#and yes we're going to see chikage again
nocturnalazure · 2 years
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To be continued
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (Training Camp Backstage)
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Revenge Boys' Night!
(translation under the cut)
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Tenma: Come to think of it, how'd the training camp go?
Juza: At that Indian film theme park you guys supervised the stage performance for.
Tsuzuru: Director and Ikaruga-san said it felt like stepping into a movie once they saw the park's cityscape.
Taichi: Yeah, totally! There was lots of different food stalls and attractions, so it was all super exciting!
Taichi: There's so many things I wanna tell you guys about, the stage rehearsals, the discussions, the performance....
Taichi: Oh, right! That reminds me, I got revenge for that thing we tried, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tenma: Huh....?
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Taichi: Good... Now that we're all here...
Misumi: ....Tactical meeting, commence~!
Omi: Is that really why you called us here...?
Taichi: Of course! That's why I've arranged it in secret.
Taichi: I told you guys that I made the room assignments using a lottery app....
Taichi: But the truth is I actually thought about them long and hard!
Taichi: As revenge for the werewolf training camp, we're gonna do~.... a surprise wake-up call!*
Misumi: Operation: Surprise Prank~.
Taichi: I've thought about last attempt, and our greatest opponent will be.... how to catch Chikage-san asleep in order to wake him up.
Omi: So, do you have any ideas?
Taichi: Last time, Tsuzuru-kun helped out with the prank.
Taichi: I think the sound of Tsuzuru-kun getting up and leaving the room is what woke Chikage-san.
Taichi: In other words, we just needed to room him with someone who doesn't drag their feet when getting up!
Omi: Ah, so that's why Tasuku-san and Chikage-san are in the same room...
Taichi: It's not just them, don't you wanna see Azuma-san get pranked too?
Misumi: Azuma's being pranked~?
Omi: Come to think of it, our attempt to do a surprise wake-up call at the Autumn/Winter training camp also failed...*
Taichi: Right. That's why we're getting revenge for then, too!
Omi: Umm, is this going to work....?
Taichi: It's trial and error. So first, let's go to Hisoka-san and Azuma-san's room!
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Taichi: Sorry for the intrusion...
Hisoka: Snz... zz...
Taichi: Yes, Hisoka-san's fast asleep!
Misumi: Huh~? But Azuma's not here~?
Taichi: Wha-, I'm sensing a pattern...!
Azuma: Fufu, good morning. You're up early, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Wah! Azuma~!
Taichi: Gh... You're awake...!
Omi: Good morning. You're up pretty early, Azuma-san.
Azuma: Fufu, I wonder why. Something must have happened, I normally sleep well.
Taichi: Uguu, our revenge failed...!
Azuma: Now now, I can practically see your ears and tail sagging. It's okay, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Taichi, pet pet~.
Omi: Alright, then I'll make you your favorite dish again, Taichi.
Taichi: I'm so comforted, everyone....
Hisoka: Zzz....
Taichi: All this fuss, and yet Hisoka-san's still asleep.
Omi: He won't be up until the sun rises.
Misumi: Hisoka, good night~. See you later, Azuma.
Azuma: Yeah. I hope you succeed.
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Misumi: We failed~.
Taichi: Urgh, this sucks!
Omi: Doesn't seem like we're off to a very good start...
Taichi: We haven't lost yet! I'm sure we'll get it right next time! Off to Tasuku-san and Chikage-san's room!
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Omi: Well?
Tasuku: Zz... zz....
Chikage: .......
Taichi: Oh, they're asleep. This is our chance...!
Misumi: They're sleeping~.
Taichi: I'm sure Tasuku-san won't wake up, Let's start with Chikage-san.
Taichi: Ahem....
Chikage: Gh!?
Taichi: Yay! Operation: Surprise--.
Chikage: ...Just kidding.
Taichi: Huh!?
Chikage: Earlier, when you went to Azuma-san and Hisoka's room, the noise from that woke me up.
Taichi: Grrrrr.......
Omi: Haha, is that so.
Misumi: Disappointing~.
Taichi: Uu, we failed...
Tasuku: .....Oi.
Misumi: Oh, Tasuku~, good morning~.
Taichi: Huh!? T-Tasuku-san, you woke up!?
Tasuku: Nanao... Ikaruga... You two are so noisy...
Omi: Sorry to disturb you.
Tasuku: Even Fushimi... jeez. Whatever, it's fine. I was planning on waking up around this time anyway.
Tasuku: But still, keep your pranks in moderation.
Taichi: Uwaa, I'm sorry~.
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Tsuzuru: Uh, how exactly was that getting revenge against Chikage-san.
Tenma: That wasn't what you said at all...
Taichi: 'Cause~, I was kinda frustrated, so I wanted to spill...
Juza: Azuma-san and Chikage-san are amazing...
Taichi: Yeah, but! I'm still gonna get my revenge someday!
Tenma: What the, why are you so mysteriously motivated.
Tsuzuru: He never learns. Good grief...
*don't have the backstage and not translated afaaik, but assuming it's a reference to the "Infiltration Boys' Night" training camp backstage (liar night event)
*reference to the "Enjoy! Adult School Trip" epilogue
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (4/11)
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(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Taichi: This is the Indian film theme park, 'Bollywood Studios'...!
Taichi: It looks just like that movie we watched the other day! Awesome!
Misumi: Look, look~ that building looks like a castle!
Tasuku: It's a lot bigger and more authentic than I expected.
Izumi: It really is. Let's see, studio...
Tasuku: By the way...
Hisoka: Yawn...
Tasuku: Why did he come.
Hisoka: Chikage forced me to join.
Chikage: We're supposed to be giving them performance advice, so wouldn't it be a good idea to have someone who can dance?
Hisoka: ...This is definitely revenge for Easter.*
Chikage: I don't know what you're talking about.
Azuma: Now now, since we're here, try to enjoy yourself too, Hisoka. Think of it like a trip.
Hisoka: .....Okay.
Tasuku: Like I said earlier, it's not a--
Azuma: Maybe they sell Indian sweets, too. We can go look for them together.
Hisoka: ....! I want to go. Indian sweets... I'm looking forward to them.
Tasuku: Sigh.
Omi: Oh well, it's a theme park after all. Why don't we just say that having fun is also part of the training camp.
Tasuku: .....So be it. You were also asked directly by Director, right, Fushimi? Was that okay?
Omi: Of course. This was a great opportunity, even at work people have been asking me if I needed some time off.
Tasuku: I hoped that was the case.
Misumi: Over there, and over here too! There's so many different things to do here~.
Taichi: Oh! That! What's that called again... Y'know the thing that looks like a cute little motorcycle... but like a car!
Chikage: Do you mean a tuk-tuk?*
Taichi: That's it!
???: You can ride those throughout the theme park.
Izumi: Oh, hello.
Inda: Hello, and welcome. I'm Inda, the manager of Bollywood Studios.
Izumi: I'm Tachibana, MANKAI Company's director. Thank you so much for this opportunity, we're very grateful.
Troupe Members: Pleased to work with you.
Inda: Same to you all, let's get to work.
Izumi: Yes, let's.
Hisoka: There's so many food stalls lined up...
Omi: Can you eat while walking? They sound good.
Azuma: There's also a souvenir shop over there.
Taichi: And so many curry shops!
Inda: Some of our shows, souvenirs, and so on, are geared towards Japanese people....
Inda: As for the curry shops, some were actually opened by locals, others are more famous and popular, and there's a few who are very particular about their cuisine.
India: I especially recommend that shop over there.
Inda: I stumbled upon it when I was looking for curry, and instantly fell in love after just one bite.
Inda: I asked them if they could possibly open up a shop in the theme park.
Chikage: Heh, if you talk it up that much, I'm curious to try it.
Izumi: I want to eat some too!
Omi: Haha, as expected of you two.
Tasuku: Fine, but you guys can do that after we're done with everything.
Inda: Let's move on to the next location.
*reference to the 'Rabbits Party!' event, hisoka forces chikage to join lol
*this is a tuk-tuk , also pictured in taichi's event SR unbloomed
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (5/11)
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(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Inda: This is our main stage.
Azuma: Water is flowing all around us... it's quite beautiful.
Hisoka: Everything's sparkling.
Taichi: Woah~, this is stunning!*
Izumi: It's so gorgeous...!
Inda: Of course. Curry shops are one thing, but we also wanted to make sure we had a spectacular stage for an equally spectacular performance.
Inda: The elephant centerpiece is especially exciting. It's built so that, during the show, it moves around.
Misumi: Elephant-san moves, how amazing!
Tasuku: So this is the stage you'll be using for your performance...
Izumi: We can see it tomorrow. We'll make sure to get a good look during the performance.
Tasuku: That's right.
Chikage: They've got a pretty unusually shaped stage.
Omi: Really? Stages with water features are pretty rare, but...
Tasuku: No, I was thinking the same thing.
Chikage: This plumbing... Could it be--.
Omi: Chikage-san, Tasuku-san, it looks like we're leaving.
Tasuku: Right.
Chikage: .....
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Inda: Here will be your accommodations during your stay.
Taichi: This is sick--! It looks super luxurious too!
Azuma: I'm surprised they already have a facility of this level prepared.
Hisoka: It's spacious...
Izumi: Seriously... You'd think I wouldn’t be so shocked considering the gigantic scale of everything else we've seen here.
Inda: Actually, there was another theme park built here originally.
Inda: But when that business closed, the entire vacant lot was converted into an India-based theme park.
Inda: We still use some of the original facilities today since they were kept in good condition.
Omi: Is that so.
Chikage: I see.
Inda: The building we're in now is one of them.
Tasuku: So the original place must've been pretty amazing too.
Inda: Starting tomorrow, I'd like to ask all of you to supervise the stage. Is that okay?
Izumi: Yes, of course.
Inda: Thank you so much.
Inda: I'm sure you're tired from walking today, please get some rest.
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Tasuku: Utsuki, did you really only bring that one carry-on bag? I wish I had less luggage.
Chikage: Really now?
Chikage: Even still, you seem to have quite a small amount.
Tasuku: ....I don't have much stuff of my own. But some of these are....
Chikage: ....Several bags of marshmallows.
Tasuku: This should've been packed with Azuma-san's things. I'll have to hand them over when I get the chance.
Chikage: Jeez, that guy...
Tasuku: Well, I'm used to it now.
Chikage: That's reassuring.
Chikage: Since both Tasuku and Omi are at the camp this time, we've got a lot of people to carry him when he falls asleep. That'll be quite helpful.
Tasuku: You're the one who brought him here, he's your responsibility.
Chikage: This is supposed to be about cooperation.
Tasuku: ....Can we at least take turns, please.
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Tasuku: (Alright, so the performance is described in the materials as... Then the standing performance will be...)
Tasuku: .....
Chikage: ....When I heard there was a water feature, I wondered how it worked. Now that I can see the actual thing, it's pretty easy to imagine.
Tasuku: Utsuki? So you came too.
Chikage: Just for a bit. I didn't have time to look at the stage much earlier.
Chikage: Besides, after hearing what Inda-san said, I wanted to check out how this place was built again.
Tasuku: You wanted to learn about the stage's construction? I'm sure you'll be able to build a stage and all of its different contraptions sooner or later.
Chikage: Haha, I'm no match for Tetsuro-san.
Tasuku: Pfft, guess you're right.
Chikage: .....What about you, Tasuku? Doing some preliminary checks for tomorrow?
Tasuku: Somewhat.
Chikage: Shall I join you?
Tasuku: ....You brought the script with you?
Chikage: Where you were going, and what you were doing once you left the room... I could kind of guess.
Tasuku: ....That's a really roundabout way of answering.
Chikage: Here, do you want me to or not?
Tasuku: Sigh.... Alright then, please do.
*taichi originally says 'exotic' but i changed it due to the implications of the word
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