#and yet sit there and engage in the hs bullshit with the rest of them
If you have an opinion that applies critical thinking when it comes to Jensen, Jared, Misha, Gen, Danneel, JDM, Mark Sheppard, MP, Osric, Ty, anyone else about their careers, ways they are presenting themselves, things they've said/done, or anything else that could be considered critical (even verging on anti territory), I will listen and give it due consideration before coming to my own conclusion/opinion on the matter.
If you have an opinion that makes fun of aforementioned people's looks, marriages, sexuality, friendships and make unfounded assumptions on their motivations, their relationships with their co-workers/friends/family/children/significant others, how they earn their living/roles, what they decide to spend their earned income on, and call them names equivalent to a third grader, share these things with your "cliques" and thus act like high school mean girls aka bullies, then I'm not going to listen to you and instead assign you the category of butt-hurt haters.
Thanks for coming to my very short Ted talk.
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