#and what's in the tag is just miklu bad
nanoa1foryou · 8 months
Okay, I can see a problem with Vox Populi and Mikael Gabriel.
This is just a really uncomfortable song. But I'm gonna talk about it. And I want to hear your takes on it.
I wonder if the song would really carry as much weight if the writer didn't have some controversial opinions of their own. Coming from a writer who know that what they think is not generally considered the norm, and in some cases could be harmful, it adds a context to accepting other people's opinions in a proper live and let live kind of way. Coming from someone who's most controversial take is their favourite ice cream flavour, that point wouldn't really be as strong.
Also, since a lot of people brought up the covered tattoo a a reason Mikael is somehow bad, I don't think that's a strong argument. Someone having shown and publicly admitted that they have learned from a mistake or developed their understanding is a good thing. That case puts a lot more context to the message of "attacking people over opinions won't really get anyone anywhere".
On the other hand, hearing someone with all kinds of wild takes ranging from weird bullshit to conspiracy theory territory saying "we're not gonna shut up" and "stop being sheep" is just vittuilu, in the worst way. Like yeah, that's not really enjoyable to listen to. Nor is it good writing. It's just intentionally provocative, which defeats the stated message of the song.
Also, "All opinions are equally wrong" could be taken as a dog whistle for various groups. That's not a great, especially if the song is meant to unite people.
So, this song has some really shitty parts to it and some really insightful parts to it. Do I think the song is shit? No. Do I think the song is great? Also no. It is catchy and has something to say. That message isn't entirely positive, but it could be.
At the end of the day, I believe people have the right to voice their opinions on issues, even if those opinions are considered bad or disagreeable. But you can't just say whatever and expect people to be fine with it. your opinions will affect the people around you and how they treat you, so just saying "Don't hate me, it's just my opinion" has it's limits.
But this is getting off topic now. What I will say is that I hope it doesn't win, because none of this would translate to the general international audience because they would be missing like 90% of the context of the song. Hell, I think the context will be missing for majority of the Finnish audience as well, because all of it contained to xitter and rumours.
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