#angie miller. ic / sinking in the pool of your mistakes
ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 1: misc general
#✧ angie miller. ic / sinking in the pool of your mistakes#✧ angie miller. musings / stuck in her daydream#✧ angie miller. visage / freckles and constellations#✧ angie miller. headcanons / everything seems to be estranged when you’re alone#✧ michael afton. ic / and through it all the rise and fall the bodies in the streets#✧ michael afton. musings / did i beat you at your own game? typical of me to put us all to shame#✧ michael afton. visage / something is wrong with me. i should be dead‚ but i’m not#✧ michael afton. headcanons / none of us belong‚ everything i do is wrong‚ and soon there will be nobody left around#✧ robin buckley. ic / hey dingus‚ your children are here!#✧ robin buckley. musings / i feel like my whole life has been one big error#✧ robin buckley. visage / my ears are little geniuses‚ trust me#✧ robin buckley. headcanons / what if there’s just something about me that drives people away?#✧ will byers. ic / i tried to make it go away‚ but it got me#✧ will byers. musings / yeah… crazy together#✧ will byers. visage / they all treat me like i’m gonna break!#✧ will byers. headcanons / i think it’s just scary to open up like that#✧ lexi howard. ic / and maybe one day i’ll get around to fixing myself too#✧ lexi howard. musings / on the outside always looking in#✧ lexi howard. visage / i feel like a six out of ten#✧ lexi howard. headcanons / sentences sit in her mouth that are templated#✧ valen cassano. ic / they say i did something bad then why’s it feel so good?#✧ valen cassano. musings / all i am is a weapon i shoot ‘em down ‘til i end up alone#✧ valen cassano. visage / gunpowder gelatine dynamite with a laser beam#✧ valen cassano. headcanons / heaven knows you tried. got it? good now get inside
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@illusinae​ asked: [ boop ] for Angie uwu // word prompts
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose
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    THE TAP TO HER NOSE IS COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED, Angie’s eyes going wide the moment Cam effectively manages to boop her. She cracks a SMILE the moment she registers it, though, and...well, she COULD respond normally, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, completely dismissing what they were already talking about, her hand flies out to boop Cam on the nose right back. 
                                       What? Let her get even in peace!
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
@curiouskilled //  sc. ( open )
    “Um-- hey, you!” This is a bad idea. Angie is BARELY used to fighting crime at all-- she has no clue what she’s doing, and to make matters worse, now she’s ended up in a completely different UNIVERSE. She doesn’t know how it happened, or how to even START working on getting home. But after going through a weird portal and ending up somewhere that’s almost like her world, but not quite, it’s the only explanation she can come up with. 
  The LAST thing she should be focusing on is fighting somewhere she ISN’T familiar, but...well, she doesn’t know what else to do. Except...there’s also the issue of being PAINFULLY awkward. “Stealing...ain’t it chief!” 
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@sunkiisscd​ asked: “‘i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3am for no reason.’ PS4 peter @ angie” // tumblr text posts 
  “DO YOU THINK THAT’S A UNIVERSAL THING when it comes to spider people?” The question comes as she hangs upside down from a nearby railing, the hood of her suit dangling below her head as she sways back and forth, even in the odd position that she’s grown much more used to by now. “Obviously none of us ever sleep ‘cause of fuckin’— I don’t know, crime reasons? But I stayed up ‘til 3am most nights BEFORE I was even doing this anyways, so my bet’s on us being born without the sleep cell.”
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@dumbthink​ asked: “can you walk? For Angie maybe :0″ // misc angst starters
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    THE GIRL WINCES AS SHE ATTEMPTS TO MOVE FORWARD, wobbling slightly to one side. Well this is fucking annoying. Superpowers and everything, she still manages to sprain her ankle in gym class of all places-- not even when she’s trying to get a grip on her abilities! Which...she still hasn’t done much with, if she’s being honest. She knows enough to be aware that the minor injury will end up healing soon enough, but the sudden attention makes her nerves spike, and she’s really beginning to wish no one saw her completely eat shit on the gym flooring. 
    “Yeah-- yeah, I got it. I think it’s just a sprain.” She shrugs, giving Nadine a small smile, before joking, “If I broke my ankle here of all places, I’m gonna be really pissed.” 
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@sunkiisscd​ asked: ❝ i don’t have to know everything. just what you’re comfortable sharing. ❞ ravi @ anyone who needs therapy- // therapy/talking about trauma/post trauma starters
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 ANGIE DIDN’T WANT TO DO THIS. Hell, she can count the amount of people she finds herself seriously opening up to on one hand— whether it has to do with the rampant sense of loneliness that refuses to give up its hold on her, or the way her life was shaken ever since the stupid powers ( she doesn’t resent them necessarily, but...things would be much easier without them )...since she left home...since her brother. But when the thought of sharing anything remotely this serious with a closest friend still leaves enough knots in her stomach to be sick, she doesn’t know how she’s expected to do the same with a complete stranger. 
   Sigh falls from her lips, and head tilts to the side a bit, cheek squishing against the palm of her hand. Except...she can’t just walk about, not after her promise to AJ that she would at least try. “Yeah...yeah, it’s just-” Another pause, and she moves her hand, instead picking at the skin around her nails. “Where do I start? I don’t even know what to talk about, or...I do, but we just started, so...I don’t know, I don’t usually...DO THIS.”
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
@petiteflamme // plotted starter
 SOMETIMES, ANGIE WONDERS IF CRIME EVER SLOWS DOWN AT ALL in the city, constant calls patching into police networks and frantic news reports about the latest robbery, heist, attack, or anything in between— at least it leaves an abundance of things to DO while roaming around buildings and street corners. It’s when she had just finished pulling someone’s cat from a tree that she picked up on nearby danger, her goodbye QUICK before she was pulling herself out of there, gravity at her fingertips while heart pounds in her chest before— gotcha. 
              Turns out she isn’t the FIRST to arrive, though. 
  “Huh— I really thought I was the only one who had these guys for a second! Least they stand less of a chance against two of us,” She breathes, giving a wave to one of them who seems to be looking at her more ANGRILY than ever. “Two against.. I don’t know, they all look the same, let’s just get it over with!” 
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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“anon” ( @petiteflamme​ ) asked: “colette fortnite dances in angies room” // send me anons
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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@hernova​ asked: “‘open up’ - for angie!” // send ‘open up’ for my muse to talk about one of the most traumatic memories in their life
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    A SINKING SENSATION fills the pit of her stomach as memories wash over her, sick and twisted grief and the BILE that she deeply remembers rising in her throat with even the sight of the scene she can’t ever scrub from her mind. Chewing the inside of her cheek, Angie glances downwards, meticulously picking at her fingernails— too many tears on the skin of her lip, and accidentally drawing a bit of blood around her hangnail is nothing compared to the crimson red she doesn’t think she can EVER truly wash from her hands. 
                                                          Fuck, she hates talking about herself like this.
         “My brother, Nicky, he was visiting me...” She starts, finally, breath catching in her throat as the DIZZYING feeling threatens to claw it’s way back to the forefront of her mind— none of it had felt real, and yet, she recalls every moment of it. “-He wasn’t supposed to, mom didn’t want him to have anything to do with me, but he was...stubborn, and thought it was unfair, which it was, but...” If he had never left the house to see her... “I HEARD him, I heard him nearby, and I went to where he was and I hid. Behind some stupid dumpster while he was cornered, I didn’t— I guess I was too...frozen to stop it.” Could have easily handled it, with the POWERS she ignored for all too long. Maybe it was karma. 
    “He- whoever it was, I don’t think he meant for it to escalate like that...’cept it ended with a bullet in Nicky’s stomach and the- the ambulance was too late and I didn’t do shit that helped enough...he was already-” Resisting the sob that pushes its way up her throat, Angie’s eyes squeeze shut. “-Gone...by the time help got there. I...I think I’m gonna go, actually, that’s all there is to say anyways.”
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
‘ jogging is the worst. i mean, i know it keeps you healthy, but god, at what cost? ’ (maddie to angie even tho maddie is 100% in her leggings and hoodie for a jog)
@puerstellas // parks and rec sentence starters
    “Gonna be honest here, I can’t remember the LAST TIME I voluntarily jogged outside of gym class. Actually, that wasn’t voluntarily, I’m forced to do that-” Technically, she has run outside of class by now-- a million times, given that she’s a superhero now. Or...something like that; she’s still trying to get the hang of it. It’s much easier now that one lap around the track doesn’t make her stomach cramp, but she does only really get exercise when she’s underneath the mask. Yeah, she’d be WAY out of shape if it weren’t for the powers. 
     Now, she barely struggles with it, but she keeps up how she used to feel beforehand-- she can’t let anyone catch onto what’s different, right? “I mean, it’s not as bad as straight up running, ‘cause at least it hurts less and you’re less sweaty, but good luck.”
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
“ i only wanted to help. ” from Aaron to Angie
@twilightttv // random sentence starters
    BEEN THERE. Angie remembers the first time she really wanted to help, but hadn’t done a thing, stayed frozen behind a corner even after she had a while to realize her powers were there. She won’t ever forget how she could have saved her brother, but didn’t. And although it pushed her towards actually doing something worthwhile with the abilities she got, in some crazy, fucked up way, she doesn’t know if the guilt will ever stop lingering. And since then, she’s tried to help in a million ways, and is met with failure PLENTY of times. Mostly because of her own mess-ups, but at least it’s...some kind of progress? 
        So when she hears the words, she nods her head, smiling slightly underneath the mask even if it isn’t visible. “Mhm, I know...I get it.” An awkward pause, before she extends her hand to help him up. “Let’s...finish this, yeah?” 
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
@sxdere //  sc. ( open )
   Angie is...an IDIOT. An idiot who had about three hours of sleep last night. Not her fault that all her teachers decide to schedule homework and projects and tests for the same exact week, and that every single bad guy nearby thought it was a good time to start committing crimes. She’s still getting used to the whole hero thing, and she BARELY knows how to fight ( the new strength and agility is the only thing that stops her from getting her ass kicked every single time-- before this, she could barely even open most water bottles on her own ). She decides she should probably go buy some coffee before she swings around today, so at least she’ll be a little awake, but not looking where she’s going AND being half asleep makes for a pretty bad combination. 
                                            She swings right into a fucking pole. 
  “Ow-” She groans, lifting a hand to press against her forehead and grimace, before slowly standing up. Well that sucked. Especially because she’s now realizing that someone saw the whole thing. Oh well, at least she’s wearing the suit. “Uh-- ....hi.”
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ahsterism-a · 5 years
@soulstcne //  sc. ( open )
   Angie has a headache. That’s the first thing she notices after she ends up...WHEREVER she is. She’s cold and tired and holy FUCK, her head hurts. She has no idea how long she’s been here, either-- it’s just her luck, too. One moment, she’s swinging through the city, trying to find any sort of crime to fight ( she’s really gotta get better at it, she’s lost count of how many time’s she’s fallen on her face ), and the next she’s sucked through something that looks like a PORTAL. Yeah, that’s normal. She ends up somewhere...different-- almost like where she’s from, but not the same at ALL. It’s not too bad, and maybe AJ will think she’s just sleeping over at a friend’s house...who is she kidding, when’s the last time she was invited to a sleepover? Her cousin will definitely be worried. 
   Which is why Angie needs to find SOME kind of way home. Unfortunately, all she’s got his her suit and her powers...which isn’t very promising. She roams around the city streets, her mask still on ( even though it’s UNCOMFORTABLE with her glasses smushed against her face )-- damn, she’s hungry too. Too bad she couldn’t shove any cash into her suit. She’s walking around yet another corner, when she suddenly hears someone talk to her, and nearly JUMPS right out her own skin. The sudden surprise causes her to stumble to the side and crash into a WALL, too-- she’s a fucking idiot. 
   “Uh-- SORRY, didn’t expect that-- um, HEY-- what did you say?” 
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@illuderelict​ asked: “ what the government doesn’t want you to know is that taylor swift is a god. ” cam @ angie // shit heard at art school
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   “Well FUCK the government, we all know the truth anyways no matter how much they try to cover it up.” It’s said with a lighthearted smile on her face, but hey, out of any wild theory, she’d be pretty inclined to believe this one at this point. “The real problem is anyone who tries to deny it at this point, she’s in my top spotify artists and she deserves it!” Has Angie played her music while patrolling? Yes, yes she has. 
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@illusinae​ asked: ❝ you don’t have to trust my words, but do you have any better options? ❞ @ Angie :) // resident evil village starters
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   WELL, SHIT. One glance around or at Angie herself would reveal the answer to that question almost immediately— lost count of the days spent...well, wherever the hell she is by now ( although she’s tallied around three to four in her mind, a little more focused on figuring out what to do then caring too much about the date ), and it’s beginning to show. The galaxies in the fabric of her suit are smudged with dirt and grime, exhaustion shines through her words and movements, and no matter where she goes, it’s undeniably clear that she’s LOST. 
     She’s starting to run out of ideas on how to get home... if that’s even possible at this point. 
 Her gaze narrows with the offer given to her— she doesn’t know much about this person, mostly just his name ( Cam ) and the fact that he’s sort of her only hope right now. Angie finds it DIFFICULT to trust most strangers here ( not that her trust isn’t relatively quick to earn, but getting thrown in what’s apparently an entirely separate UNIVERSE tends to do that ), but... this is the one option she’s got. “No...” She finally responds, stomach twisting with anxiety that she tries her best to push down. Hey, push comes to shove, she still has her senses, right?
           “Okay, okay, FINE. Or—” Fuck, that sounds rude, doesn’t it. “You’re RIGHT. I’m...kinda really lost here, and I dunno what ELSE to do besides go with what you’re saying, so— uh... thanks. ...You don’t know any way I could get BACK to where I��m from by any chance, right” 
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
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anonymous asked: “for angie. do you regret dawning the mask at all?” //  send me anons
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   IT WAS A COMPLICATED DECISION, one Angie had avoided until really, it was far too late. Coming to terms with newfound abilities was more than enough to freak her out, cause the already reserved girl to crawl further into an isolated shell with powers buried completely underneath the surface— friends mostly casual, ones she couldn’t tell about any of this, and another where the risk was too great. She had never been good at anything heroic, never thought she would QUALIFY for a task like this. 
                                                    But then her brother died, and everything changed.
   “I regret not doing it sooner,” She states plainly, shrugging her shoulders. “Sure it’s...hard sometimes, or fucking insane, but if I had just USED them instead of hiding them for too long...” Voice trails off, and she briefly bites the inside of her cheek, figuring out what to say. “Let’s just say it would’ve prevented a lot of problems.”
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