royalpumpkinplanet · 1 year
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thecurioustale · 10 months
Transitions: The Spackle of Art!
The other day I wrote some transitional passages for Galaxy Federal, connecting two preestablished scenes.
Transitional passages are like the mortar and spackle of artistic construction. They're necessary, but forever peripheral. (Though I suppose there probably are some artists who thrive in it.) For me though, writing transitional matter is an uncommon state. It doesn't come nearly as naturally to me as main scene-writing does, and I spend a lot less time doing it. When I was writing the Prelude, a lot of it also came very late in the process, as a necessity rather than a pleasure in itself. It was quite a challenge, worthy of boasting of my skill as a professional author, for me to elevate this text to make it interesting and compelling. (In my opinion anyway.)
This transcends my writing and reflects my entire personality: In composing music, I always struggle with my transitions between the prominent melodic sections. In listening to music of all genres, I almost always much prefer the main sections over the transitions. Same with reading books, watching movies, etc.
But because of its relative alienness to me, I also have a certain fascination with transitional passages. I tend to notice them, and I appreciate them when they are especially well-done. Some are so subtle and well-integrated that you can scarcely see them. Other transitions are much bigger, but necessarily worse.
Such was the space I found myself working in the other day: This particular transitional passage calls for thousands of words of text, and I obliged two-and-a-half thousand on my first pass, during which time I got to show all sorts of things happening! My highly granular, ground-level, play-by-play scenes—which comprise most of my main scenes as compared to the less common "40,000 foot narrative epic view" type—tend to flow slowly. But in a transitional passage, hours can pass in the space of a single sentence. Whole conversations can be clipped to one or two lines of dialogue. Environmental descriptions can show the progression of time rather than a moment in time. It's quite literally a change of pace for me, most of the time.
I tried to use this quality to flesh out the fact of "Cherry being a starship captain." I am greatly interested in the nitty-gritty of this; I seek to incorporate a lot of verisimilitude into the text. Virtually all editors, and most writers, would single stuff like this out as the poster child for bloated text that needs to be edited down for tightness and pacing. But I firmly reject that. I really just want to write stories about people "at the office," proverbially speaking. I think the criticism that this kind of stuff isn't interesting is true, but only provisionally: It depends upon the underlying activities themselves being boring, and/or the writer not being great at writing them.
In that sense, action and "PLOT" are a crutch that many writers depend upon to cope with limited writing skills. We've all met people in our lives who are so intrinsically interesting and good at telling stories that they could literally describe an hour of washing the dishes and we'd be hanging on their every word. We've all been there! This is a real thing.
I, myself, am not actually all that good as a yarn-spinner, bard, or anecdotist. But what I lack in a talent for gripping storytelling I hope and aspire to make up for with the stories themselves just being intrinsically interesting. I've seen other writers pull this off. If the subject matter is interesting, the writer doesn't have to be a great anecdotist.
So the question in this particular case is: Is being a starship captain...interesting?
And my answer to that is: "Yes and no, in all the ways you would expect, but to some extent it doesn't matter because no one actually writes about starship captains having 'a regular day at the office.'" The normalcy of starship captains' jobs is always being interrupted by PLOT. So it's actually quite rare to get to see a captain walking around doing regular stuff at length. That rarity gives me more room to depict realities that perhaps wouldn't be interesting to read about in every sci-fi book over and over again as a convention of the genre, but definitely would be interesting to read about at least a few times.
I put it to you that you probably don't know what a starship captain actually does in normal circumstances. You could logically deduce some of it, but have you ever really seen it play out (in fiction, obviously)? I think that would be enjoyable to read about, at least every once in a while.
Well, the transitional passage that I started writing this week definitely adds some more spackle to that curious edifice!
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deadpanwalking · 3 years
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tagged by: @finitevariety to post 9 pictures from my phone that represent me
tagging: wits, raconteurs, oddballs, quipsters, bluestockings, anecdotists, wisecrackers, picadors, eccentrics, and the droll reading this
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dendroica · 5 years
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The great green expansion: how ring-necked parakeets took over London | The Guardian
If you ask random Londoners how parakeets came to thrive in their city – streaking in squadron-like formations through parks, down roads and along canals, following regular “flyways” as punctually as business commuters – the chances are that one of these theories will be told as fact. No one is ever sure where they heard it. They are classic urban myths, spreading through word of mouth, mutating and evolving a little with every teller. Whatever the truth, or lack of it, these stories are a sign that London’s parakeets, in their short time among us, have become deeply lodged in the city’s collective imagination.
Sadly, there is a more prosaic explanation. Small, charismatic and brilliantly coloured – though voiced with a horrendous squawk – parakeets have been popular as pets for hundreds of years. We have no idea how many arrived in Britain through London’s busy docks, or how many seized the first opportunity to escape, but dozens or hundreds of individuals must have gained freedom over the years, flocking together for protection and enthusiastically breeding.
Their success was limited at first. The earliest recorded sightings were in Dulwich in 1893 and Brixton in 1894. A breeding pair were reported in Epping Forest in 1930. It wasn’t until the late 20th century that the first large colony was established, roosting noisily in the trees by the river at Kingston-upon-Thames, where they became such a local feature that many people still know the birds as “Kingston parakeets”. For decades they were an exotic novelty, exclusive to south-west London.
Then, perhaps 10 years ago, began the great green expansion.
First they spread into Richmond and Kew. Then they crossed the Thames. They established themselves in Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park and Regent’s Park, and moved north into Highgate and Hampstead Heath, west into Holland Park and Notting Hill, and east along the Regent’s Canal into Hackney and Walthamstow Marshes. Almost overnight they appeared in places they’d never been in before, and quickly became almost as ubiquitous as pigeons. In the space of a few short years they spread to every borough and even beyond the M25, following in the path of generations of upwardly mobile Londoners by departing the grimy inner city for the Home Counties.
Amazingly, this mass colonisation – an audacious ecological shift – went largely unremarked upon until very recently. Despite the parakeets’ colour, numbers and noise, no one (apart from the urban mythologists and boozy anecdotists in pubs) seemed to consider it worthy of attention.
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justinehudock · 3 years
As a boy, Hobie Finknorton was notorious across the slums, old plastered gum, and plum stands of the Queens Community Board 8 residence zone as Cassette. A hot dog vendor wrote this, just once, with a strand of ketchup onto Cassette’s dog, in an outburst of Freudian furor and slippage, and as a fly to flypaper the moniker glued itself to young Hobie. He was, in fact, a prolific anecdotist—sparkling, socially, with adults more so than the other children—who would, on his way to school, or to the scented candle shop to get his morning aromatherapy huff-huff, approach adults on the street and initiate conversation with the stiffness of an audio cassette intended to teach the English language to foreigners. 
Cassette was young, simple, unaggressive, and did not fight the epithet; wouldn’t, couldn’t know what to do beyond eat the hot dog with the crudely squeezed script, and on a full stomach, he was too sleepy to think of anything good, anyway. “Your son is quite the handsome young man,” he’d say, desiccantly syllabifying each word while miming patting the head of an imaginary boy—the adult’s “son”—standing by them; right there, in his little britches and trilby hat. 
Or else, when the adult was too well on in years to make-believe in any notional realm whatsoever that he or she had a short young son, near or far away—Cassette didn’t believe, even in an infinite universe, that inherently impossible possibilities became possible—our young friend would inquire, “When is the 12:15 PM autobus due to arrive?” Autobus rings far more European, Italianate, he believed, than bus sans auto, and what’s catalan is better; thinner, pescetarian, tanned; spiritually fat but bodily lithe. Very simply better. He thought his conversational partners would appreciate this continental flourish, being mentally transported at no cost to a liner due to dock at the Amalfi coast, which is in Italy. 
Whether this was the vision his words conjured, or if he inspired any visions at all, Cassette did not know, for no one ever gave him explicit feedback. More often, the feedback was ambiguous: a punch in the gut, or a smack up the backside of his head. Even still, Cassette wasn’t discouraged, in fact felt emboldened to learn from his mistakes, even as what those mistakes remained unclear. Cassette quickly took up a new modus, sidling up to one woman or man, leaning with cool nonchalance against them, and purring: “There is a strong nip in the air this morning.” This received a response only once: a sandpapery titter from a man repairing the drainage grates so that they swiggled instead of going totally straight, as the two happened to be standing at the threshold of one so-called Gentlemen's Club, and the young woman on the establishment’s sign… well, she certainly had a strong nip in the air. It was this that educed the titter, so Cassette does not take credit, though he would like to. Cassette is like that, to the core: never one to let an inadvertent pun pass his lips without making assurances afterward that it was unintentional, or to take credit for any such other verbal luck. 
Despite his toiling, all of Cassette’s stock phrases, even these new, brighter ones, elicited roughly the same response: “Back off, kid, I’ve got a place to be.” At this point, Cassette saw fit to change the subject. He learned from his Marketing Manager father that what the public likes are multiple choice surveys that allow them a porthole into their own personality. Really liked themselves and what they were, what they couldn’t see about their characters, is what that revealed.
“Why not treat yourself to: Twenty years of medically induced slumber? two sticks to start a large fire? Great, beautiful sticks? a blown-up photo of your own ear? broken legs? surgery on those broken legs?” But his partner would have bustled past him by now, on their way, spitting on Cassette’s head, aiming instinctively at the globules of saliva already pooling there like clear liquid resin. 
Cassette sighed. Another conversation down the drain, and now his hair felt gross, and so he felt gross. Was it truly a gift to be so gifted? It just seemed to bum everyone out, his flair for the verbal. The days of his sort of talent-enabled class—bearded ladies and fire eaters and men who could see through coins and rounds of bread dough—had given way to high production quality television; Oscar-winning series finales; Pulitzer-winning journalism from mainstream publications one once would have called for idiots. The public did not want him or his party trick of on-demand charisma and prodigious mood-lightening. The notion of a performer as an individual no longer excited them; it angered them, cramped their time, and inspired viciously incisive, evergreen nicknames. Cassette could not remember what his name had been.
He grew older: a year, then another year, and so on in that fashion. He stopped taking care of his body, and grew hairy, acne, and when his voice began to crack, around the neighborhood they’d blow in his ear and tug at his limbs, like he was a real cassette, yeah, and laugh, crystallizing his adopted name to a jagged star of sugar.
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cepavantaj · 5 years
Taste Masters Deservingness Selling Analysis
Taste Undergrad 2:2 Merchandising Grant
See for yourself why we’re the mankind’s stellar donnish penning accompany.
One of our technical writers has created this made-to-order taste merchandising appointment that shows
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Horizon a unlike level
Undergrad 1st
Undergrad 2:1
Undergrad 2:2
Piracy Composition
Research the relevancy of post-modernist neo-tribalism inside coeval usance behaviours
This seek testament chiefly believe the relevancy of neo-tribalism inside a modern-day mart, exploring how tribes gremlin phthisis habits.
Chief Consistence
Neo-tribes are outlined as corporate groups of multitude, commonly-linked unitedly by divided or reciprocal passions, emotions or attitudes (Maffesoli, 1995). Crossways an academician check, neo-tribes suffer been conceptualised as a treatment of sociable atomisation and individuation inside a coeval companionship, pioneering the re-embracement and of historic tribal life (Unfearing et al. 2018). In circumstance, academics debate that as humanity let evolved to exist inside tribal societies, they leave not be capacity until around colour of traditional tribal lifestyles has been re-created (Maffesoli, 1996).
In rehearse, present-day neo-tribal members are mentation to follow consumers whose use choices mull a self-constructed whimsy of individuality, e.g. football fans or medicine civilisation fan-groups (Fearless et al. 2018). Hetherington (1992) farther indicated that neo-tribal members are fluent, choosing to disaffiliate from the people and naturalize sub-cultures. An exemplar includes goths, who sustain had a touchable tempt on markets such as medicine, clothes and elan; with supportive explore indicating that medieval furniture has had a billow in sales chase emergence of goth sub-cultures (Cova et al. 2012).
Although the radical has no prescribed rank, engagement inside mediaeval interests forms an adherence ‘tween grouping members ecumenical. A important import for marketers refer to the fact that unofficial neo-tribes such as goths are potentially unmanageable to mart to or scope done traditional merchandising methods.
As neo-tribes are unremarkably associated with trends (Cova, 1997), merchandising so moldiness be responsive to this outgrowth, referring to a dynamical potentiality whereby new or forward-looking trends interrupt the intake grocery (Schumpeter, 1942). An instance includes the late Pokémon Go furore which led a 105% lace in Pokémon-branded product inside habiliment, play and knitted shift bears (Forbes, 2016). This thusly identifies with the possibility proposed (Maffesoli, 1996) that neo-tribal lifestyles are verbalised done uptake to reinsert societal indistinguishability; peculiarly in the suit of the Pokémon Furore which was mostly impelled by nostalgia and emotions (LinkedIn, 2017). An crucial considerateness relates to where consumer inevitably, affiliations and interests afterwards variety, consumers no thirster are goaded to enter (Unfearing et al.
2018). In reenforcement, inquiry now indicates that four-out-of-five Pokémon Go users sustain now depart, suggesting that in about cases neo-tribes can be impermanent and thence undesirable to prosecute as a semipermanent militant scheme (BGR, 2017; Gatekeeper, 2008). Additionally, an historical lesson of a ever-changing dynamical entity is the phylogeny and retroversion of mods and bikers in the 1960s’ which now arguably ceases to subsist (The Protector, 2012). This is advance exemplified by coeval pop-group One Focussing fans labeled ‘Directioners’ (Buzzfeed, 2017); consisting of rock-ribbed fans who oft intermeshed with One-Direction related newsworthiness crosswise societal media, including gig entropy, new songs and level potential sighted locations (Reysen et al. 2010).
Yet, astern breakup in 2015, Directioners now deliver less tie, indicating that neo-tribes are impermanent sources of a militant reward inside present-day marketplaces; as consumer interests progressively chemise (Ostiary, 2008; Stalwart et al. 2018).
Moreover, creation in skill and engineering and rhytidoplasty development inside the Gen Y selfie coevals has led to globalization of the lift marketplace in moment (The Cable, 2014). Renown influencers such as the Kardashians bear besides fuelled a tribal pursuit and had a far-flung impingement on lift enhancements global (Jung & Hwang, 2016). E.g., inside the UK, Asda’s £6 ass enhancing drawers contributed to a sales increment of 4,600%, marketing out in upright complete a workweek (The Autonomous, 2015). In summation, the Kardashians are progressively incisive Outside markets such as India and development tribal followings, symbolizing a switching to normalising enhancive procedures in Asia, divergent from historic resistor to westerly values and lifestyles (The Defender, 2016; Occupation Insider, 2018). Withal, in apposition, neo-tribalism has arguably contributed to growth underground of contemporaneous ethnical annexation and de-racialisation whereby many consumers are sounding towards ‘skin-lightening’ tactic (The Shielder, 2018) in issue of an utmost want to adapt inside society’s approximation of beautification (Coombes, 2003; BBC, 2018).
Hither academics deliver identified a compound matter whereby historically complexion was coupled to class, with those traditionally top of the club argued to deliver the fairest tegument (McIntosh, 2010). Inside present-day lodge thither are hush many reported cases of racial inequality inside the work (Anecdotist, 2018), suggesting the subject is calm extremely predominant. Moreover, a palpable firm need inside exercise for de-racialisation procedures or skin-lightening designate that many brands are attempting to capitalize and lucre from neo-tribal inequalities confront inside modern-day use (The Shielder, 2018).
Instead, thither are many cases where brands are favorably adoptive by neo-tribes to separate and non-conform, including Quiksilver which is a long-familiar surfriding mark (Maffesoli, 1995; Canniford, 2010). Nevertheless, a restriction to conceive is that stigma espousal inside neo-tribes can leash to early consumer groups existence estranged (Marx, 1844); potentially negatively impacting steel sensing. One exercise in drill includes the damaging sensing of the lavishness Burberry sword formerly connected with what are referred to as ‘chavs’, a disparaging condition to delimit a untested low-class mortal typified by cheeky and swinish demeanour and the wear of (veridical or impersonation) architect dress (The Telegraphy, 2004). A farther illustration relates to realness TV genius ‘The Situation’ from ill-famed US shew T-shirt Prop, who was nonrecreational a six-figure sum by the steel to forbid him from eroding Abercrombie & Foumart vesture; fearing terms of its stain upscale locating (Reuters, 2011). Whilst in around cases neo-tribal tie may not be minus, such as Vauxhall Corsa’s association as a car for ‘male boy racers’ which successively has led to increased sales (Lumsden, 2015), estrangement undischarged to tribal selling or position can let a blackball hob on boilersuit sales by isolating client segments.
In documentation, whilst Harley top5writingservices Davidson enthusiasts are purported to be uncoerced to pass round $40,000 of disposable income on individualised bikes, a recess placement as an ‘All American Bad Boy’ blade has resulted in a liberal sales declivity, with product scaley cover and a subsequent job departure in resultant (The Protector, 2015a).
Neo-tribes are a comparatively late societal phenomenon whose comportment is aided by the digital networking, spanning crosswise outside boundaries (Bennet, 1999). Later, authors cede that the gather gait of consumer prime and technical developments let aided in the mass and sort of tribal-group association (Hamilton & Hewer, 2010). A welfare to marketers is that neo-tribal members are usually less price-sensitive and thus are probably to be volition to pay bounty prices (Fearless et al. 2018). An exemplar includes Apple Tech-heads who deliver formed a cult-like chase and are super devoted to having the up-to-the-minute Apple products (Pongsakomrungslip & Schroeder, 2011).
Whilst having fast following can gain commercialise portion and subsequent lucrativeness, the disfavor is that where customers are disgruntled and as a termination pass aside from the steel; they are progressively probably to diffuse electronegative viva-voce, influencing stigma fairness (Hamilton & Hewer, 2010). In reply, increased nimbleness via dynamical capabilities can enable flexile resources to help with guardianship up with a ever-changing marketplace (Overwinter, 2003). For marketers, this can be achieved done usage of Big Information, apt that a expectant ratio of tribal members intercommunicate on-line done mixer media (Hamilton & Hewer, 2010). Later, information and course analytics could thus assistance brands with obtaining a militant vantage via gaining insights proportional to client see, interests and perceptions (LaVelle et al.
Moreover, inside a modern-day landscape the zoom of video-blogging or ‘vlogging’, has farther catalysed a chopine that brings urban tribal followings unitedly inside categories such as play, way and cosmetics (The Shielder, 2015b). As academics yield modern-day neo-tribal targeting can be hard as tribes are garbled physically roughly the mankind; digital platforms such as YouTube and wider mixer media consequently offer a potency chance for marketers to efficaciously amplify ambit inside coeval intake (Jung & Hwang, 2016). This may be progressively the vitrine when adopting kindred sentiment leadership as intermediaries for make messages, whereby in rehearse, a reform-minded numeral of ‘beauty gurus’ such as Zoella, Tanya Bur and Samantha and Nicola Chapman are beingness utilized for stigma sponsorship (Mardon et al. 2018).
After, whilst present-day neo-tribal targeting has the palpable danger of consumer disaffection, it is discernible that tribal members let well warm ties to their neo-tribes which thence makes them identical hefty groups of consumers to objective. In representative, for Apple Tech-heads, a MacBook, iPad, Apple Lookout and iPhone can mother approximately £4,000 in sales per client (Apple, 2018).
Conclusively, as contemporaneous neo-tribes are formed done emotion and life-style, they are arguably attractive targets undischarged to the aroused investiture they handgrip which has led to rock-bottom terms sensitiveness. Still, in practise they can be seen as unfriendly butt markets, presumption that they are mobile, active and hence prostrate to apace alteration. Intrinsically, whilst marketers can get militant achiever done highly-focused mark selling; it is patent that strength and long-run strategical focussing for neo-tribal sectionalization is more equivocal inside a modern-day market, tending that advanced tribal targeting can inspire disaffection.
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Overwinter, S.G., (2003). “Understanding dynamical capabilities”. Strategical Direction Daybook , двадцать четыре (10), pp. 991-995.
Teknoloji ve Mobil Yaşam Rehberi Taste Masters Deservingness Selling Analysis
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These predictions and moral judgments are typical of the complacency of the cockily victorious North. Their divergence from the opinions of Tourgée is extreme. But they are partly to be explained by the time at which they were written. De Forest had not yet at this time had his intimate experience of the post-war South as an agent of the Freedmen's Bureau; and, in any case, he left South Carolina in January, 1868, at the time when the Ku Klux Klan was only just coming into prominence. He had furthermore been posted in a part of the state where, as he says, there were as yet no carpetbaggers. As the result of his later observation, he became aware, like Tourgée, that the planters who had supported the Confederacy were the ablest group of men in the South and regretted that they were being excluded from the management of public affairs. But in the chapters on what De Forest calls "Chivalrous Southrons" and "Semi-Chivalrous Southrons," which first appeared as magazine articles in 1869, though he attempts to be just to this class and to appreciate the Southern qualities, these qualities were not of a kind particularly to appeal to De Forest. It is interesting to find him noting the old-fashioned "individuality of character" of the Southerner: "He had [note the past tense] salient virtues, vices, and oddities; he had that rich, practical humor which is totally unconscious of being humoristic; he in the gravest manner decorated his life with ludicrous and romantic adventures; in short, he was a prize for the anecdotist and novelist... In that land of romance you will find Uncle Toby, Squire Western and Sir Pitt Crawley and Colonel Newcome and Mr. Pickwick and Le Chourineur, all moving in the best society and quite sure that they are Admirable Crichtons." It is precisely this sort of character with whom, though he regularly attempts it, De Forest the novelist always fails, and the sarcasm of the final sentence above betrays his lack of respect for such characters. Like the young Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was to say that he never met a Southerner whom he regarded as really a gentleman, De Forest can never conceal a basic contempt for the "Southrons"; and Lillie Ravenel, the beauty from Louisiana who has taken the opposite side from her father and sympathizes with the Southern cause, who has married a sensual Southron rather than the non-magnetic Colburne, must at last, when her husband has betrayed her with the scandalous Mrs. Larue, be made to prefer the North and to acknowledge the rightness of the Northern cause, must come back to sound and sure old New England and--her husband having perished with the Confederacy--be married to the upright Colburne, who has weathered and won the war.
Edmund Wilson, Patriotic Gore
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nirvanaballad · 7 years
In the crossing between the ways that read of life and the extravagance of the mutating page that transforms the depth of white into great vistas of interpretive allusion. Expulsion. There are the words that fit inside themselves; in measures of prolonged appointment, and the vessels that become ready for the journey through many a thousand leaves,
 embroidered with the little missions that end, concurrently, with the tiny circle, an eclipse so well known as to be noticed only by the unconscious -- from where this description is drawn.
 Ah, for reading is the means that takes us from port to dock, like the modes of exploration that are noted in the margins, and the immaculate roads of the furthering of knowledge that are praised so seldom.
 Gods, those celestials that hang in the late spring sky, wandering planets that forever beam their influence on all. Deep in the solar sky space is Scherherazade, the storyteller planet, whose influence is the boon of all writers -- playwrights, storywriters and anecdotists -- all blessed by her massive presence. The love of the great God and her moons presses on us with the subtleness of a benevolence endless unto the utter east. 
 Cut from the story tree is the sprig sample from which is grown the proud and elite eternals. Parties of gods are imagined at the moment of their assemblage. And the books live on continually, in thought and word, and forever as the lessons that guide our humanity further to the secret truth of all things.
Language is a filter through which to view the representative; the reality whose realm we have strode within since emerging from trees as the great striding shadows -- our original human form.
November ‘17
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