drdynamic · 4 years
@androsswannabe​ replied to your post “Is Venom flat?”
"If you spin a flat disc super fast it will look round."
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“That is a very true observation you made there!”
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finally sketched an andrew. i’ll get better at him once i draw him more i think. for @androsswannabe
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blackarwing · 5 years
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“Let’s be honest, those guys... they’re not very cool.”
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papetoonvulpine · 5 years
✏️ You don't have to if you don't want to, and if you don't you can just do whatever you want in its place.
[In which Jim draws badly] || NOT ACCEPTING ]
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“Y’got a big mouth, kid.          Bigger than most. Never ends well for people like you.”
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lylat-ruler · 5 years
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“A fascinating use of the word ‘adults’. Especially when taking into consideration the rather immature subject matter these so-called “adults” insist upon returning to. If anything, our friend’s choice of wording is indicative of exactly how old they really are.”
“Do not fear, my dear nephew. It’s become clear just how much more “adult” you are compared to them.”
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thekursedone-lylat · 5 years
Oops a Starter
//Branch 1.35 is the one I’m going for for clarification! Post Command actually! You said you wanted Krystal here’s Krystal >:3c @androsswannabe Things had been rough for this poor vixen the last few weeks. She had broken up with Fox, she had lost the trust and support of the Star Fox team, she had been through a lot. So much that leaving Star Fox only facilitated her joining of Star Wolf, the toughest pilots in the galaxy. If Fox wanted to kick her off the team to ‘keep her safe’? She would prove she didn’t need to be kept safe. She could prove she didn’t need ANYBODY. Therefore? She would join Star Wolf, a team that would let her flounder if she was useless, a team that wouldn’t carry dead weight. She could prove to herself, to Fox McCloud, to everybody, that she could fly with the best and come out of hell singing, even it it meant introducing herself to names in the galaxy that would make lesser Cornerian grunts mess themselves. Lord O’Donnell, the traitor, Pigma Dengar, Leon Powalski, Panther Caroso. The last, and, likely least depending on who you asked? Andrew Oikonny, direct descendant of Andross and complete brat. At least he wasn’t terrifying like Leon and Wolf were, she shuddered even thinking on them, but Andrew held his own level of terrifying, if only because he looked like his uncle, and, well. His uncle shoved her in a crystal and tried to kill her. No good memories were associated with him. Taking a deep breath to still her nerves and calm her churning mind, (never something a telepath wanted), she approached the snow macaque with the steeliest resolve and expression she could. “Andrew.” No voice cracks, good. “You should know who I am. We’ve fought before. I’m Krystal.” She re-introduced herself, in case he had forgotten. “I’ve left Star Fox to join Star Wolf instead. To cut a whole load of explanation, I’m your new wingmate. Just thought I should introduce myself so you don’t shoot me next time we load up for a mission.” Tear tracks were dried on her face. She’d had a rough time lately. 
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icantlose · 5 years
Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?
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“You’ll get there, Andy. Keep tryin’.”
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coyoteeugly · 5 years
Andrew Oikonny (heart meme)
         * muse heart level.    /    accepting.
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS:   💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗 A little (how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗 A little (wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗 High (hoping for a romantic relationship)
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❝   He     doesn’t     seem     so     bad,     sure     he     can     be     a     bit .  .  . much     but     he     seems     like     he’s     got     a     lot     of     good     in     him     too !  ❞ 
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thegreatpowalski · 5 years
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androsswannabe replied to your post ““All right, who left the comm on running for Dr. Andross to hear? Did...”
"Herbert is with me!"
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“Give him back!”
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illtaketheskyanyday · 5 years
@androsswannabe continued from x:
Minor details are usually lost on the avian when, but the physical surprise he picked up on fast as the ape stood up. Or he assumed it was surprised. It could have been fear as well, or inconvenience, but in all honest Falco couldn’t give a shit. This was Andross’ nephew, and the mere presence just fueled him. So he met Andrew’s arrogance full on eye to eye.
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“You fucking serious? What am I doing here?” His tone carried a sneer. “What about you, huh? What are you doing here?” Indeed, what was the monkey doing in a rundown colony in the middle of Lylat, acting as though they were part of the population once again after so much trouble the system went through because of Andross. Falco pushed away from the counter, making sure he was ready if the ape tried to pull anything on him. “Shouldn’t you be out there on Venom, helping your people or something? Or are you pissing away that responsibility?”
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If it works, it works.
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peppy-pilot · 5 years
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So @bygonebird / @androsswannabe did this joke technique that ended up working. The flan technique. Guess who had fun with it.
Btw go look at their art, their Andrew is super cute and amazing!!
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acewing · 5 years
Look what we got, here; it’s @androsswannabe.
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“Yo, you lost? You know, your Uncle A.’s not gonna be happy you gave your babysitters the slip. 
C’mere, Tyke -- let’s get you back to the playpen where you belong.”
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lawlessromantic · 5 years
Panther does not know @androsswannabe​ well—but he does know what it is to lose family to Lylatian law.
“Oikonny. We are men of prestige, no? Not merely in in our own right, but by the merits of our remarkable families. ”
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“It is cruel to lose them to war and politics.” A pause. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
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dontcallmestarfox · 5 years
✸ I want to plot with you | ✢ I like your characters | ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) | ♥ Admittedly I feel a bit apprehensive approaching you because I believe we have vastly different characterizations and I don't want to prove myself to be an idiot around you. It's not you, it's me baby.
Send Me a symbol for how you feel!    
// I apologize for already opening up on a tangent here, but I also want to tackle what you said in my ask to you! I want to say I can totally understand apprehension when it comes to how you feel you handle your character. With Star Fox characters especially, fleshing them out really is a case of what you feel is best added to your interpretation of the character! We all have the basic framework to start, but what we build from it is often very unique. Your Andrew is no exception and that's a great thing!
I know my take on Fox has a harder, slightly militaristic, often more serious edge because that's the element I want to explore most; the part that makes him admittedly super badass to me.
In my honest opinion, you've gone out of your way and added some good depth to this character, where many people might just disregard Andrew as just a goof. You saw this guy, looked hard at his background, and wanted to explore him less as a comic relief and more as a layered, flawed person because that's the kind of interpretation you wanted to explore most. I got huuuge respect for that!
Definitely not a bad thing. Going against the grain challenges new perspectives and creates interesting new ideas. You should be super proud of your Andrew, don’t feel embarrassed for it, own that feeling!
But actually getting to what you sent me now. Sorry again, I just really wanted to get that out there. I find it really interesting! I'd love to have a chat with you about how you feel we might differ and what you're apprehensive about-- because your blog has made me think a lot harder about how Fox and Andrew's dynamic works more than I ever thought I would. That kind of insight is invaluable and I’d love to plot and do a thing with you.
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