angrybomberanian · 6 years
18 and 25 with Bakugo? If both is too much you can do 25 only!
So the two scenarios are kind of like different points in their relationship. The first one (your awkwardness to say I love you gives me life) takes place one year into the relationship. The second one (what do you wanna do for our anniversary? idk something stupid probably) is about a year later. 
Also it wound up being kind of a long post so part two is under the cut just to make it easier for anyone just scrolling through
You had been dating for a year, a full year, and you couldn’t readily recall a time Bakugou had actually said ‘I love you.’ You assumed he had said it at least once or else you wouldn’t have continued to say it to him. It wasn’t like he didn’t let you know he did, just never outright said it.
“Wait, really? You don’t remember him ever telling you he loves you?” Mina asked.
“He must have at some point. I just can’t think of it,” you said.
The rest of the group you were sitting with stared at you.
“I don’t think that’s good (Y/N),” Kaminari said. “I know he kind of only has one setting, but like you can’t even think of one time…”
“It’s not like he’s silent when I tell him I love him. He says like you too or something.” You were starting to get annoyed. Weren’t they supposed to be his friends?
“You too is different than ‘I love you too.’” Sero added.
You rolled your eyes and stopped arguing with them. The conversation was going nowhere and it was just making you angry.–
Just because you had changed the topic didn’t mean that it wasn’t still burning in the back of your mind for a few hours. It got to the point where Bakugou even noticed. “If you keep pouting like that you’re gonna get wrinkles.”
You just hummed back in response.
Bakugou stopped what he was doing and faced you. “What?”
“Something your friends said stuck in the back of my mind. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “I love you.”
“Yeah, you too,” Bakugou said. He was obviously confused but he didn’t press the matter anymore.
You could tell something had changed the next day. Bakugou was unusually quiet and kept mostly to himself. One of the only things he said to you the whole day was when he was going out, he told you he’d be back soon, gave you a kiss on the cheek and left. If you were less confident in yourself and your relationship, you’d think he didn’t like you anymore.
Something was definitely up when he got back. He was exactly the same, and if there was one thing you learned in the past year, it was that Bakugou Katsuki didn’t do ‘quiet’. Not unless there was a lot more than usual going on in his head. He didn’t say much when you greeted him and continued on into your shared room. Determined, you followed him in.
“So, where’d you go?” you asked.
“Saw the crew.”
You were silent. You hopped they didn’t pull the same BS on him that they did to you the day before, but you had a bad feeling.
When you didn’t fill in the silence, he did. “They told me what they told you yesterday,” Bakugou said.
“I told you not to worry about it. It’s nothing, really,” you said. It was the truth, it didn’t bother you. It was just how Bakugou was and you accepted that by dating him. You were about to tell him that too when he turned around abruptly, face red.
“Well I…” he took a deep breath. “I have to… I’m… I…”
You took a step towards him. “Babe, you good?”
As you stretched out your hand, he grabbed your shoulders and yelled. “I love you!”
You couldn’t help it, you burst out laughing.
“Why is that funny?” he asked. It wasn’t quite as loud as his ‘confession’ but still loud.
“I just, your awkwardness to say I love you gives me life,” you said, and kissed him. “But don’t say it cause your friends guilted you into it. Don’t worry, I know.”
You always loved weekends. Who didn’t? But you loved them even more when you would convince your boyfriend to sleep in with you. The two of you had known each other for years, so you knew how much he loved to sleep. He would go to bed early and wake up late. Even if his internal alarm clock woke him up early, he would stay in bed until he felt like it.
That’s why when you two finally started dating after high school, you couldn’t believe that he would get up early, even on days off when he didn’t have to. He gave you the excuse that he was an adult now and he didn’t have time for childish things like sleeping in.
On the day before your anniversary, during dinner, you posed the question. “What should we do for our anniversary tomorrow?” you asked.
Bakugou grunted. “I dunno. Probably something stupid I guess.”
You hummed. “Okay, I’ll think of something then.” But you already had the perfect idea. Well, on how to start the day at least.
You rolled over Saturday morning on your anniversary. You stretched out to cuddle with him, but Bakugou was already starting to get out of bed. “Noooooo,” you groaned as you latched on to him. He tried to free himself when you reminded him, “You said you probably wanted to do something stupid for our anniversary. Do this one stupid thing with me! Stay in bed.” You could hear Bakugou scoff and you wanted to see what he would do. Finally, he got back into bed with you and pulled you close to him.
As you settled back into his warmth you heard him ask, “So, what else did you plan for today?”
You hummed. “I didn’t think that far ahead. I just wanted to get you to sleep in with me.”
You could feel his chest rise and fall as he sighed. “You’re such a dork.”
Nuzzling deeper into Bakugou’s chest, you sleepily mumbled, “Yeah, but I’m your dork. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
Bakugou wrapped an arm around you and gave you a squeeze. “Just go back to sleep,” he said. You couldn’t see it, but you could hear him smiling in his voice.
–Mod Zap
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bnha-sinners · 7 years
I know your ask box is closed so idk if this counts towards that (if it does you can just ignore me) but could I get a shoutout? @angrybomberanian is my new baby blog and I'm kind of just posting whatever I wanna write right now haha
Yooooooo so we got a new bnha blog in town so go check out @angrybomberanian anD WELCOME THEM WITH OPEN ARMS AND KINDNESS. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY AND I WISH THE BEST OF LUCK FOR YOU AND YOUR BLOG
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imaginebnhaworld · 7 years
Do you do shoutouts? If so can you give my new baby blog @angrybomberanian one please? (If not then just ignore this) you're writing is so unique and fun to read! ❤️
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beanpole-maggie · 7 years
So I made a bnha scenarios/hc blog? You can follow it if you want? @angrybomberanian ?????
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angrybomberanian · 6 years
Hiiiiiiiii, Im not sure if this is the right place for a request because this is my first time requesting something 🌈 but if it is Can I request a bakugou x reader where Bakugou uses the reader to release his frustrations bc he doesn’t wanna admit he’s in love with Deku/ like deku (wat Evers easier to write) and he hurts the reader in the process because angst 😇 please notice me senpai thank you bye
HI friend! Sorry it took so long to get this to you! This is 100% the right place to submit requests. I took a few liberties with it cause I’m not 100% comfortable writing the two as a romantic ship, but I think there is so much potential for a friendship (once bakugou gets over himself ya feel?) (Don’t get me wrong, hes done a lot of development and he’s getting so much better, but yeah) Thanks for submitting your first request like this to me! Sorry again about the wait!
How you two got here, you had no idea. All you did know was that Bakugou was practically lying to himself and you weren’t going to let it continue if you could help it.
“Are you really trying to tell me that if something happened to Midoriya, like how you got kidnapped, you wouldn’t care?” you asked.
Bakugou stared down at you. “Why should I?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” you yelled.
“All he does is look down on me and feel bad for me!” he yelled back.
At this point, you thought maybe he was joking cause it was so obviously not what was happening.
“The only person looking down on you is yourself and your perfectionist ass!” you yelled.
Everything after that moved too fast to really know what happened. You moved towards him and looking back, you think you were going to slap him because he was being so dumb. Then all of a sudden, you were on the ground and your body hurt. Your ears were ringing and you knew his quirk had gone off, but you didn’t think he used it on you. Nothing burned, you were just sore from the impact of hitting the ground. When you looked up, you could see Bakugou was just as surprised as you were, but neither of you were going to give up any ground.
You didn’t bother to wait for him to say anything. “Just get over yourself already,” you said steadily. You stood up slowly and neither of you made a move toward the other.
“You’re lying to yourself about not caring, but whatever I guess.” You paused, hoping he would say something. When he didn’t you continued. “When you get your head out of your ass and realize that, let me know.”
You turned and walked away hoping he would stop you.
He didn’t.
Wow since when do I write angst? Especially when I wasn’t planning on it? I also wanted to have the reader say go off I guess but I decided to leave the memes to Kaminari asks (please send me Kaminari asks I love my sparky boy)
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 6 years
Congrats on 300! Can you do Aizawa with 19, "I can't believe they don't believe we're together"? Thanks!
The second Aizawa asked you to come in to talk to his class you said yes. It may have been a little too enthusiastic, but you had been itching to meet them since the beginning of the school year. Especially when he mentioned in passing that his class didn’t believe he was in a relationship with anyone other than Present Mic. You’ve known Aizawa long enough to tell that a week before you were supposed to go talk to his class, he was ready to back out but you’d be damned if you let him do that. “You can’t back out on your students,” you scolded him. “If you keep lying to them, they’re going to stop believing you.”
He didn’t give you a real answer, just sighed and walked away, but you knew you had won that conversation.
One week later you were walking with Aizawa through the halls of UA. Even though you weren’t used to being stared at for being with him, you could tell that some of the students were surprised to see someone walking around with the usually loner teacher.
As class was about to start he began talking to his students to introduce you. You had known him long enough to know that he was on edge about bringing you in to meet his students, even if it was just to talk about the importance of having good relationships with the support students.
“Everyone listen up, this is (Y/N) and they’re going to be telling you things you need to know for the real world as heroes,” Aizawa said. He then stepped off to the side and sat down on his desk.
You stepped up. “Hello students. So, how many of you have worked with at least one support student yet?” you asked. Most of the class raised their hand. “Great! So I’m going to be talking to you about keeping good relationships with them. I myself am part of the support industry,” you explained. That was when you got a terrible idea. One that was way too good to pass up. “I know very well about how important it is for heroes to keep good relations with the support industry. Take Aizawa and me for example. We work together quite frequently and it’s important for us to be on good terms.” You paused for a second, trying to sense the mood of the room. “Especially since we’re dating,” you threw in at the last second.
The class erupted in noise and screams and immediately got silent. You didn’t even have to turn around, you could feel the look Aizawa was giving not only his class but you as well. You made the safest choice which was to continue the lecture as if nothing happened. At the end, you thanked them for listening and asked if there were any questions. One blond boy raised his hand.
“Are you really dating or did he just bring you in to say that so we would all stop thinking he’s dating Present Mic?”
You looked at him silently and then to the rest of the class. They all seemed just as eager to get an answer to the question. “Well, have a good day everyone!” With that, you gathered your things and left the classroom.
When you saw Aizawa that night, before even greeting him, you said, “I can’t believe they really don’t believe we’re together.”
Incase anyone was wondering, Kaminari is the one who asked the question at the end.
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 6 years
Toshinori and quirk abused (plant-based quirk if needed) student fluff? I'm in bit of a rough spot and He's a big comfort!!!
Oh goodness it took me so long to get my motivation back to write again. I hope you’re doing okay darling!
You sat at your desk at the end of the day. There were things going on around you, students collecting their things, talking in groups, making plans for after school and gossiping. For you though, you didn’t hear much. You haven’t registered much since hero training earlier in the day. It was one-on-one battles designed to be a challenge. You, with your unfortunate luck, were paired up against Bakugou. It seemed more like a one-sided challenge. You had your ass handed to you. You weren’t expecting it, but Bakugou didn’t go easy either. All Might had called to him repeatedly during the match to calm down and Bakugou refused. “S/he shouldn’t be here if s/he can’t handle a small explosion or two!”
That was what stuck with you. You had lost, miserably at that. You couldn’t handle his explosions. Maybe you didn’t deserve to be there. You finally thought you were going to do something useful with your life, with your quirk…
Your head snapped up and you realized you were the only student left in the room. “Oh, hello All Might.”
Toshinori sighed. He’d been insisting that the students call him by his name now that he couldn’t really keep up the “All Might” form, but the habit was hard to break.
You looked back at your hands as silence settled among the two of you. Toshinori sat down at the desk next to you. “I wanted to talk to you about today’s hero training. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You nodded, but refused to look up from your hands. “Bakugou is just a lot stronger than me. That’s all.”
When you heard him sigh, you knew what was coming. “We both know he left himself wide open and you could have easily taken advantage of it. I wanted to know why you didn’t.”
He was right. Bakugou’s quirk may have been able to take out the vines you threw at him, but when you jumped into a tree to avoid an attack, he stood on a root yelling at you, more focused on making you go back down and continue the fight than the potential trap he had just walked into. It would have been child’s play to grab him with the root and pull him underground up to his chin and that would have been the end of it.
You were going to do it too. If for nothing than to make a dumb Last Airbender joke to Kaminari  after the fight but… nothing responded to you.
“So?” Toshinori prompted again. “Why did you hesitate?”
“I…I couldn’t. It was like I hit a wall. I could sense the roots, how big they were, how long. But I just couldn’t make them move,” you admitted.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
Toshinori’s words hit you like a house. “I just, I was scared I was going to hurt him. Every time I try to do more than manipulate a few vines or branches, someone always gets hurt. How am I supposed to be a hero if…” you couldn’t bear the thought. Maybe everyone else was right, all you ever did was hurt people anyway.
“You’re here to learn to control your quirk so you’re not a slave to it, to learn how to safely push your limits. To learn how to become a hero. Everyone gets hurt, and everyone will inevitably hurt someone else. It’s how you conduct yourself and better yourself that matters.” He smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder. “And don’t be surprised if Bakugou tries to challenge you to a rematch. I heard him complaining about you holding back and something about wanting to fight a tree.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that and nodded. “I’ll do my best,” you promised, spirits lifted, ready to take on the boom boy any time he wanted.
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
All Might and 43. 'You're special to me' please?
Ugh this took me so long I’m sorry!!
“You’re next.”That message was received loud and clear across all of Japan. The only message you cared about though came when your phone rang hours later. “How is he? Why didn’t you call sooner? Jesus, I’ve been worried sick!” You complained into the phone.Tsukauchi didn’t answer at first, then sighed. “There’s been a lot going on in the last few hours. You know how much Toshinori has wanted to get All for One permanently. Once that was all over we had to deal with his injur-”“So how is he? For crying out loud Tsukauchi! I haven’t been able to even think about doing anything because I’ve been so worried and you’re sitting here telling me about All for One? I don’t care about him, how’s my boyfriend?”“He’s okay,” Tsukauchi said, and you let out a sigh. It had felt like you had been holding your breath since the fight ended. Tsukauchi gave you the hospital that he was being treated at and you ended the call.You rushed there as fast as you could. By the time you got to his room, Recovery Girl was already leaving. She took your hand and smiled. “He’ll be fine darling. He’s a strong one, you know that,” she told you. You nodded, of course she’s right. Knowing that doesn’t make what you just went through any less terrifying or stressful. “He’s asleep for now, I had to do a lot of healing. Let him rest. I would say he definitely deserves it.”You agreed, holding back tears, and opened the door as quietly as possible. You couldn’t hold the tears in anymore once you saw him. Looking only at his face, he looked peaceful enough, but when you saw the rest of his body… He was covered in bandages, his right arm clearly broken, a bandage around his head, his left hand looked like he was learning how to use One for All again and couldn’t handle the power output.You sat down in the chair next to his bed as the tears slowly slid down your cheeks. “He’s strong. He’s okay,” you reassured yourself. Taking his hand, you smiled. “You’re okay, but please, please never do that to me again.”Toshinori smiled lightly, at first you thought he was just smiling in his sleep. “I can’t maintain my hero form anymore,” he told you.You shushed him and tried to tell him to go back to sleep, he needed his rest but he kept talking. “I have to retire and leave the rest to young Midoriya. It’s about time, huh?”“No, Tohi, do what you want to do, don’t retire because of me that’s—““Shh, you’re not changing my mind. The situation can’t be helped, I’m tapped out. And even if I wasn’t. It’s time to step back and let my students grow, step back and stand next to you. You’re special to me, (Y/N). It’s about time I start acting like it,” he said.Now you really couldn’t help it, you were practically hysterical. These tears coming from a place of happiness instead of anxiety, but to Toshinori he could see no difference. As he tried to console you and try to mitigate anything he said wrong you started to laugh. “Toshinori, you know I’ll always support you, no matter what you want to do. And it won’t hurt to have you around more.”
—Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
Aizawa with 40. Will you marry me?
I want everyone to know, I had every intention of this being said to the cat at first.
It was one of those days that seemed it would never end and all day all you wanted to do was snuggle up in bed with your boyfriend and your cat. Maybe have a hot cup of tea and watch some shows about kittens. You couldn’t begin to express how jealous you were of you Aizawa that he had the weekends off and basically had the same schedule as his students unless there was some sort of crisis he was asked to assist with as a pro hero. Those occasions were few and far between, so most weekends he stayed home and spent more time with your cat than you did.
You opened up your door and almost immediately threw your stuff down. You slid your bag across the floor to its spot next to the TV, hung your keys up and kicked off your shoes in near record time. When you went to go sit on the couch with your two favorite beings on the planet, however, they weren’t where you expected them to be.
“Shouta?” you called through your house. You got silence as your response. “Babe?” you tried again. Still nothing. You figured he was probably asleep and your cat loved him like no other so where ever Aizawa was, your cat was most definitely with him. On your way to check your room, you stopped and poked your head into the guest room. Empty, but that was no surprise. After the time you basically kicked him in the face because he was curled up in his sleeping bag in your hallway, nothing would surprise you though. You were also more careful to actually look at where you were going and not just straight ahead like you had been used to.
When you got to your room, you slowly opened the door, hoping it wouldn’t decide to make some horrible creaking noise and wake up Aizawa and your cat. Once safely inside your room they were right where you expected them to be: curled up on your bed, fast asleep. You quietly changed into comfier pants and crawled in next to him.
When Aizawa rolled over immediately, you realized he wasn’t as asleep as you thought he was. “I’ve been thinking,” he started with groggily. “Since I spend so much more time time with your cat than I do with you, we’re going to run away together.”
“That’s not funny, and I’m tired,” you said trying to ignore the fact that he was right.
Silence settled in the room and you could hear your cat snoring, blissfully unaware that your Aizawa just threatened to cat-nap her. He was laying on his back now, one arm around you, one petting your cat. You were just about to fall asleep when you vaguely heard him say something. You blinked some of the sleep out of your eyes and tapped his chest. “What was that?”
“I asked, ‘will you marry me?’” he repeated.
You laid there for a second trying to figure out if he was talking to you or the cat, and if he was serious or not. He must have started to think you had fallen asleep again because he tilted his head to look at you.
“Are you proposing to me or the cat?” you asked.
“Well, I would figure the two of you are a package deal, but I would be marrying you, not your cat.” How he said dumb shit like that with a straight expression bewildered you every time.
You kissed him on the cheek and smiled. “Of course.”
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
Could I get a #3 with Bakugou??
I made this a two part thing. Part two is below it!
Bakugou sat with Kirishima in the common room of the dorms, his head hanging over the edge of the couch. “I hate this,” he complained. Kirishima didn’t respond at first, so Bakugou continued to complain. Even though Kirishima is a generally happy person, he could only take so much grumbling.
“Okay, what did you do?” he asked.
“I don’t even know! (Y/N) keeps walking away from me!” Bakugou yelled back.
“Dude, you had to have done something. Did you forget something? Did you walk away from her when you were supposed to do something?” Kirishima prodded.
Bakugou thought about this. Now, it wasn’t a surprise that Bakugou wasn’t the best when it came to relationships, but even Kirishima was surprised at how long it was taking him to figure out what happened. “What did you give her for her birthday?” Kirishima offered up.
Bakugou looked Kirishima in the eye. “That’s a joke, right?” When he didn’t answer, Bakugou talked again. “Her birthday is next week.”
There was silence between the two.
“Her birthday was three days ago.” When Bakugou didn’t even argue this, Kirishima ventured a second guess. “Did you actually plan on getting her a present?”
Bakugou jumped off of the couch. “I’m not stupid! Of course I got her something! And you know what? When she sees it, she’s going to be so goddamn happy and love it and forget that she was ever mad at me!”
In all the time he’s known you, Kirishima has stood by the fact that you need louder shoes. This time, he was totally fine with the fact that Bakugou didn’t hear you walk in behind him. “So,” Kirishima prodded, “what did you get her?”
Bakugou sat back down on the couch and took out his phone. After scrolling through some pictures, he passed it to Kirishima. “I win at gift giving.”
“Oh my god,” he sighed. “You’re in deep.”
“In love or in trouble?” you said, startling Bakugou. When he turned around, he could see how annoyed you looked.
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 6 years
Hi guys. I’m so sorry. I’ve been super busy with making cosplays for Anime Boston, work, life, I just got a second job and my dog is super sick. I feel like I’m trying to do a million things at once. I have a lot more scenario requests than head canon requests. I might to hcs of scenarios for now and then do full scenarios when I have the time? I’m so so so sorry lovelies! I’m still here and I still love writing for you! (BTW ALL 700+ OF YOU HOLY SHIT GUYS WHAT)
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
Could I get a #6 with Bakugou too? If it's not too much to ask
So I set up the google doc for all my scenarios on my iPad instead of my computer and it auto corrected “hungry” to “ungrateful” and I love it. This is essentially a part two from your other ask cause that was the way I was going with it anyway lol
“Oh my god,” Kirishima sighed. “You’re in deep.”
“In love or in trouble?” you said, startling Bakugou. There was a beat of silence in the room before Bakugou lunged for you, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the couch. He pushed you down to where he was sitting and told you to stay before running off to the boy’s wing.
“I’m not a fucking dog!” you yelled after him, but he was already out of sight. As annoyed as you were, you didn’t get up. If he did actually get you something, you wanted to see it, but the gift wasn’t the real reason you were annoyed. Everyone on your birthday had at least said something to you. Bakugou, you boyfriend, was so engrossed with his hero training and his makeup courses to get his provisional license he barely said a full sentence to you. You knew going into this his interpersonal skills were not great, but you thought he would’ve at least made an effort.
“Alright you ungrateful little…” Bakugou trailed off when he saw Kirishima waving his arms behind you to make him stop. He was holding one thing in each hand. “You have to open this one first,” he said handing you what was in his left hand.
There was zero reaction when you opened it. Was this supposed to be a joke?
“I got you a candy ring because you’re obviously hungry,” he said. In that moment you were debating the benefits of jumping up and punching him in the face. Could he really do that much damage to you if you caught him off guard? Then he handed you what was in his right hand. Unlike the first obviously gag gift, it was apparent he actually tried to wrap it.
You opened it carefully. “Is this a turtle?” you asked as you examined the delicate silver ring in the box. When you looked up to Bakugou, he was looking over his shoulder at the wall.
“It has a smiley face on it. I got you the real ring because I love you or something like that,” he grumbled out.
Turning the ring over in your fingers you could see that it was, in fact, smiling up at you. Looking at it, you couldn’t help but smile back.
“He thought your birthday was next Monday instead of this Monday,” Kirishma whispered next to you. You were so taken with the gift, you had completely forgotten he was there.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed.
“I’m, yeah, that.”
It wasn’t much, but you knew coming into the relationship that Bakugou’s interpersonal skills weren’t the best.
–Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
31 and 62 with Bakugo?
LOOK AT ME TRYING TO MAKE A DENT IN MY ASK BOX! also i almost spelt box boks fml
Bakugou practically threw his door open. You usually hung out in his room when he was at his supplementary class to get his provisional license, so you had seen how annoyed he could return. This time was different though. There was something extra behind this anger. “What crawled up your ass?” You were mostly joking, but there was a small part of you that was curious.
“I fucked up,” Bakugou growled as he flopped down on his bed next to you.
Your hand automatically was in his hair, a gesture that usually helped to calm him down. No such luck this time. He flipped over so fast you thought he was about to bite your hand. “I fucked up!” Bakugou practically screamed at you.
“Yeah, I heard you the first time. What did you do?” you asked.“This fucking class! I’m wasting so much time taking a catch-up course while everyone else is doing whatever the hell they want! Deku has a fucking internship with Sir Nighteye! Deku!”
As he spoke, you could see him get more and more agitated. It became clear that if Midoriya wasn’t interning with All Might’s only sidekick, he might not be this annoyed. “Bakugou,” you said. In an attempt to sooth him you reached up to touch his face but he pulled away. “Katsuki. Don’t hold yourself to this standard you have. This isn’t usual, first years having an internship so don’t stress about it. Everyone makes mistakes. What’s important is that you’re not giving up and-”
“I’m not a child!” Bakugou yelled at you, cutting you off. “This is important! I need to be doing more! I have to be doing more! How else am I supposed to be able to protect you, (Y/N)?”
You were a bit taken aback. Was that really all this was about? He was looking down at his bed. You chanced trying to touch his face again, and this time he didn’t pull away when you made contact. You were about to try consoling him again when he spoke up, “I want to protect you.”
You pulled your hand away and hugged him, not giving him a chance to deny or pull away. “You always have, Katsuki. You always have.”
The two of you sat there for a while. You were prepared to sit there all night if that’s what it would take for him to feel better.
—Mod Zap
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angrybomberanian · 6 years
Alright. I’m aiming to get two scenarios posted tonight! (One of them is the scenario I wrote hcs for earlier)
I was also wondering though, cause my friend and I are aiming to have a table for the Anime NYC artist alley: What ships should I write an anthology for? I feel like the easiest and most comfortable for me would be TDDK, but I also want to see what most people would want. That being said, please don’t recommend b.k.d.k cause I just plain don’t feel comfortable with it. 
If y’all have suggestions either comment on this or shoot me a message. Or if ya wanna just talk, I’m open to just talk also!
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
12.“I still can’t believe that I married someone as adorable as you.” and Cementoss?
This is so short I’m sorry!
It was normal that when you had some free time the night before you would make a quick lunch for Cementoss to take with him to work. Normally it was something easy to make, like a sandwich with some vegetables cut up for sides. Or maybe just some leftovers put into a bag so it was easy for him to grab before he left in the morning. You never had to put too much effort into making lunch, but when Cementoss saw you working in the kitchen for almost an hour he became very curious. Every time he came close though, you shooed him away.
The next day when he grabbed his lunch it wasn’t anything that he was expecting. The first thing he pulled out was some leftover chicken and broccoli stir fry in a plastic container. Under that was a bag of cucumber slices and some bell pepper spears wrapped in a paper towel. The bottom of the bag had a square container in it. When he took it out it was white rice, but in the center was a heart made out of curry.
Cementoss couldn’t help but laugh at the meal you had made him. He took out his phone and took a picture of his lunch.
Your phone lights up with a text from Cementoss. It’s a picture of the lunch you made him and a caption, “I still can’t believe I married someone as adorable as you.”
–Mod ZapAlso, this is 100% how I make lunches for myself. Just a complete mix of random shit that I know deff don’t go together but I’m gonna want to eat them anyway lol
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angrybomberanian · 7 years
Shinsou with 54.'I can't stand the thought of losing you'?
IDK why this took me so long, but here you go!
It wasn’t too long after the sports festival that you and Shinsou were out on another date. He had been a little down in the dumps and you had noticed, but up until now, you had decided not to say anything. You had changed your mind on your date though.
“Shinsou,” you said putting down your coffee. When he looked up, you continued. “You’ve seemed really down recently. Like more than usual. Is this about the sports festival?”
Shinsou looked back down to his own cup of coffee. “We were told that if we did well in the Sports Festival that we might get a chance to be put into the hero course. But here I am, still in general studies,” Shinsou said.
You put your hand on his wrist. “It’s okay. You still have two more years, right? And who knows, the second semester may bring some surprises.” You tried to be hopeful.
“It was a lie. Midoriya told me that Aizawa will tell them things to make them work harder and then afterwards tell them it was a lie. That’s what the school did to me. I was used for a better show,” he said. His voice was steady but you could hear the hurt in it.
You didn’t know what to say, but there was something eating away at you. Class 1-A had gone through such hardships because they were in the hero course. The training camp was targeted because they were considered the next generation of heroes. What if Shinsou was there? What if, just because of his quirk, the League of Villains targeted him? He had made it to the last segment of the games, everyone watching knows how powerful he is. “What is it?” Shinsou asked. You didn’t realize how quiet you had been until he broke the silence.
“Maybe it’s for the best, you know?” You didn’t want to say it, but you knew he would get annoyed eventually if you didn’t say what was on your mind.
He was silent for a bit. “What?”
“I mean,” you were quick to defend your statement, “what if you had been at the training camp? I heard about what happened. They tried to take Tokoyami too! If you were there, I just, I know you would have been that second target. I know how set you are on being a hero, but, I just, I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”Now it was Shinsou’s turn to be silent. You started to feel like you had said the wrong thing and pulled your hands away, an apology on your lips.
Shinsou caught your hands before you could grab your coffee cup again. “I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, giving your hands a reassuring squeeze and a soft smile.
—Mod Zap
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