tfcrp · 5 years
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Name: Anderson Ford Age: Twenty One Class Year: Senior Position: Goalkeeper, #4 Hometown: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
TW: abuse
He could have been a perfect son, if only he had a different father. The one he had didn’t want him, and he didn’t seem to want Anderson’s mother, either, all of the dissatisfaction he had with the life he was living laid at their feet, like they were to blame. The worst of his rage was focused on Anderson’s mother: the screaming, the broken glass, the fists—but that didn’t mean that Anderson escaped it completely.  But no matter how often it happened, or how bad it was, she would just shrug her shoulders at Anderson and smile, say you know what your father’s like, honey, like it was nothing at all.
One night, as a child, he had hidden in his room, watched the red and blue flashing lights of a cop car pull into their driveway. He thought that they’d take his father away, thought that things would get better, that he and his mother would be safe. Instead, listening at the top of the stairs, he’d heard his father, relaxed and smiling, deflect all suspicion. It was a misunderstanding, he said. His mother didn’t say anything, but it didn’t matter. The police believed him. When they went back to their cars alone, without Anderson’s father in tow, they apologized to him for the disturbance. 
And so Anderson learned that no one would save him. And he decided there and then that he would do all he could to save himself—and that Exy would be his way out. 
Exy was everything to him: it was a reason to be away from home after school, it was an excuse for the bruises he sometimes carried with him, it was his future, it was his salvation. On every single team he played on, he was always the first one on the court for practice and the last one off, the one who stood out for his seriousness and his focus, the one who was obviously going somewhere.
But everything changed when his sister Autumn was born, thirteen years his junior. Suddenly, it wasn’t just him. Suddenly, it wasn’t just Exy. His mother didn’t seem to love Autumn in the way that Anderson did, immediately and unreservedly. Anderson didn’t want to blame her—she knew even better than him what kind of life she was sentencing her daughter to—but at the same time he knew that he couldn’t count on her to protect his sister. After all, she’d never been able to protect him. For the first time, Exy started to take a backseat, extra hours on the court sacrificed to watch Autumn, to make sure she had happy memories of her childhood that Anderson, most of the time, felt like he lacked. The escape he had so looked forward to should have been within his grasp, but it felt farther away than ever. He couldn’t just leave her there.
He didn’t know where to turn. In a small town, people knew his father. People liked him. No one could see what was hidden right in front of him, and no one had ever helped him. He couldn’t count on them. He was a high school junior when David Wymack came to one of his Exy games. He knew that Wymack wasn’t there for him: he wasn’t a Fox, his future was brighter than the Foxes—even then, teams were already swirling around him, talking about his play, marking him for greatness. But when he stopped Wymack in a back hallway by his high school’s court after the game, still panting in his sweaty gear and filled with desperation, Wymack listened. Can you help me? Anderson asked. And, when the police hadn’t, when no one in his town had, Wymack did.
He told him what to do, what to expect. Maybe somebody else could have, but Anderson hadn’t asked them to. So instead it was Wymack, who always answered his emails and his calls, guiding him through the legal morass of getting his sister—and himself, though that always seemed like a secondary consideration—to safety. At the end of it, his sister was in a stable foster home, and Anderson was an emancipated minor at the age of seventeen. His father, when he saw the writing on the wall, gave up fighting. And, rather than stay in a town where his reputation had been dragged through the mud, he left quietly and without fanfare. And Anderson’s mother went with him—no matter how much Anderson wished he could have somehow saved her, too.
Wymack didn’t expect anything in return, Anderson knew. He never once talked about Anderson becoming a Fox, never once said you owe me. Anderson finished high school strong, working himself to the bone between school and Exy and Autumn to follow the plan that he’d laid out so many years ago: the Captain of his team, one of the top goalkeepers in his year in the entire country. Teams were knocking on his door, and none more than the Penn State Lions. A Big Three team, and an almost guaranteed shot at the pros after that. Everything he’d worked so hard for, and everything he thought he had always wanted.
But he hesitated. His father was out of his life, and he knew who he had to thank for it. His sister was safe, in a new family that made sure she called Anderson once a week, that made sure to keep room for him in her life—and he knew who he had to thank for that, too. And he knew his own skills, was confident in his ability to turn heads with his play, to find his own path to the pros. And so when it came to college, he knew what he wanted to do: David Wymack had earned his loyalty, and Anderson wanted to play for him. It was a decision that shocked the Exy world, and earned Anderson the anger of the coaches and the recruiters—especially on the Lions—who had worked so hard to court him, only to be spurned for the Foxes, of all teams. And, despite all of Anderson’s confidence, his first years on the Foxes yielded nothing but loss and failure. Through it all, Anderson never let a single hint of doubt or regret show—even if, sometimes, in his most private moments, he felt them. But, just as he clung to his plan of playing in college when his childhood was at its darkest, he clings to one thing now: Wymack had given him help when he needed it most, had seen him when nobody else had—and in return, Anderson is going to give him a Championship title.
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campshadows-rpg · 10 years
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“ Meet Elijah James Anderson. He is the middle of the Anderson triplets and has been attending camp since he was six years old. He is now eighteen years of age and identifies himself as bisexual. You can find Elijah staying in Cabin #1 along with his siblings and other sets of male triplets. ”
Elijah Anderson has always been the ‘problem child’ of the triplets: an ADD-plagued mop of curly hair with a fiery temper. Stuck constantly between a rock named Everett, and a hard place named Chase, it wasn’t uncommon for the middle Anderson to feel out of place. It wasn’t that the three didn’t get along, no far from it: the brothers loved each other unconditionally, and would fight tooth and nail for one another. The fact was, deep down Eli knew he just didn’t fit into the Anderson’s perfect little family puzzle. He was too erratic, too unpredictable. When Chase’s powers came surging forward, the Mr and Mrs were thrilled, Ev and Chase just as overjoyed. Eli, always the ‘odd man out,’ was devastated.
Even at such a young age, Eli knew their powers were something to be feared. It made them ‘freaks,’ and the middle Anderson silently vowed to never let his take over. For once in his life, he wanted to be normal. To be free of the strange, seemingly constant worried glances from his family. Eli’s world came crumbling down around him soon after, the child’s ADD reaching a new high. His fiery temper got the better of him that night, his body nearly vibrating as a shower of glass and sparks rained down over his family, chandelier shattering. In the end, despite his pleading, it was the temper that sent Eli to camp with an ecstatic Chase, Ev following soon afterwards. Eli wasn’t amused in the slightest.
Over the years, Eli has gained quite the reputation with other campers as the local trouble-making musician. Self-medicating with sex, drugs, and alcohol, he manages to successfully stay under the counselor’s radar. As far as the camp’s concerned, despite skipping many lessons, the middle Anderson has made remarkable progress over the years. He’d managed to rein in his powers and temper faster than most other campers his age, including his siblings. Truth be told, Eli’s found another more conventional way to keep his inner ‘freak’ at bay: hiding the scars of his struggles beneath long-sleeved sweat shirts. It would be a cold day in hell before he sunk so low as the other campers, embracing his abilities with open arms. For now he’s biding his time until he can successfully put his past behind him.
+ Eli/M, Eli/F, Eli/Chemistry, Eli/Smythe, Eli/Hummel, Eli/Ship Whore.
- Eli/Forced, Eli/No Chemistry.
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campshadows-rpg · 10 years
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“ Meet Chase Malachi Anderson. He is the oldest of the Anderson triplets and has been attending camp since he was six years old. He is now eighteen years of age and identifies himself as pansexual. You can find Chase staying in Cabin #1 along with his siblings and other sets of male triplets. ”
Chase grew up as a normal kid until the age of six. After his youngest brother found out about his super strength he’d gotten angry because of the hoop being busted from his brother. He’d asked to go to the store to get a small one for his room to play with but then the father resisted by saying no to him. His powers were discovered shortly after when everything on the shelves in the room flew off and onto the ground. This scared young Chase and soon after he’d apologized to his father for getting upset and cleaned everything up. His father hugged him and congratulated him on his power then explained to Chase what was going on with him.
Since the incident he’s taken it upon himself to not grow angry over small things and has learned to control it a little better. Instead of moving every single object in the area he’s learned to move the object that he wants to move the most.
+ Chemistry, Male, Andercest, Hummel, Smythe.
- Forced, No chemistry.
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