#angry walking wrrr
witchwhaat · 2 years
enough of this, i'm going for a walk😤
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Chapter 6 - Of heart-throbs, love potions and realisations
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tags:  @weasleysbees ; @gloryekaterina​ ; @thatguppienamedbae​ ; @sagittarius-flowerchild​​; @hufflepuff5972​ ; @pandaxnienke​ ;  @izzyyy-1
if you’d like to be added/removed, send a DM or an ask
warnings: swearing, talk of love potions, mentions of food and eating, alcohol consumption, boys being wrrr angry, absolutely nauseating fluff word count: 2826 a/n: I am so damn happy with this one, honestly, you can read it even if you haven’t read the rest lol 
If you have any feedback, please let me know!
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 “Marcus Gray,” said Ginny quietly, looking in the direction of the boy surrounded by a group of gushing girls of all ages. You could hear Madam Pince shushing them aggressively as they couldn’t contain their excitement.
You had known of Marcus’ existence, of course, the moment he transferred to Hogwarts the whole school knew. He was tall, fit and handsome, it seemed that most of the school population fancied him. He didn’t have that effect on you, though. You didn’t even pay much attention to him, at least not until this point. Because as of lately, he seemed to appear in the same places as you, more and more often. His faithful posse following him everywhere, more often than not distracting you from whatever it was that you were doing.
“Wonder what he was doing in Castelobruxo then?” Hermione asked, brushing the end of her quill along her bottom lip. “Better yet, who transfers schools for their seventh year, right before N.E.W.T.s?” You pointed out, shuddering at the very thought. “Irrelevant, he’s here now,” Ginny concluded, getting back to ogling Marcus. “Oh noo, he’s leaving!” she whispered desperately, watching him get up and you chuckled. “Come on, your Casanova’s probably headed to the great hall, we should go too,” you noted and started packing your things, “I’m getting hungry.”
 The three of you slid into empty seats at the Gryffindor table, next to your friends.
“I wonder what he’s like…” Ginny started dreamily, having finished her meal, “d’you think he likes quidditch? He’s fit, maybe he plays…”
You brought your cup of water to your lips and absentmindedly ran your eyes along the table, but you weren’t able to take a sip. You accidentally locked eyes with the new guy, but he didn’t awkwardly look away. You pretended not to freak out and dropped your gaze. “Holy fuck!..” you whisper-yelled, turning to your friends and grabbing Hermione’s arm. “What?” she frowned, confused. “I looked at him accidentally and he was already watching me, he looked me straight in the eye!” You explained.
“Who?” George asked in a deep voice, from the opposite seat. He abandoned his conversation with Fred and Harry. Ginny gawked at you with eyes almost the size of galleon coins. “Marcus Graay…” She answered in a sing-songy voice, smiling cheekily at you. You sat there, dumbfounded. “What is that supposed to mean?” You asked rhetorically. Hermione chuckled at you and you got back to your food.
“You’re dripping, you pig…” Ginny turned to George, who was downing his pumpkin juice, ignoring her completely.
 “Hey, Y/N!” called a voice behind you on your way to the common room. You turned around and waited up, not noticing how George rolled his eyes, clenching his jaw beside you.
“Y/N, isn’t it?” Marcus asked, catching up to you, totally ignoring George’s presence. “Yeah, it is…” You replied, trying to hide your surprise, wondering how that bloke knew your name. “I’m Marcus, I’m new around here, I’m also in Gryffindor and we’re in the same year. Just wanted to tell you I think you’re really beautiful,” he smiled charmingly, “hope you have a nice evening!” he said with a small wave and passed you by.
You stood there for a second with your lips parted, then let out a silly giggle and started walking again.
George watched you, obviously expecting a different reaction out of you. “What a prat..!” He said under his breath. “Why?” You asked him, confused, “he just said he thinks I’m beautiful.” George scoffed, “he- he doesn’t even know you, he’s never spoken to you before and now he’s rubbing up-“ “He called me beautiful, he hasn’t proposed to me,” you chuckled, “…yet.” You added, taking the opportunity to tease your friend.
George tutted, walking through the portrait hole with you, “he gives off weird vibes,” he pointed out, and you brushed it off.
 Days passed, you were still not at all interested in Marcus and frankly, the attention from him began getting slightly uncomfortable. If eyes could kill, you’d be long dead, murdered by his followers. Ginny continued teasing you, but wouldn’t bring up this topic in George’s vicinity anymore, he seemed to get even more protective of you than usual and got irritable at the mere mention of Marcus.
“Heey, Y/N,” you recognised Marcus Gray’s honey-like voice as he slid into the seat next to you in Transfiguration. “You mind?” he asked sweetly, gesturing to the chair he was sat on.
You looked around the classroom for your usual desk mate but they were nowhere to be seen.
“Cool, cool…” he took your silence as a response and started unpacking. You wiped your sweaty palms into your robes and looked straight ahead at McGonagall, optimistically hoping he’d stay silent throughout the whole period.
Gray shattered your vision as soon as the professor gave you time for free practice. “Soo… you seeing anyone?” he asked, sliding a bit closer to you. A bit too close, for your liking. You thought about how to answer that question way longer than someone single should. You tightened the grip on your wand, “No, I’m not.” “Maybe we could meet up then, sometime? Get to know each other a little better?” He got more confident and his voice slightly louder. You felt a bit nauseous and as if you were watched. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, thinking of an answer and cursing your politeness. “Noo, noo… re-really busy, yeah…” you stuttered.
You clearly heard Fred snicker behind the two of you.  Marcus didn’t seem to get that it was directed at him, just stared at you in disbelief, probably not used to rejection.
“Umm, I get it must be hard being new and- and all, but there’s plenty of nice people in Gryffindor, I’m sure you’ll soon find some friends to hang out with,” you smiled awkwardly.
Marcus’ eyes suddenly got darker, he smiled and leaned in next to your ear, “wasn’t interested in being friends, to be honest, doll,” he whispered, careful that no one except for you would hear. It sent chills down your spine and he leaned back in his chair, getting busy with his practising as if nothing happened.
You took a few deep breaths, then a scrunched up piece of parchment fell onto your desk from behind you. Knowing who it was from, you glanced to check if Marcus wasn’t looking, then opened it.
You okay??
In George’s hand-writing. You closed the parchment and stared at it for a few seconds. Not having received an answer, George used his long legs to nudge your back with his foot. You crumpled up the parchment more and shoved it down your pocket, then turned to George quickly with a fake smile and a thumb up, not bothering to wait for his reaction.
 The Gryffindor common room was bustling with chatter. Music was playing from the Wireless, you were hanging out with your friends, talking and playing exploding snap.
You had lost your round, so you leaned back in your chair and grabbed the forgotten butterbeer to take a sip. You brought the bottle up to your lips but suddenly stopped before the liquid got to touch your mouth. It didn’t smell like butterbeer.
You looked at the bottle, then around yourself. The common room was full and everyone was busy, your friends engrossed in the game. You brought the bottle up to your nose once again. There was very little left of butterbeer’s aroma, instead, you could smell strawberries, cinnamon and the smell of new books.
“What’s up?” Angelina asked, noticing your worried expression. “It’s love potion,” you stated simply. “Love potion?” She repeated louder, grabbing the group’s attention. “What?” George asked in a low voice, frowning. “Someone poured amortentia into my bottle,” you answered almost automatically, as your brain seemed to go into overdrive. You started wondering if it was supposed to be just a joke, if it was meant for you, and if so, who did it?
George snatched the bottle out of your hand to sniff it. As soon as the potion’s smell reached his nostrils he closed his eyes, then swallowed thickly. Fred got up from his seat and looked around the room and over everyone’s heads. “Alright wankers, who wanted to be so fucking clever?” He snapped. George followed right after, almost pushing the chair over. “It had to be someone who’s been here,” he stated, without raising his voice, yet so loud the whole common room must’ve heard him over the music.
A few seconds passed and the room stayed silent, you could hear someone walk in.
“No one, huh?” George fumed.
“What’s going on?” Dean asked concerned, approaching the table. “Someone tried to give Y/N amortentia and poured some into her butterbeer,” Hermione explained, shaken up. “Oh shit,” Dean rubbed a hand on his forehead “Well he wasn’t very clever,” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing you a small bottle. “ Or stealthy. I saw this fall out of Gray’s bag, he walked away pretty quickly and I didn’t feel like chasing after him. I haven’t checked what it is, but…”
George grabbed the bottle without a word and opened the cork, bringing it up to his nose. “Son of a bitch,” he growled, closing the bottle and started walking in the direction of the exit.
You followed right after him. “George, wait up!” you called out once you reached the staircase. He allowed you to catch up, bouncing his foot nervously. “What are you going to do now?” you asked, worried. “Try to find him, then we’ll see,” he stated. He looked all tense, just like before beating Malfoy up. His hair was messed up from him running his hands through it, and he was still clenching the small bottle in his hand to the point of his knuckles turning white. The veins on his hands and forearms clearly prominent. “But how do we find him?” “I don’t know, Y/N!” he exclaimed in frustration. He then closed his eyes and swallowed. George took a deep breath, not wanting to take out his anger on you, who was the victim in this situation. “We’ll have a look around the castle, I guess. If we don’t run into him, he’s bound to turn up in the common room for the night. Or at some point,” he said, softly this time, looking you in the eyes, “but I can’t just sit around right now.”
You walked around the corridors and staircases, the air between you thick. The silence felt uncomfortable.
It was then that you noticed you weren’t worried about Marcus anymore. You were glad you didn’t drink the potion, of course, and it was close, but you could be sure that no matter what happened, he wouldn’t bother you anymore. Not with George around.
“Weasley! Y/L/N!” you heard Snape call out from behind you.
You turned around to face him as he walked up swiftly. “What is it that you’re doing, wandering around the dungeons at this time?”
George raised his wrist slightly to glance at the watch. You had lost track of time and missed the curfew.
“And what – is – that..?” Snape reached his hand for the bottle. It looked too obviously like a potion. George handed it over reluctantly and both of you watched as Snape took a sniff.
George and you exchanged a look, both defeated.
“Wandering around the castle after curfew, carrying around banned potions…” Snape tutted.
You took a deep breath, noticing how hopeless your situation looked.
“But prof-“ George started, trying to tell him the truth, but Snape interrupted him. “Do not make this worse on yourself, Weasley. I will see you and Y/L/N in detention on Monday, right after classes. Now to your dormitories, and take the shortest route,” he said sternly.
The two of you walked up the moving stairs gloomily. “I’m sorry, Cherry…” George said quietly. You looked up at him with the faintest smile and saw him stare at the steps, his hands in his pockets. “Don’t be, you tried to help, I appreciate that.” “No, just in general,” he said.
“We were going to sell them,” he admitted after a moment. “What?” “Love potions. Fred and I were planning on selling them once we open up the shop and finish the products we’re working on now.” He sighed, “they’re quick gold you know, you can imagine how well they’d sell, I mean, especially girls like to play around with those…”
He looked at you, his eyes flooded with concern, “but I can’t do that now. Not… not after this.”
 On Saturday you managed to catch professor McGonagall and tell her the whole story. Marcus Gray was punished but she said she can’t cancel your detention with Snape, as you were caught outside your common room after curfew when you should’ve gone straight to her.
Marcus hasn’t apologised, but he ignored you successfully which was enough for you. You also managed to convince George and Fred not to murder or maim him. Although when the word spread he received unpleasant looks from most of Gryffindor, and many people from other houses.
Monday rolled around and walking out of your last class of the day, you found George waiting for you.
“Ready for the real fun to begin?” he faked excitement. You scoffed at him but smiled nonetheless. “Come on, it’s not every day that you get to spend detention with me!” “True, but also – accidentally, the vast majority of my detentions have been spent with you. Wonder why that is,” you added sarcastically and you strutted to the dungeons together.
For detention, Snape has confiscated your wands and instructed you to scrub cauldrons, Muggle way.
So you sat there, side by side, scrubbing away, taking turns to occasionally exchange the ‘clean’ cauldrons, filling your workspace, for more dirty ones. You would’ve probably gotten sleepy because of this monotonous task if it wasn’t for your occasional banter.
While trying to clean thoroughly one particularly old cauldron, something suddenly snapped in your hands and the handle fell off.
George looked at it, then at you. “I broke it,” you whispered, looking at him innocently.
He put down his current work and grabbed the cauldron and the handle from you. You watched him carefully examine it, flipping the handle over with his slender fingers. He aligned the parts and pushed in hard, making it look easy, and the handle popped back in place. He checked if it worked the way it was supposed to, then put it down in front of you.
“Oh,” you mumbled simply and looked up at him.
You felt faint. His face was so close to yours and he looking at you with his warm eyes like he couldn’t see anything else. He was smiling kindly, the same way he has smiled at you thousands of times before, so why did this one feel so different? Your heart was beating out of your chest, your mouth felt dry and your hands started tingling. The warmth from his arm touching yours was now mixed with the warmth that flooded your heart and spread all throughout your body. You stared into his eyes and you couldn’t see anything else, couldn’t help the smile on your face.
“What..?” he asked with a grin widening, looking at your facial expression.
Exactly, what?
“Nothing,” you replied, shaking the dopey smile off your face, then looked down at the cauldron, biting on your lip. “You made it look so easy.” “Well,” he paused and shrugged, “it was.”
You looked up at him and felt that warmth again.
“No need to panic like that right away, munchkin,” he nudged you with an elbow. “Thanks,” you barely got out through the dryness in your mouth. “Anytime, love,” he chuckled, “just what would you do without me?” he teased you, but you didn’t counter this time.
 You felt dazed for the rest of the day, though you tried to keep yourself together. Once you were done with detention, you tried to speak as little as possible during your walk to the great hall, afraid of saying something stupid. You didn’t trust your brain, not in this state. For the first time in years, you felt awkward being silent around George. You ate your dinner quickly and rushed to your dorm, pretending to be tired. What you really needed was to think.
You reached your room and dumped your bag quickly, grabbed your toiletries and headed to the girls’ bathroom. No one was there this early in the evening, so you took a long shower and tried to relax.
And no matter which side you looked at it from, no matter how hard you tried to analyse it, you couldn’t reach a different conclusion.
You placed a hand over your thumping heart,  letting the water drip down your face and body,
“I’m in love with George.”
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me n @maraudyrs co-wrote a harry potter fanfic while drinking i hope u all enjoy it’s called
Daddy’s Little Secret
Chapter One: The Pain and Suffery of Drabo Malfoy
“WHAT?” yelled a red hot Draco Malfoy, slamming his massive fists against the mahogany table.
His father smirked back coolly, playing with one nipple. “Yes it's true, Dranco, I bought the Toastidos fortune with your inheritance.”
Draco.  “How could you! What am I supposed to do when kill--when you die?”
“I dunno? Maybe get a job? Aren’t you going to school for that, anyway?”
Gravity weighted down on Draco, his head feeling like a million bees, buzzing around, torture. “Jobs are for poor people, Daddy. People who use the potty.”
Lucius Malfoy, his fingers still delicately tracing the outline of his erect nipple, the digits of his other fist firmly grasping the nape of his cane, sneered. “Don't make me spank you again, Dracio. When I die in three hundred years you will inherit my legacy of cheesy rolls and deliciousness.”
Pouting, Draco fell down to the ground, slamming his bottom on the floor. “But Daddy,” he moaned.
Louisiuss’s nipple was now rock hard, an inch from his chest. “Drabo, Muggles are stupid. They will buy these cheesy rolls and put them in intesntens and mounch and mounch until they are nothing but cheesy. We will be richer than ever, you insolutne fool.”
At a ripe twelve years old, Draco Malfoy finally knew pain.
Chapter Two: The Pizza Roll Fuckery
Peeves could not stop farting. No matter what he did, the gas would rupture through his thicc cheeks, loudly and furiously. And it was all because of those cheesy rolls.
The previous night he consumed 8,359 Toadistosa pepperoni pizza rolls, absolutely stuffing his mouth. But his tummy was angry with him, and wanted punishment.
Good thing Peeves loved punishment. ;););)
But Leeves   couldn't let the Pizza Roll Guys get away with ripping his insetenes. So he plotted his revenge. He would infiltrate the evil factory, and Peeves was pretty good at pisses people off.
And,,,,,getting people off.
Chapter Three: Bustling Buisness
Chapter Three: And Busting Nuts
Lucoousojs decided the Tuesday morning of overcast would be perfect to visit his Tontinos cheesy factor. His nipples were perky and ready for the work day.
“Hello stupid s” h said to his house elves slaves. Lusciosuoursoaigfe was, indeed, a racist, and hated everyone that didn't fit his perfect aesthetic: white, pure blood, and hard nipplmes. In Luscis s opinion, nipples had to be fully erected 24/7:365/9285482.
His slave elves wrrr working hard, tiny fingers grinding against the stuff. “Hello Master Sur Louoiscos,” all 3 million slaves said at the same time.
Louis walked back to his evil headquarters, nipples poking thru his evil white button up blouse. “Today sure is a good day to be rich and bigoted.”
“Im sure would like to plop some cheesy tastiness into my moist mouthture. Toc ensure the deliciousness of our pizza centric treats.”
Chapter Four: It isn't gay unless you swallow and THEN bust a nut
Luckoodbfs traced the thicc pizza roll along his plump Kulier Jenner lip.s, pretending it was a large brautwurst. “Hmmmmmmmmm,” he noaned deliciously, finally sinking his white teeth into the soft surface.
But luck betrayed the twink, as a minty flouridic paste flooded into one of his holes. “hyksogyjtooe” he spat out, realizing it was………….
“sounds problematic but ok.”
lusciously FROWNED, his hardened exterior melting as he realized the hurt in his heart. his big, racist ice cold heart. a house elf, who went unmentioned until it was convinejiybc went to look for the house elv who made those Pizza Roll Guys
it was …………
chapter six:
upon. the sight of the guilty “”””””””””elf!????”””””” luciusness’s dick raised like the amount of hate crimes after 9/11
(his dick could cut glass)
Peeves was the sexiest creature Los had ever seen. With his.
“So you are the stoidbthat tried to poison me ??? and dick???”
Peeves laughed. a sexy laugh that made loudogbs pop a hard one. “yeah. what are you gonna do abt it, daddy?”
Leaves ghostly mischiefs hand extended to unnatural lengths and reached towards lucas smaller than average peni, tracing circles over his groun   “what as you doing smelly idoot?@
“you want me duffy.”
lousier put his small shaft member friend buddy dick into leaves opening and they fuck.”
chapter 18: IS IT GAY YET
narcissus malfoy punched louis in the face, and divorced his gay add. “whatever i'm a lesbian anyways.”
louosifbe showeded up to the fucktory with his sexiest langera black set. it was lacy and his nipples popped out like popcorn. he was waiting for peacs.
the Sexy Ghost Submissvie Ghost showed up. and looked at the set. “what r u doin”
“waiting ft u slit”
“i'm straight but i like macklemore so gays are cool. i was just PRANKING you like sam pepper? thedude.
losido was sad.
the  end.
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