#angsty and fluffy drdt headcanons
drdt-headcanons · 2 months
DRDT casts opinions on physical touch:
Ace does not like sudden physical touches, it scares him. If he ever finds someone he's comfortable with, he would occasionally initiate physical contact. But most of the time, his pride is too big to do that.
If someone gets flustered easy, Arei will tease them by touching them in a flirty way. She also teases people by poking or lightly shoving them. However, if anyone were to initiate physical contact onto Arei, she will get super pissed at them. She doesn't like people touching her due to her sisters picking on her in ways related to harming her body. Although, if Arei is upset and is close to someone, she will want them to hug/cuddle her until she feels better. (This would be like once she decides to better herself)
Arturo finds physical touch gross. Do not touch him.
Charles does not like people touching him and gets uncomfortable and irritated at whoever does. He's a bit more lax with people he's comfortable with, but he prefers them asking beforehand or him initiating first. Although, he often feels embarrassed when attempting to initiate.
David likes his personal space so he hates whenever people touch him. However, when he's in public and fans recognize him, he'll stomach down his discomfort and go along with whatever the fan wants. If hes close to someone and 100% trusts them and feels especially shitty, he becomes clingy to them.
Eden loves physical touch! She especially loves hugs. When hanging out with her friends, she'll often have her limbs on them or will hold onto their shoulder or hands. But if she sees someone get uncomfortable at physical touch, she will refrain from doing so to them.
Hu also likes physical touch. Whenever she sees someone upset, she'll give them a hug and comfort them. She has a hard time discerning when people are uncomfortable at physical touch, though.
J gets flustered at physical contact so they try to avoid it. They also feel uncomfortable whenever they initiate physical touch, stemming from whenever Mariabella would force J to hug their relatives when visiting and stuff.
Levi is neutral towards physical touch. He will do so if he thinks the situation calls for it. He has a 50% success rate at accessing the situation correctly.
Min never hung out with people in her youth so she gets flustered/uncomfortable whenever people touch her. If she's around a person who initates physical contact a lot, she'll get used to it. She never really initiates physical contact herself, preferring to be alone when she's upset.
Nico does not like physical contact with people, it makes them uncomfortable. They never say their discomfort out loud, they just get silent and irritated. They prefer to hang out in close proximity with someone if they wanna spend time with them.
Rose is neutral to physical contact and never really initiates any. She does often fall asleep on people if she's next to them.
Teruko does not like people touching he if she doesn't trust them, it makes her uneasy. If she does trust them, she doesn't mind but will avoid touch due to her bad luck. They could cause her to trip and break bones, break her ribs in a hug, or give her hives from an allergin on their hands she didn't know she was allergic to. She also fears initiating physical contact, even if she wants to, worrying about pushing them, scratching them, or ruining her clothes.
Veronika does not have any regard to people's personal space or boundaries. She does not care what people do to her.
Whit likes physical touch with anyone. He'll even kiss people hes friends with platonically. He also likes to flirt with his friends, which includes physical touch.
Xanders generally fine with physical touch, but he doesn't actively seek it out. He is unknowingly very touchy-feely. Like, if he's excited, he'll grab onto someone. He doesn't even know he does these things, which leads to him accidently hurting people due to his strength. However, when Xanders angry, do not comfort him with touch because he will physically (and vocally) lash out at you. Like he'll swat their hand away. (Don't worry, he apologizes after he calms down).
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drdt-headcanons · 2 months
Whit and Charles start spending the nights together in one of their dorms since Charles is kinda feeling vulnerable since his fear of blood has been coming up
Whit does let up on any teasing when Charles comes to him for help and they usually end up holding hands and cuddling until Charles falls asleep, Whit’s a light sleeper so it’s not the most ideal for him but he’s fallen pretty hard for Charles since they’ve been there
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drdt-headcanons · 6 days
Based on my own headcanon of Nico having autism/neurotypical and own experiences.
- nico prefers sitting on the floor far from people rather than desks. Too many people...
- They name plushies. Definetly has a collection of cat plushies
- sometimes would go into pet stores just to look at the animals. Or they would get distracted by the animals when they just came for pet treats.
- nico prefers chilling alone in a quiet area. If someone is noisy, they are going to remember it, and will hold a tiny grudge.
- nico masks often, but struggles when they are overwhelmed... Sometimes they just shut down or they lash out... Hu would check on them or guide them to a safe space.
- one reason they dont like bathtubs is because of the feeling of their skin on the tub. Its slippery and kinda funky.... (not in a good way)
- nico owns a blanket/oodie with cat ears. Its a good item to calm them with overstimulated or just cold.
I love nico.
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drdt-headcanons · 2 months
Cast that has ever been kissed before(romantically): Teruko, Nico, Whit, Charles, Min, and Levi
Veronika shockingly does pretty well for herself, it’s usually when she breaks out the plastic skeleton that people start to leave, David gets involved in a little romance but he’s pretty lonely and can’t maintain and actual relationship, J’s kissed an actor and immediately regretted it(she strikes me as heavily lesbian coded)
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drdt-headcanons · 4 months
HC dump! If that’s okay
J has really bad acne, she hides it with her hair sometimes
Xander's boots are made of steel (all steel) and when the rest of the class tries to wear them, they usually fall face first onto the floor
^ Xander doesn't wear regular shoes because he got used to the heavy weight of the steel, and light shoes make it uncomfortable and hard to walk
Eden has freckles
Eden is Cuban (LIKE MEEE米米米
Levi has a ponytail that goes to his mid-thighs
Arturo has a ponytail that goes to his ankles, his hair drags on the floor when untied (he's never cut it)
Whit has pigtails that go to his waist/knees depending on my mood when I draw him
Levi can play the saxophone
Levi’s name is pronounced Leh-Vee, NOT Lee-Vie
Xander LOVES swing music, sometimes he refers to himself as the Ultimate Swing Dancer when Rebel is inappropriate for the situation
J's favorite food is lollipops, she always carries them around and is always eating them
Whit has heart shaped eyebrows
Arturo is a Frankenstein (he has skin grafts so his skin is not one solid shade and he's covered in stitches - that's why he wears a mask and gloves, because he doesn't want anyone to know)
^ Arturo wears a turtle neck
Xander has the ability to slow/stop his heart at command
Jis an alcoholic
Whit is addicted to drugs
^ Charles and Hu try their best to help, but often fail
^^ J and Hu have a sisterly relationship and J took Jing as her middle name since she didn't previously have one
^^^ J Jing Moreno-Rosales
MonoTV's favorite student is Rose
^ He often calls her his sister
^^ She doesn't mind at all, she actually enjoys his company
David has a large burn on his back making his back very sensitive to touch (he HATES a lot of fabrics because they touch and rip at the burn)
Arei knows how to pop dislocated joints back in place and make a cast for a broken bone on herself (this is because of her severe abuse growing up)
J's nose twitches like a bunny's nose
Xander has a golden dragon tattoo on his left arm
When Eden's hair is down from the bow, she has a jellyfish cut
Whit is Irish
Whit idolizes Xander, one time he stole his boots to try and look cool
^ He immediately faceplanted and sprained his ankle
Hu is helping J reconnect with her feminine side
J had a sister who died, so she’s overly protective of Hu because she can’t lose another sister
All of J’s blood family is dead (it’s a long story)
^ Same for Levi
^ Same for Eden (excluding two cousins that live in Cuba)
Levi grew up with his grandparents but they died ☹️ womp womp
Xander has a twin brother named Matthew
Xander has an adoptive dad named Magnius
^ Magnius Yathus, he’s a war veteran
^^ He taught Xander how to fight and is how Xander learned a lot of his skills
I probably have more but that’s all the ones I can remember right now
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drdt-headcanons · 3 days
Ok i have a lot and it would be annoying to send them all seperately so here's some hcs i have:
Arei has tons of facial and otherwise located acne scars and sensitive skin. Her hair is cut very unevenly.
Xander has greyish brown hair naturally (i can't accept him as a fellow ginger. It's not possible). He also has a high caffeine tolerance due to drinking too many caffeinated drinks. Upon realising this, he just started drinking more and wrecked his teeth. He has a lot of chipped teeth as well, mostly from fights and general carelessness.
David has very bad executive dysfunction. He didn't talk a lot in school as a child because people made fun of him for talking like an adult. He hates bubbles and thinks they are a faulty contraption to capitalise off of joy. He has a tooth gap.
Eden used to have pet guinea pigs. When she was younger, she had a hamster and made quite a fuss about taking care of it properly. It lived for quite some time.
Rose is narcoleptic. She easily becomes obsessed with collectable children's toys and comics. She's probably on the aroace spectrum but she's too lazy to find out where.
Ace's favourite book as a child was Watership Down. Likewise, I guess Nico would have to be a Warrior Cats fan. Sorry.
Again on Ace, i think he has ppd and could probably have a psychotic break later in life. Or maybe very soon. Poor thang is set up for failure
Also Teruko has heart problems and had to have a transplant when she was very young. I have an entire list of Teruko health problems i made up in my head so I'll probably write those down later lol
That's all i can think of for now ^_^
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drdt-headcanons · 25 days
Whit goes to animal shelters a lot to play with the dogs, he’s pretty much always wanted 1 but he’s basically been living on his own since his mom died and the golden retriever he wants would get lonely
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drdt-headcanons · 2 months
Arturo is Transmasc ^_^
Idk why but when I heard his secret and his like breakdown or whatever I thought "Wow, maybe he wanted to go off and live his own life to be a guy!" or something. Could potentially have transphobic parents. This will probably be proved wrong in later episodes but ugh whatever!!!
(totally not projecting)
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drdt-headcanons · 9 months
one for each of the cast
Teruko Tawaki: will probably end up being somebody’s baby mama and living off that child support after she actually put up the child for adoption but pretends it’s alive for the money
Xander Matthews: I feel like he’s definitely the type to see someone cry and immediately try to make them laugh or cheer them up, and he will do anything from dad jokes to peek-a-boo to see the person smile again.
Min Jeung: She loves Brooklyn, Spanish and Sicilian accents. She really loves all accents in general and can understand almost anybody if any accent, but those are her favorites.
Arei Nageishi: massive Hello Kitty/Sanrio girl. I mean this girl has the stickers on her backpack, folders, dorm room, plushies, etc. she also definitely runs one of those hello kitty toxic female meme accounts that have like 25k+ followers.
David Chiem: There will be times before events where David just does not have the energy to shower so he will just drown himself in perfume and no one tells him that it smells like shit, but it does the trick for him.
Charles Cuevas: This man knows Spanish, but he can not roll his r’s. I’m telling you this man probably had Hispanic parents who were dedicated to learning English and never taught him Spanish, or they had been in the USA for generations. Everyone he knows rips on him for this.
Whit Young: This man drinks up reality TV. I’m telling you he probably watches every single Real Housewives and TLC for hours with just himself, comfy pajamas and a bowl of buttered popcorn.
Eden Tobisa: her parents used to buy her the Lego friends sets and she’d always throw away all of the men in the sets and build each of the sets so her women would have new spaces to have their love-triangle romance drama.
Ace Markey: he definitely lives on some sort of secluded farm and he’s just part of one big happy family, but he always feels he’s the odd one out because of his cowardice, and he was the only one who always got scolded about behavior and grades, so he feels excluded from his siblings.
Veronika Grebenischikova: before she got into horror she used to be a scene/skater kid and she had tons of hair extensions and jewelry made out of Monster tabs. She now is more into gothic subcultures and music.
Rose Lacroix: At one point her and her family were living in their car, so before Rose got into forgery, she would sit for hours until her moms got home and would either beg for money or rob people so they could afford rent for an apartment.
Levi Fontana: Levi’s older brothers are similarly built to him except even taller and even buffer, but they also acted much more tough and got into things and places he shouldn’t have. He learned his bad behavior from them and his parents who had mental issues and could not hold a steady job.
Hu Jing: Her family is always her number one priority but even though her parents are very kind and supportive, she always feels like she needs to lie to them and keep up being a perfectionist and a perfect balance of Chinese for her parents and American for her classmates.
Nico Hakobyan: loves the cottagecore aesthetic and even though they like baggy clothes with the tags cut off most of the time, if they had to ever dress formal for smth, they’d wear a cottsgecore dress.
Arturo Giles: definitely is a drag queen in his spare time or is trans female. He’s constantly up to date with everything celebrity including movies, music and social media, and is the most knowledgeable of people on pop culture at any moment.
J Rosales: her and her brother used to pretend to swap genders when they were younger and they are both transgender and afraid to come out to each other, but the swapping genders game is a core memory
Thanks for reading :)
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drdt-headcanons · 1 month
Charles has an (...American?) accent, when trying to learn to speak Spanish his native language...?
I'm pretty bad with dialects and accents... sorry... I barely recognize them at all most of the time... :(
But um... he was in America for a long time right?
They might've moved there, the Cuevas family I mean.
It would make some sense if they did so after the loss of his brother.
Which would mean Ellie died in Spain?
Espanõl dogs got to him?
(did I spell that right...)
Both of his parents having a Spanish dialect fits to me!!
But they overwork themself to avoid thinking about it and neglected Charles most of the time
He's sort of took after them, learning their work ethic but messing up on self care (like them...)
So Charles didn't really pick it up, and eventually he probably forgotten the bits and pieces of Spanish he's learnt when he was 7
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drdt-headcanons · 3 months
Veronika had her own podcast, had as in past tense, her explanation for a functional human centipede caused a lot of controversy and she got harassed for a while
It’s just her passion but it freaks people the hell out
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drdt-headcanons · 3 months
Nico will just talk to cats like their a therapist, they vent a lot about their home life while stroking some cat ears
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drdt-headcanons · 2 months
Nico actually takes care of well over 50 cats, but they’re parents only know about the 1, the only Tractor
Cats are a lot nicer to them than basically anyone in their town
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drdt-headcanons · 1 year
Perhaps I'm just self projecting on my drdt kins, but....
David has two accounts for each social media he uses. A public one for his fans, and a private one that he dedicates to rants only he can see. He once accidentally posted a rant with so many obscenities and self deprecation on his public one, until he went "Oops, wrong blog" and deleted it
David also sleeps with two pillows. One underneath his head and the other one he's cuddling with. He imagines it's someone--anyone--so he can at least pretend, throughout the night, that there is someone out there that does love him
Hu refuses to accept any help. Even if she truly needs it, she says that she's fine. She also had a pretty dark sense of humor as a kid and made jokes that would have her friends ask her if she was genuinely okay, but she just brushed it off as "Nah, I'm fine :) <- no I'm not"
Whit seems like the type of person to like strawberry flavored snacks + drinks, but he actually hates them and likes stuff that's lightly sweet. Ironically he likes to wear this shirt when it gets cold
Eden cries randomly. Like.....she doesn't even know why she is crying, she just....lets it out whenever she's alone. She needs a good cry
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drdt-headcanons · 1 year
The reason Arturo wears gloves constantly is because he has awful sensory issues and needs his hands to be completely dry and devoid of any dirt at all times or he will simply explode
Also Xander x Ace real I think Xander would send him silly cat memes
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drdt-headcanons · 1 year
I wanna do one HC per character :)
Teruko Tawaki ~ She’s gotten into the craziest trouble before. Like she’s probably been framed for a crime and then let out at like the last second, or joined a gang by accident and then ran away.
Xander Matthews ~ He is a huge history buff and although he doesn’t agree with most things in history, he uses successful tactics other historical advocates used for his own protests and rebellions.
Charles Cuevas ~ his parents were highly against him doing chemistry, and had no idea he was even pursuing it until he won an award in highschool for it. They knew he took chemistry class and aced it, but they didn’t know the hours he spend after school were not actually gardening, but it was him studying and doing high level chemistry experiments.
Ace Markey ~ he tried to be a basic white boy back in middle school to become more popular, but he missed the memo and accidentally ended up dressing like a basic white girl instead 😭
Arei Nageishi ~ she’s definitely a hello kitty girl, but the stereotypical bitchy one
Rose Lacroix ~ she’s drank the paint water so many times by mistake she can’t even differentiate the taste between real water and paint water anymore
Hu Jing ~ Hu can also play a lot of other instruments! Although she prefers and likes the Zither out of all of them, she plays piano, acoustic guitar and cello if her high school needed that instrument for smth or someone around town did.
Eden Tobisa ~ Eden was that one super goody two-shoes back in highschool. She always did volunteer work, had pretty good grades, was the founder or in many activist clubs.
Levi Fontana ~ definitely dresses in women’s clothes. He believes clothes aren’t gendered, but he doesn’t go out wearing “women’s clothes” bc he’s worried that his reputation would be slandered.
Arturo Giles ~ he used to own all the ‘girly toys’ like LEGO Friends, and instead of building the kit, he made all the characters have the most insane, toe-curling, suspenseful drama with each other and he would narrate it and do all the voices.
Min Jeung ~ Min gives the meanest death stare. She would get teased in school for having no social life, but once she stared you down, you’d never make fun of her again.
David Chiem ~ He sets his alarm for an hour earlier than he actually has to get up, because it takes him an hour to get up and motivated and out of bed.
Veronika Grebenishchikova ~ She does insane things to impress people she has a crush on. Once, she made a heart that looked and felt exactly like a human heart and gifted it to the person she liked. After that, her reputation was basically ruined.
J Rosales ~ J definitely had a middle school emo phase. Once she disappeared from the media, she cut her hair, dyed it black and started listening to MCR and acted like her life sucked. The rebellion is still in her, but she’s matured and just prefers boyish clothes and dad-rock more than anything.
Whit Young ~ the biggest pop fan to exist. He knows every popular song, artist, but the catch is he only knows them if it’s a female singing. He couldn’t give a crap about male singers.
Nico Hakobyan ~ only likes cartoon shows that star animals, like Bluey. They also like books that star animals, but they prefer to see the animals animated on screen.
//I didn’t mean for this to get so long but ty and I hope you enjoyed the HCs!!!
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