#and were drawn by the dynaswap creators
why does noodle have so many scars on her face and who do I need to scar for rest of There life's?
( I'm not angry I'm just FURIOUS )
the good news is that you get to be furious at my favorite thing to be angry about, the government !
lets get to know dynaswap noodle :>
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in this instance, what was swapped between her and russel were their ages ! russel is our bright 8 year old boy when he first met the rest of the band, and noodle was only barely in her 20s.
what this means for her is that she'd lived her childhood, her teenage years, and the very cusp of her adulthood as a tool for the government. raised as a killing machine and forced to act on it.
the scars on her body are the memories of a hard life and a stolen childhood.
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in the end, she escaped because her program was on the cusp of being caught. not wanting a potentially international incident, they'd wanted to cut their losses by simply killing the children they'd ruined and pretending it never happened.
she ran, and in her escape he'd found herself wandering the streets of england.
it'd been total chance that she'd happened upon a poster advertising for the role of guitarist in a little two-person band known as the Gorillaz. she'd never played a guitar before, but she saw this as a sign from the universe. -besides, she's a fast learner
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while her origin was dark, she is anything but ! she absolutely delights in this chance at a second life, a Real life. wishing to live life to the fullest and find everything it has to offers. a sweetheart, a gifted artist, a scarred soul desperate for the chance she never thought she'd get to have.
as such, this band means everything to her, no matter how broken it may be. it's the only family she's ever known, the only true life she's ever gotten to live.
she watches over russel as a big sibling he's never had, taking care of him and nurturing his potential in every way she can
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likewise, she sees much of herself in murdoc, a sort of father figure (even if he's less stable than her at times). her scars run deep, and with them come an anger and confusion that she often doesn't know what to do with. but she's determined to find her way, and find it with her family.
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... even if she happens to butt heads with them, or more accurate have her head butt into.
most people butt heads with stu, but he's still a part of her family. he may be a slave to his emotions (and unable to filter a single thought in his head), at the core of everything he Means well. he doesn't Want to hurt anyone, he just doesn't know how to control himself anymore. something she can Also see herself in.
she wouldn't be here in her new life if it wasn't for him, and so she reaches out no matter how prickly he may be. sometimes she gets pricked for her efforts, and sometimes she makes her way through.
besides, both of her stinky boys adore russel, would never show him the teeth they gnaw on each other with. and that means something.
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... of course, this all raises the question of how she's able to perform, if she's supposed to be on the run from the japanese government. and that would be her mask !
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she actually has many of them ! she wears them while performing, for promotional material, and while out of the house ! though her main one is derivative of her first mask, the uniform she'd worn once upon a time.
of course, her Favorite mask is the one russel made for her
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this makes her very mysterious in the eyes of the fans, and quite androgynous too ! unintentionally so, At First.
living the kind of life that she did before, her gender had never mattered to her, and it really doesn't now either. when she's asked what gender she is, she simply doesn't answer.
and in the end, she figures that she's nonbinary ! or perhaps agender. or perhaps the label doesn't matter, as long as she knows who she is. of course, she still uses she/her, and why shouldn't she? they're perfectly good pronouns to have.
and yes, she likes girls
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if you'd like to see more of noodle, and more of this au as a whole, please feel free to check out my full au guide ! laying out everything the au has to offer in story order [Link]
and of course, I have a guide for canon gorillaz here [Link]
and feel free to talk to me about this au ^^ I always enjoy it @internetcartoon
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this is something that I've been waiting to be able to share for some time! I wanted to post it when I was close to having the guides for dynaswap finished (which I should, very soon <3)
it, quite frankly, changes everything for me.
dynaswap has made jokes about stu and murdoc having sex before [Link], and it's been implied that stu and murdoc were going to start Getting Along phase 4-5 [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4], but this is Direct Confirmation that had dynaswap continued stu and murdoc would have been in a romantic relationship phase 5.
I say phase 5 Specifically because of Something Else
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this is the full page of a teaser that was released august 7th, 2018 [Link]
this was a few weeks before the official blog came out, so these are Very likely early drafts for what would have been phase 5 (stu's appearance Especially seems to be based more on his appearance in phase 1 than the design they seem to have gone with for phase 4-5.
but this is Also where we finally FINALLY got the uncensored chart for stu's glass eyes [Link]
the red "souk eye" was a gift from murdoc, given to stu in phase 5. both for the obvious reason of It's Name, And because the only images for phase 4 that we have Very Specifically draw stu without any glass eyes at all, going back to having an empty socket [Link 1, Link 2]
it's Also notable because all of those teasers to stu and murdoc's relationship getting Better that the creators posted Show Stu Wearing The Souk Eye. this is clearly Very Significant to them and their relationship, and you notice it Everywhere once you know where to look.
I'll mourn that we'll never know how this happened, how they were supposed to work things out. but I'm so grateful that we Get to know.
these sketches (and several others that I'll be sharing shortly <3) were sourced from a friend who used to be in the dynaswap discord before it was deleted. I trust that they're telling me the truth (I know them personally, and of course we Know the second image is real).
But it's worth noting that we Do have overt proof that the first image was drawn by paleimitatorz.
october 2nd, 2018, they were asked to draw "lovesick murdoc," and in response they posted a colored and slightly edited version of the image in the lower right corner !: [Link]
and something to note here is What makes it edited. All of the images that we have for murdoc phase 4-5 show him with one permanently white eye. which paleimitatorz specifically drew Back In when they colored this sketch.
I don't know if this was done to hide that it was dynaswap or to avoid spoilers, but it Is worth noting that they've posted edited dynaswap images before [Link]
I bring this up for reasons. Firstly that I think this is a slight hint towards what would have happened to murdoc !
his eyes have always gone all white when he's possessed, so there's a lot of Demonic Implications if one of his eyes is now Permanently white. something that I've speculated about Here in regards to a different teaser [Link]
the other reason why I bring it up is because I've taken the liberty of editing it Back to being dynaswap, just for fun.
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