#and when I asked him to repeat his nasty ass email because I couldn’t understand him
gales-big-naturals · 4 months
Tired as fuck at work and my least favourite customer came in while my coworker was on break so I had to deal with him. He didn’t tell me he wanted two of something so I had to restart the transaction and our till goes insane if you cancel a purchase and then immediately start another one that’s too similar so I had to deal with him for like 5 whole minutes. Also every other customer has found the most long winded way ti tell me what kind of weed they want.
Actually gonna commit a murder if I have to interact with 1 more customer
0 notes
cymonebeverly · 4 years
Meet the Parents
INVOLVED: Cymone Smith, Jaden Young, Sasha Young, Lyla Young, and Isaac Young  TIME FRAME: Wednesday, January 29th, 2019 LOCATION: Young Residence; Los Angeles, California SUMMARY: Jaden takes Cymone to meet his family for the very first time.
Jaden sat in the car gripping the steering wheel hard as they rested in front of his parents' house. “Are we sure about this?” he asked her softly, trying to build up the nerve to get out of the car.
Cymone looked to her phone replying to an email swiftly, she looked over at the boy as she sent it and said. “Hm?” curiously, she hadn’t been listening honestly. She was pregnant, and engaged to the man, who ever had a problem could kiss her fat round lifted ass at this point. A couple weeks in and this child had already managed to turn her life upside down much like its father had. She batted her lashes, squinting before she said “this was your suggestion remember…”
Sighing out, Jaden looked at Cymone and he tapped the steering wheel with his hands. “You’re right,” he said as he turned the car off and looked at her. He gently took her hand into his own, kissing the back of it lovingly. “Everything will be fine,” he said thoughtfully before he moved to get out of the car and he jogged around to open Cymone’s door, helping her out.
“We are adults Jaden” she shrugged lightly “we have the final say in all of this,” she told him as he kissed the back of her hand. She smiled as he got out the car moving towards her, and she unfastened herself and climbed out of the car with his help. She smoothed her dress out a bit, adjusting the belt she chose to accessories to hide any sign of her potentially looking pregnant at first glance to anyone. Cymone pulled her Gucci sunglasses off, and looked at herself in the reflection of the car. She adjusted the Gucci belt again before she shifted on her red bottom heels, the arch was already killing her feet never mind the walk to the front door. “Okay” she breathed psyching herself up as well.
“Okay,” Jaden repeated her as he gently closed the door behind her, locking the car. He slid his keys into his pocket and took her hand into his as he walked up the walkway to the door. Rising the three tiny steps, he stood before the front door and he let out a small sigh of breath before he inhaled deeply and knocked three times.
Sasha smiled brightly as she stood in the kitchen with her mother, helping to prepare lunch for everyone and when she heard the door, she quickly grabbed a towel to wipe her hands. “I’ll get it,” she said as she tossed the towel aside, floating towards the door, really excited to see her little brother and meet his girlfriend. She swung the door open and cheesed widely at Jaden before her eyes fell upon the woman with him and her smile faulted just slightly as her eyes quickly shot back to Jaden in shock. “Hi,” she said quickly, a hint of confusion in her voice as she waved them inside, wanting them off the porch before they said any kind of introduction. She closed the door behind the couple and cleared her throat as she stared at Jaden.
Jaden looked over at Cymone before the door opened and he quickly whipped his head back around to smile at his sister before he caught the expression on her face. It was a quick flash, but he saw it. He looked at Cymone once more, squeezing her hand before he stepped into the house behind his sister. As Sasha closed the door and gazed at him, he cleared his throat as well. “Sasha this is my fiancée Cymone, Cymone this is my older sister Sasha,” he said trying to keep his cool as he did.
Cymone all but tiptoed towards the door next to him as they moved for the front door of his parents' home. Once there she waited beside him for someone to answer the door holding his hand all the while. Once someone did, she looked to them offering them a smile despite the arrangement of expressions they had gone through. She looked to Jaden, staying optimistic deep down and she stepped into the threshold, heels clicking against the flooring as she did. As Jaden introduced them, she nodded her head happily “Hi, nice to meet you” she said offering the girl her hand to shake “I have heard so much about you” she said softly.
Fiancée? Sasha thought to herself as she tried to smile but it ended up just looking like a grimace as she looked to Cymone. “Nice to meet you as well,” she said as she shook the woman’s hand. “I feel like I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you…” she said back to her. It wasn’t to be nasty, but Jaden had clearly kept things to himself about his fiancée. The most important being her age. How old was this woman? Clearly older than herself. Was she in late twenties, mid-thirties, early forties? She had no idea. As she looked the woman over it was hard to tell exactly. She just knew that, this Cymone was definitely older than her brother. She looked wise and well-lived. “How are you?” Sasha finally said after a long pause of silence as she got out of her own head.
Lyla fished the grilled chicken from the oven where it had been staying to keep warm quickly chopped it all up and dropped it into a bowl before she moved to wash her hands, drying them quickly. Sasha had been out of the kitchen for a while now, probably getting acquainted with their guest and Jaden’s new girlfriend, so she felt by now she should introduce herself. Pulling her apron off, she laid it on the counter before she exited the kitchen. She moved down the hallway and into the foyer, the woman coming into view and Lyla slowed her tracks as her head cocked to the side slightly. Who was this woman in her house? She couldn’t possibly be her son’s girlfriend. Approaching the trio in the middle of the foyer, Lyla looked at Sasha, then at the woman, then at her son. “Jaden, I thought you were bringing your girlfriend?” she questioned, eyeing the woman curiously.
Jaden bit his lip as Sasha greeted Cymone and he bit back a wince at her comment about knowing nothing about her. Once more he squeezed Cymone’s hand, he was beginning to feel like this was a terrible, terrible idea. The silence was deafening and when his sister finally asked Cymone how she was, Jaden let out a breath before he noticed his mother coming down the hallway and he inhaled deeply, holding it without even realizing as she approached. At his mother’s question, he looked at her a bit oddly, his eyebrows pulling together. Was she playing or did she honestly not see Cymone standing there holding his hand? “This,” he said gesturing to Cymone with his freehand. “This is Cymone, my… fiancée…” he said dropping that bit of information once more.
Cymone took in Sasha’s comment and she licked her lips slowly casting her eyes aside. Well what a bitchy thing to do, Cymone thought to herself for a moment as she held her Gucci purse in her hand gently. After she finally spoke again, interrupting the silence she replied back to the girl “uh, I have no complaints,” she answered not knowing what else to say to her. As the boy’s mother surfaced she took her in, she was a gorgeous woman she had told herself until her mouth opened and she swallowed hard. Cymone was a grown woman she knew how to conduct herself, but she always had a serious issue with disrespectful individuals. “Hi, nice to meet you” she said offering her hand to the older woman “I have heard a lot about you” she said using the same phrase, same line again not knowing what else to do here.
Sasha nodded slowly. “That’s good to hear,” she said awkwardly, completely unsure of what to do now. She originally had so many questions and things to talk about with his girlfriend and now she was speechless. Actually speechless. However, as their mother approached, she found her words to say, “oh god,” under her breath as she stepped aside slightly. Shock taking over her face as Jaden was bold enough to tell their mother right then and there that this woman was his fiancée.
Lyla’s face scrunched slightly at her son’s words and she choked on air. “Fiancée?” she asked shocked. That was more shocking than the big elephant in the room, which was the woman’s age. Slowly Lyla turned to look at the woman once more and she forced a smile. “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I hadn’t realized,” she muttered, trying to compose herself from the revelation. Honestly trying to understand and comprehend everything that was going on right now. Her son had brought a middle-aged woman into her house and claimed that said woman was his fiancée, as in engaged to be his wife. What? She thought to herself. “Uhm…” she said trying to figure out what to say. “Nice to meet you,” she finally got out. “I’m Lyla… Jaden’s mother…” she said tilting her head to the side as she gazed at Cymone. “Uh… how did you two meet?” she asked absolutely needing to know what in the buffoonery was going on here.
Jaden licked his lips slowly as his mother’s face went through a range of emotions just as his sister’s had. He guessed it was to be expected, he was dropping a lot onto them all at once. “Yes, fiancée,” he said growing a bit of confidence now. As his mother said her words to Cymone, once more he squeezed her hand. “Uh, well, funny story actually…” he trailed off looking to Cymone, his eyes wide.
Cymone looked to Sasha nodding slowly before she turned back to the boy’s mother shifting the weight on her tall heels. As his mother then proceed to go through the motions Cymone stood there, allowing her the opportunity holding Jaden’s hand in hers, fingers laced now for extra support for him and herself. She dropped her hand after she realized the woman had no intentions of shaking it and nodded to her “hi” she offered the woman again trying not to squint her eyes at her. At Jaden’s response she smirked “should I tell the story, or should you?” she asked him amused, knowing who pursued who first.
Sasha looked to her mother and gnawed on her bottom lip because she honestly didn’t know how her mother was going to react and she had a knack for saying some things, her mouth often the source of tension. Standing there, Sasha waited with bated breaths because despite her shock and initial reaction, she actually wanted to get to know Cymone, if this was indeed serious. As their mother finally spoke out to Cymone, she let out a breath. Okay, that wasn’t bad. “How about we move to sit down,” she said thoughtfully, looking at Cymone’s shoes, knowing the woman’s feet had to be killing her.
Lyla nodded slowly, her eyes rolling over Cymone once more as she smiled at the woman, but the joy definitely didn’t reach her eyes. As Sasha’s suggestion, Lyla agreed. “Yes, let’s go sit,” she said as she showed the way to the living room, finding a seat on the couch. She looked to the couple prepared to hear this funny story.
Jaden chuckled at Cymone and said, “I can tell it,” before his sister suggested they sit and he nodded following them into the living room, gently pulling Cymone behind him. He sat down before he carefully pulled Cymone down in his lap, honestly without really thinking about it because it was so natural to him. By the time his brain had caught up with his actions, the deed was already done so he wrapped his arms around Cymone lovingly. “Well, we met at the mall,” he admitted. “I was in GameStop with Rylic and Cymone strutted past the store and I just happened to catch a glimpse of her and that was all she wrote for me…” he said with a slight blush on his face. “I rushed out of the store, leaving Rylic confused as I chased after her. Now Cymone was like, who is this little boy,” he said with a smirk his hand resting on her hip, “and she was barely giving me the time of day,” he admitted. “I think that day I had managed to only get her name,” he said to his mother and sister. “But just my luck a few weeks later I saw her at the mall again and I just kept trying until she finally let me in,” he said with a bright smile. “That was over a year ago now.”
At the young girl’s suggestion, she nodded following the family towards the living room and she tried not to look like a deer caught in headlights as he pulled her down in his lap. She was going to kill him for this little stunt it was one thing to stand your ground but, was he provoking them? She exhaled slowly as he began the story and she smirked nodding her head at his words, again, trying not to seem so uncomfortable by the way she was seated in his lap. “I..” she started “I loved his persistence; he wouldn’t give up until I gave in” she admitted happily because well after all it was the truth. “I gave him my number after he just wouldn’t accept no for an answer” Cymone breathed. “I’m glad fate worked out that way” she offered his sister and mother hoping she didn’t sound like a liar because she meant what she had to say. However, after the statement she gave she discreetly slid from his lap and bounced on the seat as she sat back and upright, perfect posture as she sat with her hands in her lap, feet crossed at her ankles, and purse resting at her side.
Sasha watched as Jaden pulled Cymone into his lap and her eyes bulged at his boldness, but she said nothing as she sat over in the loveseat near the corner, keeping a safe but friendly distance. As her brother began to tell the story, she nodded. If just walking by the store was enough to get her brother to run out of GameStop, then maybe this really was something real. “How many tries did it take?” Sasha asked curiously, a little invested in the story now.
Lyla rested on the couch, feet crossed at her ankles as she watched the couple, very displeased by the woman sitting in her son’s lap but she tried not to show it on her face. As they began telling the story she nodded slowly before she looked right at Cymone as she slid off of her son’s lap and onto the couch. “So, my son didn’t seem a bit young for you?” she asked tentatively, an eyebrow arching. “If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you? You seem very… mature...”
Jaden nodded slowly as Cymone spoke as well and he smirked slightly before he looked to his sister, his arms falling from Cymone as she moved out of his lap. He pulled his arms to himself, hands on his now bouncing knees. “Uh, it was like four or five times, right?” he said looking to Cymone. “Then you finally gave me your number and like a week later we went on our first date…” he said thinking back to that time. “We’ve kind of been inseparable ever since…” he said trailing off as his mother questioned Cymone. He gazed at his mother, nervousness bubbling within his chest once more. Why, why, why, why, why?! Why did she have to ask Cymone her age? Ugh. His mother was going to kill him, he just knew it.
Looking to Jaden, Cymone nodded her head “4 or 5 times sounds right” she mused as she looked to his mother again as she spoke. “I gave him my number and he called me immediately. Kept me on the phone all night” she chuckled to herself slightly. The thing was actually funny thinking on it now. “Our first date was at Ruth’s Chris and he’s correct. We’ve been glued to each other since” she said with a smile. At his mother's questions she sighed “oh no he did” she said responding to her honestly. “I am 37 years old, luckily age defines so much less these days” she told the woman as she looked eye to eye with her.
Sasha honestly thought the story was cute and it made her kind of see their relationship a bit better. Yes, she was still a bit weary of Cymone’s age and intentions, but she could tell that this woman actually loved and cared for her little brother and it was more than obvious that Jaden loved and cared for her. It all just kind of made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. That was until her mother burst the bubble and straight-out asked Cymone her age. She looked to Cymone slowly, trying to prepare herself for whatever she said, and it was like the heard it in slow motion. 37? Did she say 37? The number after 36? Wow. Inhaling slowly, she was shocked. Not at her age per se but at how she could honestly put up with her little brother. She knew firsthand that Jaden was a handful. How did the woman have the patience? That’s it. Ice-breaker question. “And you have the patience to handle him and all of his foolishness?” Sasha asked coolly, “more power to you,” she said sending Cymone a genuine smile.
Lyla was unamused with the entire situation and it was starting to show on her features. She usually stepped back and allowed her kids to live their own lives and make their own mistakes but this? Was she really going to allow this? “You understand that this boy is young enough to be your own son, right?” Lyla asked Cymone easily before she cut her eyes at Sasha. “That doesn’t, I don’t know, feel odd to you?” she asked the woman as she shifted on the couch, leaning against the armrest as she gazed into Cymone’s soul. “And you say that you two are engaged…” she said just speaking now before she turned her eyes to Jaden. “Sweetheart don’t you want kids? I’m sure, Cymone here is past that part of her life now, right?” she asked looking back to Cymone.
Jaden slowly reached over and placed his hand on Cymone’s thigh, giving her a small but reassuring squeeze before his hand returned to his own, still bouncing, knee. As Sasha spoke, Jaden chuckled softly. “I’m not that bad,” he said defensively before his eyes shot to his mother. He slowly looked to Cymone and he bit his lip. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to tell his mother, now or later, that Cymone was actually pregnant. Unsure of what to do, he looked at Cymone before he swallowed hard and said, “mom!” sternly. “That’s rude!”
“Oh!” Cymone started “you have no idea” she told his sister. “From day to day I don’t know what stunt he’s capable of pulling” she chuckled looking to Jaden. At Lyla’s question Cymone turned back to her taken back “I don’t think about his age at all when I see him” she clarified. “Yes, it was unfamiliar to me before, but all new things are. Are they not?” She asked her. At her next statement Cymone looked to Jaden expectantly and when he said what he did Cymone took liberty. She smiled and said “we actually found out a few days ago we are expecting” she said bursting the others woman’s bubble now as she peered at her. “To answer that, I had casted that part of my life aside. But funny thing, God has a tendency of sending you exactly what you think you don’t want or need right when you need it the most” she said back to her and she shifted sitting back on the couch.
Sasha tried to ignore the look her mother shot her, and she laughed softly at Cymone. “I can only imagine,” she said with a shake of her head. “I tried to teach him, I really did, but he just… he’s hardheaded,” she joked. As Cymone turned her attention to Lyla, Sasha pulled her lips into her mouth and she sat back quietly. She honestly couldn’t believe her mother was being so nasty and rude. It wasn’t like her at all. However, when Cymone revealed that she was expecting, Sasha choked on her own spit. “Really?” she asked as she slid to the edge of her seat excitedly. “I’m going to be an aunt?” she asked. That’s it, she was sold. She liked Cymone, age or not. She was great. She was cool, calm, and collected. She was clearly very well put together and she had a perfect response for her mother each and every time. She liked this woman, yes, she did.
Lyla’s entire neck jerked back at Cymone’s words as she completely ignored her son. “Excuse me?” she asked shocked. “Y-you’re pregnant?” she questioned. She needed a stiff drink. This couldn’t possibly be actually happening. Swallowing hard, Lyla said, “Well then…” she began, before she said, “what exactly do you do for a living Cymone because I know for a fact that my son can’t afford to raise a child.”
Isaac moved through the front door, sitting his keys on the stand as he shrugged his jacket off.  It was quiet. Too quiet. He saw Jaden’s car outside, the car he still didn’t understand how his son could afford, so he knew that he and his girlfriend were here, however the lack of laughter and joy struck a chord with him as he moved for the living room, holding the bag of things his wife asked him to run out and pick up in his hand. “Hello,” he said as he approached where Jaden and the woman were sitting from behind and he slowly rounded the couch, his eyes bulging slightly as he got a good look at Jaden’s girlfriend. The woman was fine. “Nice to meet you, I’m Isaac,” he said stepping forward, holding his hand out to the woman, as he looked around, still trying to understand why there seemed to be so much tension in the room.
Jaden looked at his mother, then at his sister, then at Cymone as she spilled the beans and he nodded proudly, his chest puffing up a bit. “Yeah, uh, we just went to the doctor the other day,” he admitted. As his sister spoke joyously, he chuckled and nodded. “You’re going to be an aunt,” he confirmed before his mother once again broke the bubble. “Cymone actually… well… she does a lot,” he said chuckling not really knowing how to sum it all up for his mother as he turned his eyes to Cymone. As his father rounded the couch, Jaden looked up at him with a bright smile. “Hey dad,” he said as his father introduced himself to Cymone. “This is Cymone… my fiancée,” he told the older guy.
Cymone looked to Sasha again, smiling at her genuinely at least someone had some kind of manners and kindness she thought. “Yes” she told his mother “none of this were in the plans, we didn’t exactly think this is how it all would pan out. Like you said he’s a young man, college driven” she added “goofy, playful, immature at times” she said to his mother. “Don’t get me started on his neediness” she said shooting Sasha a look “however!” She said pointing out. “All of those things are also things that you can love about him” she admitted. “Jaden is himself” she shrugged “you can’t ask for more, anyone should be content with just that” she told the woman. “I wasn’t comfortable with all the things that he could have wanted out of me, but like I said. Things shift and change” she sighed. As he answered for her, she smirked and nodded her head “I was on Forbes list before I was 30. Multimillion-dollar corporations all over LA I own them. Investor” she told his mother “businesswoman” she shrugged. “I probably made 50 grand already since I’ve been here” she said nonchalantly, because it was true. As Jaden’s father walked in and introduced himself, she smiled shaking his hand “nice to meet you!” She said happily the man was a looker. “I know where Jaden gets his handsome looks” she said looking back at the boy.
Sasha listened to Cymone as she spoke to her mother and she bit back a small laugh. This woman was golden. Actually, golden and as she joked back with her, Sasha smiled. “Oh, I’ve got some stories,” she said winking at Cymone. She’d definitely share them later. As Cymone spoke to her mother about why she loved Jaden, her heart swelled. This was actually all really, really sweet. Age was truly just a number and it was all about connection and understanding. As, Cymone explained that she was a multimillionaire, Sasha shifted in her seat. Not only was she great, but Jaden had hit the jackpot. Cha-ching! “Wow, I’ve probably seen you before and never knew. I’m a personal assistant to Owen Ames,” she explained. “He’s also a really big mogul and owes like ten different companies,” she said thoughtfully. When her father entered, Sasha smiled at him brightly. She was such a daddy's girl. “Hi daddy,” she said, a bit of her southern twang coming out.
Lyla sat back slowly as Cymone explained that she was a multimillionaire. “Oh…” was all that Lyla had to say. What else could she possibly say to that. Clearly the woman had it all covered rather Jaden got his act together or not. She pressed her lips into a tight line and sighed. As much as she hated to admit it, the really couldn’t fault the woman. Yes, she was old as all get out but that just meant she wasn’t trying to play any games with her son. She had her own business ventures and she was obviously well put together. “Why did you keep your relationship a secret?” she questioned now, just needing a reason to not like the woman because it just didn’t sit right with her, that her son was with someone just 9 years her junior. Looking to her husband, her eyes rolled. Of course, he was immediately enamored with the woman. “Sit down,” she said to her husband scoldingly.
Isaac heard a bit of their conversation, but he wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, so he’d definitely need a spark notes version a bit later. As his wife told him to sit, he turned his head to her. “Can I greet Miss Cymone here first, geez,” he said as he shook her hand and his face flushed red and he chuckled as he rubbed his chin a bit, scratching at the bit of scruff there. Well, well, well, his son had went out and got himself a very fine older woman, he wasn’t even mad. Well played son, well played. “Fiancée,” he said chuckling, “that’s nice,” he said honestly as he finally moved to sit, placing the bag on the table before them and he turned to Sasha, “hi baby girl,” he said to her with a chuckle. “So, what did I miss?” he asked leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He glanced at his wife, taking in how tightly wound she was, and he pressed his lips together. Clearly, she wasn’t pleased.
Jaden shot his sister a stink eye. “Sash!” he said shaking his head. “Let’s not.” Listening to the conversation, Jaden began to grow a bit more comfortable. It seemed only his mother had a problem, which he was okay with, she’d come around eventually. She was just in shock. He had just told her, he was with a 37-year-old woman, he was also engaged to said woman, and they were expecting a child. That was a lot to take in for anyone. Especially his southern, housewife, mother. “We weren’t exactly keeping it a secret,” he lied, “we just didn’t want to make a big deal out of anything until we were sure that we would really be together in the long run,” he said easily. As his father greeted Cymone and everything, he blushed himself at Cymone’s comment and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Thank you,” he mumbled cheekily. “Well dad, Cymone and I are engaged and expecting our first child,” he said just throwing it all back out there.
Cymone chuckled at Sasha and she said “oh we’d have to enlighten each other on those things” she said once more amused. As she went on to explain her occupation and who she worked for she smirked at her and said, “oh I do know him very well,” she said, “we go back quite a few years,” she admitted. “He and I have worked hand and hand on a few projects. He’s a good man and an even better businessman!” She said in response to Sasha. She’d shut up his mother which was very good, and she licked her lips before the woman asked another question, Jesus. At her next question she asked them she shifted in her seat again as Jaden answered, she nodded her head slowly. “It wasn’t a secret; I’ll give you the same answer that I have given everyone else so far. I wanted to be able to love Jaden with no limitations and no judgements from anyone and anybody” she stressed. “I didn’t want anyone else’s ideals and ill words to tarnish what we were building together as a couple” she said emotionally. “I just-“ she said lost for words how more could she explain to anyone what they had. “I didn’t want to have to explain it, to make someone believe what we feel” she said looking to Jaden. “I could’ve been raised differently, but I would never walk up to you on the street and ask you. Why did you choose him out of all the billions of bodies that occupy this planet?” She said gesturing to the woman’s husband. “That’s not for me to know, your love will never be mine. And my love will never be yours” she said outright. “It shouldn’t be labeled or measured or even weighed and certainly not defined by my age?” She spoke up. “Is that what we have become as a people?” She pressed “anything that’s not of the norm we easily cast out and condemn? Because it’s not what someone or should I say society has deemed right in their eyes? Prejudgment and seeing only what you want to see. You want to see a 37-year-old woman with a 19-year-old. If you don’t see love Mrs. Young, you do realize I’ll never be able to make you. The blind can only see once they open their eyes...” At that Cymone shifted again. She was definitely ready to go, she hated explaining herself to anyone, especially someone who didn’t supply her any financial security. As Jaden gave his father the short version of their current situation she sat back on the couch and fell very quiet as she kept her face straight and warm, not wanting to show how irritated she’d gotten at all. She’d keep on a happy face and fake a smile.
Sasha smiled at Cymone. “Yes, he’s absolutely wonderful,” she said honestly. She had worked for a lot of different people, but Owen was the absolute best. He was genuine, kind, and most importantly, he knew how to run a business. Looking to Lyla, Sasha sighed out. Her mother had surely done enough, but no, she had to push and push and push. “Stop poking the bear,” she said softly to her mother before she chuckled at her father and brother’s interaction with Cymone and as Cymone broke it down simply, Sasha nodded slowly. As Cymone spoke, Sasha completely understood what she meant. From the time the couple stepped into the house, they were being judged. Who would ever want to experience that over and over again? Before she knew it, Sasha was leaning forward and she placed her hand over Cymone’s softly as she said, “I apologize for immediately judging you,” she said from the bottom of her heart.
Lyla listened to Cymone as she spoke and she sat back slowly, feeling a bit bad now for all of her harsh statements and the interrogation. The woman was completely right. No one judged her love with Isaac, and she wouldn’t have judged so deeply if it weren’t for Cymone’s age. She had taken that information and ran with it from the moment she saw them. Sighing out, Lyla sat her hands in her lap and as Sasha apologized, she let out a small breath. “You’re right,” she admitted quietly. “I apologize as well,” she said gently, unsure how the woman would take it since she had harassed her from the moment, she laid eyes on her. “You’re… family now and I… I shouldn’t have immediately judged you…” she hummed out.
Isaac sat back, listening to everything that everyone had to say and to put it easily, he had clearly missed quite a bit. At all of the information that was thrown at him, he just took it in and nodded. “Well,” he said, “welcome to the family Cymone and thank you for blessing me with my first grandchild,” he told her honestly before he looked to his son and he said, “I’m shocked but I am proud and I know you’ll be a great parent,” he said before he looked back to Cymone, “I can see you’ve matured my son and all I can say is hallelujah.”
As Cymone responded to his sister and mother, Jaden sat back quietly before they both apologized and he looked to his sister with soft eyes before he turned to his mother, pursing his lips slightly. Lyla had dug herself into a hole with Cymone, this he knew, he wasn’t sure if a simple apology would do it. Finally, his eyes turned to his father and he smiled gently as he spoke, reaching out to clap hands with the older man.
At Sasha’s words Cymone offered her a small smile “it is quite alright” she told her truthfully, the girl wasn’t half as bad as their mother anyhow. As Lyla spoke, Cymone’s eyes traveled up her slowly and she swallowed lightly as she tried to figure out in her mind how she was going to really handle her. Right now, she was in her home on her couch speaking to her in her domain if they were anywhere else it might have been a different situation. “I hear you” she told the woman her eyes moving from her to her husband now as she nodded her head, her skin was slowly boiling but it was only because she couldn’t not say what she wanted to. Which was, fuck her, and she didn’t have to worry about her or her child. As Isaac spoke to them both she offered him a small smile too “oh I tried, trust me. For us and humanity” she joked lightly, it wasn’t a big enough joke to pull her out of her own feelings, but it was a joke. “And again, you don’t have to thank me for what was destined…” she breathed as she ran her hands through her long weave gently.
Sasha smiled at Cymone and nodded slowly, still feeling bad despite the fact that Cymone told her it was okay. She had better manners and more sense than to just judge someone prematurely. However, she would accept Cymone’s words and the lesson; never judge a book by its cover. At the joke, Sasha giggled softly, shaking her head as they essentially picked on her little brother.
Lyla watched Cymone watch her and she watched Cymone back, licking her lips slowly as she nodded. It was to be expected. She had treated the woman like shit from the moment she saw her. It was going to take more than an apology to make things right and she was willing to work on it because she wanted to be in her only grandchild’s life.
Isaac left it alone. What happened before he walked through the door and greeted Cymone had absolutely nothing to do with him. He knew his wife and he knew that her mouth often got her into trouble, and he knew that’s exactly what she had done, so he was staying out of it. Laughing out, Isaac laid his hand on his rumbling chest as he nodded. “Praise you,” he joked back to Cymone before he smiled brightly and he wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulder, pulling her to him. “I cannot wait to meet him or her,” he told the couple honestly. “I understand you’ve got it covered Cymone but if you need anything, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call,” he told her. “We’ve still got some of Jaden and Sasha’s things in the garage if you’re into handy-me-downs,” he said playfully as he eyed her Gucci belt. “If not, like I said, don’t hesitate to ask for anything at all.
Jaden shifted slightly, smiling to his sister then looking to his mother and father. He really hoped that his mother had learned her lesson. “Thanks dad, we really appreciate it,” he said looking to Cymone, taking her hand into his lovingly.
Cymone smirked at Isaac as he joked on, as he continued to speak, she nodded her head slowly amused by his comment. She shifted on the couch, turning towards Jaden as she uncrossed her legs and re-crossed them, one over the other, her leg lingering near his. “I do appreciate the offer; it is a very sweet sentiment Isaac” she said as she looked to Jaden. “But I do think he or she will be taken care of greatly” she told him “however, if you happened to have had something of theirs decorative, I’d love to have it incorporated into his or her nursery” she said. “It’s just an idea I came up with a few days ago, my mother has these onesies we wore in shadow boxes” she chuckled “have no idea why she has hung onto them this long… but the small things mean so much don’t they” she said measuring it out with her fingers. “Despite my financial situation I will make sure I do remember that, and again thank you. The most I could ask for is that the child is loved unconditionally by all of us and our extended families. Me and my sister were so close, I mean I am 5 years older than her, but we are inseparable. And let’s be honest here. I don’t know if I’d have another child after this or if it would even be feasible” she shrugged “but I know if his or her village comes together, he or she should be just fine.”
Isaac chuckled at Cymone and he nodded. “Of course, I’m sure there is plenty boxed up in the garage,” he said easily before he smiled. “I understand,” he said nodding. “Just call on me and I’ll be there,” he told her, “with all of the love and affection,” he told her.
Chuckling at the man Cymone nodded her head at him “will do” she said as she laced her fingers with Jaden.
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musicprincess655 · 6 years
Sometimes, Jun felt like he had to be the absolute dumbest person on the planet.
Sure, he’d mostly gotten into university on the backs of his good grades, and sure, he was generally a good student, but that didn’t erase the fact that he made some stupid ass decisions.
Namely, telling Yuuki that his next day off was Saturday without remembering why he’d had to trade shifts to make sure he had that Saturday off.
He needed a full twenty four hours to recover from a full moon.
Full moons had never been fun. It always felt like bugs were crawling under his skin and all he wanted to do was get outside and run, but there were laws about doing that around people and as a resident of Tokyo, Jun was around a lot of people.
And then he always ended up breaking something. Even though he never lost himself, despite what terrible erotic novels tried to say otherwise, it was like he had no impulse control. No matter what he told himself beforehand, he always woke up the next morning with something smashed. His family all had the same problem, and they’d had to pack away valuables every month just in case.
No one wanted a repeat of the year they’d broken Grandma’s good vase.
And, of course, Jun felt like shit the next day. Shifting from a human to a wolf was one thing, but when he couldn’t run the shift off, his muscles got all cramped up and he could barely move the next day, which was only made worse by a mostly sleepless night.
And on top of everything else, he had a cold.
But Jun had promised he’d meet Yuuki, and they’d never actually exchanged phone numbers or email addresses, so Jun had no way of cancelling. He just had to throw a medical mask on and hope he didn’t look like he was in pain the entire time.
He felt worse when he saw Yuuki on his phone in front of the coffee shop, clearly having been there for more than a few minutes. He couldn’t even take advantage of the chance to observe Yuuki without being observed.
Jun really wished he’d done literally anything other than yelling at Yuuki immediately upon meeting. Namely, politely offering to let Yuuki sit on his face.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Jun said, wincing at how hoarse his voice sounded. From the looks his neighbors had given him that morning, he’d done his fair share of howling last night.
“It’s fine, I wasn’t waiting long,” Yuuki replied, finishing off his text message. “Hope you’re…are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Even Jun could tell he didn’t sound fine.
“You look sick,” Yuuki said, reaching out a hand to feel Jun’s forehead. Jun was so surprised that he let it happen. “You’re a little warm, but I don’t think you’re feverish.”
“I’m not,” Jun said. “It’s just…a cold?”
“Sounds like a nasty cold,” Yuuki said. “Sorry for making you come out.”
“Come on, you didn’t know I was gonna get sick,” Jun said, waving it off and then wincing as the motion pulled one too many sore muscles.
“Do you like soup?” Yuuki asked. Jun nodded. “I know a place close by that’ll still serve miso. Want that?”
Soup actually sounded like a pretty good idea right then.
Jun followed Yuuki into a small family restaurant tucked away from the main street. It had cozy booths, low lighting, and best of all, almost nobody around. It was quiet and peaceful, and Jun released some tension he hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying.
He let Yuuki handle the ordering of soup and some hot tea, looking around the place.
“Do you know the area?” Jun asked. He never would’ve noticed this restaurant on his own, hidden away as it was.
“I grew up around here,” Yuuki told him. “I’m not familiar with all of Tokyo, but this area I know pretty well. You?”
“I’m from Kanagawa prefecture,” Jun said. The waitress placed a cup of tea on the table, and Jun scooped it up gratefully. He wasn’t cold, especially not with summer on the brink of breaking outside, but the heat soothed his sore muscles anyway.
“So you’re just here for university?” Yuuki asked. Jun nodded.
“Seidou is one of the best schools for magic in the country,” he explained. “One of the only schools. And there are more people with magic here.”
“I always wondered why that was,” Yuuki mused.
“Probably just because it’s a big city,” Jun suggested. “More people, more jobs, more opportunities. It’s the same with Sendai up north. And it’s easier for us to be around other people like us.”
Yuuki just studied him, for long enough that Jun felt his cheeks flushing and the waitress brought soup for him and some kind of rice bowl dish for Yuuki.
“What’s it like living here and being human?” Jun asked. Even in Tokyo, after all, only about half of the residents had some kind of magic in their blood. Yuuki shrugged.
“Sometimes it feels like half the city is in some secret club I’m not invited to,” he said. “Most of the time, though, it just feels normal. I’ve always lived here. This is just how life is.”
Jun decided that was fair enough.
“So what exactly do you study at magic school?” Yuuki asked. “I’ve always wondered.”
“You know Seidou has a website, right?” Jun asked. Yuuki looked surprised at the information, so maybe he hadn’t. “Well, I’m a practical magic major. Doesn’t mean much, something like three fourths of the school is practical magic. There’s a lot of ways you can specialize. The people who want to be teachers have a few extra classes, and there’s a program for people who want to specialize in combat and go into the police. I think you have to take a special exam to get into that.”
“So what are you?”
“Just general practical magic for now,” Jun said. “I can choose to specialize later, or I can just graduate with the general degree. I haven’t decided yet.”
“What do you do with a degree in practical magic?”
“Honestly, just about anything you want, but if you know a specific field you want to go into, you should probably pick a specialization.”
“So what do you want to do?”
Jun gave him an unimpressed look, because he was eighteen and fuck if he knew. Yuuki’s expression didn’t change much, but he also didn’t press the question. It was almost too easy for Jun to direct them in another direction.
“What about you, what do you study?” Jun asked, almost surprised to find he was actually interested in the answer. What did arguably the hottest man Jun had ever met with a penchant for sugary coffee study.
“Classical literature.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“No.” Yuuki gave him a confused stare. “I like classical literature.”
“Sometimes I think you picked the most unpredictable thing you could do and then did it just to mess with everyone,” Jun told him.
“Plenty of people study classical literature.”
“Not people who look like you.”
“What do I look like?”
Someday, Jun was going to learn to watch his mouth, but clearly today wasn’t that day.
“Like…a jock?” he tried, and breathed a quiet sigh of relief when Yuuki let it go.
“I wanted to go to Meiji because that’s where my high school coach went,” Yuuki explained. “He gave up a professional career because he wanted to give back to his school and coach the new baseball team. I always really looked up to him.”
“Is that what you want to do?” Jun asked. “Go back, teach classical literature, coach the baseball team?”
Yuuki shrugged.
“I haven’t decided yet,” he said. “It’s a nice idea, but maybe I also want to go pro. I’ve had offers.”
“You must be good.”
“I’m a starter for Meiji. Mostly, though, it’s just because I worked hard.”
Jun privately thought that Yuuki would be saving a lot of people a lot of grief by shelving his plan to go into teaching and going into the pro leagues. Every female student that was even remotely interested in men would have an epic crush on him, but there were probably a group of male students that would learn a thing or two about themselves from having Yuuki as a teacher.
Jun honestly had no clue how he would’ve gotten through high school if he’d had a teacher that looked as good as Yuuki did.
It was almost soothing, the way their conversation turned to baseball, Jun asking questions because he understood the game in the broad sense but didn’t understand the finer points of strategy, Yuuki telling him about their chances against other universities based on how the spring had gone and how their new first years were integrating in. Apparently the next tournament wouldn’t be until the fall, well after Jun was done with the coven battle against Inashiro in the summer. He made a mental note to mark the games in his calendar, if only because Yuuki had worked damn hard to apologize for something he hadn’t done, and if nothing else Jun could go watch him play at least once.
It was for purely selfless reasons.
Jun barely noticed the time passing, almost shocked at how easy it was to talk to Yuuki, despite how stoic he looked. He volunteered information easily enough if asked, and Jun was almost certain he had an incredibly dry, sarcastic sense of humor, but he wasn’t sure. Yuuki’s poker face was really good.
In fact, it wasn’t until the waitress left a check pointedly at Yuuki’s elbow that Jun realized they’d been there for almost three hours. He hadn’t felt his sore muscles since they’d started talking.
“Let me get part of that,” Jun said, reaching for the check. Yuuki held it out of reach, and damn him, he was tall enough that it worked.
“I’m buying you food to apologize to you,” Yuuki insisted.
“That’s the other thing,” Jun said. “You really have nothing to apologize for. I was being a dick and I had a long shift. If anything, I should be apologizing to you. And buying you dinner to thank you for not getting me fired.”
“I don’t know, my teammates said that was a pretty obnoxious drink,” Yuuki said, steadfast deadpan expression in place as he left money on the table and stood to offer Jun his hand. “Maybe I deserved to get yelled at for it, and maybe this is me apologizing for asking for a ridiculous drink.”
This time, Jun was looking for it, and he caught the barest quiver of a lip and a shaking shoulder.
“You’ve been fucking with me this entire time!” he accused. “I saw you laugh!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Yuuki said, breaking down into quiet laughter that barely counted as laughter. “You make really interesting faces, I wanted to see how long it would take you to notice.”
“But…you weren’t teasing me when you asked to buy me dinner.” It was less question and more statement.
“So why did you feel like you had to apologize this much?”
“Maybe I just wanted to buy you dinner.”
Jun had no clue what to do with that, because now that he knew what to look for, he could see the little quirk in Yuuki’s lips. He held out his hand.
“Give me your phone.”
Yuuki didn’t even argue, just handed his phone over. Jun scrolled through to the ubiquitous LINE app, typing his own ID into the search bar.
“There,” Jun said, handing Yuuki his phone back and pulling his own out to accept the friend request he’d just sent himself. “Now you can text me instead of stalking me at my workplace.”
“Maybe I had fun doing that.”
“Maybe it’ll be easier on both of us if you just text me next time you want to hang out.”
“Is that an open invitation?”
“Yes,” Jun said without thinking. “Well, no. Exams start for us soon, and I have to study. But after that. Yes.”
“I’ll text you.”
And the thing was, Jun really did need to study, but he was the most relaxed he’d ever felt the day after a full moon, and he was going to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
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