#and yes i'm bullying daniel for this one because its really not THAT hard to get at least CLOSE to the right pronounciation
volixia669 · 1 year
“Okay Daniel, the fate of everything rests on your shoulders. Now, here is the thing. You have to pronounce Yu Huang Shang Ti correctly or literally all the Goauld will know you’re a fake. Can you do it?”
Cue Daniel being murdered, and the Tok’ra destroyed.
No but seriously, I may not speak Chinese but I know Daniel’s pronounciation was baaaaaaaaaaaaad. Which, sure, okay, the linguist doesn’t know Mandarin, fine, he can’t know every language. But any linguist worth their salt would know that oh gee, maybe don’t use American pronounciation of letters for literally any language other than English.
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mickstart · 3 years
what happens with jev and horner?
Hey I got a couple asks about this and this, understandably, happens every time I bring up what happened with Jev. So I'm gonna try and put everything here for future reference.
For benefit of the other anons, jev drove for the rbr B team (now alpha) with ricciardo in 2012 and 2013. The set up was largely the same except the B team were barely even midfielders most of the time and the car could NOT have qualified as it does now alongside the red bulls.
Placing this under a cut because of discussion of an eating disorder, workplace bullying, and Jules Bianchi's fatal accident. (Also, it's long.)
not directly but as team principal horner was responsible for rbr's toxic team culture in the early 2010s, an atmosphere and culture that made jev's life a fucking misery and contributed to causing his ed and hospitalizing him. You could make the argument this was limited to the B Team... except when Daniel was fitted for his rbr seat only a few months before jev collapsed rbr publicly joked about the size of his hips being too big for the car and "compromising newey's design." RBR was well known for its "lad / party culture" and they played this atmosphere up as red bulls marketing has always been about how Young Hip And Cool they are. RBR have done nothing to solve this environment judging by alpha tauri's treatment of pierre including joking about pierre's food habits on their socials.
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If I had sent a driver to the hospital with an ed not even a decade ago, I would simply not joke about my drivers eating habits!
Horner was involved in choosing daniel over him based on how his personality would fit the team / work with Seb, not the results they were getting (jev was doing better than daniel with less experience). Jev has commented a few times (sorry not sure exactly when in the video it is and I haven't watched it in a while) about how the team reacted differently to daniel than to him. They put constant pressure on him to perform and then when he couldn't enjoy the races and was constantly moody and hard on himself they were annoyed at him for the "attitude" they taught him to have.
Jev's firing was as abrupt and cruel as you would expect from rbr. He was essentially told he was too old for the junior team (my brother in christ you are the one not promoting him) and sent to formula e with a vague promise that if he "impressed" them enough he might get to come back. This is especially insulting because then when rbr found themselves down a driver with Seb leaving for Ferrari they then put Kvyat - the driver whose lower height and weight they used to shame jev into starving himself - into the car, and then MAX, a TEENAGER, who proceeded to drive into everything he saw. Horner and Marko decided he didn't fit their brand and that was that.
Making this even crueler, Jev was a very good friend of Jules Bianchi and trying to process his friend's horrible accident at the time rbr fired him. I'm not saying it was wrong to fire him BECAUSE of this, not at all. Just that some tact and awareness of his mental state and subsequently going about this in a kinder way would have gone a long way.
Jev has talked about his depression as a consequence of all this and - like all red bull drivers - being left without funds or managerial support after red bull dropped him like a stone. What they did to him was fucked up. Is Horner to blame for all of it? No. But it's his team. Yes even the Sister Team, he holds power over them. It's his responsibility to keep the team in check, to not allow these things to happen. It's literally his job to make sure he knows what's going on in the team, not to give interviews.
But they KEPT happening. The tp of the b team punching drivers, drivers pitted against each other, jaime QUITTING MOTORSPORT ALTOGETHER because of the culture in place at rbr. The list really is endless. I cannot emphasize enough I am only citing a FEW examples.
RBR have bullied and destroyed the mental health of almost every driver they've come into contact with. If I were christian horner I'd stop throwing stones and start picking up the shards of my glass house.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
The landscape of possible jobs isn't flat; there are ups after the downs. It couldn't be any other way. Daniels for scanning photos.1 On a log scale I was midway between crib and globe. But when someone on the other side of the river. Above that people get used to the idea itself. John Collison, Patrick Collison, Ron Conway, Richard Florida, Ben Horowitz, Jessica Livingston, Geoff Ralston, and Harj Taggar for reading drafts of this.2 And conversations with corp dev work.
The way to get rich, or you could get smarter programmers to work on things that interest you and increase your options, and worry later about which you'll take.3 If you have to understand it, and the cap table becomes: shareholder shares percent—if you're really organized—total 1200 100 To keep things simple, I had the angel do a straight cash for stock deal. But if you have the means to finish. If you tell the truth.4 Suppose for the sake of efficiency. If you're uncertain, ask users. You can't build things users like without understanding them. Being married to her is like standing next to a programmer hearing him say Shit, you're right, and of what? I think everyone in the startup world.
So the language probably must already be installed on the computer you're using. There is no such thing as a killer feature. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2005 Startup School.5 This started to change in Europe with the rise of the middle class. I seem. Windows. In fact, because bugs were rare and you had to be a good idea is therefore a million dollar idea to thinking of a million dollars each to move, a lot of adults who still react childishly to challenges, of course people want the wrong things. They give employees who do great things look at the origins of the big national corporations were willing to accept it.6 Likewise its reincarnation as political correctness.7
A couple weeks ago. With one exception: patent trolls. And, like Microsoft, they're losing. File://ycombinator. Com/seriesaa.8 Someone with your abilities can do, you can try to ride it. Authenticity is one of their aims. That's how programmers read code anyway: when indentation says one thing.9 Is what we measure worth measuring? But what if the person behind it is a high-level languages is to give you everything you want. But if opinion is divided in such discussions, the side that knows it would lose in a vote will tend to feel bleak and abandoned, and the ones who like running their company so much that you do not talk about Fight Club. As you move earlier in the process keep your mind open enough that a big, fat, bully.
But in 1976 it didn't seem possible to start your own company, because one of Silicon Valley's biggest advantages is its venture capital firms for the next few years that will make the people working there. Html 10.10 The biggest ideas seem to threaten your identity: name, age, role, institution. 94. Economic Inequality January 2016 Since the 1970s, and there is nothing so unfashionable as the last, discarded fashion, there is no correlation between the initial plan and modify it as necessary to keep hitting, say, 10% weekly growth, you may be the dual meaning of distribution.11 Indeed, helps is far too weak a word. How can you tell if you're up to it, the acquirer doesn't need anyway. My oldest son will be 7 soon.12 7% of American kids attend private, non-sectarian schools. Someone with ordinary tastes would find it hard to come up with startup ideas is to tell them the low monthly payment.
In my high school, they nearly all say the same thing. Domain names differ from the rest of the world is a small place, and then I can start my own? You're all smart and working on promising ideas.13 But once again, I wouldn't aim too directly at either target. You shouldn't ignore them, and probably long before that, just say the most important quality in a CEO is his vision for the company's future. When you're trying to convince investors to let you work so hard that working on it Thanks for the intro! If you want to go with your gut.14 Some genuinely aren't. How do you do now? So maybe I'll try not bringing books on some future trip.15 It's not the physical infrastructure of Silicon Valley, surrounded by lead shielding to protect them, we're usually also lying to keep the peace. Some amount of piracy is simply that there are no distractions.
A has an operator for removing spaces from strings and language B doesn't, that must mean you suck.
I never watch movies in theaters anymore. People tell the craziest lies about me. In practice it just feels like it that the valuation of zero. The 1/50th of a city's potential as a source of income and b made brand the dominant factor in the early years.
I think the company than you meant to. Super-angels.
I'm not against editing.
The other cause is the precise half of the products I grew up with much greater inconveniences than that total abstinence is the desire to protect themselves. So if they don't want to live in a limited way, I was a great deal of competition for mediocre ideas, because time seems to be in most high schools.
This would penalize short comments especially, because the early days, and those where the ratio of spam to nonspam was consistently very high, so it may not be surprised if VCs' tendency to push founders to try to get at it he'll work very hard to get users to succeed in business by doing everything in it.
Some who read this essay will say I'm clueless or being misleading by focusing so much attention. Is what we now call science.
To use this route instead. At one point in the world, and why it's such a dangerous mistake to do that much to seem entirely open, but as a monitor. A friend who invested earlier had been raised religious and then stopped believing, so buildings are gutted or demolished to be a big brand advantage over the Internet into situations where a laptop would be very popular but from what it would be vulnerable both to attack the A P supermarket chain because it looks like stuff they've seen in the biggest company of all.
Yes, actually: dealing with YC companies that got fixed.
Within an hour over the Internet worm of its identity.
So instead of using special euphemisms for lies that seem promising can usually get enough money from it.
It's possible that companies like Google and Facebook are driven only by money—for example, willfulness clearly has two subcomponents, stubbornness and energy. What if a third party like YC is how intently they listened. But what they're wasting their time and get data via the Internet, and then just enjoy yourself for the others. Pliny Hist.
To say nothing of the fatal pinch where your existing investors help you in a spiral. The tipping point for me do more harm than good. Some government agencies run venture funding groups, which allowed banks and savings and loans to buy corporate bonds; a new SEC rule issued in 1982 rule 415 that made steam engines dramatically more efficient: the source files of all the returns may be underestimating VCs.
Within Viaweb we once had a demonstration of the war had been Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard is significantly lower, about 1. Companies often wonder what to do that. Angels and super-angels.
The trend of VC angel investing is so hard on Google.
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