#angala puppington
does Clay prefer his mom or dad I think his dad more after the accident
clay is a mamas boy though and though
he only tried to give arthur attention because his mom was well gone
of course arthur saw right though clay
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I'm sorta(?) obsessed with Angela as a character. i mean, she basically stands at the core of all the drama of the series. I love how her figure is looming above Clay's every action, as if before anything he looks into her eyes first and then chooses the worst course of action simply bc he believes he doesn't deserve anything better. Its amazing how large of a figure she was in his life and how much she shaped him as a person and how detrimental the trauma from her death is for him. i love how she is basically someone who, figuratively speaking, «died for his sins» first. in a certain way she is more of Jesus to him, that Jesus himself – simply bc he saw her die for him in front of him, he heard her say that, that's much more impactful for a child that what some book says. besides, she is basically his Creator too, so does it mean that he killed his God(ess).
also, aside from her influence on Clay's life, i love the snippets of her own character that we get from Passing. i have a feeling that she is more of that depressed 50s housewife archetype than bloberta. she was an unconventional, irresponsible mother but hey i respect that, she had her priorities set. she loved horse riding and amusement parks. also, her and Arthur are shown to be high school sweethearts turned sour overtime and i love that depiction even if it's just a few frames. I wonder when she felt that probably he wasn't the right one after all. How lonely she actually felt before Clay was born? Did she felt trapped? Did she felt like her life was a closed circle of hose chores now?Maybe she too didn't have that much of a motherly instincts towards her stillborn children, only after giving birth to a living child she felt something. I feel like if she hadn't died, her relationship with Clay would have turned very emotionally codependent. He would've become a different flavour of fucked up then, but still.
Also, i find that Clay's oedipal dream sequence in nesting kinda distasteful, thought. im a psychology major, so perhaps it maybe be due to my own professional deformation, but I've noticed that despite having little to no empirical proof, Oedipus complex is still relatively alive in the mainstream. And i strongly suspect that it's because it's a socially acceptable way of joking about incest. so to me it felt bit disrespectful to Angela and her struggles and her relationship with Clay. Its a weird way of satirising the source of his behaviour, bc no one else gets the same treatment. there's no implications that Orel is oedipal or Joe, or anyone else with known mothers. It's just Clay and Angela. Plot-wise, i understand that it was sorta necessary to establish how Censodoll got an upper hand on him later. But i still believe that that part could have been done a thousand other ways and still be way better that shit like Oedipus. I feel like it cheapens and waters down their dynamics a lot. I also don't find trauma from parental issues that ironic or funny tbh. (and it becomes worse if you know that in Freud's concept, a poorly resolved Oedipus may lead to homosexuality among other things – and Clay somehow gets fucking both??? overbearing mother and her abrupt death before complex gets resolved so he's sorta stuck?? so, what does it mean for him? that he subconsciously chose Bloberta and Francis as Angela's substitute(lame)? that he's also attracted to men bc of identification with mother(homophobic stereotype)?) i know it's probably not that deep and show writers likely threw that joke in there without thinking about all the nuances that might appear. but it lined up with Clay's story pretty poorly tbh. it's me who's overanalising this shit, it honestly keeps me up at night.
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Hii I hope u're having a good day. I wanted to ask what kind of relationship you think Orel would have with Angela if she was still alive?
i honestly think she wouldn't pay much attention to orel
ironically i think she would focus her attention on shapey
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I wonder how Angela’s relationship with Bloberta would be like if she was still alive 🤔
excellent question
i think she'd be your somewhat stereotypical mother in law and just tell her precious only ever that he's making a big mistake
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im a tiny bit disappointed the lost commandments were sort of fizzled out like i get it that it would be TO repetitive but it was a funny gag nonetheless right?
i could never tell if clay picked it up from his mother or if moralton just had it from the start
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here's something ive always wondered are the lost commandments REAL or are they just something that came out of angala puppingtons ass
and moralton just adapted to them
.....this is what happens when i over think shit
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