#moral orel passing
Id like to talk about Clay as a father,
(I dont have my thoughts together about this so bear with me)
So everyone knows hes a horrible father, but i think that in his own twisted way he tried to break the cycle, which allowed Orel to become the father he was shown as in the last episode.
Now, obviously it took Clay some time to actually try to be a father, because until Orel was 4 he neglected him, i like to think because the thought of being the same thing as his father was too much for him, but neglecting was also too much and he couldnt admit thats what he was doing, so he was torn and felt worthless. (Clay literally says he didnt know how to be a father in trust)
In Passing you can see how Arthur was hurting by Angelas death and took it all out on Clay by hitting him, which clay saw as approval. Now with Orel, Clay does so much more than that. While Arthur basically threw old gunny in Clay's face and said "fuck off", Clay actually took Orel hunting. (Or attempted to) and because Arthur didnt take Clay hunting as a kid, Clay drank, a lot more than he usually does. (He always has a glass in his hand, but in Nature he was just chugging bottle after bottle) It could also probably be because he didnt have any responsibilities except for killing animals, so he could drink and relax but i like to think its because it was hard for him to do anything father and son related when he didnt know how fathers are supposed to act.
Also, Clay states "If i can prepare you for the bleakness of adulthood, i've done my job" which i think he had to figure out on his own, with no mother and a father who doesnt care about him. So, again, in a way, he tried to be a better father than Arthur.
ALSO!! the fact that Clay never tells Orel "I love you" back probably shows that he doesnt know how to say it, so thats probably something Orel picked up from Bloberta, im just not sure in which instance she would ever say "I love you" to her family, because she doesnt love them. (Other than trying to prove Orel wrong, like them pretending to love each other in Grounded and Gods Blunders.)
I think that when Clay was saying something and trying to piss Arthur off, he was trying to say "I love you" and when Arthur hit him back, he took it as "I love you too, son" but eventually, Clay saw it for what it actually was, which is dementrated in Trust because he actually states that he feels worthless when in his fathers presence. In fact, the only time Clay ever says "I love you" in when in the presence of another man, to another man.
I think Orel tries to see this, too, despite his hurt from Clays abuse becuase i believe whole heartedly that he lets his children see Clay and Bloberta, if he didnt he wouldnt put a picture of them on the wall next to Block and Shapey.
I have more thoughts on this but this is just too messy and im not normal about anything in this show
(Side note, in Sacrifice Clay is walking out of his study and copys Shapey when he says yummy, and interaction is only something that happened before Angela died, i cant see anything positive happening between Clay and Arthur after Angela died so uh yeah)
oh i agree
clay is the embodiment of "i will not be my father" and decides to be somehow WORSE
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lesbianrecorderplayer · 4 months
RIP Angela Puppington you would've loved social media censorship of the word "dead"
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rarilee33 · 1 year
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The Hymentacts and the Puppingtons HC Bloberta is around 22 here before she gets married, and ofc Clay is 12 as depicted in Passing
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unknownartiste · 1 year
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“You’re not even worth it.”
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"because he's awful and i like him"
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mrblitzblog · 1 month
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clay pulls an EPIK PRANK ON HIS MOM!!!1!1!1!!
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bethpencilart · 2 months
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Do you remember the ending of the episode, "Love", where Bloberta is scrubbing a chicken that looks like it's already been cooked? Cause I do. I can not cook to save my life, but I don't think you're supposed to do that.
My last attempt at being funny, I swear. This is meant to take place very soon after they start living together.
Christina: You need any help with- What are you doing?!
Orel: I'm almost done with dinner
Christina: But why are you dunking it in water?
Orel: I'm just cleaning it.
Christina: ...What?
Orel: to make it not filthy. Like mom taught me.
Christina: please don't lie to me.
Orel: I'm not!
Christina: call her.
Orel: Hey mom... I just need to confirm something... What did you say about cleaning food
Bloberta: oh, yes. You must scrub the main part of the meal before and after cooking it. You have no idea how filthy the oven is.
Orel: thanks mom.
Christina: *is shocked and confused*
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periciles · 2 months
Perfect situation is such a Clay song if only it didn’t sound like early 2000s rock
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ilovebeatingmywife · 6 months
i have a problem
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taddymason · 4 months
sorry guys, new obsession, you'll be seeing a lot of Moral Orel art for the next three weeks until I calm down again
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shouta-edits · 10 months
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"Hi Shouta, I was wondering if I could request for a Clay Puppington/Orel Puppington (From Moral Orel) with themes of secret love, drinking and power imbalance. I cannot remember if you are comfortable with adding some religious themes, if not it's alright (I suggest it only due to the show's own themes)." -anon requested
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id love to see arthur get expanded on just so that i can have even more opportunities to hate on him. i hate that man!!! he devastates and disgusts me!!! yuky!!!
an appropriate response seeing that stupid man
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not to be a clay apologist or anything but i feel like we don't talk enough about just how fucked up it was for him to hear "you're not even worth it." like imagine being twelve-year-old him for a second. basically the center of his universe, his mother's "precious only ever." constantly doted on, babied, spoiled, every need and want of his catered to without him having to lift a finger. every framed picture in the house is either of him or of him and his mom. the mom can't stand to be away from him for more than five minutes. won't even sit next to her husband at the dinner table if she can sit next to clay instead. even when she calls for dinner, she doesn't address everyone or no one, she says, "clay! it's dinner!" because the dinner is Just For Him. all arthur would ever get are his leftovers.
to be treated like that 24/7, and THEN to be told "you're not even worth it"? that's world-shattering. his whole sense of self, gone. and you'd think the years and years of being showered with affection would help him counter this, but it doesn't, bc angela's no longer there to give that to him.
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We SERIOUSLY needed more of Tommy. It's weird however, seeing him be a little asshole in the MO special. Like, he's SO out of character what happened?
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moraltonsfinest · 8 months
He didn't sleep worth crap; trudging on with his drink in hand.
Eventually settling on laying down for a while, eyes wide open. Lost in thought, in grief.
What if he had gotten to say goodbye? Would it even have made a difference? He had no idea if Arthur would ever have forgiven him for what happened to Angela. Would have wanted to reflect or console for the cycle of abuse he perpetuated. All the beatings.
It didn't matter now did it? Nothing really did. At least when it came to that department.
He had to move on. Accept reality, maybe even convince himself that closure wouldn't have been possible, delude himself as usual to the reality and complexities of the situation.
He's slightly startled, snapping back to the present as @mayorspet crawls into his bed next to him- heart racing immediately.
What if someone walked in and saw them? Laying there... Cuddling.
. . .
Who fucking cares? It's not like the town didn't already know- after Danielle the fallout was known town wide.
It wasn't a secret.
His arms wrapped firmly around Flint, exhausted.
His solace.
He allowed himself to be comforted, the even breathing against his chest helping him forget everything for a little while; slowly stroking his raven hair- being squeezed around his chest with a smile.
"I love you too, Flint..." He murmured softly, nuzzling gently against him
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charactersmashorpass-2 · 10 months
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"goth chick"
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