#and when she gets impostor she still gets voted out immediately because he'll kill in front of everybody.
caracello · 2 years
boomer shooter boys playing among us. is this anything.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
survive kids play amogus together
C h a o s
The very first round, Shuuji was the impostor, and during the first meeting he said "I got stuck in a vent can someone tell me how to get out when that happens" and everyone died laughing. Flash forward to only their second game night and he has memorized every task of every map and is an absolute menace.
The siblings have an unspoken agreement where Miu never kills Kaito (and obviously he never kills her) and if she murders someone in front of him he pretends he does not see it. This is especially dangerous because 95% of the time if someone ELSE is the impostor, Kaito is right about it, so everyone inherently trusts him. (He is terrible as the actual impostor tho. Between never killing Miu, spite killing anyone who accuses him, and just suddenly not being very vocal about who he is positive is the impostor, he makes it too obvious.)
Aoi went from that one person who never gets voted out to the one person who constantly gets voted out first because after the nth time she gaslit gatekept girlbossed everyone they NEVER trusted her again.
Ryo has died first so many times that the group made an agreement that whoever the impostor is HAS to kill someone other than Ryo first. If they kill him anyways, he'll refuse to do tasks out of spite. He's good as the impostor because all he has to do is play dumb and everyone believes it.
Minoru will kill in front of everyone IF there is comedic value to be had. Like Minoru and Saki will get in an accusation battle tryna convince everyone the other is the impostor and she will be like "I guarantee you if I die next round, it was Minoru" and then he'll immediately kill her while everyone is still in the room.
Takuma is a great crewmate because he's good at tasks and good at remembering the map, but he's a terrible impostor because he laughs when he lies and cannot shake the habit no matter how hard he tries.
Saki is an absolute wild card. You never know when she's gonna randomly decide to help the impostor or when she's gonna suddenly become a super sleuth and ruin the impostor's whole round. If she's impostor and notices that someone has disproportionately been dying too many times that night, she'll be careful not to kill them.
I can only possibly imagine Akiharu and Miyuki just never quite learning the controls and always bumping into walls and not doing tasks properly.
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