#and when they get back rebecca takes the kids and lucy and nate have sort of a last date night
arlathen · 1 year
reading thru my old wips and finding the one where nate has to turn lucy and is like 100% sure it killed her and hes just sitting alone in their house w her corpse in the next room. like BROTHER....
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libraryofrewrita · 7 years
Chapter 20: Preparing for Nocturne Hospital
Nate yawned as he stretched.
Man, last night was crazy! Sneaking into the school, rescuing our friends from Yo-kai, me and Katie kissing…
Nate blushed as he remembered that moment, along with witnessing Whisper and Jibanyan kissing a moment afterward.
The group were now hanging around in the park as Whisper discussed something that had been bothering him since last night.
“With everything that’s been going on recently and the fact that I couldn’t find information on Tarantutor when we needed it most last night, I fear that something terrible might be coming to Springdale. We need to find out what’s going on and we need to make plans.”
“But how are we going to find out what’s going on? It hasn’t really been in our plans to save Springdale from total disaster again.”
“I know. That’s why we’re going to speak to Mr. Barton. He might have some information that will help us.”
“I wish I could help you, but there are some things that I’m not aware of either.”
They had gone to the school to see Mr. Barton since they had no clue on where else he would go and figured that the school was a safe bet. Thankfully, he was there, so they asked him for advice on what they should be doing since there was a chance of Springdale being in danger. Unfortunately, he had very little information about most of everything that had happened. Any information that he did know he had heard on the streets or from the group themsleves.
The group had been about to leave when he said that. They paused, wondering if he had some new information.
“There’s a Yo-kai that owns a crystal ball that can answer any question that you might have at Shoten Temple.”
The group thanked Mr. Barton and after they were out of the school and close to Blossom Heights, they summoned their bikes and rode down to Shoten Temple, having missed the feeling of riding their bikes. When they got there, they put the bikes near a make-shift bike rack at the front of the shrine and walked up to the temple and saw the crystal ball Mr. Barton had been talking about.
“Yep, this is it. Now, how does it work?”
“Mr. Barton said that a Yo-kai owns the crystal ball, so shine your light on it.”
They did just that and they saw a small green dragon with the crystal ball resting on his head. He opened his eyes and yawned, giving them the implication that he had been sleeping.
“Hello, I’m Draggie, keeper of the crystal ball of knowledge. Did you want something?”
“Yes, actually. Can we use your crystal ball?”
“You have to do me a favor first. I can’t just let everyone use my crystal ball, you know.”
“Fair enough. What is your favor?”
Draggie seemed to be thinking and he finally said,
“Please bring me a Sawtooth Stag.”
Odd request, but at least it’s something simple.
“We can do that, Draggie. We’ll be back with a Sawtooth Stag as soon as we can.”
The group went out of the temple and they rode their bikes towards Mount Wildwood, where Sawtooth Stags were said to be located.
It took a while, but they were able to catch a Sawtooth Stag for Draggie and they had just returned to Shoten Temple with it in a cage.
“Here you Draggie. One Sawtooth Stag, as requested.”
The young dragon Yo-kai took the Sawtooth Stag out of the cage and placed it in another cage he had nearby.
“Thank you! There aren’t many bugs back home so I never had a chance to actually take care of one before! I’ll take good care of it, I promise!”
Draggie sat down on the ground, took the crystal ball off his head, and rubbed it.
“What can I help you with?”
“We need to know if something bad’s going to happen to Springdale so that we can make plans for when it happens.”
The crystal ball glowed purple as an image of Nocturne Hospital appeared in it.
“There’s a scary Yo-kai at this location. He’s planning on something…but I can’t tell what it is.”
The crystal ball stopped glowing and Draggie placed it back on his head.
“Sorry about that. I’m still learning to do this sort of thing. My dad sent me here for my safety and he gave me some advice.”
“And what advice is that, Draggie?”
“The bond between humans and Yo-kai is stronger than any evil. I really didn’t understand what he meant at first, but now I’m starting to get it. I would like to be friends with you to ward off any evil for as long as possible.”
Draggie gave them his medal and the group went outside.
“Guys, do we have to go to Nocturne Hospital? That place is creepy!”
“Sorry, Whisper. If we want to stop whatever is happening, we have to check out Nocturne Hospital.”
Whisper knew that, but he had a bad feeling about that place. He looked at a gravestone and while he couldn’t read the letters due to the weathered state of the gravestone, he placed a hand on it and closed his eyes, hoping that if he was right and that something terrible happened at Nocturne Hospital, help would come to them.
I don’t know why, but this gravestone comforts me for some reason. I just wish I knew who it belonged to.
Whisper quickly went back to the group, completely unaware that the gravestone had started to glow a light blue and that a cresent moon symbol had appeared on the gravestone.
They rode their bikes to Nocturne Hospital, where they saw Lucas hanging around the wall in front of the hospital.
“Lucas? What are you doing here?”
Lucas looked at the wall and shuddered.
“I was just walking by when I felt a strange chill run down my back. This place is so creepy…I would be careful around this place if I were you.”
Lucas walked off, fiddling with his necklace as he whistled the same strange tune to calm his nerves, or that’s what they assumed he was trying to do.
“Well, let’s head in and see what’s up.”
They went up to Nocturne Hospital, only to remember that there was a Watch Lock door blocking the way and they were at B rank. Whisper was relieved that they could hold off on going in for a while, but he knew that like it or not, they would be entering that place.
“I’m sorry, the Yo-kai are where?”
The group had headed to Timer’s and More to get the requirements for the next rank. Needless to say, they were shocked when Mr. Goodsight told them where to go for the next three Yo-kai battles.
“Look, I just get the information for your next battles. I don’t control where they might be.”
“But the waterways?”
“Can’t be anymore dangerous than what you two have been through recently.”
Nate sighed as he watched Whisper type the names and locations of the Yo-kai that they needed for the next upgrade.
Well, it looks like this might take a while.
After fighting Benkei in Blossom Heights, Quaken in Uptown Springdale, and Alhail in Breezy Hills, they went back to Timer’s and More, got the upgrade, and started towards Nocturne Hospital.
“Well, guys. Here we are. Ready to take care of this?”
Honestly, everyone was terrified, but they knew they had to continue on, otherwise they would never be able to get to the bottom of everything. Nate shined the light on the Watch Lock door and the group entered, thankful that it was still light outside so it felt slightly less creepy.
Meanwhile, in Nocturne Hospital…
A shadowy figure was upstairs looking over a few files he had received about the two kids his worker had found last night:
Nathan “Nate” Adams (born on Feburary 2nd, 11:59 pm)
Son of Arron and Lily Adams, grandson of Nathaniel and Lucy Adams
Katie Forester (born on Feburary 3rd, 12:00 am)
Daughter of Jason and Rebecca Forester, granddaughter of Kenneth “Kenny” and Kelly Forester
He started to chuckle to himself.
Even if they aren’t who we’re looking for, their hearts will be very useful. I just need to get some more information on them and I’ll make my decision then.
Previous Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/166756554814/chapter-19-rescues-and-fireworks Next Chapter: https://libraryofrewrita.tumblr.com/post/167269288484/chapter-21-the-hospital-of-doom
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