#and. of all the fuckinh shit timing. well. tbh there is never a good time for it. it is always a horror when it happens.
moe-broey · 4 months
Does anybody wanna grab me by the hair and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the walland . I could use a little help hwre.
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Ikemen Sengoku Mafia!AU (Oda Forces)
In case y’all didn’t know I also write for Otome (both Voltage and Cybird)
Oda Nobunaga: the leader
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Absolutely a leader of a yakuza- and a good one at that too
(Assuming this takes place in modern day japan) runs one of the biggest Yakuza factions
On the outside though, he’s a very successful heir to a large, multimillion company (think Eisuke Ichinomiya from KBTBB I mean they’re practically the same person cmon)
Due to his seemingly inconspicuous ‘day job’ and charming personality making him very popular to the public eye, no one suspects him of being involved in any organized crime, so he’s able to operate very smoothly under the radar
Of course, he has spies every where- including in the government and police force so his tracks are very covered
Aims to take political power at some point and have his faction be the dominant faction (eliminating all possible rivals)
His biggest one being his enemy Kenshin Uesugi’s faction, who takes any and every opportunity they can to get under his nerves constantly lmao
Nobunaga and Kenshin have never seen each other face to face (if they did it’d be a blood bath), but still have an unspoken respect for each other as much as they hate each other lmao
The rivalry between their two families has lasted generations- now that it’s their turn, Nobunaga is determined to end it with the last laugh
Nobunaga’s still the same arrogant, cocky bastard he is, but 100x worse (as with modern technology)
Grew up with a very traditional family who were samurais in the past, so he’s had a lot of training in swordsmanship and martial arts
Always keeps a pistol in his jacket pocket and wears a bulletproof vest 90% of the time
(He’s not that good with guns tho)
On his desk there’s probably a little plateful of candies, and his fridge is also stocked with sweet things (it’s a wonder how he doesn’t have diabetes yet)
Also has a pocketful of tiny candies to last him throughout the day (much to Hideyoshi’s dismay)
Also, slicked back hair, suited up Nobunaga with a sleeve tattoo (he’d have to try really hard to keep his sleeve tattoo hidden but still just imagine)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: the bodyguard
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Hideyoshi is Nobunaga’s most trusted confidant, who also serves as his bodyguard
Wherever Nobunaga goes, Hideyoshi follows suit
More often than not the voice of reason
Always trusts his gut and is always skeptical of new members (or just people in general why won’t you trust me dammit)
He came from a poor family of farmers in the countryside, and when they couldn’t take care of him anymore they abandoned him
He was a thief for a little while, until Nobunaga’s dad took him in and raised him as his own
Hideyoshi deems this a debt he has to pay, and him helping Nobunaga and keeping him straight will repay the family’s kindness
He’s always the one to direct less major missions and cleans up the messes
Frequently in contact with Mistuhide, and he hates the guy (more like annoyed tbh)
He’s basically Nobunaga’s messenger lmao
And mother older brother figure, he frequently stops Nobunaga from rampaging over something insignificant and keeps him from being unhealthy by taking away his candies sometimes
Is better skilled with a gun, and thus carries not one, but two (those like shoulder straps for guns under his suit type of thing)
He goes undercover from time to time, although it’s not his specialty- he’s kind of a jack of all trades kinda guy
He’s really good at sussing out the spies and traitors, because he listens to his gut and it’s almost always right
Will do anything and everything to help Nobunaga succeed, even if it means killing anyone who stands in the way
Date Masamune: the affiliate
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Masamune is actually the leader of another yakuza faction, but since it was so weak at the time he took the opportunity to pair up with Nobunaga
His faction deals more with drugs and weapons, smuggling them over borders and getting them out and in of the country
That being said, most of his deals take place at exclusive bars and clubs- where the richest of the rich gather
He’s a pretty laid-back guy for someone who runs a drug syndicate- he doesn’t really care how things get done as long as they get done somehow
Also pretty goofy- when people first meet him, they’d think that there was no way he was in the yakuza
Even though the sleeve tattoos and the eyepatch probably should’ve been enough for them to know
And the massive amount of jewelry, too- Masamune isn’t shy about his wealth like at all
He’s totally the type to wear those bigass rings, complete with sapphires on them just to show off a little more
He loves to piss off Nobunaga, he loves for it
Ieyasu tells him that it might get him killed (low key a worried bb) but Masamune knows Nobunaga isn’t gonna get rid of him anytime soon; due to the fact that Masamune’s faction gives a shit ton of money
Him and Ieyasu tolerate get along pretty well, although the latter may deny it
Out of all of them, he’s probably the strongest and most skilled combat-wise; he’s adept in martial arts, knives and blades, as well as having an extensive knowledge on firearms and even bombs and how to use them
Honestly, he’s with Nobunaga just for the power boost- ones his faction gets enough power, he’s gonna dip then come back and be like ‘sike u thought’
Masamune has the same aspiration as both Nobunaga and Kenshin, but knows he can’t fight them both at the same time. So why not let the two battle it out then fight the winner?
Akechi Mistuhide: the spy
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Aka the rat
Mistuhide is a double agent working for Nobunaga, on his own terms
He’s a spy within the government’s police force, and nobody has caught him yet
Tells Nobunaga about any upcoming busts and when and where they’re gonna go, who they’re going to investigate and go after, basically all information on cases that may affect him
Very good at hiding his tracks- it’s almost impossible to get this guy
Also very good at swaying his coworkers and even bosses- tells them whether or not to pursue a case or person, acknowledge evidence, and even do something for him
He started out as an assassin for hire before becoming an informant for Nobunaga, which is the foundation for the distrust Hideyoshi has on him
Coupled with the fact that he’s easily a manipulative and cunning bastard, you’ve got someone who is a valuable asset but you can’t help but wonder when he’ll turn his back on you
He’s actually the son of a very rich man who had many wives and concubines; growing up, his father’s other wives would try to kill him using any tactic they could, so he developed quickly some skills that children shouldn’t have learned
He knows when food and drinks are poisoned, when someone is trying to ambush you, and when someone is lying- and this was before any formal training for an assassin
Because of his talent with blades and smaller guns, he’s the one Nobunaga sends out most of the time to kill someone and make it seem like an accident
Teams up with Masamune to annoy Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu (sometimes)
He once went undercover with Hideyoshi- the teasing was unfiltered and hard. Hideyoshi kept yelling at him to please stop, we have a fuckinh mission to do and you making me flustered will not make this any less difficult.
He honestly just lives to see people annoyed/embarrassed lmao
Used to tease Ieyasu a lot before Masamune came and essentially replaced him
Mitsuhide’s reasons for joining Nobunaga’s faction still remains a mystery, and he’d like to keep it that way
Tokugawa Ieyasu: the doctor
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Why is there no yellow
The underground doctor who works for Nobunaga, Ieyasu has plenty of knowledge and experience despite his young age
At first, you’d think he isn’t a doctor at all- he‘s rough, not exactly friendly, and easily irritated; which is exactly what makes him so good at his job
As an underground doctor, Ieyasu’s primary job is to salvage whatever unfortunate soul had been injured at the time- sometimes, it’d be much, much more than one person
He can’t afford to let his emotions get to him and slow him down, so he’s learned to repress his emotions and completely focus on his job instead
Also, he can’t be like a traditional doctor because he’s dealing with criminals here- and with his pretty face, not everyone’s gonna take him seriously if he offers the usual caring doctor attitude
Ieyasu grew up in a wealthy family before being kidnapped and sold in the black market as a child, abused within the system and eventually ended up in an old doctor’s hands
The old doctor would basically take him on as an apprentice and told him all his medical knowledge, urging him to follow in his footsteps before he died
When the doctor did die, Ieyasu continued his medical studies and attended several schools and universities before going off the grid completely
Years later he was found in a back alley market (think the black market from beastars) by non other than Nobunaga, who he saved from some thugs (or at least tried to)
Because of his work as a doctor, he often forgets to really take a rest and goes days without sleeping and living off spicy ramen noodles
It’s gotten so bad at one point that Masamune (who buys the noodles for him regularly) actually confiscated all of them and demanded Ieyasu be given a day off (he can’t have tease him if he’s dead!)
Speaking of Masamune, they met after the ‘eyepatch wearing idiot’ came into his clinic after a particularly grueling gun fight with the police
He’s kind of thankful for Masamune- Ieyasu would still have to deal with Mitsuhide and that guy gets on his nerves the quickest, if Masamune didn’t take his spot lmao
He has a little pet porcupine at home, and he sometimes sticks him in the chest pocket of his doctor’s coat whenever he knows he’s gonna spend days at his clinic
Don’t let his pretty looks fool you; mans learned many combat skills from Masamune including how to absolutely murder people with guns
Ishida Mitsunari: the hacker
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From how sweet and kind he looks he definitely does not look like part of the Yakuza
Like, he looks like he belongs in a classroom teaching kids, not in a computer room hacking government files
Extremely skilled hacker- he can get any information from anywhere and leave no trace
Is the main source of information for Nobunaga
Mitsunari was the son of a college professor, and spent most of his time reading in the school library when his father took him to his lectures
Pretty soon he found himself loving computers and tinkering with them, eventually leading to him hacking some minor websites
Fat forward a couple of years and his curious nature doesn’t stop, leading to him discovering some secret files/tapes of Nobunaga’s faction
He left a clear enough trace that he was easily tracked down and almost killed; however, Nobunaga saw some potential in him and decided to give him a choice between dying or joining them (not much of a choice there buddy)
He joined in his late teens, so he’s never really experienced what life was like (thanks Nobunaga)
Nonetheless, he’s actually pretty terrifying when he’s angry
With his demeanor, you’d think he wouldn’t have a mean bone in his body- wrong
Being in the yakuza at a young age, he’s seen some shit and learned some shit- and he’s even tried some of them
Many people have spited him, thinking he’s a doormat
Mitsunari does not let that fly
People underestimate how much he can ruin their lives through the computer screen- financial ruin, a hard hit to reputations, etc
He rarely if ever does that though, most of the time he’d just brush it off and continue what he’s doing (unless it escalates then you’re fucked lmao Mitsudarki come thru)
Mitsunari’s really good with kids, so often times the higher ups or other members leave their kids or pets with him because even if he is booked for work, he still takes stellar care of them
Gets teased by Mitsuhide often, but doesn’t get what he’s saying most of the time
Is heavily opposed to killing- he’d much rather talk it through with someone or ruin their life rather than taking it
Uggghhhhh this took so long but I love these little shits so it was worth it 😤😤 they’re so pretty wth-
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zanguntsu · 3 years
fuck it senkaimon strategies
obviously u want to get as many bonuses as possible and if u dont have that specific character (machine society toshiro -_-) then its fine it just makes the room harder. like ive completed floor 50 of the first tower of forging with lacerate shunsui and he didnt have all those bonuses but the lacerate was the game saver. u would just need to try harder and focus on gameplay. never use good characters on the locked rooms that is a given. throw old and frenzy characters at those floors and i tend to start switching to actual characters by the 25 floor mark/when the characters start getting a little newer. also! characters can be better at certain things such as having a lot of status effects, heal, or soul traits such as last ditch survival. melee characters clear rooms faster and ranged characters have more survivability. status effects are boss killers and clear rooms. weaken is great against bosses. the whole schbang. last ditch can be useful on low stamina floors, characters with sprinter (2+ and long stride) traits are gods imo in dodging
like if u see something like this and go ‘well i dont have a speed character with a hollow affiliation who also has the main killer. u would just skip the hollow aff and prioritize the killer.
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min maxing is the name of the game and my favorite type of build is glass cannon. do stamina stats thats weak shit go all in for attack or sp for the accessories. hollow bait, those sp orbs, all of it and make sure theyre maxed out. if u dont know which characters get which type of accessories always look at the characters highest stat and max it out. for example while nanao is a hybrid character, her attack is bigger (bc i didnt max out her soul tree lmaooo) so i focused in on the attack stat
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for links its a lot more variety but think about how useful it would be. nad characters ofc benefit from nad increase links. sad charactefs should consider sad increase links but also cooldown reduction for floors such as boss gauntlets or rooms that ban normal attacks. for melee characters, u could consider dr and last ditch survival links because ur gonna be taking damage and u need to be built like a truck. as a ranged character, full stamina links (low stamina at certain floors) is a pretty good idea if u want to increase ur damage output however dr doesnt hurt if u have it with nad or something. characters with hes and shields also benefit the most out of cdr links
for the same nanao build here are the links
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the first bitch adds 25+ nad, tatsuki gives 20+ nad and last ditch, and old man gives 20+ nad (bc i also didnt level him) and -12 dr. while she is ranged and probably doesnt need it the dr and last ditch as much, i also accounted for her being a really old character so she’s slower and also will be more likely to take a hit
this is where it gets spicy the basics are divide ur time to 1 min per room. if ur at 1:30 and just finishing room 1 its a lost cause tbh and u gotta be rlly lucky for u to pull it off and u need to look at ur build again and see what went wrong, maybe it was just unlucky rng or maybe it was ur damage output wasnt as great as it could be. now if u shed all ur defense for attack dashing is ur friend. i think theres a few invincibility frames (either that or the hitbox is wonky) in that so say theres an attack, u just dash straight through them and i think older characters ability wind up may have some inv frames too its finicky like idk if its all characters. like i think u can see it in the vid where i kill ichigo for a second where i should have taken damage but i didnt because i just dashed through the attack.
for bosses u want to wait until u see orange health bar half full to use ur special because thats when the boss will use their special and ubwill suffer the consequences especially if ur boss is shuuhei and his fuckinh paralysis i hope u go to superhell motherfucker. depending on ur attack u can get the boss to the other side of the room if u position it right and if u have a good push back move such as vortexes or quincichigo’s first strong attack this allows u tike to get to the other side of the room before they use ur special, ofc u can be unlucky and the character doesnt use their special at this point but f. now if u time it right u could dash out of the special i believe its just too hard and not worth it imo ive only done it successfully a few times u gotta be a pro gamer for that one. ofc its much easier to delete them with a special but only rlly works with sp characters building that tenshi. theres no point as a nad character for a tenshi ur special is just to look pretty that is all (unless u have a status effect) or if u know when the boss is going to use the special its a good idea to weaken/lacerate them, usually by a special, and that makes the special useless. also if u dodge the first special be warned that the boss can use their special again like idk 15+ seconds or something so once the special is finished u go all in
as a melee character u want to dash through the boss to get behind them. they will attack in a string in one direction so use that time to get some damage they cannot change directions while attacking, use this to you advantage. works well for ranged too. strong attack 1 will be in one direction and will be the most common. strong attack 2 has more variety and will often be spread or some other weird shit. strong attack 3 will either be full screen or a charge attack. keep in mind that this is mostly applicable to newer characters so that tessai boss will not have any of these. the boss has this so if u know the abilities well u can expect a lot of strong attack 1 so get out of the way when ur in the direction the boss is facing. strong attacks also stagger just a little so u can use strong attacks as an opening attack to get in and start wacking but dont get greedy and back off when u know the boss is going to attack again.
a ranged character can play it safe u just run around in cicrcles and attack sometimes but for melee characters its a breeze just keep ur distance and avoid the special. ranged characters have a lower dps so ur boss fights gonna be slow in fact ur everything is going to be slow and u need to watch the timer the most. my favorite strategy is running around the room and attacking once in a while but dont get too greedy because the boss will punish u for it. as a ranged character u have the best change at surviving specials so use that to ur advantage. ranged characters tend to have good push back attacks so if u can, get them across the room and run to the other side as fast as u can.
now as a nad character ur style is focused on attacking, so u want to be dodging and attacking dodging and attacking. attacking from behind and shit. u need to play more aggressively and this is why i recced dr links because u are going to be at risk. as a sad character, u want to be running around the room until ur strong attacks get off cooldown and use those theres no real point to normal attacking because u are a noodle and ur attack will not do anything other than possibly open urself up to an attack from the boss. use the shit out of ur strong attacks and this is why i said cdr is a consideration for sad characters.
anyways thats all i have rn loool
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