#angels with diry faces
spockvarietyhour · 8 months
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depthness · 20 days
240601, 12:51 am
Aku tengah bahagia; bagi aku. Sebab aku tak tahu terms bahagia yang sepatutnya macam mana. The only guidelines yang aku boleh simpulkan are from my own life. So yeah, aku tengah bahagia.
If there’s any trouble, aku boleh lari. But at the end of the day aku akan face jugak, itu yang paling aku sure. If there’s opportunity knocking my door, aku ada pilihan nak buka or nak tengok dulu or maybe even let it go — and I didn’t regret it. Yes, I’m aware this. Aku tak goyah. Aku bahagia.
Aku boleh termenung. Aku boleh menyanyi sesuka hati aku. Aku boleh makan-minum; or memilih nak ke tak nak. Aku boleh kosong kan otak aku. Aku boleh keluar without any care about my appearance. Aku boleh terima others’ judgement of me without fear of being hurt. Aku boleh treat diri aku dengan apa yang aku nak semampu yang aku boleh. Yes, I’m aware of this. Aku sedar. Aku tahu.
But yang paling penting yang aku sedar aku dapat bernafas dengan lancar dan bebas bila aku dah tak ‘mencari’. It feels like I’ve truly loosened the grip. I’m in the mode “tawakkal” and “lantaklah”. So yeah, I feel freedom, just like being a kid. I’m being reckless and enjoying life. Exploring, discovering, and learning everything again in my own pace.
Tapi aku tak suka bila aku fikir pasal kau; or terlintas. Kau keruh kan emosi aku. Kau buat aku nangis even logically speaking apa je yang kau buat kat aku? Tak ada apa. Kau buat air mata aku mengalir. Kau buat aku susun ayat untuk ungkap apa yang aku rasa at the current. Kau buat aku sentiasa mencari perkataan yang tepat untuk describe hati aku. Bet kau tak akan tahu for how long this happen sampai explanation aku dah tak tahu mana awal atau akhir. Kenapa sampai pasal kau je aku jadi macam ni? Just because kau dah berakar dalam jiwa, jantung, hati, paru2, or even nadi aku, kenapa kena sakit dia macam ni ya? Kau nak tahu? Aku tak pernah berangan pasal kau. Berangan yang this wasn’t one sided, berangan we in relationship, berangan we get married or even have a family, tak pernah; more to I couldn’t and wouldn’t even dare. Sebab this feeling yang aku rasa ni terlalu greater sampai berangan sangat cheap untuk di pair kan.
Tolong lah bunga-angel-pokok-langit… tak ada benda pun awak boleh tolong. This feeling in mine and my alone. Kau tak akan terganngu sikit pun. Paling2 kalau aku boleh letak curse pun aku nak kau rasa apa yang aku rasa selama mana aku rasa, or maybe even longer; but that impossible sebab the thought of you getting hurt pun sakit buat aku.
So please just stay alive, strive for al-Jannah and al-Firdaus dan semoga dijauhkan awak dari azab kubur dan azab neraka.
Oh, inshaAllah kalau Hajar masuk syurga tapi kalau tahu awak tak ada dalam tu mungkin aku akan mengamuk kut sebab what paradise if everyone that I loved wasn’t in it; be it my family, my friends and you.
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stfxls · 2 months
How can I live without her? Everytime I see my mom's face it's just that question that always pops like a notification on the phone that can't stop appearing. You know me I am a Mama's Boy and to top it all off it's her face why I always have a face like this as well. Come to think of it mom's face was a little bit calm at first it's as if she's the unbothered Queen Elsa Of Frozen yet when her Eyebrows starts to meet at the center I know I had to back down and lower my arsenal because like Queen Elsa she will froze you with those glaring cold eyes and mouth the spits with fire and she'll be like "STEVEN ASA KA NA NAMAN NAMUADTO HA? INGON KO SA IMUHA DIRI KA LANG SA BALAY KAY WALAY TAO SA BALAY HA!!!" Yes I know my mom's kind of feisty Dragon but she's not totally like that.
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Apparently my stepfather was really amazed on my mom's kind and humble attitude along with her sweet smile that extends to her ears, no wonder she fell in love with her. But as I was saying, we all know all mothers are typically like that, to the point that they will shout at you frantically, and they will be emotionally unstable that their face just can't hide it when they get worried because their children didn't ask permission to go out with friends resulting to why they are not yet home late in the evening. Mother knows best I know that for sure, but sometimes mom's face just go confused when I say something that she actually doesn't know and sometimes she would open her mouth real wide to say her teachings are what's best for you so you should obey them, well because of my stubborn side sometimes I don't follow those teachings.
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Mom's eyes were waterfall in the dead night of the evening, since she is a businesswoman and all in one pack so it's really hard for her to balance the expenses in the house, utility bills, the food, that sometimes she forgets to look at herself too, and I felt bad and responsible for that, instead of helping her to decrease her forehead full of wrinkles, headaches and stress, I just ignored her and continue with my stubbornness. But you know what, no matter how stubborn I am her lips comes close to my cheeks as if I didn't do anything to her, since my cowardice let through me sometimes and we go on to a huge fights with my mom where her head is going big with clouds and roaring thunders all crashing together "Kloog Kloog booom Zapp"
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But amidst all of that mom is only looking in my back, like her face full of worries sometimes. But there is this one time her chin goes up and her smile is so warm that she's really proud of my achievements all throughout my journey as a student from Elementary till now she really still supports me, and I thank God that she gave me a mom not only with an angelic face but also with kind and humble heart that she would always say "Anak mabuti ng ikaw yung sinaksaktan anak kaysa ikaw ang nananakit." which is true. Also when I feel really sick but I don't want to let her know that I am sick Her nose was just like a lie detector she would know that I am sick just with her sense of smell and not with her sense of sight, and she was like "Susubukan mo pang magsinungaling sa akin eh....nanay mo ako...malamang alam ko bawat likot at galaw mo." suddenly she laughed her laugh was like a barrage of never ending machine gun as if there is no Tomorrow.
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So everyone, do not mistaken our mothers dragonlike instincts, they are just protecting us, protecting us from the hazards and potential harm that may come at us, since mothers are known as the light of the house that covers and protects us from darkness who wishes to consume us and to turn us against them.
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chynatic · 5 years
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Misalnya nih..
Kamu punya teman. Temanmu itu bikin salah sama kamu. Kamu merasa nggak nyaman. Kamu bereaksi. Nunjukin bahwa kamu nggak suka, keberatan dengan apa yang dilakukan temanmu.
Lalu temanmu itu akhirnya minta maaf. Tapi, ada tapinya nih.. Permintaan maafnya justru bikin kamu ngerasa nggak enak. Seolah-olah justru kesannya kamu yang jahat (karena reaksimu tadi).
Jelas-jelas temanmu yang salah, tapi justru ia berusaha membuatmu merasa bahwa itu murni kesalahanmu. Fokusnya selalu ke reaksimu, bukan pada kesalahan yang ia perbuat.
Pernah ngalamin kejadian seperti ini? Kalau iya, tenang.. kamu tidak sendiri.
Pernah dengar istilah playing victim? Yep, that's it, more or less.
Dan polanya selalu seperti itu. Habis bikin salah, minta maaf sambil ngasih excuse segudang supaya nggak kelihatan salah-salah banget. Lalu bikin salah lagi, minta maaf lagi, ngasih excuse lagi.
Dan seseorang dengan perilaku seperti ini ketika tengah berkonflik mampu membuat kita selalu merasa ada di pihak yang salah. Atau bikin kita merasa bahwa keluhan kita atas sikapnya adalah murni “perasaan” kita aja.
Sederhananya gini:
“Sorry lho kalo kamu ngerasanya gitu.”
Wow 😄
Jadi seolah-olah kesalahan dia (the trigger of all this mess) jadi kabur karena menurutnya kita yang overreact, emosional, baperan, panasan, sumbu pendek, etc etc.
“I didn’t do this. You did. Or you made me do this to you. You are the guilty (and psycho) one here.”
My one and only advice, stay away from people with this behaviour. Pertemanan seperti ini nggak sehat buat hati dan kesehatan mentalmu.
Pertama-tama mungkin kamu mencoba untuk mengalah,
"Udahlah daripada ribut, mungkin emang gue yang baper."
Tapi, makin lama, kamu makin sadar..
"Jelas-jelas dia yang salah, tapi kenapa jadi gue yang ngerasa salah?"
Any relationship where you always play games, full of foul tricks and mind-twists, keep guessing and guessing about something unimportant and irrelevant is never worth fighting for, never worth having for.
Dalam pertemanan kita pasti pernah bikin salah. Pernah bikin temen kita tersinggung, sakit hati, nggak nyaman. Dan teman sejati akan berjiwa besar untuk meminta maaf dengan tulus, tanpa embel-embel apapun.
Dealing with this kind of person is never easy. Karena kebanyakan aksi mereka dibungkus dengan senyuman (palsu) dan kata-kata manis, maka terkadang kita tidak sadar bahwa ‘kebaikan’ mereka justru menghancurkan konsep diri kita.
They intendedly hug you tighter, so they can stab you deeper. Then ask why you are bleeding with their innocent and angelic face.
Ngutip kata-katanya Mpok Rihanna ela ela e e e yang melegenda...
“Never underestimate a man's ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes.”
Sekian dan terima nasi padang 😋
© chynatic | 2019
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musicsiteworld · 4 years
Foo Fighters Biografi
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Ketika Foo Fighters merilis collection debut yang ditulis dan direkam seluruhnya oleh pemimpin Dave Grohl - pada saat itu hanya dikenal sebagai drummer pembangkit tenaga listrik untuk Nirvana - pada musim panas 1995, hanya sedikit yang menduga bahwa grup tersebut akan berakhir sebagai satu band. untuk selamat dari ledakan alternative rock 90 tanpa cedera. Band-band lain terbakar lebih terang tetapi menyala-nyala, bubar setelah mencetak satu atau dua pukulan, sementara Foos terus-menerus memeras kesuksesan demi kesuksesan, mengisi stadion-stadion di seluruh dunia sambil tetap berada di puncak tangga lagu hingga dekade kedua milenium baru. Setelah jajaran band bergabung sekitar waktu collection ketiga pada tahun 1999, suara Foo Fighters juga membentuk tanda yang dikenali dibangun di atas format Pixies dan Nirvana yang berat, melodik, keras-keras-keras, rock present day yang ditambatkan oleh cinta rock gitar klasik. Itu komersial tanpa pandering, gelisah secara kreatif tanpa mengasingkan, suara dengan daya tarik luas yang disampaikan oleh sebuah band yang dengan senang hati melakukan tur dan merekam seperti yang dilakukan band pada tahun 70-an. Ketika Wasting Light menjadi collection nomor satu pertama mereka di Amerika setelah dirilis pada musim semi 2011, itu adalah konfirmasi bahwa Foo Fighters adalah orang-orang yang selamat yang telah mendapatkan audiens yang besar dan berbakti terutama melalui kerja keras.
Grohl Bergabung Dengan Nirvana
Semua ketekunan ini berasal dari Dave Grohl, yang telah bermain gitar dan menulis lagu jauh sebelum dia mulai bermain drum. Sepanjang masa remajanya ia tampil di berbagai band punk bad-to-the-bone dan di akhir 80-an ia bergabung dengan band in-your-face zone Washington, D.C. Shout sebagai drummer mereka. Selama hari-hari terakhir Scream, Grohl mulai merekam materi sendiri di studio bawah tanah temannya Barrett Jones. Beberapa lagu Grohl muncul di collection terakhir Scream, Fumble. Setelah tur musim panas 1990, Grohl bergabung dengan Nirvana dan pindah lintas negara ke Seattle.
Setelah Nirvana merekam Nevermind, Grohl kembali ke territory D.C. dan merekam beberapa lagu yang akan muncul di Pocketwatch, kaset yang dirilis oleh Simple Machines. Untuk sebagian besar tahun 1992, dia sibuk dengan Nirvana, tetapi ketika band itu keluar dari jalan, dia merekam materi solo dengan Jones, yang juga pindah ke Seattle. Pasangan ini terus merekam sepanjang awal 1993, ketika Grohl kembali ke Nirvana untuk merekam In Utero. Grohl bermain-principle dengan gagasan merilis kaset independen lain pada musim panas 1993, tetapi rencana itu tidak pernah membuahkan hasil.
Setelah Kurt Cobain bunuh diri pada tahun 1994, drummer itu diam selama beberapa bulan. Pada musim gugur 1994, Grohl dan Jones pindah ke studio profesional dan merekam lagu-lagu yang berisi collection debut Foo Fighters dalam seminggu. Mendorong tumpukan lagu-lagunya ke sekitar 15 lagu, Grohl memainkan semua instrumen di collection. Dia membuat 100 salinan rekaman itu, membagikannya kepada teman dan rekan. Dalam waktu singkat, proyek solo Grohl menjadi obyek perang penawaran perusahaan rekaman yang sengit.
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Memulai Karir Solo Penuh
Alih-alih memulai karir solo penuh, Grohl memutuskan untuk membentuk sebuah band. Melalui istrinya ia bertemu Nate Mendel, bassis untuk Sunny Day Real Estate. Tak lama sebelum pasangan itu bertemu, Jeremy Enigk, pemimpin Sunny Day Real Estate, telah masuk Kristen dan keluar dari band, secara efektif mengakhiri karir grup. Tidak hanya Mendel bergabung dengan band Grohl, tetapi juga drummer Sunny Day, William Goldsmith. Mantan gitaris Germs dan Nirvana Pat Smear melengkapi barisan. Band, bernama Foo Fighters setelah pasukan rahasia Perang Dunia II yang diduga meneliti UFO, menandatangani kontrak dengan Capitol Records. Introduction self-titled band ini, yang hanya terdiri dari rekaman solo Dave Grohl, dirilis pada 4 Juli 1995. Itu menjadi sukses instan di Amerika, ketika "This Is a Call" mengumpulkan alternatif berat dan collection rock diputar. Pada awal 1996, collection ini mendapatkan platinum di AS.
Sepanjang tahun 1996, Foo Fighters mendukung collection dengan tur yang luas, menikmati hit hybrid dengan "Huge Me" pada musim semi itu. Di akhir tahun, grup ini mulai merekam collection keduanya dengan produser Gil Norton. Selama sesi, William Goldsmith meninggalkan band karena ketegangan kreatif, meninggalkan Grohl untuk bermain drum di sebagian besar collection. Sebelum rilis, Goldsmith digantikan oleh Taylor Hawkins, yang sebelumnya bermain drum dengan Alanis Morissette. The Color and the Shape, collection kedua Foo Fighters 'dan yang pertama mereka rekam sebagai band, dikeluarkan pada Mei 1997. Smear meninggalkan grup setelah penyelesaian collection dan digantikan oleh gitaris Franz Stahl, yang masa tinggalnya terbukti singkat. hidup 1999's There Is Nothing Left to Lose direkam sebagai tiga bagian, dengan mantan gitaris No Use for a Name, Chris Shiflett, masuk setelah itu.
Satu demi satu, produksi kelompok yang withering dipoles, muncul pada akhir tahun 2002, diikuti oleh In Your Honor tahun 2005, yang nyaris tidak ada di puncak tangga collection Billboard. Setelah merilis collection live berjudul Skin and Bones pada tahun 2006, band ini kembali ke studio Norton dan mulai membangun selusin lagu rock eklektik yang akan dirilis pada 2007 dengan nama Echoes, Silence, Patience, dan Grace. Dua tahun kemudian, grup ini merilis kompilasi pertamanya, Greatest Hits, ketika Grohl meluncurkan grup super baru mereka Crooked Vultures, yang juga menampilkan Josh Homme dari Queens of the Stone Age dan Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones. Foo Fighters berkumpul kembali untuk Wasting Light 2011, sebuah produksi Butch Vig yang dua kali lipat sebagai pengembalian resmi Pat Smear, yang tidak bermain di salah satu collection band sejak tahun 1997. Squandering Light berakhir sebagai sukses besar untuk Foos, memulai debutnya di nomor satu di tangga lagu Billboard, meraih emas di AS dan mengumpulkan empat Grammy Awards lagi. Setelah Wasting Light, beberapa proyek Foo lainnya muncul - kompilasi sampul edisi terbatas yang disebut Medium Rare dirilis untuk Record Store Day 2011; sebuah film dokumenter dari band bernama Back and Forth - dan grup tur collection ke 2012.
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters Vakum
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters mengumumkan bahwa mereka mengambil jeda dan Dave Grohl segera kembali ke batas-batas Queens of the Stone Age, bermain drum di collection 2013 mereka, ... Seperti Clockwork. Dia juga berusaha untuk mengarahkan film dokumenter tentang studio rekaman Los Angeles Sound City yang legendaris. Film ini muncul pada awal 2013 untuk ulasan positif, dan disertai dengan soundtrack yang disebut Sound City: Reel to Real, yang menampilkan kemacetan yang diarahkan Grohl termasuk berbagai veteran Sound City, ditambah Paul McCartney. Tidak lama setelah dirilis, Foo Fighters mengumumkan bahwa kekosongan mereka telah berakhir dan mereka sedang mengerjakan collection baru.
Sonic Highways, dirilis akhir 2014, adalah proyek mereka yang withering ambisius; setiap lagu direkam di kota yang berbeda, beberapa dengan tamu fitur khusus, expositions yang didokumentasikan pada seri dokumenter delapan scene untuk HBO. Sonic Highways melihat rilis internasional pada awal November 2014. Selama tur dunia Sonic Highways, Foos mendapat kehormatan menjadi band terakhir untuk tampil di The Late Show dengan David Letterman pada 24 Mei 2015. Segera setelah itu, setelah tur dilanjutkan, Grohl jatuh dari panggung saat berhenti di Swedia, kakinya patah. Dia tampil dari takhta untuk sisa tur, yang dinamai kembali "Tur Kaki Patah."
Pada akhir 2015, baik sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada para penggemar dan penghormatan kepada para korban serangan teror Paris, Foo Fighters merilis Saint Cecilia EP, sebuah ledakan lima lagu yang menampilkan Gary Clark, Jr. dan Ben Kweller. Ini mengembalikan band ke tangga lagu Billboard, memuncak di Top 20 di Hard Rock, Alternative, Tastemaker, dan tangga lagu Vinyl. Segera setelah itu, band ini mengumumkan jeda yang tidak terbatas dan tidak akan merilis musik baru sampai dua tahun kemudian, ketika mereka kembali dengan single "Run." Ini adalah rasa pertama dari collection kesembilan mereka Beton dan Emas, yang muncul pada bulan September 2017
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cocotangaje · 5 years
Terserah mau dibaca atau enggak, gue akan membahas mengenai lirik lagu dan makna dari lagu baru BTS yang dirilis beberapa jam yang lalu. Tapi ya gue tulis juga dalam 2 sudut pandang, dari fan sama gimana maknanya kalo lirik dari arti itu diartikan secara general.
Tapi sebelum itu, ya gue mau nulisin reaksi gue dulu.
Gue sebenernya terhitung telat sih sama fan-fan yang lain dalam nonton dan dengerin lagu mereka ini. Tapi ya yodalah, gausah dijadiin beban juga ya kan. Toh gue hanya bener-bener menikmati karya yang mereka hasilkan. Mau gue dengernya sekarang atau bulan depan juga sama aja.
Putaran pertama, begitu gue selesai nonton MVnya sambil baca liriknya, yang gue lakukan adalah... bengong.
Tarik nafas...
tarik nafas..
tarik nafas...
Oke itu iklan aja wkwk. Apasih garing siah.
Otak gue rasanya loading lama, atau buffering alias berhenti bekerja dalam beberapa saat. Kemudian kata pertama yang gue ucapkan setelah sadar kembali adalah,
Man, ah anjir.
Dalam sudut pandang fans dan BTS, gue tau banget ini lagu ditujukkan khusus untuk fans-fans mereka. Rasa berterimakasih BTS kepada fansnya yang membuat mereka bisa sebesar sekarang. Dari banyak lagu mereka yang gue dengerin, sering banget BTS nyeludupin lirik-lirik yang ditujukkan pada fansnya. Pesan-pesan mengenai “Jaga diri kalian ya”, “Baik-baik ya”, “Jalani hidup sebaik mungkin ya”, “Kita berjuang sama-sama dalam menghadapi hal sulit dalam hidup ya.” membuat gue merasa gue masih pantas ya ternyata ada di dunia ini. Gue gak sendirian. Gue masih layak dicintai juga. Dan... kehadiran gue disyukuri sama orang...
Gue sudah ada di tahap tidak akan marah jika siapapun menjelek-jelekkan BTS. Toh yang mengerti dan paham mengenai bagaimana yang gue rasakan setiap gue mendengarkan karya mereka ya diri gue sendiri.
Sedangkan dalam sudut pandang non-fans, lirik ini maknanya bener-bener dalem banget menurut gue. Lirik ungkapan syukur dari seseorang kepada orang yang dia cintai dan jadi Light/cahayanya dia.
Dari menit awal, diceritakan ada seseorang yang udah mulai ngerasa hopeless sama hidup. Hampa. Ngerasa muak dan ah yaudalah gue capek sama semuanya, tapi ternyata dalam hati kecilnya, dia masih merasa mampu untuk save/menyelamatkan seseorang. Merasa memiliki kemampuan untuk bantu hidup orang. Padahal, kita tau seseorang ini juga sebenernya sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Lagi muak malahan.
Dan ternyata, menit selanjutnya, orang yang dia tolong ini, dia jadi light yang menuntun dia untuk keluar dari kegelapan. Dia jadi light atas lubang gelap dan kelam seseorang ini.
Ini membuat gue merasa... oh ternyata.. untuk menolong hidup seseorang, ternyata gak harus nunggu hidup gue bahagia dan sempurna dulu.
Gue pernah denger ungkapan “Ketika kamu menolong seseorang, secara tidak langsung itu berarti kamu menolong dirimu sendiri. Ketika kamu mempermudah seseorang, itu berarti kamu sedang mempermudah hidupmu sendiri.”
Dengerin dan meresapi makna dari lagu BTS yang ini.. membuat gue akhirnya berkaca-kaca sendiri di akhir setelah nonton MVnya yang kedua kali. Gue merasa dipeluk, dingertiin, dan dipukpuk oleh 7 orang yang bahkan mereka tau gue hidup gue aja enggak. But ah, who’ll fucking care about it? Seorang pencipta karya tidak perlu mengenal semua penikmatnya. Lagian, disini gue ada di posisi yang telah ditolong. Gue hanya perlu berterimakasih dan bersyukur gue bisa menikmati karya sekeren ini dalam hidup gue.
Dear BTS, semoga punya kesempatan buat bisa ketemu ya.
All the angels who know pain Flying on damaged wings through the night Every time I'm thinking about love Every time I'm thinking about love I don't wanna listen to just happy songs I'll face my loneliness, color my life Losing and gaining, but I'm still searching for something today Yeah I believe that things will change No one is perfect Even this moment has its own meaning And we are connected by sound, woah When you close your eyes In the darkness, my light woah Lights the way for you Let's walk forward without fear,  you & I woah
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chandrika0899-blog · 5 years
Welcome to another story of me as a ... me.
Semua orang cuman tau gue anak pengacara, have a lot of money, happy family, sebenernya jauh dari itu. Bukan berarti gue ga bahagia as a daughter of a lawyer im happy (sometimes) and iam not (sometimes)
Jujur gue bukan anak yang sangat akur sama orangtua laki laki or everyone call him a ayah,papah, etc. Gue selalu bersinggungan ga pernah satu otak selalu ngomong full of emotions. I hate when my father ask me about my life. Karna itu tuh bagi gue ga penting dia tau. Why? Because im not comfort if my father want to know about my life.
My father have a lost control about his emotios sometimes. When my father young/? Haha i mean waktu bokap gue masih muda banget nee ga tua kayakk sekarang. Kerjaannya marah dan di dibarengi dengan perbantingan barang, per-pukulan ke gue (ini kalo lagi berantem sama gue ya) orr.. hehehe
Dari kecil emang gue ga akur sama bokap, karna bokap yang selalu nanya gue layaknya terdakwa buat gue ga ada respek sama dia, apalagi kejadian dimana berantem sama nyokap yang buat diri gue sampe sekarang kalo inget itu. Ngerasa benci banget. My mom's everything for me, my world, my angel, etc. Gue gasuka ada orang nyakitin atau ngehina nyokap gue sekalipum itu keluarga gue atau adek gue yang terkadang ngelawan nyokap karna gue sangat amat takut dan sayang sama nyokap gue.
Kenapaa laki laki marah harus dibarengi dengan kekerasan? Why? Yaa i know ga semua laki2 seperti but in my circle laki2 tuh kayak almost all of them kayak gtu hehe of course my boyfriend (ini ga kekerasan fisik ya. Sampe sekarang dia ga ada main fisik sama gue kok. Cuman banting barang aja. Meh. I don't like it) beb aku gasuka kamu kayak gitu.
Terakhir gue selisih pendapat sama bokap waktu SMA dimana ending dari perselisihan itu adalah.. he hit me with my tennis racket. Sumpah sakit cuy. and I threw my mother's cellphone at her face. Saking gue lost control udah enek aja sama tingkahnya.
Dari situ semuanya mempengaruhi mental gue sebenernya udah dari duluu waktu sd cuman gue baru sadar saat gue SMA. Dan dari semua itu mempengaruhi kesehatan mental gue, bukan berarti I'm a crazy noo iam not. Cuman gue gampang depressed, i have a panic disorder walaupun gue belom ke psikiater untuk memastikan cuman gue banyak cari tau tentang healthy / unhealthy mental. Maybe one day saat gue punya uang sendiri dari hasil gue kerja, gue bakal ke psikiater.
But, bukan berarti gue ga sayang bokap gue, of course iam. I love him. Really. But kadang bokap tuh selalu berulah yang melukai hati nyokap gue yang otomatis melukia gue jugak.
Gak bagus, berantem depan anak. Sungguh. Itu mempengaruhi mental dan respect anak ke orgtua.
Kadang kalo bokap lagi berulah, rasanya gue mau teriak ke smua orang yang ada "help me".
Inti dari apa yg gue curahkan itu adalah..
Help me. Help my mental. Tolong selalu ada untuk gue gatau harus gimana terdengar egois ya? Cuman itu yang gue mau. Dada gue selalu sakit, pala gue selalu sakit, kalo semuanya udah berulah dan korbannya mental gue lagi. Karna gue selemah itu hehe. Gue ngerasa 5th terakhir im not have a happy life. Hehe.
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musicsiteviews · 4 years
Biografi Foo Fighters
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Saat Foo Fighters meluncurkan album rock terbaik yang dicatat serta direkam semuanya oleh pimpinan Dave Grohl - di saat itu cuma diketahui untuk drummer pembangkit tenaga listrik untuk Nirvana - pada musim panas 1995, cuma sedikit yang menyangka jika group itu akan usai untuk satu band. untuk selamat dari ledakan alt-rock 90-a tanpa ada luka. Band-band lain terbakar makin jelas tapi menyala-nyala, buyar sesudah cetak satu atau dua pukulan, sesaat Foos terus-terusan memerah keberhasilan untuk keberhasilan, isi stadion-stadion di penjuru dunia sekalian masih ada di pucuk tangga lagu sampai dasawarsa ke-2 milenium baru.
Sesudah barisan band masuk seputar waktu collection ke-3 di tahun 1999, suara Foo Fighters membuat sinyal yang dikenal dibuat di atas pola Pixies serta Nirvana yang berat, melodik, keras-keras-keras, rock present day yang ditambatkan oleh cinta rock gitar classic. Itu komersil tanpa ada pandering, resah dengan cara kreatif tanpa ada mengasingkan, suara dengan daya tarik luas yang dikatakan oleh satu band yang dengan suka hati lakukan tour serta merekam sama yang dilaksanakan band di tahun 70-an. Saat Wasting Light jadi collection nomor satu pertama mereka di Amerika sesudah dikeluarkan pada musim semi 2011, itu ialah verifikasi jika Foo Fighters ialah beberapa orang yang selamat yang sudah memperoleh audience yang besar serta berbakti khususnya lewat usaha keras.
Grohl Masuk Dengan Nirvana
Semua ketekunan ini datang dari Dave Grohl, yang sudah bermain gitar serta menulis lagu jauh sebelum ia mulai bermain drum. Selama hidup remajanya dia tampil di beberapa band punk bad-to-the-bone serta diakhir 80-an dia masuk dengan band in-your-face zona Washington, D.C. Shout untuk drummer mereka. Semasa hari-hari paling akhir Scream, Grohl mulai merekam materi sendiri di studio bawah tanah temannya Barrett Jones. Beberapa lagu Grohl tampil di collection paling akhir Scream, Fumble. Sesudah tour musim panas 1990, Grohl masuk dengan Nirvana serta geser lintas negara ke Seattle.
Sesudah Nirvana merekam Nevermind, Grohl kembali pada territory D.C. serta merekam beberapa lagu yang akan tampil di Pocketwatch, kaset yang dikeluarkan oleh Sederhana Machines. Untuk sejumlah besar tahun 1992, ia repot dengan Nirvana, tapi saat band itu keluar dari jalan, ia merekam materi solo dengan Jones, yang geser ke Seattle. Pasangan ini terus merekam selama awal 1993, saat Grohl kembali pada Nirvana untuk merekam In Utero. Grohl bermain-principle dengan ide meluncurkan kaset berdiri sendiri lain pada musim panas 1993, tapi gagasan itu belum pernah membawa hasil.
Artikel Lainnya : Biografi Offspring
Sesudah Kurt Cobain bunuh diri di tahun 1994, drummer itu diam semasa beberapa waktu. Pada musim gugur 1994, Grohl serta Jones geser ke studio profesional serta merekam lagu-lagu yang berisi collection kiprah Foo Fighters dalam satu minggu. Menggerakkan tumpukan lagu-lagunya ke seputar 15 lagu, Grohl mainkan semua instrumen di collection. Ia membuat 100 salinan rekaman itu, bagikannya pada rekan serta rekanan. Dalam sekejap, project solo Grohl jadi objek perang penawaran perusahaan rekaman yang seru.
Mengawali Karier Solo Penuh
Bukannya mengawali karier solo penuh, Grohl putuskan untuk membuat satu band. Lewat istrinya dia berjumpa Nate Mendel, bassis untuk Sunny Day Real Estate. Tidak lama sebelum pasangan itu berjumpa, Jeremy Enigk, pimpinan Sunny Day Real Estate, sudah masuk Kristen serta keluar dari band, dengan cara efisien akhiri karier group. Bukan hanya Mendel masuk dengan band Grohl, dan juga drummer Sunny Day, William Goldsmith. Bekas gitaris Germs serta Nirvana Pat Smear lengkapi barisan. Band, namanya Foo Fighters sesudah pasukan rahasia Perang Dunia II yang disangka mempelajari UFO, tanda-tangani kontrak dengan Capitol Records. Introduction self-titled band ini, yang cuma terbagi dalam rekaman solo Dave Grohl, dikeluarkan pada 4 Juli 1995. Itu jadi sukses instant di Amerika, saat "This Is a Call" kumpulkan pilihan berat serta collection rock diputar. Pada awal 1996, collection ini memperoleh platinum di AS.
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Selama setahun 1996, Foo Fighters memberikan dukungan collection dengan tour yang luas, nikmati hit hybrid dengan "Huge Me" pada musim semi itu. Diakhir tahun, group ini mulai merekam collection kedua-duanya dengan produser Gil Norton. Semasa session, William Goldsmith tinggalkan band sebab kemelut kreatif, tinggalkan Grohl untuk bermain drum di sejumlah besar collection. Sebelum launching, Goldsmith diganti oleh Taylor Hawkins, yang awalnya bermain drum dengan Alanis Morissette. The Color and the Shape, collection ke-2 Foo Fighters 'dan yang pertama mereka rekam untuk band, dikeluarkan pada Mei 1997. Smear tinggalkan group sesudah penuntasan collection serta diganti oleh gitaris Franz Stahl, yang waktu tinggalnya dapat dibuktikan singkat. hidup 1999's There Is Nothing Left to Lose direkam untuk tiga sisi, dengan bekas gitaris No Use for a Name, Chris Shiflett, masuk kemudian.
Satu per satu, produksi barisan yang withering dipoles, ada di akhir tahun 2002, diiringi oleh In Your Honor tahun 2005,  yang hampir tidak berada di puncak tangga lagu Billboard. Sesudah meluncurkan collection live berjudul Skin and Bones di tahun 2006, band ini kembali pada studio Norton serta mulai membuat selusin lagu rock eklektik yang akan dikeluarkan pada 2007 dengan nama Echoes, Silence, Patience, serta Grace. 2 tahun selanjutnya, group ini meluncurkan gabungan pertama kalinya, Greatest Hits, saat Grohl mengeluarkan group super baru mereka Crooked Vultures, yang tampilkan Josh Homme dari Queens of the Stone Age serta Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones. Foo Fighters bergabung kembali lagi untuk Wasting Light 2011, satu produksi Butch Vig yang 2x lipat untuk pengembalian sah Pat Smear, yang tidak bermain di salah satunya collection band semenjak tahun 1997. Squandering Light usai untuk sukses besar untuk Foos, mengawali kiprahnya di nomor satu di tangga lagu Billboard, mendapatkan emas di AS serta kumpulkan empat Grammy Awards lagi. Sesudah Wasting Light, beberapa project Foo yang lain ada - gabungan sampul edisi terbatas yang disebutkan Medium Rare dikeluarkan untuk Record Store Day 2011 ; satu film dokumenter dari band namanya Back and Forth - serta group tour collection ke 2012.
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters Vakum
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters memberitahukan jika mereka ambil interval serta Dave Grohl selekasnya kembali pada batas-batas Queens of the Stone Age, bermain drum di collection 2013 mereka,... Seperti Clockwork. Ia berupaya untuk arahkan film dokumenter mengenai studio rekaman Los Angeles Sound City yang legendaris. Film ini ada pada awal 2013 untuk penjelasan positif, serta dibarengi dengan soundtrack yang disebutkan Sound City: Reel to Real, yang tampilkan kemacetan yang ditempatkan Grohl termasuk juga beberapa veteran Sound City, ditambah Paul McCartney. Tidak lama sesudah dikeluarkan, Foo Fighters memberitahukan jika kekosongan mereka sudah usai serta mereka sedang kerjakan collection baru.
Sonic Highways, dikeluarkan akhir 2014, ialah project mereka yang withering berambisi ; tiap lagu direkam di kota yang lain, beberapa dengan tamu feature spesial, expositions yang didokumentasikan pada seri dokumenter delapan scene untuk HBO. Sonic Highways lihat launching internasional pada awal November 2014. Semasa tour dunia Sonic Highways, Foos mendapatkan kehormatan jadi band paling akhir untuk tampil di The Late Show dengan David Letterman pada 24 Mei 2015. Selekasnya kemudian, sesudah tour diteruskan, Grohl jatuh dari panggung waktu stop di Swedia, kakinya patah. Ia tampil dari takhta untuk tersisa tour, yang dinamakan kembali lagi "Tour Kaki Patah."
Di akhir 2015, baik untuk sinyal terima kasih pada beberapa fans serta penghormatan pada beberapa korban gempuran intimidasi Paris, Foo Fighters meluncurkan Saint Cecilia EP, satu ledakan lima lagu yang tampilkan Gary Clark, Jr. serta Ben Kweller. Ini kembalikan band ke tangga lagu Billboard, mencapai puncak di Teratas 20 di Hard Rock, Alternative, Tastemaker, serta tangga lagu Vinyl. Selekasnya kemudian, band ini memberitahukan interval yang tidak terbatas serta tidak meluncurkan musik baru sampai 2 tahun selanjutnya, saat mereka kembali lagi dengan single "Run." Ini ialah rasa pertama dari collection ke-9 mereka Beton serta Emas, yang ada pada bulan September 2017
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steoreotypes · 6 years
10 Favorite Korean Actors
Please keep in mind that this list arranged randomly, not by order.
Seo Ji Hoon
Seo Jihoon itu bisa dibilang rookie actor karena dia kayanya baru debut tahun 2016. Walaupun begitu, kualitas nya gak perlu diragukan lagi. Karena menurut gue Seo Jihoon itu paket lengkap banget deh buat seorang aktor karena dia selain ganteng, tinggi, proporsi badannya bagus, masih muda (kelahiran 1997), dia juga bisa meranin berbagai macam role dengan sangat baik. His biggest charm is his eyes. Like he really talk with his eyes!!  Menurut gue dia bakal jadi sukses dan terkenal banget sih nanti liat aja.
Project-project dia diantaranya: -Longing Heart (as young Kang Shin Woo) -Prison Playbook (as Min Shik) -School 2017 (as Soon Kyung Woo) -Solomon’s Perjury (as Bae Joon Young) -Signal (as Jang Tae Jin) -KBS special drama: The Legendary Lackey (as Jo Tae Woong) -Matching Boys Archery (as You Ji Wan)
Kebanyakan perannya itu kalo kalian ngeh emang sebagai anak sekolahan which is really suit his age right? Cuma karakter dari masing-masing tokoh yang dia peranin itu beda-beda banget. Gue kan sebenernya liat dia pertama kali di signal, dimana dia berperan sebagai anak orang kaya yang gamau ngakuin kesalahannya dan berpikir kalau money can solve everything, abis itu nonton longing heart kaan dimana dia sebagai tipikal anak sekolah biasa. Nah gue ga sadar sama sekali kalo ternyata mereka dua orang yang sama karena emang sebagus itu looh aktingnya.
Nah gue saranin kalo kalian belom tau sama sekali dan kepo sama Seo Jihoon mending nonton Legendary Lackey dulu, karena dari special drama yang cuma 1 jam itu gue jamin kallan langsung suka sama dia dan punya keinginan buat nonton drama-drama nya yang lain. Karena dia kebayakan jadi tokoh sampingan gitu loh di drama-drama, baru di longng heart sebagai pemeran utamanya.
 Jang Dong Yoon
Jang Dong Yoon setau gue rookie actor juga karena kayanya tahun debutnya bareng Seo Jihoon. Cuma bedanya, Jang Dong Yoon langsung dipercayakan jadi pemeran utama di drama-drama bertema sekolah kaya school 2017 dan solomon’s perjury (dimana disitu dia main bareng sama jihoon) sama ada KBS special drama berjudul “If We Were a Season” yang bagus dan harus banget ditonton.
Aktingnya juga bagus banget sih dia dan yang gue bikin kaget adalah dia baby face banget woooy like gue kira dia seumuran jihoon tapi ternyata dia kelahiran 1992!! Like what?!
Tapi tetep sih gue lebih suka seo jihoon hehehe mungkin karena karakter tokoh yang diperanin jang dong yoon ga terlalu kontras kali ya..
Nam Joo Hyuk
Gue awalnya liat dia di Surplus Princess tapi kaya ga terlalu keliatan gantengnya kan jadi yaudah terus gue nonton school 2015 terus kaya oh ini orang yang di surplus princess itu nih tapi masih biasa aja karena gue #teamtaekwang cuma udah mulai ngepoin gitu dan kaya liat beberapa scene dia di cheese in the trap sama glamorous temptation. And then.. ada Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo gue yang kaya ih storyline nya bagus terus ada nam joo hyuk juga kayanya seru dan lucu deh yaudah deh tuh gue tonton kan dan itu pas mau liburan  jadi kaya kebetulan banget nih! Baru deh disitu langsung sukaa karena apa ya gue suka karakternya Joon Hyung dan Joo Hyuk tuh bisa banget gitu loh pas meranin karakter itu jadinya gue jadi suka sama nam joo hyuk!
Tapii karena gue orangnya pilih pilih kalo nonton drama, jadi kim bok joo itu drama dia yang terakhir gue tonton jadi kaya ga terlalu ngerti kemampuan aktingnya dia sih apalagi kalo di drama-drama historical atau fantasy gitu…
Park Hyung Sik
Sebenernya drama dia yang full gue tonton itu cuma What Happens To My Family HAHHAHA karena gue terlalu males buat nonton drama-drama lainnya dia yang sangat sangat terkenal itu kaya the heirs, hwarang, sama strong woman do bong soon. Kaya gue udah keburu kena spoiler gitu loh dari mana-mana jadi gue udah terlanjur ngerti ceritanya. Cuma dari satu drama itu aja gue langsung suka sama dia, apalagi karakter yang dia peranin di drama itu somehow match banget sama personality dia.
Ji Chang Wook
Gue suka sama Ji Chang Wook akibat nonton Suspicious Partner!! Like how could you resist jaksa seganteng dan sepinter itu omg. Gue sebenernya sekarang meragukan diri gue sebenernya gue suka sama aktornya apa sama karakter yang si aktor peranin????
 Kang Ha Neul
Nah kalo Kang Ha Neul gue beneran suka sama orangnya nih. Karena dia sukses banget nge-deliver emosi tokoh yang dia peranin ke penonton (gue khususnya). Gue ngerasa kalo kang haneul itu bener bener orang yang ngalamin peristiwa yang dialami si tokoh itu. Dan itu bikin gue jadi bener bener sedih dan ikutan nangis pas dia nangis atau sedih. Beberapa project dia yang gue tonton adalah twenty, like for likes, midnight runners, dan angel eyes. Semuanya bagus banget dan harus ditonton!! Oya Kang Ha Neul itu dia sebenernya udah banyak banget project nya tapi sangat disayangkan dia jarang dapet peran sebagai tokoh utama padahal kaya skill nya udah ga perlu di raguin lagi sih like dia jadi pemeran sampingan aja stand out woy saking bagus aktingnya!!
Lee Je Hoon
gue sebenernya cuma nonton project dia yang Architecture 101 sama Signal. Dan gue nonton ya karena dua itu terkenal dan sukses banget walaupun gue gatau tuh siapa aktor-aktornya. Setelah nonton dua itu gue jadi suka deh sama Lee Je hoon, terutama di signal ya karena dia jago banget memvisualisasikan tokoh yang dia peranin apalagi sebagai tokoh utama yang menuntun jalannya cerita.
Kang Dong Won
Gue suka sama Kang Dong Won karena filmnya A Violent Prosecutor dan My Brilliant Life. Both are great movies with great messages that you will definitely like. Salah satu sebab nya ya karena aktor yang meranin tokoh utamanya Kang Dong Won. Kang Dong Won tuh jago banget deh meranin berbagai macam peran like dia tuh bener bener maksimal banget kalo lagi akting.
Kim Min Gyu
Sebenernya gue suka sama dia awalnya karena penampilannya di i can see your voice karena dia ganteng banget disitu apalagi lesung pipinya itu loh!! Dan dari situ gue baru tau kalo ternyata dia aktor gitu. Pernah main di signal sama school 2015 cuma gue gasadar!! Terus dari situ somehow dia jadi dapet banyak job jadi pemain sampingan di berbagai drama dan pernah jadi lead bareng chorong di satu web drama gituu.
Seo In Guk
Yang bikin gue suka sama seo in gua itu facial expression nya sih on point banget apalagi di film no breathing dan drama hello monster itu gue suka banget!! dan ternyata dia itu sebenernya penyanyi lohh
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bringthestories · 7 years
This was a request by @delightfulness-ela (SPOILER warning for the request though)
Old Enough
Jungkook x Noona Words: ~2,400 Keywords: Age gap?
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You checked your phone. It was 8:49 pm.
You had spent your entire day with Jungkook, your good friend. That wasn’t a lie, but also not entirely true.
Truth is, you liked each other. A lot. 
You both knew that too. It was obvious. The way you two looked at each other would’ve been enough to make a blind person notice. You were always stealing glances, touching each other whenever it wouldn’t seem weird. You both knew how much you longed for each other, how much you both fantasised about being together but neither of you acted on it.
Because you were older than him. 4 years to be precise and for some reason, you had always felt that your undeniable attraction towards him was somehow wrong. That you shouldn’t see him that way. That he should be like a younger brother to you - like he used to be before he became a man right in front of your eyes. Heck, he hasn’t even been of legal age for long! 
Thoughts like that filled your mind whenever you found yourself looking at him, whenever you caught your heart beating faster at his touch. But you could never break off contact, you knew that. The guilt killed you, tortured you but it couldn’t keep you from thinking about him. It couldn’t stop you from dreaming about him every night, longing for him so much it hurt. It just made you feel shit. So you tried your best to suppress your feelings, hating yourself for not being able to, and you tried your best to keep treating him like a brother. 
He noticed that. He knew that you liked him. He knew that you hated it.  So as much as it hurt, as much as it pained him, he tried to play along. For your sake, hoping that one day you will give him a chance.
You had met him around noon. He just came back from tour the day before so you hadn’t seen him for months and you were super excited to spend some time with him again. Of course, you had texted, had talked over Skype, but seeing him in person was something else. His presence, his smell, his touch. You had missed him so much when he was gone that you were almost too ashamed to admit it to yourself.
First, you had some brunch, then you went shopping a little and then just strolled around for a while, catching up. You hit the arcade, you went bowling. Avoiding people as much as possible was not all that hard for you anymore, you learned where to go when and even if you were seen, your friendship was public but why provoke it. Dating rumours had stirred up a while ago, it wasn’t pretty, but they mostly died down quickly and things went back to normal soon. 
When it got late he had told you to go home and wait for him, he had something to take care of and would come over after to ‘watch a movie or something’ so that’s what you had done. Now, you were sitting on your sofa, waiting for him. 
You shot up from the sofa and ran to open the door. Of course, you already knew who it was, but you checked the camera anyway and a fond smile crept up on your face. You opened up quickly and waited by the door for him to make it up to your apartment.
When he got out of the elevator you saw that he was carrying-
“PIZZA!”  you squealed happily. You hadn’t really noticed that you hadn’t eaten anything since brunch, but now that you saw and smelled the pizza the feeling of hunger struck you like a truck. “Omg you’re the best, Kookie, I’m starving!” “Of course I am!” He replied with a silly cocky expression.  Once inside, you took the pizza boxes out of his hands to allow him to bend down to take off his shoes. “Top one’s yours,” he said with a smile, looking up at you.
You opened the box and smiled. Of course. It was your favourite. He always knew exactly what you liked and would always make sure you get it. You didn’t even have to tell him anymore.
Jungkook suggested a movie you could watch while eating, one that Namjoon had recommended, and you had wholeheartedly agreed. So you sat on the sofa, put the movie on and ate your pizzas, joking around and thoroughly enjoying yourselves.
He had put a pillow between his crossed legs on which he had put the hot pizza but now that you were done eating he was hugging it instead. You watched him, watched how his beautiful arms wrapped around the pillow, his eyes pinned to the screen. The movie was interesting no doubt but you just couldn’t seem to concentrate on it. What you didn’t know was that neither could he - he stared at the screen to not stare at you, partly because he could see you staring.  You hadn’t seen him in so long and your mind was clouded, consumed with thoughts of him, him cuddling the pillow… him cuddling you and before you could the memories of that one night came back to you again and made your heart pound hard.
That night, he had come over late and stayed for a long time. He stayed so long you both got really tired. You can’t recall how it went, but somehow you woke up the next morning together. In your bed. Cuddling. When you slowly woke up that day you had a smile plastered on your face. You felt safe, warm and happy. It took you a while to process your surroundings but after a while, you noticed that arms were tightly wrapped around you, your arm around someone too, your legs tangled up and a familiar, beloved scent in your nose.
Your heart started racing. 
You didn’t want to open your eyes at first, feeling like if you did you admitted you were awake and would feel obliged to move away. To break this wonderful moment. So you stayed like that for a while, trying to burn this moment into your memory, sure that it won’t ever happen again. After a while, the urge to open your eyes to see him grew too much and you gave in, opening them to the most beautiful sight you had ever seen.  There he was, right in front of you and in the bright morning light shining through the windows, laying between your white sheets with his hair ruffled up from sleeping he looked like an angel.
You suppressed your urge to either cry or kiss him and you swore to yourself you would forevermore treasure this moment, taking in every little detail, saving it in a safe place of your memory before you decided to move away, careful not to wake him up and you never spoke of it again.
Ever since then, not a night passed where you wouldn’t lay awake in your bed thinking about it. Thinking about how wondrous it was waking up next him, waking up in his soothing embrace and you dreamed about how it would be having him there with you, falling asleep in his arms.
The movie was over by now, not that either of you really watched what happened but neither of you said anything and you started cleaning up. You saw him check his phone a few times and you noticed all the messages he had. He had ignored his phone almost all day but you knew he had many responsibilities to get to. Suddenly you felt a little bad for hogging his entire day. You didn’t really plan to but time flew by and he didn’t say anything about having to go so you didn’t either. You put the last glass in the dishwasher and went back to the living room where he had put all the pillows back in place and sat down next to him once more.
He checked his phone again and sighed. “I really gotta go, Y/N…” “Oh…” you said quietly, sounding a lot sadder than you intended. “Aw come on don’t sound so sad! It’s super late already plus I really have to catch up on practice since I spent all day with you!” he chuckled and gave you his signature smile. “Whatever!” you replied, “I wasn’t even sad”, smiling back at him while getting up from your spot. “It was nice though-” you continued “-to spend time with you again.” You quietly added “I missed you so much” to yourself, sure he couldn’t hear.
You knew you had spent all day together but still- if you were honest with yourself you really didn’t want to let him go yet. That’s why you found yourself trying to extend the time you spent as much as possible.
You walked him to the door, then downstairs, then outside.  You walked down the street with him, only for a block or so, and that’s when you finally stopped.  The cool night breeze was gently blowing through your hair, blowing across your exposed skin sending a little tingling shiver through your body.
Then you were tightly hugging each other goodbye, way longer than necessary, as usual. Maybe it was the contrast between his warmth and the cold air that felt so good or maybe because you hadn’t seen him for so long but tonight, more than ever, you didn’t want to let go. You didn’t want him to leave, leave you for another night alone wishing he was there with you.
With your heads in each others neck, pressed against each other, you took in the smell of his cologne, his wonderful smell that you could never get enough of. You squeeze him tighter, longing for more closeness which you knew a hug would never satisfy. You could feel his racing heartbeat against your body, could feel his breath on your neck and you started losing yourself in his presence when suddenly he spoke. He spoke in a soft, sad voice, almost like a whisper only you could hear.
“Noona… what are we doing?”
You could feel your heart start pounding faster. You paused for a bit. “I don’t know…” you replied just as softly as he had and pulled away from the intimate embrace your goodbye hug had evolved into once again. He kept hold of your hands, keeping you from moving away too far. “I know you like me just as much as I like you,” he continued. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you quickly said, trying to act oblivious while looking down with a pained expression.
“Don’t lie to me”
You stayed quiet, still staring at your feet, not knowing what else to say to him. You didn’t dare to look at him because you know seeing his face would worsen the tightness you felt in your chest. “Noona…” he spoke again. 
“Go out with me.”
Shocked at the sudden unexpected boldness he displayed you looked up at him. His eyes locked with yours, a curious expression on his face, full of determination and longing. His voice was quiet and almost shaky but oddly sure at the same time. You sighed and looked to the side, not wanting to face him for what you were about to say. “Jungkook, you’re 4 years-” “I’m not a child!” he snapped, interrupting you before you could finish.
You looked back at him in surprise, locking eyes and you saw frustration written on his face. He mustered you for a second before he suddenly leant in, wrapped his arm around you once again and locked his lips with yours. Shocked, you didn’t move at first, not quite yet processing that Jeon Jungkook, your beloved Jeon Jungkook was kissing you. When you finally did, you kissed him back, kissed him deeply, wrapping your arms around his neck. Pulling him closer with one hand while going through his soft silky hair with the other. You could feel him follow your lead, moving a hand to the small of your back, pulling you as close as possible. The kiss grew more passionate, needier, reflecting how both of you finally fulfilled a long locked up desire, finally got to feel each other’s lips, something you only ever dared dream in secret.  The intensity of it was overwhelming. Your mind was blank while your heart was raging. You didn’t know how a person could possibly contain so many emotions swirling up at once and a tear formed in the corner of your tightly shut eye. You smiled into the kiss as the single tear rolled down your cheek.
As the initial vehemence of the kiss calmed down it grew softer, full of love and fondness for each other as you relaxed a little, releasing your tight grip on him and so did he, his hands now resting on your waist while yours were wrapped loosely around his shoulders.
“Am I still a kid to you, Noona?” he said out of breath when you finally broke the kiss. He rested his forehead on yours, your noses touching fleetingly. He removed one of his hands from your lower back, moving it up to caress your cheek and stroke your hair while he continued to speak again. “I know I’m younger than you but I love you Y/N, I only want you, only ever wanted you… You drive me crazy...” The last part was no more than a whisper, and with a soft look in eyes, he leant in for a kiss again. Only a brief loving peck on the lips this time. “I know you want to.. so please, date me already” Your heart was going crazy and for the first time, your mind wasn’t telling you to stop and back off. This time it said ‘You know what? He’s right. He’s not a kid anymore and you are not weird for liking him. Go ahead.’ You could feel your eyes wet again, happy beyond words that your mind had set you free and instead of replying you kissed him with a smile on your face.  “Okay, kid,” you said with a chuckle and he childishly pouted at your joke.
“I’ll date you.”
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paralian-s · 7 years
Would it be possible for you to share your entire book collection with us? If you read, of course :)
sure, my collection is a longstanding process though. some of these books i have read with 15 years, some i have read in the most recent time, so it’s going to be a long one.
still missing - by chevy stevensalways watching - by chevy stevensthe darker side - by cody mcfadyen1948 - by george orwellfallen - by lauren kateshining - by stephen kingdolores - by stephen kingthe dark tower (series) - by stephen kingthe eyes of the dragon - by stephen kingthe hollow city - by dan wellsthe catcher in the rye - j. d. salingersay you’re sorry - michael robothamthe curious incident of the dog in the night-time - by mark haddonboot camp - by morton rhuethe historian - by elizabeth kostovadesert flower - by waris dirielike the flowing river - by paulo coelhoby the river piedra i set down and wept - by paulo coelhothe alchemist - by paulo coelhothe pilgrimage - by paulo coelhothe zahir - by paulo coelhonotes of a dirty old man - by charles bukowskimaster narrative - by franz kafka (basically a collection of a billion stories)colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage - by haruki murakami1Q84 - by haruki murakamilook who’s back - by timur vermesthe host - by stephenie meyerthink of a number - by john verdonthe faerie path - by allan jonesthrough the looking-glass, and what alice found there - lewis carrollthe metamorphosis - by franz kafkafaust I - by goethebabylon revisited - by f. scott fitzgerald
+ i have a huge load of books such as “islam between east and west” by alija izetbegovic & “the drama of the gifted child” by alice miller etc. etc. etc. but for the sake of my back, i just listed those that have more of an entertainment factor. and here comes my list of books i have on my e-reader:
keystone - by dannika darkcruel beauty - by rosamund hodgethe law of moses - by amy harmonmoonshadow - by thea harrisonrelentless - by karen lynchguild hunter (series) - by nalini singhclockwork angel - by cassandra clarewicked lovely - by melissa marrgraceling realm (series) - by kristin cashorethe selection - by kiera cassvicious - by l. j. shensparrow - by l.j. shenthe fallen world (series) - by laura thalassathe unearthly - by laura thalassarhapsodic - by laura thalassabreath of fire - by amanda bouchetdaugther of the forest - by juliet marillierthe wretched of muirwood - by jeff wheelerslave to sensation - by nalini singhthe scribe - by elizabeth hunterthe flame and the arrow - by emigh cannadaya clearing in the forest - by kim love stumpdragon rose - by christine popethe mark of the tala - jeffe kennedyone hundred years of solitude - by gabriel garcia marquezthorn - by intisar khananisong of susannah - by stephen kinguprooted - by naomi novikand the mountains echoed - by khaled hosseinithe bell jar - by sylvia plaththe bird and the sword - by amy harmona court of mist and fury - by sarah j. maas a court of thorns and roses - by sarah j. maas (love, love, love the entire series)the snowfang bride - by merry ravenelldreamer’s pool: a blackthorn & grim novel - by juliet marillieravenger’s angel - by heather killough-waldenrestraint - by randi cooley wilsonministry of curiosities (series) - by c. j. archervampire girl (series) - by karpov kinradethe royals (series) - by erin wattangelfall - by susan eeshadow and bone - by leigh bardugohalf-blood - by jennifer l. armentroutburn - by suzanne wrighta promise of fire - by amanda bouchetthe hidden princess - by cara coepoison study - by maria v. snydertouch of power - by maria v. snyderwrath & dawn - by renee ahdiehthrone of glass - by sarah j. maaskiss of deception - by mary e. pearsonthe heart of betrayal - by mary e. pearsonthe witcher (series) - by andrzej sapkowskiwhite hart (series) - by sarah daltonunder different stars - by amy a. bartolthe watchmaker’s daughter - by c. j. archerthe shattered court - by m. j. scottthe queen of the tearling - by erika johansenhighland magic (series) - by helen harperbride to the sun - by lia pattersonthe raven cycle (series) - maggie stiefvaterred queen - by victoria aveyardglass sword - by victoria aveyarduntil friday night - by abbi glinesbrave new world - by aldous huxleyfight club - by chuck palahniukthe picture of dorian grey - oscar wildenow, the next ones are all by stephen king:in the tall grassthe dark halfduma keyblazea face in the crowda good marriagebag of bonesbig driverblack houseblockade billycarriecellcujodesperationdifferent seasonsdoctor sleepdreamcatchereverything’s eventualfinders keepersfirestarterfour past midnightfull dark, no starsgerald’s gamehearts in atlantisinsomniaitjoylandthe colorado kidthe dead zonejust after sunsetlisey’s storymile 81miserymr. mercedesneedful thingsnight shiftnightmares & dreamseapespet semataryrevivalriding the bulletroadworkrose maddersalem’s lotskeleton crewthe drawing of the threethe girl who loved tom gordonthe green milethe long walkthe mistthe running manthe standthe talismanthinnerthrottleunder the domethe wind through the keyholewizard and glass
wow okay, this was a lot more work than i thought it would be. anyway, i think my fav genres to read are clear as day. 
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musicslide-blog · 4 years
Biografi Foo Fighters
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Saat Foo Fighters mengeluarkan collection aksi yang dicatat dan direkam semua oleh pimpinan Dave Grohl - di waktu itu hanya diketahui untuk drummer pembangkit tenaga listrik untuk band rock terkenal Nirvana - pada musim panas 1995, hanya sedikit yang menduga bila grup itu akan selesai untuk satu band. untuk selamat dari ledakan alt-rock 90-a tanpa cedera. Band-band lain terbakar semakin jelas tetapi menyala-nyala, buyar setelah bikin satu atau dua pukulan, sekejap Foos terus menerus memeras kesuksesan untuk kesuksesan, isi stadion-stadion di seluruh dunia sekaligus masih berada di puncak tangga lagu sampai dekade kedua milenium baru. Setelah barisan band masuk sekitar waktu collection ketiga pada tahun 1999, suara Foo Fighters membuat signal yang diketahui dibikin di atas skema Pixies dan Nirvana yang berat, melodik, keras-keras-keras, rock present day yang ditambatkan oleh cinta rock gitar classic. Itu komersial tanpa pandering, risau dengan kreatif tanpa mengasingkan, suara dengan daya tarik luas yang disebutkan oleh satu band yang dengan senang kerjakan tur dan merekam sama yang dikerjakan band pada tahun 70-an. Waktu Wasting Light jadi collection nomor satu pertama mereka di Amerika setelah dikeluarkan pada musim semi 2011, itu adalah pengecekan bila Foo Fighters adalah sebagian orang yang selamat yang telah mendapatkan audiens yang besar dan berbakti terutamanya melalui usaha keras.
Grohl Bergabung Dengan Nirvana
Semua ketekunan ini tiba dari Dave Grohl, yang telah bermain gitar dan menulis lagu jauh sebelum dia mulai bermain drum. Semasa hidup remajanya ia tampil di sejumlah band punk bad-to-the-bone dan di akhir 80-an ia masuk dengan band in-your-face zone Washington, D.C. Shout untuk drummer mereka. Sewaktu hari-hari terakhir Scream, Grohl mulai merekam materi sendiri di studio bawah tanah temannya Barrett Jones. Beberapa lagu Grohl tampil di collection terakhir Scream, Fumble. Setelah tur musim panas 1990, Grohl masuk dengan Nirvana dan geser lintas negara ke Seattle.
Setelah Nirvana merekam Nevermind, Grohl kembali ke territory D.C. dan merekam beberapa lagu yang akan tampil di Pocketwatch, kaset yang dikeluarkan oleh Simpel Machines. Untuk sebagian besar tahun 1992, dia ribet dengan Nirvana, tetapi waktu band itu keluar dari jalan, dia merekam materi solo dengan Jones, yang geser ke Seattle. Pasangan ini terus merekam semasa awal 1993, waktu Grohl kembali ke Nirvana untuk merekam In Utero. Grohl bermain-principle dengan inspirasi mengeluarkan kaset berdiri dengan sendiri lain pada musim panas 1993, tetapi ide itu tidak pernah bawa hasil.
Setelah Kurt Cobain bunuh diri pada tahun 1994, drummer itu diam sewaktu beberapa saat. Pada musim luruh 1994, Grohl dan Jones geser ke studio karieronal dan merekam lagu-lagu yang berisi collection aksi Foo Fighters pada sebuah minggu. Gerakkan tumpukan lagu-lagunya ke sekitar 15 lagu, Grohl mainkan semua instrumen di collection. Dia membuat 100 salinan rekaman itu, baginya pada rekanan dan relasi. Dalam waktu cepat, proyek solo Grohl jadi objek perang penawaran perusahaan rekaman yang hebat.
Memulai Profesi Solo Penuh
Bukanlah memulai profesi solo penuh, Grohl putuskan untuk bikin satu band. Melalui istrinya ia bertemu Nate Mendel, bassis untuk Sunny Day Real Estate. Tidak lama sebelum pasangan itu bertemu, Jeremy Enigk, pimpinan Sunny Day Real Estate, telah masuk Kristen dan keluar dari band, dengan efektif mengakhiri profesi grup. Tidak cuma Mendel masuk dengan band Grohl, dan drummer Sunny Day, William Goldsmith. Sisa gitaris Germs dan Nirvana Pat Smear melengkapi barisan. Band, namanya Foo Fighters setelah pasukan rahasia Perang Dunia II yang diduga pelajari UFO, tanda-tangani kontrak dengan Capitol Records. Introduction self-titled band ini, yang hanya terdiri dari rekaman solo Dave Grohl, dikeluarkan pada 4 Juli 1995. Itu menjadi sukses instan di Amerika, waktu "This Is a Call" mengumpulkan pilihan berat dan collection rock diputar. Pada awal 1996, collection ini mendapatkan platinum di AS.
Artikel Lainnya : Biografi Offspring
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Semasa satu tahun 1996, Foo Fighters memberi suport collection dengan tur yang luas, nikmati hit hybrid dengan "Huge Me" pada musim semi itu. Di akhir tahun, grup ini mulai merekam collection keduanya dengan produser Gil Norton. Sewaktu sesi, William Goldsmith meninggalkan band karena ketegangan kreatif, meninggalkan Grohl untuk bermain drum di sebagian besar collection. Sebelum rilis, Goldsmith ditukar oleh Taylor Hawkins, yang awalannya bermain drum dengan Alanis Morissette. The Color and the Shape, collection kedua Foo Fighters 'dan yang pertama mereka rekam untuk band, dikeluarkan pada Mei 1997. Smear meninggalkan grup setelah penyelesaian collection dan ditukar oleh gitaris Franz Stahl, yang waktu tinggalnya bisa ditunjukkan singkat. hidup 1999's There Is Nothing Left to Lose direkam untuk tiga bagian, dengan sisa gitaris No Use for a Name, Chris Shiflett, masuk selanjutnya.
Satu demi satu, produksi barisan yang withering dipoles, berada di akhir tahun 2002, disertai oleh In Your Honor tahun 2005, yang hampir tidak ada di puncak tangga collection Billboard. Setelah mengeluarkan collection live berjudul Skin and Bones pada tahun 2006, band ini kembali ke studio Norton dan mulai membuat selusin lagu rock eklektik yang akan dikeluarkan pada 2007 dengan nama Echoes, Silence, Patience, dan Grace. dua tahun setelah itu, grup ini mengeluarkan kombinasi kali pertamanya, Greatest Hits, waktu Grohl keluarkan grup super baru mereka Crooked Vultures, yang hadirkan Josh Homme dari Queens of the Stone Age dan Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones. Foo Fighters masuk balik lagi untuk Wasting Light 2011, satu produksi Butch Vig yang 2x lipat untuk pengembalian resmi Pat Smear, yang tidak bermain di diantaranya collection band sejak tahun 1997. Squandering Light selesai untuk sukses besar untuk Foos, memulai aksinya di nomor satu di tangga lagu Billboard, memperoleh emas di AS dan mengumpulkan empat Grammy Awards lagi. Setelah Wasting Light, beberapa proyek Foo lainnya ada - kombinasi sampul edisi terbatas yang disebut Medium Rare dikeluarkan untuk Record Store Day 2011 ; satu film dokumenter dari band namanya Back and Forth - dan grup tur collection ke 2012.
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters Vakum
Pada 2012, Foo Fighters menginformasikan bila mereka mengambil jeda dan Dave Grohl sesegera kembali ke batas-batas Queens of the Stone Age, bermain drum di collection 2013 mereka,... Seperti Clockwork. Dia berusaha untuk tujukan film dokumenter terbaik tentang studio rekaman Los Angeles Sound City yang legendaris. Film ini ada di awal 2013 untuk keterangan positif, dan diimbangi dengan soundtrack yang disebut Sound City: Reel to Real, yang hadirkan kemacetan yang diletakkan Grohl termasuk beberapa veteran Sound City, ditambah Paul McCartney. Tidak lama setelah dikeluarkan, Foo Fighters menginformasikan bila kekosongan mereka telah selesai dan mereka sedang lakukan collection baru.
Sonic Highways, dikeluarkan akhir 2014, adalah proyek mereka yang withering bernafsu ; setiap lagu direkam di kota lainnya, beberapa dengan tamu fitur istimewa, expositions yang didokumentasikan pada seri dokumenter delapan scene untuk HBO. Sonic Highways melihat rilis internasional pada awal November 2014. Sewaktu tur dunia Sonic Highways, Foos memperoleh kehormatan jadi band terakhir untuk tampil di The Late Show dengan David Letterman pada 24 Mei 2015. Sesegera selanjutnya, setelah tur dilanjutkan, Grohl jatuh dari panggung waktu setop di Swedia, kakinya patah. Dia tampil dari takhta untuk sisa tur, yang diberi nama balik lagi "Tur Kaki Patah."
Diakhir 2015, bagus untuk signal terima kasih pada beberapa fans dan penghormatan pada beberapa korban serangan gertakan Paris, Foo Fighters mengeluarkan Saint Cecilia EP, satu ledakan lima lagu yang hadirkan Gary Clark, Jr. dan Ben Kweller. Ini kembalikan band ke tangga lagu Billboard, capai pucuk di Paling atas 20 di Hard Rock, Alternative, Tastemaker, dan tangga lagu Vinyl. Sesegera selanjutnya, band ini menginformasikan jeda yang tidak terbatas dan tidak mengeluarkan musik baru sampai dua tahun setelah itu, waktu mereka balik lagi dengan single "Run." Ini adalah rasa pertama dari collection ke-9 mereka Beton dan Emas, yang ada di bulan September 2017
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45news · 5 years
The stricken Muslim community of Christchurch was preparing to bury its dead after the far right terrorist attack on two mosques which stunned New Zealand. Graves for the victims of the worst mass shooting in the country’s history were being dug on Saturday, in anticipation of their bodies being released by the authorities. Workmen using diggers carefully prepared the ground in a quiet corner of Memorial Park Cemetery, with colleagues erecting a cloth over a fence to preserve the dignity of their work on part of the site set aside for Muslim burials, the graves facing Mecca. A few hours earlier Brenton Tarrant, the Australian national accused of the rampage, appeared in court in Christchurch, where he made a white supremacist gesture with his hand while flanked by two police officers. The 28-year-old was charged with one initial count of murder but more are expected to follow and he was remanded in custody until April 5. Christchurch residents outside the Al Noor mosque, where 41 worshippers were shot dead Credit: Jorge Silva/Reuters Police believe Tarrant was responsible for both the attack on the Al Noor mosque and the shooting at the Linwood Islamic Centre a short drive away. Fifty people were killed. A further 36, mostly men, are being treated for injuries at the city’s main hospital, the youngest a boy of two. Two people remain in a critical condition, including a four-year-old girl who was taken to Auckland’s Starship Hospital. Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, said yesterday the country’s gun laws would be tightened, with regulations around semi-automatic weapons, such as the ones allegedly used by Tarrant, "one of the issues" the government would consider. Minister David Parker confirmed that Semi Automatic weapons will be banned in New Zealand. pic.twitter.com/zVOAuyalZk— Kenny Williams (@Ohheykenny) March 16, 2019 Praising the bravery of two rural police officers who detained Tarrant at gunpoint as he allegedly tried to flee from the scene of the shootings, Ardern said he would have gone on target more victims. "It was absolutely was his intention to continue with his attack,” she said. Among Tarrant’s alleged victims were children, the elderly, recently arrived refugees and long settled migrants who had built a new life in a country one of them had described as "a slice of paradise". Daoud Nabi, a 71-year-old retired engineer who migrated from Afghanistan to New Zealand following the Soviet invasion, was the first to die on what Ardern would later call the country’s “darkest day.” In the grisly video allegedly filmed by Tarrant and streamed live online during the attack, the pensioner can be heard saying “hello brother” as he approached the gunman at the entrance to the Al Noor mosque. How Tarrant's hate spread across social media There were reports that Mr Nabi stepped in front of someone else to confront Tarrant, taking the bullets for himself. His son Omar, 43, said that was completely in character for his father, who had believed New Zealand to be a "slice of paradise." “Just helping people is his main thing. It makes me feel like he wanted other people to live,” he said. “To die in the masjid, in the mosque, if something like this happens the golden gates open for you.” At just three-years-old Mucad Ibrahim is thought to have been the youngest victim of the massacre. He had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his father and older brother Abdi, but was lost in the melee when the firing started. Abdi described his little brother as "energetic, playful and liked to smile and laugh a lot", confessing he felt nothing but “hatred” for his killer. Barely a year older than Mucad was Abdullahi Dirie, who was photographed cradled in a man’s arms outside the mosque after being fatally shot. His father and four siblings survived the attack. Abdullahi’s family had made their home in New Zealand after fleeing Somalia in the mid-1990s as refugees. His uncle Abdulrahman Hashi, 60, a preacher at Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in Minneapolis, said: “You cannot imagine how I feel. He was the youngest in the family. This is a problem of extremism. Some people think the Muslims in their country are part of that, but these are innocent people.” The family of Khaled Mustafa thought they had found safety in New Zealand after fleeing the bloody chaos of Syria only a few months ago. But he too became a victim of hatred when he was shot dead while praying with his two sons, Hamza, who is now missing feared dead and Zaid, 13, who is recovering from a six-hour operation on his wounds. Ali Akil, a spokesman for Syrian Solidarity New Zealand, said Mr Mustafa's wife and daughter, who were not at the mosque on Friday, were in "total shock, devastation and horror". He added: “They survived atrocities and arrived here in a safe haven only to be killed in the most atrocious way.." Among those also feared killed was a sports loving teenager described by his family as "a regular, typical, Kiwi kid." Sayyad Milne, who had dreams of playing football professionally, had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his mother Noraini. She managed to flee but Sayyad was cut down as the terrorist made his way through the building. Brydie Henry, Sayyad's half sister, said she was "devastated" by the attack. "They were good people, just living good lives. It's just awful," she added. Hosne Ara Parvin, 42, who moved to New Zealand from Bangladesh, is reported to have taken the full force of the bullets after leaping in front of the gunman to shield her husband Farid Uddin, who was in a wheelchair. Naeem Rashid, a Pakistani-born teacher, also tried to rush the gunman, but died later of his wounds. His son, 22-year-old Talha Naeem, a civil engineering graduate, was among those killed. Mr Rashid’s wife and Naeem’s mother Ambreen said: “I still can't understand or believe why and how this happened. But, I know that my husband is a hero. He always helped people and even in his last moments, he did what he could to help others." Khaja Mohiuddin, a chef, described how a fellow worshipper saved people by tackling the gunman while he and about 15 others hid at the Linwood mosque. He said: “The guy was there with us and said ‘we have to do something”, so he ran and just pulled the gun down.” One of Mr Mohiuddin's friends was killed, shot through the head. Two others are seriously injured, one with a collarbone “ripped off”, the other shot in the shoulder. New Zealand mosque massacre - In pictures While Prime Minister Ardern has vowed to change New Zealand’s gun laws, for Mr Mohiuddin it is too late. “That doesn’t return our loved ones. I know I have lost someone about whom I care, and my two other friends, I do not know for how many months they will be on a bed," he said. "It will not return their time nor my mate’s life back.," he said. Others feared killed were Mohammad Atta Alayan, Palestinian refugee who helped raise funds to build the mosque and Haroon Mahmood, a PhD student from Pakistan, who had two young children. Khaled Mustafa, Syrian refugee who fled Isil, was shot while praying. New Zealand futsal goalkeeper Atta Elayyan, 33, was also killed, as was retired engineer Ali Elmadani, who migrated from the United Arab Emirates in 1998. His daughter Maha Elmadani said: "My Dad always told us to be strong and patient so that's what we are all trying to do. For his sake. He considered New Zealand home and never thought something like this would happen here." The city of Christchurch once again bears the hallmarks of compassion that residents leaned on to help them through the dark months after the earthquake of February 2011 that claimed 185 lives. Opposite the hospital a row of traffic cones was adorned with flowers, while a nearby safety barrier was littered with bouquets. Terror in New Zealand | Read more A poster adorned with angels, butterflies and flowers read: “In loveing (sic) memory of all the beautiful Muslims who had their whole beautiful lives ripped away. We love you all and we know you are in a better place now. We will always walk with you side by side.” Lianne Dalziel, the Mayor of Christchurch said the killings were an “act of cowardice” by a “terrorist” who came to the city with “hate in his heart”. She added: “I want us not to be divided by what has happened, because hate divides. I want us to be united, and that’s what love and compassion and kindness are all about. “I believe that we can, because of our previous experience, recover from this. We can recover in a way that we will be stronger than we were before.” New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said this morning that the death toll has risen to 50 after investigators found another body at one of the mosques.  "Security around mosques will continue until Police believe there is no threat," he said. Two other people, a man and a woman, arrested soon after the shootings were not linked to the gunman. The woman had been released without charge, the man has been charged with firearm offences.    A list of those killed in the shootings had now been compiled and families had been advised. Mr Bush said the bodies have not yet been returned to the families as police need to determine the cause of death for each one.   "We have been working pathologist and coroners, and the chief coroner, on that and we have to be clear on cause of death and the identity before we can do that. "We are so aware of the cultural and religious needs so we are doing that as quickly and sensitively as possible," Mr Bush added. The Police chief also said that it was "obvious" that a modified weapon had been used.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2O8tf2i
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7newx1 · 5 years
The stricken Muslim community of Christchurch was preparing to bury its dead after the far right terrorist attack on two mosques which stunned New Zealand. Graves for the victims of the worst mass shooting in the country’s history were being dug on Saturday, in anticipation of their bodies being released by the authorities. Workmen using diggers carefully prepared the ground in a quiet corner of Memorial Park Cemetery, with colleagues erecting a cloth over a fence to preserve the dignity of their work on part of the site set aside for Muslim burials, the graves facing Mecca. A few hours earlier Brenton Tarrant, the Australian national accused of the rampage, appeared in court in Christchurch, where he made a white supremacist gesture with his hand while flanked by two police officers. The 28-year-old was charged with one initial count of murder but more are expected to follow and he was remanded in custody until April 5. Christchurch residents outside the Al Noor mosque, where 41 worshippers were shot dead Credit: Jorge Silva/Reuters Police believe Tarrant was responsible for both the attack on the Al Noor mosque and the shooting at the Linwood Islamic Centre a short drive away. Fifty people were killed. A further 36, mostly men, are being treated for injuries at the city’s main hospital, the youngest a boy of two. Two people remain in a critical condition, including a four-year-old girl who was taken to Auckland’s Starship Hospital. Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, said yesterday the country’s gun laws would be tightened, with regulations around semi-automatic weapons, such as the ones allegedly used by Tarrant, "one of the issues" the government would consider. Minister David Parker confirmed that Semi Automatic weapons will be banned in New Zealand. pic.twitter.com/zVOAuyalZk— Kenny Williams (@Ohheykenny) March 16, 2019 Praising the bravery of two rural police officers who detained Tarrant at gunpoint as he allegedly tried to flee from the scene of the shootings, Ardern said he would have gone on target more victims. "It was absolutely was his intention to continue with his attack,” she said. Among Tarrant’s alleged victims were children, the elderly, recently arrived refugees and long settled migrants who had built a new life in a country one of them had described as "a slice of paradise". Daoud Nabi, a 71-year-old retired engineer who migrated from Afghanistan to New Zealand following the Soviet invasion, was the first to die on what Ardern would later call the country’s “darkest day.” In the grisly video allegedly filmed by Tarrant and streamed live online during the attack, the pensioner can be heard saying “hello brother” as he approached the gunman at the entrance to the Al Noor mosque. How Tarrant's hate spread across social media There were reports that Mr Nabi stepped in front of someone else to confront Tarrant, taking the bullets for himself. His son Omar, 43, said that was completely in character for his father, who had believed New Zealand to be a "slice of paradise." “Just helping people is his main thing. It makes me feel like he wanted other people to live,” he said. “To die in the masjid, in the mosque, if something like this happens the golden gates open for you.” At just three-years-old Mucad Ibrahim is thought to have been the youngest victim of the massacre. He had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his father and older brother Abdi, but was lost in the melee when the firing started. Abdi described his little brother as "energetic, playful and liked to smile and laugh a lot", confessing he felt nothing but “hatred” for his killer. Barely a year older than Mucad was Abdullahi Dirie, who was photographed cradled in a man’s arms outside the mosque after being fatally shot. His father and four siblings survived the attack. Abdullahi’s family had made their home in New Zealand after fleeing Somalia in the mid-1990s as refugees. His uncle Abdulrahman Hashi, 60, a preacher at Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in Minneapolis, said: “You cannot imagine how I feel. He was the youngest in the family. This is a problem of extremism. Some people think the Muslims in their country are part of that, but these are innocent people.” The family of Khaled Mustafa thought they had found safety in New Zealand after fleeing the bloody chaos of Syria only a few months ago. But he too became a victim of hatred when he was shot dead while praying with his two sons, Hamza, who is now missing feared dead and Zaid, 13, who is recovering from a six-hour operation on his wounds. Ali Akil, a spokesman for Syrian Solidarity New Zealand, said Mr Mustafa's wife and daughter, who were not at the mosque on Friday, were in "total shock, devastation and horror". He added: “They survived atrocities and arrived here in a safe haven only to be killed in the most atrocious way.." Among those also feared killed was a sports loving teenager described by his family as "a regular, typical, Kiwi kid." Sayyad Milne, who had dreams of playing football professionally, had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his mother Noraini. She managed to flee but Sayyad was cut down as the terrorist made his way through the building. Brydie Henry, Sayyad's half sister, said she was "devastated" by the attack. "They were good people, just living good lives. It's just awful," she added. Hosne Ara Parvin, 42, who moved to New Zealand from Bangladesh, is reported to have taken the full force of the bullets after leaping in front of the gunman to shield her husband Farid Uddin, who was in a wheelchair. Naeem Rashid, a Pakistani-born teacher, also tried to rush the gunman, but died later of his wounds. His son, 22-year-old Talha Naeem, a civil engineering graduate, was among those killed. Mr Rashid’s wife and Naeem’s mother Ambreen said: “I still can't understand or believe why and how this happened. But, I know that my husband is a hero. He always helped people and even in his last moments, he did what he could to help others." Khaja Mohiuddin, a chef, described how a fellow worshipper saved people by tackling the gunman while he and about 15 others hid at the Linwood mosque. He said: “The guy was there with us and said ‘we have to do something”, so he ran and just pulled the gun down.” One of Mr Mohiuddin's friends was killed, shot through the head. Two others are seriously injured, one with a collarbone “ripped off”, the other shot in the shoulder. New Zealand mosque massacre - In pictures While Prime Minister Ardern has vowed to change New Zealand’s gun laws, for Mr Mohiuddin it is too late. “That doesn’t return our loved ones. I know I have lost someone about whom I care, and my two other friends, I do not know for how many months they will be on a bed," he said. "It will not return their time nor my mate’s life back.," he said. Others feared killed were Mohammad Atta Alayan, Palestinian refugee who helped raise funds to build the mosque and Haroon Mahmood, a PhD student from Pakistan, who had two young children. Khaled Mustafa, Syrian refugee who fled Isil, was shot while praying. New Zealand futsal goalkeeper Atta Elayyan, 33, was also killed, as was retired engineer Ali Elmadani, who migrated from the United Arab Emirates in 1998. His daughter Maha Elmadani said: "My Dad always told us to be strong and patient so that's what we are all trying to do. For his sake. He considered New Zealand home and never thought something like this would happen here." The city of Christchurch once again bears the hallmarks of compassion that residents leaned on to help them through the dark months after the earthquake of February 2011 that claimed 185 lives. Opposite the hospital a row of traffic cones was adorned with flowers, while a nearby safety barrier was littered with bouquets. Terror in New Zealand | Read more A poster adorned with angels, butterflies and flowers read: “In loveing (sic) memory of all the beautiful Muslims who had their whole beautiful lives ripped away. We love you all and we know you are in a better place now. We will always walk with you side by side.” Lianne Dalziel, the Mayor of Christchurch said the killings were an “act of cowardice” by a “terrorist” who came to the city with “hate in his heart”. She added: “I want us not to be divided by what has happened, because hate divides. I want us to be united, and that’s what love and compassion and kindness are all about. “I believe that we can, because of our previous experience, recover from this. We can recover in a way that we will be stronger than we were before.” New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said this morning that the death toll has risen to 50 after investigators found another body at one of the mosques.  "Security around mosques will continue until Police believe there is no threat," he said. Two other people, a man and a woman, arrested soon after the shootings were not linked to the gunman. The woman had been released without charge, the man has been charged with firearm offences.    A list of those killed in the shootings had now been compiled and families had been advised. Mr Bush said the bodies have not yet been returned to the families as police need to determine the cause of death for each one.   "We have been working pathologist and coroners, and the chief coroner, on that and we have to be clear on cause of death and the identity before we can do that. "We are so aware of the cultural and religious needs so we are doing that as quickly and sensitively as possible," Mr Bush added. The Police chief also said that it was "obvious" that a modified weapon had been used.
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teeky185 · 5 years
The stricken Muslim community of Christchurch was preparing to bury its dead after the far right terrorist attack on two mosques which stunned New Zealand. Graves for the victims of the worst mass shooting in the country’s history were being dug on Saturday, in anticipation of their bodies being released by the authorities. Workmen using diggers carefully prepared the ground in a quiet corner of Memorial Park Cemetery, with colleagues erecting a cloth over a fence to preserve the dignity of their work on part of the site set aside for Muslim burials, the graves facing Mecca. A few hours earlier Brenton Tarrant, the Australian national accused of the rampage, appeared in court in Christchurch, where he made a white supremacist gesture with his hand while flanked by two police officers. The 28-year-old was charged with one initial count of murder but more are expected to follow and he was remanded in custody until April 5. Christchurch residents outside the Al Noor mosque, where 41 worshippers were shot dead Credit: Jorge Silva/Reuters Police believe Tarrant was responsible for both the attack on the Al Noor mosque and the shooting at the Linwood Islamic Centre a short drive away. Fifty people were killed. A further 36, mostly men, are being treated for injuries at the city’s main hospital, the youngest a boy of two. Two people remain in a critical condition, including a four-year-old girl who was taken to Auckland’s Starship Hospital. Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, said yesterday the country’s gun laws would be tightened, with regulations around semi-automatic weapons, such as the ones allegedly used by Tarrant, "one of the issues" the government would consider. Minister David Parker confirmed that Semi Automatic weapons will be banned in New Zealand. pic.twitter.com/zVOAuyalZk— Kenny Williams (@Ohheykenny) March 16, 2019 Praising the bravery of two rural police officers who detained Tarrant at gunpoint as he allegedly tried to flee from the scene of the shootings, Ardern said he would have gone on target more victims. "It was absolutely was his intention to continue with his attack,” she said. Among Tarrant’s alleged victims were children, the elderly, recently arrived refugees and long settled migrants who had built a new life in a country one of them had described as "a slice of paradise". Daoud Nabi, a 71-year-old retired engineer who migrated from Afghanistan to New Zealand following the Soviet invasion, was the first to die on what Ardern would later call the country’s “darkest day.” In the grisly video allegedly filmed by Tarrant and streamed live online during the attack, the pensioner can be heard saying “hello brother” as he approached the gunman at the entrance to the Al Noor mosque. How Tarrant's hate spread across social media There were reports that Mr Nabi stepped in front of someone else to confront Tarrant, taking the bullets for himself. His son Omar, 43, said that was completely in character for his father, who had believed New Zealand to be a "slice of paradise." “Just helping people is his main thing. It makes me feel like he wanted other people to live,” he said. “To die in the masjid, in the mosque, if something like this happens the golden gates open for you.” At just three-years-old Mucad Ibrahim is thought to have been the youngest victim of the massacre. He had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his father and older brother Abdi, but was lost in the melee when the firing started. Abdi described his little brother as "energetic, playful and liked to smile and laugh a lot", confessing he felt nothing but “hatred” for his killer. Barely a year older than Mucad was Abdullahi Dirie, who was photographed cradled in a man’s arms outside the mosque after being fatally shot. His father and four siblings survived the attack. Abdullahi’s family had made their home in New Zealand after fleeing Somalia in the mid-1990s as refugees. His uncle Abdulrahman Hashi, 60, a preacher at Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in Minneapolis, said: “You cannot imagine how I feel. He was the youngest in the family. This is a problem of extremism. Some people think the Muslims in their country are part of that, but these are innocent people.” The family of Khaled Mustafa thought they had found safety in New Zealand after fleeing the bloody chaos of Syria only a few months ago. But he too became a victim of hatred when he was shot dead while praying with his two sons, Hamza, who is now missing feared dead and Zaid, 13, who is recovering from a six-hour operation on his wounds. Ali Akil, a spokesman for Syrian Solidarity New Zealand, said Mr Mustafa's wife and daughter, who were not at the mosque on Friday, were in "total shock, devastation and horror". He added: “They survived atrocities and arrived here in a safe haven only to be killed in the most atrocious way.." Among those also feared killed was a sports loving teenager described by his family as "a regular, typical, Kiwi kid." Sayyad Milne, who had dreams of playing football professionally, had gone to the Al Noor mosque with his mother Noraini. She managed to flee but Sayyad was cut down as the terrorist made his way through the building. Brydie Henry, Sayyad's half sister, said she was "devastated" by the attack. "They were good people, just living good lives. It's just awful," she added. Hosne Ara Parvin, 42, who moved to New Zealand from Bangladesh, is reported to have taken the full force of the bullets after leaping in front of the gunman to shield her husband Farid Uddin, who was in a wheelchair. Naeem Rashid, a Pakistani-born teacher, also tried to rush the gunman, but died later of his wounds. His son, 22-year-old Talha Naeem, a civil engineering graduate, was among those killed. Mr Rashid’s wife and Naeem’s mother Ambreen said: “I still can't understand or believe why and how this happened. But, I know that my husband is a hero. He always helped people and even in his last moments, he did what he could to help others." Khaja Mohiuddin, a chef, described how a fellow worshipper saved people by tackling the gunman while he and about 15 others hid at the Linwood mosque. He said: “The guy was there with us and said ‘we have to do something”, so he ran and just pulled the gun down.” One of Mr Mohiuddin's friends was killed, shot through the head. Two others are seriously injured, one with a collarbone “ripped off”, the other shot in the shoulder. New Zealand mosque massacre - In pictures While Prime Minister Ardern has vowed to change New Zealand’s gun laws, for Mr Mohiuddin it is too late. “That doesn’t return our loved ones. I know I have lost someone about whom I care, and my two other friends, I do not know for how many months they will be on a bed," he said. "It will not return their time nor my mate’s life back.," he said. Others feared killed were Mohammad Atta Alayan, Palestinian refugee who helped raise funds to build the mosque and Haroon Mahmood, a PhD student from Pakistan, who had two young children. Khaled Mustafa, Syrian refugee who fled Isil, was shot while praying. New Zealand futsal goalkeeper Atta Elayyan, 33, was also killed, as was retired engineer Ali Elmadani, who migrated from the United Arab Emirates in 1998. His daughter Maha Elmadani said: "My Dad always told us to be strong and patient so that's what we are all trying to do. For his sake. He considered New Zealand home and never thought something like this would happen here." The city of Christchurch once again bears the hallmarks of compassion that residents leaned on to help them through the dark months after the earthquake of February 2011 that claimed 185 lives. Opposite the hospital a row of traffic cones was adorned with flowers, while a nearby safety barrier was littered with bouquets. Terror in New Zealand | Read more A poster adorned with angels, butterflies and flowers read: “In loveing (sic) memory of all the beautiful Muslims who had their whole beautiful lives ripped away. We love you all and we know you are in a better place now. We will always walk with you side by side.” Lianne Dalziel, the Mayor of Christchurch said the killings were an “act of cowardice” by a “terrorist” who came to the city with “hate in his heart”. She added: “I want us not to be divided by what has happened, because hate divides. I want us to be united, and that’s what love and compassion and kindness are all about. “I believe that we can, because of our previous experience, recover from this. We can recover in a way that we will be stronger than we were before.” New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said this morning that the death toll has risen to 50 after investigators found another body at one of the mosques.  "Security around mosques will continue until Police believe there is no threat," he said. Two other people, a man and a woman, arrested soon after the shootings were not linked to the gunman. The woman had been released without charge, the man has been charged with firearm offences.    A list of those killed in the shootings had now been compiled and families had been advised. Mr Bush said the bodies have not yet been returned to the families as police need to determine the cause of death for each one.   "We have been working pathologist and coroners, and the chief coroner, on that and we have to be clear on cause of death and the identity before we can do that. "We are so aware of the cultural and religious needs so we are doing that as quickly and sensitively as possible," Mr Bush added. The Police chief also said that it was "obvious" that a modified weapon had been used.
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