’s no wonder why so many people enjoyed seeing him preform such filthy acts on his partners; never the same person twice, but always getting them to cum more than once.
You then realize this is your first time getting at good look at Tae’s face, other than the few Instagram photos you skimmed through when he followed you the day before. You also then realize you’d been staring at him in awkward silence since you brought your arm away.
You clear your throat, “touché. It’s nice to, like, see you for the first time.”
Taehyung raises a brow, had you never watched any of his stuff? He wants to ask, but also doesn’t want to seem cocky; it’s not like you were obligated to watch his pornos.
He decides to ask, the curiosity is killing him.
“I’m guessing that means you haven’t seen my stuff…” he says.
Now you’re embarrassed and wish you could go back in time and never make that comment about seeing him for thee first time. But you can’t, all you can do is shake your head and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t watch porn.”
“You’re the second most watched pornstar in the country and you don’t even watch porn?” he asks, confused.
You realize how stupid you sound and become embarrassed again. “Wait, no! Not like that, I mean. I watch my own stuff and I have some friends who do porn and I watch them…but that’s for support. I don’t get off to them or anything. Not because I can’t! I just…don’t want to…masturbate to my friends.”
It’s silent as Taehyung tries to take in what you said.
nam_joonie suddenly im not bored anymore
Although you and Namjoon have been broken up for quite some time now, he still knew when you were nervous about something, and that’s exactly what you were now.
You pretend you hadn’t seen Namjoon’s comment the same way to choose to ignore Jennie’s silent laughter fit. “I know who you are, though, Kim Taehyung,“ you nod as if you’re trying to reassure him while Jennie tries her best not to pass out from second-hand embarrassment.
Tae tilts his head up when he chuckles and you’re given an even better view of his neck and the tattoos that accompany it. If given the opportunity, any person would love to leave little purple bruises up and down his throat. But not you (you weren’t like other girls (and boys for that matter)), too afraid to mess with the beautiful artwork that Taehyung truly was.
And on top of that, everything about him was cute and sexy at the same and it nearly made your head explode. For example: the fact that he had neck tattoos was sexy, and the fact that they were flowers and butterflies made it cute. His blonde mullet was sexy, and the baby pink headband he usually wore underneath it was cute.
Then there was his smile. The smirk was sexy, but his boxy smile is what made your heart flutter. You were beyond nervous.
“I love your tattoos,” you compliment, “do you have anymore?”
“Mmhm!” he hums excitedly and it seems like the butterflies on his neck have made their way down to your belly. He holds his left hand up, showing off yet another butterfly tattoo – a blue one. “And I have one one each thigh of a bird.”
nam_joonie omg taehyung ur tattoos are so hot ugh the sexual tension between u two is killing me just fuck one of her holes already!!!
Namjoon isn’t the only one commenting, but it’s the only comment your eyes let you see. Taehyung sees it to and wonders if your ex boyfriend’s bitter jealousy would be a problem in whatever relationship he’s trying to form with you.
“Maybe I will,” Taehyung says with a smirk and no context at all, but everyone had seen Namjoon’s comment – made it hard to miss with it being so long. If you had water in your mouth, you’d be choking on it. And Jennie, who was off to your side, had her jaw slacked open at Tae’s straightforward and risky reply.
user1 we-
user2 TEA !
user3 and i oop-
…And more twitter slang flood the chat. You and Taehyung stay on live for another half hour, Namjoon doesn’t comment again so you assume he left after what Taehyung said. The rest of the broadcast goes well, consisting of you and Tae joking and talking and flirting with Jennie occasionally making fun of you or one of his roommates yelling about the basketball game.
It’s nice talking to Taehyung, it’s like he’s managed to become your friend in the short amount of time you’ve talked to him. When he listens to you speak, he pays attention and doesn’t interrupt you. And when you interrupt him when he’s speaking, he doesn’t mind because he likes seeing you get so excited. He’s literally the perfect boy.
So perfect that you want to keep talking to him forever, even when your eyelids get heavy and demand sleep. Jennie has already taken a shower and would be heading to bed soon, and any other day you’d be following her footsteps by getting ready to sleep.
“You’re tired,” Taehyung says when you yawn for the third time in a row.
You bring you index finger and thumb together, creating little space between them. “Just a tad bit.”
“Then sleep, don’t you have class in the morning?”
You nod, “I’m probably gonna drop out anyway, but yeah I do.”
"Then sleep,” he repeats so kindly it makes you want to close your eyes right there just to please him. He’s taken his glasses off now (making a show of it when he did so) and you’re able to look into his eyes better.
“I’ll go to bed if you do,” you challenge.
Taehyung isn’t sleepy, but he should be going to bed anyway so he’s not tired for tomorrow’s early shooting. “Yeah, I’m filming tomorrow, I need to go to bed.”
There’s something about Tae saying he has to film tomorrow that makes your heart drop. It’s like, in the short amount of time you’ve known him, you forgot he was the most watched pornstar and mistook him for an everyday boy who had a normal job and a normal life that could sustain a normal relationship. But you should know by now, nothing in your life is normal, and you and Taehyung had the same career in completely different aspects.
“Okay,” you sigh, “goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” he says before leaving the broadcast. He would’ve stayed on longer if his job wasn’t so demanding.
He waits a minute, and you’re finally done with your livestream. Then he waits, and waits, and waits until…
lucy_fer sent you a direct message.
It’s your phone number, along with a message.
lucy_fer / 1 min ago send nudes pls
Taehyung knows you’re joking, but considers sending a dick pic just to make you squirm. But he doesn’t, instead, he saves your number and sends a text of his own.
imessage today at 11:37 pm
no u
Withing the next few weeks, a friendship blossoms between you and Taehyung. You text everday now, and neither of you could be
You’ve uploaded more videos (to which Tae has jerked himself off to), and Taehyung has kept his title as number one and has starred in more films of his own (in which you was only to support because, again, you don’t watch porn).
It’s when he’s in his trailer with Seokjin getting ready to film another boring horny stepbrother when he get’s a text from you.
imessage today at 12:22 pm
i want to see u
in real life tho
like…i wanna meet u in real life
The last thing he texted you was a Jeongguk being stupid a few hours ago, so your lack of being able to respond quickly in this situation gave away the fact that this was something you had been thinking about a lot. He’s not too sure what to say in this sense. Yes, he’s your friend and wants to meet up with you, but what if something happens and changing the dynamic of your friendship? He cares for you the way a friend should (and probably a little more), and feels like you’re one of the few people who actually understand him. He definitely doesn’t want to lose you like Namjoon has.
He responds:
hmm, what prompted ur sudden interest in wanting to see me?
You’re quick to reply:
rmr a little while ago we talked about filming something together? u can come up here for a weekend, we could hang out and film something
so u only want me for my body?? i see how it is…
oh quit it
so, what do u say? u can stay at my place
He tells you he’s going to think about it, but already knows he’s going to say yes. It’s all he can think about twenty minutes later when he’s fucking some redhead deep into the mattress. The sound of your girlish moans and gasps play so vividly in his mind, if he tries hard enough, he can pretend your sounds are coming from the girl’s mouth and you’rethe one he’s balls deep in.
And if he tries hard enough, he can pretend the little tuffs of the girl’s red hair that form against the pillow are your red devil horns.
And when he does try hard enough, he has to stop himself from cumming right then and there by distracting himself with other thoughts. He can’t think of you, of course – you’re the one who got him into this predicament in the first place.
Taehyung opens his eyes, trying his best to momentarily erase you from his mind. He looks down at the girl beneath him and is met with closed eyes and parted lips; her tongue was only slightly visible and was bit down on to stifle load moans.
The expression on her face is awkward, amateur almost, and Taehyung can’t stand it. He thrusts deeper, earning a high pitched moan from the girl and follows suit with a low groan.
He’s bored. Extremely bored. Then his mind drifts back to you, and he smiles because he’ll be seeing you in a few days. And for once, in a very long time, he’s excited for something. So excited that his boxy smile pays a visit and he has to bury his face in his co-star’s shoulder to cover it up.
Friday comes around rather quickly, and Taehyung finds himself halfway out of the front door with a duffel bag in his hand, saying goodbye to his roommates.
“No people, no parties, no dancing, no loud music, and Yeontan is the only animal allowed in this house. If I get a complaint from the neighbors, I swear–” Taehyung’s infamous exit speech is cut off by Jeongguk clasping a hand on his shoulder.
“Relax, hyung,” he says a little too calmly for Taehyung’s comfort, “nothing bad is gonna happen, don’t worry.”
The sound of tiny nails scraping against the wooden floor has made Tae forget what he was saying, only being able to focus on the beautiful dog running up to him.
He drops the bag, bending down to pet the fur and say goodbye to his faithful companion. “Please remember to take care of Yeontan; he’s very needy.”
“We will, I promise.” Hoseok says and Taehyung stands upright once again.
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” he adjusts the bag on his shoulder, “Gguk is the one that concerns me.”
Jeongguk scoffs, fake offended, “Me?! Why me?!”
“That time you went two days without food and didn’t even realize it.”
“That–I–it was for a gaming tournament! Plus, I drank Red Bull and that gave me all the energy i needed.” he tries to redeem himself, but it doesn’t work.
“Please just take care of my fucking dog,” is the last thing Taehyung says along with ‘goodbye’ before leaving his house.
The drive to your apartment is nearly two hours away, and Taehyung can hardly believe he’s going out of his way to hang out with a friend then have sex with her. It’s ridiculous yet so exciting. So…new.
You’re outside your apartment building when Taehyung arrives, heart beating out of both of your chest. He doesn’t leave the car, since the two of you agreed you’d go out in the city before coming back to your place, but you can already see he’s a lot taller in person. And a lot hotter, if that was possible.
You jog up to his Range Rover, the best looking car in the parking lot, and slide into his passenger seat. Before Taehyung is able to get a word in, you’ve already engulfed him into a tight hug. He’s thrown off his game by your sudden forwardness, but he doesn’t let it phase him. Instead, his arms find comfort around your waist, embarrassing you so tight and completely as if you’d melt away if he let go.
Then, you’re pushing him off of you, as if nothing happened.
“I can’t believe I’m here, with you, in your car. I bet so many of your fans would die to be in this position,” you run your fingers through your hair as a method to calm your nerves.
“And many other positions…” he jokes with a small smirk, handing you his phone so you can put in the address to the place you’re having lunch at.
“Touché,” you reply, and minutes later you’re on your way to a whole-in-the-wall cute, little restaurant. It’s mostly empty, so neither of you are recognized.
Taehyung picks a little table in the far corner by the window; just enough room for the both of you. He pulls out your chair, because he’s polite like that, before setting down your tray of food on the table and sitting down on his own seat.
“It’s raining,” you whisper, chin in the palm of your hand as you stare out the window.
Taehyung had started to place your food in front of you, but stops when he hears you speak. He looks up at you, and the only word he can use to describe you in this exact moment is ‘pretty’. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
He gulps, glancing out the window to see it had indeed began to rain. “Yeah,” is all he can say, because there’s not much you can say when you’re being taunted.
The sky is teasing him, as though it was saying, “ha ha, I can cry and you can’t”, because Tae is so at peace being here with you, he could actually cry. He’s happy for once, and wishes he didn’t have to hide it.
“It’ll be dark by the time the movie’s over,” Taehyung says while handing you your sandwich, “are we going straight to your place afterwards?”
“We can, I mean, it’s Friday and you don’t leave until Monday morning; we have the whole weekend to explore.”
Tae nods out of excitement but doesn’t show it. He’s been looking forward to filming with you and is happy you’re ready to do so as soon as possible. Now, he’ll just have to find a way to stop thinking or talking about it.
“So about the video we’re making today,” he takes a sip out of his lemonade.
“Oh yeah, I was gonna have my manager email yours to sort out some details, then I remembered I don’t have a manager–”
“Wait,” Tae raises a hand to silence you, “you don’t have a manager? Why not?”
Embarrassed, you slump back in your seat and shrug. “I dunno, I felt like I didn’t need one until now, honestly. All of my videos are filmed and edited by me and on the rare occasion I have someone to film with, they’re people I know personally; not big time…pornstars.” you whisper the last part because although the restaurant is mostly empty, you’re still in public.
“I’m literally just a YouTuber that takes her clothes off,” you continue.
“Even YouTuber’s have managers, don’t they?” he points out.
Before you can respond, your phone starts to vibrate on the table. “It’s Jennie,” you say, “do you mind if I…?” you hold your phone up with pleading eyes, claiming the call could be important. Taehyung says it’s fine and takes a bite out of his own sandwich while you accept the call.
“Yeah?…Oh, okay!…Can you tidy up before you go?…I know, but still…Great, have fun…Oh, shut up…Thank you, I love you…Alright bye,” Is all Taehyung hears from your forty-second conversation before setting your phone back down.
“That was my roommate, she just left for the weekend, so me and you have the apartment to ourselves.”
“You have a roommate?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, Jennie.”
“Does she know you do porn?”
“Mmhm, she was in my video before. I think I titled it: Pussy Is God.”
“Knowing you, you probably replaced the S’s with dollar signs.”
You smile, “You know me pretty well, don’t you?”
And he does know you pretty well. Just like he knows when the two of you are exiting the restaurant, you make sweater paws with your hands because you’re cold. So he holds your hand and let’s your fingers intertwine the entire walk to his car and tells himself it’s just platonic hand holding.
And when you’re in the theater watching Endgame, he feels your body tremble as you watch Iron Man take his final breath. You don’t cry, but Taehyung let’s the tear he was holding in fall from his eye. He doesn’t think you saw it, but you do, and later on he let’s you assume it’s the movie that made him cry. But really, it was you.
You had brought Kim Taehyung to tears.
Because when he’s with you, he isn’t thinking about his job or stress, or anything. Your presence had captured him and tricked him into thinking he, being the person he is, could handle being in a relationship; a serious one at that.
And that’s exactly what he was afraid of.
“Just admit it, you big baby. We basically went on a date.” You say hours later as you lead Taehyung into your apartment.
“Oh, you think so?” Taehyung asks as you flick on the light switch.
“Well, we had lunch, held hands, saw a movie, and we’re about to have sex so…yeah, I think it’s safe to say we went on a date.”
Upon entering your apartment, Taehyung notes it’s as small as you said it would be, but didn’t expect for there to be so many new, expensive appliances. Seriously, your fridge, flat screen television, and microwave all look so out of place in your crappy apartment. He assumes your porn money as started rolling in, but doesn’t ask.
“You wanna film now?” Taehyung asks, slipping off his shoes when you notices you doing the same.
“Why wait?” You ask with a devilish smirk, “I’m gonna change, but please, make yourself at home.”
You’re in your room getting dressed in your usual skirt, bra, and devil horns (and even a little bit of makeup because…fuck it) while Taehyung takes time to prepare himself with a mini prep talk while he waits.
“I’m ready if you are,” you call from your doorframe. Taehyung’s dick already feels like it’s stirring in his pants, so he tries his best not to look at you when he enters your room and sits on the edge of your bed, directly in front of your only camera.
“Are you ready?” you ask, a finger on the ‘record’ button.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he replies.
You press record and sit down next to him.
“It’d be so funny if I just put in, like, clips of our first livestream together when you said you would fuck one of my holes,” you laugh, and Taehyung is amazed at how comfortable you became in a matter of seconds. You truly were a natural at this, and it put him at ease.
“Please don’t do that,” he replies, shaking his head.
“Im gonna do it, but, anyway…! I’m here with Kim Taehyung! And I have a gift for him!” You lean over to your bedside drawer to retrieve your gift for him, Tae lets out a desperate sigh when he gets a clear view of your ass.
“Usually, I have my co-star for the evening wear complimentary devil horns, right? But, for you, I went out and got you your own pair. They don’t look much different than mine or any other pair, but these are special…because they’re yours.” you pull the headband from behind your back and gently place it in his hands and watch as he stares at them for a moment.
Although they’re the same style of the ones of the ones usually featured in your videos, they’re different in some way. Newer. Cleaner. His to keep.
He stares at them in silence, making you nervous by the second, and you make a mental note to edit awkward Wii music in at this part. “..so do you like it, or…?”
Instead of responding, he moves his tattooed-hand up to his hair and removes his baby blue headband in a swift motion; replacing it with his new gifts. Out of his duffel bag, he pulls out a light pink supreme headband (similar to his infamous one) and gives it to you, claiming he also brought you a gift.
And for the sake of the porno (and because you like him so much without realization), you take off your devil horns and replace them with the headband he’s given you.
When Taehyung stares at you, he feels like his looking at his heart in human form. He can’t look away and sure as hell doesn’t want to. But, he’s not in love. He’s in lust and in like and all the things that come with having a crush because Jesus Christ he has the biggest, fattest crush on you, Y/N.
“Do I look like you?” you ask.
“Nope, you look way better,” he compliments.
You wave your hand in a motion that says, ‘as if’. He isn’t used to working without a script, but is too shy to ask how you plan on getting things started. And, like you read his mind, you instruct him to lay back on the bed, and he does so.
"What, are you gonna top me?” Taehyung asks with a cocky smile and a raised brow, elbows holding himself up as he watches you crawl over him until your faces are centimeters apart.
“You’d make such a cute, little bottom,” your lips brush against his with every word you speak, and yet, you’re still not kissing. “But no, just relax.” You might as well had been speaking a foreign language Taehyung had no knowledge of because he had no clue what you were saying; too distract by the fact that your lips were literally on his and you weren’t even kissing, though you both so badly want to.
“Kiss me, pussy,” is what you want to say to him, but you don’t. Your lips place delicate kisses down his neck, so soft and subtly and almost nonexistent, not wanting to cover up his tattoos with hickeys.
Your hands make their way down to his jeans until you’re undoing his belt and sliding it off with ease. With his elbows hosting himself up again, Taehyung watches you pull his jeans down all the way to his ankles until they’ve met the same fate as his Gucci belt. When you hook a finger on the waistband of his boxers, he stops you with a question.
“What’re you doing?” he slurs, and regrets asking such a dumb question because he already knows damn well what you’re gonna do.
“Gonna suck you off; is that okay?”
It’s more than okay, honestly. It’s just, Taehyung is a giver. His fans pay to watch him give and give and give until they’re watching his cum drip out of someone’s swollen cunt; he definitely wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of sex and couldn’t even remember the last time he’d gotten a proper blowjob.
He doesn’t respond verbally, only giving a light nod and running his tongue across his top lip.
Getting the answer you were hoping for, you tug off Taehyung’s boxers with a single finger, his cock springing free and laying flat against his abdomen. Precum leaks from his reddening tip and you can’t help but gasp at the euphoric sight. Taehyung smiles in delight when the soft noise leaves your mouth, and suddenly, he’d confident again.
Your hand makes it’s way to grab a hold of Tae’s cock, using the pad of your thumb to smear the seeping precum along his tip. He let’s out a moan of pleasure, already obsessed with the feeling of your small hand wrapped around his ever-hardening member.
Starting off with slow strokes, you lower your head until you’re inches away from his dick. You’re not even doing much, yet Taehyung feels like he could cum right now just by the way you’re looking at him; so dark and lustful and sinful, like the she-devil you truly were.
Without warning, your tongue presses itself alongside Tae’s tip, peppering the sides with small kitten licks. “Shit,” he mutters, eyes tightly shut. If he thought your hands were good, your tongue nearly sent him into overdrive.
The little kitten lick only last for a few seconds longer, and then your mouth is completely around him. He’s big around you, and it’ll take a bit of work if you plan on getting him to the back of your throat.
You pull your mouth away from with a pop, your free hand stroking off parts of him your mouth couldn’t reach quite yet. He’s still propped up on his elbows, watching as you get him off.
Your mouth is wrapped around him once again, and soon enough, his eyes are back to being shut as he takes in the warm feeling of your mouth. Taehyung fights the urge to buck his hips once you’re finally able to allow him deeper in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you fight off your gag reflex.
He even fights thee urge once you’ve gotten used to the feeling and began to slowly bob your head. He grabs a fistful of your hair tightly, earning a pleasing groan from you that vibrates around his dick. Pulling only a slight bit harder on your hair gets another reaction out of you, this time causing your left hand to work your way down into your panties.
The sight alone makes Taehyung want to replace your fingers with his own; watching his tattooed-hand disappearing into your underwear until his fingers are circling around your clit, slipping his fingers between your slick folds until they’re completely covered. He’d bring his fingers up to your mouth and whisper “taste yourself, baby, taste how wet you are for me,” then his fingers would be in your mouth, licking your juices clean. And he’d bring his hand back down to your cunt, calling you his good girl while we thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
But that can’t happen, at least not tonight while you were recording and, oh fuck…he was so caught up, Taehyung forgot this whole thing was being filmed.
“Shit, fuck, stop it,” he instructs, knowing he’d release right then and there if you kept this up.
“Something wrong?” you ask, your big doe eyes peering up at him with your mouth glistening with his precum. You looked so innocent yet so sinful and it drove Taehyung so crazy.
He’s taking his shit off, leaving him completely naked and you follow suit. “I shouldn’t be selfish,” he says when you’re leaning over him, hardening nipples brushing against his own chest. “You need to get off too, right?”
You grin with a nod before finally kissing him. It’s not a cute, first kiss you’d imagined it being, but it was something. Sloppy, messy, and horny.
When he tries to lift you up to lay you on your back, you stop him by pulling away from his lips and harshly grabbing his shoulder blade. “I’m going to top.”
Taehyung chuckles because he thinks your joking, and when he realizes you’re being serious, he shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” his dominant side had slowly began to show.
“That’s what you think,” you say, and reach down to grab his cock. He decides there’s no point in fighting you on this since your mind is made up and admits defeat by replacing your hand with his and rubbing his tip against your folds.
Your grip onto his shoulders to steady yourself, eyes closed while you let him tease your entrance. His tip lazily brushes circles on your cunt, and you can’t help but a let out a high-pitched whine when he’s finally inside of you.
His thrusts are slow at first, giving you time to stretch out around him. “Okay,” you sigh, once you’re finally ready for harder, deeper thrusts.
“You wanted to top so badly,” he says, “you do all the work.”
You let out a laugh but deiced it’s fair, so you rock your hips against his, grabbing his thighs to hold onto in the process. You’ve just started, but the feeling of Taehyung finally inside of you after all these weeks already has the both of you moaning, thankful your roommate was out of town.
Your head is thrown back now as you keep the steady pace, hair sticking to the sweat on your back while Tae keeps a firm grip on your waist. His eyes are still closed in fear of releasing right then and there if he opened his eyes to see the sight of you on top of him.
“Taehyung…I–I–” you’re barely able to talk, so close to your climax you can hardly get a word out.
“You wanna come?” he asks, fingers moving down to massage your clit, adding all the more reason for you to orgasm.
“Please,” you whine, although it’s not like Taehyung has told you to ask for permission to come, this is just you in your natural state. And he loves it.
“Then come,” he says, and your orgasm rips through you, the type that has your eyes rolling back and body shaking. Tae can’t help but do the same moments later, the feeling of your cum dripping around him a little too much to handle. The inside of your walls are splattered white, but you don’t mind much; at least you’re on the pill.
The two of you pant as you come down from your highs, both exhausted at this point. And you, being yourself, reach down to give Taehyung a high-five, to which he accepts with a laugh.
“That was fun,” you say, just now rising off of him and trying your best not to groan at the feeling of emptiness.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “you’re good at your job.”
You accept and return the compliment before turning off the camera and excusing yourself in the bathroom.
Alone with his thoughts, Taehyung flops backwards on your bed and recall what has just happened. He’s scared, he feels like you’ve trapped him in your heart, like a caged animal. He knows he shouldn’t have feelings for him, but he can’t help himself; you were absolutely perfect in his eyes.
When you enter the room again and lay down next to him, he thinks about how little he cares about anything other than you. He doesn’t care if his career doesn’t allow it, what his friends will say, or what his fans will say. He only wants you.
“Y/N?” he calls softly, turning his head to look at you.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
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Tagged by @mrs-amber (thanks for tagging me) !
Nickname : Lily
Starsign: Aquarius???
Gender : woman
Height : 173cm
Sexual orientation : straight
Color : as in fave? Idk the colors are mostly all neat except those ugly ones I guess
Current time : 21:24
Current location : home
Average hours of sleep : a sleep schedule? I don't know her!
Lucky number(s) : I don't think I have any. In those games where people go "chose a number" I always chose at random
Last thing I googled : the spelling of the past tense of "lead"
Number of blankets I sleep with : 1 or 2 depending on how cold it is
Favorite characters : it really depends on what I'm into at the moment so right now my brain is full of Kirishima Eijiro and Bakugo Katsuki (been like that for 4 years) and so is my heart. There's a constant place in my heart for Portgas D Ace and Franky. I love the Vermillion Siblings and ALL the black Bulls from Black Clover. I LOVE Lucy from Fairy Tail. Serena, Erik and Sylv from dqxi. Maribel from dqvii. I just had a flashback to Ozen from made in abyss and oh boy 😍 I don't talk about them as much but Rak, Wangnan, Endorsi, Anaak, Hatz and Shibisu from Tower of God own my heart. Also Yama! And Evankhell!!! From Lore Olympus I really love Hermes, Hera and Hecate! Senku, Gen and Chrome from Dr stone!!! Iharu, Reno, Kikoru and Kafka from Kaiju n8 (everyone should be reading it!!). Also Nikandros of course. I could keep going because I can never chose just one, but I'll spare you lol
Favorite musical artist: I don't actually have one. I just listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the moment
Do you have any other blog? : had one once but I figured very fast I'm more into puting everything in one blog where I sometimes remember to tag things to make it seem like It's semi-organized (it's not)
What made you decide to get tumblr : I don't actually remember what got me here. Was it from back in my ft days? Was it in my ml phase? Who knows
why did you choose your url?: my first url was embarrasing so we're not talking about it. For this one, I just played a bit with one of the suggested ones. I like it !
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. Do you like having your picture taken? No.
2. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non? I’ve had pictures taken at photo studios and I have a cousin who’s a photographer that did my college graduation photos.
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I mean, nowhere right now. BUT, there’s a lot of places I’d love to visit one day. Various countries and places here in the US. I just want to be able to travel a lot one day.
4. Who would you take with you on this little adventure? My family.
5. What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime? That’s going to be different for everyone of course, but basically something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Conquering a fear.
6. Would you ever do that? I don’t know. 
7. Have you ever done crossword puzzles? Yeah. I much prefer word searches, though.
8. Ever actually completed one? Yeah.
9. Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it. There isn’t a book near me.
10. Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio. Nah.
11. Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? Yeah, many times. I’ve tried to look up what some things symbolize and what it might mean for me. 
12. Would you put up posters in your room? Yeah. I have some things hung up. 
13. Can you sing? I can’t sing well at all. I wish.
14. Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks? Yes.
15. What's your favorite color of post-it note? Pink.
16. How many cassette tapes do you own? Zero.
17. How many cd's do you own? I don’t have any CDs anymore.
18. Ever bought a cd for just one song? I probably have. 
19. What would your perfect day consist of? Beach days are nice. Or since it’s winter, renting a cozy cabin in the snow sounds lovely.
20. Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone online? Yes.
21. Have you ever written a survey? Once. It was several years ago during the Xanga days. I wish I still had it saved.
22. How about a song? If so share it. No.
23. Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them. I dabbled with poetry when I was 16. I am definitely not sharing one, they’re super cringey.
24. Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time? I don’t have a VCR. Wow, cassette tapes and VCRs how old is this survey?
25. Do you read your horoscope? No.
26. If so, do you base your day on it? No, I’ve never been into astrology. I used to read it when I was younger like in an magazine, but it was always just for fun.
27. Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why? Chew gum. Mouthwash is way too strong to me and I find it irritating for my mouth and yeah it’s just not a pleasant experience.
28. Do you floss? No. :X
29. Are you addicted to napster like me? Okay, now you’ve mentioned Napster so this survey is super old. Napster was like late 90s and early 2000s. 
30. How many times a year about are you sick? I rarely get things like a cold, which I find interesting because I feel like my immune system is crap, but I feel sick and crappy often for other reasons.
31. Ever been in an airplane? Yes, a few times.
32. If so where were you flying to? Georgia and back and to Disneyland and back.
33. What radio station to you listen to most? It’s been a few years since I’ve listened to the radio.
34. What color are your shoes? I wear my black Adidas the most.
35. Was fuzzy wuzzy a bear? He was. He had no hair, though, so he wasn’t actually fuzzy.
36. Do you know how to play dominos? I’ve never really played.
37. Or do you think I just mean pizza by that? No, I know what dominos are.
38. Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind? (toppings and/or place to get it from) My favorite is from this local place. I like to get white sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, crumbled meatballs, garlic, spinach, and pesto and olive oil drizzles. I’ve been really craving that lately.
39. What color are your eyes? Brown.
40. How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime? Oh pffffft, I am not even going to attempt to figure that out. There’s no way I could. I’ve been doing surveys for so long and sadly so many of them are gone because they were done on Myspace and Xanga. :(
41. Describe your bedroom, include all details. Okay, you want details? Here we go...
It’s small and has way too much stuff. For one thing, there’s giraffe stuffed animals all over, including a 4 ft one in the corner. There’s a dresser by the window that has my TV and Christmas decorations on it. To the right of that is a 6-cube shelf with some of the aforementioned giraffe stuffed animals as well as giraffe knickknacks, some coloring books and coloring supplies, a mini Christmas tree on top, a few more giraffe stuffed animals, a nice picture frame with my dog, Brandie, who passed away, and my BB8 droid I made at Disneyland. Above the shelf is an I Love Lucy wall clock. My closest is nearby and is full of medical supplies, 3-drawer file thing with random stuff I insist on holding onto, my shoes, and all my jackets and sweatshirts. To the left of my dresser is my bookshelf with a lot of books and other figurines and knickknacks of various things I like and hey surprise, surprise, more giraffe stuffed animals! Across from the bookshelf and dresser is my bed, which is also my desk cause I keep my laptop on it, my chargers, my phone, a coloring book, a couple packs of colored pencils, my Bible study stuff, my remotes, and my Nintendo Switch. I have a pile of clothes, too, cause dresser and closet are too full. I have like 8 throw pillows, a body pillow, a back pillow, and a couple actual pillows. I have a few stuffed animals that sit on my bed as well, which are a huge squishmallow giraffe, a small squishmallow pug, a small squishmallow Dumbo, a small squishmallow Baby Yoda/Grogu, and a Baby Yoda/Grogu plushie. To the right of my bed is a TV tray that has my bottles of water, my medicine and pill crusher, a box of straws, a glass, a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink, chapstick, my wallet, a Zip-loc bag with half a glazed donut and half a chocolate one, and a small bag of shortbread cookies. Behind the TV tray is my 3-drawer bedside table, which has a makeup storage thing on it that I plan on cleaning out and getting rid of cause I don’t wear makeup anymore and could use that space for something else, a bottle of lotion, a couple little room sprays from B&BW, and a jewelry tray. Hung up on my walls around the room are a few giraffe framed paintings, a couple beachy canvas paintings, two Alexander Skarsgard calendars, a bulletin board with various stuff pinned to it, and a marker board. There’s also a hamper in here, a floor lamp, a ceiling fan/light, two fans, and an ottoman.
42. Name one person your life is made better by. My mom. She’s my best friend. 
44. How about someone else's? Huh?
45. Can you do math with ease? Ha, noooo. Me and math never got along.
46. What size is your computer screen? It’s 13.3 inches.
47. If you could only talk to one person online who would that be? Someone from the survey community on here.
48. Name your favorite type of music and why. I like a variety of music--various genres and decades.
49. Are you a vegetarian? No.
50. How about an aspiring actor/actress? Not at all.
51. What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? Alexander Skarsgard.
52. Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors? There’s a lot of movies I could do that with. I try not to cause it gets annoying, but it happens.
53. Name one of your passions in life. I don’t know. :/
54. What's your least favorite time of day? Evening time.
55. Who's your favorite member in a band, singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer, and why? The singer, typically.
56. Do you use hairspray or gel? I use neither.
57. Describe your favorite meal. Wingstop’s boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings. I also really enjoy my nightly bowl of ramen.
58. What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes? Black.
59. Ever listen to classical music? Not typically, but it is nice.
60. Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it? No.
61. Do you find you use internet language when writing notes irl? I use “wtf, “wth”, “omg”, and “lol.” 
62. What songs would be on your ideal cd? Like I said, I like variety, so a mix of songs.
63. Say one thing you've learned today. Nothing, really.
64. What is the best present you've ever given someone else? I don’t know.
65. What is the best present someone else has ever given to you? I’ve been given many nice gifts throughout my life. I’m appreciative of all the gifts I’ve received.
66. So hey, what's your full name? Stephanie is all you need to know.
67. Describe yourself while drunk. I was chatty and annoying.
68. How big are the windows in your house? Regular, common size? .
69. Do you wear a watch? Nope.
70. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else? Nothing.
71. What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated? Just a year.
72. How many mirrors do you have? Just one in my room.
73. Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on. I don’t know, man.
74. Have you ever sailed? Nope.
75. How fast can you run? I used to be able to go pretty fast, but not now. I don’t have the upper body strength or energy I used to have.
76. What do you believe in? I believe in God.
77. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? Not long at all. I just change clothes, quickly do something with my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, put on my shoes, and then grab my bag and mask and go. And a coat if needed.
78. Do you shower daily? If not how often? No, I shower 3-4 times a week.
79. What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so? I’d make it so I had good health.
80. Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it. Teleportation. I’d travel all over.
81. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? They can be both.
82. Name something you've done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small. I had coffee and donuts. Exciting stuff.
83. Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings? I haven’t worn any in awhile.
84. What colors are you wearing right now? Just black.
85. How often do you change the sheets on your bed? Twice a month.
86. Have you ever gotten lost? Not alone, thankfully, but yeah.
87. What's on your computer desk? I mentioned in the question about my room that my bed is also my desk and I listed the things on it.
88. How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment? Zero.
89. When your talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words? Sometimes, if I find it necessary to do so.
90. Which landmark would you climb if you could? None.
91. Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? I read the Chicken Soup For The Soul books when I was younger but that's it. <<< Same.
92. Ever seriously questioned your sanity? Yes. 93. Can you breakdance? No.
94. What's in your fridge right now? Food and drinks. I’m tired from listing everything in that room description question lol.
95. How many people do you live with? I live with 3 people and a doggo.
96. Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area? No.
97. What is the strangest thing you've ever done? Uhhh. I don’t know.
98. Name an instrument you've never played but would like to. Guitar.
99. Have you ever been on tv or the radio? Myself, as well as my story, was on TV after my accident happened. 
100. What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you? Physically hurt me.
101. Are you a fast typer? Yes.
102. How high have you counted before getting bored? I don’t know, but probably not very high. I probably would get to 100 and be over it.
103. Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep) I sleep slightly propped up and turned to my left side. I have indigestion and post-nasal drip issues, so I can’t sleep flat. I have a whole nighttime routine consists of scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, and listening to ASMR until I feel tired enough to fall asleep.
104. Are you straight, bi, gay? I’m straight.
105. Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so what? Sometimes I’m watching TV.
106. What is the most expensive item you own? My MacBook Air.
107. How about the least expensive? My little knickknacks.
109. What do you do online? Check my social medias, watch YouTube, scroll through Tumblr, and do surveys.
110. Name some stores you've bought clothes in before. Boxlunch, Hot Topic, Kohl’s, JCP, Target, H&M, Macy’s, Forever 21... those are a few that come to mind.
111. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? I struggled with mythology. I just couldn’t get into it, so that definitely didn’t help, and it was hard to follow.
112. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? Yeah. Whenever that happens I jump on Google and read up on it afterwards. 
113. Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs? I pick up lingo from others most often. 
114. Are you easily influenced by other people, or current trends? No, I wouldn’t say that.
115. What makes you unique in your own opinion? I don’t feel very unique.
116. Name your worst quality. Where to start... .
117. Name your best. I like that I’m open-minded.
118. What would you like to do with your life? I need to get myself together and figure that out.
119. Do you blowdry your hair? Nah.
120. How many clocks are in your house? We have like 3 wall clocks and there’s digital clocks throughout the house on appliances and electronics.
121. Are they all set on the same time? The phones and electronics are. The others are a few minutes fast. My parents set their digital clock like 15 minutes fast.
122. Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the actual time? Like I said, we set some of them a few minutes ahead.
123. What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning? "What time is it?"
124. Which browser do you use? Google Chrome.
125. Do you bite your nails? Ugh, I don’t bite them but I pick and clip at them with clippers constantly. 
126. Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf? Sure, I think that’s cute.
127. Ever been to a farm? Yes.
128. Tell me about your dream last night. I don't remember. I rarely ever do. What typically happens is I’ll remember when I first get up, but then it like vanishes. My dreams are like Snapchat. If only there was an option to save or screenshot them like Snapchat.
129. Ever seen a shooting star? No, actually.
130. Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone. Uhhhh. I’m so boring, I can’t think of something interesting to share.
131. Do your days fly by or seem to last forever? It often seems like the days go by slow, but then before I know it it’s already been a whole week again and I’m like wtf it was just Monday? That’s how the years tend to feel, too. There’s definitely some days that just really seem draaaaag, though. And there’s something about January that always feels super long. 
132. Have you ever stayed in a fancy high class rich hotel? Yes. 133. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? No.
134. What in your opinion is the best advertising slogan out there? If they get stuck in your head then they’re doing something right. It’s gotta be catchy. Jingles work well.
135. When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go? Noooo, absolutely not.
136. How are you feeling right now? Tired, kinda hungry, and lonely.
137. Have you ever written anything on your skin? Yeah.
138. If so what? Random stuff. That was something a lot of people seemed to do in like middle school and high school for some reason.
139. Which website do you frequent most often? Tumblr and YouTube.
140. What color are most of your clothes? Black.
141. Do you own any plants? Nope.
142. Are things as bad as they seem? They sure seem bad to me.
143. Describe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. My mom is amazing. She’s sacrificed so much. I’m 31 years old and require aid with some things and here she is still taking care of me and doing so much for me on top of working a full-time job, being a caregiver for a family friend as well, taking care of us as a family and of things at home, and she very rarely has anytime for herself. She’s spread very thin and works so hard and yeah I just could never thank her enough. She’s the absolute best and I would be so lost without her. I couldn’t keep going if it weren’t for her.
144. Ever looked directly at the sun? Yes.
145. Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse? No.
146. What's your favorite cereal? All the main sugary ones, ha.
147. Who do you miss? My loved ones who have passed away.
148. Name something you just can't forget no matter how hard you try. Uh, a lot of things. My mind doesn’t like me to forget things like that. It likes to remind me of them often. Things like that hit at random times as well, like my brain will be like, ‘hey remember when...’ and I’m like, ‘ugh, yes I remember you won’t let me forget.’
149. Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal. I’ve never been in a physical fight, but there were some verbal ones. I don’t want to get into them right now.
150. Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before. Noooo. 
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petri808 · 5 years
Mocha Latte Dream
So happy I managed to get one done in time lol.  @diabl0o  thank you for the idea!
@nalu-fluff-week Prompt: Cafe
“I am not!”  
“You are too!” Gray quips and crosses his arms, “I can’t see any girl giving such a goofy idiot like you the time of day.”
“Tch, big words for a guy who can’t get to first base with Juvia.”  Natsu picks up his cup of coffee to take a sip.  
“Whatever, at least I have someone who likes me.”
Natsu lifts the coffee cup to his lips before retorting, but quickly realizing it was empty.  “Dang,” the cup drops back to the table, “I need a refill.  Be right back.”  
“Wait!” Erza’s hands fly up to stop the young man from standing up, but it was too late.
As Natsu jumps from his seat and quickly turns, he doesn’t notice another patron about to walk past and bumps right into her, spilling the blonde’s cup of iced mocha down her skirt. The whole table goes silent for several tense seconds as both Natsu and the woman freeze in place.  Natsu’s male friends, Gray and Gajeel snicker quietly while the females, Erza and Levy shake their heads.    
“See… idiot,” Gray mumbles.
“OMG!” the blonde shrieks, dropping her backpack into the seat previously occupied by Natsu.  She lifts the fabric of her skirt to inspect the damage and realizes only about a quarter of the cup had spilled onto it, most ending up on the floor.  But that was still an issue.  “You clumsy!” She catches herself before swearing.  “Ugh!  Pay attention to where you’re going!”
“I-I’m so sorry!!” Natsu panics, his face heating up into a flush.  He waves his hands excitedly in front of him, “I’ll go ask for a rag and order you a brand-new cup of coffee.”    
She jabs her finger into his chest, "you bet your clumsy hands that you're buying me a new one Pinky.  Don’t worry about the rag, I’ll just go wash up in the restroom,” she huffs and stomps away.
“Wait’a go Pinky,” Gajeel sneers, “could you be any smoother about picking up chicks?”
“Shut up!” Natsu levels a glare at the older guy, “and it’s salmon,” he pouts, “not pink…” mumbling as he walks back to the cashier.  
Of all the ways to embarrass himself, really, bumping and spilling coffee all over a pretty girl. “Smooth move…” he groans.  Someone just end his torture please.  His friends were right, maybe he really will be single for the rest of his life.  As the line slowly moves forward, Natsu keeps an eye out for Blondie.  ‘I bet she’s gonna tell her friends later about it. Word will spread about how a goofy boy with pink hair spilled coffee all over her skirt at the FT Cafe.’  His shoulders slump with a heavy sigh, ‘At least she didn’t slap me.’
He places his order for two drinks and moves to the side to wait.  Damn cashier had even sneered at him and pointed out another employee with a mop and bucket cleaning up the mess he’d made.  Talk about even more embarrassing.  Natsu swore he could feel the stares against his back or snickers from other customers. ‘Tch, whatever.  They act like people don’t have accidents sometimes.’
Meanwhile Blondie had made her way back to the table.  He could see the dark, damp spot on her blue skirt like a beacon calling attention to the whole disaster.  ‘It’s just coffee,’Natsu reminds himself, certain that it wouldn’t leave a lasting stain. ‘Fuck it, if it does, I’ll just buy her a new skirt.’ She appeared in good spirits despite what had happened, chatting casually with his friends as if she’d known them forever.  Laughing with them… the woman has such a bright pretty smile….  What was he thinking!  This isn’t the time to have such thoughts!  He turns away quickly, refocusing on waiting for their order.  They were a good group, and it was nice to see her relaxed around them.
“Here you go.”  Natsu places the new drink on the table in front of Blondie.  
She stops mid-sentence of her conversation with Levy, looking up, to thank him.  “Oh, I can move,” she starts to grab her bag, “this was your seat.”
“No, no,” Natsu waves his hands excitedly, “don’t worry, really, I’ll just grab another one,” looking around for an extra chair, “please stay and chat if you’re enjoying it.”
“I am, actually,” she looks back to the group with a smirk, “they’ve been really nice, telling me all about you.”
Natsu glares at the two other males, knowing they were the most likely culprits, “I’m sure they are,” he seethes through a gritted smile.  “Be right back, I’m gonna find a chair.”  The place was fairly busy, but he manages to find an unused one and brings it back to the group, settling in between Lucy and Gray.  
“So, what’d I miss,” Natsu fidgets with the cup in his hands.
“Well Lucy here was just telling us how she’s thinking of coming to this college in the fall,” Gray explains as he leans back, purposely bumping his shoulder against Natsu’s.  
“Yeah,” she blushes lightly, “they have a good creative writing program here, but I wasn’t sure how housing would work so I came to see the campus for myself and talk to an advisor.”
‘So, Blondie’s name is Lucy…’ Natsu’s smiles at the new piece of information.  “Are you gonna be a Freshman?” He asks her.
“Mmhmm,” she nods, sipping at her drink.  “Erza said I could probably get into their Sorority and that’ll take care of housing.”
He sits up straight.  “That would be so awesome!” Natsu utters a little too excitedly, earning a weird look from not just Lucy, but everyone on the table. “I mean,” he pipes back down, “their sorority and our frat are linked, that’s how we all know each other so you’ll fit right in.”
Lucy’s eyebrow raises, “That means I’ll run into you too I presume?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“It might be for my clothing.”
At that moment you could have heard a pin drop as everyone else’s jaws at the table drop.  Gray and Gajeel wanted to high-five the blonde for getting a crack in, but they all were just waiting to see Natsu’s follow up. The boy rarely ever backed down from a game of jest, even against other girls.  He and Grays bicker contests could go on for hours.  
But instead of getting all fired up, Natsu deflates completely in his chair.  “I didn’t mean to spill your drink,” he pouts, “I’ll even buy you a new skirt if that’ll make you feel better.”
Levy and Erza turn to each other sharing a knowing look, the boy was smitten!  But Gray and Gajeel chuckle.  Gray’s known Natsu since High school, and this was the first time, well first girl he’s ever been so cheeky with.    
It wasn’t the reaction Lucy had expected.  Natsu’s friends had described a high energy, lovable goof ball, who was quick with worded jabs, loving any challenge that presents itself.  She really wasn’t that upset over the coffee debacle and had planned on just teasing the boy as a bit of payback.  The boy was goofy alright, but his pout and genuine despondency over possibly upsetting her, made him quite endearing.  All the guys she’s known till now would have cared less about something this minor.
Lucy relaxes, “that’s not necessary Natsu, I was just teasing.  You seem like a nice enough guy, so running into you again on campus wouldn’t be so bad.”
That perks Natsu right back up again.  He beams with an ear to ear grin, “Really!  Yeah, and of course if you’d like a tour of the campus or anything, I can help you navigate!  It’s a pretty big place and it’s easy to get lost when you’re not familiar with it.”
Her cheeks burn from seeing such an adorable reaction.  This pink-haired boy sure made it too easy to find him charming, and she couldn’t disagree that he was a bit attractive.  “I’d like that actually.  I’ve never been away from home on my own before, but you guys are making it so inviting.”
“Well Natsu here,” Gray slaps him on the back, “is gonna be a Junior so he’s familiar with the campus, and what he don’t know I’m sure one of us can help ya.”
“I’ll probably have classes in the same buildings as you,” Levy chimes in, “cause most of the linguistic courses are there.”
“And I volunteer with Freshman orientation,” adds Erza, “so I’ll make sure you get what you need.”  
“Oh my, you guys are so sweet!”  Lucy’s eyes crinkle in a smile.  She sits up straight, “alright!  I’ve made up my mind, I’m definitely coming here!”
The group chats for another hour or so, regaling Lucy with stories about Magnolia U, the town, and about their little group.  She in turn tells them a little more about herself, her hometown of Crocus, and family’s business.  By the time she needed to go to catch the last train home, she truly felt like a part of their group.  She makes sure to get all of their contact information so they can stay in touch through summer break.  
It was almost sad to say goodbye.  Who’d have guessed an innocent little accident would have led to a wonderful afternoon.  Guess she really had to forgive Natsu now for being clumsy.  “Again, thank you, because I was on the fence about moving here, but now I’m so glad I met you guys.”  
“That’s great to hear, Lucy,” Erza speaks for them all.  “And if you have any other questions registering just contact me, I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”
Lucy stands up, shouldering her backpack with a smile, “I will.  Have a nice summer everyone!”  She waves and starts off towards the exit.
Just as she makes it out of the glass doors, a man calls to her.  She turns around to wait.  “Did I forget something Natsu?”
“Oh, no,” he breathes out, catching his breath from dashing out after her.  “I—I, had a question…”
“Yes?” she looks at him inquisitively.  
He runs his hand nervously through his hair, “d-do you think over the summer I could see you or something? You know, c-cause I’d like to get to know you better.”
Lucy blinks, surprised that he was asking her that.  She grins, “Natsu Dragneel, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Maybe…” he grins, feeling the weight and heat of the question boring down on him.  “I mean it could just be like a casual, you know, to hang out and stuff.”
She chuckles, “I’d like that.”  Giving him a quick peck on the cheek.  “I gotta run, but text me or something, kay?”  
“Bye, Natsu!” Lucy waves and jogs away.
He places his hand over his cheek where she’d kissed.  It felt so much warmer than the rest of his face, and no doubt flushed a nice bright shade of red.  Fall couldn’t get here soon enough…
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