#and while I noticed the rdf'ms and the others in large quantities and the stealth blogs too
untitled-by · 2 years
Even if you see a post about a queer take that you THINK is safe, I highly recommend getting into the habit of going into the notes and reblogs. Maybe it is safe, or maybe what you will find is that among the large number of other genuinely nice queer folk are also a large amount of r**fems and openly facist and racist blogs... because that take you thought was pretty normal? It really isnt and you might need to educate yourself on WHY r**fems and facists like it so much.
As someone who is undesirable on an unfortunately large number axis... I see an annoying amount of posts cross my dash that frankly? Shouldnt. I dont expect everyone to have a PhD on what is and isnt harmful to everyone ever-- that would be impossible, and I certainly dont have one--but a stroll thru the notes could save us all some time. I dont want to pass any thing on to my people, either, so I am constantly in the notes of every post that Im even mildly considering reblogging. Even if the post actually is safe, it could even provide further excellent information you'd be glad to have on your blog.
This works great for ALL types of posts, too, actually. There is a lot of harmful misinformation out there that is very cleverly masked. If you dont have time to walk thru the notes? Then just give it a like and save it for when you do. If you can build up a queue of posts youve given a cursory look at, great. Personally, ive never been able to use the queue. If I cant look thru the notes then I typically just dont reblog it (I have a couple thousand likes that Ive meant to post later, oops.) Photos are proobably okay, but videos of animals you may wanna think critical about. I did just see a kitten video on my for you page f'ex that was likely a unsafe transfer from a kitten mill, but who knows. Not me, so I wont be reblogging it.
The best we can do is try to keep each other safe, and that's the easiest way I've found to do so. I think I spend more time than I care to scrolling thru notes and reblogs sometimes, but it can be worth it. Theres a lot of good and bad information in there!
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