heclingmuzik · 3 years
HIT. A dead end!? Despite there being no signs, she’s still looking for a way out. She turns to run toward the area she just came from. If she’s fast enough, she’d be able to dodge her pursuer. It’s an unfortunate event though, because she’s too late. The pursuer is blocking the alleyway. 
“AH, look at what you’ve done. You’ve led yourself right into a mousetrap.”
She really did, didn’t she? AND she doesn’t have her bow and arrow with her. At least she has the disguised knife. “Stand back! I have---I have a knife!” She pulls the pen out and reveals the tiny knife. “Back off!” It’s certainly not enough to frighten the man. He chuckles, pulling out his own knife, much larger in size compared to her’s. 
Ismael trembles, but she holds the tiny knife with both her hands, she swings the air to get the man to stay back. It works for just a second, but he’s closing in on her. Shit, is she going to die....again?
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errantkatana · 2 years
Tuan had left his old life behind years ago, but Ogata was one of few he would occasionally still contact. He had his own foot in the door of a less dangerous life, a simple dentist’s office, unassuming and normal.
It was almost a mystery to Tuan why Ogata hadn’t cut his own ties to the mob, but he also understood the difficulty of it. All this aside, Tuan stands at the receptionists desk, asking a few questions with a slightly worried face.
When Ogata appears, he perks up immediately. Tuan’s calm, but still a little urgent with the way he approaches him. 
“Sorry if I’m stopping you, but I was wondering if you saw my counterpart–he pretty much looks like when I was younger, about 20s. Except with a bathrobe and a katana.”
There really wasn’t a way to describe Zero that didn’t sound strange–for better or for worse.
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ascarletflame · 3 years
@anglerfishnabe​ is visited by the mothman!
There he is. The cryptid of Big Dipper. The one who isn’t himself, that is. Grimm is fairly certain he’s never seen Ogata make many attempts to interact with anyone, which is odd for someone employed at a talent agency (even if he’s just security) considering theatre folks tend to be wild. Or maybe that’s why he doesn’t? He’s interested in being annoying, either way.
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“Are you having fun, my friend?” The Troupe Master takes it upon himself to sit next to him, sake and company lute in hand. “Talk to Uncle Grimm. How did Lady Okina get you to join her company, hmm?”
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twotonesnake · 3 years
Bar hopping, Yamazaki already smells a bit like whiskey. It’s not out of place and he’s feeling fine–he’s a large fellow so it tends to travel slow. His tolerance high.
He holds mundane conversations with bar tenders and other lurkers. A snake coiling ever so slightly around prey before it becomes bored. Outside this particular bar, he puts up a hand to a flirty, drunk individual.
“You have my number, sweetheart, go sleep off the alcohol. It’s pretty late ya know.” A lie. But it’s enough to get them to go away without any need for shoving. Ah, oh, he’d love to shove. And punch. And stomp!
“I so wanna play with somebody…” he intones in a higher pitch. “She wouldn’t’ve put up much of a fight though. What’s the give without the take?” he whines.  
Before the bloodlust gets any stronger, they’re gone. Turning to the bar door he opens it with his width of his left arm. Checking his phone at the same time. He pockets it, having made sure he has enough for one more drink at the least, and sits next to a stranger that takes his interest. Fur coat draping over the stool.
Not like there were many here to choose from, anyways.
Slicking back his own undercut, he gives him a smile that doesn’t hide much about who he really is. 
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“Like your hair cut, pal.”
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Mariela was done with her collection for the day. It had started to become a passing joke with the carriage driver and some of the villagers of The Mistwood that whenever the girl was lurking around the village had welcomed a legendary yeti into their midst. Mariela hated to be thought of as a monster but it soon became clear it was a joke. She had to admit that she often looked ridiculous, covered head to toe in plants and herbs like a Shambling Mound or some sort of dryad. She was on her way back towards the center of the village when something tugged at her fibrous coat. Shifting her attention to the ground she saw a small cat that had been biting around her ankles.
Mariela bent down to pick the cat up eliciting a loud mewl of protest from the animal. Looking over its collar she was relieved to see that it did have some tags on it. Apparently her name was “Bullet” and she belonged to a resident here in Mistwood. She walked over to one of the villagers and asked where she might find the address on the tag and was directed down the road to the edge of the forest. Though the cat was a wriggly thing she seemed more than occupied knawing at the fibers on her shoulder. Luckily these plants wouldn’t hurt her to chew as they were used for healing medicine, so Mariela just let her do as she pleased. The girl reached out and knocked on the door a few times but if anyone was home they were slow to answer.
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“Ehhhh-- Excuse me...Is anyone home? I think I have your kitty.”
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eusarca · 4 years
Even without an internet connection, enough asking around gave Kyrie great ideas on where to start with the local cuisine. This place in Archimedes, with its quaint aesthetic, was only their second stop on the list. 
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“Hey, is this the place with the famous hot pot?” they asked someone on his way in, the question coming from behind him and that cloak. The enthusiasm in their voice wasn’t hidden in the slightest.
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hiddenstar · 4 years
     Dreams worked differently in this world, Okina had come to realize.
In her own experience, all dreams were connected— existing in a separate layer of reality, all contained within the Dream World. There seemed to be no such place here, however. Not that she often had a need to dwell within that realm when her own allowed for enough ease of travel. Even accessing another’s dreams directly was no issue to her, all thanks to her powers. But it certainly was a curiosity that she couldn’t help but ponder on.
At any rate, these thoughts came often when she explored people’s dreams here— and would quickly fade as soon as the new scenery made itself known to her. The ominously, green wooden double door looked out of place against the low wall along the warfront’s trenches, and as did Okina once she emerged from it, seated casually in her hoverchair. Immediately, the sound of gunfire was apparent to her— bullets whizzing past near and far.
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“This sound... it’s not one I’ve heard in quite a while. Though, what I recall wasn’t quite like this. Tanegashima rifles certainly were a louder tool,” Okina would muse, turning to look at the nearby soldier— a smile quickly creeping onto her face. 
“I recall the soldiers looking quite a bit different too, heh heh...”
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bloodydivider · 3 years
starter - @anglerfishnabe 
The way Ogata wears doesn’t remind everything where Darius lives. He looked bit of Ionian for a reason but he’s not hostile to anyone unless provoked. Big man with a wooden axe is fairly new here, so this could be a time to be civil as Noxians do when they aren’t on war against rival nations in his world.
In a place for a drink, he’d want a glass.
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“Ionian with a rifle.” As he sighs, he drinks his glass nice and slow. “What do you want?” Anyone with a japanese or chinese-themed look, he marks them as Ionians. He’s fine with anyone else than Demacians.
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helpingthelongrain · 4 years
     It was very rare that Rinnosuke found someone trying to enter the building at this time. Although he had no shop hours listed, he certainly had times when he was open, and times when he was closed— and right now was one of those such hours.
Had the person at the door perhaps announced themselves, Rinnosuke might have opened it— however, after a minute or so, the knocking would stop. Having just finished cooking, he walked back to the part of his house that acted as the store and sat his bowl on his desk, letting out a slight sigh. “Hm. Perhaps I should have checked after all...?”
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“... No, there’s no helping it. Closed means closed— right, Laika? ... Hm?” Laika, who had been by his feet, was looking up at one of the windows to Rinnosuke’s rear. And sure enough, he’d turn to look as well. “What’s that, a Mistborn? ... Gyeh?!”
     There he was— Ogata Hyakunosuke, staring directly at him in the dark, only illuminated by the sole light coming from Rinnosuke’s desk. Setting his chopsticks down with some mild annoyance, Rinnosuke walked over to the kitchen and slid open the rear door, looking out and over at the man standing underneath an autumn-dyed cherry blossom tree.
“Do you realize what time it is right now? We’re closed. Honestly... was there something you needed, Ogata-san?” The man can’t help but sound somewhat cross, but he maintains a straight face.
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trick or treat....
Inktober @dressed-to-keehl edition: Day 25 - trick
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heclingmuzik · 3 years
It’s been a minute. In fact, right after all that had happened in that alleyway, a few days after it was the Soiree. She thought she had seen him at the castle, but...
Ismael has been meaning to contact him but had she been scared? Absolutely. The image of him as life left his body is still fresh in her mind. Just like with the three men that had been killed in her place. She’s working on them. Working on all the trauma and nightmares. Ogata’s just happens to be added into that list. 
She’s already here. It’s too late to back out now. 
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How long does she plan to just stand there, awkwardly? She’s fidgeting with the cellphone in her hands, before finally working her way in texting the man. She hasn’t sent anything yet and comes to a pause when she hears the door opening. Ismael lifts her head to look up and...
her heart feels like it’s going to just leap right out of her mouth. 
“Uh....hi....” what a way to start a conversation.
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absolutedespair · 3 years
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@anglerfishnabe​ ; send me 🐤 for a tweet my muse would make about yours ( accepting ! )
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nullprozent · 3 years
@anglerfishnabe​​ [x]
So there he was now, in front of the rumored home goods store. Rumors say, that if you enter it pass midnight, some wares would become edible, not only edible, they also should be delicious, if you find the right object that is.
Beside Sou, there was another guy here, probably for the same reason as him(?)
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“So, this store... edible furniture...? This place sure gets weirder with every passing day. Have you actual experience with stuff like that?”
Well if it would work, he could get free dinner, however, if it wouldn’t... He’d be a fool biting into a chair or couch or anything else of that sort.
It was way safer to ask someone to do it for him, or at least to check if they did have knowledge if those rumors are true or false.
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svin-glascheit · 3 years
Sniper’s Nest [Ogata & Svin]
Starter for @anglerfishnabe
One shot.
It was distant, but Svin could hear it resound in the forest distinctively. He was no expert on firearms. Most Mages had no need for such a thing. He supposed that the forest was as good a place as any for target practice or hunting but still felt compelled to investigate. He jogged in the direction of the shot, eyes up as he scanned the trees for the marksman.
He found him shortly. One eye and perched up in a tree with a long barreled gun. A rifle? Svin approached the tree, figuring he should make his presence known.
“Hey!” He waved. He sniffed too, though he got mostly the bright colors of the forest.
“Are those allowed here? What’re you firing at?” he called up. 
Maybe he was being... nosy... but it wasn’t a sound he could just ignore.
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“...surely there is something I should be doing here.” He could be looking for a way back, but given what he knew from his last stay, going home was impossible unless the Stars willed it.
If he could not return home, then he had little choice but to once again adjust to living in this place. He had already located everything he would need, and he was settled in his apartment. He even grew used to its other occupants despite choosing to keep to himself.
Yet, something was missing.
Reaching up and into the collar of his shirt, Nathaniel pulled out his cross necklace, studying it for a good moment. If he was brought here, then surely there was a reason or purpose. Yet it was not his God that brought him here.
What was he to do?
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antagonyaist · 4 years
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Catra was out of breath when she found him. Her fur which was always kept so clean, and smoothed down, was wild, and covered in sand. Her eyes were especially like that of a wild animal and glowed in the low light. 
Apparently, he had a nickname now. 
“I found you.” She said with a giggle, and then a snort. Then she remembered that she was superposed to pretend not to care. “I mean, pffffffft. Whatever. Like I’d go looking for you. Get over yourself.” 
Catra glanced at the fish below. There was something oddly captivated about the way fish moved through the clear as crystal water. 
“Hey, Ogato. I’m hungry, Can I eat your other eyeballl?” 
That was a weird thing to say. 
“Hey. Do you want to go hunting with me? I want to see you shoot something and then watch it die. Does that sound weird? Well, whatever.” 
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