#anti genevieve hate
I just have to get this off my chest because it's been bothering me ever since I saw a particular post about Danneel (I'll mention below) earlier and all of the ridiculousness I've seen this weekend about J2M as well:
Holy fucking shit. I knew with Jibcon being this weekend that there would be so much drama happening (like always) but I can't believe some of the takes I've seen from what these guys have said. This, to me, is an all-new low for this fandom.
First of all, while I am not a Jared fan (I don't hate the guy, I'm just indifferent to him if that makes sense) and while I have repeatedly claimed that I despise 15x20 and Dean's death, when I read his answer to that finale question (I haven't watched the panel yet but I plan to), I did not automatically take it as him saying that Dean deserved to die or that he deserved to live a half life or any of it. Do I agree with his opinion (at first mention I mean)? No, but it's just that, his opinion. Since the whole DenCon 2021 disaster, I've actually done a deep dive with this guy and I have come to appreciate his opinions on things related to the show and industry, even if I may not necessarily agree with him all of the time. I don't think he's an evil guy or sitting around hatching evil schemes to screw over Jensen, Misha, Dean, Cas, or their fans or anything like it. The guy's human and he has opinions, just like every other human being on the planet. Can we please try to come from that perspective when we hear something he said rather than running around screaming "FOUL!" before the guy is even finished speaking? I'm guilty of making that mistake in the past but now I try to come from a more objective and compassionate perspective when I hear something, and then look into it for myself. And each time I find that his words/intention consistently gets misconstrued and painted in a light that was never there in the first place. Which brings me to my second point:
When it comes to Danneel, I am not per se a fan of hers either, I am also rather indifferent to her as I am to Jared or Misha. I don't hate her and even though I don't condone any of what could be characterized as "bad behavior" from the past (i.e. her old tweets and responses to people), like Jared for example, she is also another human being and like any other human being, people do change and they do grow as they get older/have more experiences. She may still behave in a similar manner (though we haven't seen this publicly that I am aware of) or she may not (when you have kids, things tend to change your perspective usually), either way it doesn't matter when it comes to what I'm about to mention. Criticize the woman or don't criticize her, love her or hate her, whatever your reasons, can we PLEASE stop with the bullshit? And what I mean by the bullshit is this:
Jensen mentioned that he was tired in his solo panel today because Danneel wanted to stay up the night before because she hadn't been to Rome in 11 years. All of a sudden, antis (and one severely worrying individual in particular who apparently has a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality when it comes to this couple aka one hgcowboy - you know the one): DANNEEL IS ABUSING HIM BY DEPRIVING HIM OF SLEEP!!!! HOW DARE SHE!!!
Like, are you fucking kidding me? I may be indifferent to the woman or give two figs about her really but how do you get from Jensen being tired from a late night out with his wife to her ABUSING him? And this is characterized as intentional sleep deprivation? Obviously this person (hgcowboy) has never been psychologically abused like this (which is obviously a good thing) nor has she ever spoken to someone who has been through such an ordeal (I am someone who has been through that for example); that's more than evident from this commentary she posted.
1) Danneel wanting to stay out late because this is the one time she's been to Rome in 11 years (and obviously the first time with their kids) is NOT abuse. Have you ever had kids? Have you been married with said kids? There is nothing wrong with Mommy and Daddy having a night out, especially in a place that Mommy doesn't always get to visit (which is why I'm willing to bet that Jensen agreed to stay up despite his early schedule the next day). It doesn't matter that Jensen had a con the next day. The circumstances being what they are change Jensen's usual schedule. If he wasn't married and dating someone instead or took his mom there and she wanted to enjoy a night out or Daniela did as Jensen first joked, is that abuse, too? Simple answer: no. Can it be inconsiderate if (and that's a big IF) that person's intentions were purely self-involved? Sure. But NOT abuse.
2) Jensen is a GROWN ASS MAN. He can make his own decisions. For example, he said yesterday that he likes to go on the Tower of Terror ride (or whatever they call it these days) like JJ, but Danneel doesn't like the ride. He still makes the decision to go on that ride no matter that she doesn't like it. HE MAKES HIS OWN CHOICES. He could have told Danneel no about staying up but he didn't. He chose to go anyway, knowing he had an early morning. That's on him, not her, no matter the reasoning behind his making the decision. He is responsible for himself. Stop pulling shit out of thin air to justify your hatred and jealousy, seriously.
3) As an abuse survivor, I am flat out asking that hgcowboy: can you please stop fucking throwing the word ABUSE around because you're insanely jealous of the woman who Jensen took with him to Rome and it's not you? Like seriously "Sleep deprivation IS abuse" - perhaps learn what actual abuse is and stop throwing that fucking word around (especially in this fucking context) for your own reasons and so you can keep your ongoing fantasy that Jensen is going to leave his wife for you for whenever the next time you meet him is (if you actually met him as you claimed). This is not the first time you've done this when it comes to the topic of Jensen and Danneel, and it needs to STOP. Every time you do it to justify your hatred and jealousy of a woman that the guy you're obsessed with is married to, you do harm to actual abuse survivors such as myself. Abuse is a serious subject and that word should not be thrown around lightly. Idgaf if you hate Danneel, you want to keep that toxicity going (as all hatred is), that's your business, but stop fucking using that word and STOP acting/saying it like you are an expert on the matter, like you do on everything else you talk about like acting, the industry, branding, Jensen's mental state, Danneel's mental state, their kids' mental states (remember that disgusting post you made about their youngest daughter because you couldn't distinguish a joking story from actual reality? saying she was a sociopath in the making? because I sure do), and psychology (spoiler alert on that one: you're not). Because from that statement alone, you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And it is absolutely disrespectful and damaging to the abuse survivor community when you say that shit and put it out into the universe. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
And those who have actually experienced abuse in any form know exactly how serious that word is, the kind of impact labeling a situation or event as such actually has, and would never use it so disrespectfully and so casually. Like I said, you ought to be ashamed.
Now for those who say Jensen was name dropping when talking about being a producer, did y'all actually watch the panel where he talks about it? He was stating how hard it was to actually get a project onto the air, no matter what the circumstances, i.e. having names attached that were highly successful. Where is the name dropping? Where is this him being so arrogant that he made himself sound like Thee Producer? Have y'all not learned by now to watch the panels for yourselves and not 100% trust the tweets that come out of these rooms? Meaning that their interpretation or translation and context may not always come across in their tweets? How many times does this need to happen in order for you to finally get it? And you guys say you're the critically thinking ones? Yeah, not so much.
Have your opinions, express them freely on your blogs or chosen social media, love/like or hate/dislike who/what you want, but for Christ's sake, can we please inject some rationale into this fandom once and for all? Not everything these guys say is meant to be taken literally or to be a sign of them being in a hostage situation with their wives that only you can help them escape from (looking at you blogger I mentioned above; just admit you're obsessed with Jensen and that's why you hate Danneel so much and go). Perhaps not all is right in the Jenneel world, perhaps there really is a separation on the horizon, perhaps there isn't, either way, it doesn't matter. It doesn't give you the right to throw that word around so casually. And you obviously haven't learned since your last claim of "abuse" that people were doing to Jared when a fan told him not to cry or she would start crying (not meant in a negative or demeaning way to him at all) in a panel a year or so ago. It's clear that you do not understand what that word means. If you truly care about the abuse survivor community, you'll stop using it for your own justifications, fantasies, and anti blog discourse.
And while we're at it, let's all just admit that half of the shit that's said about these guys (and their wives) would never be said to their faces. I seriously doubt you would say it to anyone's face if you had to look them in the eye and say it. You don't have to like these guys or these women, you're free to have your opinions and express them, but can we seriously stop with the exaggerated speculation and outlandish analysis of each word that comes out of these guys' mouths about every single aspect of their lives? We are not inside their heads, their homes, their marriages/relationships, or the inner working of their careers. Does that mean that each individual hasn't done something worth of legitimate criticism? No. They're human beings on a very public stage. Each one of them has done or said something that is not desirable and perhaps has caused you to un-fan them so to speak. But does that mean all of this fighting (i.e. Jensen fandom vs Jared fandom & Jared fandom vs Misha fandom) and toxicity and drama and spreading of negativity needs to continue? No. Why can't we just enjoy what we enjoy about this series and/or these guys and leave it at that?
It's just beyond frustrating. I swear, if I could make my own tag for this show and Jensen on here, I would. Tumblr has to come up with a better filtering tag system than the one they currently have in place.
Just had to get that out. Done.
Edit: I don't usually include names in any of these posts but after the person named here came at me the way she did, accusing me of shit I didn't do, and sicced her followers on me for no damn good reason, now Idgaf.
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heradion · 6 months
Genuine question for SPN fans:
How do ya'll deal with the SPN fans who are extremely toxic and bully / spread hate about Jensen, Misha, Jared, Daneel and Gen online?
Cos I there are anti tags for all of them including jensen and daneel and Gen and jared. Criticizing them for some controversial shit is okay but sending hate to them and their families is crazy.
Now I get having personal preferences on ships and not liking Destiel or Saileen , but you can't do the same with people's lives and say their relationship isn't real.
Like how do these people sleep at night knowing all they do is spread hate and negativity?
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trailerprk-princess · 10 months
usually i dont make posts like this but if youre hating on someone dont let it get infront of your moral values.
idm if youre hating on someone, as a big hater myself, i love it & the drama. youre allowed to knit pick celebrities for being annoying or that racist tweet that they tweeted 10 yrs ago. but if youre hating on them by being racist, homophobic, ect. then youre just as worse as them.
im only saying this bc i saw a post the other day where someone negatively pointed out how a certain celeb was "too skinny" when that celebrity appears to have a normal bmi. & then when i commeted on that post saying, "idk much about this celeb but you shouldnt comment on their weight negatively. it comes off as body shaming."
& then the creator replied saying "she looks like she is starving herself." & then the creator deleted that reply & then replied with "she fat shames her husband." like?? idc if she fat shames her husband, im not talking about her, im talking about YOU. didnt your momma ever tell you that two wrongs dont make a right? i replied basically saying that & my reply & orginal comment got DELETED. & this person didnt even take down their post or fix it but they obv know theyre wrong bc they deleted my comments calling them out.
im sorry but i dont see how that is valid reason to hate on someone. you couldve hated on that celebrity by pointing out that they fat shame their husband but you decide to skinny shame them instead? that makes no sense.
to that person & any other person thats like this, you are no better than the person youre hating on. <3
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Gen and her employees are working overtime to convince you that Jared was celebrating her birthday today…but I’m not convinced:
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For one, what’s this weird Jared “sticker” edit that could be from anywhere? In fact, the whole family is just kinda crudely pasted together throughout the post.
And we’ve got Michelle from Stands also tagged…and clearly audible in the video. At the end she says something about a spoon and then as Gen is blowing out the candle something about “the picture is cute though.”
How long is that table?? Cuz 3 adults and 3 kids crammed into an upscale restaurant booth can’t be comfortable. 😒
And lastly, I can’t hear Jared singing. I guess he wasn’t in the mood. 🤔😏
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cam-ulu29 · 2 years
aight fuck it *throws towel dramatically* that’s it that’s the last straw. you win. guess im a tinhat now. go J2.
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
Perhaps this comes out as klaroline bashing? This is all canon events but lmk if people want this in the anti tag. Anyway, I get it's fanfiction, but I'll never understand why writers make Cami/Hayley straight up bitches - and I hate this word - in klaroline fanfics.
Some people act as if Camille or Hayley actively went out of their way to sabotage Klaus's relationships, which it's just dumb. This man was literally screwing Genevieve, a woman who played a part in Kieran's death and who was nothing but mean to her, yet Cami was still kind and nice to her, and honestly Hayley couldn't have cared less about who Klaus dated (and like, usually writers make Rebekah and Caroline best friends, so it's insane she hates Hayley for the hybrid thing yet absolutely adores Rebekah who was nothing but rude to her).
Camille and Caroline would not hate each other if they met, be for real now. Caroline didn't only show no interest in Klaus, she was aware he slept with the same woman he thought Tyler had been unfaithful with which just proves her more he has close to no respect for her but she also said she never felt herself around him, so why would she ever hate someone who is quite literally the embodiment of kindness because of a man who who always hurt her? Hayley and her had problems of their own, but knowing the personalities of Caroline and Cami they wouldn't hate each other over a guy - Caroline is more likely to slut-shame her if anything, but that's another whole conversation.
Anyway, Cami, Hayley and Caroline have always been too hot for Klaus Mikaelson.
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lightofraye · 3 months
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So. This is for an anon ask I did not get, by the way. It was sent to me by a follower who was pissed at the Gen-hate that was wildly incorrect.
I volunteered. (I have anon ask off today because it's a freakin' holiday. Get over yourselves, folks. I'm free to turn it on and off as I please.) Especially because of the Danneel stuff that had me rolling with laughter.
Shall we?
Anon wrote: When Jared has his breakdown, Gen didn't even visit him. She just went to the airport and brought Danneel with her, probably airing his dirty laundry to her on the way there. Gen is so fake. She uploads him for views and brand campaigns for her insta
Uhhh.... no. The first part alone is wrong. Jared flew straight home when it happened and Gen wasn't even with Danneel. As for Gen uploading Jared in videos and brand campaigns--you realize he could and probably has said no in the past? He could say "Nah, babe, I'm not in for it." And Gen would probably be okay with that!
Anon wrote: Her and Danneel would be wasted most of the time on their insta lives. They stay at home and do nothing but use their husbands money. Gen is way worse than Danneel.
Actually... no. Danneel stays at home. Gen at least does her thing with TOWWN, their farm, was on Walker a bit, travels a lot, goes to cons.
Now for the rest of anon's nonsense.
Anon wrote: and you guys say Danneel is a user. Danneel doesn't even post anymore 😂
Danneel is a user! She's had multiple failed campaigns with a number of companies. Her jewelry line? Failed. Her modeling? Failed. Her multiple attempts to try acting has also failed. She couldn't even get onto Supernatural without using Jensen! At least Genevieve got on by honest work!
(BTW, for all the anti-Gens out there? Genevieve also got onto Walker by way of honest work, not because of Jared!)
So what does Danneel have? Just the kids she has with Jensen that she undoubtedly uses to keep Jensen in line and have access to his money!
Anon wrote: At least Danneel changed her ways
And you based that on... what? Her lack of Instagram posts this past year? Sure... sure. She hasn't posted, but that doesn't mean she changed her ways. If you see her scant few outings, she's still as lazy and incompetent as ever. When Hilarie asked her to do a book campaign, Danneel didn't even read the freakin' book! And her marketing failed. Hilarie didn't even have a crowd.
And then there was that ridiculous One Tree Hill Charity Prom. Danneel was awful as always, conceited, and almost slipped in her so-called thank you speech when she was made prom queen when she mentioned "I wouldn't be here without my rich husband".
So yeah.
Gen does honest work. She comes from money. If she and Jared were to divorce tomorrow, Gen would be fine. Danneel however? Would not be.
GTFO with your Gen hate. Come back when you have something legitimate.
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openheartfanfics · 7 months
Newly Added Fics
Feb 10 - 16, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Valentine's Day Dinner - @eadanga ☁💘
Bryce asks Lauren to be his Valentine.
Valentine's Day Notes - @storyofmychoices ☁💘
Although it was Valentine's (Heart) Day, there was a lack of cardiac surgeries so Bryce occupied his time making this note for Olivia.
Bryce x M!MC
When you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love. - @mydemonsdrivealimo ☁💘
Date night preparation was a careful and calculated thing for Bryce
Ethan x F!MC
A Romcom Ending - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Ethan is thanking his lucky stars. Not only has he found his perfect woman, but she also knows what's important in life - each other.
Baby Ramsey - @genevievemd 📷
Genevieve posts her baby announcement.
Galentine's Day - @liaromancewriter 📱💘
Cassie enjoys a girls' night for Galentine's. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
The Flirting Game - @liaromancewriter ☁
Cassie ‘practices’ her flirting technique on Ethan, but she’s not the only one who knows the moves. [Office; Donahue's]
Open Heart MC
Any Other Day - @jerzwriter 🦚💘
Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye.
Anti Valentine - @liaromancewriter 📱💘
Cassie and Max commiserate each other on their most hated day. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
International Day of Women and Girls in Science - @storyofmychoices ☁
Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter).
Galentine's Day - @liaromancewriter 📱💘
Cassie enjoys a girls' night for Galentine's. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Rafael x F!MC
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future.
CH 18: Bringing Tori Home 
CH 19: Officially A Family Of Five
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afemalesebastian · 2 years
So my current musical fixation are the Kinks. Past couple of weeks, I've been going through and listening to basically their entire oeuvre. Here, in no particular order, are my recommended tracks (that AREN'T "Lola", "You Really Got Me", "Waterloo Sunset", etc)
"Village Green Preservation Society" - God save Donald Duck, indeed. I wholeheartedly endorse the Custard Pie Appreciation Consortium and the Skyscraper Condemnation Affiliate.
"State of Confusion" - Honestly, this whole album is a banger (gotta love "Young Conservatives", a 'get-off-my-lawn' song about young Thatcherites). 'I don't know whether I'm coming or going / Can't cover up 'cause it's obviously showing... Am I overdrawn, am I going in debt? / It gets worse, the older that you get.' Rock and roll is such a young person's genre, there are a paucity of good songs about the problems of middle age. The music video for this is also great - Ray Davies' facial expressions are delightful.
"The Way Love Used to Be" - UGH SO BEAUTIFUL
"Have a Cuppa Tea" - 'Whatever the situation, whatever the race or creed, / Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree / It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation, / It knows no one religion, / Nor political belief.'
"Shangri-La" - probably the saddest song I've ever heard about upward mobility.
"Lavender Lane" - best song about gentrification EVER. So good. Especially like the musical quotes from "Waterloo Sunset". ("Demolition" off Preservation Act I is also excellent on this topic.)
"Alcohol" - sounds almost like it was influenced by Cab Calloway, very speakeasy. "Holiday" is also good for this.
"This Time Tomorrow" - 'On a spaceship somewhere sailing across an empty sea...' Just beautiful - perfectly combines 'life-on-the-road' loss with 'the-old-ways-are-vanishing' loss.
"Celluloid Heroes" - a million times better than Elton John's "Candle in the Wind" any fucking day of the week.
"Some Mother's Son" - heartbreaking anti-war song - the words should be engraved on a memorial.
"Sweet Lady Genevieve" - I understand why Preservation is so polarizing amongst Kinks fans, but I probably fall more on the love than hate side. This song reminds me a little of Stan Rogers' "Witch of the Westmoreland", although much more overproduced.
"Dedicated Follower of Fashion" - I know this is very top 10, but how could I not include a song that starts with a quote from Baroness Orczy's Scarlet Pimpernel, and includes the phrase "Carnabetian Army"??
"Better Things" - 'Hoping all the verses rhyme / And the very best of choruses, too.' This is one of my go-to cheer-up songs. It's really good to see you rocking out and having fun!
Anyway, I should probably stop while I still can (Honestly, I could effuse about Kinks songs for days. And have. My poor husband.). But I have really been loving the Kinks lately.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 5 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dFSfnU0 by JeffyGermaine Sam Winchester, moody cog in the worldwide military machine, is sent up north on a rather shady rescue mission. His dad sucks, his brother sucks, he hates people. But the freezing-your-tits landscape threatens to change his entire outlook on life. There's fuckery afoot, secrets unearthed, and a tall blonde creature that keeps "eating" his way into Sam's heart. Words: 9585, Chapters: 5/19, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Lucifer (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), John Winchester, Benny Lafitte, Real Human Meg Masters | Demon Meg's Host, Ruby's Host (Genevieve Cortese), Charlie Bradbury, Michael (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Relationships: Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Lucifer Possessing Nick (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Military Inaccuracies, Alternate History, Michael Possessing John Winchester, Everyone Has Issues, Sarcasm, Bad Humor, Bad Parenting, Bad Flirting, Blood and Gore, Gun Violence, Fucked Up, Sassy Sam Winchester, Sassy Lucifer (Supernatural), Bad Parent John Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Protective Lucifer, POV Sam Winchester, POV Lucifer, Human/Monster Romance, Parasites, Alternate Universe - Future, Anti-Hero, Body Horror, Not Beta Read, Heavy Petting, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Morally Ambiguous Character read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dFSfnU0
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If you have an opinion that applies critical thinking when it comes to Jensen, Jared, Misha, Gen, Danneel, JDM, Mark Sheppard, MP, Osric, Ty, anyone else about their careers, ways they are presenting themselves, things they've said/done, or anything else that could be considered critical (even verging on anti territory), I will listen and give it due consideration before coming to my own conclusion/opinion on the matter.
If you have an opinion that makes fun of aforementioned people's looks, marriages, sexuality, friendships and make unfounded assumptions on their motivations, their relationships with their co-workers/friends/family/children/significant others, how they earn their living/roles, what they decide to spend their earned income on, and call them names equivalent to a third grader, share these things with your "cliques" and thus act like high school mean girls aka bullies, then I'm not going to listen to you and instead assign you the category of butt-hurt haters.
Thanks for coming to my very short Ted talk.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Stating biological facts is not hate
By Genevieve Gluck. December 8, 2023
A Hobart City Council member is under investigation by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for “inciting hatred” after declaring “trans women are men.” Louise Elliot is now facing a costly formal inquiry by the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a case which has the potential to restrict freedom of speech. If the tribunal rules against Elliot, she may be ordered to publicly apologize and pay a fine of up to $4,000.
In March, Elliot attended a Let Women Speak demonstration organized by Standing for Women and led by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen. The event was intended to provide women with a platform to express their concerns or criticisms of gender ideology.
As part of a prepared speech she gave during the event, Elliot stated that it was impossible to change sex, that “trans women are trans women and remain biological men.”
During her speech, Elliot also highlighted how gender ideology poses safeguarding risks, noting how such policies impact women and girls.
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“While the majority of men are decent, kind and caring people, men present an inherent danger to women. The vast majority of sex offenders and violence perpetrators are men. It is completely understandable that women would want spaces for females only, especially vulnerable spaces like changerooms, toilets, and showers. It is absolute insanity that we have a law that allows a man to at 10am declare he’s a woman and by 11am be sharing changerooms and showers with young girls.”
On May 5, Elliot received a letter from the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (ADC) informing her that they had received a complaint about her statements and had opened an investigation into her activities for “inciting hatred” under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act.
The complainant, who cannot be named during the ongoing investigation, also took issue with a statement made by Elliot in the context of male violence and the defense of women-only spaces, wherein she stated, “You cannot be raped with a penis if there is no penis present.”
In November, Tasmanian ADC Sarah Bolt ruled that Elliot’s case would proceed to a tribunal inquiry. In response, Elliot has been vocal about her situation on X (formerly Twitter), and has promised to appeal her case to the High Court should she be found guilty of inciting hatred.
“If it is found that I have incited hatred with these accurate, factual, accurate, and true statements, then I won’t be standing for that. And I know that the majority of Australians don’t believe the truth can be hate. So we will absolutely be taking it all the way to the High Court, because this is a massive overreach on our implied right to freedom of belief, freedom of expression, political communication, and we need to defend that,” Elliot told Ben Fordham Live.
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Elliot also noted that the legal attack against her is being funded by taxpayers. “The threshold for inciting hatred needs to be really high. It can’t be just because someone is offended. What really gets me is that it’s our taxpayer money that is funding this attack on freedom of speech.”
However, Elliot is expected to pay her legal fees out of her own pocket, and is crowdfunding to cover costs. In the event of a ruling against her and an appeal to the High Court, Elliot has said she estimates the process to cost $100,000.
In addition to the litigation, Elliot says she’s also been experiencing harassment from her colleagues for criticizing gender identity ideology. In a video she shared to X in October, Elliot described how she had been singled out for her views.
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“Over the past several months, I’ve been copping some pretty heavy bullying by some of the Hobart City Councllors, and collectively as a council. You hear the Hobart City Council talking a lot about inclusion, diversity, and being welcoming and kind… But inclusion is welcomed if you agree with their thinking. If you don’t agree, then you are heavily excluded and targeted and bullied,” she said.
Elliot went on to explain that she does not believe that humans can change sex, and that women and girls are entitled to single-sex spaces and sports.
During one meeting, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councilor Helen Burnet put forward a motion that the council write to three different organizations to complain about Elliot. The councilors wrote to the Integrity Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Commission, and local government officials to request action be taken against Elliot over a series of posts she made on X.
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“We had a training session from a local organization, and I questioned some of the details that were in their fact sheet. Some of the details I found quite concerning, for example, statements that, ‘Trans women are not dominating women’s sport.’ I disagreed with that and tweeted some pictures of trans women playing in women’s soccer, and it’s happening globally,” Elliot said.
“In the fact sheet we had, they also tried to say that because black women are women, trans women are women. And I found that really quite a disturbing statement, quite racist and far from the truth.”
The fact sheet presented during the diversity training session, run in September by Working It Out Tasmania, also argued that trans-identified males do not pose a risk in female-only spaces.
“There is very little evidence of women’s spaces being secretly infiltrated by people with criminal motives, eg, sexual assault. Nearly every story that has emerged in the media or research regarding this has been disproven or discredited,” the document stated.
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Elliot further revealed that she had been sent a letter by Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Helen Burnet chastising her for her views.
“You have consistently spoken out against transgender people and have on the public record refuted that transgender women are women,” the letter read. At Burnet’s request the city council asked the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to consider that Elliot had, in their view, breached the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1998, which was amended in 2019 to include the subjective category of gender identity, but does not presently provide legal protections on the basis of biological sex.
Elliot has said she has received a flood of supportive messages from constituents. In September, a small demonstration was held outside of Hobart City Council Town Hall, wherein protesters called on the Deputy Mayor to “call off the witch hunt” against Elliot.
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I know a lot of people might disagree with me but I just thought I'd put this out there.
I love Jared and Genevieve's relationship. Hellers can say what they want but Gen auditioned to be on the show, her and Jared were not together and did not know each other before she was on the show. They fell in love on the show and it grew from there.
I love that they actively support Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ community, and many more organizations and charities. They both are open and honest about their charity work and what they support.
I love their chemistry and how they so genuinely care about each other. I love that they keep their private life private. Gen doesn't use her insta to gloat about being Jared's wife, she uses it as a platform to bring awareness to things, to support her blog, and to show her kids and their gardens.
Jared is very open in how much he loves Gen as in almost every con he says he loved meeting his wife on the show. Gen openly supports Jared in his career and cares about his friends as well. She doesn't gloat and shout from the rooftops that she was on spn etc...she is quiet about it and she speaks out when she needs to while supporting her husband wether it be the finale of spn, his always keep fighting campaign, them doing marathons together, etc.
People may say "oh she only is going to be on walker cause she's Jared's wife" so? I'd much rather watch a show where the main character's wife and him have actual chemistry to make the show feel more real. Example, watching Sam and Eileen...they had no chemistry it was very awkward and forced. Him and Gen already have that chemistry and I'd much rather see her as his wife on the show than anyone else.
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brodependent · 4 years
People rooting against Jensen's marriage are gross
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 5 months
Disinter https://ift.tt/sLnQbAR by JeffyGermaine Sam Winchester, moody cog in the worldwide military machine, is sent up north on a rather shady rescue mission. His dad sucks, his brother sucks, he hates people. But the freezing-your-tits landscape threatens to change his entire outlook on life. There's fuckery afoot, secrets unearthed, and a tall blonde creature that keeps "eating" his way into Sam's heart. Words: 9585, Chapters: 5/19, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Lucifer (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), John Winchester, Benny Lafitte, Real Human Meg Masters | Demon Meg's Host, Ruby's Host (Genevieve Cortese), Charlie Bradbury, Michael (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Relationships: Lucifer/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Lucifer Possessing Nick (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Military Inaccuracies, Alternate History, Michael Possessing John Winchester, Everyone Has Issues, Sarcasm, Bad Humor, Bad Parenting, Bad Flirting, Blood and Gore, Gun Violence, Fucked Up, Sassy Sam Winchester, Sassy Lucifer (Supernatural), Bad Parent John Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Protective Lucifer, POV Sam Winchester, POV Lucifer, Human/Monster Romance, Parasites, Alternate Universe - Future, Anti-Hero, Body Horror, Not Beta Read, Heavy Petting, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Morally Ambiguous Character via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/jIpDqHV May 08, 2024 at 12:15PM
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I find it really ironic that Hellers are telling people not to talk about Vicki and Misha separating. If it had been Jared and Genevieve, they would be all over it. And laughing.
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