chiptrillino · 2 years
You're a huge art inspiration, your avatar fanart always makes me smile and gives me ideas for my own stuff!
Thank you for your amazing drawings 🧡
thank you so much! this is too kind. I am happy that I can bring you some joy!
also, you are such a great artist too don't mind me follows
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psychic-pigeons · 4 years
Anyone remember those humanifyd fandoms
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sunsetrcse-archive · 7 years
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[[Can someone explain B.e M.ore C.hill to me? Or show me where I can watch it? Because I only just recently found out about this play and I’m kinda interested.]]
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lexosaurus · 4 years
who tf spells animatic with an e
me bitch anematic get on my level
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shegairowmyamo · 4 years
i can just emagun an anematic of Ghostbur walking amungst the deastruktion of Lmanburg in slomotion and sad music in the bakround
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octopusinaskinsuit · 3 years
I made a playlist of my favourite tma animatics if anyone wants them it’s been curating for half a year
(I didn’t make any of them but they are under the Chanel that did)
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mobilecasesonline · 4 years
Modern Range of iPhone 12 Cases in UK That You Must Know
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When it comes to adding an extra layer of security to your iPhone 12 then we can say that the role of the iPhone 12 Cases in UK is vital for the users. In UK, many users are using the iPhone Devices and Apple has a large audience in this country. In this blog, we are going to share some of the examples of the modern range of iPhone 12 Cases in UK that you must know. Most of the time, users are looking for stylish protection for the iPhone Device because they don’t want to compromise with the security of the device. Hence, we are going to share some of the stylish examples of the iPhone 12 Case Cover in this blog.
@1. RINGKE Fusion X:
Tough and Semi-Transparent are the features of RINGKE Fusion X Model of iPhone 12 Case Cover. This is a slim cover with a lightweight feature for the protection of your handset. 
@2. Leather iPhone Case Cover For 12 Model:
The next model is about the leather iPhone 12 Case Cover in UK. When you are looking for something ruff and tuff then the models of this range are effective for you because it is a great example of a genuine, premium, and soft case covers with a unique look.
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@3. ANEMAT Clear Case For iPhone 12:
The next model in this list is about the ANEMAT Clear Case for iPhone 12. This is a lovely and beautiful example with the shine through and ships with extra two screen protectors. The cover is made with the high-quality materials which are responsible for extending the life of your iPhone. 
@4. Wallet Floral Design Case Cover for iPhone 12:
Last but not least one amazing model of iPhone Case Cover is Wallet Floral Design Case Cover for iPhone 12. This is the Mini Case Wallet that provides an extra layer of security to your mobile phone and also comes with the feature of storage for card or cash. The case cover also enables the access of camera, phone, and speakers for the hassle-free use.
Also read: https://topsitenet.com/article/491548-key-factors-to-consider-mobile-phone-cover-uk/
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The song Tony sings to Morgan every night
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so
and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear
Tony thought the world looked a little different at night.
Calm,almost inviting... like he could just drawn all his sorrow there,calm down his brain for once.
He doesn't like staying at home when the moon is bleeding red.
Morgan loved the night too. Liked to peer through the window of her treehouse at the endless sky,at the reflection of the stars in the lake. The smell of lily heavy in the air.
She had the whole night ritual thing memorized since.... forever? From the beginning to the end.
First they will share their secrets of the day.
And one common aspect is those secrets can never be told to mom. Like that time daddy took her to their "secret treehouse" in the middle of the night cause it was full moon.
They successfully came back without getting caught by mom.
But then...she really, really wanted to have some juice pops before going to bed and that's how mommy caught them in red,no, juice- stained hands.
Today's secret was a big,big one though.
But daddy didn't reveal it till the very end.
After tucking her in to bed dad simply started singing "their song"
Morgan loved his singing voice.So,she didn't interrupted him.
"You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum"
She didn't know if it was just her or if his voice really seemed catchier than other days.
"I love you so and I want you to know"
Or judging by how small his voice is
may be they should have icy juice pops in the middle of the night less often.
"That I'll always be right here"
Okay, change of plan. May be not in the midnight. Never in the midnight.Because he sounds like he's about to cry...And Morgan hates to see him cry.
And no body knows,not even daddy,that she has seen him cry more times than they both would like to admit.
He cries in his sleep. About someone hitting him in his chest.Hard. Sometimes he will clunth his chest painfully. Other days his stomach. Sometimes he dreams he is falling, like there's not enough air.
She knows he'll never admit. And she doesn't make him.She gently lays down with him.Hugs him as tight as she can.
He always reaches towards her by blind instincts.He knew her touch,the sound of her footfall. He even knew her breathing patterns.
Though she had no words, she murmured lovingly and he understood her gentle murmuring better than all speech.She would throw her arms round his neck; she would rub her cheek against her father's.
And it would always calm him down.
She thought may be she needs to do the same thing this time.
She hopes it will work.
"And I love to sing sweet songs to you"
She threw herself in his arms and finished the last line together.
"Because you are so,so dear"
He hugged her tight and didn't show any indication of letting go anytime soon.She was more than happy to oblige.
She doesn't know how long they stayed like that.Then daddy cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.
Which was another part of their night ritual. She almost forgot. Well, almost.
Then he surprised her and kissed her forehead. Again.
Okay,that was definitely special. But not abnormal. He tends to do that.
On those days, when she stays specially a good little girl.Every year on her birthdays.Everytime she achieves something new.
Or,when he has one of those bad days.
And sometimes just because...she thinks this kiss falls into none other than the "just because" category.
But then something astonishing happened.
He kissed.Again.
Whoa. That's crazy.
Her eyes go big like the saucer and she shoots those big brown eyes to another identical pair.
As soon as their eyes met it was as though she could guess his anguish of spirit from his quiet look of sadness. Coming closer to him, she rubbed her cheeks softly against his arms, and in dumb, puzzled fashion tried to comfort him.
Finally couldn't being able to hold it anymore she cupped his face in the same way he does whenever she wakes up from a nightmare,then looked straight into his eyes and said,"what's the big secret daddy? what's wrong?"
He looked shocked at the surreal amount of maturity in her voice and for the first time in his life,tony stark was...speechless.
"Uhh, what are you talking about, little miss?You are with me,see?what can be wrong?"
But if anything,it just bluntly declared to her that something was indeed very wrong.
"Daddy,what is it? I promise I won't tell mom."
He looked at her as a stricken doe looks in the hunter's face, whispering in silent agony,"umm,bussiness trip... there's this business trip daddy needs to attend..."
"But I thought that boring stuff was for mommy..."
"Well,you know what, Morgan? For someone so little you really captured the meaning of life..."
"Just send mommy to do it, she is bored anyway...yesterday I found her glaring at a cat,she claimed she was practicing 'the eyebrows' "
"God,I feel bad for those employees..."
"How did you do it,dad?"
"Huh, don't ask me.Nightmare,pure nightmare...Sit stotic all day.Look professional. All mannerism.No you can't touch that. That is mehegony. Make any shenanigans,and poof...you are dead....how about you just let me live and i don't know may be climb a tree or build a tree house and all that..."
Morgan chuckled and Tony willed himself to capture that sound deep,deep inside his memory.
"Give yourself some credit,dad.I wish to be as genius as you"
"Twelve percent?"
"Geez,no,aim higher"
"Okay,on a scale of 1 to 3000 because three thousand is the new infinity now how much credit should I give myself?"
"How about three thousand square?"
"For so long, I thought that's going to be my life.And now I think, ‘Oh, my God, me and the missus will be here until the grandkids attend our funerals. We’ll always be here. We’ll never move from here. Crazy."
And that's when the reality of what Tony just said sinks into him.
It's true. He doesn't wanna move.He doesn't wanna...live. After all of these...he...he... just...
He doesn't want to think about tomorrow.
For a moment, just for a moment,he let his emotions run wild because...
just because it feels so good.
Too good to be real.
He wants to live in this moment.
For and ever.
He just blurted out his wildest dreams even though it was about to get ruined.
Just like everything else in his life.
All his life he has been thriving for a place,a place where he can go,a place where he belongs,a place where he is...loved.
And now that he finally has it...no,he can't think like that.Not now.
He takes one look at his daughter,
who was trying to suppress a smile as soon as it emerges but the hopes were sipping through her eyes.
And he...he wanted to feel it.
One more time.
"So you are not going then?we,ahh, --we can finish the Lego set tomorrow. And pizza, movie nights...And mom,she can practice her glare on them,those are for moms,my dad is--"
"A mechanic?or better yet the dishwasher-man? But I have to tell you,for the record, these dishwashing stuffs are really underrated, Morgan,where are you--"
Tony watched as she went to the closet sprinting leaving him to anticipate what crazy idea came to her head this time, God,she really was a lively thing,handful sometimes,and,boy,did he love her?
"Ironman," Morgan,or should he say ironman,emerged from the closet,with the mask and repulsor gloves ,"my dad is ironman,earth's best defender, the strongest avenger...", she said moving her hands anematically.
She pointed one of her gloves at him and giggled ,"Boom!"
Tony pretended to drop dead.
She tiptoed near him, touched his face,her hands were bare now,the repulsor gloves were abandoned on the floor.
"Dad?" less than a whisper,so small.
Tony decided to play a little hard. Didn't move, didn't budge.
And everything went quite for a while,Tony wondered what she was up to this time.
Next thing he knew it was raining down on him.Little raindrops fell down on his face.But was it raindrop though?
Cause last he checked it was summer and even if it rained he was inside his house.
Little did he know there was a little cloud hanging in his house. Yes, his sunshine has turned into a cloud. All because he was an idiot.
"Hey,shh,hey,hey,hey, I thought we were playing?"
A nod. Too engrossed in crying to manage a reply.
"I'm so sorry. Did I scare you?"
"Okay,breathe,take a breath,kiddo..."
"It was like---"
He didn't push her to say anything.
"One of m-mm...you,ahh,"she stuttered over her words, growing frustrated, finally growled," my nightmares, it's like new York,w'rmhole,y..'ou,...,'nd ,and that man telling to shu...tttt, shut it,the portal" a hiccup, "and then...youuuu,you fell,eyes closed...I..."
Tony didn't want to hear anymore.He too had nightmares about it,still raw as ever,still real,but Morgan?she shouldn't...why would she have nightmares? she's just a little girl,his little girl,she should dream about nice things... unicorns and rainbows and all that...
And,and may be about candies too...
not that he ever knew what childhood dreams feel like,never experienced them firsthand,cause his childhood was...yeah,less than ideal,but why would anything like that touch her ever?
"Okay,fetch up,who was it?Who told you?"
"Miss Amenda...our history teacher"
He didn't need to hear anymore. Of course,it was part of history. Of course, Morgan is shown live footages, it's was a pretty big deal,alien invasion and all...
He was going to ask why she never told him anything about it but she spoke first.
"Please don't ... go?"
And he knew she was not just talking about the ,uhh, which he decided to call "Bussiness trip" ; but it was beyond that...
"Sure," a fake smile. A pair of teary eyes.
When we express our thought in words, the medium is not found easily. There must be a process of translation, which is often inexact, and then we fall into error.
But brown eyes need no translating; the mind itself throws a shadow upon them. In them thought opens or shuts, shines forth or goes out in darkness, hangs steadfast like the setting moon or like the swift and restless lightning illumines all quarters of the sky.
And in that moment, Morgan knew he's leaving. But his eyes screamed that he didn't want to,she could feel it in her bones.They why?For a genius,she was an idiot.
"Ahh, Morgan... actually,I ...truth is..."
"Is that why the bland looking grandpa came?to take you away with them?The one who looks like a bird just flew away with his sandwich?"
"Yeah,yeah,if you ever feel dumb,not that you ever will,you are the brightest girl,most genius girl I know..."
"Daddy's girl..."
"Ah,yes, let me finish it...in case you ever feel blue just remember that crap-tain american-a once tried to choke a robot"
That made Morgan go pikachu and Tony misinterpreted that as wonder.
Morgan came closer to him. If that was even possible. She came near his ear,her voice barely a whispered,"Is that cap...is he," a pause, "the one?....Is he the one? who hurt you?with that sheild?"
And for the second time in that night, Anthony Edward Stark's throat was full of cotton.
After several attempts he gave up trying to talk and just focused on breathing. Yeah, breathe, that's important, that's priority,but...
"Morgu-u-u-na, H- o-w?" It seemed like he was learning those three words for the first time in his life,"You might want to stop doing that. I am just a man with heart condition and all. And I didn't know until now that I was raising a little Sherlock Holmes all along"
Morgan looks instantly taken aback, like she wanna take back her words..."Did I make you sad,,, I am sorry... I'm..."
"No, look, no...you didn't...if anything you, Morgan? look at me,yeah, look at me,"
He pointed his fingers at her and said those next words one by one, "YOU.DID.NOT.MAKE.ME.SAD....ok?OKAY?
But daddy needs to know, Morgan? How did you know?"
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killmrdarcy · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.2017halloween.tk/halloween-pitch-anematic-reaction/
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zlilzbrighton-blog · 8 years
Marcel Duchamp - Anematic Cinema, Duchamp was very interested in language and the use of puns and word play. Here he is challenging the concept of a silent film, where text and image are usually joined - here they are separate and non-linear, barely making any sense as a story line.
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