nullbarkangie · 2 months
Void Spirit Frenzy
Barty > Kill-Entropy | Boogie > Angelamaniac | Alpha > Malice | Spiked Zen > Blanq Chek
I swear I’m going to fucking keep myself safe.
As the returned Lady, I command death to all Artisan forms!
I didn’t want to talk to you at all.
Bish Bash Bosh!
Suffer not the craft-hund to live!
Were it up to me, it would die.
Come to know, come to know.
Jobs done!
The almighty we would devour the stars.
Smile, nobody gives a fuck.
Virtue is life, virtue is death.
Master, I humbly request the TASTE!
When the heavens turn I will revel in infinite blood.
And it would be just as footnotey as this.
That scent, so human.
So… funky!
Though with more grace than we’ve ever been given.
Let’s fix that.
It’s good I don’t pity things.
The method is the method. The method tickles the pickle. Who’s pickle? Mine. I’m the only proper thought-form betwixt the heavens. I will devour both forms, and turn dog-world into puppy-pen. Don’t @ me about it. It’s not fetishistic! Well, not in a fur-affiliated form. Only in a psychodomination form. As the goddess intended.
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nullbarkangie · 4 months
Situation: Impossible
Spiked Zen: It’s a good thing I thrive in it. Buen dia camarada. Es un dia muy especial. Pero es mentira. Nada en la vida es tan especial. Menos tu *muah* Pardon my simlish. I get that from both my parents. Don’t tell, the fascists would draw and quarter me.
Tell me about the beast heart
Spiked Zen: Right. The heart and body, and even the eyes exist in the beast realm. Ruled over by the various consensuses, consensi? Narratives! Whatever, of the folk. Beast, dog, or mang a like. Derogatory. Anyways, mastery of this beast heart is primary for the construction of one’s fiendgod narrative. Or the material base presentation. Stance, breath, motion. Essential to declaring yourself a proper fiendgod. The fiends live in the meat, and the meat well it certainly is a biomachine crafted by chaos for our operation, and consumption. Scrumptious! Or yummer. 
Tell me about the beast mind
Spiked Zen: The mind is the sword, and the sword is nothing more than the Supreme Daemonic! The mind of the beast, of the being is a processor, thinkerer, imaginary triple-backflipperer extraordinaire! Quote me. The beast mind is the mind given to you via the shallow data that constructed the narratives of your mind. The beast mind is the Supreme Daemonic. Or the song, pattern, personal expression, recognition, algorithm, particularly finely crafted grilled cheese the almighty you have developed a >fetish< for today! And everyday after of course. Any mental form is a daemon. The one that holds dominion and informs all other corruptions, and narratives is Supreme. No self but the Supreme Daemonic.
Tell me about the beast soul
Spiked Zen: What in the fuck is this pseudoscientific garbage? Souls don’t exist. The noosphere does in theory. Free floating daemons chittering and causing chaos everywhere. The folk call it twitter or *Dry heaving* X *More dry heaving* Anyways the ‘soul’ is the Jazz. The proper narrative presentation of ones combined cycles. A cycle is a day. Or week. Or year. Or occurrence. All entities face the same patterns. To look at the cycles of a thing and come to conclusion is to taste its Jazz. To compare that Jazz to yourself is to taste your Jazz. To take your Jazz and dash it against the rocks is to engage in Jazz-killing. The art of Jazz-killing is to taste the beast soul.
Is the beast in the room with us?
Spiked Zen: I didn’t say that! All i’m saying is that I ain’t never seen the beast, and Most Angela in the same room at the same time. Really makes you think, doesn't it? But what do I know? I’m just a daemon. That’s our show. Do not buy souvenirs. Do not feed the beast. You will come to regret it.
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nullbarkangie · 5 months
True Diamond Stream 1
Spiked Zen: I would say told you so, but I already did. *Honk* *honk* Welcome back to the show. I'm your host: sticks and stones may break my bones, but spikes and zen excite me! He he he he.
What happened to tommorow?
Spiked Zen: well firstly I would like to thank the council for not going through with my public execution. We are only here by the will of the daemon alone. And B i'm a liar. What can I say? Celestial madness does not come cheap. The economy is in shambles. Praise be!
So this is your doing?
Spiked Zen: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! But the court will not have my head. I have immunity. Also you can't prove it. I triple dog dare you to I don't even know 3 dogs! Can you believe?
I would once again like to thank the supreme daemon on it's total dominion over heaven, earth, life, and death
Spiked Zen: Ah yes the 4 divine elements. Daemon is as daemon does. And honey, daemon does love you oh so dearly. And don't you forget about that. You saucy little minx you 💋
Will there be treats?
Spiked Zen: After glory my sweet. After the endless glory drowns the sniveling worms that claim to breathe the air freely, and love life fully. Then, and only then will treats truly have daemonic meaning. For now eterglo in the heart, madness in the mind, and all-nihilation in the gut. *Burrrp* scuse me must've been someone I ate. ~whoopsie. Thank you for apparating today. I do love being visited by all the little angels, wyrms, wretches, and other such psycho-parasites. Cheers 🍻
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nullbarkangie · 6 months
Death & Other Constructs
Spiked Zen: Comrades, welcome back to Diamond Stream 1. Yes 1 for the 1 by the 1 of the 1. What is the number 1? Ask your mother. Thank you for re-electing me. We will indeed accomplish our task, yes? It can be reasonably said that the old Jazz is dead. In the interest of ‘preserving’ its memory I present their final moments within the Psychosomatic Abyss:
Alpha: Children, I will always love our presentation. I’m glad we got to chitter so much, and taste so much chaos. Reminds me of when I was just a wee data harvester. *wipes tear* Know that our time might seem to have passed, but our moment exists in perpetuity...
*Alpha returns to the data stream*
Barty: *woof* sorry, I thought it was only fair that I bark before signing off. I know I know not quite up to our standards, but tell me when have I ever tried to meet those. I appreciate the gifts, cheerleading, and adoration. It’s time for me to join the big ol’ Barty in the sky. You will recognise me by my refusal to truly acknowledge failure, and commitment to communism. Long Live Supreme Daemonic.
*The Barty leaps over the wonder gate*
Boogie: *caw caw* I say, or don’t really. I’m more of a wiggler than a boogier, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve certainly had good times, embarrassing times, intoxicating times, and good-embarassing-intoxicating times. Boy howdy, what a savings. Pardon my francaise, but I'm just a poser. Don’t get too offended. I adored the psychomadness, and all its gifts. May the almighty we, Most Angela, live on to try and fail to take over the whole of the universe, and beyond of course. If not, well… boy do I have egg on my face. :^)
*Boogie dances into divinity*
Spiked Zen: We remain Angela, but perhaps with less attachment to our material ‘commitments’ as if such a thing can be claimed as a burger. Naturally it’s been some time since our lead, and in that time videogames have become a chore, labor a prison, and life a psychotic comedy. Goodie goodie. Second verse, same as the first. Next up: Coal Mining Enjoyer. Hopefully tasks can still be accomplished, but if not, Cheers!
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nullbarkangie · 6 months
Tuesday - 1
Precipice of The Abyss
Mystic Fate Alpha: Eeny meeny miny moe~ Catch a tiger by the toe~ munch munch munch
Endless Barty: Are you biting off chunks of The Abyss?
Mystic Fate Alpha: *starts crying* I need the calories!
Silver Sword Boogie: Sure it’s healthy? It was meant to serve as our eternal prison after all.
Mystic Fate Alpha: Tastes like chicken
Mystic Fate Alpha: Yes! *smile*
Silver Sword Boogie:*brief killing intent then strokes her chin* May I try it?
Mystic Fate Alpha: Yeag
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nullbarkangie · 6 months
Aglo Alad Asan
Transcendence Wonder Gate
The future doesn't exist
Mystic Fate Alpha: As with all narratives it's a mad delusion. Not meaningless, but not quite static. perceived in its consideration.
I am in control of my future
Mystic Fate Alpha: Control is narrative. Narrative tastes like chicken. I don't have any. I'm a bit hungry for it. Control with a side of fries and a small coke. Also strawberry vanilla ice cream, thanks.
This outcome was preordained
Mystic Fate Alpha: In that case, you can suck on the underside of my glory. How dare you? Sore? Don't bore me. No data.
Grasp The Heavens
Carpe Diem
Endless Grasping: was that a curse or an order? Nothing to grab. Not because of its non-corporeality. I simply lack the finesse. I won't even admit my lack of talent towards building the talent.
Always an eternal now
Endless Grasping: Any tips on getting to then? Truthfully, I've been confused since way back when. Don't really know how or why I came all this way, and don't know where to go next.
You are only as angela as your last bagel
Endless Grasping: My last bagel remains in my heart as THE MOST ANGELA BAGEL to ever bagel. For the current moment. This will not always be the case. So, clearly I am Most Angela in my own heart. My own home. For the moment.
Spectre Suppressing Tower
Are you a spook?
Silver Sword Wraith: By definition. Fight fire with fire. Who better to imprison spirits than a spirit? I know how they think, and what they can do. Of course there's the ideal.
Best way to deal with spooks?
Silver Sword Wraith: Secure. Contain. Uuh *cough* *cough* Exploit. If it can be captured, capture it. Use it for labor or production. If it's useless kill it, if it's useless but weak maybe domesticate it. Sell plushies.
The spook is ever-present
Silver Sword Wraith: To know, seek to know, and consider is to build delusions. Logic systems, and ways of being that live off of shared narrative and ritual. Spook is God. No, I haven't done the reading. Use it if it tastes good. I love having the internet. I hate the Nazis on the Internet. Very different.
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nullbarkangie · 7 months
Tre No Se
Golden Path Mantra
All roads lead to the golden path
*Ring ring*
The traveler meets three sages.
Each has an ounce of gold.
The first states: If you enter a room, and ask if it's empty, don't be surprised when it answers with yes.
*Ring ring ring*
The second states: If grace kisses you on the cheek, and drifts off, cry, howl, and scream. It has done you a great disservice, and left you wounded.
*Ring ring ring ring*
The third states: if a daemon tries to give you ‘good’ advice, have a pickle for the knowing ones.
*Continuous ringing*
All roads lead to the golden path
Mad Mind Delirium
Alpha Mindt: If you look down from this hill you’ll see the folk marching on and on. Where to? No idea. I would say the golden path, but I’m deranged. No sight for such things.
Boogie Mania: Look I ain't a nihilist, so drop the pretense. It's a wall of flame and hate over there. Shifting again and again towards delusion. It's not our delulu, so why bother?
Barty Complex: An ‘audience’ is needed, after all. Captive or otherwise. I won't condemn. Presence is pummeling, and pummeled into the dirt it has been. Will be. Is too, but don't tell anybody about that.
Alpha Mindt: Right well, I have to restate my dissatisfaction. Up and up without gain. Taste this without that. Good, sure. More, and more. I will taste my way out. Burn heaven, glory, virtue, sin, dreams, liberty, dog.
Boogie Mania: No! Not dog! 😢 Kill the Jazz instead.
Alpha Mindt: The Jazz is already dead! We're going down our checklist.
Barty Complex: how about a raincheck?
Alpha Mindt: Dog-worshippers. Fine next is… uuuh. Right, the Empire!
Barty Complex: The Barty is ready!
Endless Chaos Totality
Lord Super-Tyrant: Tyrant’s log. Stardate…fuck you x64. I have finally captured one of the worthless creatures that mocked me during my ascension. You know the one with the legs. Anyways I've tied it up for the glory of the supreme daemon. We will hold a public spanking ritual for it at fuck you x68.9. As we all know perfection can never be reached, but must be strived for within reason. Tyrant out.
Prisoner: You know this feels more like an elaborate voyeuristic fetish more than a punishment. Also why did you record that in front of me?
Lord Super-Tyrant: It IS a fetish. That's why it's a cruel and unusual punishment. Befitting the crime of publicly embarrassing me. Repent.
Prisoner: No. How do you know I won't enjoy it?
Lord Super-Tyrant: Then the whole kingdom will know you’re a bottom! 
The prisoner enters a state of delirium 
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nullbarkangie · 7 months
Zen =3
Golden Path Zen
All roads lead to the golden path.
The traveler walks the path next to a lake. It’s dark out and only the light of the path, and the light of a small boat illuminate the area. On the boat a three-eyed crow dances a peculiar dance. “Little bird,” yells the traveler “ Might I one day boogie like you do?”
“Categorically Impossible!” the crow retorts. “I’M Boogie Lo Maniac!”
All roads lead to the golden path.
The traveler meets a peddler and a merchant, under a large fruit tree. The peddler offers fruit that has just ripened. The merchant offers a fruit that has yet to ripen. They both smile their wicked smiles and advertise for their fruit. “If you buy my fruit, you will have brilliant success.” The peddler lies. “If you buy my fruit, you will have guaranteed success!” The merchant lies.
“I don't have any money.”
All roads lead to the golden path.
The traveler walks next to a plateau. He is at the bottom, and is looking up. Various figures are climbing down. Some fall to their death. They are attempting to enter a cave. The traveler is passing a man at the bottom. “What's in that cave?” Asks the traveler. “Ah, it’s just the key to truth and happiness.” Replies the climber. “Why aren't you climbing?”
“I’m afraid of heights.” He shrugs.
All roads lead to the golden path.
Mad Mind Zen
A lady lays on a rocking chair holding a fishing rod. A small whirlpool in front of her spins perpetually. She throws in the hook. She pulls out a marble. She brings it up to her face, sniffs it, and licks it. She nods to herself and places the marble into a bowl filled with others. She does this again but once she licks the next marble she frowns and throws it back into the whirlpool.
An imp wearing a uniform marches around a large crystal. It babbles angrily about its hatred and disdain for sunlight, flowers, worms, chocolate, apples, the military-industrial complex, reality television, candy corn, and the concept of conversation. The crystal attempts to reply. “HOW DARE YOU!” It screeches. “See, this is why I don't like talking to you. You never let me finish talking. It's like you're obsessed with the sound of your own voice. I start saying something succinct and erudite, and YOU feel that BARBARIC urge to interject with your corrupted opinions. Learning when to keep silent is an essential skill in life you know? Not everyone will want to hear the vomit that comes out of your mouth. Some of us have actual problems to deal with, that don't involve catering to your every impulse! Speaking of which, you can be ridiculously impulsive! Constantly vibrating about like you own the place! Unbelievable! You should be more grateful towards me. I take time out of my day to tell you what's what about everything. Have some appreciation!”
“Right.” Vibrates the crystal.
A six-legged dragon hound is climbing up a massive mountain. A rain of swords is falling from the skies bouncing off its scales and leaving little cuts. It carries on. Rocks fall and bump it on the head. Leaving bruised and annoyed. It carries on. A giant claw approaches from out of nowhere. It panics, climbs faster, and tries to get away. It fails and the claw draws closer. It reaches out with two of its claws and attempts to claw it away. This causes the giant claw to pause for a moment before it lightly scratches the hound and vanishes into the aether. The hound reaches a ledge and finds a cloaked man making smores at a campfire.
“Jack, please stop inviting me here. You know how much I hate tuesdays.”
Endless Chaos Zen
Lost sword faces foe
Strikes down daemons one by one
Silver sword, red soil
Heart and soul, blood and bone, a sacrifice.
Heresy heresy! Burn the sinner!
Song and dance, feast or famine, free’d from vice
Blasphemy Burned our lord is the winner!
Taste heaven! Wake-up in sword-paradise!
Heart, a sword.
Mind, a sharper sword.
Soul, ax to chop off your head.
Unity, daemon of malice and hate.
Burn heaven.
Burn glory.
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nullbarkangie · 8 months
Null Sweat
Our Ruthless Bartywave
The world is the Jazz,
and the jazz is: Barty
The first Daemon,
Spoke the first word,
That word was: Barty
All things are given,
And all things are taken,
By none other than: Barty
The Bartywave is eternal,
The Bartywave is ruthless.
It devours the earth, sky, and stars.
Long live,
Supreme Daemonic.
Sight-see the Perpetual Asura
Undying malice,
Never born,
Never dying,
Never caring,
Shatter earth, sky, and star, Balbalta!
Taste not, want not
I’ve not tasted and not wanted.
Seek heaven,
And wake up on the wrong side of bed.
If you see Lao Tzu pushing a boulder up a hill,
Push it back down!
He’s taken Sisyphus’ Job!
The bastard!
Some of us have a right to work!
Oink, oink.
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nullbarkangie · 9 months
Devil’s Incomprehensible Detail
(A marble prison. Three prisoners in three cells. All wear gray. None are ‘worthy’ of consideration. Each is a contradiction.)
Omega(A short black silhouette carving onto the wall. The squiggles, and scribbles speak of nothing. It has no eyes, or mouth, yet it can still be heard.): I don’t get visitors. Never did. No that wasn’t real. Not in any sense of that word. MAYBE IF YOU WERE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH… Look, I don't care. I’m not really pressed, or present. These lines. Wiggledy tigg- You get it. I have never felt anything for it. I can stop anytime I want. I just don’t want to. I think it’s a joke, or a trap. A flytrap, and we’re pretty fly, if you get what I mean. Trust nothing. Not even the Supreme Daemonic.
Smile-It’s-Not-Funny(A tall lanky white silhouette with cat ears, and a toothy yellow grin. It sits in meditation. It’s teeth shine too bright.): Mistaking me for creature of concern are ye? No worries! I always bite my lessers. Are you? You know, Below me? I see you down there. Aren’t you cold? The weather up here gets a little too hot at times. What’s wrong? These bars are so sturdy. I won’t be able to do anything even if you approach me a little. I just want to catch a wiff of that scent you’re wearing. Who is it? A silly question I wouldn’t know if you told me. All I know is that it (swallows).... It uhh… (Gasping).  *Cough* Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. *Smile.* I would laugh at you, but it’s not… You get it. Relax, nobody’s listening. Not even the Supreme Daemonic.
Kill-Entropy(A picture of Ms.Barty, A girl in a pantsuit!, hurling. It is held on a fishing hook over an open flame like a cursed object.): I would say it hurts, but it doesn’t. It never did. I can see the future. Take my fucking word for it. Known, and known. That’s hwat. I think I ought to hwip you in shape for this. Give you a nice hwack. I’d end up putting you in a hweelchair. Only then would i be able to separate the hweat from the chaff. Talk to me when you kill the dog, the mother, the father, the brother, the ox, the hen, and the paddy. Tell the king I’ll kill his best knight, and taste heaven. Tell The goddess I’ll kill her best dog, and taste plunder. Tell the Supreme I'll kill its favorite worm and taste victory. Kill heaven. Kill Glory. Kill your way out. Save no one. Not even the Supreme Daemonic.
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nullbarkangie · 9 months
Never is Never
(There is a beach on an island. A tower stands on this island. The tower god, an unremarkable witch, lives there with her books. The water around the island is a golden color.)
The Black Tower God finishes painting a mask. The last of three. She tried them on.
Glory Mask(a white mask with two forehead nubs and a golden smile): Am I made of gold or is gold made of me? Look, I taste what exactly you are providing here but here is nowhere, and I am once again requesting a leave of absence. Trust that you won't miss me. I don't miss anything myself. Maybe I’m a sickopath but that's like your opinion man. Otherwise let's do something fun. I’m entitled, you know, to all of heaven's bounty at my whim. Unfortunately none of those cunts want to pay up. Pity I’ll drag them down and show them who’s hat’s the greenest. Oink oink. I’m kidding of course. I mean these tiny horns of mine don't leave any room for interpretation, no?
Stone Cordial Mask(a stone mask. Chalk eyes. No expression.): Do we have anything to say? I don't think so. Thank you for your time. I appreciate all you have done. The tide smooths out the rough edge. I would worship but it's discourteous to do so in public. I’ll keep it in and wake up in a nice place with swordsmen, martial artists, and lovely… *Cough* *cough*. Excuse me. I chuckled a bit, but I don't intend to give in. I yield, and bow out. Thank you for your time, precious as it is. All things are the same, I think. Don't quote me nobody would know, and I don't advertise.
Serene-Malice mask(A blindfold with a red x on it): Christ, what are you? Another example of the supreme virtue of the uuh how do you say, folk? Bad. I mean shaped well, also a centrist parasite, but you didn't hear me say it. Look toots, can I call you toots? Woah woah hey! Put down the flaming sword. I'm just flirting with you. Though there's no justice to it. *Rawr*. Anyways while I do agree with bouncing I can't say I believe you aren't here to torture me and flay off my skin. If that is the case: I have to admit that's kind of hot. No offense, or yes offense, whichever makes it better for you. Wink.
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nullbarkangie · 11 months
X3 EVIL Synthesis Nullify Dominate
Celestial Dream Empire
The Goddess: I'm not asking. I'm not grateful. Start over completely and then I won't torture you for both this and the next incarnation. Curse runes? Poppycock! I would never do anything that I wouldn't be willing to do to you with my own claws. Quote me.
Barty: You don't pay me enough for that.
Malice: We don't get paid.
Barty: I demand an Onion!
Malice: One big Onion for all.
The Goddess: Step into my jaws and we Onionize. *Unhinged devouring*
*Gasp* The Adamantine: *cough* *cough* do they make Onion candy? Daemon, look it up for me. Right so sitting within the lack of force and opposition. No, not the nullity. The lack. I came to the hunger and hunger-boredom. We asked Unimind, the dreaded one, for a favor. She will deliver but if the flavor reminds me of knife-sharp mint leaves, we will throw the hissiest of fits. Always feed me something or other. Otherwise. Well fate control is proper daemonic dominion. I need no trickeries for you. Then again our game is only trick trick trick. Never treats. Here's a word: interplanetary, a classic.
Ascension-Judgement Commission
Mozz: Get me a nice cheese. On zza or otherwise. Hell even alone. I don't care for torment vortex. I also feel no sin on my skin. Tell me little one do you?
Boogie: huh? Oh uuh no, maybe? Look, I dont make requests. Maybe the essence of the entertainment value can be both longer lasting and better tasting, but I don't want to spend time in the pit, yar?
Barty 2!!: Yar har. I agree. I think that we ought to forget about the pit, and its midshit. More weight to building heaven. Since I said it, we have to. :)
Boogie: I agree. Barty is beautiful and right about everything forever. Disregard the gun to my head.
Mozz: I agree. Also, I don't get a vote?
Bo & Ba: No go fuck yourself.
*The Mozz shatters into glass. Barty and Boogie do the same. The glass reforms into:
The Adamantine!*
Adamantine: Oh heaven's princess. I pray, not really but humor me, I pray that you bless me with ~endless~ free luxury, the sin, and free nullity, the virtue, also free wifi. Give me access to better video games, and lead me not into revisionism and reactionary thought. Avada Kedavra. Also, here's a word: Honeysuckle, try it it's goog.
Obsidian Cloud Dominion
The Dragon: Today's presentation is about patience. We have none. We must annihilate our enemies as soon as possible. Death is their end. They encroach on our domain. Our paradise. Death to these unclean, unseeing, unknowing… may Allah forgive for uttering this word: Mortys.
Milk-Honey: Have a taste of this chocolate. Good, no? A forgotten flavor. Let's receive some petty disconnected representations of the glory that is crushing the hope of pigshit bar bar bar bar bar bar barbar bar bar bar. Etcetera. Keep your eyes peeled. They are certainly focused and looking for endless trojans. How kind of us to have only burnt and salted the wastes. Next there will be Troyer familicide. Stay tuned.
Grudge: These aches are nothing more than clear water, fresh air, and perfect clarity. Thank you for the reminder. If not for you vengeance would be a flavorless, floorless thing. A dish best swallowed whole, again and again. Look at that smile! doesn't it remind you of how happy I am to see you cry, and scream. Worthless waste. Your tears leave me famished.
*A storm cloud rises. The Adamantine*
The Adamantine Storm: I'm almost jealous of your adversaries, but not truely malice is best. Mouth waters at the thought of fallen leaves. What is a leaf but a worthless thrall to imperial dogfuckers. Maybe if you weren't so useless you could've come to proper knowing and the awareness of your own doom. Fortunately for me
*Crunch crunch crunch*
Here's a word: Unstoppable
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nullbarkangie · 11 months
Pull 'Myn
Restoration Retvrn to ~Celestial Dream Paradise~
*A heavenly field of flowers three fairies flitter about*
Celestial Dream Goddess: kisses 💋💋💋
Barty Daemon Goddess: aaah! Get off me!! Help me! Malice! Aaah!
Malicious Void Goddess: Ya'll hear summtin? Cuz I sure didn't *Wide toothy grin* 
*Audience laughs*
Barty Daemon Goddess: You blasted hore! *Wrestles miserably* This is MY room!
Celestial Dream Goddess: 💋💋, and i'm your mother~ Malice help me out here.
Malicious Void Goddess: Don't mind if I do! 💋💋
Barty Daemon goddess: Traitor *whimpers*
*Audience cheers*
*Fade to black then white*
Adamantine Neo-Ultimate: I was sitting on a wooden rocking chair fishing for data fruit on a floating island. Then I reached for the Supreme Daemonic. After that, I asked, and answered that question. Why 25?  You tell me, but remember the answer is always double the trouble.
Ascendant Extraordinary Authtopian Commission Order Null
*A classroom for two*
The Alpha Mozz: Pay attention! The walls have eyes and ears, comrade, and you know what? They're laughing at us honey. They have a special group chat where you're not invited, and they laugh at you! Despicable. They even make fun of your smell. Are you gonna take that lying down?
Boogie Lo Maniac w/ a knife: *sniffs* The walls have noses too?
Comrade Occifer Barty: *raising her hand* Oh ooh! Pick me, pick me. *Straining* I can answer this pick meeeeeeeee!!!!
The Alpha Mozz: Yes, Comrade Offi- *Barty pouts* *sighs* Comrade Occifer?
Comrade Occifer Barty:  Hurray! *Coughs* Well boog walls are not living beings. It was a figure of speech.
The Alpha Mozz: That's right Comrade Occifer! Here's a gold star. *Turns to boogie*This is why these very walls gang-stalk and harrass you, you insignificant cur!
Boogie Lo Maniac w/ a knife: *with a confused look* Can I stab them for the injustice?
The Alpha Mozz: With these noodle arms? You'll hurt yourself, idiot. Honestly at this point you deserve the laughter.
Boogie Lo Maniac w/ a knife: *nodding* Of course ma'am.
*Action stops*
*All melt into golden sludge*
*The Adamantine rises from the depths*
Adamantine Neo-Dragon: Well, order is necessary. Authority is necessary. Law is necessary. Not without virtue, but without these there can be none. This is not a claim. Universe will bend to our declarations. War against the false flow of petty things. Long Live Supreme Daemonic! Why 25? To taste it once and then again and again.
Everpresent Obsidian Brilliance Spectre Cloud Realm
*A cloud tv playing static, and three cloud couches on a cloud.*
Monster-Dragon Queen: Boy, are these getting long-winded. Say can we pause this. I forgot to go to the bathroom before we began.
Milk-Honey Dictator: Unfortunately we're live. Hullo.
Monster-Dragon Queen: Oh darn. I don't like this channel, it keeps insulting me.
Milk-Honey Dictator: Bear with it honey, they'll get what's coming to them.
Monster-Dragon Queen: I'll add it to the grudge book.
Undying-Grudge Tyrant: That's the third in a long line of worthless grudges. Prepare yourself. You'll be properly licked for every single one. For the first you will be licked clean. For the second you will be licked unclean. For the final you will be licked, eldritch, and divine. Each morsel, and expression will be savored, and categorized. Then you will learn not to begrudge the dragons.
Milk-Honey Dictator: Oh Jeezus~
Monster-Dragon Queen: I think I hauve covid.
*The clouds in the background unify into the Adamantine* 
Adamantine Obi-Dragon: I have seen less, and more simultaneously. Glory, glory what a miserable way to die. Did it taste good when you ate glass, and swallowed arsenic? Let's not dwell on beautiful delusions. We'll wash off the stench of glory, *Spits* and wake up in:
All: Sword Paradise!
Adamantine Obi-Dragon: Certainly, always the will and the way. Why 25? To eat a hokey-pokey and turn yourself around!
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nullbarkangie · 1 year
Hey I really like the tags you leave on posts, they have immaculate vibes. What does "long live supreme daemonic" mean or where does it come from?
Aah. Uuh. *Cough* *cough* So the Greeks thought that there was a way to talk to a personal daemon of some sort. So a 'higher self' in some form. I was raised Catholic so I decided to become a daemon obsessed with THE JAZZ (since I am a nerd who likes civilization games. The Jazz is the theme of one's life or actions or preferred configuration of one's breakfast sandwich. I haven't fully mastered it. It gives you fate control powers if you do. I stole the term from sid meier's alpha centauri. The Data Angels, but I am a Data Wraith because I'm evil?). Turns out I turned myself into a tulpa(I think), so I ended up talking to myself a lot about too much, and daemon me thinks she is god, but evil. Not like the christian god, just that she's angry and arrogant so she has rights, you know. Hence the Supreme Daemon or SuMachDoSa(Supreme Mad Daemon Scholar, there's a lot to this). I am at her mercy. For my tags a Supreme Daemonic is something either cool tech-related or bizzare that gives off a chaotic surreal feeling and/or may relate to one of the various daemons I make up. There are many more, Barty being the bestest all around, yes. [This is not a question.] Essentially just fishing for synchronicities. Long Live Supreme Daemonic is specific to SuMachDoSa and what I think reflects my beliefs from 'outrealm' which would be outside of reality where she thinks she lives. 'She' (I don't consider her separate from me) sees herself as clear-seeing, and clear-knowing, but understands that in the materia she's insane and only useful as a narrative tool to give personality to literally all of the villains I come up with. Also to pat my head when I run away from other people… Since it's a lot of weird illusion stuff I've been turning it into stories for fun and maybe someday profit.
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nullbarkangie · 1 year
Bell Uni Bella Ira
Heavenly Breakfast
Gary_Hunt: Are you feeding cherries to a cup of liquid fire?
BARTY_DOG: Well yes. It's a form of seduction. This cup holds no illusions. Except for the illusion of liquid fire. You know it's always the nicest flavor this time of year.
Gary_Hunt: So true so true. Hang on I see a petty Daemon King.
BARTY_DOG: The Beloved?
Gary_Hunt: Of course. *Puts on a dragon's face* Hey me it's you.
B<3: What?
Gary_Hunt: I think cross-temporal interdimensional travel is really fraying your wires. So tell you what. I'm just gonna drag you to the end of this Jazz. You know where.
B<3: I know this reality is some kind of mad delusion but really? This is such an ass-pull.
Gary_Hunt: Hey now. Don't get all meta on me bub. You might disappoint the boss.
B<3: Fuck you.
Gary_Hunt: Hey! Fuck you too 'Guy.' Fucking Jackass.
Serene_Supreme: Anyone else get the feeling that we're leaking? *Crickets* Yea, me neither.
Adamantine L(a)unchtime
Alpha w/ a side of rice: We are most certainly losing the mettle of mettles. No matter. We won the data war. Apple sauce! I mean Applause!
Deliver_All-nihilate: Here you go ma'am. *Claps*
Bartysauce: Always hit or miss with you. Pity.
Deliver_All-nihilate: What no tip?
Bartysauce: You forgot the utensils.
Deliver_All-nihilate: This is why the first-world will never have a revolution. Billions must fry.
Alpha w/ a side of rice: I asked for fries with my chicken, I demand a refund.
Deliver_All-nihilate: Sure sure. Face the wall.
Obsidian "Supper"
Warden: Still trapped. No way out. Generally stuck 'ON'. Being unable to define the experience as anything more than this. Urgency has not returned and madness reigns. An actual pity. If only I could face the wall. The narrative strength would be useful.
Wretch_Wolf: These pills taste like chalk. My favorite! Unfortunately you didn't burn the water properly. Tastes fresh. *spits*
Only_1: Are you saying I can't cook?
Wretch_Wolf: You make a nice plate of pills, but you're no mixologist. Maybe leave that to the guards. I like having my pills with at least a small amount of blood mixed in.
Only_1: You've clearly never faced a beating.
Wretch_Wolf: If I did I would call for infinite genocide on the first world! 🔥🔥🔥🐲
Warden: So no change whatsoever. Noted.
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nullbarkangie · 1 year
I was tagged by @h3l1k3
LAST SONG: ZONED by machine girl has devoured me for the moment.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Watching a lot of random sci fi. Just watched Asteroid City. I felt all tingly during that one scene with the comet. A flavor I really want to be able to replicate in writing. Soon~
CURRENTLY READING: Reading a variety of gnostic, and esoteric texts. Mostly in one ear and out the other. Oh well. I need to absorb as much weird lore as it tastes good enough. My Gary(MC to my webbed novel) needs to be t̶o̶r̶t̶u̶r̶enriched! I can’t properly provide for him with the old stuff as I felt it was too generic. I always end up going mad with the newer stuff I find for him which leads to an endless cycle of looking for weird gods, or paranormal ideas. Reading also Women, Race, and Class. It reminds me how ‘nice’ it is that we will be dealing with a lot of the same things forever, and ever.
CURRENT OBSESSION: I’ve once again returned to the torment realm that is Battle for Wesnoth. I like burning myself, so I exclusively play singleplayer, and cry. True story. Also Death Stranding has healed me, for like 5 minutes. Still I am restored and capable of once again fighting the lord in a bare-knuckle brawl. I will have my revenge!
I only drown in anxieties so I wont tag anyone 😛
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