nicolos · 2 years
At Sunday brunch, Nile finds herself sitting next to Andy, who is grumpily drinking coffee—something Nile knows her extreme pickiness about—with a face like she's just bitten into a pinched lemon. Fifteen minutes later, Lykon says, sweetly enough that even she can see the trap: "Andy, do you want any of the sugar?"
Andy glares at him, says no, and marches off to get some more coffee. Hopefully with sugar in it.
Lykon gives it five seconds before he gets up and follows her. Next to him, Joe takes a huge sip of his coffee like it's keeping him alive. Nile kicks his foot under the table.
"What's going on with Lykon and Andy?" she asks. Joe gives her his best kicked puppy look, but it's almost noon, definitely closer to lunch time than brunch time, and she is not feeling very pitying. Especially because it's his boyfriend's fault they're still waiting to eat.
"I don't know," he says after a bit. "They were fine last week."
They were fine last week. Nile hums, considering that. At the counter, Lykon is needling Andy about something while she stands, arms crossed, tapping her foot. "Did they sleep together again? They have got to stop doing that."
Joe pauses, and Nile's eyebrows slowly rise. He looks over his shoulder, then shakes his head, though he's looking unsure. "I don't think so? Lykon usually tells me."
Nile does not envy him that. Lykon doesn't have a lot of poetic bones in his body, but he likes to think enthusiasm and way, way, way too detailed description makes up for it. It does not. "What else, then?" she asks, then shuts up as they turn around and return to their table.
Andy sits down, looking grumpy. "Where's Nicky?" she asks Joe.
Joe says, "I'm not Nicky's keeper."
Lykon says, "Yes, you are," the exact moment Andy does, and they both turn to glare at each other. Nile exchanges a long, concerned look with Joe. She's never really thought Andy and Lykon's bad habit of occasionally slipping back into bed with each other is a problem--but they also haven't gone there for at least six months. It could be a number of other things, but if Lykon hasn't said anything to Joe...
She texts Booker, has andy said anythng about being mad at lykon? then glares at it for a few seconds, wondering what the odds are on Booker happening to check his phone in the middle of museum day, and also actually answering.
The door opens, and Nicky enters. "Finally," Andy says. "Is everyone decided? We'll order. Nicky, come with me."
Nile requests her eggs to Andy's retreating back. Joe stares at them go, looking bewildered, then turns to Lykon. "Lykon?" he says.
Lykon is staring at Andy's back with an uncharacteristic intensity. Something is definitely up. "Yeah?" he says, a minute too late.
"How was your week?" Joe asks. She raises her eyebrows, but he holds up a finger for patience.
"Uh, it was great. Hey, what do you think is taking them so long?"
It's been fifteen seconds. Nile watches Lykon all but jump over the back of the chair to join Nicky and Andy, making Andy scowl again. "I see your point," he says. "Maybe they fought about something?"
"They never fight."
Joe shrugs. "Everyone fights sometimes, even me and—Nicky!"
Nicky has returned, looking like the cat that got the cream. He gives Joe a peck before he takes his seat. "Spill," Nile says. "What do you know?"
Nicky does his little mouth-shrug. "What do I know about what? I know many things, Nile."
Joe narrows his eyes. "How do you know something I don't?"
Nicky grins. "Because unlike yourself, I have been in the department all week."
Nile frowns. "What, they fought about something at work?" Andy and Lykon's specialisation is in completely different areas, and while there is overlap, they are usually in agreement. Unless it's something like supervision duty or admin, she can't imagine what they would've had to fight over.
"Something like that," Nicky says mysteriously.
Joe narrows his eyes. "What is it?"
Nicky shrugs. "See for yourself," he says, gesturing outside the window.
Nile looks over her shoulder just as the new adjunct, Quynh, comes through the window. Her face is a little red from cold, and she searches for Nicky before brightening visibly. "Quynh," Nicky says, standing with a smile. "Joe, Nile—you have met, but I thought to invite her as she is new to the area. I am glad you came."
"No, thank you," she says, unwrapping her scarf and draping it on the seat next to Nile with a smile. "Should I go place my order?"
"Andy and Lykon are just at the counter, if you want to join them."
Nike watches as Andy and Lykon, who have been frozen stiff, both hurry to smile at Quynh and welcome them to join her. Lykon grabs a menu off the counter. Andy looks like she might be turning red around the ears, and not from the weather.
Her phone buzzes. It's Booker, saying how badly do you want to know?
Nile smirks.
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