#and who knows maybe they could somewhat be friends afterwards :) unrealistic ik i always like the idea
lawlightbrainrot · 2 years
Do you also feel like a lot of Lawlight fics bash Misa even tho they might not mean to? Or just kinda toss her aside? I want to write one she is in but I'm wondering how I can make it clear I have no intention of bashing her, honestly, bc I love her lol. You're the first person I've come across who loves both Lawlight and Misa so I thought i'd ask for your thoughts on it, I'd love to hear...
OMG I TOTALLY AGREE! but sometimes i feel like it's intentional for writers to push her aside/bash her, I've read some fics where they just straight up write her so weird to purposely make her unlikeable but that's literally only really because they actually hate her.
but you are right in some cases it can be completely unintentional, and i feel like it all links to how to write light's misogyny and how he views her. some writers really portray his misogyny in the wrong way i feel, because although yes he is misogynistic he's not explicitly misogynistic towards her - he's more subtle with his misogyny. and i feel like when people write his misogyny as really strong that's why it seems like they're genuinely bashing her, and makes her seem very unlikeable and different to how she actually is in canon. going off on a tangent a bit here but it also doesn't help when the fic writers themselves have very weird views towards women as well as they just end up completely mischaracterizing her even more.
another thing i feel like misa can be really important when it comes to lawlight, like she is dating light in canon after all - i feel like that should be addressed more in canon based fics. i know their relationship never consisted of any communication because its so awkward and uncomfortable but tbh i would love to see them having a mutual break up communication kind - of - thing. i think it would be interesting for them to eventually come to a moment of realisation that there's no point to the relationship anymore, and that they're both tired of pretending it's something they can keep doing. and i know this would hurt misa because of her attachment to light but i also think it would be good for her! so she can heal and move on from the attachment :) tbh it would be good for light too.
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