#and while I'm pretty much an agnostic atheist who prays to 'anyone who will listen and might exist' when in Absolute Distress
rattusn0rvegicus · 27 days
Pagan Tumblr, what are some gods of hedonism/pleasure/self-love to look into?
I am so goddamn obsessed with self-sacrfice and it's so difficult for me to do anything just for the sake of enjoyment. These days I only do art for fundraising for causes I believe in or to vent overwhelmingly negative enotions. It's really hard for me to go out and do anything fun just for myself, there has to be someone else involved who is also enjoying it or else there's no point.
So I feel like it might be beneficial for me to look into a deity that not only permits enjoying life just for the sake of enjoyment, but encourages it.
I know some people use the advice of "make your own god" but if I can't have a church I'd at least like to have some kind of connection to the knowledge that I'm following something that other folks historically did, too. I'm big into the "gods are made real through humanity" thing tbh.
(Open to anything that's from an open religion! I'm not one to shy away from non-Eurocentric stuff as long as I know I'm not treading anywhere I shouldn't)
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