#anders christian lunde
i12bent · 11 months
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Anders Christian Lunde (Oct. 24, 1808 - Oct. 26, 1886) was a Danish landscape painter who had trained at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen and then spent the years from 1842-47 in Italy. Later he devoted himself to Danish landscapes, for instance this work depicting Søllerød:
Dansk Høstlandskab, ca. 1850s - oil on paper pasted onto canvas (Privately owned)
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ieisia · 2 years
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
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9 December 1742 – 21 May 1786 was a Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist.
Scheele discovered oxygen (although Joseph Priestley published his findings first), and identified molybdenum, tungsten, barium, hydrogen, and chlorine, among others. Scheele discovered organic acids tartaric, oxalic, uric, lactic, and citric, as well as hydrofluoric, hydrocyanic, and arsenic acids. He preferred speaking German to Swedish his whole life, as German was commonly spoken among Swedish pharmacists.
Scheele was born in Stralsund, in western Pomerania, which at the time was a Swedish Dominion inside the Holy Roman Empire. Scheele's father, Joachim or Johann Christian Scheele, was a grain dealer and brewer from a respected Pomeranian family. His mother was Margaretha Eleanore Warnekros.
Friends of Scheele's parents taught him the art of reading prescriptions and the meaning of chemical and pharmaceutical signs. Then, in 1757, at the age of fourteen, Carl was sent to Gothenburg as an apprentice pharmacist to another family friend and apothecary, Martin Andreas Bauch. Scheele retained this position for eight years. During this time he ran experiments late into the night and read the works of Nicolas Lemery, Caspar Neumann, Johann von Löwenstern-Kunckel and Georg Ernst Stahl (the champion of the phlogiston theory). Much of Scheele's later theoretical speculations were based upon Stahl.
In 1765 Scheele worked under the progressive and well-informed apothecary C. M. Kjellström in Malmö, and became acquainted with Anders Jahan Retzius who was a lecturer at the University of Lund and later a professor of chemistry at Stockholm. Scheele arrived in Stockholm between 1767 and 1769 and worked as a pharmacist. During this period he discovered tartaric acid and with his friend, Retzius, studied the relation of quicklime to calcium carbonate. While in the capital, he also became acquainted with figures including Abraham Bäck, Peter Jonas Bergius, Bengt Bergius and Carl Friedreich von Schultzenheim.
In the fall of 1770 Scheele became director of the laboratory of the great pharmacy of Locke, at Uppsala, which is about 40 miles north of Stockholm. The laboratory supplied chemicals to Professor of Chemistry Torbern Bergman. A friendship developed between Scheele and Bergman after Scheele analyzed a reaction which Bergman and his assistant, Johan Gottlieb Gahn, could not resolve. The reaction was between melted saltpetre and acetic acid that produced a red vapor. TheyFurther study of this reaction later led to Scheele's discovery of oxygen (see "The theory of phlogiston" below). Based upon this friendship and respect, Scheele was given free use of Bergman's laboratory. Both men were profiting from their working relationship. In 1774 Scheele was nominated by Peter Jonas Bergius to be a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and was elected 4 February 1775. In 1775 Scheele also managed for a short time a pharmacy in Köping. Between the end of 1776 and the beginning of 1777 Scheele established his own business there.
On 29 October 1777, Scheele took his seat for the first and only time at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and on 11 November passed the examination as apothecary before the Royal Medical College, doing so with the highest honours. After his return to Köping he devoted himself, outside of his business, to scientific researches which resulted in a long series of important papers.
By the time he was a teenager, Scheele had learned the dominant theory of gases which in the 1770s was the phlogiston theory. Phlogiston, classified as "matter of fire", was supposed to be released from any burning material, and when it was exhausted, combustion would stop. When Scheele discovered oxygen he called it "fire air" as it supported combustion. Scheele explained oxygen using phlogistical terms because he did not believe that his discovery disproved the phlogiston theory.
Before Scheele made his discovery of oxygen, he studied air.  Air was thought to be an element that made up the environment in which chemical reactions took place but did not interfere with the reactions. Scheele's investigation of air enabled him to conclude that air was a mixture of "fire air" and "foul air;" in other words, a mixture of two gases. Scheele performed numerous experiments in which he heated substances such as saltpetre (potassium nitrate), manganese dioxide, heavy metal nitrates, silver carbonateand mercuric oxide. In all of these experiments, he isolated the same gas: his "fire air," which he believed combined with phlogiston in materials to be released during heat-releasing reactions.
However, his first publication, Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer, was delivered to the printer Swederus in 1775, but not published until 1777, at which time both Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier had already published their experimental data and conclusions concerning oxygen and the phlogiston theory. Carl was credited for finding oxygen with two other people, Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier. The first English edition, Chemical Observation and Experiments on Air and Fire was published in 1780, with an introduction "Chemical Treatise on Air and Fire".
Scheele achieved astonishingly prolific and important results without the expensive laboratory equipment to which his Parisian contemporary Antoine Lavoisier was accustomed. Through the studies of Lavoisier, Priestley, Scheele, and others, chemistry was made a standardized field with consistent procedures. Although Scheele was unable to grasp the significance of his discovery of the substance that Lavoisier later named oxygen, his work was essential for the abandonment of the long-held theory of phlogiston.
Scheele's study of the gas not yet named oxygen was prompted by a complaint by Torbern Olof Bergman, a professor at Uppsala University who would eventually become Scheele's friend. Bergman informed Scheele that the saltpeter he had purchased from Scheele's employer, after long heating, produced red vapors (now known to be nitrogen dioxide) when it came into contact with acetic acid. Scheele's quick explanation was that the saltpeter had absorbed phlogiston with the heat (had been reduced to nitrite, in modern terms) and gave off a new phlogisticated gas as an active principle when combined with an acid (even a weak acid).
Bergman next suggested that Scheele analyze the properties of manganese(IV) oxide. It was through his studies of manganese(IV) oxide that Scheele developed his concept of "fire air" (his name for oxygen). He ultimately obtained oxygen by heating mercuric oxide, silver carbonate, magnesium nitrate, and other nitrate salts. Scheele wrote about his findings to Lavoisier who was able to see the significance of the results. His discovery of oxygen (ca. 1771) was chronologically earlier than the corresponding work of Priestley and Lavoisier, but he did not publish this discovery until 1777, after both of his rivals had published.
Although Scheele would always believe in some form of the phlogiston theory, his work reduced phlogiston to an unusually simple form, complicated only by the fact that chemists of Scheele's day still believed that light and heat were elements and were to be found in combination with them. Thus, Scheele assumed that hydrogen was composed of phlogiston (a reducing principle lost when objects were burned) plus heat. Scheele speculated that his fire air or oxygen (which he found the active part of air, estimating it to compose one quarter of air) combined with the phlogiston in objects to produce either light or heat (light and heat were presumed to be composed of differing proportions of phlogiston and oxygen).
When other chemists later showed water is produced when burning hydrogen and that rusting of metals added weight to them and that passing water over hot iron gave hydrogen, Scheele modified his theory to suggest that oxygen was the salt (or "saline principle" of water), and that when added to iron, water was reproduced, which added weight to the iron as rust.
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marleneoftheopera · 3 years
1400 Followers Audio Gifts!
To thank you all for following me, being so wonderful, and just surviving a pandemic, here are some gifts from me!
I know I originally said I was going to do 10, but I got a good amount of requests and wanted to add in a few extra favorite audios of mine too. So you get 20! Sorry if I did not post your request; there were many!
If any need to be taken down, do let me know!
Here is the link to all of the audios, cast info is below!
The Phantom of the Opera
Michael Crawford, Rebecca Caine, Steve Barton October 10, 1987; London Listed as being Michael Crawford and Steve Barton's last before heading to New York to start rehearsals for Broadway. Beautiful soundboard audio. This is the complete version; there has previously been an incomplete one traded out. 
Eiji Akutagawa, Kyoko Suzuki, Kanji Ishimaru September 22, 1991; Osaka Always here for Japanese love.
Hans Peter Janssens, Susanne Duwe, Michael Shawn Lewis, An Lauwreins, William Lynn Dixon, Marc Meersman, Arnst van Looy, Stephanie Tscheppe June 2, 2000; Antwerp, Belgium Final show in Belgium. Very nice cast all around.
Hugh Panaro, Adrienne McEwan, John Cudia, Patricia Phillips, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Heather McFadden June 16, 2003; Broadway Hugh in his second Broadway run. Adrienne has become a favorite of mine and I think she never gets the credit she deserves, especially having been in the show for so long.
Hugh Panaro, Susan Owen (u/s), Kyle Barisich February 20, 2012; Broadway A lovely audio. Susan has such a sweet, light quality to her voice.
Hugh Panaro, Samantha Hill, Kyle Barisich, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills (u/s), Tim Jerome, Nathan Patrick Morgan (u/s), Carly Blake Sebouhian (u/s) April 6, 2013; Broadway More Hugh. You can never have enough Hugh.
Peter Joback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm, Karolina Andresson, Glenn Kjellberg, Rolf Lydhal, Sindre Postholm, Sanna Martin, Tehilla Blad, David Ingham, Samuel Jarrick, Martin Kagemark, John Martin Bengtsson February 1, 2017; Stockholm I loved this production so much.
Ben Forster, Celinde Schoenmaker, Nadim Naaman, Charlotte Vaughan (u/s, last Carlotta show), Sion Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Paul Ettore Tabone, Joanna Strand (u/s, last Madame Giry show), Daisy Hulbert August 31, 2017; London A few days before cast change. One of my favorite audios as of late.
Fred Johanson, Hanna Liina Vosa, John Martin Bengtsson, Hanna Leena Haapamaki, Dardan Bakraqi, David Lundqvist, Anders Wangdhal, Lana Zuzic, Gisela Sjostedt, Lars Hijertner, Marco Stella, Tobja Halsell, Peter Loguin January 26, 2018; Gotheborg From the non-replica production. With John as Raoul this time!
Scott Davies, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor, Lara Martins, Sean Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy May 31, 2018; London This is labeled as having Ben Lewis, but if you listen it’s really Scott.
Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund, Martin Loft (u/s), Monsieur André, Anna Vaupel (u/s), Rasmus Jupin, Elisabeth Halling, Imogen-Lily Ash, Jesper Paasch, Kim Hammelsvang, Paul Frederiksen, Paul Frederiksen (u/s), Mia Karlsson (u/s) February 13, 2019; Copenhagen Compared to other audios, you can tell that Sibylle has really settled in the role and improved wonderfully. She sounds absolutely divine. An absolutely gorgeous cast.
Jonathan Roxmouth, Meghan Picerno, Matt Leisy September 3, 2019; Tel Aviv One of Meghan's last shows on the World Tour before she joined the Broadway company. Jonathan and Meghan sound particularly stunning on here, they keep getting better which is insane because they are already so good.
Tim Howar, Amy Manford (alt), Jeremy Taylor, Ross Dawes, Alan Vicary, Kimberly Blake, Paul Ettore Tabone, Jacinta Mulcahy, Georgia Ware September 7, 2019; London Amy Manford's last show, the last matinee for the 2018/19 cast. Just to be clear, this audio is different from the other that is NFT. Pretty nice quality too!
Love Never Dies
Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Joseph Millson, Liz Robertson, Summer Strallen, Niahm Perry, Adam Pearce, Jami Reid-Quarrell June 2, 2010; London A gift for all my Rierra/LND London fans out there.
Tomas Ambt Kofod, Louise Fribo, Christian Berg, Oscar Diez January 18, 2013; Copenhagen, Denmark This is an overlooked and gorgeous production. Also, after 'Love Never Dies' someone in the audience shouts "wow" and I think that captures it perfectly.
Emma Kingston (Eva), Ramin Karimloo (Che), Robert Finlayson (Peron), Anton Luiting (Magaldi), Isabella Jane (Mistress) July 4, 2018; Tokyo Emma as Eva and Ramin as Che. Some great casting there.
Annakathrin Naderer (u/s Anya), Thomas Hohler (Dimitry), Thorsten Tinney (Vlad), Mark Roy Luykx (u/s Gleb), Theresa Holter (Young Anastasia), Patricia Nessy (Lily Malevsky-Malevitch), Masha Karrell (Dowager Empress Maria), Katja Hentschel (u/s Tsarina Alexandra), Kirill Zolygin (Tsar Nicholas II/Count Ipolitov), Helena Thordal Christenson (Olga Romanov), Alexandra Yoana-Alexandrovna (u/s Tatiana Romanov/Dunya), Laura Robinson (u/s Maria Romanov/Marfa), Mariana Hidemi (Anastasia, age 17/Paulina) August 10, 2019; Stuttgart I have yet to listen to this one yet, but I always love spreading love for foreign productions of shows.
Les Miserables
Kyle Jean-Baptiste (u/s Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Monsieur Thenardier), and Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier) August 13, 2015; Broadway A really great cast and Kyle deserves to be heard. He was brilliant and it is such a shame he passed so early on in his life.
John Owen-Jones (Jean Valjean), Michael Ball (Javert), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine), Matt Lucas (Thenardier), Katy Secombe (Thenardier), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Craig Mather (Marius u/s), Shan Ako (Eponine), Lily Kerhoas (Cosette) Earl Carpenter (Bishop/Bamatabois) October 16, 2019; Staged Concert, Gielguld Theatre Gorgeous.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Sheridan Smith (Narrator), Jason Donovan (Pharaoh), Jac Yarrow (Joseph), Femi Akinfolarin (Brother), Casey  Al-Shaqsy (Wife), J.R. Ballantyne (Brother), Thalia Burt (Wife), Richard Carson (Reuben), Michael Cortez (Guard), Vanessa Fisher (Wife), Matt Krzan (Guard), Kelsie-Rae Marshall (Wife), Emily Ann Potter (Wife), Georgina Parkinson (Wife), Michael Pickering (Simeon), Harriet Samuel-Gray (Wife), Carl Spencer (Brother), Joshua Steel (Brother), Jack Wilcox (Brother), Blythe Jandoo (s/w Wife), Hannah Taylor (s/w Wife) July 17, 2019; London Jason coming back to the show as Pharaoh this time!
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Stefan Pasborg - Ritual Dances - Stravinsky arranged for jazz big band
Danish drummer/composer Stefan Pasborg grew up in a household of ballet dancers, allowing him to have an intimate relationship with their lifestyle and performances. One of his first formative musical experiences was witnessing a performance of Igor Stravinsky’s legendary ballet, The Rite of Spring, by The Danish Royal Ballet. The experience embedded a love for Stravinsky’s work that has manifested in Pasborg’s new recording, Ritual Dances. Even though his compositions were seen as dangerously revolutionary when they premiered, Igor Stravinsky’s music has inspired listeners for generations. His many works have become part of the canon for many philharmonic orchestras but are still presented in more challenging programs. Stravinsky was a key figure in avant-garde symphonic writing, but it was his ballets, The Rite of Spring, The Firebird, and Petrushka, that solidified his legend. The Rite of Spring and The Firebird were the two ballets that inspired Pasborg to reinterpret the Stravinsky’s work for a jazz big band. Ritual Dances takes music from these two works as a basis for Pasborg’s re-structuring. The pieces are heard performed by two large ensembles: the UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra on two live cuts and Blood Sweat Drum+Bass for the complete studio recording. The bands are augmented by a number of soloists and electronic musicians. Stefan Pasborg - drums Anders Banke - tenor sax (tracks 3, 5, 6, 8, 9), clarinet (tracks 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) Anders Filipsen - keyboards (tracks 2-10) Fredrik Lundin - tenor sax (tracks 3, 4, 10) Goran Kajfes - trumpet (track 6) Jeppe Kjellberg - guitar (tracks 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) Jeppe Tuxen - Hammond B3 organ (tracks 6, 8) Jussi Kannaste - tenor sax (tracks 1, 11) Mikael Myrskog - Moog bass (tracks 1, 7, 8, 11) Rune Harder Olesen - percussion (tracks 7, 10) Seppo Kantonen - keyboards (tracks 1, 11) Ståle Storløkken - Hammond B3 organ (track 5) UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra (tracks 1 & 11): Ville Vannemaa - conductor Mikko Mäkinen - soprano, alto sax Sampo Kasurinen - tenor sax, flute Teemu Salminen - tenor sax, bass clarinet Max Zenger - baritone sax, bass clarinet Marko Portin - flute Teemu Mattsson - trumpet Timo Paasonen - trumpet Tomi Nikku - trumpet Tero Saarti - trumpet Kasperi Sarikoski - trombone Mikko Mustonen - trombone Pekka Laukkanen - trombone Mikael Långbacka - bass trombone Aarne Riikonen - percussion Blood Sweat Drum+Bass (tracks 2-10): Jens Christian "Chappe" Jensen - conductor, saxophones (track 9) Michael Mølhede - trumpet, flugelhorn Bent Hjort - trumpet, flugelhorn Malte Pedersen - trumpet, flugelhorn René Damsbak - trumpet, flugelhorn Ole Visby - soprano sax, clarinet, bass clarinet Julie Kjaer - alto sax, flute, alto flute Jacob Rønne Danielsen - tenor saxophone, contrabass clarinet, clarinet Nikolaj Schneider - tenor sax, clarinet Harald Langåsdalen - baritone sax, clarinet Jens Kristian Bang - trombone Jonathan Bruun Meyer - trombone Kirstine Kjaerulff Ravn - trombone Jonathan Henneveld - bass trombone Rasmus Svale Kjaergård Lund - tuba Sisse Foged Hyllestad - bass Magnus Lindgaard Jochumsen - percussion Søren Lyngsø Knudsen - electronics
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tarjeismoeworknews · 3 years
Heksejakt(The Crucible)
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Arthur Miller's Heksejakt explores what can happen in a society when one can no longer distinguish truth from falsehood. The play is based on real events from 1692, when the small town of Salem was haunted by witch trials that would end in 29 people being sentenced to death for being in cahoots with the devil.
Heksejakt starts innocently enough: a group of young women dancing in the woods. The women are seen, and for fear of the consequences in the strictly Christian Puritan society, they say they were possessed by the devil. This quickly leads to mass hysteria and soon the villagers start to indicate each other. John Proctor (Anders Baasmo) ends up in the middle of this power struggle and has to choose between saving himself and his family or fighting for what he knows is the truth.
Heksejakt is a brutal description of what can happen when the masses decide on an alternative truth. For what happens when this truth becomes a political tool, a weapon ruled by lust, revenge and mass suggestion? Miller's drama shows how the social order balances on a knife edge, how easily everything can tip over and how it all starts with one little lie.
Arthur Miller wrote the play in 1953 as an allegory of McCarthyism, at a time when the US government was conducting its own witch hunt for communists and communist sympathizers; a witch hunt that, among other things, hit Miller himself. Heksejakt is considered, with good reason, as one of the great classics in theater history.
Heksejakt is a grotesque, dramatic, adventurous and musical performance where 17 actors together portray a society that is disintegrating. With large parts of the team behind  Min briljante venninne (My brilliant girlfriend) on the team, Oslo Nye Teater presents Heksejakt with a magnificent performance with a flammable theme.
Premiere 9 September 2021 at Oslo Nye Hovedscenen.
Edit: Tarjei is going to start studying in Den norske filmskolen this fall. That probably means that he won’t  be part of this wonderful play. @evakcardamom​ talked to Oslo Nye and this is the answer she got from them: «When it comes to "Heksejakt", several solutions are being worked on»
Edit2: It is now official that Tarjei won’t be part of this play
John Proctor- Anders Baasmo Elizabeth Proctor- Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes Pastor Parris- Andreas Stoltenberg Granerud Pastor John Hale- Eldar Skar Vice governer Danforth- Birgitte Victoria Svendsen Tituba- Henriette Faye-Schjøll Abigail Williams- Thea Lambrechts Vaulen Susanna Walcott- Julia Sørensen Mary Warren- Mari Dahl Sæther Betty Parris- Emilie Mordal Rebecca Nurse- Trine Wenberg Svensen Giles Corey- Sindre Postholm Lensmann George Herrick- Modou Bah Ann Putnam- Mari Hauge Einbu Thomas Putnam- Gunnar Eiriksson Ezekiel Cheever- Lars August Jørgensen
Director: Maren E. Bjørseth Choreography: Ida Wigdel Set design: Olav Myrtvedt Lighting design: Norunn Standal Sound design: Alf Lund Godbolt Costumes: Solveig Holthe Bygdnes Mask manager: Julie A. Clark Playwright: Kristofer Grønskag Supervisor: Ragna Vik Production staff: Christina Bjurholt Translated by Peter Magnus
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Norway Roster
Karsten Warholm (Ulsteinvik)
Filip Ingebrigtsen (Sandnes)
Jakob Ingebrigtsen (Sandnes)
Håvard Haukenes (Bergen)
Sondre Guttormsen (Ski)
Narve Gilje-Nordås (Voll)
Sondre Norstad-Moen (Trondheim)
Ola Isene II (Lier)
Eivind Henriksen (Oslo)
Martin Roe (Bergen)
Amalie Iuel (Bærum)
Karoline Bjerkeli-Grøvdal (Ålesund)
Hedda Hynne (Skien)
Line Kloster (Asker)
Lene Retzius (Ringsaker)
Anne Tuxen (Stavanger)
Viktor Hovland (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
Kristian Krogh-Johannessen (Drammen)
Tonje Frydenberg-Daffinrud (Østerås)
Sofus Heggemsnes (Oslo)
Julie Erichsen (Bergen)
Sander Sagosen (Stavanger)
Bjarte Myrhol (Oslo)
Petter Øverby (Kongsvinger)
Kristian Sæverås (Oslo)
Kent Tønnesen (Lørenskog)
Magnus Jøndal (Tomter)
Kristian Bjørnsen (Stavanger)
Magnus Gullerud (Kongsvinger)
Christian O’Sullivan (Oslo)
Harald Reinkind (Tønsberg)
Torbjørn Sitterup-Bergerud (Drammen)
Kevin Maagerø-Gulliksen (Oslo)
Magnus Rød (Oslo)
Magnus Fredriksen (Vestfossen)
Simen Holand-Pettersen (Tønsberg)
Henny Reistad (Oslo)
Veronica Egebakken-Kristiansen (Drammen)
Marit Malm-Frafjord (Tromsø)
Stine Skogrand (Bergen)
Nora Mørk (Oslo)
Stine Bredal-Oftedal (Oslo)
Silje Solberg (Bærum)
Kari Brattset-Dale (Fredrikstad)
Vilde Mortensen-Ingstad (Oslo)
Katrine Lunde (Kristianstad)
Marit Røsberg-Jacobsen (Narvik)
Camilla Herrem (Sola)
Sanna Solberg-Isaksen (Bærum)
Kristine Breistøl (Oslo)
Marta Tomac (Trondheim)
Vilde Ingeborg-Johansen (Tønsberg)
Torjus Trømborg (Oslo)
Petter Solberg-Svingen (Oslo)
Trond Bjercke (Oslo)
Andreas Dugstad-Sørskaar (Oslo)
Marius Ahlsand (Oslo)
Jonathan Wang-Norderud (Oslo)
Kjetil Borch (Tønsberg)
Kristoffer Brun (Bergen)
Are Weierholt-Strandli (Stavanger)
Martin Helseth (Ålesund)
Jan Stabe-Helvig (Oslo)
Erik Solbakken (Fredrikstad)
Olaf Tufte (Tønsberg)
Henrik Christiansen (Skjetten)
Tomoe Zenimoto-Hvas (Bærum)
André Klippenberg-Grindheim (Haugesund)
Ingeborg Vassbakk-Løyning (Bærum)
Richard Ordemann (Nannestad)
Lars Ullvang (Haugesund)
Tobias Svendsen-Foss (Vingrom)
Markus Hoelgaard (Stavanger)
Tobias Halland-Johannessen (Drøbak)
Erik Hægstad (Drammen)
Andreas Leknessund (Tromsø)
Tore Navrestad (Oslo)
Katrine Aalerud (Vestby)
Stine Andersen-Borgli (Sandnes)
Anita Stenberg (Drammen)
Anne Tuxen (Stavanger)
Geir Gulliksen (Lier)
Endre Funnemark (Oslo)
Herman Tomasgaard (Lørenskog)
Anders Østre-Pedersen (Lørenskog)
Nicholas Fadler-Martinsen (Bergen)
Linn Høst (Oslo)
Helene Næss (Tønsberg)
Marie Rønningen (Bærum)
Martine Steller-Mortensen (Kristiansand)
Jon-Hermann Hegg (Borgen)
Henrik Larsen (Fredrikstad)
Erik Watndal (Oslo)
Jeannette Hegg-Duestad (Tønsberg)
Jenny Stene (Lørenskog)
Kristian Blummenfelt (Bergen)
Gustav Iden (Bergen)
Casper Stornes (Askøy)
Lotte Miller (Stavanger)
Anders Berntsen-Mol (Stord)
Christian Sandlie-Sørum (Rælingen)
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
For Randomization Purposes
10k || Nat Zang || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
98067BO990674 [Bo] || Henry Cavill || Alien || OC || Non-Binary
Aashi Stone || Naomi Scott || Demon || OC || Third Female
Aayan Shaw || Jackson Rathbone || Demon || OC || Male
Abilene Wagner || Natalie Portman || Mauvais Dentes || OC || Third Female
Ace Spade || Taron Egerton || Humanised Card || OC || Male
Adam Banks || Vincent Larusso, Hayden Christensen, Joel Kinnaman || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Adam Elliot || Leland Chapman || Werewolf || OC || Male
Adam Groff || Connor Swindells || Human || Canon || Male
Addison Valiant || Abbey Cowen || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Addison Veles || Wilmer Valderama || Human || OC || Male
Ae Chihu || Wooshin || Zoanthrope || OC || Third Male
Affric Road || Gustaf Skarsgard || Cambion || OC || Male
Agron || Dan Feuerriegel || Human  || Canon || Male
Aiden Wright || Dean O’Gorman || Human || OC || Third Male
Aimery Dagonet || Jordan Connor || Incubus || OC || Male
Ainsley Mansfield || Christian Kane || Human || OC || Male
Airam Brennan || India Eisley || Evil Twin || Canon || Third Female
Akkeri Kom Podakru || Alex Høgh Andersen || Human || OC || Male
Alan Morrison || Eoin Macken || Human || OC || Optional
Alana Meridian || Ksenia Solo || Merfolk || OC || Third Female
Alaric Saltzman || Matthew Davis || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Alastair York || Jai Courtney || Human || OC || Male
Albrecht Holmes || Tom Hiddleston || Human || OC || Male
Albus Severus Potter || Joe Keery, Timothee Chalamet || Wizard || Canon || Gender Optional
Alby Escamillia || Bob Morley || Centaur || OC || Male
Alcides Villar || Manny Montana || Quinametzin || OC || Male
Alec Hardison || Aldis Hodge || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Aleda Kingsleigh || Dove Cameron || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Female
Aleister Druitt || Brett Dalton || Human || OC || Male
Aleksander Lubomirski || Bartosz Gelner || Human || Canon || Male
Alex Avanyu || Avan Jogia || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Third Male
Alex Fierro || Avan Jogia, Naomi Scott || Demi-God || Canon || Fluid
Alex Murphy Jr || Richard Harmon || Human || Twin OC || Male
Alex Rider || Alexander Ludwig || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Alex Taylor || Richard Harmon || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Alex Wright || Richard Harmon || Spirit Influenced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Alexander Harris || Nicholas Brendan || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Alexander Lightwood || Matt Daddario || Nephilim || Canon || Gender Optional
Alexander Luthor || Michael Rosenbaum || Meteor-Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Alexander Trager || Kim Coates || Human || Canon || Male
Alf Tungri || Will Peltz || Human || OC || Male Pref
Alfred Andrews || KJ Apa || Human || Canon || Male
Alfred Pennyworth || Sean Pertwee || Human || Canon || Male
Ali Ababwa || Avan Jogia || Human || OC || Male Pref
Alice Rula || Madeline Brewer || Human || OC || Third Female
Aline Penhallow || Arden Cho || Nephilim || Canon || Gender Optional
Alix Kirkland || Daniel Sharman || Elemental || OC || Third Male
Allanon || Manu Bennett || Druid || Canon || Male Pref
Almanzo Cezoram || Hale Appleman || Enhanced Human || OC || Gender Optional
Alon Crisanto || Tom Holland || Human || OC || Male
Alter Lynch || Devon Sawa || Human || OC || Male
Amanda Brotzman || Hannah Marks || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Amara Paul || Mila Kunis || Human || OC || Third Female
Amari Casey || Carly Chaikin || Enhanced Human || OC || Gender Optional
Amberle Elessedil  || Poppy Drayton || Elf || Canon || Gender Optional
Ambrose Spellman || Chance Perdommo || Witch || Canon || Gender Optional
America Chavez || Becky G || Transdimensional Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Amity || Elizabeth Gillies || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Anand Morrígu || Sean Maguire || Celtic God || Semi Canon || Male
Anastasia Cloe || Eiza Gonzalez || Witch || OC || Third Female
Anatoly Sorrows || Cam Gigandet || Half-Cat Experiment || OC || Male
Anchor Westergaard || Eddie Redmayne || Magical Human || OC || Male Pref
Anders Fontaine || Chris O'Donnell || Human || OC || Male
Anders Johnson || Dean O'Gorman || Reincarnated Norse God || Canon || Gender Optional
Andie Mulford || Kat McNamara || Human || OC || Third Female
Andreas Vasilescu || Luke Camilleri || Werewolf || Canon || Male
Andrew Alister || Breandan Fehr || Human || Canon || Male
Andrew-Mark Raven || Jacob Elordi || Mutant || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Angel Eyes || DJ Cotrona || Demi-God || OC || Male
Angela Landers || Tatiana Maslany || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Angelica Green || Alyvia Alyn Lind || Human || Canon || Female
Anjisnu ||  || Kim Coates ||  || Monster Under The Bed ||  || OC ||  || Male
Anna '010' Venom || Akira Reid || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Anna Lightwood || Ruby Rose || Nephilim || Canon || Female
Annabeth Shrivatsa || Dichen Lachman || Metahuman || OC || Third Female
Anthony Stark || Robert Downey Jr, Rob Raco || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Anthony Stonem || Nicholas Hoult || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Anthony Topaz || Keiynan Lonsdale || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Antoinette Topaz || Vanessa Morgan || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Antonio Oliver || Luke Pasqualino || Human || OC || Male Pref
Anya Price || Gina Rodriquez || Human || OC || Third Female
April Hare || Theo James || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Male
Aramis D'Artagnan || Rhona Mitra || Human || OC || Third Female
Arawen Annwn || Stuart Reardon || Celtic God || Semi Canon || Male
Archibald Andrews || KJ Apa || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Archimedes Pendragon || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ardal Cody || Kendall Schmidt || Immortal || OC || Male
Ariadna-Aitana Renata || Stephanie Beatriz || Fury || OC || Third Female
Ariane Német || Hunter Schafer || Human || OC || Trans Female
Arika Longan || Harry Shum Jr || Fae || OC || Male
Arrow Kom Boudalankru || Tatiana Maslany || Human || OC || Third Female
Arsena Larken || Zendaya Coleman || Hyena Shifter || OC || Third Female
Arthur Gremellion || Daniel Gillies || Human || OC || Male
Arthur Leech || Joseph Gordon-Levitt || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Arthur Pendragon || Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau || Destined Human || Canon || Male Pref
Ash Houndsworth || Sean Teale || Human || OC || Male
Asher Hornik || Neven Crisorio || Human || OC || Third Male
Asnee Ambrocio || Choi Min Ki || Dragon || OC || Male
Astrid Ginger || Katharine Isabelle || Human || OC || Third Female
Atreyu Charles || Manny Jacinto || Human || OC || Male Pref
Atticus Bane || Will Tudor || Human || OC || Male
Atticus Philo || Grey Damon || Vampire || OC || Male
August Nancy || Anna Rossiel || Human || OC || Male Pref
Augustus Cornwallis || Keiynan Lonsdale || Human || OC || Male
Aurora Jones || India Eisley || Human || OC || Third Female
Austin DiSantos || Ludi Lin || Human || OC || Male
Avery Durin || Aaron Paul || Werewolf || OC || Male Pref
Avi Callahan-Constantine || Timothy Olyphant || Human || OC || Male Pref
Axe Kom Boudalankru || Aidan Turner || Human || OC || Male
Axel Miller || Jonathan Scarfe || Ex-Vampire || Canon || Male
Azmodeus || Landon Liboiron || Demon Prince || Semi Canon || Male
Baby Grant || Garrett Hedlund || Human || OC || Male
Babylas French || Tom Holland || Half Beast || OC || Male Pref
Balance Grant || Charlie Hunnam || Human || OC || Male
Baldroy Sinclair || Cameron Monaghan || Human || OC || Male Pref
Bambi Darling || Summer Bishil || Android Human Hybrid || OC || Third Female
Bane Dorrance || Tom Hardy || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
Barbara Holland || Shannon Purser || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Barbara O'Rinn || Samara Weaving, Caty Lotz || Human || OC || Third Female
Barclay Kirby || Zane Holtz || Human || OC || Male
Barnabé Klausen || Bradley Soileau || Half Grimm, Half Wesen || OC || Male Pref
Barren Guilderson || Iwan Rheon || Human || OC || Male Pref
Bartholomew Henry Allen II || Richard Harmon || Speedster || Canon || Gender Optional
Bartimeaus Blaise || Ben Barnes || Living Flame || OC || Third Male
Bartleby Putnam || Aaron Taylor-Johnson || Human || OC || Male
Baxter Adamson || Finn Roberts || Human || OC || Male Pref
Baxter Norsewood || Sam Steele || Vampire || OC || Gender Optional
Bayani Crisanto || Brandon Perea || Human || OC || Male
Beatrice Porter || Rachel Skarsten || Ghost/Succubus || OC || Third Female
Beatty Cres || Bill Skarsgard || Cambion || OC || Male
Becci Doherty || Lucy Hale || Human || OC || Third Female
Bekah Brightborn || Claire Holt || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Bela Talbot || Lauren Cohen || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Bellami Blake || Shay Mitchell || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Bellamy Blake || Bob Morley || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Belle Amanita  || Freeman Agyeman || Oracle || OC || Third Female
Beloved Grant || Garrett Hedlund || Human || OC || Male
Ben Bartlett || Jensen Ackles || Human || OC || Male
Ben Fringe || Matt Daddario || Human || OC || Male
Ben Hargeeves || Justin H Min || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Ben Kilmartin || Jacob Elordi || Human || OC || Male
Benjamin French || Mitchell Hope || Half Beast || Canon || Gender Optional
Benjamin Heritage || Kellan Lutz || Human || OC || Third Male
Benjamin Roque || Victor Webster || Human || OC || Male Pref
Benji Boothby || Gregg Sulkin || Human || OC || Male
Benni Vilker || Mahesh Jadu || Human || OC || Male
Bentley Williams || Tom Payne || Human || OC || Male
Bertram [Ram] Ledin || Ville Valo || Human || OC || Male
Beth Of Crims || Adelaide Kane || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Female
Bianca Trix || Lena Scissorhands || Human || OC || Third Female
Big Grant || Travis Fimmel || Human || OC || Male
Bika Kom Azgeda || Michael Eklund || Human || OC || Male
Billie Hargrove || Cara Delevingne, Laura Vanderwoot || Human || Canon || Optional
Billy Bennett || Liam James || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Billy Butcher || Karl Urban || Human || Canon || Male
Billy De Lauro || Cody Christian || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Billy Hargrove || Dacre Montgomery, Jensen Ackles || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Billy-Ray Sanguine || Michael Fassbender || Mage || Canon || Male
Bishop Smith || Jack Falahee || Human || OC || Male
Black Hat || Karl Urban || Vampire || Canon || Male
Blade Hood || Grace Phipps || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Female
Blasius Caelia || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Male
Bliss || Matt Daddario || Godling || Canon || Male Pref
Bodaway Loss Chayton || Booboo Stewart || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male
Boghest Grimm || DJ Cotrona || Hellhound || OC || Male
Boolean Goodkin || Stephen Lund || Human || OC || Male Pref
Bosse Ljung || Anson Mount || Human || OC || Male
Bothain Gladstone || Skeet Ulrich || Human || OC || Male
Bowyn Coke || Ian Bohen || Human || OC || Male
Boyd Crowder || Walton Goggins || Human || Canon || Male
Brad Coleman || Jaren Brandt Bartlett || Human || Canon || Male
Brencis Fists || Jeanté Godlock || Human || OC || Third Female
Brennan Mulwray || Victor Webster || Child Of Genomex || Canon || Male
Brian O'Connor || Paul Walker || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Briar Eglantine || Evan Ross || Nymph || OC || Gender Optional
Bridget Barker || Natalie Dormer || Human || OC || Third Female
Brigid Nic Dagda || Kaya Scodelario || Human || OC || Third Female
Brigita Coutts || Scarlett Johannsen || Human || OC || Third Female
Brochan Ceardach || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male
Brodie Reston || Jordan Connor || Human || OC || Male
Brody Mayweather || Tom Holland || Human || OC || Male
Buzz Bracken || Josh Hutcherson || Human || OC || Male Pref
Caden Lovell || Keiynan Lonsdale || Human || OC || Third Male
Caine Dunbar || Jonathan Rhys Meyers || Hellhound || OC || Male
Cairns West || Alexander Skarsgard || Cambion || OC || Male
Cairo Ryers || Cody Saintgnue || Kitsune || OC || Third Male
Caitlin Ghoul || Devery Jacobs || Ghoul || OC || Third Female
Caleb Danvers || Steven Strait || Witch || Canon || Male Pref
Calista Jane Hook || Kat McNamara || Human And Fairy Hybrid || Canon || Third Pref
Callahan Hope || Ian Somerhalder || Human || OC || Male Pref
Calleigh Rousseau || Sammi Hanratty || Human || OC || Third Female
Calliope August || Aaron Jakubenko || Merfolk || OC || Male Pref
Camelot Addy || Kyle Harris || Human || OC || Male Pref
Cameron Thompson || Max Thieriot || Human || OC || Male
Camilla Rustici || Giorgia Whigham || Human || OC || Third Female
Cappello Hertz || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male Pref
Carl Gallagher || Ethan Cutkosky || Human || Canon || Male
Carl Grimes || Chandler Riggs || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Carlisle Benwist || Nick Sagar || Human || OC || Male Pref
Carlos Alvarez || Oscar Jaenada || Human || Canon || Male
Carlton Lassiter || Timothy Ormundson || Human || Canon || Male
Carnegie South || Finn Jones || Human || OC || Male Pref
Carol Danvers || Brie Larson || Human Kree Hybrid || Canon || Gender Optional
Caroline Matheson || Dascha Polanco || Human || OC || Third Female
Carrie Fox || Karrueche Tran || Human || OC || Third Female
Carsen Kubrick || Brad Pitt || Human || OC || Male
Casimiro Riqui || David Castaneda || Incubus || OC || Gender Optional
Caspar Way || Gus Kensworthy || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Caspian Lance || Keiynan Lonsdale || Werewolf || OC || Male
Cassady Rosati || Jon Kortajarena || Human || OC || Male Pref
Cassandra Skye || Maisie Williams || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Castle Baxter || Jon Bernthal || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Catherine Blue || Brianna Hildebrand || Human || OC || Third Female
Catroina Kirk || Chloe Grace Moretz, Thomas Doherty, Others || Enhanced Human || OC || Gender Optional
Cearbhall Ó Maolmhuaidh || Lucas Till || Human || OC || Male
Cearul|Ciaran|Lorcan Riordan|Morrigan || Michael Fassbender, Toby Hemmingway, Garrett Hedlund || Human || Canon || Male
Cecil DeWitt || Francois Arnaud || Ghost || OC || Male Pref
Cerise Hood || Marie Avgeropoulos || Half Wolf || Canon || Third Female
Chariclo Arganthone Cupid || Dove Cameron || Fairytale || Canon || Third Female
Charlene Bradbury || Felicia Day || Human || Canon || Third Female
Charles Hansen || Rob Kazinsky || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Charles Smith || Hart Denton || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Charles Xavier || James McAvoy || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Charlotte Baxter || Vanessa Morgan || Human || OC || Third Female
Charlotte Stephenson || Willa Holland || Human || OC || Third Female
Chase Collins || Sebastian Stan || Witch || Canon || Gender Optional
Chase Stein || Dom Sherwood || Untapped Metahuman || Canon || Gender Optional
Cheka Kom Trikru || Blair Redford || Human || OC || Male
Cherie Lewis || Emilia Clarke || Selkie || OC || Third Female
Cherokee Cash || Colin O'Donaghue || Human || OC || Male
Cherry Berry || Laura Morano, Thesgtwins || Human || OC || Third Female
Cheryl Blossom || Madelaine Petsch || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Cheshire Liddell || Sebastian Stan || Wonderlandian || Semi Canon || Male
Chess Cat || Harry Shum Jr || Wonderlandian || OC || Male Pref
Chestnut Barrow || Zayn Malik || Human || OC || Male
Chevrolet Arthur || Jason Statham || Human || OC || Male
Chloe Clair || Claudia Lee || Fae || OC || Third Female
Choco Domino || Keira Knightley || Human || OC || Third Female
Choi Trio || Jeonghan || Mutant || OC || Third Male
Christian Barton || Luke Mitchell || Human || OC || Male Pref
Christian Corwin || Rob Raco || Human || OC || Male Pref
Christoph Henderson || Henry Cavill || Human || OC || Third Pref
Christopher Argent || JR Bourne || Human || Canon || Male
Christopher Rook || Colin Ford || Nephilim || Canon || Male
Chryso Brach || Hart Denton || Maned Wolf Beast || OC || Male
Chuck Marks || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Male
Chul Bora || T. O. P || Human || OC || Male
Ciaran Byrne || Skeet Ulrich || Werewolf || OC || Male
Ciel Quinn || Hale Appleman || Master Of The Mystic Arts || OC || Male Pref
Clancy Wick || Mischa Janiec || Human || OC || Male
Clarence Helstrom || Tyler Blackburn || Human || OC || Male
Clark Griffin || Austin Butler || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Clarke Griffin || Eliza Taylor || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Clinton Barton || Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Clove Sageseed || Jonathan Whitesell || Nymph || OC || Male Pref
Cody Pine || Logan Lerman || Human || OC || Male
Cole Higgins || Monty Geer || Human || Canon || Male
Comanche Cash || Dave Franco || Human || OC || Male
Connor Angel || Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs || Half Vampire || Canon || Gender Optional
Connor MacManus || Sean Patrick Flanery || Human || Canon || Male
Conrí Faolán || Cole Sprouse || Werewolf || OC || Male
Cooper Lachlan || Dacre Montgomery || Human || OC || Male Pref
Cooper Rose || Konstantinos Laios || Cupid || OC || Male
Coover Ash || Pablo Schreiber || Human || OC || Male
Copper Kom Yujleda || Kristin Stewart || Human || OC || Third Female
Corbin Kom Ingranronakru || Shane West || Human || OC || Male
Cordelia Midford || Allison Scagliotti || Human || OC || Third Female
Corleone O'Ray || Dylan Sprouse || Human || OC || Male Pref
Corvus Inlustris || Matt Lanter || Raven Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Costin Comescu || Scott Eastwood || Human || OC || Male
Cotton Thistle || Hansol Vernon Chwe || Fairy || OC || Third Male
Court Silver || Richard Harmon || Vampire || OC || Third Male
Crawford Leather || Charlie Weber || Human || OC || Male
Crazy Jane || Diane Guerrero || Metahuman || Canon || Gender Optional
Crina Demetria || Lyndsy Fonseca, Aaron Stanford || Slayer || OC || Gender Optional
Crowley || David Tennant || Demon || Canon || Male Pref
Cyneric Ashworth || Nick Bateman || Human || OC || Male
D'avin Jaqobis || Luke Macfarlane || Geneticlly Modfied Human || Canon || Male
Daciana Larken || Tammin Sursok || Hyena Shifter || OC || Third Female
Dagwood Ryden || Daniel Di Tomasso || Human || OC || Male
Dai Ignotus || Frank Grillo || Wizard || OC || Male
Dain Domitan || Tommy Flanagan || Human || OC || Male
Dale Barbara || Mike Vogel || Human || Canon || Male
Dale Bisset || Matt Barr || Human || OC || Male
Dalia Kom Azgeda || Sophie Turner || Human || OC || Third Female
Damascus Lorne || Charlotte Best || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Damon Salavatore || Ian Somerhalder || Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
Daniel Addams || Christian Kane || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Daniel Hale || Tyler Hoechlin || Werewolf || Twin OC || Male
Daniel LaRusso || Nat Wolff || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Daniel Messer || Carmine Giovinazzo || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Daniel Williams || Scott Caan || Human || Canon || Male
Danihel Ranger || Alexander Calvert || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Dante Fischer || Dylan O'Brien || Human || OC || Male
Daria Sabriel || Jaimie Alexander || Amazon || OC || Third Female
Darien Hale || Tyler Hoechlin || Werewolf || Twin OC || Male
Darius Sabriel || Samuel Larsen || Semi Amazon || OC || Male Pref
Darko Pover || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Male Pref
Darling Charming || Eliza Taylor || Fairytale || Canon || Gender Optional
Darya Ryden || Meghan Ory || Human || OC || Third Female
Daryl Dixon || Norman Reedus || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Dastan || Jake Gyllenhaal || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
David || Kiefer Sutherland || Human || Canon || Male
David Woodley || DJ Cotrona || Human || OC || Male
Dax Kendall || Utkarsh Ambudkar || Human || OC || Male
Daya Kitchell || Zendaya Coleman || Human || OC || Female
Deacon Frost || Stephen Dorff || Vampire || Canon || Male
Dean Winchester || Jensen Ackles || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Death Of The Endless || Summer Glau || Endless || Canon || Fluid
Deckard Chelios || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Male Pref
Deckard Shaw || Jason Statham || Human || Canon || Male
Declan Hale || Tyler Hoechlin || Werewolf || Twin OC || Male
Declan Harp || Jason Momoa || Human || Canon || Male
Deekyn Vivian || Patricia Allison || Witch || OC || Third Female
Delgado Clover || Jordan Connor || Human || OC || Male Pref
Delirium Of The Endless || Hayley Williams || Endless || Canon || Fluid
Delta || Clive Standen || Enhanced Human || OC || Male Pref
Dennis Toombs || Greyston Holt || Human || OC || Male Pref
Deonisia || Karen Gillan || Eldritch Being || OC || Third Female
Derek Hale || Tyler Hoechlin || Werewolf || Canon || Gender Optional
Des Carter || Frank Grillo || Ghost || OC || Male Pref
Desire Of The Endless || Ruby Rose || Endless || Canon || Fluid
Diana Derrick || Brooke Williams || Human || OC || Third Female
Diana Prince || Gal Gadot || Amazon || Canon || Gender Optional
Diego Hargreeves || David Castañeda, Benjamin Wadsworth || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
Dirk Gently || Samuel Barnett || Anomalous Entity || Canon || Gender Optional
Dixie Enger || Caitlin Stasey || Human || OC || Third Female
Dmitry Kelso || Jay Ryan || Werewolf || OC || Male Pref
Dominic Prentís || Cody Saintgnue || Human || OC || Male
Dominick Bryant || Connor Haddadin || Human || OC || Male Pref
Donovan Torrence || Max Martini || Human || OC || Male
Dorian Ambrose || Dacre Montgomery || Human || OC || Male
Dot Baum || Becky G || Human || OC || Third Female
Dougal Reston || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Male
Dove Finch || Andy Biersack, Tom Hiddleston || Enhanced Human || OC || Gender Optional
Draco Malfoy || Tom Felton, Miles Heizer || Wizard || Canon || Gender Optional
Drak Kom Trishanakru || Alexander Dreymon || Human || OC || Male Pref
Draki Astarot || Troye Sivan || Dark Shadow Dragon Elf || OC || Male
Drusus Vritra || Santiago Segura || Incubus || OC || Male
Dsimu Runihura || Michael Fassbender || Cursed Demon || OC || Male
Dubhlagh Of Dunbroch || Matt Daddario || Human || OC || Male Pref
Durant Fischer || Dylan O'Brien || Human || OC || Male
Dusica Djura || Kat Dennings || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Dutch Deadwood || Anson Mount || Human || OC || Male
Dwalin Fundinson || Graham MacTavish || Dwarf || Canon || Male
Dyson Thornwood || Kris Holden-Reid || Werewolf || Canon || Male
E. Aster Bunnymund || Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes || Guardian || Canon || Gender Optional
Edric Lange || Anthony Mackie || Dragon || OC || Male
Edward Brock || Tom Hardy || Symbiote Enhanced Human || Canon || Male Pref
Edward Lupin || Noah Centineo || Wizard || Canon || Male Pref
Eight || Bob Morley And Varies || Genetically Engineered Human || OC || Third Male
Eira Candace || Alycia Debnam-Carey || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Eirlys Kom Azgeda || Kit Harington || Human || OC || Male Pref
El Lakota || Sebastian Gregory || Human || OC || Male Pref
Eleonora Glover || Milla Jojovich || Human || OC || Third Female
Eli Cardashyan || Gregory Kasyan || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Elian Barros || David Castaneda || Human || OC || Male
Elijah Mikaelson || Daniel Gillies || Original || Canon || Male Pref
Elio Perlman || Timothee Chalamet || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Eliot Waugh || Hale Appleman || Magician || Canon || Gender Optional
Elise Gerard || Troian Bellisario || Hyena Shifter || OC || Third Female
Elizabeth Cooper || Lili Reinhart || Human || Cisbent Canon || Non-Binary
Ella Daniel || Nicola Peltz || Human || OC || Third Female
Elodie Irvine || Emma Watson || Human || OC || Third Female
Elodie Kerstoph || Abbey Lee || Carggite || OC || Third Female
Elsa || Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron || Magical Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Elsie Newman || Brittany Curran || Human || OC || Third
Emerson Topper || Zach McGowan || Human || OC || Male
Emery || Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković || Human || OC || Third Female
Emily-Hope Raegan || Carlson Young || Human || OC || Third Female
Emmaline Austin || Scout Taylor Compton || Human || OC || Third Female
Emmeline Fayette || Katie McGrath || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Emmet Osprey || Tyley Posey || Human || OC || Male Pref
Emmett Cullen || Jared Abrahamson || Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
Emory Harker || Cole Sprouse || Familiar || OC || Third Male
Enzo Ferris || Brock O’Hurn || Minotaur || Semi Canon || Male
Erasyl Maier || Alex Watson || Witch || OC || Male
Erik Lehnsherr || Michael Fassbender || Mutant || Canon || Male Pref
Erin Strife || Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd || Greek God || Semi Canon || Fluid
Erinna Wyley || Gaia Mandadori || Witch || OC || Third Female
Ethan Connors || Derek Theler || Human || OC || Male Pref
Etienne McKenna || Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly || Witch || OC || Male
Eugene Fitzherbert || Jared Padalecki || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Eula Bolton || Tessa Thompson || Human || OC || Third
Evan Billingham || Daniel Gillies || Human || OC || Male
Evan Williams || Dan Stevens || Human || OC || Male Pref
Evangeline Mordrake || Scarlett Johansson || Human || OC || Female Pref
Everly Weiss || Max Schnieder || Human || OC || Male Pref
Evgeni Shankarov || Paul Wesley || Human || OC || Male Pref
Evgeniy Kirova || Danila Kozlovsky || Human || OC || Male
Evie Grimhilde || Sofia Carson || Magical Human || Canon || Third Pref
Fabien Mariani || Bob Morley || Witch || OC || Male Pref
Faith Firenze || Zoey Deutch || Mutant || OC || Third Female
Faith Lehane || Eliza Dushku || Slayer || Canon || Gender Optional
Faith Zora || Arielle Kebel || Witch || OC || Third Female
Falco LaPointe || Francois Arnaud || Human || OC || Male
Faolan Finn || Shawn Mendes || Human || OC || Male Pref
Faraday Jones || Chris Pratt || Human || OC || Male
Farmer Quentin || Vin Diesel || Human || OC || Male
Father Gothel || Kim Coates || Witch || Genderbent Canon || Male
Feivel Voelkel || Dan Feuerriegel || Human || OC || Male
Felicity Fawkes || Lindsey Morgan || Human || OC || Third Female
Felix Frank || Connor Jessup || Human || OC || Optional
Felix Mosley || Jade Hassouné || Wonderlandian || OC || Gender Optional
Fergus Carter || Cole Sprouse || Human || OC || Male
Filarion Gaelin || Chanyeol || Elf || OC || Third Male
Fili || Dean O'Gorman || Dwarf || Canon || Male Pref
Filip Telford || Tommy Flanagan || Human || Canon || Male
Finn Collins || Thomas McDonell || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Finnian Liebrecht || Charlie Carver || Human || OC || Male Pref
Finnlee Camdyn || Hart Denton || Human || OC || Male
Fionn Collins || Nina Dobrev || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Fionnlagh Of Dunbroch || Matt Daddario || Human || OC || Third Male
Fioralba Kapua || Jungkook || Forest Elf || OC || Male Pref
Fitzwarren Luck || Lucas Till || Immortal || OC || Third Male
Five Hargreeves || Aiden Gallagher, Jackson Rathbone || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke || KJ Apa || Human || OC || Male Pref
Fleurette Arany || Eliza Dushku || Human || OC || Third Female
Flint Gladstone || Rob Raco || Human || OC || Male
Flynn Addams || Norman Reedus || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Foma Comescu || Armie Hammer || Human || OC || Male
Ford Waters || Jon Bernthal || Human || OC || Male
Forsyth Pendleton Jones || Dylan Sprouse || Human || Twin OC || Male
Forsythe Pendleton Jones II || Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse || Human || Canon || Male
Forsythe Pendleton Jones III  || Cole Sprouse || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Forsythia Pendleton Jones || Hannah Marks || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Forty Quinn || James Scully || Human || Canon || Male
Foster || Jade Hassouné || Fae || Twin OC || Third Male
Four || Billy || Ben Hardy || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Fox Asterphilos || Michael Fassbender || Human || OC || Third Male
Fox Tempest || Harry Shum Jr || Kitsune || OC || Third Male
Francesca Grafton || Ruby Rose || Human || OC || Third Female
Frank Castle || Jon Bernthal || Human || Canon || Male
Frank Martin || Jason Statham || Human || Canon || Male
Frank Moore || Griffin Gluck || Human || OC || Optional
Frankie Holliewood || Channing Tatum || Human || OC || Optional
Frazer Parkes || Zane Holtz || Human || OC || Third Male
Frederick Fogarty || Drew Ray Tanner || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Frederick McClair || Luke Pasqualino || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Freya Mikaelson || Riley Voelkel || Original || Canon || Gender Optional
Friday Ginger || Bradley Cooper || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Fulton Reed || Elden Henson || Human || Canon || Male
Gabriel Cattaneo || Justin Baldoni || Human || OC || Male Pref
Gabriel Poe || Emjay Anthony || Human || OC || Male
Garfield Logan || Ryan Potter || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Garnet Porter || Danielle Harris || Demon || OC || Third Female
Garrett Burroughs || Amadeus Serafini || Medium || OC || Male Pref
Garven Kao-Pi || Chella Man || Witch || OC || Trans Male
Gary Unwin || Taron Egerton || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Geo Kom Ingranronakru || Christian Kane || Human || OC || Male Pref
George Kitchell || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male
George Tyson || Christian Navarro || Human || OC || Male Pref
Georgia Garth || Kiana Madeira || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Georgia Holmes || Kaya Scodalario || Human || OC || Third Female
Geralt of Rivia || Henry Cavill || Witcher || Canon || Male Pref
Gideon Kirkland || Nate Buzolic || Elemental || OC || Male Pref
Gil LeGume || Dylan Playfair || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Gil Mavick || Joe Jonas || Human || OC || Male
Ginger Breadhouse || Vanessa Morgan || Candy Witch || Canon || Third Female
Gladis Baldwin || Ellen Page || Human || OC || Female
Gladys Jones || Morena Baccarin || Human || Semi Canon || Female
Glenn Dixon || Robert Buckley || Human || OC || Male
Glenn Macallan || Shawn Mendes || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Godiva Malone || Stephanie Bennett || Half Angel || OC || Third Female
Grace Zora || Claire Holt || Witch || OC || Third Female
Gregory House || Hugh Laurie || Human || Canon || Male
Greyson Rutherford || Robbie Kay || Shadow Elemental || OC || Male
Griffin || Jamie Bell || Jumper || Canon || Male
Gryphon Trent || Chris Hemsworth || Human || OC || Male
Guadalupe Lito || Miguel Ángel Silvestre || Human || OC || Male Pref
Guðleifr Mychajlovich || Luke Guldan || Upir || OC || Male
Gus Speedle || Jesse Metcalfe || Human || OC || Male Pref
Gwen Penny || Hayden Panettiere || Human || OC || Third Female
Ha Minsu || Yongguk || Human || OC || Male
Hades || Cheyenne Jackson, Machine Gun Kelly || God || Canon || Male
Haf Kom Podakru || Clive Standen || Human || OC || Male
Han Seong-Jin || Seo In Guk || Human || OC || Male
Han Seoul-Oh || Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon || Human || Canon || Male
Hannibal King || Ryan Reynolds || Ex-Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
Hans Westergaard || Max Martini || Human || Canon || Male
Harley Keener || Ty Simpkins, Nolan Gerard Funk || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Harley Quinzel || Hart Denton || Enhanced Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Harold Theopolis Osborn || Alex Høgh Andersen || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Harper Wilson || Ashley Rickards || Neko || OC || Third Female
Harriet Hook || Emeraude Toubia || Human And Fairy Hybrid || Canon || Third Female
Harry Dresden || Paul Blackthorne || Wizard || Canon || Male
Harry Potter || Daniel Radcliffe || Wizard || Canon || Gender Optional
Harry Winston || Ryan Hurst || Human || Canon || Male
Hartley Badeau || JR Bourne || Human || OC || Male
Hartwig Hansen || Tom Mison || Human || OC || Male Pref
Harvey Kinkle || Ross Lynch || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Hayley Gold || Alberto Rosende || Human || OC || Male
Hazel Haven || Kyle Gallner || Human || OC || Male Pref
Heather Holloway || Francesca Reale || Human || Canon || Female
Hecate || Tiio Horn || Goddess || Semi Canon || Third Female
Helena Graham || Jaime Murray || Human || OC || Third Female
Henrik Mikaelson || Richard Harmon || Original || Canon || Gender Optional
Henry Greyson || Brenton Thwaites || Human || OC || Male Pref
Henry Holliday || Matt Daddario || Human || OC || Male
Henry McCoy || Nicholas Hoult || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Hera Henshaw || Aigail Breslin || Enhanced Human || OC || Third
Hercules Hansen || Max Martini || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Herman Kozik || Kenny Johnson || Human || Canon || Male
Heronymous Addams || Sharlto Copley || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Hev'n N Hel || Nick Eversman, Nick Hadad || The Angel And Devil On Your Shoulders || OC || Genderless - Male Presenting
Hiram Lodge || Mark Consuelas || Human || Canon || Male
Hope Zora || Penelope Mitchell || Witch || OC || Third Female
Horatio Mantle || Ross Butler || Human || Twin OC || Male
Hugh Beauchene || Tom Welling, Ian Nelson, Tyler Hoechlin || Mage || OC || Gender Optional
Hung Tae-Hee || TOP || Wechuge || OC || Male
Hush Kom Azgeda || Tasya Teles || Human || Twin OC || Third Female
Hyde Jackson || Lucas Till || Warlock || OC || Male Pref
I Gusti Ketut Silas Putra || Avan Jogia || Human || OC || Male
Iakona Leilani || Dacre Montgomery || Vampire || OC || Third Male
Ian Gallagher || Cameron Monaghan || Human || Canon || Male
Ianto Mumbles || Idris Elba || African God || Semi Canon || Male
Iefan Mumbles || Idris Elba || African God || Semi Canon || Male
Illyiad Barakan || Johnny Strong || Half Kitsune Half Fox Shifter || OC || Male
Ilya Kuryakin || Armie Hammer || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Indigo Basile || Will Tudor  || Immortal || OC || Male
InDo Montoya || Cole Sprouse || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Isaac Lahey || Daniel Sharman || Werewolf || Canon || Gender Optional
Isabelle Lightwood || Emeraude Toubia || Nephilim || Canon || Third Pref
Isias Apgar || Kim Coates || Werewolf || OC || Male
Isobel Druid || Billie Lourd || Witch || OC || Third Female
Issac Lawson || Luke Evans || Human || OC || Male
Ivo Ramsey || Keegan Allen || Human || OC || Male Pref
Izzy Swango || Matt Ryan || Runic Witch || OC || Male Pref
J Buchanen || Norman Reedus || Vampire || Canon || Male
Jace Lightood-Herondale || Dom Sherwood || Nephilim || Canon || Gender Optional
Jacenty Jimmy Malone || Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge || Human || OC || Male
Jacinda Wocky || Lucy Hale || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Female
Jack Chase || Sebastian Stan || Human || OC || Male
Jack Frost || Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery || Guardian || Canon || Gender Optional
Jack Knave || Dom Sherwood || Wonderlandian || OC || Third Male
Jack Morton || Jake Manley || Werewolf || Canon || Male Pref
Jack O'Neill || Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch || Human || Canon || Male
Jack Sparrow || Johnny Depp || Immortal || Canon || Male
Jacob Finnegan || Ian Bohen || Human || OC || Male
Jacob Spencer Stone || Christian Kane || Human || Canon || Male
Jade Jordan || Hailee Steinfeld || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Jade Tonnick || Kristin Stewart || Human || OC || Third Female
Jake Peralta || Andy Samberg || Human || Canon || Male
Jake Stingman || Christian Kane || Human || OC || Male
Jakoby Ellis || Anson Mount || Lion Shifter || OC || Male
James Barnes || Sebastian Stan || Genetically Engineered Human || Canon || Male Pref
James Howlett || Hugh Jackman || Mutant || Canon || Male Pref
James Kirk || Chris Pine || Human || Canon || Male Pref
James Moonstar || Blair Redford || Human || OC || Male Pref
James Moriarty || Andrew Scott || Human || Twin OC || Male
Jane Hopper || Millie Bobby Brown, Lily Collins, Emmy Rossum || Enhanced Human || Canon || Female
Janet McCullogh || Emma Roberts || Human || OC || Third Female
Janie Mulford || Madelaine Petsch || Human || OC || Third Female
Janis Mckinney || Zoe Kravitz || Human || OC || Third Female
Jannick Boden || Robert Sheehan || Enhanced Human || Twin OC || Male Pref
Jareth Quinn || David Bowie, Brett Dalton || Goblin King || Canon || Male
Jarl Tyrus Jones || Bill Skarsgard || Human || OC || Third Male
Jarvis Huish || Jake Abel || Sighted Human Turned Werewolf || OC || Male Pref
Jason Dean || Christian Slater || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jason Schuchard || Jordan Connor || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Jason Stackhouse || Ryan Kwanten || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jason Todd || Bob Morley || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Jason Van Horn || Jon Hamm || Human || Canon || Male
Jasper Harry Hook || Thomas Doherty || Human And Fairy Hybrid || Canon || Gender Optional
Jasper Jordan || Devon Bostick || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Jasper Whitlock || Jackson Rathbone || Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
Javan Bengal || Michael Fassbender || Tiger Shifter || OC || Male
Jax Lakota || Jesse Sullivan || Human || OC || Third Female
Jax Lewis || Noel Fisher || Human || OC || Male Pref
Jaxon Harley || Ricky Whittle || Human || OC || Male Pref
Jay Abanazar || Booboo Stewart || Half Genie || Canon || Male Pref
Jazz Hills || Nick Jonas || Human || OC || Third Male
Jean Moreau || Eliza Dushku || Witch || OC || Third Female
Jefferson || Sebastian Stan || Portal Jumper || Canon || Male
Jennifer Jenkins || Megan Fox || Human || OC || Third Female
Jensen Ames || Jason Statham || Human || Canon || Male
Jensen Slick || Stephen Dorff || Human || OC || Male
Jeremiah Fenrirson || Michael Fassbender || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Jeremiah Lucas || Sam Heughan || Human || OC || Male
Jeremy Gilbert || Steven R McQueen || Hunter || Canon || Gender Optional
Jesse Custer || Dominic Cooper || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
Jesse Katsopolis || John Stamos || Human || Canon || Male
Jessica Gambino || China Anne McClain || Human || OC || Third Female
Jett McCreighton-Hill || Cole Sprouse || Incubus || OC || Male
Ji Ah Nix || Justin H Min || Human || OC || Male Pref
Jill Praetor || Stella Maeve || Witch || OC || Third Female
Jillian Holtzmann || Kate McKinnon || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Jim Moriarty || Andrew Scott || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jimi Mars || Odiseas Georgiadis || Human || OC || Male
Joaquin DeSantos || Rob Raco || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Joe Addams || Joseph Gordon-Levitt || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Joe McAlister || Colin Ford || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Joel Bissainthe || Andy Biersack || Vampire || OC || Male
Joel Gregory || Benedict Cumberbatch || Human || OC || Male
Joel Shmishlyaev || Ash Stymest || Vampire || OC || Male
Johann Stein || Richard Harmon || Human || OC || Male
John Andras Jaqobis || Aaron Ashmore || Human || Canon || Male
John Avanyu || Karl Urban || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male
John Bender || Judd Nelson || Human || Canon || Male Pref
John Constantine || Matt Ryan || Magician || Canon || Male Pref
John Henry Holliday || Tim Rozon || Immortal || Canon || Male
John Law || Vincent Ventresca || Invisible Man || OC || Male
John Mbege || Keiynan Lonsdale || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
John Mitchell || Aidan Turner || Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
John Murphy || Richard Harmon || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
John Sheppard || Joe Flanagan || Human || Canon || Male
John Silvini || Ryan Reynolds || Human || OC || Male
John Vaako Grimm || Karl Urban || Martian Enhanced Human Turned Necromonger || Canon || Male
John Watson || Martin Freeman || Human || Canon || Male
Johnnie Cooper || Tom Ellis || Human || OC || Male Pref
Jon Snow || Kit Harington || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jonah Howard || Joseph Gordon-Levitt || Human || OC || Third Male
Jonathan Byers || Charlie Heaton || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jones Templeton || Brock Kelly || Human || OC || Male Pref
Jorah Ruiz || Oscar Isaac || Human || OC || Male
Jordan Howard || Joseph Gordon-Levitt || Human || OC || Male
Jory Kulkarni || Tyler Hoechlin || Vampire || OC || Third Male
Josh Wheeler || Colin Ford || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Jostus Kom Sankru || Brock O’Hurn || Human || OC || Male
Juan Carlos Ortiz || Theo Rossi || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Julian Alfred Pankratz || Joey Batey || Cursed Human || Canon || Optional
Julio Richter || Diego Boneta || Mutant || Canon || Male Pref
June/Au Moone || Dane Dehaan, Cara Delevingne || Metahuman Possessed Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Juno Smith || Ariana Grande || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Jupiter Danvers || Andy Biersack || Incubus || OC || Male
Jussie Tamberelli || Sachin Sahel || Healer || OC || Male Pref
Kacey Patton || Dylan Sprouse || Witch || OC || Third Male
Kade Arcino || Zachary Quinto || Human || OC || Male
Kady Hooper || Maya Hawke || Witch || OC || Third Female
Kaede Oshiro || Sehun || Demon || OC || Male
Kai Anderson || Evan Peters || Human || Canon || Male
Kaleb Westphall || Daniel Sharman || Witch || Canon || Gender Optional
Kali Prasad || Linnea Berthelsen || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Kapena Carpenter || Hale Appleman || Human || OC || Third Male
Kara Kaa || Eiza Gonzalez || Snake Shifter || OC || Third Female
Kari Caerphilly || Adam Brody || Human || OC || Male Pref
Karolina Dean || Virginia Gardener || Majesdanian || Canon || Gender Optional
Kassandra Šimon || Blake Lively || Human || OC || Third Female
Katherine Kole-Kirby || Kay Victoria || Human || OC || Female
Kaya Carter-Reston || Dove Cameron || Human || OC || Third Female
Kayla Doll || Emily Browning || Experiment || OC || Third Female
Kaylee Sanderson || Gal Gadot || Human || OC || Third Female
Keelan Cavanagh || Tom Hardy || Human || OC || Male
Keladry Veralidaine || JR Bourne || Werewolf || OC || Male
Kelleena Crighton || Hannah John-Kamen || Human || OC || Third Female
Kelly Benton || Darya Goncharova || Human || OC || Third Female
Kelly Pryor || Brandon Larracuente || Human || OC || Male
Kendrick Alighero || Jon Bernthal || Human || OC || Male
Kenickie Murdoch || Dom Sherwood || Human || Canon || Male
Kensington Banning || Will Tudor || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Kenzo Malikov || Kim Heechul || Fae || OC || Third Male
Kerianne Graves || Marie Avgeropoulos || Human || OC || Third Female
Kevin Keller || Casey Cott || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Kiara Angelika || Teagan Croft || Oracle || OC || Female
Kieran Of The Wild Hunt || Nils Kuiper || Fae || Canon || Male
Kieran Tilo || KJ Apa || Human || OC || Male
Kili || Aidan Turner || Dwarf || Canon || Gender Optional
Killian Salvatore || Scott Caan || Human || OC || Male
Kimball Danelsen || John Harlan Kim || Human || OC || Male Pref
Kimberly Hart || Naomi Scott || Power Ranger || Canon || Gender Optional
Kimril || Richard Armitage || Dragon || OC || Male
Kincaid Jericko || Victor Webster || Mage || OC || Male
King Rí || Joseph Morgan || Vampire || OC || Male Pref
Kingsley Hopkirk || Kris Holden-Ried || Wizard || OC || Gender Optional
Kintsu Kuroi || Jhope || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Kit Pryde || Dylan Sprayberry || Mutant || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Kito Jewel || Kit Harrington || Human || OC || Male
Kitra Katriel || Paris Berelc || Human || OC || Third Female
Kittridge Banning || Dom Sherwood || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Kitty Cheshire || Alyssa Claire Joynson || Wonderlandian || Canon || Third Female
Kol Mikaelson || Nate Buzolic || Original || Canon || Gender Optional
Kolman Johannsen || Dylan McDermott || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Kon-El Kent || Robbie Amell || Half Kryptonite Clone || Canon || Male
Konstantinos Cruz || Colton Haynes || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Kostia Kom Trikru || Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John-Kamen || Human, Ghost || Canon || Gender Optional
Kostin Kom Trikru || Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male
Kris Jacob Cobalt || Alex Høgh Andersen || Werewolf || OC || Male
Kristoff || Chris Hemsworth || Human || Canon || Male
Ku Yejun || Jaejoong || Human || OC || Male
Kuba Kowalski || Antoni Porowski || Incubus || OC || Male Pref
Kurgan Reina || Daniel Gillies || Vampire || OC || Male Pref
Kyda Kom Trishanakru || Josefin Asplund || Human || OC || Third Female
Kyle Bathory || Jake Manley || Human || OC || Third Male
Kyra JB Badd || Alexa Davalos || Human || Canon || Third Female
Kyrylo Lytvynenko || Jamie Campbell-Bower || Upir || OC || Male
L Lawliet || Ken'ichi Matsuyama || Human || Canon || Male
Lacey Rainer || Jason Ralph || Telekinetic God-Gifted Assassin || OC || Male Pref
Lachlan Camdyn || Reilly Dolman || Human || OC || Male
Ladislaus Anikita Celje || Liam James || Familiar || OC || Gender Optional
Ladon Ormarr || Charlie Heaton || Dragon || OC || Male
Lagi Pikari || Taika Waititi || Human || OC || Optional
Lán Sé Límíng || G-Dragon || Demon || OC || Male
Lara Croft || Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Lara Montgomery || Shelley Hennig || Human || OC || Third Female
Larry Trainor || Matt Bomer || Metahuman || Canon || Male
Lauren Garroway || Jade Tailor || Witch || OC || Third Female
Laurie Gwinnett || Anne Hathaway || Human || OC || Third Female
Laveau McQueen || Richard Harmon || Witch || OC || Male Pref
Lavrenty Comescu || Jack O'Connell || Human || OC || Male
Lawrence Addington || Jude Law || God-Gifted Human || OC || Male
LC-4397 || Brock O’Hurn || Transgenic || OC || Male Pref
Lee Christmas || Jason Statham || Human || Canon || Male
Leigh Trace || Christian Slater || Human || OC || Male
Leith Camdyn || Will Tudor || Human || OC || Male
Lennox Peabody || Torrance Coombs || Human || OC || Male
Leo Moreau || Christopher Larkin || Human || OC || Male Pref
Leon Coutts || Jeremy Renner || Human || OC || Male
Leon Strong || Johnny Strong || Human || Canon || Male
Leonard McCoy || Karl Urban || Human || Canon || Male
Leonard Snart || Wentworth Miller || Human || Canon || Male
Levi Livingston || Jackson Rathbone || Human || OC || Third Male
Lex Kom Trikru || Greyston Holt || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male
Lex Miller || Jack Gillett || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Lexa Kom Trikru || Alycia Debnam-Carey || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Lexington Wallander III || Travis Fimmel || Human || OC || Male
Li Lán-Lěi || Dianne Doan || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Liam Dunbar || Dylan Sprayberry || Werewolf || Canon || Gender Optional
Liander Tybalt || Harry Shum Jr || Human || OC || Male
Liberty Tazzno || Mollee Gray || Human || OC || Third Female
Light Yagami || Tatsuya Fujiwara || Sinigami Powered Human || Canon || Male
Lilah Sanderson || Danielle Campbell || Witch || OC || Third Female
Lilit-Niya || Amber Heard || Goddess || Canon || Fluid
Lily [Sparkle] Soleil || Virginia Gardener || Warlock || OC || Third Female
Lily Highsmith || Crystal Reed || Nephilim || OC || Third Female
Lincoln Fawkes || Thomas McDonell || Human || OC || Male
Link || Austin Butler || Hylian || Canon || Male Pref
Lionel Reginus || Jason Momoa || Human || OC || Male
Lip || Jared Padalecki || Kelpie || OC || Male
Lisbet Darling || Jennifer Lawrence || Human || OC || Third Female
Lissa Anderson || Jessica Lu || Human || OC || Third Female
Logan Cale || Michael Weatherly || Human || Canon || Male
Loki Laufeyson || Cole Sprouse, Tom Hiddleston || Norse God || Canon || Fluid
Lola Locorant || Eiza Gonzalez || Human || OC || Third Female
London Clark || Chris Evans || Human || OC || Male
Lorelai Vierra || Lana Parilla || Witch || OC || Third Female
Loren Knowles || Shannon Kook || Human || OC || Male Pref
Lorene of Haak || Lady Gaga || Witcher || OC || Third Female
Lorenzo St. John || Michael Malarky || Vampire || Canon || Male
Lorna Lexington || Emma Dumont || Human || OC || Third Female
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti || Tasya Teles || Human || OC || Third Female
Louisa Giroux || Danielle Campbell || Hyena Shifter || OC || Third Female
Loukianos Kohler || John Pyper-Ferguson || Human || OC || Male Pref
Loullabelle Jones || Allison Scagliotti || Human || OC || Third Female
Lowell Forbes || Scott Speedman || Human || OC || Male
Lucien Collins || Tom Ellis || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Lucien Judith || Michael Johnston || Human || OC || Male Pref
Lucifer Morningstar || Tom Ellis || Fallen Angel || Canon || Gender Optional
Lucilla Nike || Charlize Theron || Enchantress || OC || Third Female
Lucius Philo || Kellan Lutz || Vampire || OC || Male
Lucy Winterford || Maia Mitchell || Witch || OC || Third Female
Luke Castellan || Jake Abel || Demi-God || Canon || Male Pref
Luke Collins || Zak Henri || Human || OC || Male Pref
Luke Crain || Oliver Cohen-Jackson || Human || Canon || Male
Luke Dusk || Mark Pellegrino || Human || OC || Male Pref
Luna Berry || Vanessa Morano, Thesgtwins || Human || OC || Third Female
Lykaios Godfrey || Bill Skarsgard || Werewolf || Twin OC || Male
Lyn Llewellyn || Ross Lynch || Elemental || OC || Third Male
Lyria Of Leah || Vanessa Morgan || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Lyric Royal || Michael B Jordan & Zendaya Coleman || Fae || OC || Optional
Lyssie Mulford || Madelaine Petsch || Human || OC || Third Female
M’Ari Walker || Ksenia Solo || Human || OC || Third Female
Macie Dixon || Brie Larsen || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Mack Wilson || David Giuntoli || Human || OC || Male
Mackey Garth || TJ Thyne || Human || OC || Male Pref
Maddison Moreau || Sarah Hyland || Warlock || OC || Third Female
Maddison Trevor || Bella Thorne || Human || OC || Third Female
Madelhari Mim || Miles Heizer || Mage || OC || Third Male
Madeline Brewster || Idda Van Munster || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Madrigan Hatter || Landon Liboiron || Wonderlandian || OC || Male Pref
Mae Coombs || Lili Reinhart || Human || OC || Third Female
Maeve Aella || Phoebe Tonkin || Amazon || OC || Third Female
Magalie Johannsen || Christina Ricci || Human || OC || Third Female
Magnus Bane || Harry Shum Jr || Warlock || Canon || Gender Optional
Magpie TwoSpirit || Ruby Rose || Fae || OC || Third Female
Magret Spector || Vanessa Morgan || Human || OC || Third Female
Magrette Marburg || Ksenia Solo || Human || OC || Third Female
Mail Jeevas || Luhan || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Makaio Timoti || Wentworth Miller || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Makena Kysely || Colton Haynes || Dragon || OC || Male
Malachai || Nicholas Hoult || Vampire || OC || Male
Malachai Parker || Chris Wood || Syphoner || Canon || Male Pref
Malarky Malone || Chloe Bennet || Half Angel || OC || Third Female
Malcolm Reynolds || Nathan Fillion || Human || Canon || Male
Maleficent || Jonathan Rhys Meyers || Faerie || Genderbent Canon || Male
Mallory Booth || Emmy Rossum || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Mangjol Ji-Tae || Minhyuk Btob || Human || OC || Male
Marc Anciel || Ross Lynch || Human || OC || Gender Optional
Marc Wilder || Avan Jogia || Neko || OC || Gender Optional
Marcheline Andrews || Kat McNamara || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Marcus Addams || Kim Coates || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Marcus Lopez Arguello || Benjamin Wadsworth || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Margo Kom Sankru || Natalie Dormer || Human || OC || Third Female
Maria Esperanza Salazar || María Gabriela De Faría || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Marishka Tepes || Kiara Glasco || Vampire || OC || Female
Marisol Louiston || Ana De Armas || Mutant || OC || Third Female
Mark Hobb || Jensen Ackles || Dire Wolf Beast || OC || Male
Mark Hunter || Christian Slater || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Marley McCaffrey || Skeet Ulrich || Human || OC || Male Pref
Marmaduke Mason || Cody Kiersley || Human || Canon || Male
Martin Rowdy || Michael Eklund || Anomalous Entity || Canon || Male
Maryam Qazi || Sofia Boutella || Human || OC || Third Female
Marzio Altamura || Jimmy Quaintance || Human || OC || Male
Mathew Brightley || Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy || Human || OC || Male Pref
Mathew Martin || Tom Holland || Banshee Triplet || OC || Male
Mathew Milburn || Chris Wood || Human || OC || Male
Matilda Zolnerowich || Sygin || Human || OC || Third Female
Matt Murdock || Charlie Cox || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Maven King || Diego Barrueco || Raven Shifter || OC || Male
Max Pearce || David Castro || Human || OC || Male
Maxine Mayfield || Sadie Sink, Kat McNamara, Natasha Lyonne || Human || Canon || Female
Mayte Enscorpion || Matt Cedeno || Human || OC || Male
Mazikeen || Lesley Ann-Brandt || Demon || Canon || Third Female
McFarlane Carter-Reston || Skeet Ulrich  || Human || OC || Male
Mekhi Kennedy || Bill Skarsgard || Cambion || OC || Male
Melchiorre Auriemma || Rob Raco || Enhanced Human || OC || Male Pref
Meliorn || Jade Hassouné || Fae || Canon || Gender Optional
Melville Putnam || Jackson Rathbone || Human || OC || Male
Merida || Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Merlin Emrys || Colin Morgan || Warlock || Canon || Gender Optional
Merrick Finn || Dylan O'Brien || Firestarter || OC || Gender Optional
Mi Se-Yeon || Jimin || Sprite || OC || Third Male
Michael Guerin || Brendan Fehr || Alien || Canon || Male Pref
Michael Wheeler || Finn Wolfhard, Ezra Miller, Orlando Bloom || Human || Canon || Male
Michelle Jones || Zendaya Coleman || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Michelle Reilly || Sonequa Martin-Green || Human || OC || Third Female
Mick Finn || Callum Blue || Firestarter || OC || Male
Mick Sweeney || Pablo Schreiber || Human || OC || Male
Midnight Iris || Jordan Patrick Smith || Werewolf || OC || Male
Mieczyslaw Stilinski || Dylan O'Brien || Magical Human With A Hint Of Fox || Canon || Gender Optional
Mikaela Whistler || Wentworth Miller || Human || OC || Femme
Mike Plisskin || Colin Ford || Werewolf || OC || Third Male
Mike Quire || Aaron Yoo || Mutant || OC || Male Pref
Mikhailo Milkovich || Noel Fisher || Human || Canon || Male
Miles Jordan || Ansel Elgort || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Miles O’Shaughnessy || Robert Sheehan || White Witch || OC || Male Pref
Miller Petroff || Mike Vogel || Human || OC || Male Pref
Milos Toplaski || Tommy Flanagan || Werewolf || OC || Male
Mindy Macready || Chloe Grace Moretz || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Minka Vodnik || Olivia Wilde || Human || OC || Third Female
Mira Bellami || Victoria Justice || Human || OC || Third Female
Mirai, The Queen of Roses, Tamer of Wyverns || Nyane Lebajoa || Magical Human || OC || Third
Misty Lombardo || Adelaide Kane || Human || OC || Third Female
Molly Bright || Jade Weber || Human || OC || Third Female
Molly Parks || Cara Delevingne || Human || OC || Third Female
Monroe Klump || Nick Robinson || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Monroe Lorenzo || Michael Malarky || Human || OC || Male Pref
Morgan Julius || Landon Liboiron || Human || OC || Third Male
Morpheus || Hale Appleman || Endless || Canon || Gender Optional
Morrigan Wallace || Lena Headey || Celtic Goddess || Semi Canon || Gender Optional
Morrison Wallace || Tommy Flanagan || Celtic God || Semi Canon || Male
Murphy MacManus || Norman Reedus || Human || Canon || Male
Murtagh Reston || Thomas Doherty || Human || OC || Male
Nadia Udinov || Elizabeth Olsen || Enhanced Human || OC || Female Pref
Nalini Horowitz || Alex Saxon || Human || OC || Male Pref
Nancy Caine || Anna Kendrick || Human || OC || Third Female
Nancy Wheeler || Natalia Dyer || Human || Cisbent Canon || Trans Female
Natalia Miller || Ashleigh Murray || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Nathan Miller || Jarod Joseph || Human || Canon || Male
Nathan Young || Robert Sheehan || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male Pref
Nathaniel Barton || Grant Gustin || Human || OC || Third Male
Nathaniel Marburg || Stephen James || Human || OC || Male
Nathaniel Spooner || Toby Hemmingway || Neko || OC || Third Male
Natshana Kom Trishanakru || Chai Hansen || Human || Twin OC || Male Pref
Navajo Cash || Chris Pine || Human || OC || Male
Nell Reba-Barnes || Steve Howey || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Neptune Hollins || Noah Centineo || Greek God || Semi Canon || Male
Nia Bradbury || Andy Biersack || Witch || OC || Male
Nic Janson || Troye Sivan || Human || OC || Third Male
Nicholas Scratch || Gavin Leatherwood || Witch || Canon || Male Pref
Nick Agave || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Third Male
Nick Gant || Chris Evans || Psychic - Mover || Canon || Male Pref
Nick St North || Joel Kinnaman || Guardian || OC || Male
Nick Tevetino || Stephen Lund || Human || OC || Male
Nico DiAngelo || David Mazouz || Demi-God || Canon || Male Pref
Nico Minoru || Lyrica Okano || Magical Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Nicolai Duchamps || Joseph Gordon-Levitt || Upir || OC || Male
Nik Ellis || KJ Apa || Human || OC || Third Male
Nikita Byrne || Kit Harington || Human || OC || Third Male
Niklaus Mikaelson || Joseph Morgan || Original || Canon || Gender Optional
Nikol Lynch || Jessica Alba || Human || OC || Third Female
Nile Gwynnne || Nate Buzolic || Demon Spawn || OC || Male
Noah Bello || Ben Barnes || Human || OC || Male
Noah Johnson || Mitchell Hope || Human || OC || Male Pref
Noah Preston || Max Riemelt || Human || OC || Male Pref
Noah/Noelle Rowling || Max Irons & Katheryn Newton || Human || OC || Fluid
Nolan James || Norman Reedus || Human || OC || Third Male
Nori Herschel || Jude Karda || Human || OC || Fluid
Note Scofield || Tom Holland || Human || OC || Third Male
Nouri Narrington || Caleb Landry Jones || Werewolf || OC || Male Pref
Nova || Adam Lambert || Siren Necromancer || OC || Male
Nysse Hamilton || Dayana Melgares || Human || OC || Third Female
Nyx Greymark || Nyané Lebajoa || Witch || OC || Third Female
Oaklee Zaharis || Marie Avgeropoulos || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Oddmund Bodilson || Brett Dalton || Human || OC || Third Male
Oliva MacCallion || Imogen Poots || Human || OC || Third Female
Oliver Delfino || KJ Apa || Human || Twin OC || Male
Oliver McQueen || Charlie Hunnam || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Oliver Pike || Milo Ventimiglia || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Oliver Sofer || Armie Hammer || Human || Canon || Male
Oliver Vidal || Billy Porter || Human || OC || Male Pref
One || Ryan Reynolds || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Ong Minjae || Sehun || Human || OC || Third Male
Onyx Frost-Haddock || Cole Sprouse || Half-Guardian || OC || Male Pref
Orin Suelita || DJ Cotrona || Warlock || OC || Third Male
Orion Hunter || Jai Courtney || Immortal || Semi Canon || Male
Orla Wyley || Freya Allan || Witch || OC || Third Female
Orti Palma-Picarzo || Rob Raco || Incubus || OC || Male Pref
Osbaldo Avanyu || Oscar Jaenada || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male
Otis Keen || Cody Christian || Human || OC || Male
Owen Anton || Devon Sawa || Human || OC || Male Pref
Owen Grady || Chris Pratt || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Owen Palomino || Sean Patrick Flanery || Horse Shifter || OC || Male
Owen Shaw || Luke Evans || Human || Canon || Male
Padraig Doyle || Andrew Scott || Human || OC || Male
Palmer Isley || KJ Apa || Enhanced Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Pamela Isley || Natalie Dormer, Madelaine Petsch || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Parker || Beth Riesgraf || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Patricia Hay || Crystal Reed || Human || OC || Female Pref
Patricia LLewelyn || Scout Taylor Compton || Vampire || OC || Female Pref
Patrick Grimsby || Ian Bohen || Empath || OC || Male
Paul Rumancek || Landon Liboiron || Werewolf || Twin OC || Male Pref
Paul Tristan || Nick Jonas || Human || OC || Male
Paul Trubel || Miles Heizer || Human || OC || Male Pref
Paula Cavanaugh || Alisha Wainwright || Human || OC || Third Female
Pearl Hayes || Jennifer Laurence || Human || OC || Third Female
Pegasus Simon || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Third Male
Peilani Salvatore || Jason Momoa || Human || OC || Third Male
Penelope Mira || Lee Sun-Mi || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Percival Albion || Tom Hopper || Human || Canon || Male
Percy Jackson || Cole Sprouse || Demi-God || Canon || Male Pref
Pern Sorrows || Colin Morgan || Half-Cat Experiment || OC || Male
Perry Avanyu || Drew Fuller || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male Pref
Persphone || Dom Sherwood || God || Semi Canon || Third Male
Peter Burke || Tim DeKay || Human || Canon || Male
Peter Hale || Ian Bohen || Werewolf || Canon || Male Pref
Peter Parker || Tom Holland || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Peter Quill || Chris Pratt || Half-Celestial || Canon || Male Pref
Peter Rumancek || Landon Liboiron || Werewolf || Canon || Male Pref
Petra Yolga || Taylor Hickson || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Peyton Bennett || Dove Cameron || Human || OC || Third Female
Phelix Sinclair || Alexander Skarsgard || Human || OC || Male Pref
Philip Coulson || Clark Gregg || Human || Canon || Male
Philip Pearson || Reilly Dolman || Traveler || Canon || Gender Optional
Philip Trembuey || Reilly Dolman || Human || OC || Third Male
Phoenix Arthur || Charlie Hunnam || Werewolf || OC || Third Male
Pierre Toulouse || Gaspard Ulliel || Human || OC || Male Pref
Pietro Maximoff || Aaron Taylor-Johnson || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin || Danila Kozlovsky || Mutant || Canon || Male Pref
Piper Otis || Emma Mackey || Human || OC || Third Female
Pippa French || Brianna Hildebrand || Human || OC || Third Female
Pitch Black || Jude Law || Nightmare King || Canon || Male Pref
Polly Rice || Quintessa Swindel || Human || OC || Third Female
Prali Kus || Sendhil Ramamurthy || Human || OC || Male Pref
Priscilla Clements || Sarah Jeffery || Human || OC || Third
Priscilla-Jean Henrietta O'Hare || Ruth Negga || Human || Canon || Third Female
Proinsias Cassidy || Joe Gilgun || Vampire || Canon || Male
Prudence McCreary || Ruby Rose || Human || Twin OC || Third Female
Prudence Night || Tati Gabrielle || Witch || Canon || Gender Optional
PSY 217 || Richard Harmon || Transgenic || OC || Male
Pubert Addams || David Mazouz || Mostly Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Puglsey Addams || Cole Sprouse || Mostly Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Quade Reeves || Froy Gutierrez || Human || OC || Male Pref
Queenie Scarlett || Bailey Jay || Human || OC || Third Female
Quentin Coldwater || Jason Ralph || Magician || Canon || Gender Optional
Quentin Cruikshanks || Zane Holtz || Human || OC || Male Pref
Quentin Quire || Machine Gun Kelly || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Quinlan Cruikshanks || Zane Holtz || Human || OC || Male Pref
Quinn Dolan || Richard Harmon || Enhanced Human || OC || Male Pref
Racel Tabytha || Christopher Gorham || Human || OC || Male Pref
Rachel Summers || KJ Apa || Mutant || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Radley Finch || Stephen James || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Radovan Zivkovic || Tom Hardy || Werewolf || OC || Male
Ragnar Lothbrok || Travis Fimmel || Human || Canon || Male
Rainier Bright || Osric Chau || Siren || OC || Gender Optional
Raiven Reyes || Avan Jogia || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Raleigh Beckett || Charlie Hunnam || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Randall Carpio || Adam DiMarco || Werewolf || Canon || Male Pref
Ransom Drysdale || Chris Evans || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Raphael Santiago || David Castro || Vampire || Canon || Male Pref
Rapunzel || Jensen Ackles || Magical Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Raven Reyes || Lindsey Morgan || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Ravi Enrico || Robert Sheehan || Incubus || OC || Gender Optional
Raylan Bernice || Michael Vlamis || Human || OC || Male
Raylan Givens || Timothy Olyphant || Human || Canon || Male
Rayner Pope || Seth Gabel || Witch || OC || Male
Reese Arany || John Stamos || Human || OC || Male
Reginald Mantle || Charles Melton || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Regis Rexford || Daniel Sharman || Human || OC || Male
Reid Garwin || Toby Hemmingway || Witch || Canon || Male Pref
Reileen Kawahara || Dichen Lachman || Envoy || Canon || Third Female
Remington Goldwyn-Mayer || Michael Fassbender || Human || OC || Male
Remus Godfrey || Bill Skarsgard || Upir || Twin OC || Male
Renfri of Creydon || Emma Appleton || Mutant || Canon || Optional
Renfri Pankratz || Dove Cameron || Cursed Human Part Elf || OC || Third Female
Rey Bolivar || David Castro || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ria Rosston || Cher Lloyd || Human || OC || Third Female
Richard Amore || Adam Levine || Human || OC || Male Pref
Richard B Riddick || Vin Diesel || Furyan || Canon || Male
Richard Brooks || Andrew Scott || Human || Twin OC || Male Pref
Richard Gecko || Zane Holtz || Culebra || Canon || Male Pref
Richard Harbrooke || Andrew Lincoln, Timothee Chalamet, Robert Sheehan || Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Rick Hobb || DJ Cotrona || Human || OC || Male Pref
Rick Lincoln || Luke MacFarlane || Human || Canon || Male
Riko Velli || Niko Pepaj || Human || OC || Male
Riley Barrick || Luke Bilyk || Human || OC || Male Pref
Rina Dust || Kat McNamara || Fairy || OC || Third Female
Rippert Finley || Arthur Darvill || Human || OC || Male Pref
River Green || Ezra Miller || Sprite || OC || Fluid
Roan Kom Azgeda || Zach McGowan || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Robert Altabani || Jason Statham || Human || Canon || Male
Robert Brown || Scott Foley || Human || Canon || Male
Robert Cooper || Will Tudor  || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Robert Drake || Shawn Ashmore || Mutant || Canon || Male Pref
Robert Eames || Tom Hardy || Human || Canon || Male
Robert King || Gabriel Macht || Human || OC || Male
Robert Lockshood || Taron Egerton || Human || OC || Male Pref
Robert Mercer || Mark Wahlberg || Human || Canon || Male
Robert Svane || Michael Eklund || Revenant || Canon || Male Pref
Roberto Vega || Jai Courtney || Human || OC || Male
Robin Buckley || Maya Hawke || Human || Canon || Female
Robin Carter || Luanna Perez || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Robin Downes || Cole Sprouse || Siren || OC || Male
Robin Locksley || Colin Ford || Human || OC || Trans Male
Rocket Jameson || Alberto Rosende || Human || OC || Male
Roman Godfrey || Bill Skarsgard || Upir || Canon || Male Pref
Roman Mercer || Avan Jogia || Medium || Canon || Gender Optional
Ron Anderson || Austin Abrams || Human || Canon || Male
Rook Corvinus || Benjamin Wadsworth || Hybrid || OC || Male Pref
Rook Smith || Thomas Doherty || Raven King || OC || Male Pref
Rory Reagan || Richard Madden || Human || OC || Male
Rosalee Lette || Taylor Momsen || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Rosalia Santiago || Eiza Gonzalez || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Rosalva Carman || Emeraude Toubia || Human || OC || Third Female
Rosamel Soma || Will Tudor || Breeder || OC || Third Male
Rose Parker || Sasha Lane || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Rosie Dainty || Sarah Hyland || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Rostro Connaver || Brett Dier || Human || OC || Male Pref
Rowan Kom Azgeda || Olga Kurylenko || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Royce Gendry || Boyd Holbrook || Human || OC || Male
Ruairí Gunnrarr || Sean Patrick Flanery || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ruby Henderson || Adelaide Kane || Royal Alpha || OC || Third Female
Rune Kom Azgeda || Jason Momoa || Human || OC || Male
Rusty Ryan || Brad Pitt || Human || Canon || Male
Ruth Fisher || Barbara Palvin || Human || OC || Third
Ruth Hornik || Sarah Paulson || Human || OC || Third Female
Ryan Atwood || Ben MacKenzie || Human || Canon || Male
Rycroft Philostrate || Orlando Bloon || Half-Fae || Canon || Male Pref
Ryl/Lyra Connors || Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden || Twin-Too Technopath || OC || Fluid
Saber Gilmore || Curran Walters || Human || OC || Male Pref
Saiya Erembour || Kiernan Shipka || Human || OC || Third Female
Sam & Seb Shankarov || Joel Kinnaman || Human || OC || Male
Sam Beem || Jordan Connor || Human || OC || Male
Samael Abigor || Tom Hardy || Demon || OC || Male
Samantha Lee Fisher || Kiersey Clemons || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Sameen Shaw || Sarah Shahi || Human || Canon || Third Female
Samira Ramirez Avanyu || Rihanna || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Third Female
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu || Theo Rossi || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male Pref
Santa Muerte || Riae Suicide || Culebra || OC || Third Female
Santanico Pandemonium || Eiza Gonzalez || Culebra || Canon || Third Pref
Saoirse Terpsichore Conlon || Emeraude Toubia || Human || OC || Third Female
Sara Pezzini || Yancy Butler || Host Of The Witchblade || Canon || Third Pref
Sassafras Caitsidhe || Asa Butterfield || Demon Cat Familiar || OC || Third Male
Sawyer Murray || Bex Taylor-Klaus || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Saya Kuroki || Lana Condor || Human || Canon || Third Pref
Schrödinger Cat || Vanness Wu || Wonderlandian || OC || Male Pref
Scorpius Malfoy || Troye Sivan || Wizard || Canon || Gender Optional
Scott Canterbury || Nate Buzolic || Human || OC || Third Male
Scott Lang || Paul Rudd || Human || Canon || Optional
Scott McCall || Tyler Posey || Werewolf || Canon || Gender Optional
Scott Summers || Tye Sheridan || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Sean Gallagher || Dane Dehaan || Human || OC || Male
Seasmus Zelazny Harper || Gordon Michael Woolvett || Human || Canon || Male
Sebastian De Poitiers || Torrance Coombs || Human || Canon || Male
Sebastian Michaelis || Jared Leto || Demon || Canon || Male
Sebastian Moran || Michael Fassbender || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Sebastian Morgenstern || Will Tudor || Nephilim || Canon || Male Pref
Sebastian Reid || Toby Hemmingway || Nephilim || OC || Male Pref
Sébastienne Morgenstern || Dove Cameron || Demon Blooded Nephilim || Genderbent Canon || Third Female
Seireadan Conlon || Bill Skarsgard || Human || Canon || Male
Senka Grant || Izabella Miko || Human || OC || Third Female
Serafin Bratomil Leonidus || Jamie Campbell Bower || Vampire || OC || Male
Seth Capricorn || Jeffrey Dean Morgan || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Seth Gecko || DJ Cotrona || Human || Canon || Male
Seth Pearce || Jordan Connor || Human || Canon || Male
Seven || Blaine || Corey Hawkins || Human || Canon || Male
Severin Moran || Michael Fassbender || Human || Twin OC || Male Pref
Shalimar Fox || Victoria Pratt || Child Of Genomex || Canon || Gender Optional
Shalimar Rose || Emeraude Toubia || Human || OC || Third Female
Shane Kilmartin || Noah Centineo || Human || OC || Male
Shane Richardson || Colin Farrell || Human || OC || Male
Shannon Ricks || Bradley Cooper || Human || OC || Male
Shawn Spencer || James Roday || Human || Canon || Male
Shelby Kiyaya || Jason Momoa || Human || OC || Male
Sherlock Holmes || Benedict Cumberbatch || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Sherrinford Holmes || Benedict Cumberbatch || Human || Twin OC || Male Pref
Sherry Nichols || Elle Fanning || Human || OC || Third Female
Shuri Of Wakanda || Letitia Wright || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Sicario Montoya || David Castañeda || Enhanced Human || Twin OC || Male
Sigla Kom Podakru || Kathryn Winnick || Human || OC || Third Female
Sigourney Algernon || Francois Arnaud || Human || OC || Male
Silas Kyle || Charles Melton || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Silver Loretta || Chelsea Zhang || Human || OC || Third Female
Sim Chunho || Kiseop || Human || OC || Male
Simon Bellamy || Iwan Rheon || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Simon Cooper || Grant Gustin || Human || OC || Male Pref
Simon Jogia || Rami Malek || Human || OC || Male Pref
Simon Lewis || Alberto Rosende || Vampire || Canon || Gender Optional
Simone Sumner || Olivia Holt || Human || OC || Female Pref
Sinclair Lorentz || Aidan Turner || Dragon || OC || Male
Sindri Vidarr || Dane Dehaan, Dawid Auguscik || Runic Witch || OC || Male
Siobhan Mbege || China Anne McClain || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Siobhan Murphy || Lyndsy Fonseca || Human || Genderbent Canon || Gender Optional
Sion Brass || Wentworth Miller || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Sioux Cash || Jeremy Renner || Human || OC || Male
Six || Dave Franco || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Skulduggery Pleasant || Matt Bomer || Mage || Canon || Male
Skylling Vance || Dylan O'Brien || Fae   || OC || Third Male
Sol Whitecrest || Nadia Hilker || Forest Mage || OC || Male Pref
Soloman Grant || Jason Issacs || Human || OC || Male
Sonnie Smythe || Dane Dehaan || Human || OC || Third Male
Sophie Brightborn || Kat McNamara || Witch || OC || Third Female
Sorrell Hartfield || Chloe Bennet || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Soubi Agatsuma || T. O. P || Fighter || Canon || Male
Spencer Harley || Kellan Lutz || Human || OC || Male
Spencer Sloane || Toby Wallace || Enhanced Human || OC || Male Pref
Spring Heeled Jack || Jordan Connor || Spring Heeled Jack || Semi Canon || Male
Sruthan Conlon || Colin Ford || Human || OC || Male
St. John Allerdyce || Aaron Stanford || Mutant || Canon || Gender Optional
Stan Rotor || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male
Stefano Harrington || Joe Keery, Jay Ryan, Danielle Campbell, Eliza Dushku || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Steffen Dumah Vigo || Aaron Stanford || Fallen Angel || OC || Male
Stellan Adair || Cody Fern || Human || OC || Male Pref
Stephen Strange || Benedict Cumberbatch || Sorcerer || Canon || Male
Steve Hopper || Zac Efron || Human || OC || Male Pref
Steve Jinks || Aaron Ashmore || Human || Canon || Male
Steve McGarrett || Alex O’Loughlin || Human || Canon || Male
Steve Winchell || Patrick Gibson || Human || Canon || Male
Steven Rogers || Chris Evans || Super Soldier || Canon || Gender Optional
Stewart Addams || Ewan McGregor || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male
Stirling Argent || Joel Kinnaman || Human || OC || Male
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski || Dylan O'Brien || Magical Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Suk Hyun-Woo || Jin Young || Human || OC || Male
Suk Jung-Hee || Kim Jaejoong || Human || OC || Male Pref
Suk Pyong-Ho || Hong Bin || Human || OC || Male
Suleyman Matheson || Richard Armitage || Human || OC || Male Pref
Sullivan Harper || Norman Reedus || Human || OC || Male
Sunshine Magnum || Ash Stymest || Human || OC || Third Male
Takeshi Kovacs || Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee || Envoy || Canon || Male Pref
Takuya Rain || Jung Ji Hoon || Shapeshifter || OC || Male Pref
Talia Trent || Arden Cho || Human || OC || Third Female
Taliesin Bell || Stirling Knight || Fairy || OC || Male Pref
Tamara Thompson || Sophie Turner || Human || Semi Canon || Female
Tara Blackfeather || Taylor Momsen || Witch || OC || Third Female
Tara Maclay || Amber Benson || Witch || Canon || Female
Tara Orlov || Ksenia Solo || Fae || OC || Female Pref
Tara Thompson || Eleanor Tomlinson || Human || OC || Female
Tate [003] Harrington || Chandler Riggs || Enhanced Human || OC || Gender Optional
Teagan Topaz || Jade Thirlwell || Human || OC || Third Female
Teasaidh Addams || Aidan Turner || Wolf Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Templeton Peck || Bradley Cooper || Human || Canon || Male
Terry Jasper || Dwayne Johnson || Human || OC || Male
Themis Cosmo || KJ Apa || Enhanced Human || OC || Male Pref
Theo Abbott || Evan Crooks || Human || Canon || Male
Theo Putnam || Lachlan Watson || Human || Canon || Trans Male
Theo Raeken || Cody Christian || Chimera || Canon || Male Pref
Theodora Crain || Kate Siegel || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Theodore Altman || Alexander Ludwig || Kree-Skrull Hybrid || Canon || Male Pref
Theodore Bagwell || Robert Knepper || Human || Canon || Male
Theodore Williams || Adam G. Sevani || Human || OC || Male Pref
Thomas Addams || Jensen Ackles || Wolf Shifter || OC || Third Male
Thomas Charles Zia || Tyler Posey || Human || OC || Male Pref
Thomas Teller || Travis Fimmel || Human || Semi Canon || Male
Thor Odinson || Chris Hemsworth || Norse God || Canon || Male Pref
Three || Javier || Manuel Garcia-Rulfo || Human || Canon || Male
Tiger O’Hanigan || Sebastian Stan || Human || OC || Male
Tihomir Bosko || James Marsters || Dragon || OC || Male
Tilda Rothschild || Amanda Seyfried || Human || OC || Third Female
Tim Gutterson || Jacob Pitts || Human || Canon || Male
Timechenko Thorin || Brock O'Hurn || Godling || OC || Male
Timothy Drake || Cole Sprouse || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Timpson Jenkins || Cody Saintgnue || Human || OC || Male Pref
Tinkerbell || Dove Cameron || Fairy || Canon || Third Female
TK Bell || Emilia Clarke || Human || OC || Third Female
Tobias Bourne || Colin Ford || Human || OC || Male
Tobias Morei || Pedro Aurelian || Vampire || OC || Male
Toby Cavanaugh || Keegan Allen || Human || Canon || Male Pref
Todd Brotzman || Elijah Wood || Human || Canon || Male
Tolmas Nichols-Dix || David Castro || Empath || OC || Third Male
Tomi Glover || Viggo Mortensen || Human || OC || Male Pref
Tommie Hart || Joey Batey || Human || OC || Male
Tommy Conway || Jensen Ackles || Human || OC || Male Pref
Tony Monroe || Jon Hamm || Human || OC || Male
Tony Parker || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Male Pref
Tori Markham || Maggie Q || Human || OC || Third Female
Torrance Green || Parker Hurley || Mutant || OC || Male Pref
Trace Georgia || Shiloh Fernandez || Human || OC || Male Pref
Tracy Rose || David Gandy || Human || OC || Male
Travis Buchanen || Norman Reedus || Winged Human || Canon || Male Pref
Trent Malcolm || Dave Franco || Human || OC || Male
Trevor Holden || Jared Abrahamson || Traveler || Canon || Male
Treyu Kom Sankru || Charlie Hunnam || Natblida || OC || Male
Tribute Jones || Thomas Doherty || Human || OC || Male
Tristan Duffy || Finn Wittrock || Vampire || OC || Male Pref
Tristan Gaheris || Bradley James || Human || OC || Male Pref
Trudyeau I Tania || Clive Standen || Fae Royalty || Semi Canon || Male
Turbo Pokaski || Cody Kearsley || Human || Canon || Male
Turner Keystone || Orlando Bloon || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ty Fontaine || Stephen Amell || Human || OC || Male
Ty Swindel || Justin Hartley || Human || Canon || Male
Uma Scylla || China Anne McClain || Sea Witch || Canon || Third Female
Unity Candor || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Male
Unwin Palencia || Frank Grillo || Human || OC || Male
Urban Candor || Theo James || Human || OC || Male
Uriah Reyes || Peter Gadiot || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ursel Cameron || Dustin Milligan || Human || OC || Male Pref
Valentine Morgenstern || Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten || Nephilim || Canon || Male
Vanya Hargreeves || Ellen Page || Enhanced Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Vanya Kalantarova || Theo Rossi || Werewolf || OC || Third Male
Vasily Kalanatrova || Ksenia Solo || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Velma Chandler || AnnaLynne McCord || Human || OC || Third
Veniamin Kuznetsov  || Zane Holtz || Witch || OC || Male
Venus Van Dam || Walton Goggins || Human || Canon || Trans Female
Verity || Ekilateral || Vampire || OC || Third Female
Verity James || Cole Sprouse || Shifter - Aardwolf || OC || Third Male
Verna Piette || Victoria Campbell || Human || OC || Third Female
Verona Lodge || Michael Trevino || Human || Genderbent Canon || Male Pref
Veronica Lodge || Camilla Mendes || Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Veronika Sinclair || Anna Paquin || Human || OC || Third Female
Vex || Paul Amos || Mesmer || Canon || Male
Victor James || Justin Timberlake || Human || OC || Male Pref
Victor Mancha || Alberto Rosende || Cyborg || Canon || Male Pref
Vignette Stonemoss || Cara Delevingne || Fae || Canon || Third Female
Vihyr Of Undvik || Katheryn Winnick || Witcher || OC || Third
Viktoriya Nadedja || Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno || Human || OC || Third Female
Vilko Rosenfeld || Tyler Hoechlin || Human || OC || Third Male
Virginia Schuchard || Lana Condor || Enhanced Human || OC || Female Pref
Vivien Tancredi || Taissa Farmiga || Witch || OC || Third Female
Vivienne Curlish || Juno Temple || Human || OC || Third Female
Vix Englewood || Olivia Taylor Dudley || Witch || OC || Third Female
Vlad Tepes || Luke Evans || Vampire || Canon || Male
Vogel Rowdy || Osric Chau || Anomalous Entity || Canon || Male Pref
Wade Wilson || Ryan Reynolds || Mutant || Canon || Male
Walden Sommers || Dylan Sprayberry || Human || OC || Male Pref
Walker Simon || Adam Levine || Werewolf || OC || Male
Warren Avanyu || Steven Strait || Yee Naaldlooshi || OC || Male Pref
Warren Fafner || David Gandy || Warlock || OC || Male Pref
Warren Peace || Steven Strait || Metahuman || Canon || Male Pref
Waverly Earp || Dominique Provost-Chalkley || Half Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Wednesday Addams || Camila Mendes || Mostly Human || Canon || Gender Optional
Weiryn Cernonnus || Adam Copeland || Celtic God || Semi Canon || Male
Wekesa Brandt || Tom Hardy || Human || OC || Third Male
Wells Hawkins || Ryan Philippe || Human || OC || Male
Wells Llewellyn || Ross Lynch || Elemental || OC || Male Pref
Wendell Fusilier || Aubrey Joseph || Enhanced Human || OC || Male
Wesley March || Avan Jogia || Human || OC || Third Male
William Adiyodi || Arjun Gupta || Traveler/Magician || Canon || Male
William Barton || Brandon Flynn || Human || OC || Male Pref
William Byers || Noah Schnapp, Jeremy Irvine, James McAvoy || Enhanced Human || Canon || Male
William Gaius Gwaine Emrys || Will Tudor || Magical Human || OC || Male Pref
William Herondale || Andy Biersack || Nephilim || Canon || Male
Willie Lewis || Luke Tennie || Human || Canon || Male
Willow Queen || Katie McGrath || Human || OC || Third Female
Willow Sprite  || Natalia Dyer || Fae || OC || Third Female
Winnifred Walter || Ellen Page || Werewolf || OC || Third Female
Winston Amberjack || Dom Sherwood || Human || OC || Fluid
Witchita Nichols-Dix || Jared Padalecki || Empath || OC || Third Male
Woda Kom Floukru || Joe Manganiello || Human || OC || Male Pref
Wolfgang Bogdanow || Max Riemelt || Sensate || Canon || Male
Wyatt Halliwell || Wes Ramsey || Twice Blessed Witch/White-Lighter || Canon || Male
Wysteria || Aaron Stanford || Fae || OC || Third Male
X5-494 || Jensen Ackles || Transgenic || Canon || Gender Optional
Xalvador Diaz || David Castro || Immortal || OC || Male Pref
Xavier Nichols-Dix || Bill Skarsgard || Empath || OC || Third Male
Xavier Tanner || Richard Harmon || Winged Human || OC || Third Male
Xerxes Jiminez || Marco Pigossi || Human || OC || Male Pref
Ya Min-Ki || Kan F. Cuz || Human || OC || Male
Yancy Turner || Patrick Gibson || Human || OC || Male Pref
Yara Stacey || Eve Gordan || Human || OC || Third Female
Yardley Preston || Armie Hammer || Human || OC || Male
Yennefer of Vengerberg || Anya Chalotra || Quadroon || Canon || Gender Optional
Ygraine Artio || Deepika Padukone || Bear Goddess || OC || Third Female
Young Barnett || Luke Mitchell || Human || OC || Male Pref
Yuki Musume || Freya Tingley || Yuki-Onna || OC || Third Female
Yukio Hamada || Shiori Kutsuna || Mutant || Canon || Third Female
Yuuma Peters || William Mosely || Human || OC || Male Pref
Yvette Bonnuit || Izabella Miko || Human || OC || Third Female
Zac Nicwood || Joseph Morgan || Human || OC || Third Male
Zaki Zion || Aubrey Joseph || Shadow Person || OC || Gender Optional
Zana Trembuey || Eliza Taylor || Human || OC || Third Female
Zane Gallo || Andrew Lee Potts || Human || OC || Male Pref
Zara Plaice || Fishball Suicide || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Zarina || Clara Paget, Madison Davenport || Fairy || Canon || Third Female
Zarina Tintagel || Holliday Grainger || Human || OC || Third Female
Zebediah Avenue || Chris Hemsworth || Griffin || OC || Male
Zefraim Doe || Evan Peters || Human || Semi Canon || Male Pref
Zeke Benton || Manu Bennet || Shifter || OC || Male Pref
Zenith Icarii || Ksenia Solo & Rob Raco || Magical Winged Ghoul || OC || Gender Optional
Zero || Luca Hollestelle || Enhanced Human || OC || Third Female
Zhu Bái || Park Soo Young || Human || OC || Third Female
Zhu Jiāháo || Leo || Human || OC || Male
Zhu Zhēn || Niel || Human || OC || Male Pref
Zico Lisbon || Gregg Sulkin || Human || OC || Male
Zinaida Kuznetsova || Dove Cameron || Witch || OC || Third Female
Zucca Amato || Chace Crawford || Human || OC || Male Pref
Zuka Florentine || Luke Evans || Witch || OC || Male Pref
Zyla Folsom || Zendaya Coleman || Human || OC || Third Female
Zyriak Ohmsford || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male
Zyta Ohmsford || Alycia Debnam-Carey || Human || OC || Third Female
Zyvcko Ohmsford || Machine Gun Kelly || Human || OC || Male
3 notes · View notes
simena · 5 years
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Anders Christian LUNDE (detail)
21 notes · View notes
lesterplatt · 2 years
jem & fix - Mega Washer 3000 from Bacon on Vimeo.
Director: Bart Timmer
Production Company: Bacon
EP: Samuel Cantor
DoP: Rasmus Videbæk
Production Managers: Oliver Sand & Nicholas Perry
1st AD: Stefan Danholm
Production designer: Nikolaj Danielsen
Props team; Lukas Gauger, Sputnick, Anette Riis, Astrid Danielsen,
1st AC Daniel Parmo
Video Assist: Atli Kristofer
DIT: Allan Legarth
Chief Gaffer: Morten Kildegaard
Gaffer: David Medina
Gaffer: Mathias Rasmussen
Gaffer Aske Wagner
Grip: Christian Brøndum
Grip ass: Marius Krab
Stylist: Melanie Buchhave
Wardrobe ass: Jonas Worup
Hair and makeup: Henrik Steen
Hair and makeup ass: Christina Dahlin
SFX: Hummer Højmark
Stunt: Anders Nylander
Production ass. Mads Randrup
Runner: Tobias Kjær
Runner: Emil Løppke
Runner: Caroline Rievers
Runner: Mads Friis Becquet
Editor: Anders Jon Petersen
Composers: Asger Baden & Peder Thomas Pedersen
Sound design: Adrian Aurelius / ballad
Post Production: BaconX
VFX supervisor: Jan Tvilling
Colorist: Hannibal Lang
Conform artists: Søren Knudsen & Lasse Selvli
Composite artists: Christian Malkut Predut, Jacob Carlsson & Oliver Buus
VFX producer: Jim Lerch
Exec. producer: Eliana Carranza-Pitcher
Client: jem & fix
Head of marketing & e-commerce: Anna Lund Paludan
Offline & Content Team Manager: Mette Frost Schrøder
Creative Agency: Uncle Grey
Creative Chairman & Chief Strategy Officer: Lars Samuelsen
Chief Operating Officer: Charlotte Porsager
Associate Creative Director: Magnus Breum
Head of Production: Daniel Halasz
Executive Producer: Casper C. Rasmussen
Account Manager: Signe Aas Dam
0 notes
wiadomosciprasowe · 5 years
PRESSEINVITASJON: Eiendom Norge og Finans Norge inviterer til boligkonferanse tirsdag 15. oktober 2019
PRESSEINVITASJON: Eiendom Norge og Finans Norge inviterer til boligkonferanse tirsdag 15. oktober 2019
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Sjefsøkonom Kjersti Haugland (DNB Markets) holdt foredrag på Eiendom Norge og Finans Norges boligkonferanse 2017 på Grand Hotel i Oslo. Foto: Erik Lundesgaard/Eiendom Norge. Dato: 14-10-2019 09:27 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: PRESSEINVITASJON: Eiendom Norge og Finans Norge inviterer til boligkonferanse tirsdag 15. oktober 2019 Kategori: , boligmarkedet
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TEMA: Hvordan er markedsutviklingen og hvordan skaper vi et mer velfungerende boligmarked?
TID: Tirsdag 15. oktober 2019 kl 09.00-15.30.
STED: Hotell Bristol, Oslo
Når vi nå skriver høsten 2019 har det norske boligmarkedet lagt bak seg den lengste perioden med moderat prisutvikling i boligprisstatistikkens historie.
Vi spør:
Går boligmarkedet etter flere år med store svingninger omsider inn for en myk landing?
Hva skjer med boliglånsforskriften?
Hva betyr den nye avhendingsloven for boligmarkedet?
Hva skjer med boliginvestorene, og hva skal vi gjøre for de unge i boligmarkedet?
Du møter blant andre:
Visesentralbanksjef Jon Nicolaisen, Norges Bank
Digitaliseringminister Nikolai Astrup (H)
Sjeføkonom, Kjersti Haugland, DNB Markets 
Avdelingsdirektør Per Mathias Kongsrud, Finanstilsynet
Assiterende forskningssjef André Anundsen, Housing Lab, Oslo Met
Administrerende direktør Grethe W. Meier, PRIVATmegleren)
Direktør Inger-Lise Blyverket, Forbrukerrådet
Administrerende direktør Idar Kreutzer, Finans Norge
Christian Vammervold Dreyer, Eiendom Norge
Konsernsjef Hege Toft Karlsen, Eika Gruppen
Tidligere sentralbanksjef på Island, Svein Harald Øygard
Head of Banking, John Sætre, Nordea
Administrerende direktør Hedda K. Ulvness, Eie Eiendomsmegling
Administrerende direktør Jørn Gisvold, Sõderberg & Partners
Kommunikasjonsdirektør Dag Are Børresen, Help Forsikring
Analysedirektør Anders Lund, Eiendomsverdi 
Se fullstendig program her.
Kontakt kommunikasjonsjef Erik Lundesgaard for presseakkreditering.
Kilde: Pressekontor Eiendom Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Eiendom Norge er bransjeorganisasjonen for norske eiendomsmeglingsforetak.
Ved årsskiftet 2018/2019 hadde Eiendom Norge 78 foretaksmedlemmer. Disse igjen hadde 805 kontorer/filialer.
Medlemmene står for cirka 98 % av alle boligtransaksjoner i Norge. Det utgjorde i 2018 139 313 transaksjoner.
Eiendom Norges medlemsbedrifter hadde ved årsskiftet 4941 ansatte.
Eiendom Norge utarbeider og publiserer Eiendom Norges prisstatistikk i samarbeid med Eiendomsverdi AS og Finn.no. Statistikken har en viktig funksjon for det norske boligmarkedet, norsk økonomi og det norske samfunnet.
Organisasjonen ble stiftet 4. april 2001.
Hashtags: # #boligmarkedet boligmarkedet
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iasmin-victor-oscar · 3 years
Tryckta källor:
Arevik, Sten & Hartzell, Ove (2007). Att göra tänkande synligt: en bok om begreppsbaserad undervisning. Stockholm: HLS förlag.
Jönsson, Anders & Odenstad, Christina (2014). Bedömning i SO. Malmö: Gleerups.
Svanelid, Göran (2014). De fem förmågorna i teori och praktik: boken om The Big 5. 1. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Elektroniska källor:
Göteborgs universitet, 2013 Ämnesprov,
https://www.gu.se/nationella-prov-i-samhallskunskap/2014-exempeluppgifter [Hämtad 20210917].
Kågström Scheilen, Chantal (u.å). Lärarens demokratiska uppdrag – en studie om hur svensklärare använder sitt ämne för att fostra demokratiska medborgare på gymnasiet. Språk och Estetiskt lärande. Uppsala universitet.
https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:726400/FULLTEXT01.pdf {Hämtad 20210903].
Lindholm. Jon (2007). Hur kan medierna bidra till demokratin? Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap 2. Linköpings universitet. http://jonlindholm.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Hur_kan_medierna_bidra_till_demokratin.pdf#:~:text=Sverige%20har%20vi%20en%20dagspress%20som%20har%20en,och%20medborgare%2C%20men%20skapar%20medierna%20en%20bra%20demokrati%3F [Hämtad 20210904].
MSB (2021). Källkritik.
https://www.msb.se/sv/amnesomraden/msbs-arbete-vid-olyckor-kriser-och-krig/psykologiskt-forsvar/kallkritik/ [Hämtad 20210904].
Pettersson, A. Poirier, D. Thörne Adrianzon, Å. Löfgren, G. Rådesjö, Kristin. Heath, C. Linder, J. Sjöstrand, J. Haikonen, V. Wetterstrand, P. Reimer, S. Flintberg, B. Jonsson, R. Åkerlind, F (2017). UHR, Kollektivet - ett spel om EU.
https://www.uhr.se/globalassets/_uhr.se/internationellt/eu-minuten/kollektivet-6.0.pdf [Hämtad 20210915].
Regeringen (u.å). Barnkonventionen som svensk lag. https://www.regeringen.se/regeringens-politik/barnkonventionen-som-svensk-lag/ [Hämtad 20210915].
Regeringen (2018). På lätt svenska: Vad är mänskliga rättigheter?. https://www.regeringen.se/regeringens-politik/demokrati-och-manskliga-rattigheter/fakta-om-manskliga-rattigheter/pa-latt-svenska-vad-ar-manskliga-rattigheter/ [Hämtad 20210915].
Skolverket (2011). Läroplan för gymnasieskolan.
https://www.skolverket.se/undervisning/gymnasieskolan/laroplan-program-och-amnen-i-gymnasieskolan/laroplan-gy11-for-gymnasieskolan [Hämtad 20210913].
Skolverket (2011). Samhällskunskap. https://www.skolverket.se/undervisning/grundskolan/laroplan-och-kursplaner-for-grundskolan/laroplan-lgr11-for-grundskolan-samt-for-forskoleklassen-och-fritidshemmet?url=1530314731%2Fcompulsorycw%2Fjsp%2Fsubject.htm%3FsubjectCode%3DGRGRSAM01%26tos%3Dgr&sv.url=12.5dfee44715d35a5cdfa219f [Hämtad 20210915].
Skolverket (2020). Sällsynt att EU integreras i undervisning om svensk politik. https://www.skolverket.se/skolutveckling/forskning-och-utvarderingar/artiklar-om-forskning/sallsynt-att-eu-integreras-i-undervisning-om-svensk-politik [Hämtad 20210915]
Skolverket (2021). Nationella prov i gymnasieskolan
https://www.skolverket.se/undervisning/gymnasieskolan/nationella-prov-i-gymnasieskolan [Hämtad 20210917].
Strömbäck. Jesper (2015). Demokratin och det förändrade medielandskapet i Låt fler forma framtiden!
http://miun.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:882911/FULLTEXT01.pdf [Hämtad 20210903].
Sveriges Riksdag (2021) Grundlagarna.
https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/Sa-funkar-riksdagen/Demokrati/Grundlagarna/ [Hämtad 20210903].
Svensson Limsjö, Christian (2021) Föreläsning om medier och demokrati, Linköpings universitet.
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i12bent · 2 years
Tumblr media
Anders Christian Lunde (Oct. 24, 1808 - Oct. 26, 1886) was a Danish painter who had trained at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen and then spent the years from 1842-47 in Italy where he painted many works, including this:
Ruinerne af akvædukten Aniene Nuova nær Tivoli, 1840s - oil on canvas (SMK)
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wiedzmina-blog · 7 years
Norwegian / old norse names and places
Every now and then I come across a book, movie, TV-series, fanfic, game or whatever, that mention a fictional "Norwegian" or "norse" place or person, and it just sounds so wrong it makes me either cringe or ROFL. Really. I still haven't recovered from the 1995 X-files episode, "Død Kalm", which took us to the port of "Tildeskan" where we met "Henry Trondheim", "Halverson" and "Olafsson".  Hopefully this list will keep others from being that “creative” with names. :)
Common names for places, towns and villages in Norway
These names are very generic and suitable for a place, village or town anywhere (and pretty much any time) in Norway. Mix and match prefixes with suffixes for diversity.  Bonus: All of these can also be used as surnames. Name (meaning) - usage
Nes (headland, cape, ness) - Standalone ​ Bø (fenced-in field on a farm) - Standalone Fjell (mountain) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Fjell- / -fjell Haug (small hill / large mound)  -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Haug- / -haug Vik, Viken, Vika (inlet, the inlet, the inlet) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Vik- / -viken / -vika Ås, Åsen (hill, the hill (larger than "Bakken")) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Dal, Dalen (valley, the valley) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Berg (small mountain) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Berg(s)- / -berg Sand (sand) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Sand- / -sand Strand (beach) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Strand- / -strand Li (hill) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Li- / -li Gran (spruce) -  Standalone or prefix: Gran- Bratt (steep) - prefix only: Bratt- Myr (bog, mire) - prefix only: Myr- Neset, Nesset (the headland, the cape, the ness) - Standalone or suffix: ​-neset / -nesset Odden (foreland, headland) - Standalone or suffix: ​ -odden Våg (cove, bay) - Standalone or suffix: -våg Lund (grove) - Standalone or suffix: -lund Sund (sound, strait) -  Standalone or suffix:  -sund Skog (forest) prefix/suffix: Skog- / -skog Øy (island) prefix/suffix: Øy- / -øy øya (the island) - suffix only: ​ -øya bakken  (the hill) - suffix only: -bakken  gard / gård / gården (farm / farm / the farm) - suffix only: -gard / -gård / -gården elv, -elva (river, the river) suffix only: -elv / -elva stad (old word for town/place) suffix only: -stad vannet (the lake) - suffix only: -vannet
Common words that can be used as prefix to any of the suffixes above Svart- (black)  Lille- (little/small)  Sol- (sun)  Brei-/Bred- (wide)  Stor- (big) Lang- (long)
Common Norwegian surnames (contemporary)
Heredatory surnames didn't become mandatory in Norway until 1923. Many took the name from the farm or place they lived, or just changed their primary patronyms into hereditary patronyms. Example: Helgessønn/Helgesdatter (son of Helge / daughter of Helge) became Helgesen.
Alm Andersen Anderssen Antonsen Aspelund Bakke Bakken Bang Berg Bjerkan Bråthen Christensen Corneliussen Dahl Dahlberg Danielsen Dyrnes Dørum Eide Ellingsen Erdal Eriksen Falch Fredriksen Foss Fure Fylling Gabrielsen Gran Grønning Halvorsen Hansen Hanssen Hay Hoff Holm Holt Husby Isaksen Iversen Jacobsen Jensen Jenssen Johansen Karlsen Klausen Konradsen Kristensen Kristiansen Larsen Larssen Lie Lien Lund Løvold Magnussen Meyer Mikalsen Mo Moen Myhre Myklebust Mørk Ness Nilsen Olavsen Olsen Paulsen Pettersen Prestegård Rasmussen Riise Rogstad Ruud Simonsen Solbakken Solli Stokke Strøm Sund Svendsen Thorvaldsen Torp Thune Tønnesen Ueland Ulven Urdal Vik Vinje Wahl Wik Wilhelmsen Zakariassen Ødegård Årseth Årvik Ås, Aas Åsen, Aasen
Common Norwegian names -- 1980 - present
Anders André Andreas Are Arne Atle Bjørn Cato Chris Christian, Kristian Christoffer, Kristoffer Daniel David Dennis Elias Emil Espen Erik, Eric Eirik Fredrik Filip Geir Harald Helge Hans Henning Håkon, Haakon Håvard Isak Jan Joachim Johan Johannes John, Jon Johnny Jonas Jonathan Kim Kristian, Christian Kristoffer, Christoffer Lars Lucas, Lukas Mads, Mats Magnus Martin Michael, Mikael Morten Niklas Nils Odin Ole Ove Paul Per Peter, Petter Preben Pål Richard, Rikard Roger Sebastian Simen Simon Sindre Sondre Stian Terje Thomas Thor, Tor Thore, Tore Vegard Werner William Øystein Åge Åsmund
Andrea Ane, Anne Anette, Annette Annika, Anniken Astrid Bente Camilla Carina Cathrine Celine Charlotte Christin, Kristin Christina, Kristina Christine, Kristine Elin, Eline Elise Elisabeth Emilie Eva Frida Grete, Grethe Hanne Hege Heidi Helene Hilde Ida Ine Ingrid Ingvill, Ingvild Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle Iselin Jannicke Janine Jeanette Jennie, Jenny Julia, Julie Karoline (Kine) Katrin, Katrine Kristin, Christin Lea, Leah Lena, Lene Linda Line Linn Linnea Lise, Lisa Liv, Live Mai, May Maja Malin Margrete, Margrethe Mari, Maria, Marie Mariann, Marianne Marte, Marthe Mette Monica Nina Nora Oda Pia Ragnhild Randi Rikke Sara, Sarah Silje Siv Stina, Stine Susann, Susanne Tanja Tina, Tine Tiril Tone Trine Vilde Vera Veronica Wenche Åse Åshild
Common Norwegian names - 1800 - 1980
Men Aksel Albert Anders Andreas Anker Ansgar Arne Arnt Arve Asle Atle Birger Bård Charles Edmund Edvard Egon Erling Even Fred Fredrik Frode Geir Georg Gunnar Gunvald Gustav Harald Helge Hilmar Håkon, Haakon Ivar Ingvar Jens Jesper Jørgen Joakim Karl Karsten, Karstein Kjell Klaus Kolbein Kolbjørn Kristian Kåre Lars Lavrans Leif Lossius Ludvig Magne Magnus Nikolai Nils Odd Oddvar Odin Ola Olai Olaf Olav Ole Omar Oscar, Oskar Peder Per Petter Philip, Phillip Pål Ragnar Rikard Roald Roar (also Hroar) Rolf Rune Sigurd Sigvard, Sigvart Simon Svein Sverre Tarjei Terje Toralf, Thoralf Torbjørn, Thorbjørn Torleif, Thorleif Torstein, Thorstein Torvald, Thorvald Trond Ulf Ulrik Valdemar Wilhelm Willy Åge
Albertine Alice, Alise Alma Anita Anna Annbjørg Asbjørg Astrid Aud Bente Berit Birgit Birgitte Bjørg Bjørgun Bodil Borghild Dagny Dagrun Edel Ella Ellen Elsa Fredrikke Frida Gerd Gjertrud Gunhild Gyda Hanna, Hannah Helga Henny Herdis Hilda Hilde Hjørdis Ingeborg Inger Irene Johanna, Johanne Jorun, Jorunn Josefine Judith Kari Karin Kirsten Kitty Kjersti Laila Lilli, Lilly Lisa, Lise Liv Lovise Mathilde Margaret Marit Martha Molly Nanna Oddrun Oddveig Olga Ragna Ragnhild Rigmor Sara Signe Sissel Solbjørg Solveig Solvår Svanhild Sylvi Sølvi Tora Torhild, Toril, Torill Torun, Torunn Tove Valborg Ylva Åse Åshild
Names usage Double names, like Ragnhild Johanne or Ole Martin are common in Norway. Just keep them as two names and don't use "-", and you'll be safe, even if it ends up a tongue twister. Using only one of two given names is also common practice.
In Norway everyone is on a first name basis. Students call teachers and other kids' parents by their first name, workers call their boss by their first name, we call our Prime Minister by her first name (journalists will use her title when speaking to her though). Some senior citizens still use surnames and titles when speaking of or to  people their own age.
There are some exceptions. For example, a doctor may be referred to as Dr. Lastname when we speak of them, but first name is used when speaking to them. A priest is "the priest" when speaking of him/her and their first name is used when spaking to them. In the millitary only surnames (and ranks) are used. If you meet Harald, the King of Norway, in an official setting you will refer to him as "Kongen" (the king). If you run into him at the gas station, or while hiking, he is "Harald".
If you don't know someone's name it is okay to use their title, or just say "you".
Names for pets (contemporary)
Dogs Laika (f) Bamse (m) (bear) Tinka (f) Loke/Loki (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cats Melis (m/f) (powdered sugar) Mango (m/f) (mango) Pus (f) (kitty) Mons (m) (tomcat) Nala (f) Pusur (m) (Garfield) Felix (m)  Simba (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Horses Pajazz (m) Mulan (f) Balder (m) - cold blood Kompis (m) (pal) Freya (f) - cold blood + characters from TV/film/books...
Rabbits Trampe (m) (Thumper) Trulte (f) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cows (yes, I am serious) Dagros Rosa Mira Luna Sara + characters from TV/film - Disney is popular, as are the Kardashians :)
Road and street names
Storgata (usually the main street) Kongens gate (the king's street) Dronningens gate (the queen's street) Jernbanegata (railroad street) Jernbaneveien (railroad road) Sjøgata (ocean street) Sjøveien, Sjøvegen (ocean road) Skolegata (school street) Torvgata (plaza street) Industrigata (industrial street) Industriveien (industrial road)
Prefixes Blåbær- (blueberry) Bringebær- (raspberry) Bjørke- (birch) Aspe- (asp) Kastanje- (chestnut) Solsikke- (sun flower) Blåklokke- (blue bell) Nype- (rosehip) Kirke- (church) Park- (park)
Suffixes -veien, -vegen (the road)  -stien (the path)
Other Torvet (the plaza) - standalone or suffix: -torvet Havna (the port) - standalone or suffix: -havna Kaia (the port) - standalone or suffix: -kaia
Safe solution: use a first name or surname as prefix.
Old norse
Men’s names Agnarr (Agnar) Alfr (Alf) Ámundi (Amund) Ánarr Árngrimr (Arngrim) Askr (Ask) Auðun (Audun) Baldr (Balder) Beinir ​Bjørn Burr Borkr Dagfinnr (Dagfinn) Davið (David) Drengr Durinn Einarr (Einar) Eirikr (Eirik) Eivindr (Eivind) Erlingr (Erling) Fafnir Flóki Freyr (Frey) Fuldarr Galinn Gautarr (Gaute) Gegnir Geirr (Geir) Glóinn Grímarr (Grimar) Hafli Hakon Hallsteinn (Hallstein) Haraldr (Harald) Haukr (Hauk) Heðinn (Hedin, Hedinn) Helgi (Helge) Hrafn, Hrafni (Ravn) Hrafnkell (Ravnkjell) Iarl (Jarl) Ingolfr (Ingolf) Iuar (Ivar) Jafnhárr Jón Jóngeirr Kál Kiaran Klaus Knútr (Knut) Kolgrimr (Kolgrim) Kolr (Kol) Leifr (Leif) Loki Lyngvi Magnus Mikjáll (Mikal, Mikkel) Mór Morði Nesbjørn Nokkvi Oddr (Odd) Oddbjørn Oðin (Odin) Olafr (Olaf) Ormr (Orm) Otr Ouden Pálni Pedr Ragnarr (Ragnar) Ragnvaldr (Ragnvald) Randr (Rand) Róaldr (Roald) Rólfr (Rolf) Salvi Sigarr (Sigar) Sigbjørn Sigurðr (Sigurd) Skarpe Snorri (Snorre) Steinn (Stein) Sveinn (Svein) Teitr Þor (Thor/Tor) Þórbjørn (Thorbjørn/Torbjørn) Þorsteinn (Thorstein/Torstein) Tryggr (Trygg) Týr Ulfár Ulfheðinn (Ulvhedin) Ulfr (Ulf) Vakr Vani Veigr Viðarr (Vidar) Yngvarr (Yngvar) Æsi
Women's names
Anna Arnfriðr (Arnfrid) Ása Bera Bergdís (Bergdis) Biørg (Bjørg) Cecilia Cecilie Christina Dagný (Dagny) Dagrún (Dagrun) Dís Dísa Edda Elin Ellisif (Ellisiv) Freyja (Freya) Friða (Frida) Frigg Gerðr (Gerd) Gertrud Grima Gyða (Gyda) Hadda Hallbéra Hallkatla Herdís (Herdis) Hildigunnr (Hildegunn) Huld Hvít Ida Iðunn (Idun, Idunn) Ingríðr (Ingrid) Johanna Jórunn (Jorun, Jorunn) Juliana Katla Katrine Kristín (Kristin) Leikný (Leikny) Lif (Liv) Magnhildr (Magnhild) Mjøll Myrgiol Nál Nanna Nótt Oda Oddný (Oddny) Ólaug (Olaug) Rafnhildr (Ragnhild) Rán Rannveíg Ríkví (Rikvi, Rikke) Rúna (Runa) Roskva Sága (Saga) Sif (Siv) Sigriðr (Sigrid) Skaði (Skadi) Skuld Svana Sýn Solveig Tekla Tóra (Tora) Trana Ulfhildr (Ulfhild) Una Urðr (Urd) Valborg Vigdís (Viigdis) Vírún Yngvildr (Ingvill, Ingvild) Yrsa
Bynames Bynames, or nicknames, could be neutral, praising or condescending. Usually bynames described a person's
body, bodyparts, bodily features
kinship and descent
territorial origin
knowledge, belief, spirituality
clothing, armour
occupation, social position
Examples: Eirik Blodøks (Eirik Blood-Axe), Gammel-Anna (old Anna), Halte-Ása (limping Ása). I suggest that you stick with English for bynames, or use (relatively) modern language if you are writing in Norwegian. 
Surnames weren't really a thing until 1923 when they became mandatory. Before 1923 patronyms (son/daughter of) were used, and the name of the farm you lived on was often added as an address. 
For instance: Helgi Eiriksøn (Helgi, son of Eirik), who lived at the farm called Vollr (grass field), would be called Helgi Eiriksøn Vollr. If he moved to the farm called Haugr his name would change to Helgi Eiriksøn Haugr.
Men: Use father's first name and add -sen /-son /-sønn Women: Use father's first name and add -dotter / -dottir / -datter
Farm names
Farm names were usually relevant and derived from either the location, a nearby landmark, nature or from occupation.  I suggest you stick with the modern forms for farm names.
Old Norse (meaning) - modern Bekkr (stream) - Bekk, Bekken Dalr (valley) - Dal, Dahl Horn (horn) - Horn Vollr (field) - Vold, Volden Lundr (grove) - Lund
The list of common names for places/villages/towns is still valid, although the spelling is modern. Just keep it simple and make "clever" combos based on meaning. 
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artwalktv · 6 years
A SUPER16 film produced by FB Productions with support from Nordisk Film and Filmworkshop CPH Night after night Erik works alone in his bakery. His only company is the late-night radio show, who he persistently attempts to get through to and be honoured with “Joker of the Week”. He has gradually become more and more distant to his family, and all his efforts to re-establish the connection seem in vain. A growing depression hurls Erik into a tailspin, that in the end culminates in a desperate cry for help. SCREENINGS 2018 - Palm Springs International Shortfest (USA) / In Competition 2018 - Odense International Film Festival (Denmark) / Vimeo Staff Pick Award 2018 - Encounters Film Festival (UK) / In competition 2018 - Nordisk Panorama (Sweden) / In side competition CAST Troels Lyby Marina Bouras Milo T. B. Campanale Sofya Rose Johnson Annika Rössler Mads Minik Christensen Christine Hansen Ditlev Ulriksen Kate Henriques Astrid Yde Kammersgaard Zafinia Vang Piculell Josh Justin Geertsen Teddy RADIO CAST Niels T. Pedersen AKA Thermo Glen Bay Grant Alexander Ohrt Malthe Jagd Miehe-Renard Simon Mortensen Sanne Gottlieb Kim Vedel Pia Solvig Marianne Edler Von Eyben Lennart Falk CREW Director: Kristian Håskjold Idea by: Kristian Håskjold Screenwriter: Marianne Lentz Producer: Caroline Steenberg Dam Director of Photography: Rasmus Hasle Jørgensen Editor: Allan Funch Sound Designer: Christian Munk Scheuer Composer: Jesper Ankarfeldt Production Designer: Eva Lendorph 1st AD: Signe Marie Clemmesen Casting director: Astrid Faarup Production manager: Rikke Rolver Elk Production assistant: Esben Sloth 1st AC: Asger Duus 2nd AC & DIT: Johannes Sprogøe Fletting Gaffers: Anders Knudsen, Christian Hvass Birkebæk Best boys: Azariah Fraizer Bjørvig, Andreas Holmgaard Sound recordist: Christian Roed Dalsgaard Set designer: Katrine Øhlin Thomsen Costume designer: Rebecca Sophia Morris Sigaard Assistant costume designer: Maia Omann Bindesbøll Key hair & make-up artist: Lilli Thavapee Tollerup Hair & make-up artist: Pil Brøndum Gad Assistant editor: Patrick Lund Larsen Still-Photographer: Esben sloth Graphic artist: Anne Sofie Nordlund Hansen Poster retouch: artist Martin Bo Kristensen Visual effects: The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, VFX Støtte Pulje Visual effects supervisor: Björn Gromoll Compositor: Pierre Ventrilla Colourgrade: Cameo Film Post Production coordinator: Emma Engberg Online & conform: Frédéric Utard Colourist: Nurali Kushkov DCP: Andreas Rostock Sound mix faciilities: SDI Media Consultant Filmworkshop / Copenhagen: Lotte Mik-Meyer Consulting scriptwriter: David Sandreuter Consulting editor: Frederik Strunk Equipment: Filmworkshop / Copenhagen, MAAN Rental CPH A/S, Lyddynastiet Production service: Produktionen.dk, Roskilde Festival Rental Car rental: Europcar Catering: Restaurant Fasaneriet, Kostkompagniet Archival material: Radio 24/7, Nattevagten
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whileiamdying · 6 years
A SUPER16 film produced by FB Productions with support from Nordisk Film and Filmworkshop CPH Night after night Erik works alone in his bakery. His only company is the late-night radio show, who he persistently attempts to get through to and be honoured with “Joker of the Week”. He has gradually become more and more distant to his family, and all his efforts to re-establish the connection seem in vain. A growing depression hurls Erik into a tailspin, that in the end culminates in a desperate cry for help. SCREENINGS 2018 - Palm Springs International Shortfest (USA) / In Competition 2018 - Odense International Film Festival (Denmark) / Vimeo Staff Pick Award 2018 - Encounters Film Festival (UK) / In competition 2018 - Nordisk Panorama (Sweden) / In side competition CAST Troels Lyby Marina Bouras Milo T. B. Campanale Sofya Rose Johnson Annika Rössler Mads Minik Christensen Christine Hansen Ditlev Ulriksen Kate Henriques Astrid Yde Kammersgaard Zafinia Vang Piculell Josh Justin Geertsen Teddy RADIO CAST Niels T. Pedersen AKA Thermo Glen Bay Grant Alexander Ohrt Malthe Jagd Miehe-Renard Simon Mortensen Sanne Gottlieb Kim Vedel Pia Solvig Marianne Edler Von Eyben Lennart Falk CREW Director: Kristian Håskjold Idea by: Kristian Håskjold Screenwriter: Marianne Lentz Producer: Caroline Steenberg Dam Director of Photography: Rasmus Hasle Jørgensen Editor: Allan Funch Sound Designer: Christian Munk Scheuer Composer: Jesper Ankarfeldt Production Designer: Eva Lendorph 1st AD: Signe Marie Clemmesen Casting director: Astrid Faarup Production manager: Rikke Rolver Elk Production assistant: Esben Sloth 1st AC: Asger Duus 2nd AC & DIT: Johannes Sprogøe Fletting Gaffers: Anders Knudsen, Christian Hvass Birkebæk Best boys: Azariah Fraizer Bjørvig, Andreas Holmgaard Sound recordist: Christian Roed Dalsgaard Set designer: Katrine Øhlin Thomsen Costume designer: Rebecca Sophia Morris Sigaard Assistant costume designer: Maia Omann Bindesbøll Key hair & make-up artist: Lilli Thavapee Tollerup Hair & make-up artist: Pil Brøndum Gad Assistant editor: Patrick Lund Larsen Still-Photographer: Esben sloth Graphic artist: Anne Sofie Nordlund Hansen Poster retouch: artist Martin Bo Kristensen Visual effects: The Animation Workshop / VIA University College, VFX Støtte Pulje Visual effects supervisor: Björn Gromoll Compositor: Pierre Ventrilla Colourgrade: Cameo Film Post Production coordinator: Emma Engberg Online & conform: Frédéric Utard Colourist: Nurali Kushkov DCP: Andreas Rostock Sound mix faciilities: SDI Media Consultant Filmworkshop / Copenhagen: Lotte Mik-Meyer Consulting scriptwriter: David Sandreuter Consulting editor: Frederik Strunk Equipment: Filmworkshop / Copenhagen, MAAN Rental CPH A/S, Lyddynastiet Production service: Produktionen.dk, Roskilde Festival Rental Car rental: Europcar Catering: Restaurant Fasaneriet, Kostkompagniet Archival material: Radio 24/7, Nattevagten
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scifigeneration · 8 years
Myth busted: No link between gigantic asteroid break-up, rise in biodiversity
Some 470 million years ago, during the middle part of the geological period known as the Ordovician, an asteroid collision took place somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The collision caused an explosion that sent a cascade of meteorites towards Earth. The heavy bombardment of Earth continued for millions of years, and even today some 20% of all meteorites that reach Earth originate from this asteroid break-up. At the same time Earth witnessed the greatest rise in marine biodiversity since the origin of multicellular life. So, the question is: was there a connection between these two fundamental events in Earth history, as has been proposed? A new study now demonstrates that the rise in biodiversity commenced long before the asteroid collision.
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The link between these two fundamental events -- the so-called Ordovician radiation and the sustained meteorite bombardment -- has, for many years, presented a paradox in science. We are used to hearing the story of meteorite impacts that leads to the loss of species richness, such as when the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. But could the opposite scenario be a possibility as well? asks Assistant Professor Christian M. Ø. Rasmussen from the Natural History Museum of Denmark rhetorically. He is co-authoring the study in which an incidental finding of the rare mineral zircon within the meteorite-bearing rock layers led to an answer to the paradox.
Plus, minus 6 million years
Researchers have long known that the fossil meteorites are lying in rock layers that also witness the great increase in biodiversity, but could only date the asteroid break-up to occur within a time frame of 12 million years. This interval exactly overlaps the initiation of the great biodiversity increase. But, with the lucky finding of zircons in rock layers also containing fossil meteorites, the researchers suddenly had the opportunity to precisely determine when the asteroid collision took place, and thus, whether there was a link to the radiation event, or not.
-Zircons are special as they can be used to date rocks. They come from magma chambers in the crust but are extruded onto Earth's surface through volcanic eruptions. Thus, if you find zircons in the rock record you can date these zircons and thus get an age for when this eruption took place. In this case, this date would also define a precise age for the fossil meteorites, explains Anders Lindskog from the Geological Department, Lund University, who is the lead-author on the study. He was the one who recovered the zircons when studying the rock layers containing the fossil meteorites and subsequently sent them to the Natural History Museum of Denmark, which has the facilities and experience to conduct high-precision dating of rocks.
Calculating the age of the zircons
In Copenhagen, the zircons were handed over to postdoc Mafalda Costa from Centre for Star and planet Formation (StarPlan) at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, who processed and analyzed the minerals in the radiogenic isotope laboratory at the Geological Museum.
Mafalda Costa explains:
Zircons occur in a wide variety of rocks, including in ash layers associated with volcanic eruptions. The determination of the age of these crystals is based on the natural radioactivity of uranium, which is incorporated in the mineral upon crystallization, and that from that moment until today, at a known rate, has been spontaneously decaying to lead. We measure the amount of uranium and lead present in the zircons and from that it is possible to calculate an age that pinpoints the time when they erupted on the surface. In this case, on the same surface that also contained meteorites originating from the asteroid break-up. In this way, we could precisely define the age of the fossil meteorites, explains Mafalda Costa, and adds:
From other isotope analyses of minerals found in the fossil meteorites it had been previously estimated how much time the meteorites spent in space before reaching Earth. Hitherto it was not precisely known when this happened. With our new zircon age, we can determine that the rise in biodiversity occurred ~2.5 million years prior to the asteroid break-up took place.
This new study, which has just been published in the journal Nature Communications, therefore demonstrates that there is no link between the Ordovician rise in biodiversity and the asteroid break-up -- thus, some other driver must have facilitated the Ordovician radiation.
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