#and when i say crush i mean the biggest stereotypical schoolgirl crush possible
transingthoseformers · 10 months
Thinking about Rodieclash where Thunderclash has just the biggest crush on Rodimus and it gives them the most crunchy interactions because Roddie is super jealous of Thunder (dare I say he hates him)
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
So which secondary genders do you think the other members of the Blue Lion house? Because I've been thinking about it, and for almost all of them, there are at least two that seem like they'd work for that particular character.
Okay I’m a little sick and I just took a shot of Nyquil and my brain isn’t really working so hopefully this is coherent! I’m gonna do Black Eagles too because I’ve played their route. Holding opinions on most of the church people and the Golden Deers because I haven’t finished up with them yet.
Blue Lions
Dimitri: Omega. I have already discussed this one at length. Possibly some Alpha energy but my brain has firmly decided he’s an Omega for now.
Dedue: Beta. I don’t know why I just feel it in my soul. Honestly a lot of these boil down to “I’m not sure why I just feel it.”
Annette: Not sure, to be honest. Possibly Omega?
Ashe: Leaning toward Omega. This is subject to change, though.
Mercedes: Omega. She fits the stereotypes too well for me to think of her as anything else TBH.
Sylvain: Alpha. Not much to say here, dude exudes Alphaness.
Felix: Alpha OR Omega depending on how I’m feeling that day.
Ingrid: Omega. Mostly because of her supports. Her dad is constantly trying to marry her off, but she wants to be a knight. I like the story there.
Black Eagles
Edlegard: Alpha. Disregarding her weird schoolgirl-with-a-crush thing she just has that kind of a presence.
Hubert: Alpha. I mean. Look at him.
Bernadetta: Omega. The backstory with her dad trying to force her to be a perfect wife makes this one all too easy.
Caspar: Beta. Dude screams inferiority complex to me, which I think would largely be a Beta or Omega thing. But he also doesn’t scream Omega to me soooo.
Dorothea: Omega. I think it’s her obsession with securing her future that does it for me. I could see there being very few prospects for Omegas in the Empire (aside from marriage)
Ferdinand: Alpha. I know there’s a word for this but I can’t think of it ATM, but he has this really patronizing tone, right? Like, he is nobility and all of the lowly commoners need him to take care of them. It just screams Alpha to me. I could see him pissing off all of his Omega classmates by going around and trying to baby/infantalize them. It’s particularly grating for the Blue Lions because according to my brain most of them are apparently Omegas.
Lindhardt: Alpha. But he’s kind of the opposite of Ferdinand. He doesn’t really want any of the responsibilities of being an Alpha, or he just doesn’t care. He mostly just finds it an inconvenience, like when he goes into a rut or something
Petra: Alpha. She’s kind of a badass warrior princess let’s be real. Total Alpha energy.
I’m kind of thinking there’s a bit of a theme here. Which makes sense really, since each of the three houses follow distinct themes as well.
I think a good portion of the Blue Lions would be Omegas (kind of ironic if you think about it, just because they’re the house with the biggest focus on strength/martial prowess). I think a big part of that is the Blue Lion house’s emphasis on community. Basically all of the characters are already friends when the game starts, and their overall vibe is just one big happy family (which is generally an Omega thing in Omegaverses). That, and I think it would create an interesting dynamic with the other houses, basically an “us against the world” thing since so many of the other houses are full of Betas and Alphas.
Themes of the Black Eagle house seem to be ambition and nobility, which seem like distinctly Alpha traits. I also think it would make total sense with characters like Dorothea (she mentions explicitly that she’s the only commoner in the house and she feels a bit out of place) and Caspar (AFAIK the only character in the house that is noble, but will not inherit anything) and their personalities.
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