#and yes i did give someone this ost cause umm it RULES.
adwox · 1 year
this song is so underrated
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hyuckkaiji · 6 years
☁85 questions tag☁
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☁Rules: Anwser the 85 questions then tag 25 people
☁I was tagged by: @kachuwritings Thank you for tagging me love 💞
☁Ill tag: @neogot-my-back @johnnyonmymind @moonwook @yuckhi @buffkpop @norenmin-enthusiast ☁ obviously you dont have to do it.
☁What was your:
1. Last beverage: Cool aid
2. Last phone call: My daddy earlier. But the only people I ever call are my parents and siblings sooo 🤷🏽
3. Last text: on social media - in a gc with @johnnyonmymind & @moonwook. In my actual texts - 'idk' to my daddy two days ago
4. Last song: Crazy Crazy 4 U - Rumer Willis (empire ost)
5. Last time you cried: Yesterday, but I cry easily soooo
☁Have you ever:
6. Dated someone twice: Yes. But we were both 12, so does it even count? Do any of my past relationships count? I didn't want to be with him, but everytime I broke up with him he cried and I felt bad.
7. Been cheated on: Thankfully no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i've never like actually kissed someone, I mean in the 6th grade my friends forced me and this guy to 'kiss' but our faces just kinda smacked eachother. In 8th my ex kissed me, but I was scared to kiss her, so that was awkward. She never tried to kiss me again.
9. Lost someone special: Yes, more then one
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: No
☁List of your three favorite colors:
12. Baby blue
13. Pastels
14. Purple or black idk
☁In the last year have you:
15. Made a new friend: Online - Yes, quite a few and I love the all 💞 Irl - Yes, shes the only friend I've had in over a year ( I met her cause she was friends with my sis first )
16. Fallen out of love: Haha no. I've never even been in love.
17. Laughed so hard you cried: Yes. Countless times, talking to friends, watching nct, ect.
18. Met someone that changed you: No
19. Found out who your true friends are: ive gone through that so many times, that im scared to make friends thats a lie, people scare me in general But fortunately, no.
20. Found out some one was talking about you: No
21. Kissed someone on your FB list: never
22. How many people do you know on your FB list: most all of them
23. Do you have any pets: Yes, i have a bunny and a Bearded Dragon, my family has two more dragons, a dog, and two outside cats.
24. Do you want to change your name: No.
25. What did you do for your last birthday party: Ate my favorite food ( my moms enchiladas ) with my family
26. What time did you wake up this morning: 7ish but I fell back asleep and got up at 10:30ish
27. What were you doing at at midnight last night: I think I was talking to Eve @norenmin-enthusiast
28. Something you can't wait for: idk sorry
29. Last time you saw your mother: Ajskskks Im 15. I live with her. Shes literally in the living room rn.
30. One thing you wish you could change about your life: my confidence in myself
31. What are you listening to right now: Runaway by Pentagon I stan kings
32. Have you ever talked to a Tom: An uncle tom ?? Im sorry that was bad But No, I live in a predominantly Mexican Hispanic area
33. Whats getting on your nerves right now: Rn nothing
34. Most viewed webpage: Tumblr or YouTube
35. Nickname(s): Nev or Nammie. *insterts still growing lists on nicknames my daddy's given me, that only he's allowed to call me*
36. Relationship Status: Forever alone for i am a strange potato
37. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius just like Chenle💞
38. College: No, im only going into 11th. But I know what university id like to attend (uc davis)
39. Hair color: Dark brown
40. Long or Short: Short but I miss my long hair
41. Height: 4'9 or 144 cm pls gods let me grow
42. Do you have a crush on someone: Do all 18 members of Nct count? 😂
43. What do you like about yourself: Umm, im supportive and I give good advice.
44. Tattoos: None, but I want some. But im afraid of needles *sigh*
45. Right or Left handed: Right handed
46. First piercings: couple months, my ears. Do other ethnicitys pierce their babies ears?
47. First Best friend: That I remember, a white girl i went to school with in the 3rd grade. She was one of the only people that didn't bully me for not being white.
48. First sport you joined: Karate, i only lasted a couple of months. I am weak.
49. First Vacation: Does visiting my father's house during school breaks count? If not then visiting my Daddy in Arizona while he was deployed.
50. Eating: nothing
51. Drinking: water
52. About to: Work on some Fluffy one-shots while taking a bath.
53. Listening to: Nothing, well my siblings have 'teen titans go' aka teen the disrespectful remake of the actual awesome ass Teen titans. Teen titans go and its creators need to be thrown in the depths of hell for the atrocity they've created.
54. Waiting for: all the things I say dream about to come true
☁Your future:
55. Want kids: 50/50. I am the oldest of all my eight siblings. Like none of my parents are going to have a lack of grandchildren even if I don't. My daddy insists im going to end up have kids though.
56.Get married: At a Japanese garden, they are so beautiful. I'd prefer not to have my wedding in a church as I am not religious.
57. Career: My dream is to be a singer but it is so unattainable. I am going to study to be a veterinarian. I'd specifically like to work with large animals. At a zoo or sanctuary.
☁Which is better:
58. Lips or Eyes: Both
59. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
60. Shorter or taller: Taller always Taller
61. Older or younger: Both
62. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic
63. Nice stomach or arms: both but not too much muscles kinda weird me out. Especially on women.
64. Loud or sensitive: 100% both
65. Hook-up or relationships:Relationships 100%
66. Trouble maker or hesitant: mostly hesitant some trouble maker
67. Kissed a stranger: No
68. Drank hard liquor: No
69. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope I got 20/20 eyesight
70. Had sex on a first date: Sex? I dont know her
71. Broken someone's heart: I dont think so
72. Been arrested: Fuck no
73. Turned someone down: once. I felt bad.
74. Cried when someone died: Only Sociopaths don't cry. Which probably isnt even true.
75. Fallen for a friend: Yes, it is a painful experience.
☁Do you believe in:
76. Yourself: I try to
77. Heaven: I believe in an afterlife and reincarnation. Not heaven particularly.
78. Miracles: i believe there are things that happen that can not be explained
79. Santa Clause: I wish, ive been helping my parents set up the gifts for my siblings for god knows how long
80. Kisses on first dates: yeah sure
☁Questions got lost along the way☁So here are five random facts about me☁
81. My Hispanic Family comes from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. While my white family are of Polish decent. ... 82. Im scared of the dark. ... 83. I sleep with stuffed animals. ... 84. I live in a farm town. 85. Im American
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