#and you can only patch so many holes when the boat starts underwater
corvigae · 2 years
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sockpansy · 6 years
Lost At Sea
Hey! This is a fic based off of two drawings done by the amazing @thelazyblueshipper who gave me permission to write a fic!
Warnings: blood mention, ghosts, kidnapping (its too a mermaid) and let me know if I need to tag anything else!
Roman had wanted to do it for years, ever since the pirates found out about them. Ever since they started to take, kill, sell their kind.
Roman wanted to stop them.
But Logan wouldnt let him.
"Its too dangerous Roman! As long as we stay farther down and away from nets, we can be safe."
"But then we have no freedom! We are confined to the deep waters only! We have to watch how fast we go, we can even float on the surface to sunbath!"
"But if they catch us, we die." Logan spat. "If we go after them, we Will get caught, then what do you suggest we do?"
Roman fell silent, not able to make a reasonable agrument.
"There are ships we could fix up easily and-"
"No Roman."
That had been the end of that argument.
"Help! Help!" Patton sped through the water in search of someone, anyone who could help.
He found Roman and Logan, who had heard him and came as fast as they could.
"Patton! Calm down padre, what's wrong? Predator? Underwater volcano?"
"Virgil!" Pattin cried.
Logan looked around."where....is Virgil? Patton what happened?"
Patton's tears floated in thw water. "I just wanted to go above for a little bit, i didnt know they were so close! I didnt know there net was so close!"
The rest was lost in cries, but it was obvious what happened. Virgil had saved Patton but got caught by pirates instead.
"Roman." Logan starred at the water above them.
"We need a ship."
Luckily, Roman knew were a ship was in...ok condition and not filled with water completely.
"How did you even find this?" Patton asked as they arrived at a small islabd with an old ship on it. It had a hole in the side and a broken mast,but was rather alright.
"Before we started to stay under, I found it."
"We better get to work if we want to get Virgil back before they reach a port then." Logan was still unsure, but...they couldnt just leave Virgil,to be sold or...killed, if he wasnt already.
It took a few days to fix the ship, but they found swords, and old clothes they could wear when they transform in homaniod forms. Roman was the self proclaimed captain, with logan as the firdt mate who has some common since. Patton was the one incharge of leading the way to Virgil right now.
But logan still worried. They only had three people, a small, barely afloat ship, and they are all secretly mermaids. They were up agianst a full pirate crew, on a big ship, who catch mermaids.
They needed a plan.
"We need a plan." Logan said one night. "We can't just attack, we will be killed or captured."
Patton looked down."if I just stayed away..."
"Patton, we have been over this, it isnt your fault, and we sre gdtting virgil back." Roman said, tilting his captain's hat up.
Patton sniffled but nods, pushing his new glasses up. (He put on a random pair and found out that he can see a lot better with them, same with Logan)
Logan,nods as he thought."we could go under the cover of night, but even then they will have people awake and ready to fight..."
"What about during a storm?" Roman suggested.
"Well they will be busy with the storm right? We can show hi in mermaid form, get in, pretend to be part of the crew, get virgil out and only have the fight if we get caught." Roman suggested.
Patton lit up."that could work! Its dark during storms, and...and if they see our patched up ship, they can think its a ghost ship!"
Logan nods along as he listened. "It...could work...that we need some way to have our clothes when we are in the water so we can change quickly..."
Roman hummed."we could...get dressed on there ship?"
Logan shook his head."too wierd and supious."
"We could pretend to be crew members who fell over?" Patton suggested.
Logan nods, "yes...but only one of us, it will be easier to get one then...and other two will stay on the ship and act as ghosts." He grinned ad the plan started to come together.
Virgil didnt know how much time past. He remembered pushing Patton away from a net, just cor his tall to get caught, he remmebered being hauled up over the ocean. He remembered being out in a barrel filled with water, and a lid being put on with holes so he could breath. But he lpst count of the days and nights he spent in there.
He had given up after day two, accepting his fate.
He could feel a few rain drops through the holes in the lid, and couls hear yelljng do the ship didnt get blown off course.
Then he heard screams for help.
A scream from the water.
That sounds way to familiar.
Pattin was screaming for help. They caught him.
Virgil started to fight inside the barrel, knowing full well that it was tied up so he coulsnt move it or knock it over, but he ahd to try. Patton was in danger. Why wasn't Roman or Logan with him!
He could hear pattin on the ship.
"Thank you, i fell off in the storm."
Wait, what?
He couldnt hear much after that, because there was yelling about a...ghost...ship?
It wasnt long before his barrel was opened and Patton stared st hin in human form. He,smiled and held a finger to hus mouth to tell Virgil to stay quiet. Held helped Virgil out of the barrel and threw him over into the ocean, and Patton jumped in after him, transforming once he was in the water and gathering up his clothes.
"Hey Virgil, long story short, we need to get to the pirate ship."
"But we just got off it!" Virgil said, before coughing. He hasn't used his voice in a while. Patton just grabbed his hand and swam to a different, smaller boat.
Patton helped viegil onto the boat and Virgil saw Roman and Logan standing and facing the other boat in human forms, as if daring them to attack in thus storm.
Patton put on his clothes as he got out some for Virgil. "Ok, short story longer, im so sorry I got you captured! We fixed up an old boat Roman found and came up with a plan to save you. I pretend to have fallen overboard in a storm, they gwt me up, i fins you, Roman and Logan pretend to be pirates on a ghost ship, and we are all free!" By the time he finished talking, Virgil was dressed and then hugged tightly.
"Im sorry i wasnt more careful Virgil...you could have been..could have..could...could have..." Patton sniffles aa he held virgil tight.
Virgil hugged back."im right here pat, i promise, id do it agian to save you in a heartbeat."
The ship turned away from the other and left the storm. Once a safe distance away, Virgil was covered in hugs.
Virgil smiled as he stood and loked st his pirate clothes, "ya know guys...why dont we do this all the time?"
"Uh Virgil, I dont think getting caught is something id like to makw a habit." Roman suggested.
"No, i mean...saving mermaids. You guys have a plan that worked. And with an extra person, you have a bigger crew. Why cant we save more of our kind before we are the only ones left?"
"I agree with Virgil." Patton smiled. "And i like being in the sun." He giggled.
Roman tipped his hat grinning. "And ive been wanting to do this forever!"
They all looked st Logan. The first mate. The logical one. The one who fixes plot holes and makes sure everyone is safe.
He gave a smile. "Well, we have to name the ship first, dont we?"
It took a while, but soon, a legend was born for the small crew.
Legends that say that if you are a pirate crew transporting mermaids, avoid storms.
For in a storm, you will come across a ship called 'the Siren' with ghosts on it.
No one knows how many are on the ship. They only know that there are always four who will always be seen at one point.
There is a boy with square glasses and a dark blue bandana around hus forehead. If you see him in the ship, watch him, for if he gets into the water, your ship will sink.
Then there is a boy with round glasses, and a light blue scarf around his waist. He seems sweet, but it will be too late when you realize it is him. He is a spy who boards your ships as crew. He is the reason you get caught.
There is a boy with purple hair and eyes. Much like dark blue, beg that he stays on the ghost ship. If you don't see him, then you must fear everything around you. You never know what he will take. Food, gold, your life, maybe all three.
Then there is the captain, who stands at the end of the bowsprit, sword held at his side. It is said that his eyes are red with the blood of those who he has fought, and if you get close enough to see the color, he will add your blood to his eyes as well.
The legends warns you to be wary of boys with light blue eyes on on your ship. To stay clean of storms. To release mermaids when you see the ship, so many you will live to tell about the encounter.
Legend says that it is safer to let mermaids be free.
Yes i was tempted to name the ship lamp.
And done! First off, i know i kinda skipped around, but in happy with how thiz this turned out!
Bowsprit: the poll thingy at the front of a ship
Also! Some things i wanted to to say! The crew does get bigger. Some mermaids they save decide to,join, others will stay until they heal if they are injured then leave. Others stay to repay a debt, so the amount of crew members change.
At the end, the legend talks about each side a bit, and i wsnt to explain why i chose to do that the way i did!
Logan is logic. He is smart and you can do a lot of damage (probably) to the bottom of a boat if you know what your doing. He breaks boats (with help from other crew members) to make them sink. But only some.
Patton is morality. He is cute and sweet and he volunteered to be the spy. He joins crews and finds out how many mermaids are on board and finds a way to get the ship into a storm. Sometimes he will disappear from a crew ship a few days ans reappear like he never left. He swims right under it and will go inform the sides about the boat by leaving at night.
Virgil as Aniexty. He causes fear. Patton will tell him were gold is, food rations, and on occasion, jerks who need to be taught a permanent lesson. He sneaks on and steals, throws overboard, does anything to inconvence the pirates.and because well...they are pirates,too, they need money!
Roman is creativity. And he is the captain. And what js scarier than the red eyss he has? He started the rumoe about his eyes himself, and does sword fight on occasion. I just feel it fits him to stand dramatically xD
Part 2:
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newstfionline · 7 years
In Mekong Delta backwaters, Vietnam vets find peace in a town that war destroyed
Jessica Meyers, Los Angeles Times, May 7, 2017
Most foreign veterans who arrive in this swampy stretch of the Mekong Delta make their way to the Oasis Hotel.
The two-story, pale-yellow building on the Ben Tre River boasts a small pool near the open-air dining area and cold beer. They come looking for solace, something stronger than the support groups and pills. Then they meet Ken Horsfall.
This morning, the scent of roast pork wafted through the hotel. Horsfall, the 71-year-old owner from New Zealand, appeared from the front lawn in his usual attire, a half-buttoned, grease-stained shirt. He’d turned the electricity box into a meat smoker.
Horsfall never fought in Vietnam, or the American War, as it’s known here. But in 2008, he and his wife, Nguyen Thi Lieu, settled in one of the towns most devastated by it. She wanted to trace her past; he wanted a new adventure.
They opened the hotel and welcomed veterans, many of whom traveled to Ben Tre with no illusions of heroics and decades of nightmares. Suddenly Horsfall, who loves telling stories so much he self-published a book of them, became part of this one--a gentle facilitator for the aging men who returned to find peace in a place where they once made war.
“They’ve got to get over here and confront it,” he said. “They lost their youth here.”
Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, fell to Communist troops 42 years ago April 30, marking the end of the conflict. It’s a holiday in Vietnam. Dates like that are not lost on John Foggin, one of the first foreign vets to settle in Ben Tre and try to make sense of his past.
He and his wife, Lan, live down the street from the Oasis. Horsfall popped in the other day on a three-seat bicycle he built from lawn chairs and an electric motor.
“It’s like you have a big hole in your body and it won’t close,” said Foggin, 78. “When I first came back, I was trying to get closure. I can’t explain it. I feel relaxed now.”
He and his wife met when he was stationed in the South; they married before the war’s conclusion.
As North Vietnamese Communist forces took over, Lan, now 70, fled the country with Foggin. Her brother, a supporter of the South Vietnamese, killed himself.
She did not go back for nearly a decade and a half. Now the couple live with her relatives in the spacious soft-pink house they built in the 1990s.
The Foggins have taken to the river town’s pace and feel safer here than in California. They return to San Diego only for insulin and heart medicine.
Surrounded by family and bathed in a river breeze, the Foggins don’t see a reason to leave.
Ben Tre lies about 50 miles south of Ho Chi Minh City, amid a tangle of tributaries. This tropical town became a milestone on the path to war in 1959 when a female Vietcong general led an uprising against Saigon’s American-backed regime.
Nine years later, a battle between U.S. forces and Communist troops leveled half the houses here. The scene forever linked this region to words attributed to an American officer: “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”
About 1,000 residents died; the war claimed 2 million Vietnamese and more than 50,000 American soldiers.
Ben Tre today is a city of more than 200,000. Locals sell coconut husks and cargo boats laden with woven baskets and quail eggs ply the river. The outdoor market smells of fish and flowers.
Organizations don’t track the number of veterans who return to live in Vietnam. But thousands of American soldiers have visited since the countries normalized relations in 1995. So have vets from countries such as Australia and New Zealand, who fought alongside South Vietnam.
Some satisfy their desire for cheap beer and female companionship amid the neon lights of Ho Chi Minh City. Others, torn by guilt, start charities to combat the debilitating effects of Agent Orange, a toxic defoliant sprayed by American warplanes. Still more, recently retired and unable to shake a nagging curiosity, visit battlefields on air-conditioned bus tours.
“Vets are driven by a sense of confusion as to why they were there,” said Christina Schwenkel, associate professor of anthropology at UC Riverside. For those who decide to stay, “it allows them not only to witness peace but to participate in the process.”
Years before he returned to Vietnam, Australian veteran Ken Watkins knew he had a problem.
Memories of the war echoed worst at night. His first marriage ended. His second wife told him it was impossible to share a bed. Someone said a trip back would help. A buddy knew a man with a hotel.
He flew here six years ago--to a country he never actually knew, conflicted about his role shaping its history.
Like many afternoons now, Horsfall and Watkins drank Saigon beer on the Dong Khoi patio, a bar across the river in the town center.
Watkins goes by the nickname Cowboy, which fits the former sheep shearer who wears pointed-toe boots and striped shirts with shiny buttons.
He met Hornsfall at the Oasis, where even the name implies refuge. A section for vets on the hotel’s website reads, “we will do our best to help.” Rooms feature a typed history of Vietnam that starts with the French occupation.
“Nearly all the blokes I know were staying at Ken’s at some point,” Watkins said.
“Only because I have somewhere they can stay,” Horsfall said.
Horsfall and Lieu made sure Watkins met a woman named Hanh; they now live in a house with a gazebo. Watkins started paying a share of the school tuition for a local friend’s son. It felt good to help, he said. The nightmares stopped.
“It’s transformed me into a certain type of person,” he said. “I never felt better.”
Horsfall doesn’t take to all the vets who come through.
He winces when he talks about the veteran who didn’t care enough to remember his Vietnamese mother-in-law’s name. He more fondly remembers helping reunite a South Vietnamese man and an American soldier who once worked together.
“It’s the middle of the Caravelle Hotel under the chandeliers,” he said. “There are three American guys coming down the stairs, a foot high over me. I said, ‘Capt. Larry Rhodes, I’d like you to meet your scout. Could you stand up, please?’ The tears start coming.”
He paused.
“That’s a good feeling story,” he said, as usual, leaving it tantalizingly incomplete.
Horsfall was born the year after World War II ended, in a small New Zealand town. He had little formal education, but curiosity and restlessness took him to Papua New Guinea and Cambodia. In his book, he recalls doing nearly 30 jobs, including underwater filmmaker, optical glass fitter, bar owner, and in-country mechanic for the Royal New Zealand Air Force.
In 1993, Horsfall was in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He went for a haircut at the hair salon Nguyen ran that also sold beer. He was working as a mechanic for the United Nations. Both had previous marriages and children.
They married four years later in New Zealand, where the couple settled for 11 years, until Nguyen decided she should return to her mother’s hometown and meet her relatives. The couple had owned a bar in Cambodia, so why not a hotel?
“This feels like home,” said Nguyen, 60. “I’m financially independent. People look up to me.”
She runs the hotel with drill sergeant efficiency. One day, she pitched guests a tour through the canals as Horsfall launched into a tale about a treasure map he possessed that led to 150 buried samurai swords.
“Ken the Cowboy says no one smiles at him in Australia,” Nguyen said, smiling.
Something less definable anchors these men and their spouses to this Mekong tributary. Their time here grants them reassurance as they age, even acceptance.
“We were the bad guys,” said Dennis Coe, an American vet and Horsfall’s best friend in Ben Tre, who recently returned to Washington state to seek treatment for conditions he attributes to Agent Orange.
But when he returned to his wife’s hometown, no one blamed Coe for his part in the war. “You see the world from a different perspective,” he said.
He’ll go back, just as soon as the doctor says he can travel again, he said by phone. “I miss my friends.”
Especially, he said, his buddy Horsfall.
The hotel owner is quietly proud he can fix almost anything--a cargo boat engine or a power generator using tubing and a plastic bucket. But he never mentions one item on the list of things he has helped patch: broken lives.
“Vets are welcome,” he said. “We have somewhere they can stay.”
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hatohouse-blog · 8 years
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An Inside Analysis Of Down-to-earth Game Fishing Equipment Tactics
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