#mostly everyone knows nothing at all about the series in general so it was pretty interesting
adwox · 1 year
this song is so underrated
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sunderwight · 2 months
A fun prospect for Superhero-themed SV AU's that I don't often see is genre dissonance. Like, Luo Binghe as this edgy 90's style antihero who just straight up kills his enemies and sleeps around and is driven by selfish motives (revenge, ambition, etc) rather than altruistic morality, vs Shen Qingqiu as this kid-friendly supervillain who is "evil" mostly in terms of aesthetics and his ability to make inconvenient problems that are reasonably safe for child heroes to solve. Something like Punisher vs Team Rocket in terms of vibes.
Maybe the reason they meet is because some big publishing house akin to Marvel or DC just bought up the rights to whole bunch of older, discontinued comics titles, and decided to do a Justice League/Avengers style mash-up with a bunch of nostalgia properties and their most recognizable heroes and villains. Which means lots of crossovers condensing several titles into a handful of series.
Luo Binghe's origin always features him as a teenager, so he reboots as the youngest Avenger-equivalent team member in the new continuity. Even in this reboot, however, the writers still mostly go the gritty and dark route with his plots and stick to the same key developments -- his abandonment as an infant, his adoptive mother's tragic death, his tough life on the streets, abusive mentors and backstabbing "allies", and so on.
But Luo Binghe's life suddenly starts experiencing periods of dramatic change in his life when he's brought in for appearances in the lighter, friendlier world of the Junior Heroes continuity. After all, he's a natural choice for tying the two continuities together thanks to his youthfulness. Luo Binghe isn't consciously aware of the fact that he's moving between different titles and different writers. All he knows is that sometimes, when he hangs out with the bright and talented Ning Yingying, he's drawn into "conflicts" with Shen Qingqiu -- the kind of "villain" who will call for tea breaks, never actually hits anyone when he shoots his ray gun, leaves clues for all of his crimes, and can't seem to stop from imparting genuinely helpful advice in between his witty quips and taunts.
When Luo Binghe fights Shen Qingqiu, somehow he never actually gets hurt. Neither do any of his friends. The world in general seems brighter and lighter, as if there is some secret barrier protecting everyone from all the evils Binghe knows only too well exist in the rest of his life. Luo Binghe is increasingly convinced that Shen Qingqiu is the source of this mystical safety net. After all, for an allegedly powerful genius who is able to fool half the world about his wicked aims, he's never won a single fight against a kindhearted but somewhat ditzy teenager and her ragtag bunch of friends!
So what's he spending his actual energy on?
Luo Binghe is pretty sure it's keeping the real evils at bay. Making himself the biggest bad in town, and in doing that, making it so that the "biggest bad" is nothing worse than a slightly judgmental teacher in a pretty costume.
It's not long before Luo Binghe doesn't want to go back to the Justice League equivalent, to his world of misery and strife, even after his visits with Ning Yingying are supposed to be over. Especially as the global stakes of various heroic activities start getting higher, and it becomes clear that the boundary between Shen Qingqiu's safe world and the grimdark reality of Binghe's usual life are getting thinner...
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Studio TV Solutions presents Half Life VR but the AI are Self-Aware (2020) [not a real movie]. A movie with a totally improv’d script starring a moltey crew who are sure to give you a rip-roarin’ good time!
anyway hi new au just dropped. i’m calling it HLVRAIM. it’s HLVRAI but it’s a blockbuster movie and the science team are played by actors. i have many thought on backstories n stuff that i will stick under a “read more” here otherwise this post will be hella long on people’s dashes. 👇👍 pls care about this i thought so hard and much
Half Life VR but the AI are Self-Aware was put out by Studio TV Solutions in 2020 and destroyed the box office with how fun it was and how well the cast played off one another. The cast was given a general outline for the script with the goal for it to be mostly improv.
Gordon Freeman: Mannie Flores (Dominican American, age 28, he/him) - Popular Youtuber/Twitch streamer (“Radi0Mann”). Got offered the role in HLVRAI thanks to the creative things he’s done in his Youtube/Twitch career. This is his first “official” acting gig. He was pretty starstruck at first, but then as he got to know everyone, he realized they’re all a bunch of dorks (affectionate). - Started off as a gaming channel, but then started branching off into various creative endeavors as he got more popular. He still plays games too though. - One of the things Mannie did in his internet career that hit the mainstream was when he wrote, directed, starred in, and filmed his own movie in just 2 weeks because he failed a bet with his audience. Except the movie was actually really good and funny and heartfelt (i want to say it was about “a man who got left behind on earth after everyone else was raptured because god literally forgot about him”, but i think the concept might’ve been done already). - Met Benji through HLVRAI. They hit it off and now they’re dating. They tried to keep it secret for a while but Mannie had a slip-up during a stream that sort of blew it out of the water.
Benrey: Benji Song (Japanese/Chinese, age 30, he/they) - Started off as a film sound designer in the industry, then through a series of silly willy little events—possibly even shenanigans—got roped into a role in a passion indie film that became wildly acclaimed and flung him into the spotlight. Been an actor ever since, but isn’t the most proactive in taking jobs much to their agent’s annoyance. People never know where he’ll pop up next. Sometimes Benji will sneak in sound designer work behind their agent’s back. - Honestly likes background work more because everyone’s got these expectations of them as an actor that they feel pressured to meet. But he’s also afraid of disappointing people. He’s working on it. - Met their partner Mannie through HLVRAI. Totally was a fan of his streams/videos beforehand though. When they mention that, Mannie gets flustered. - Does music as a hobby. Electronic stuff mostly—enjoys mashing together all sorts of sounds and trying to make them work. After HLVRAI, Mannie’s streams gets cool new music that’s made by somebody going by “johnwicklover1994.” wink
Harold Coomer: Hau’oli “Hau” Kaleo-Kirchhoff (Hawaiian/Samoan, age 66, he/him) - Old musician who’s supposed to be retired but once in a while will release a song or even do a concert (but nothing crazy). - Hau’oli is pronounced [hh-ow-oh-lee], but he also goes by “Hau” for the haoles’ sake. :) Kaleo is [kah-leh-oh]. also Hau’oli sounds a little bit like the name Holly so that’s a fun coincidence i didn’t realize until later. - Most of his music is chill island tunes but he has been known to dabble in rock and jazz. - Married to Mose (been together for 30 years and counting).
Bubby: Mose Kaleo-Kirchhoff (German, age 69 [nice], xe/him) - Veteran actor—been in the acting industry for a long time. One of his more well-known roles was in a popular sci-fi series. - Married to Hau’oli (they got married the moment it was legal). - i went with a name that started with “M” cuz when Gordon first asks Bubby for his name, xe’s like, “mmm Bubby.” and i headcanon it’s because Mose was about to say xir own name and had to swerve last minute and the thing his brain resorted to was Bubby lol.
Tommy Coolatta: Luis Tanglao (Filipino, age 37, he/they) - Child star who dropped out of the industry when he hit his teens and then came back years later as a comedian. He has material about how fucked up being a child star was. Will only take acting roles if it interests them. - They don’t care about how the public/media sees him. He’ll speak his mind and call out BS when he sees it. Interviewing them can be a war zone. - Hosts a popular podcast with some buds they discuss things like video games, their lives, news, etc. Just shooting the shit. - Sunkist is their actual dog and she modeled for the png photo that was used. Her name is actually Biko. She is a very good girl. <3
Darnold Pepper: Sage Haven (African American, age 40, he/her/they) - Famous cooking show host who gets offered roles in movies. Got popular by how unconventional her meals and cooking methods are and how funny he is. - Has had multiple food/cooking/baking shows over the years. Every competition-based one they’ve had focused more on good vibes, fun, and encouraging one another rather than drama. One show involved people competing to see who could make the best full course meal with the catch being they could only cook everything in a microwave. Many microwaves perished. - Changed their name to Sage Haven during their transition. They chose it because it reflects his passion and also is a play on the phrase “safe haven”, which is what she wants to be to others. - He has an adoptive daughter named Kit. She helped them think up bits and jokes. She also had to help explain what Half-Life was.
haven’t gotten to gman and forzen’s actors yet unfortunately. thinking gman’s actor could be a talk show host? because that would be funny. anyway thanks for humoring me on my shenanigans. bye
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
"Cause yeah sure he lost his virginity to that brothel worker (which, by the way, I have many many thoughts on this because I am convinced this completely fucked him up for years afterwards)"
*Clears throat* Excuse me, ma'am. I'm gonna NEED you to tell me more about this 🙏🏻
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Alright everyone strap in, I guess we are riding the angst train tonight. Honestly I have so many thoughts and feelings about this and part one of me thinks we should have a whole series dedicated just to Aemond’s recovery from that. You know what? It’s a tag now. ‘Aemond’s recovery’ is gonna the tag I use for discussions around this cause I think we all have thoughts and feelings on it.
Anyway, while the content of this answer isn’t explicit, there are definitely sexual undertones and implied sexual situations as well as discussions of assault and mental health so if you’re good with all of that, then venture out beyond the cut!
So I think the first thing to understand is that Aemond is very private and pretty closed off in general. Growing up he of course was taught about sex, and about the double standard between how women have to be virgins and men do not.
As much as the thought of sex made him feel uneasy because the act itself seems so… exposed, he was comforted by the fact that sex is supposed to take place within a marriage. He knows he will have an arranged marriage when he’s older, and he comforts himself by thinking that when he does have sex, it’ll be with his wife, in the comfort of their own bedroom. He imagines the comfortable bed, the candles glowing on the nightstand and the door locked shut to prevent anyone else from seeing him like that.
And then… well then he turns 13 and Aegon decides that’s old enough and all but shoves him against a brothel worker.
He’s confused, he’s uncomfortable. The room is far too bright, he can see everything, and he knows she can see him. The bed is sparse, clearly only used for sex and never for sleep. And the brothel worker… she keeps on touching him? Her hands are all over him and he doesn’t even know how but suddenly he’s naked and her hands are tracing his scar and he’s so so exposed.
He hates it, he hates every minute of it. He’s thankful he didn’t last long because he didn’t want to stay there any longer than necessary.
He had heard the tales from Aegon about how good it feels, and how often Aegon disappears to the brothels so that he can have more than just his wife. Aemond never understand what he meant and now that he had lain with that brothel worker, he still doesn’t get it. Yes it did feel good, but it felt as good as using his hand and when he uses his hand, he’s in his own room with the door locked, he’s safe there. 
In the brothel, people kept on walking in. They were mostly just looking for an empty room but almost all of them paused their search to watch him and the madam for a few seconds before leaving.
Seeing them do that made him blush a deep red and the madam made a big fuss of how sweet and soft he is and chuckling as his embarrassment. Only he wasn’t feeling embarrassed, he was mortified. All those people had seen him like that, had seen him naked and exposed and they had laughed and watched, and very clearly were into it.
They were getting off to something that was supposed to be private and secure and… and honourable. There is nothing honourable about what the madam does to him.
By the time he walks out of the brothel he feels like he’s been scraped raw, like his very soul is sunburnt.
He never goes back, never even considers it. He hated that raw, exposed feeling and he never wanted it again, ever.
And then a few years later his mother introduces him to his future bride. He’s already dreading their wedding night, being plagued by dreams of the harshly lit brothel room.
But then his future wife seems so good? She asks before she can touch him, even the smallest of touches. When her hands are on him, she’s gentle and caring and… and protective?
They’re sitting in the library a few nights before the wedding when Aegon and his drunken mates come barrelling through. They taught Aemond, asking if he knows what to do on his wedding night.
Aemond stays silent while that awful raw feeling starts to rear its head. And then, then he hears your voice. You tell off Aegon and his mates, telling Aegon that he doesn’t get to talk about a husband pleasing their wife when he goes out drinking every night and leaves his own wife to an empty bed.
That shuts him up, and pretty quickly him and all his friends leave the library with their tails between their legs. Aemond, meanwhile, feels incredible. You not only just stood up for him, but you defended the sanctity of their soon to be marriage. Aemond doesn’t feel as exposed anymore.
He begins to wonder if perhaps the wedding night won’t he so bad after all.
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cranberry-writes · 2 months
hii i love ur writing!!! ik youve just answered a hughie ask but i love him and how u write him sm, could i please rq sorta general hcs w him having a lil crush on someone whose sweet and confident, if a little vain? if possible, id love it to specifically be a male reader whose significantly taller than him. thank you!
Hughie Headcannons
Ahhhh love this rq!!! There are almost no male reader stories or headcannons so it’s nice to do them.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN FEEL FREE TO SEND IN ANY REQUEST! (If you aren’t sure look at my pinned!”
Also i’m like 5’ 5” so my writing about a tall person is definitely not correct 😞
Warnings; (Very) Mild Spoilers for season 2&3 and cannon typical language
- Hughies already a tall guy, 6’ 1” (185 centimeters) so being taller than him is something he didn’t really expect
- Tbh he thinks you’re standing on something when he first sees you, but he does a double take and is like ‘Oh shit’
- The second thing he thinks when he meets you is ‘..how?’
- You’re not sunshine and rainbows vomiting kittens or anything, but your a lot more upbeat and kinder than the others there
- “Cool Billy Joel shirt, you got a favorite song?” “Yeah actually, (i know nothing about billy joel) is my favorite.”
- He really assumed that everyone was going to be dickish off the batt but apparently not
- He’s happy he don’t feel like his life is in danger with everyone when he first gets introduced
- He’s also happy someone *cough* isn’t calling him a cunt every 5 minutes
- When he first notices the the vaguely vain behavior, it annoys him a bit (in reality it’s more of jealousy, he wishes he could have faith in himself like you do) but once he sees you in action he understands, working with The Boys is hard, dealing with supes is hard.
- It also kinda scared him a bit, he really didn’t want to think you where an asshole
- Honestly the fact that your alive after everything gives you a pretty decent reason to be a tad vain in his mind
- With your confidence+sweetness he’s not sure if he wants to be you or be with you
- He soon realizes it’s mostly attraction a bit admiration
- I headcannon that he is so insanely bisexual it’s crazy, so being with a dude isn’t something he has to really work through or convince himself of
- Like he just grew up knowing and never really questioned or cared about it
- But he doesn’t realize he actually has a crush on you untill later in the series, maybe around late season two after LampLighter happens. (i feel like that kinda made him realize some stuff about himself)
- But he takes WAY longer to actually try and make a move on you
- like start of season four is when he even starts to make a move
- But he’s got that nerdy white boy thing and chances are you ask him out first
- You totally break out all the stocks, flowers, candy, stuff like that
- He is flattered, flustered, and scared
- Unlike Starlight you don’t have powers, and while you are amazing at your job he’s still scared that you’ll become a bigger target because of his affiliation with Homelander and Newman.
- But honestly we all saw how he literally stood up to Homelander when he insulted Starlight, once yall are in a relationship he ain’t backing down for shit (Unless you ask, he’s very respectful of boundaries)
- okay i’m circling back to the height thing,
- he would enjoy it a LOT
- He’s always been the taller one in relationships, it was nice to switch it up a bit.
- He also enjoys how someone else can share the struggles of being tall with him
- (small stupid thing but if yall move in together you have one hell of a time finding a bed that actually fits)
- Because of how tall you both are it’s easy to find one another in crowds, Hughie really likes that fact (he’s scared that if he can’t find you then something horrible has happened to you)
- Butcher pokes fun at both of you but in the dumbest ways imaginable
- “Ere’ come the fucken’ inflatable tube couple.”
Watch me make an actual fic about this
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Hey everyone, dunno how long this might be, kind of doing a stream of consciousness style ramble about TNTF and me and stuff :)
alright so, tntf is getting a huge rework, this is my first if game ever, the coding is a little overwhelming, i know it’s fairly simple but it’s A LOT.
the reason i’ve been pretty quiet is mostly due to burnout, as some of you know i have health issues, i have crohns disease, i’m also autistic with adhd—something i love about this community is the understanding and acceptance for people/authors like me who may want to write but are just too stuck to be able to do it.
i know everyone is so jazzed for the next update, and i am too, there’s a few changes i’m making in regards to the technical aspects of the story, i’m removing stats, for the MC and for relationships. part of it is… i’m not a numbers person, trying to balance out the stats going up and down is a pain when this is planned to be a pretty damn long story. i also just don’t like it for my story personally, i don’t want you, as the player to feel like you have to game-ify personality or relationships.
this also opens the option for me to write more player responses to situations without having all of that annoying code in my brain~ MORE FLAVOR!
My writing has also vastly improved when it comes to fiction, a lot because i have been practicing so much while i’ve been sick (i’ve been playing with and writing AI chatbots on Janitor.AI, learning how to create a complex and realistic personality, an engaging character and world.) It’s been useful as a stress reliever and as a tool to help me write better, more descriptive etc.
on that note, smut in my game is also a very yes, i feel much more comfortable writing it now… heh.
i’ve also decided that all of my books are going to remain free, tntf was a planned three book series, it may just be one or two HUGE books, we’re going to have to see what i, and twine are capable of. but the story is going to span four countries and two continents of the world, so yeah.
the new rewrite is also going to slow things down considerably, because now we’ll have MC on a ship for four months as the intro, then meeting maddock and spending <insert amount of time here> with him while traveling to that little inn. it also gives me more room to introduce the characters a lot earlier but in their own POVs and not just while they’re with MC. i want the world to feel alive.
my decision to make and keep tntf free is because i want to.
i would not appreciate minors interacting with my content, but i also grew up with the internet, i know that no matter how much prevention we put in, minors are going to access our content regardless if it’s free or not. i just ask that if you are a minor and reading adult fiction, please don’t comment, dm or whatever, this is for your safety in the community as well as, i don’t want to deal with other people’s children on the internet, it’s nothing against any of ya’ll, you’re awesome, children are great but i’m almost 26, i really don’t want to deal with kids in what’s pretty much an adult space (i haven’t really seen books catered to the younger than 18 crowd, but like i’m saying, i’m more interested in forging connections with the adult community here, considering i am one, lmao *bats children away with pool noodles*)
i think that’s it
i might post more stuff but that’s my general direction
also to the asks in my inbox from last year on my birthday and forward… I READ THEM ALL AND APPRECIATE EVERY WELL WISH AND FEEDBACK, GENUINELY. i’m just bad at social media.
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jamethinks · 1 month
i really do wonder if endo is satisfied with the sxf. it truly seems like one of those cases of making more serious works and then that one goofy side piece takes off and becomes your legacy even though it vaguely resembles your true artistic identity.
Sxf is obviously a very successful and recognizable franchise, it's iconography goes way past the original manga. but most of the stuff made for the franchise (outside of the manga) are rather generic and uninspired, seems to me more like mass produced merch to try and make the most off of the series. While there is nothing wrong with that I do wonder how he feels about seeing sxf eclipse all his previous works.
I have seen two conflicting narratives on why he created the series in the first place: one being that he wanted to make something that would be successful and public friendly and another claiming he did it because he was depressed and wanted to create something more fun and lighthearted. both of these were secondary sources so i cannot confidently say if either are valid or accurate but they are what i know.
I am personally a huge fan of the manga and i dont really interact with the story outside of that. i really do find the anime far too polished and high definition, genuinely feels like something factor made to be enjoyed by the masses. the manga feels more grounded and earnest. the movie of course, i refuse to finish because it just feels like a cash grab, pretty but pointless. then there's things like the game and alphabet book which feel so childish compared to the very gritty story found in the manga
Of course, there is also Anya who, as much I personally love her, takes up such a strange place. She's a very popular character but mostly as a meme or just a cute thing like hello kitty. it all feels so disjointed from the manga anya, sometimes i feel like it's a whole other version of her. so many people were shocked to find out Twilight was the protagonist and not Anya and it's like yeah... how could you have made that mistake.
there's also the reactions to the most recent arc where it really felt like endo was trying to say something but everyone was just made. the recent chapter felt like a fuck it have your forgers and go. it was cute but again felt disjointed from the rest of the story, not in a filler way but a half assed way.
so i do wonder what endo thinks about the reputation and legacy being created by sxf and if it really is what he wanted.
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hyunsusgf · 2 months
find your way back to me. (prologue)
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synopsis … losing contact with your best friend that now lives hundreds of miles away has to be the worst thing that has ever happened to you.
pairing … lee eun-yu x fem!reader
warnings … none expect eun-yu because sorta kinda really out of character
lovely notes … a series started whoop whoop we celebrate at midnight. also, might change the same of this cause it’s kinda corny
꩜ [ 1.2k words ]
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you and eun-yu first met in your first year of high school. none of your friends ended up going to the same high school as you, so you were all alone. you weren’t necessarily timid, but you weren’t outgoing enough to put yourself out there. eun-yu was the one who approached you first. you were sitting at the very back of your first class when she decided to sit directly next to you. neither of you said anything, but it was nice to have that kind of company in a new environment.
you didn’t exactly know why she chose to sit next to you. maybe she just wanted to be friendly, or maybe she thought you looked approachable. regardless, you were glad to have someone to sit with, at the very least.
during the first few months of school, both of you engaged in small talk in class and between classes. she'd crack a joke or two that made you laugh louder than you intended, and you’d make small doodles on her paper when she wasn’t looking. 
you were somewhat well-acquainted, although you didn’t speak outside of school. the in-school friendship was enough to make you actually want to come to class and do your work.
as time passed, the two of you became actual friends, not just casual acquaintances. you walked to classes together, sat by each other in more than just your first class, and sat together at lunch, doing everything bored friends do at school. you even got in trouble together from time to time for something as minor as talking too loud in class or not paying attention to your teacher.
you enjoyed spending time with eun-yu, and it seemed reasonable to assume she enjoyed being around you too. you spent most of the day together, so it would be concerning if she didn’t like your company.
toward the end of your first year, you and eun-yu began spending time together outside of school. you'd go to the movies to see whatever was newly released, though you mostly spent the time chatting and laughing because the movies were never very fascinating. you'd also go to the park to spend hours on the swings. 
you had other friends, as did eun-yu, but they weren’t as fun as she was. you didn’t enjoy hanging out with them nearly as much as you did with eun-yu.
then, in february, eun-yu gifted you a heart-shaped box of chocolates and glittery lip gloss. it was an odd gift, but you had been talking about wanting it for so long because of how pretty it looked. you hadn’t bought it yourself because you decided you had better things to spend your money on. in return, you gave her red heart-shaped lollipops and a silver heart-shaped necklace. everything exchanged between you two was heart-shaped “in the name of love,” your words.
after that valentine's day, you and eun-yu became even closer. not necessarily as friends, but in a general sense. you spent more time in each other’s presence, though your relationship remained normal. nothing much changed between you, except for the increased closeness.
at the start of your second year, you and eun-yu became inseparable. you sat next to each other in every class you had together, still walked to classes together, and continued to sit together at lunch. outside of school, you still hung out almost weekly. it got to the point where your mother expected her to come over and got concerned when she didn’t. your mother was so used to eun-yu's presence, as was everyone else around you.
everyone grew accustomed to seeing you together. if one of you wasn’t present, someone would inevitably ask, “where's the other one?” you spent every waking moment together, never questioning your friendship, or rather, your feelings for her.
it felt strange to over-explain yourself, but everyone hears stories about people who fall in love with their best friends and can do nothing but watch them from afar. you didn’t want to end up like that, so you had to think about your feelings for her, romantically.
your relationship with eun-yu continued to blossom as time went on. the two of you remained inseparable despite the usual bumps in the road of friendship. you were grateful to have met her in your first year of high school because she was literally everything to you.
but as fate would have it, something had to go wrong. problems arose when your mother told you that you would be moving after your second year because she had a new job opportunity elsewhere. with only half of your second year remaining, you knew the end was approaching rapidly. naturally, you were devastated to leave almost all your family, but most of all, you were heartbroken about leaving your best friend of almost three years.
three years may not be the longest time, but she was still your closest friend. you didn’t know how she would react when you told her the news, but you had to inform her. leaving without a word would be inconsiderate.
you feared she’d be angry, or worse, hate you. However, when you told her, she maintained a calm demeanor. it was clear she was upset, but if it deeply troubled her, she didn’t show it. so, you made the best of the time you had left together.
as your second year ended, you and your mother packed everything necessary. before you could leave, you had to say goodbye to eun-yu. you knew you wouldn’t have much if any, time left with her now that you were about to move.
as you approached her apartment, you were relieved to see her already sitting on the front steps. she noticed you before you could fully approach her, and you could tell she was excited to see you. you hadn’t been able to hang out much recently due to the packing and preparations.
not wanting to waste any time, you ran up and gave her the most bone-crushing hug you could muster. this would be your last hug with your best friend, and you wanted to imprint it in your memory. you wanted to remember every detail about her. your biggest fear was losing her forever.
before parting ways, you told her how much you loved her. you weren’t sure if she understood the depth of your love, but she reciprocated it, and that was all the reassurance you needed. you promised to keep in touch while you were away and to never forget each other. you promised.
then, you moved. it felt like you were across the country. you'd never felt so far from home, and it was overwhelming. you wanted your house back, your school back, your friends back, and above all, your eun-yu back. you wanted your best friend more than anything. it's not like you didn’t keep in touch, but it wasn’t the same as seeing her in person. hugging her, talking to her, being with her in person—nothing could compare.
but, once again, fate was not on your side. you and eun-yu stopped texting and calling as often as you once did. both of you became so busy with your own lives that you either forgot or didn’t have time to talk as you used to. and as quickly as you became friends, she became a distant memory in the back of your mind.
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literary-illuminati · 3 months
2024 Book Review #35 – To Say Nothing Of The Dog by Connie Willis
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This was my second shot on reading something of Willis’, and I found it far more enjoyable than the first. Which is something of a feat, honestly – it’s a rare book that you can more-or-less accurately describe s a ‘cozy romcom’ that doesn’t make me recoil. But it was charming! And dated, but mostly only charmingly as well.
The story is the second in a series, which no one ever told me when recommending it because it does not matter in the slightest (at least, I had no issues at all following along with the story) – though it does mean that it hits the ground running and requires you to pick up quite a bit from context for the first while. It follows Ned Henry, a historian at the University of Oxford in the mid-21st century – a field that has been changed dramatically by the invention of time travel. For example, it’s suddenly in desperate need of particle-accelerator money, which is why and the entire rest of the department have been conscripted by an incredibly generous donor to help her reconstruct Coventry Cathedral exactly as it was before being destroyed in the Blitz. Exactly. ‘God is in the details’, and Henry has spent subjective weeks running himself ragged attending wartime rummage sales and sifting through bombed out ruins to try and verify the fate of a glorified flower pot mainly notable for being overdone and ugly even by Victorian standards.
After going through so many rapid-fire temporal shifts that the jump sickness leaves him waxing rhapsodic about the highway and falling in love with every woman he sees, he’s sent to Victorian Oxford to lay low and recuperate, and deliver a vitally important package to a contact already in situ. Unfourtunately that jump sickness means that he’s pretty unclear on the particular what and who. Really it’s remarkable that things don’t spin even more wildly out of control than they do (and there’s a period where he might have accidentally made the nazis win WW2).
So yeah, not what you’d call a serious novel. Most of the plot is sneaking around trying to make sure various members of the Victorian gentry fall in love in the right pattern to make sure someone’s grandson can fly in the RAF down the line and someone else elopes off to America on schedule (with drastically limited details and new information from back home changing things ever so often). Also sneaking a pampered rare-fish-hunting pet cat and slothful bulldog around before they arouse the wrath of their hosts. The apocalyptic threat that’s theoretically hanging over everyone never really feels real, and it’s all just pleasently absurd and enjoyable to read.
The comedy reminds me of early Prachett, in a way? Which like, a light comedy from the ‘90s in large part poking fun at English academia, of course there are similarities, but still. Not that that’s n insult. There’s plenty of absurd situations caused by miscommunication or desperately trying to work around absurd social conventions or personal foibles. Almost the entire Victorian cast (and a decent number of the present-day characters as well) are objectively ridiculous people, and the book has a lot of fun making do the literary equivalent of chewing scenery for the camera.
I call this a romcom, but I’m not ever sure that fits, honestly. It is a comedy with romance, between the two lead characters, whose dynamic with each other is the main throughline of the book. But it’s never really a source of drama? Or a motor of the plot. They are coworkers who end up working in close confines and get alone fine, who both awkwardly admit they find each other very attractive and start flirting and at the end they kiss and adopt a cat together. Least miscommunication- or conflict-ridden central romance in fiction you’ve ever seen. I don’t know enough about the genre constraints to determine whether it counts or not.
Part of the appeal of this was honestly the odd ways it came across as a bit dated? Not at all in a bad way but just, like – the fixation on the Blitz as the sine qua non of English history feels very 20th century? The references to the Charge of the Light Brigade and Schrodinger’s Box and Three Men in a Boat, combined with the felt obligation to step back from the narrative and explain what they were in case the reader wasn’t aware – just the idea that someone reading a time travel story won’t already be familiar with the concept of temporal paradoxes, really. It all added up to a reading experience that felt a bit off-kilter in a pleasing way.
This is obviously a story very fascinated by Victoriana – both the time period and the popular memory. Its perspective on the period is – I guess ‘affectionate contempt’ might be the best way to put it? It clearly doesn’t think much of the Oxfordshire gentry, the women shallow as a puddle and obsessed with marriage gossip and spiritualism, the men with their heads stuffed with some academic fixation and utterly divorced from all practical affairs, both obsessed with petty one-up-man-ship of their peers and casually abusive and callous towards the servants who run and organize their lives for them. But it all feels rather good-natured; not a trace of righteous fury or real class hatred is on display, the fact of the empire and the source of their fortunes is I think not even mentioned. One more way it feels a bit dated, I suppose, or maybe just a way my usual reading’s much more explicitly political about these things.
I’m also not sure if this is a matter of tastes or popular memory changing or just my impression of what the received common wisdom is being parochial or inaccurate, but – given the association of ‘Victorian’ with imperial grandeur, aesthetic superiority, eye-wateringly expensive historical real estate, etc, it is quite funny how the book takes for granted that to be ‘victorian’ means to be horrifically gaudy and over-designed, devoid of elegance or restraint, and to have probably ruined some real medieval beauty in its creation.
Anyway yes, you absolutely could dig into this book and write some meaty essays out of it, but I simply was not reading it closely enough to do so. It’s probably overlong and definitely meandering and unhurried, but I did find it a really enjoyable read.
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
(this ask is a get-out-of-jail-free card to infodump about osrs)
OSRS is by far the best mmo as far as I'm concerned. You can do literally anything in it. It's so simple. Its just a little medieval fantasy point and click RNG simulator. But that simplicity is what makes it so addicting.
You can literally just do whatever the fuck you want on it. The game doesnt hold your hand at all, and while I can see how that would be overwhelming for new folks getting into the game, its an aspect that keeps me coming back.
It's kind of a single player mmo. Like sure there's content to do with other folks, and it can be social at times, but like your account is yours. Everything takes such a long fucking time in that game, especially if you're playing as any type of Ironman account, that the game feels more personal.
Like I don't play nearly as much as some folks that I know and I still have nearly 5000 hours of in game time on a single account and its not even in the late game yet.
Like sure these stats are pretty decent for an iron, but I haven't even started going most of the end game content like Raids, CG, Nightmare, ect.
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No only that but I legitimately that the osrs content creators are some of the absolute best gaming content on Youtube. By far. It is insane what some of these people do with the game, all because of how much of a sandbox it is.
Even if you know nothing about osrs or Runescape in general, I would HIGHLY recommend checking our SoupRS on Youtube and watch his Gielinor Games series. All of them. Start with the first season, and watch them all if you like it. Its like a survivor style game with challenges, voting, bannings, and testimonies, all through the lens of osrs.
Settled is one of the funniest motherfuckers on Youtube and has multiple videos about region locked accounts that are still easy to understand for folks who have never played the game.
Jeporite has a NorthernUIM series that leaves me in hysterics every video.
J1mmy is one of those content creators that turns everything he touches into something good. I cannot praise all of his videos enough, including the ones he makes that arent related to osrs. However, his osrs F2P series is one of my favorites.
Hannanie is a trans woman content creator that just makes some of the most off the wall insane videos I've ever seen. Seriously, she made a fucking 21 part series about cutting fucking trees in this game and managed to make every installment a banger. Hannanie is a treasure and everyone should know her content.
Imo the only gaming content on YT that comes even close to osrs is probably Minecraft, but that is mostly because you can do so much modding that the content stays fresh.
Also look at my silly little pets:
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I promise you I spooned the shit out of every single one of them.
Rock Golem at 89 mining, Groot at 86 farming, TWO fucking rex pets before 140kc, 42kc thermy.
Plus with the RuneLite client, you can make your in game interaction as customizable as you want. My whole client is fucking Miku themed lmao. The community has made so many amazing plug ins for this game including a full HD client with dynamic lighting effects, increased GPU distance rendering, ect.
OSRS is a great fucking game and you should definitely be playing it. I will take full responsibility for the thousands of hours that you lose to it. I could go on but this post is already a lot longer than I was expecting it to be.
As an aside: Ironman does something to you. Why do I have 117k Light Orbs in my bank? Idfk might need em. 20k gold tiaras? Just in case. 10k snake skin? You never know when something might pop up. Hoard Everything.
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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unpersoniverse · 7 months
I don't know if I was desperate for a little silly serotonin boost, if I am too unserious or if people are just straight up haters to everything but like...
I swear the ATLA la is not nowhere as bad as many are making it to be, like, this isn't a carbon copy of the og series, nothing will ever top of ATLA and if you wanted it to be the same just go watch the show again?
I've watched ATLA so many times in my life, it's my comfort show as much as yours. But the live action isn't the cartoon, that I understood right away. And of course it has a lot of flaws (and tbh I blame today's way of media consumption at that, trying to squish complex storylines in the least time possible, and also mainstream media performative activism but that's a war for another day) but as a stand alone thing I thought it was pretty solid? I felt like the essence of the show was brought to justice after the unspeakable movie. It felt familiar, at least to me idk.
I don't think this was for the fans honestly, it's been 19 since the og aired. Many things in the world have changed but many are still the same, I think this series was meant more to catch onto the new generations and public. I'm giving you a personal example but I've always recommended the show to everyone I know and despite all my efforts, there are still A LOT of people who disregard animation as something only for kids and wouldn't see it (boludos pero bue) and guess what? They're seeing the live action, and they love it.
Also the fact that there's a show with a cast of mainly asian and native-american actors at last? sign me tf up.
Overall, even if I didn't like some changes they made I still enjoyed it and mostly I want this series to succeed. Mainly because the ATLA story is always going to be relevant, even if it is fantasy it has the representation about people and feelings we don't often see in things. (like, as a girl from a south american country, seeing stories about fighting colonial and imperialists little shits are always gonna hit close home)
Don't get me wrong, it is completely valid if you didn't like the live action. Criticism is great, we need it a lot actually if there's going to be a S2.
But saying is straight up shit and garbage (even before seeing it) just because it's not a frame to frame copy and then go online complaining making 5839 posts about it? Grow up.
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pragnificent · 5 months
Tagged by @tina-mairin-goldstein! Tagging whoever else wants to play.
1.How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count on AO3?
934,933. Wow, maybe I can break a million this year....
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HANNIBAL right now (and for like the last seven years or so). Been vaguely thinking about picking up a second but nothing has caught my interest strongly enough.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Attachment - 7,592
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea - 4,565
Sashimi - 2,807
Hungry Ghost - 1,585
Identically Different - 1,382 <- This is my best series and yall should give it a shot <3
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, and I enjoy doing so, but sometimes the brainworms win and I don't get stuff done even when I really want to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't love this story, but "Hannibal is effectively braindead after the fall, but Will keeps caring for the body and feels that Hannibal is there with him, up until the body dies and Will turns himself in because there isn't any point anymore" probably counts as the most angsty? If you are in the market for a "Hannibal receives a brain injury and he, along with everyone else around him, has to cope with that" story Tina's For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) is a much better pick. And as I continue to think about it, Means of Influence has a pretty angsty ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories have slightly bittersweet but still mostly happy endings. Part of the thing about that is I think it's really hard to envision a situation where Will is like 100% Happy Happy, his own mind hates him too much and every little scrap of happiness needs to be fought for and then vigilantly guarded. But I put both him and Hannibal through so much that I always want them to be as close to content as they each can be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten two flavors of Fic Hate. 1.) People calling the five year old kid OC in ATTACHMENT slurs like "r*tard" and saying "he belongs in jail" and etc.
Every time Hannibal or Will fuck someone who isn't each other at least one person decides to Yell At Me.
I think I've gotten the old "you didn't tag for bottom Hannibal!!" nonsense once or twice too, but who hasn't?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
A little. I actually started Hannishark bc I was really intimidated by sex scenes and wanted to see if I could pull off a short monsterfucker story. I feel like I've gotten better at writing these but am generally more comfortable leaving them sparce on anatomical details and big on feelings/conversations.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one?
I've got a WRONG TURN crossover series that I'm very proud of here: Bear Mountain Road AU. You don't need to have seen any of the movies to read it, or anything, the movies' premise of "a clan of inbred mountain cannibals waylays travelers" is really just an excuse to put Hannibal (and Will and D, as child members of the cannibal family) In Situations. If I counts as a cross over, I've got a universe swap between the novels and NBC HANNIBAL here: Shiloh
I also have a vague idea for a SAW / HANNIBAL crossover but I've been sitting on that for so long, who knows if it'll ever happen?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not so far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, a couple of times.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Hannigram and Reba/D (guys we need a fuckin ship name).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Character, emotions, dialogue.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes, pacing.
17. Thoughts writing dialogue in another language?
Fine by me, tho I only think I've done it one or twice.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
19. Favorite fic you've written?
Identically Different AU !!!! This it the best thing I've ever written and probably the best thing I will ever write.
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glade-constellation · 6 months
I've seen your takes in eclipse, and as a new TSAMS fan I honestly agree, man's a cornered dog that everyone's been trying to put down ever since they learned of his existence. That said, do you know about any fic recs that actually explore the points you're making? I would appreciate if you share some! Or just tell me about an ao3 tag I could visit!
Sorry this took me a moment to get to! I’m terrible at not bookmarking things so I had to dig through the TSAMS tag. This list isn’t in any particular order. Not all of these dig deep into Eclipse’s character but, if they don’t, they’re still good Eclipse-centric fics that I recommend giving a read.
For a general tag to check out, usually “Eclipse Redemption”, “Redemption Arc”, or even “Fix-It Fic” will get you something. There’s not really one definite tag for it sadly, and stories that aren’t redemption arcs don’t typically go deep into Eclipse as a character.
As for fic recommendations, I’ll put the list under the cut :
Rising Eclipse (Sun and Moon AU)
by BrightStar2000
After Sun's minor spell mistake, Eclipse finds himself alive, and not exactly well. He can't move without causing himself immense pain. He has nothing, but time, and Eclipse finds himself reflecting on his actions, and actively regretting them. What will begin as a revenge mission, becomes his chance at redeeming himself.
First in a series! I do recommend the whole series if this one interests you. This takes place after Eclipse’s first death, and goes into a lot of the guilt Eclipse V1 was shown to have. Mostly from Eclipse’s POV.
Sunk Cost Fallacy
by thedemonsurfer
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial"
Eclipse has put too much effort into getting the star to give it up now. Even if it kills him.
Honestly recommend anything by Demon. All of their stories do an amazing job at digging into Eclipse and why he is the way he is. This particular one takes place after Eclipse V2 gets the Star, and shows how the Star affects him both mentally and physically.
Forgotten But Not Gone
by Smol40
Eclipse did...something. Why can't Sun and Moon remember?
Another Eclipse V2 where Eclipse has the Star. His loneliness and guilt gets to him, and he decided to try and wipe everyone’s memories to make his own family. (I would pay close attention to the tags on this one, especially the “Bittersweet Ending” one.)
Ghost in the Machine
by Snorp_Lord
Emails start coming through on Moon's computer with helpful information, but no name on them. Each email gives him more questions.
The sender turns out to be the last person he expects.
Short but good. Takes place when Eclipse V2 is working with Killcode and is trapped in the computer system. Moon and Eclipse actually get to talk about a few things.
Karma’s Bitter, But So Am I
by SinisterShepard
He lost. Eclipse actually lost. Banished to a forest with no one to help his quickly degrading state, Eclipse has to decide between his dignity or death.
And, once the pain sets in, he quickly realizes how much he's willing to lose for the promise of another day. Even if that day involves pushing Lunar even further away than before.
Amidst all this, he still manages to say the wrong thing, which...may end up costing his life all over again, judging by that look in Blood Moon's eyes.
Set after "The Death of Eclipse"
This will have 5 parts, and is a sort of redemption arc for Eclipse. That isn't obvious in the first chapter though.
One of the things I love about this series is how Eclipse still keeps his asshole-ish personality after his redemption. It’s one of the fanfics that I feel still keeps him pretty in character to canon after he’s supposed to be better.
Canaries in a Cage
by 22FluffyTheSpider123
Life in the terrarium while far from convenient, was somewhat getting a little easier. Even if most days left Sun with little to do and bored out of his mind. But he was still alive at least, which was certainly something given the name and overall existence of his captor.
Perilous situation that forces Sun and Eclipse to actually communicate and work together? Amazing.
by thedemonsurfer
Even false comfort is welcomed when you have nothing else.
(Is it really fake or are you just in denial?)
Sun and Eclipse share a moment of mutual comfort despite agreeing that they hate one another.
Another Demon recommendation. Another good fanfic that goes over Sun and Eclipse’s relationship.
Kill Code, You Are the Father
by I_See_Four
An Alternate Dimension where KC tries to build his family and connect with his sons. Due to miscommunications and general Kill Code shenanigans, it's a rocky road but attempts were made. Lunar gets caught right in the middle.
Just when things are looking up, old conflicts and threats of alternative dimensional possibilities come back to haunt them.
Diverges from the Sun and Moon show lore roughly around "Bloodmoon and Killcode TEAM UP?!".
This is not Eclipse-centric, but does do a very good job at dealing with both his and Lunar’s trauma. Honestly, just an overall good fix-it fic for TSAMS.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Can we get more LFTL dad Joel content? I love this series and you’re such a great writer!
Thank you for your sweet words!! I love some LFTL dad!joel content!! This ended up being more family fluff but it still works!
Love's Gonna Live Here
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: The story of the Museum Day [1.1k]
Warnings: a little bit of grief but mostly fluff
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Ever since Joel took Ellie to the museum for her birthday, she's wanted to go back every year. It's a relatively easy journey, and it's gotten easier as you pass through more and more times. At first, it was just you, Ellie, and Joel. Then it was you three, Tommy, Maria, and Camille. Then it was the six of you plus Charlie. Then Dina, Jesse, and JJ started tagging along too. Soon enough, you had a pretty big group going to the museum regularly. Dina and Maria even conspired to set up field trips through the elementary school. Joel was hesitant initially, but once word got out, keeping it under wraps was impossible. Before the first field trip, you and your little family went out to clean things up. Tear down old boards, sweep away leaves and dust, and even organize whatever dinosaur pamphlets were left.
After that first time, it became an annual event. Joel would lead the way, knowing the forest like the back of his hand, and Ellie, after saying she could never be a teacher, would go on tangents about space exploration and evolution to the next generation of students. The museum got a little cleaner every year, and things got a little more normal. You never ran into Infected or Raiders, and if you did, you had the mayor of Jackson and the Millers to keep you safe. It's a win for everyone. Ellie gets to share her knowledge and excitement, you and Joel get to get out of Jackson, and Charlie gets to learn new things. You also like to think the scientists and astronauts who did all that work are happy to know people are still learning about them even after the apocalypse.
This year is the first year Charlie's class gets to go on the field trip. She's ecstatic, telling everyone that her mommy, daddy, and Bellie will take them "to the stars," as Ellie told Charlie years ago. Dina, Jesse, and JJ come along too. JJ is finally growing out of the chubby toddler stage and more into an actual kid. It's scary to see how much he looks like Jesse but acts like Ellie, but you love watching him and Charlie interact.
As you walk to the museum, Joel takes turns carrying Charlie and JJ on his shoulders, pointing out different types of plants, and telling the kids how to look out for poison ivy. He tells them stories of what life was like before. He talks about cities like New York and Chicago and explains how cars work. At one point, you swear you can pinpoint the dreaminess in his voice as he talks about coffee. He talks about Sarah, too. He tells the kids about how she would scamper up big rocks and give him shit for wanting to go on hikes and things like that. She would be in her forties if she were alive today. Jane would be in her thirties. Still, you both imagine them as the fourteen and ten-year-olds they'll always be. You have nothing else to go on.
When you get to the museum, Ellie holds JJ and Charlie's hands as they walk through the exhibits. Ellie goes on and on about what year we went to space, what animal was the first to be in orbit, and the order of the planets. You and Joel hang back, letting the parents and kids follow Ellie. This is your favorite part: watching Ellie be herself. She cracks jokes, answers questions, and doesn't hesitate to get down on their level if needed. She's a natural. Dina watches Ellie, too, adoration and love so clearly shining in her eyes. You wonder if that's how Joel looks at you when you're not looking.
"What're you thinkin' bout?" Joel asks, bumping you with his shoulder, and you shrug.
"Thinking bout our girls."
"Which ones?"
"All of 'em." You say, and he smiles. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close, kissing your temple. You follow Ellie's lead through the museum and watch Charlie get excited as she listens to her big sister. As she makes it up to the dinosaur skeletons, Ellie looks at Joel knowingly and pulls a familiar brown hat out of her bag. You laugh as she throws it and perfectly lands it on the dinosaur's head. All the kids roar with laughter, but Ellie is looking at Joel.
"He's wearing a little hat!" Charlie exclaims, and Ellie smiles.
"Yeah, he is," Ellie says. Joel sniffles next to you, and you rub his back as he tries not to cry. All the kids get a turn in the spaceship, flicking the different buttons and pretending to blast off. You remember when Ellie did that for the first time. She was so little. Now, she's holding a kid on her hip and Dina's hand. She's a grown woman.
As the day wears on, Maria and Tommy start taking people back to town, but you, Joel, Ellie, and Charlie stay. You sit in the middle of the museum, watching the clouds pass through the skylight. Charlie sits in Ellie's lap, and Joel has an arm around her shoulder. You wish you had a camera to take a picture of how peaceful they look. Instead, you commit the image to memory and sit with them.
"I had fun with you today, Bellie," Charlie says, looking up at Ellie, and Ellie raises her eyebrows.
"Yeah?" She asks, and Charlie nods. "I had fun with you, too, kiddo."
"How old were you when you came here for the first time?" Charlie asks, and Ellie meets Joel's eyes over her head.
"Sixteen. Mom and Dad brought me here before you were born."
"That was a long time ago," Charlie says candidly, and Ellie laughs.
"Yeah, it was," Ellie agrees, kissing the top of Charlie's head. "You know, Dad pushed me in the river while we were on our way here the first time."
"Really?" Charlie asks with big eyes, looking between her and Joel, and you smile. Ellie nods with big, animated eyes.
"And you know what?"
"I couldn't even swim."
"Daddy!" Charlie scolds Joel. "Bellie could've drowned!"
"You're right, Charlie Girl. I could've drowned."
"You weren't gonna drown!" Joel defends himself, and Ellie hums. "I was helpin' you build your confidence in the water."
"Mommy!" Charlie turns her attention to you. "Why didn't you stop Daddy from pushing Ellie?"
"Mommy was pregnant and shouldn't have even been on that trip!"
"That's true. You probably shouldn't have." Ellie says, and you laugh. The four of you settle against each other, sleepily watching the clouds move and the sky turn orange. The girls are tucked under one of Joel's arms, and you're tucked under the other, a heap of love and warmth. At one point, Joel kisses Ellie's temple and squeezes her shoulders. Then, so quiet you almost miss it, he says, "You did great today, kiddo." Ellie looks up at him, Charlie resting against her chest, and smiles sleepily.
"Thanks, Dad."
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voxofthevoid · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by my one and only Jesus @eusuntgratie
I recently cleared out all the ask/tag games in my drafts because I realized I'd reached the pile-up stage of putting things in there and not doing shit. Thanks to everyone who's tagged me in those the last couple of months and sorry I didn't get to any!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
2,005,606 (crossed the 2 million milestone recently and am still buzzing about it)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm only writing for Jujutsu Kaisen, but I'm posting for Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, and MCU.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I was so sure it was going to be all MCU, but nope, it's a mix of MCU and Hannibal. God, that was my first Ao3 fandom, and my Hannibal fics are from 2014. It's surreal people are still reading/enjoying them.
if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees)—MCU
i'm a ghost, you're an angel (one and the same)—MCU
A darkness seen and shared—Hannibal
Ways and Means—Hannibal
the hand you want to hold is a weapon (and you're nothing but skin)—MCU
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I enjoy the interactions and discussions. Plus, since I'm not a Discord (or group spaces) person, it's how I find fellow fans to chat with, especially during my initial foray into a particular fandom. I do have a huge backlog of some 1.1k comments from 2020 to mid-2021 because I didn't have much time for fandom in that period. I'm chipping away at it slowly, but I'm pretty prompt about replying to everything on my post-2021 fics.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, this Hannibal fic, I'd say: Till the bitter end
Let's just say I predicted the series finale in some weird way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine end happily—a few are ambiguous, while others are dark.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Oh yeah. It's only happened with MCU and Jujutsu Kaisen, and they're mostly cases of overgrown children unhappy that I didn't write the ships or dynamics they want.
9. Do you write smut?
It's my specialty now 😎
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah. I've done fusion-style AUs, but full-on crossovers aren't something I'd like to write. I'll read them, but I'm picky.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Multiple times (MCU and YoI, iirc), both within Ao3 and offsite.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Multiple times, for multiple fandoms! It's always a delight.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did write one(1) fic that way, but it got yeeted into the void when my co-author deleted her entire Ao3 account. I have a copy, I think.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm the kind of person who's most devoted to whatever is eating my brain at the time, so right now, it's Yuuji/Gojou from Jujutsu Kaisen.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
My writing superpower is that if I lose interest in a WIP, I also lose all desire to finish it and any guilt about it. And these days, I tend to start a fic and work on just that till it's done. So the answer is—none.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write some smokin' hot porn, and I'm pretty good at threading character study through it. The porn is the plot, in most cases. I also enjoy doing background worldbuilding that serves to give the narrative a sense of depth despite the focus being on characters and relationships.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes, ensemble casts, and sustained plotty plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ah, I can feel my Hannibal-era Google-translate Lithuanian judging me.
In general, I avoid it, but when I write for anime set in Japan, I tend to work in honorifics. My mother tongue has those too, so I know from experience that there are no English equivalents that capture the same vibe.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter x Hunter, I think. That account no longer exists. On Ao3, it's Hannibal.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I tend to be biased toward my newer works, so this keeps changing. At the moment, it's (let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered (JJK, goyuu).
Tagging (no pressure) 20 people because why the hell not: @possibleplatypus, @actualalligator, @joeys-piano, @cursedvibes, @backwardshirt, @m34gs, @naamah-beherit, @dragongirlg-fics, @crossroadswrite, @spacebuck, @jenroses, @calamitouskings, @knivash, @lo-55, @bookwyrmling, @sorrythatwasamistake, @ddelline, @lilyfarseer, @roughkiss and @deunan306
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