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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: cursing words.
A/N:  Look I know these kind of processes take a lot of time, but this is a work of fiction. And again I do not know anything about law, I’m not a lawyer.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1937
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
It’s been two weeks now since the case over the custody of Jake began and Laurie wasn’t backing down. Andy hadn’t found any reason as in why Laurie wanted to have Jake back, either she wasn’t hiding anything or she was very good at hiding it.
“Ok, honey.” Andy walked out of their closet fixing his tie, “Are you sure you can come to court today?”
“Yes, you know today I only have 3 classes. There will be no problem.” She said as she finished to brush her hair. Andy walked behind her and kiss the top of her head.
“I like that dress.” He said looking to the flowered lilac midi dress with heart neckline and short sleeves she was wearing.
“Thanks! You bought it.”
“Do you remember what I told you?”
“To answer with all honesty everything they ask.”
“Good, girl. Remember, at 11. See you later!”
Annie went to school and tried to pay attention to all of her classes of the day but it was impossible, she was getting nervous as the time passed. It was her last class and it was pouring rain outside.
“Sure you don’t want us to come with you?” Sharon asked when she saw Annie couldn’t stop moving her hands.
“No, I’ll be good.”
“Good luck, if you need anything at all.” Mark said.
“I’ll call you.” They walked out the building, the rain was heavier than before. “Guess I’ll have to run to my car. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
It was 11:15 and Annie wasn’t at court.
“Where is she?” Lynn asked.
“I don’t know,” Andy took his phone and send her a text.
Not even 5 seconds later Annie came in running, wet from head to toe, her hair was drenched, and right when she was about to made it to the front, she slipped falling on her ass in front of every one.
“SHIT!” The deputy ran to help her stand.
“You ok, miss?” He grabbed her arm.
“Yeah, yeah! Sorry I’m late. It’s raining.”
“Miss…” The judge looked at the paper he had, “Johnson?”
“Yeap! That’s me! Hi!”
“Please, Miss Johnson, come to the bench to take your oath.”
Annie walked carefully to the stand and sat on the chair in there, she waved a little to Andy who waved back and smiled. Laurie didn’t miss this interaction.
“Lawyer Canavan, since your witness is already here, you can began.”
“Thank you, your honor.” Lynn walked towards the stand, “Your name, please.”
“Annabelle Marie Johnson.”
“Perfect. How long have you known the Barbers?”
“Since March this year.”
“How did you come to work for them?”
“Mr. Barber called me because Mrs. Duffy recommended me to be his nanny. He told me to come to his house for an interview and he said he needed someone to take care of Jake because he was going to have more work due to his promotion.”
“In all of the time you had work there, have you seen Mr. Barber been aggressive towards his son?”
“Never! He is a great dad, very loving. Andy hugs and kisses Jake every time he has the chance. He had yelled at Jake a couple of times, like every parent, but he had never been physical. They play, they spend time together, they go fishing and when Jake needed help Andy didn’t hesitate to look for someone to help him.” She smiled looking at Andy who saw her with love in his eyes.
“Mr. Barber mentioned you have been great help in the psychological process Jake’s been having.”
“Well, I suppose. I spend a lot of time with Jake and I just want him to have a happy childhood. Jake is a great kid, sweet, funny, so smart. I don’t want to see him suffer.” She looked at Laurie when she said that last line.
“Thank you, Miss Johnson. No more questions your honor.”
“Lawyer Anderson, your witness.”
“Thank you, your Honor.” He stood up and walked towards Annie. “Good morning, Miss Johnson, thank you for keep us waiting. I hope you are alright, it was quite a hard fall.” Annie was shivering by now since she was drying.
“I’m ok.” She gave him tight smile.
“Have you and Mr. Barber ever argue?”
“Once, ammm it was early when I first started working for him. He was stressed and he missed dinner with his kid. I got angry so we yelled, but other than that, never. He apologized and I kept working for him.”
“What were your duties?”
“I needed to come to his house at 3, took care of Jake, played with him, and helped him with some activities they left him at day care. I made them dinner. I left by 7 or 8 tops. Monday to Thursday and the weekends were off. Later I also started to cook lunch for them.”
“Excellent! So, do you live with the Barbers?”
“I do now. I wasn’t when he first hired me. I came and went as my shift ended.”
“What change?”
“I had some personal issues and they took me in. It was very nice of them to help me when I needed the most.”
“What happened?”
“I broke up with my then boyfriend, he attacked me and Andy helped me through the process.”
“Always the gentleman.” Richard turned to see Andy, “Does he still pay you?”
“Yes, of course. I take care of Jake and the house. I cook and I clean.”
“What is your relationship now with Mr. Barber?”
“He is my boss.” She looked at Andy who gave her a small nod, “And I’m his girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? I hardly think that could be considered a pure love relationship since he is paying you to be with him.” Annie opened his mouth not believing this guy.
“Objection! Your honor!” Lynn said.
“Hey!” Andy was stood by now, “What’s your problem?!”
“Mr. Anderson! That was way out of line!” Judge Choi said.
“I’m not a whore!” Annie was fuming now. “Andy hired me to be Jake’s nanny! I needed the job because I am a student who needs to pay for things! And then we fell in love! How is that any close to what you are implying? YOU ASS!”
“Miss Johnson!” Judge Choi said, “Calm down.”
“He started!”
“Very well, I apologize for whatever you all think I was implying.” Richard said with a mocking tone. Annie could not believe the nerve on this guy. “Do you know Mr. Barber’s dad is in prison?”
“Yes, of course.”
“How do you know that?”
“He told me.”
“Well, I don’t know if you are married or not, but in a relationship is important not to have secrets. He knows about my background and I know about his. His dad is in jail for raping and murdering a girl. They have no relationship.”
“Are you afraid of Mr. Barber?”
“Pff why? Look at him! He is a cute soft giant bear! He is one of the nicest men I’ve ever met, after my dad and my brother. Oh and he is sexy too!”
“Miss Johnson.” Judge Choi said. “Just answer what they ask.”
“Sorry. I’m not lying though.” You heard Andy Laughed a bit and saw Lynn elbowed him to stop.
“Is it true you attacked my client?”
“Mmmmm,” She made a thoughtful face, now she was certainly mocking him, “Nop.”
“No? You know lying in court is a felony, right? You seem like a smart girl.”
“Fine! She showed up at our house…”
“But is not your house, is Andy’s.”
“Can I continue, or are you going to keep interrupting me?”
“Go on.”
“As I was saying, she showed up at our house trying to look for Jake. She tried to walk into the house, and I avoided her to do so because it is my job to take care of him.”
“But why, she is his mother after all.”
“Some mother! She left Jake when he was a baby! And by the way, do you know she hasn’t give any money to Andy to take care of Jake?” Richard was taken aback when Annie said that. “If she left then why she never gave Andy any money to take care of her kid? That’s what happens when people get divorce right?” Richard just looked at her. “Right?!”
“Right.” Richardson said.
“That woman has no right over Jake. She has no right to come here 3 years later, just because she feels guilty, or for whatever reason she wants him back. Jake doesn’t know her, and she doesn’t need him, if she did, she would have done this right after she left them! And I can assure you neither Andy nor Jake need her. She did them a favor!” She sneezed after she finished.
“I believe Miss Johnson needs to go get change. No more questions your honor. Thank you, miss.”
“Thank you, Miss Johnson, you are dismissed.” Judge Choi said. “We will continue this tomorrow.”
Annie walked to Lynn and Andy, and he rapidly reached for her enveloping her with his warm suit jacket.
“Come here,” Andy hugged her and rubbed his hands in her back.
“Did I do well?”
“You were perfect.” He gave her a kiss on the nose and she sneezed again. “Come on, honey. Let’s go home. You need a warm bath.”
Laurie stared at Andy and Annie, in all the time they were together he never looked at her the way he was looking at Annie now.
Once at home, Annie went to take a hot shower and changed her clothes. When she came down the stairs she saw Lynn sitting at the dinner table surrounded by papers.
“Where is Andy?”
“He went to pick up Jake.”
“I’m making some tea, you want some?”
“Sure, thanks!”
Annie walked to the kitchen and put the pot in the stove.
“Can I ask you how did you know Laurie wasn’t giving Andy money?”
“A friend of mine has divorced parents and he mentioned that the other day. Andy never talks about money."
“He never wanted to ask Laurie for money, he was too proud to do it. You know him.”
“I just assumed she didn’t pay for anything because Andy once told me she resigned to her parent rights. I don’t know, probably shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, actually it was good. That way the judge could see Laurie hasn’t been part of Jake’s life in any sense.”
Annie walked holding the two mugs and sat in front of Lynn.
“What happened the day Laurie left?”
“Andy hasn’t told you?”
“I think he told me what he wanted me to know.”
“I just know she left. Andy showed up in my house that night. He had been working for the county for over a year maybe. I never expect him to be in my house crying asking for help, he doesn’t have the type.” Annie giggled knowing very well what she meant, “I advised him to talk to her, to try to fix her marriage, and he did, but apparently Laurie had different plans.” Lynn took a sip of her tea, “Then she send a letter saying she didn’t want to be involved in their lives and even thought I told Andy he could sue her for leaving them and not giving child support, he never went for it. I think that deep down he thought Laurie was going to come to her senses and come back, but she never did.”
“Well, that worked for me, He is mine now.” Lynn laughed, “Do you think you could win?”
“I’m not sure anymore and I hate saying that.”
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hsakuras · 2 years
this is actually a @jozhenji stan account, my new url will be andybabe
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