#animal shelter!Sihtric
mrsarnasdelicious · 4 months
Animal Shelter!AU Sihtric NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
Sihtric is a snuggler extra ordinaire. He will want to cuddle once you are both cleaned up. Yes, you will need cleaning up. Be it a bath, a shower of just a quick toweling down, sex with Sihtric means you're gona be needing a good ol' clean up.
After you've clean up, Sihtric will cuddle up to you, with his head on/beside your chest. His very favourite it when you 'nurse' him to sleep. Man loves to fall asleep with your nipple in his mouth.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He knows he has a big cock and he is quite proud of it. Though he is also very very proud of his heterochromatic eyes.
On you, hands down, your tits. He cannot get enough of your boobs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Sihtric has hyperspermia. He produces loads you would not believe are suited for a human. You sometimes have no idea what to do with how much he pumps into you, be it your pussy, your mouth or your ass. Or anywhere else on your body, really.
And he gets painful balls, too when he does not cum on an at least one and a half day interval. He needs to releave that pressure and he prefers to do it inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He once spied on Finan getting off and came in his pants just watching Finan jerk his own cock.
The first time he was at your place, he filched one of your panties from the hamper. He got off to it so many times before he casually returned it, washed and without you noticing.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He isn't exactly a virgin, but due to a latex allergy that remained undiscovered until he began seeing you, he's avoided sex for the main part. He has most of his kink experience with you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. He likes to submit to you and he likes seeing your tits bound, easy peasy mac and cheesy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sihtric can be quite silly. He likes to playfight, tickle and joke, mainly during foreplay.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This boy has no body hair. Like, zilch. He even has very thin, sparse leg hair. His armpit hair is peach fuzz at best!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sihtric craves intimacy. Sex with you is more than fucking, more than pleasure. He needs affection much more than he needs sex. He views affection/romance as integral part of sex with you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Y E S. He jerks off soooo much. Because he is like, perpetually horny.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lactation, Breeding, Praising, Edging, Exhibition, Voyeurism, Multiples, breast worship and dirty talk.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere he can get you, really. Tho he does prefer the bed, so he can get real close and real vulnerable.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
YOUR BOOBS. Your voice, compliments, Finan's cologne, your perfume, praise, a light breeze rushing through your hair. Everything, basically.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bodily waste, ddlg and cnc
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Heck to the yes. Sihtric is enthousiastic about getting head, never lasting long when you suck his cock. And he loooooves eating you out, he can do it for hours on end.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He mixes it up, he can do either or and everything in between.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
YES. He gets to be inside you, what is not to like!!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Sihtric is crazy enough to try everything, once, a few exceptions of course there.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sihtric tends to be a quick shot the first round, but he can go for three round and round two or three usually last much longer. Though there are days he can go for five, all of them premature and desperate.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
YES ALL THE TOYS. Butt plugs, vibes, cockrings, fleshlights, all of the toys, on you and on him!!!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh no honey, it is you who teases him. He has the best reactions!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
L O U D. Guy has no filter, no stop, no nothing. He is loud, whining, whimpering, moaning, grunting and groaning. And most of all, MOST OF ALL, Begging. He begs loudly and prettily.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Boy is such a disaster bi. He has the hugest crush on Finan and he indulges Uhtred whenever he wants to snog. He's not a person for monogamy because he most certainly will jump in bed with Finan if invited.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is a grower and he is biiig. His sack is worn close to the root of his cock and his balls are a little larger than average. He is uncut.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
13/10. Guy's resting mood is horny. He always wants to fuck. Boyo's got sex on the brain all day erry day. And when you are near him, he has zero self control.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He zonks off once he is well and comfortable. Especially when you let him nurse to sleep. He put so much energy in the session that it is high time for him to go to sleep.
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Note: request by a lovely anon! Thank you so much. I was planning on making this super angsty, but somewhere along writing today my mood changed and yeah. It turned out to be this. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: briefly suggestive, mention of blood and violence.
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: Your husband had sent you to a nunnery many years ago, after he wrongly accused you of committing adultery. Not much later your husband died of a sickness, and you had nowhere to go, so always remained at the nunnery, being well respected amongst the nuns. However, your life as a nun was rather mundane, until a handsome Dane came looking for shelter.
Word count: 4,6k 
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The battle at the convent.
It was wrong. Sihtric knew that what he was doing was wrong. He already knew before he decided to do it, and he knew after he did it anyway. 
But while Sihtric did it, he didn't care. Because he loved how it felt, and he loved how wrong it was.
He loved the feeling of your nails raking over his bare back, and he loved the sound of the wooden pallets that made for your bed, creaking under pressure each time he slammed into you. But more than anything, he loved the way you cursed. Using your nailed god's name in vain as you begged him for more. You begged Sihtric to go harder, deeper, faster and wilder as you laid on your back, tunic hiked up to your waist with Sihtric's body between your thighs. The wind outside rattled the barricaded doors and windows with a violent force, covering up the Dane's heavy grunts and animal-like growls while he played with his prey, whom he had been hunting for two days already.
Two days ago Sihtric came knocking at the nunnery, as the wind had howled threateningly through the trees, gradually tearing more leaves and branches off their stems as the day went on, which had forced him to discontinue his travels to Bebbanburg. The abyss had welcomed him, for a storm was coming and the warrior needed shelter. 
The storm erupted later that night and continued in full force throughout the next few days. It was simply too dangerous for anyone to travel, so Sihtric was forced to stay longer than he had planned. But he didn't mind. Not after he saw you that first night, during dinner, which was also the first time you had laid eyes on him.
He was unlike any man you had ever seen. Your late husband was small, and timid, and had claimed to be of royal descent, so he was always dressed in fancy tunics and cloaks, always clean shaven and always stern looking, without any emotion.
The Dane was the complete opposite; he was tall, lean and rugged looking. His mismatched eyes were accompanied by his sharp face features, which were graced with a few scars and he had dark, well kept facial hair. His shoulder length mane was equally as dark and was, as the wind had rushed through it for hours on end, wild looking and messy. His clothes, a dark fur tunic held by a black leather belt, on which a knife and small axe were secured, were clean and showed he was wealthy, but not in a boasting manner, unlike your late husband.
You weren't the only lady who had taken interest in the mysterious man who came looking for shelter. Ever since he arrived, the hallways had been filled with giggles and whispers by your fellow nuns whenever he was seen. Soon his name travelled through the halls and everyone knew who he was, which did not help calm the other nuns down, as they were desperate to get to know him, just like you were.
But you were the only one who Sihtric had taken interest in, after you had caught his eye as you served him ale the first night. He had thanked you with a smile and his eyes had followed you around ever since. And when you topped up his ale the second time that evening, and handed him his jug, he brushed his tattooed fingers over yours as he took the drink from you. Sihtric thanked you again, but this time not with a smile, he thanked you with a wink as he bit down on his lip.
He somehow sensed you weren't raised in the nunnery, unlike all the other ladies in the room, because you didn't shy away from his gaze whenever you locked eyes, and you didn't blush when you got near him. Instead, he saw something in your eyes that told him you wanted to be chased after by him, because you longed for a feeling which none of the other nuns had ever experienced. And Sihtric loved a good chase if it meant he would get to claim his price; you.
To make himself useful, and to thank the abyss for letting him stay, Sihtric helped out with some heavier tasks around the nunnery and made sure that whatever he did, was where you were at too. You knew he had been eyeing you up all day, and he knew you had done the same, especially when he had rolled up his sleeves.
During dinner, that second day, you once again poured him some ale, but before you could walk away, he finally spoke more words to you than just his regular 'thank you, lady.'
'The storm is not slowing down,' Sihtric said.
'It seems not,' you agreed.
'I heard the wind destroyed a few barricades from the windows during the day,' Sihtric said, soft enough so only you could hear, 'is your room still safe?'
'It was when I left it, yes.'
You stared at each other, patiently but hungry. And Sihtric didn't continue the conversation, he was waiting for you to make the next move, he liked to be lured in before he would attack.
'Would you mind coming over, after dinner, to make sure my windows are barricaded well enough? My room is the last, on the left.'
Sihtric gave you a sly smile and a curt nod before he sipped from his cup. And with that answer you went on about your evening as usual, making sure the other nuns did their duties, before you went to your room. And it wasn't much later until Sihtric had knocked on your door and you had pulled him in your room by his leather belt. 
If you weren't a nun, Sihtric would have liked to marry you, but he knew that wasn't possible as he suspected you had chosen this life. He didn't know you were merely living there because you had no other place to go, and that you didn't even have much faith in your god. But regardless, Sihtric simply wanted to enjoy his time with you. And just like him, you knew it had been wrong to hump like wild beasts inside the nunnery, but just like him, you loved how it felt and how wrong it was. You would deal with the consequences later, if any would ever come. 
And those consequences came knocking eventually. But it would be weeks after Sihtric had knocked on your door that night, and had given you the best hump of your life before he had to continue his journey the next day.
It seemed as if the storm had reached its peak shortly after you and Sihtric reached your own. Your walls had clenched Sihtric's cock as he slammed into you, with just as much force as the wind outside had slammed against the outer walls of the nunnery, and your orgasms were as loud as the wind that howled through the cracked barricades.
And still, no one had heard a thing, and no one had seen Sihtric leave your chamber, with his hair wilder, his eyes darker, and his smile cheekier than it had been before. And no one had seen the bruises on your body, which Sihtric had left with his hands, lips and teeth, as the next day you were simply back to being a fully covered up, sex deprived nun. 
Before Sihtric had left your room that night, you had asked him where he was going, and if he would ever stop by again. He told you he was on his way to Bebbanburg, as a war was approaching, and he told you that if he would still be alive after the battle, he would stop by, but he could not promise you would ever see him again. And after that grim truth, he had kissed you. Lovingly, slowly and passionately. And he told you that whatever would happen, he would never forget about you. 
And you knew you would never forget the Dane either, when you watched how he galloped away on his horse the next morning. You just didn't know yet that you would never forget him, because he had made you pregnant.
Once your baby bump started to show, all the nuns, including the abyss herself, turned on you. They had all desired Sihtric. Whether it had been for a hump, a simple kiss from his lips or a brush of his rough hands against their untouched skin, each and every nun had longed for him. No man had set foot in the nunnery after Sihtric, or long before him.
But you never admitted to anyone the unholy things Sihtric had made you scream out that night. Or the sins you had committed with him in your bed. And on your table, and on the floor… before he had you pushed back against the wall, with your legs around his waist, his strong arms holding you up while his muscular body grinded against you with each hard thrust. But your fellow nuns all found it hard to believe you had gotten pregnant like the virgin Mary herself, after a man, who was a dangerously handsome Dane, had stayed over for a few nights, several months ago.
'You are a disgrace,' the abyss spat when you couldn't hide your pregnancy anymore, 'you welcomed the devil in your bed and you will be treated accordingly.'
From then on, you were no longer a respected nun, no, you were the nun who had taken away the chances for everyone else to have a good night, although they would never admit that. In the following months you would be looked down at, spat upon and laughed at as you struggled to perform the duties you were burdened with; the heavy labour Sihtric had done, as it was not suitable for one woman alone. You thought nuns were supposed to be angels on earth, but they weren't. They were the devil. And not like the devil you had welcomed in your bed, for you had loved him. 
You prayed as your pregnancy progressed. You prayed to your god for mercy, for safety, for peace. And you prayed for Sihtric, may he survive whichever battle he was fighting at the same time you fought your own battle at the nunnery.
You eventually gave birth to, miraculously, a healthy boy. Your body was hurting, bruised and felt broken, and you were surprised you lived to see another day. The nuns took care of your boy, but they couldn't be bothered about you. So you prayed, again. You prayed that Sihtric had survived the battle, which had to be long over by now as you had heard rumours of the battle of Bebbanburg, and how it had been won. You prayed that Sihtric would come see you again, and maybe even save you. You prayed every day. But not to the nailed god anymore. No, you prayed to the old gods. The real gods. The gods Sihtric had told you about briefly when he had held you in his arms, before he got dressed and left your chamber that night. You had played with the pendant around his neck, and he told you how it gives him strength and courage. And Sihtric had given you that pendant, before he kissed you goodbye, because he somehow knew you would need it, and it had been hidden underneath your tunic ever since. 
And Sihtric had been right; you had needed it. He just didn't know what for.
And you prayed, day and night, for two and a half years.
The aftermath of the battle of Bebbanburg had been rough. Lord Uhtred, who Sihtric was loyal to, was severely injured and Sihtric had stayed by his side until he recovered, which already took months. After that, Sihtric helped rebuild Bebbanburg and the surrounding villages, while travelling back and forth between Dunholm, of which he was lord. 
With each travel, Sihtric passed by the route that would take him to the nunnery, and he always glanced back to the steep turn uphill as he rode by. But he figured you had long forgotten about him, and he had more urgent matters than to go see a beautiful nun, who occupied his mind day and night, so he never found the strength to spur his horse in your direction.
Until two and a half years later. 
Life had gone back to normal, more or less. There had been no more battles, which did make him a little bored and empty inside. But Bebbanburg was safe, Dunholm was safe, his friends were alive and healthy and everything was as it should be. So one day, when he was on his way back to Dunholm, he crossed the path again which had led to you, many moons ago, and he suddenly pulled the reins and spurred his horse uphill. Maybe it was out of curiosity that he made the rash decision, maybe it was his boredom looking for an adventure, or maybe it was fate that steered him your way, he didn't know.
Sihtric jumped off his horse and walked up the building, which still looked exactly the same, and he smiled upon seeing it, for you had been on his mind ever since he first saw you, and the thought of seeing you again actually made him nervous as he closed in on the nunnery. He knew he was most likely about to get his heart broken, for the abyss would tell him you had left, or maybe you simply wouldn't remember him, or worse, maybe you had died. All these possibilities ran through his mind as he ran his hands through his long, messy hair, the same as it was when you had first seen him, before he knocked the large wooden door.
He was once again welcomed by the same abyss, and soon, all the same nuns swarmed around his table as he sipped from his ale, telling him stories and asking what he had been up to. His eyes darted over all the faces the entire time. And all were there, except for you. Sihtric asked your whereabouts, to which the happy chatter and giggles died down. But no one answered. Sihtric frowned and asked again.
'Is she still here?'
'She is,' the abyss snarled.
'Where? I wish to see her.'
'You will find her outside, with the pigs. Where she belongs.'
Sihtric was confused by that remark, but got up and made his way outside. As he walked around the building he was surprised to run into a young boy. Or rather, a young boy ran into him, as the child swung a large stick around with fury and didn't see where he was going, and collided with Sihtric's legs. The boy stumbled backwards and looked up with big eyes at the man who towered over him while he was on his back. Sihtric chuckled and tilted his head at the sight of the boy. 
'Aren't you a handsome guy?' Sihtric joked and picked the kid up in his arms. 
Sihtric studied the young boy and he smiled, to which Sihtric smiled back, as the boy somehow reminded him of himself. And he wondered where the child came from. He found it rather peculiar because the nuns, who wouldn't stop talking when he sipped his ale and looked for you, kept telling him how there hadn't been a man near the nunnery ever since his last visit. And with that thought, and the sudden glimpse he got of his mjölnir pendant around the boy's neck, he nearly dropped the kid as he stopped dead in his tracks. Sihtric turned his face towards the child in his arms, and stared at him with big eyes. And when the child gave him the exact same wide-eyed look, Sihtric blinked rapidly. So did the kid.
'By Odin's beard,' Sihtric muttered.
'Daddy!' the child suddenly screamed in his face. 
The young boy, never having seen another man before, figured that the first man he ever saw was probably his father. The kid just had no idea that he was actually right.
You heard your son shout a word you hadn't heard him scream yet. You had told him about his father, but the boy had never said that word again after that talk, as he had no reason to say it. More alarmed by the fact that your child suddenly screamed, rather than by what he screamed, you came running around the corner, where you saw a man, who had his back turned to you, holding your child in his arms.
'Let go of my son!' you shrieked as you ran towards the man and you started to beat the stranger with the empty bucket you had just used to feed the pigs.
Sihtric groaned when he suddenly felt a hard blow against his back, and quickly took a few steps back as he protected the child in his arms from the sudden attack.
'Lady!' he hissed, before he recognised you. And you dropped the bucket midswing when you recognised Sihtric.
'You… you,' you stammered, 'you came back.'
'I did,' Sihtric said, equally as stunned by your beauty as the first time he saw you.
'I prayed… for years. For two years,' you started to cry, 'for you to come back.'
'I'm sorry it took me so long,' Sihtric stepped closer, 'the battle had been rough, the aftermath was rough. I feared you had forgotten about me so I… I just passed the route again, and like all the other times I thought of you. I always thought of you, every day. Every night,' he chuckled as his eyes teared up, 'but it wasn't until today something pulled me here. I had to… I had to stop by… to see you and… but… then… and,' Sihtric's eyes darted between you and the boy in his arms with a questioning look.
'Yes,' you nodded fast as tears rolled down, 'yes, Sihtric, he is yours. He is our son. And it's… it's his … his birthday.'
Sihtric took a few steps back and looked as if he was going to pass out. He also felt as if he was going to pass out so he quickly kneeled down and rested upon his hands and knees. Your son ran over to you once his feet had ground underneath them, and when Sihtric heard the boy yell 'daddy!' again, he watched the ground underneath his hands close in on him rapidly and he heard a thump before everything turned black.
The other nuns had seen Sihtric pass out and came running. A weak fight broke out between you and some of the nuns, while a few others tried to take your son, and again some other nuns tugged Sihtric's leg, hoping they could drag him inside to take care of him, but he was heavier than they anticipated. They had never seen all those muscles Sihtric kept hidden under his tunic, but you remember the comfortable weight of his body all too well.
Sihtric regained consciousness after a few minutes and woke up, dizzy, to the sound of screaming women. After a short moment he remembered where he was and what had happened and when he turned his face, smudged with dirt and grass, to the side, he saw how almost every nun was harassing you as they dragged your son out of your arms. His son. Sihtric got up, albeit a little wobbly, and unsheathed his knife. He guessed it was unlikely he would need it, but he had a family to protect now and would not hesitate to cut a nun.
'Hey!' Sihtric growled, 'get away from my son!' 
The nuns were startled at the sound and sight of the handsome, yet savage, looking man.
'Give me my son!' he shouted as the abyss picked up the boy and took a step back, holding her silver cross up to Sihtric as if it would protect her. But the Devil is not afraid of some silver.
'I merely wish to leave with my son!' Sihtric continued, 'and with my lady!' he glanced at you.
You were kneeled down in a puddle of mudd, with a cut lip and a busted eyebrow, as tears ran down your face. Sihtric held his knife out to the ladies of God as he walked over to you and he pulled you up on your feet, gently shoving you behind his back.
'Are you okay?' he asked, never taking his eyes off his son, held by the abyss.
'I'm okay,' you sniffled and held onto his arm, 'they… they will not let you leave with us.'
'What do you mean?'
'They believe Cynlaef, our boy, is a gift from God.'
'No child of mine will ever be a gift of their false god,' Sihtric hissed as he stared at the nuns. 
'They wish to keep him,' you continued, 'they took him from me after birth. All they have done after you left has been to punish me. They will allow me near him and he- he knows I am his mother, but I barely get to raise him. They will not let you leave, Sihtric, not with him. Or with me.'
'The hags will have to pull you and my son out of my dead arms if they wish to keep you,' Sihtric said for only you to hear, then raised his voice, 'I will not ask again!'
'I cannot allow you to leave with the boy!' the abyss yelled, 'we have no evidence you are the father!'
The abyss knew she was talking nonsense, for it was clear Sihtric was the father, as the boy was his spitting image, complete with mismatched eyes. But she knew if they held the child at the nunnery, Sihtric would return again. Maybe enjoy himself a few more nights again, not with you ofcourse, you didn't even have a bed anymore inside those walls, you slept outside in the shed. With the pigs.
'You told me no man had set foot near this place!' Sihtric snarled, 'what more evidence do you need?'
'The whore has never admitted to sleeping with you!' one nun yelled, but neither you nor Sihtric could see which one it was.
'Then I will admit to it!' Sihtric said as he took a step closer, to which all the nuns took a step back at the same time, almost like a shield wall, Sihtric thought. 
'You will not get this child,' the abyss hissed, 'over my dead body!'
'Then so be it,' Sihtric huffed and stormed at the holy shield wall. 
The abyss let out a shriek and started to run with the boy in her arms. You watched how Sihtric quickly, and without effort really, closed in on her, and somewhat tackled her as he pulled your son out of her arms. The abyss fell face flat on the grass, Sihtric held out his knife again to each nun who tried to approach as he held his son in his other arm. Sihtric looked at you and beckoned you over. As you neared your two beautiful men, one nun tried to punch you, but Sihtric was quick to throw his knife, which landed right in the palm of the nun's hand, and she screamed out in pain as blood gushed out of her hand, staining her white tunic.
Sihtric grabbed your hand once you were close enough, handed you the boy and stepped in front of you again. His knife was still stuck in the nun's hand, so he took out his axe.
'Sihtric,' you said nervously, holding onto his arm again, 'you can't just murder an entire nunnery.'
'I can,' Sihtric hissed, 'and I will if it's our only way out. I have won greater battles.'
And you can't remember exactly what happened, as it had been overwhelming. But you remember how a handful of nuns came running your way, and how Sihtric had killed three of them while two others tried to pull your son away, but you had scratched at their eyes, hard, and they were blinded by their own blood. You remember hearing how Sihtric grunted when a nun started to pull his hair, and how Sihtric snarled that that was exactly why he always had braids when he went to battle, just before he hacked his axe in the nun's skull. You remember shielding your son against all the horror that occurred at the nunnery that day, while Sihtric punched, sliced and kicked his way through the remaining nuns, but you didn't see that anymore, because you had turned your back and hid your son in the stable's haystacks. 
You remember seeing the man, who had made hard love to you one night and given you the sweetest child to ever exist, walk back up to you while he was covered in blood and breathing heavily. And you saw how the previously green grass had been dyed red, just before the man grabbed your face, shoved you against the outer stable wall, and kissed you as if it was the last thing he would ever do. And if it wasn't for your son, who had found his way out of the haystacks, you would have gotten pregnant again right there, outside the stables. 
'Sihtric, you have to clean yourself up,' you said as you held your son back from his father, realising how stupid it sounded because you were stained with blood too, after Sihtric had kissed you with such lust and passion. But he agreed, and quickly rid his hair, face, neck and hands of the red liquid that wasn't his own with some water. And when he came back, he cupped his hands to help you up on his horse, picked up your son, who you placed in front of you, and then Sihtric, the man who had been on your mind for over two years, climbed in the saddle behind you and spurred his horse to walk.
'What happens now?' you asked after a short while.
'Now? I take you with me to Dunholm,' Sihtric said as he let the reins go with one hand to circle his arm around your waist, 'and I will marry you. And we will raise our son. And we will have more children,' he chuckled before he kissed your cheek, 'and I promise we will raise them together.'
'What about the… the slaughter?'
'What about it?'
'What if someone finds out? What if they come after my… our son again?'
'No one will find out,' he shrugged, 'and if someone will, they will know what happened and why. And they will know better than to try and take my son and my wife away from me.'
'Your wife?'
'Lady,' Sihtric chuckled, 'in my mind I had already married you that first night I saw you.'
You shifted slightly so you could look at him, and Sihtric wasted no time to capture your lips with his, and you knew trouble was ahead if this is the way he would always kiss you. Because you were ready to pull Sihtric off his horse, have your son seated somewhere safe, and let the handsome Dane take you as he pleased up against a tree. But, you were a responsible mom, so you reluctantly broke the kiss and told him to behave. To which he smirked and said he wasn't familiar with that English word. And that's also when you knew your son would become a handful as he got older. But you didn't mind. 
You were just happy that the man you had fallen in love with years ago came back for you, and was more than happy to be a father to his child. 
And Sihtric promised you the world, a promise he already fulfilled when he married you not much later. Because Sihtric was your world, along with your son. And in the years to come, you would become a happy, big and loving family. 
And no one, except for you and Sihtric, would ever know exactly what happened that day at the nunnery, which folks now called "the battle at the convent", which was simply a tale of love, lust and blood.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx
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alexagirlie · 7 months
The Latest Plague - Epilogue
Chapter one: The Break
Chapter two: The Traitor
Chapter three: The Hunt
Chapter four: The Reward
Chapter 5: The Morning After
Chapter 6: The Conclusion
Fandom: The Last Kingdom Pairing: (Main) Finan/Osferth/Sihtric, (Secondary) Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred, (Side/Implied) Finan/Osferth/Sihtric/Uhtred, Finan/Uhtred, Uhtred/Sihtric
Rating: E
Warnings/Tags (for whole story, not just this chapter): Vampires AU. Minor Character Death. Hunting. Death Threats. Blood Drinking. Blood Kink. Betrayal. Punishment. Oral Sex. Anal Sex. Dom/Sub Undertones. Threesomes.
Summary: For the first time since being turned by his brother all those years ago, Uhtred released the animal which lived under his skin, and with advice from his most trusted, allowed those under his command to do the same. Finan's words being the deciding factor.
"If they believe us to be monsters, then let us be monsters." Finan was tired of being shamed for what he chose to become, and instead embraced it wholeheartedly.
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The vampires moved north across Northumbria like a plague, taking first Bebbanburg, Uhtred's ancestral seat. 
For the first time since being turned by his brother all those years ago, Uhtred released the animal which lived under his skin, and with advice from his most trusted, allowed those under his command to do the same. Finan's words being the deciding factor.
"If they believe us to be monsters, then let us be monsters." Finan was tired of being shamed for what he chose to become, and instead embraced it wholeheartedly.
The slaughter of Uhtred's uncle and the few loyal to him was particularly creative and once his new lands were secure Uhtred summoned all those that had been loyal to him back in Wessex. They turned all who wished it, growing their army larger and larger. Saxon, Dane, it did not matter.
Once they had the numbers Uhtred turned his gaze south. Time had not cooled the rage Uhtred held in his heart for the King of Wessex and now that they had a home to shelter those they cared about it was time for him to enact his vengeance upon the man who had cast him aside.
They took Eoforwic first, Uhtred finally taking revenge on King Guthred for selling him to slavers years ago. The four of them hunted the weasel King together and shared in his blood.
Finan kept the memory of Sihtric riding Uhtred to completion beside Guthreds cold corpse very close to his heart and pulled it up on the rare occasions he only had his own hand for company.
After Eoforwic was firmly under Uhtred's control they moved through Mercia next, killing any who fought back. 
The Lady Aethelflaed, who so looked up to Uhtred, who had saved her life many times when he was still in service to her father, chose to bend the knee without a fight and for that decision her household was spared. 
The same could not be said for her lord husband. Aethelred chose to fight back and the battle that ensued was particularly gruesome, the rumours of his treatment of his wife incentive for many to want him dead, Uhtred including, as the Lord had a soft spot for the saxon princess.
Finally the vampires turned their gaze upon Wesses itself. By this time their numbers had swelled so much that the fighting men of Wessex stood no chance, but Alfred was stubborn and believed that God would protect him from the coming carnage. 
It did not.
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Sihtric - TLK-tober
I rolled Sihtric, witch, forest/wilderness, cute. This time I went for cute ending. 1079 words; no warnings other than a shippy vibe... you can imagine the girl is Eahlswith or an OC. Prompt list here.
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The girl kept stealing glances, as they walked together through the forest. Sihtric was a man of few words, so even though he walked beside her, she had little other than her own curious thoughts to keep her company. His eyes met hers occasionally, each time with a small smile plucking at his lips before his gaze darted away. He wasn’t like the other men she knew from the alehouse. He didn’t act like he had anything to prove, and he never, ever did anything to make her nervous.
A copse of beech trees, he had said. That was the proper place to bury the charm, so that’s where they were going. The other girls were more nervous about him than anyone else, Lord Uhtred’s pet Dane, but they were all fools. She looked down at the thing he had helped her make. A bundle of cloth, wrapped ‘round three times with a ribbon she used to wear in her hair as a girl. It crunched inside between her fingers. He hadn’t told her exactly which herbs he had filled it with to set the spell.
It was witchcraft; that’s what the priests told them on Sundays. But her mother had called it seiðr, and before she died she had spoken of it as a blessed skill, something to aid men and women as they struggled with the cruelties of fate. And Sihtric, the quiet, unassuming warrior that now led her through the woods, was a seiðmann, and happy to help her intercede with the old gods for her father’s life.
Kindness. That’s what she saw in Sihtric’s eyes whenever they met hers. Everyone she knew in Winchester was afraid of him, a Dane in their midst. But he treated her better than just about every Saxon man she knew.
“Here,” he said, nodding his head up toward the top of the ridge, where a stand of giant trees created a midday darkness, blotting out the sky entirely with the leaves of their thick branches.
“Why must it be beech trees?” she inquired as they entered the grove, happy to have finally thought of something to engage him in conversation over.
Sihtric looked up, a considering look creasing his dark brow. “Beech trees grow tall, and strong. Their canopy shelters the animals.” His gaze dropped to her, captivating her eyes entirely. “These are the qualities we need to send to your father. Strength, stamina, protection.”
She couldn’t quite describe the way she felt when he looked at her like that. But it was a good feeling. Like he was somehow offering these things to her, too. And that he had the power to give them. His clear, two-toned eyes focused on her and nothing else. She nodded and, impulsively, took his hand.
He was surprised, she could feel that in his grip, but he did not reject her affection. With another one of those slow smiles, he used their entwined fingers to lead her up to the heart of the grove. At the base of the largest tree, they sank to their knees together. “We’ll bury it here.” He let go of her hand, regretfully, she thought, as he took out a knife to break the ground. He closed his eyes and murmured a few words before striking downwards, too low for her to hear. “It doesn’t have to be deep, but your hands need to dig it. Think of your father while you do.”
Love poured from her heart as the girl scrambled her fingers through the soil, making a hole large enough to bury the charm. Sihtric started humming, something low and deep in his chest that sounded nothing like church hymns but warmed her twice as well.
She set the bundle into the earth. Sihtric said a few words she couldn’t understand, and then took both of her hands between his own. He drew them out, pushing them into the dirt piled to either side and guiding her to smooth it back in with him. He pressed her palms to the little mound they’d made. She could feel him exhale against her cheek, they were so close together, but she dared not look up to his face. The moment felt too important for that kind of distraction.
“It’s done,” he said, after a long, silent moment. He released her hands from the earth. “Your father is as protected as we can make him.”
“Thank you, Sihtric,” she said, savoring his name on her tongue. She hadn’t said it often, but with her heart swelling now under these trees, she thought she might like to say it every day.
“It’s nothing,” he said, then: “I hope it helps.”
They brushed their hands off and he helped her rise. “Let’s stay a while,” she said when his feet turned back down the ridge. “I like how it feels, here.”
Sihtric turned back to her with a smile, less guarded than the ones he’d given her before. “I feel it too.” His eyes dances between the branches above them. “It bodes well.”
They wandered the cozy little space under the copse of trees for a time. Sihtric was silent as ever, though she thought he was stealing as many glances at her as she was at him.
“Where did you learn this magic?” she ventured.
“My mother.”
He looked sad as he said it. She wondered if it was her place to press for more.
“Among my people, it’s mostly a skill taught to women.” His gaze slid off her, sheepish again, and she wondered why he was even revealing this to her, when she didn’t really know any better.
She took his hand again. “Could you teach me?”
His eyes widened, and he regarded her for a long moment. They faced each other under the boughs of the ancient trees. His head dipped, and his confidence returned. “Yes.”
She smiled up at him, not sure what to say next. Just a little bit lost in admiration of his cheekbones.
His eyes traveled over her face too. Lifting his hand, he cupped her face, thumb sliding across the apple of her cheek. “Just a smudge of dirt on your face.”
The wind shimmered through the trees, but they did not hear it. His hand remained on her cheek, fingers cupping her jaw, and all it took was the slightest lifting of her chin for him to kiss her. A different kind of magic bloomed in this forest grove.
More of my work here
TLK Taglist:  @ceridwenofwales​ @oddsnendsfanfics​@laketaj24​ @thewildbeauty @geekandbooknerd​ @therealcalicali​ @tiyetiye​ @pokeasleepingsmaug​@goldentailedmermaids​ @sifshoney​ @titty-teetee​  @savismith​ @ariellostatci​ @perfectus-in-morte​ @axiseeu12 @kingofshadowalkers @glitta-killa​ @just-random-obsessions​ @volvaaslaug​
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thecocchamchronicle · 4 years
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Title: Down at the River
Summary: Suggested by @scionsofterredange,Sihtric and Y/N clean up together after a rough battle
Words: 1048
Warnings: descriptions of blood and injuries, nudity
Tags: @valhallasubstitute, @ivertha, @scionsofterredange​ @sihtric
A/N: @Sihtric, I tried to tag you but it wouldn’t let me!
The chaos of battle had finally ceased and by the grace of the gods, you were not among the dead that littered the battle field. You checked yourself for any severe wounds and found none. The only damage you came upon was a cut that ran across your cheek bone.
   ‘Just another scar to add to my collection.’ you thought.
You ran your fingers over the thin, horizontal wound. There you found tacky blood, that had already began to solidify. Pulling your hand away, you casually wiped the blood onto the side of your trousers. 
Being a battle hardened warrior should have caused you to grow accustomed to blood, but for some reason you had never grown fully comfortable with it. For whatever reason you couldn’t get used to the sensation of blood coating your skin. It was supposed to be on the inside of the body after all. Nevertheless, you tolerated the feeling until you could wash.
The next task was locating your love, Sihtric. You surveyed the field and started to panic when your eyes could not find him. Fear settled in and you began searching for Sihtric’s face among the fallen warriors that scattered the blood soaked earth. 
   “Y/N!” a familiar voice called from across the field. 
You knew it instantly, for it was Sihtric’s. You both broke out into a jog towards one another, dodging the bodies of the dead as you went. Sihtric slammed into you, pulling you into his embrace. He pulled your body close to his and cradled your head against his huffing chest. Sihtric’s presence never failed to sooth you. It was perhaps the place you felt safest in this world. 
His eyes glanced over you and quickly found the cut on your face. 
   “We should get that cleaned up.”
Sihtric knew how you felt about being bloodied up during battle.Therefore, he always made a point to make sure you were able to get cleaned up as soon as possible. Sihtric, himself was splattered with the enemy’s blood. He had speckles of blood caked on his neck and on the shaved part of his scalp.
   “Looks as though you could use a wash too.” you smirked. 
After finding the rest of your cohorts safe and sound, you and Sihtric headed for the river near the army’s camp. The river was unusual in that it ran straight through the forest. During your travels you’d found that most rivers flowed through open fields and streams slithered through dense woods. 
At the river’s edge, you quickly found peace. It was an incredibly beautiful forest. The surrounding woods were lush with bright green vegetation. Ancient trees towered over you and Sihtric, creating a leafy canopy that sheltered you from the blaring midday sun.
Sihtric stood near the bank and silently offered you his hand.
You took his outstretched hand and he pulled you into his embrace once again. Sihtric pecked a soft kiss against your forehead before he started to undress. He wiggled his feet from his tall boots and began to undo the cords of the leather armor around his forearms. You assisted him with the extensive task by removing the lacing at his sides that held his chest plates together. What felt like quite some time later, he was finally free from his battle gear, which he placed in a neat pile on the ground. 
Both of you then repeated the process, while removing your armor. Though Sihtric’s hands were roughly calloused, he was still able to untie the delicate pieces of your armor. He took care to not loose any of your belongs as he helped you remove them.
Armor off, you and Sihtric promptly removed your regular clothing and stood naked before each other. Your husband took your hand once again and led you into the river. The water was clear and surprisingly warm. He pulled you along until the water reached your breast bone. Sihtric dunked himself under the slow moving current, running his hands through his dark curls below the surface. You followed suit and mirrored his actions. The water surrounded your body, lifting the dust and dirt of battle drift down river. You stood, emerging from below and wiped the water dripping down your face. 
Sihtric’s lips curled into an loving smile. He always found you most beautiful this way. Not because you were nude, but rather that he was able to experience your natural beauty. It was the way your hair fell around your face, the way the thin rays of sun shown across your skin. 
You suddenly remembered the cut on your cheek and cupped a handful of water, splashing it against the wound. Luckily it was not a deep gash and therefore did not sting much while you rinsed it. Next, you moved your hair to rest on your collar bone.
   “Will you rinse my back for me?” you asked Sihtric. 
   “Of course.” 
Sihtric ran his large hands over the skin of your back, removing any remaining battle debris. His motions were gentle and soothing. Your husband’s touch never failed to calm you. Sihtric’s hands moved up and down your arms, brushing over the many scars that resided there. He repeated this until he was satisfied with a job well done.
Sihtric finished up his own bathing by scrubbing his face and underarms as you waded back to shore. You let the heat of the day and the slight breeze dry your body before redressing. Clean and clothed, you and Sihtric sat together enjoying the serenity of the woods. He sat up against a thick tree trunk as you laid your head on his chest. Sihtric leaned over to his side, reaching toward a nearby bush. He plucked a small white flower from its branch, tucking the flower behind your ear. 
   “You know, you are a impressive warrior, though I know battle is something you do not care for. I wish to someday give you a life where you do not need to see and feel such things."
You smiled at his optimism. “I’d like that.”
   “We could have a house and a few farm animals of our own. We could live a quiet, enjoyable life.”
   You glanced up at him. “Perhaps someday, but I can enjoy anywhere when you are by my side.”
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mrsarnasdelicious · 3 months
Nursing To Sleep - Animal Shelter!Sihtric
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"You did so well for me, baby boy." You cooe, running your fingers through Sihtric's hair. "Thank you, mama." He mewls. He shoves his face between your breasts. He inhales greedy, moaning at the feeling of your soft, yielding flesh. "Hmm, sweet boy, so good for me." You cooe.
He begins rooting for your nipple.
"Go ahead, sweet boy." You cooe. You know he won't do it without permission. He's waiting for it. His lips seal around your nipple and Sihtric wriggles a little so you are both comfortable. He begins to suckle, softly, sensually. He knows not to hurt you. He's very in tune with what you'd like or not.
You card your fingers into his hair. "There you go, there you go." You cooe. Sihtric moans, his eyes slowly closing. He's relaxing, comfortable. You craddle him, holding him close. He moans against your chest, bringing one hand between your thighs. "Good night baby." You cooe. In reply, Sihtric shoves two fingers into your weak wet pussy. You moan sweetly. "Sleep well, my good boy." You purr.
Slowly, Sihtric's suckling stills and he nods off. His mouth is still on your nipple and his fingers still deep inside you. You can't help a soft moan as you get comfortable too. It's bound to be a hot night.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 months
Puppy Boy - Animal Shelter Sihtric Long Fic
Ch 1 - This Fucking Kid
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"Heya kiddo." Finan ruffles his young tennant's hair. Sihtric groans, almost spilling his milk. "I am not a kid, I am 21!" He yells. "You're a kid, kid." Finan chuckles, sitting opposite the young Dane. "How was yer day?" He asks. "A lot." Sihtric murmurs. "Oh?" Finan furrows his brow. "Kinda overstimulated right now." Sihtric replies.
Finan owns a construction company, he's well off and unattached. He lives his best life in a house he built himself and works from his home office. He's Irish and does everything his Catholic upbringing forbids.
Sihtric is all but a decate younger and rents Finan's attic. He works at the local animal shelter and could not be more different from Finan even if he tried. He's shy, peculiar and more often than not straight up bad with people. He gets along much better with the animals he takes care of. And he hasn't had a girlfriend since he was sixteen. He is not at all unattractive, though somewhat dorky and clumsy in the way he dresses. Even the glasses he wears are kind of cute.
"Need to leave ya alone for a while?" Finan asks. He knows how Sihtric is by now. Sihtric peers at his watch. The thing looks like he's had it since he was twelve. "When's Uhtred gona be here?" He asks. Finan throws a glance at the digital clock on the oven. "In half an hour or so." He replies. Sihtric groans softly and gets up. "I'll go take a shower and try to decompress a bit." He says. "Just be down by dinner. And it is okay if you go back up when it gets too crowded." Finan assures him.
Sihtric nods and heads upstairs to shower.
He let's the hot water run over him, pictures it washing him clean from all the stimuli of today. He takes Finan's body wash, liking the scent of it, much better than his own. He can't afford the luxurious products Finan has, but he knows Finan doesn't mind if he uses them from time to time.
Once's he's cleaned up, he allows his mind to wander.
At first, they don't go anywhere in particular, meandering to the pretty woman who adopted one of the bunnies today. Sihtric liked the look of her freckles and full, round breasts. His cock swiftly hardens and his hand wanders south. Groans tumble from his mouth as he strokes himself. His imagination runs wild, picturing warm, full breasts, leaking with milk. "Mama, please." He whimpers, tugging firmly on his cock. "G-gods." He sputters.
He cums quickly, painting the tiled wall of the shower generously with his seed.
He comes down for dinner, find Uhtred, Halig and Leofric already there.
"Hello boy." Uhtred purrs, eyeing Sihtric up and down. Sihtric flushes so brightly his glasses almost fog over. He knows Uhtred well, but never really gets used to the covetous way he's being looked at. Especially considering Uhtred has a wife and kids. "Heya nerd." Halig grins at Sihtric as the youth sits down. Sihtric smiles a small smile at him. Leofric just grunts at him. Leofric is in his 40s, he's got nothing in common with Sihtric. But it's fine, Sihtric does not mind.
Over dinner, Uhtred starts whinging about his employer and Leofric, who works for the same firm, assures Finan it is not that bad. Sihtric just sits by, shoving Finan's superior cooking into his face.
After dinner, the others pile in. Aethelwold, Edward, Aethelflaed and Erik, Haesten, Dagfin, Aldhelm and Aethelred, Eadith and Ragnar and Brida. Sihtric is pretty sure Finan wants to shack up with Eadith. The Irishman can barely keep his eyes off of her.
Sihtric joins in for a few round of whatever card game has been brought out, but quickly gets overstimulated, so retires to his bedroom. Only Aethelwold hassles him for it, but Sihtric doesn't care for that guy's opinion.
He puts his headphones on and listens to Valhalla Calling on repeat for half an hour at first.
He touches himself again after that, his jumper between his teeth, abs glistening with a fine sheen of sweat as he strokes his thick, long cock. He doesn't really fantasize about anything. He just focusses on the feeling of fucking his fist. But of course he can't keep his mind on track. He wonders what it would feel to fuck a warm wet pussy, or a tight hot arse. To just slip into another person's body, feel their heat and pressure. "Oh Gods." He groans. He imagines what it would be like to drown in another person's scent. To press his face between two warm breasts or a firm chest and just inhale. He feels his climax building, his mind wandering further to suckling on hardened, sensitive nipples. To feel fingers rake through his hair and be praised.
It is the undoing of him. He spends himself all over his chest and abs.
It isn't that Sihtric is unattractive and he's had a few girlfriends in high school. He's kissed a boy in a club once. It was the only time he'd ever been to a club. And he made out with Uhtred when he got genuinely wine drunk. But all of that has been at least two years ago. He hasn't gone to a club in aaages. He hasn't made out with anyone in what feels like a decade, which it of course is not.
He's not a virgin, but the first time he's had sex, when he was seventeen, was uncomfortable and he just avoids it now. Not because he does not want to fuck. Gods he wants to fuck and be fucked in return. He has desire in spades. But he gets anxious when he thinks of the discomfort. He isn't even sure what the discomfort stemmed from, all he remembers from the entire ordeal was a fierce rash on his cock, but a clean STI test.
He doesn't have to work weekends. But still he spends all his time at the shelter. The animals never judge him for being odd. And the other people working the shelter got used to him being a bit a lot peculiar by now.
So eh heads out to the shelter saturday morning, after his morning work out. He works out twice a day, before work and before dinner. Working out makes his mind calm. He does the hard labour, bringing in heavy bags of kibble, cleaning the kennels and wrangling the big dogs. The weekend volunteers are very grateful that all they have to do now is feed the animals and socialise them.
After lunch he takes the dog for a run, each in turn. Running makes his head empty too. And the dogs love to get out of the kennel and show their best side. He does not draw too much attention, with his thick glasses and oversized hoodie. No one would suspect those hoodies hide rockhard abs and behind those glasses are mischievous eyes.
"Ah, Sihtric, there you are." One of the volunteers calls out, once he comes back from walking Tusker, a young staffie husky mix.
Sihtric quickly puts Tusker back into his kennel and goes up to the volunteer. "What's up?" He asks gently. The volunteer gestures him to follow into the office. Sihtric obliged, following to the elder lady in charge for today. "What can I do, ma'am?" He asks politely. "I need you to take Pretty to the vet, that hairball has been bothering her long enough now." The elder woman says. "Yes ma'am. I'll grab a carrier." Sihtric says diligently. "No need to, we already have her ready to go." The volunteer mixes in.
So he is brought Pretty, in her carried. "Thanks." He mumbles. Pretty hisses, she is uncomfortable. "Yeah yeah, I know." Sihtric cooes soothingly. He takes the carrier to his beat up old ford. Carefully he secures Pretty on the passenger chair and drives to the vet office in town.
You hear the front door bell chime. A walk in!
"Be right with you!" You cry out, making sure the file you were working on is saved. You get up from your desk and head into the waiting room.
You stand eye to eye with possibly the cutest boy you have ever seen. Holding a crate with the angriest cat you have ever heard. "Hi, who's this?" You ask. crouching before the crate. You peer into the crate, facing a moody calico persian. She hisses at you and you cast your eyes up at her person, waiting for an answer. You gaze up into dual coloured eyes, through glasses that magnify his long lashes. He looks so innocent it almost breaks your heart.
"What's her name?" You ask sweetly.
The youth swallows thickly. "P-pre- .. Pretty." He stammers. "And what is going on with Pretty?" You get back up and smile up at the young man. Fluster dusts his cheeks. "She .. she has a hairball stuck in her tract." He stutters. "Oh goodness, that is why she is so crabby, huh?" You cooe. "No... no, she is always like this." The youth shakes his head.
"How about we start with some paperwork, I'll get Pretty comfortable while you fill it out.¨ You cooe. "Yeah.. s-sure." He nods, extending you Pretty's crate. You take the crate and smile sweetly at him. "Come, follow me." You lead him to the treatment room. He eagerly follows after you.
You pull out some papers, handing them to the young man, while you put the crate on the sterilised table.
"Come here, pretty Pretty." You cooe. The persian hisses. "Alright, you take some bribery, I see." You chuckle. You grab a tube of chicken paste from a drawer and open it, holding it for Pretty to smell. Pretty cranes her neck and takes a little taste. "Good Gal." You cooe, slowly pulling your hand back. Pretty follows along to keep licking the chicken paste.
Sihtric feels his ears burn when he hears you praise Pretty. It unlocks something inside him and his jeans tent. He swears under his breath. This is not a bodily reaction he needs right now. He does his best to will his boner down, but you again praise Pretty for being so cooperative in exchange for yummy snacks. His cock throbs eagerly and he pulls his hoody over his crotch.
"I .. erm..." He has no idea what to say anymore, handing you the paperwork. He pointedly avoids looking you in the eye. "Thanks." You cooe, quickly reading through the form. "Sihtric Kjartansen?" You ask, to verify his name. "Yeah, I work for the local shelter." He replies. "So, Pretty is a shelter cat?" You ask. Sihtric nods. "Y-yeah." He stammers. "Why hasn't she been adopted yet?" You asked. "Cuz she is a bitch to everyone." Sihtric replies. You can't help a soft giggle.
"Now what is going on with Pretty?" You. "Hairball, won't pass. We have tried everything." Sihtric replies. He finds that it is easier to talk when he talks about the animals. Though he can't look you in the eye. "Are you giving her baths?" You ask. "N-no.." Sihtric stammers.
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Oh i have a modern sihtric idea! Animal carer Sihtric where he's not the biggest fan of animals but all animals enjoy his company. He can handle grumpy cats and bratty birds while Finan only gets along with happy cheerful excited dogs. Uhtred gets hissed at all the time😂
Warnings: mention of an evil parrot.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see request and: You work in an animal shelter and, against your will, you're suddenly working with three new men.
Word count: 3,1k
Note: the ending is rather open. I felt this story would either have a rushed ending if I tried to wrap it up or it would become waaaay too long. And I guess I also left the option open to possibly return to this if anyone seems to enjoy it. This was just a little fun thing to write!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us
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'The parrot is right.'
'You want me to deal with that bunch?' you grimaced at the sight of two strange men on the other side of the room, 'why me?'
'You've been here the longest, apart from me, but I don't have the time to teach them. Nor the patience,' your boss, Thyra, admitted.
'Oh, and I have?'
'I hope so.'
'Who are they and why are they even here?'
You watched Thyra flip some papers on her clipboard.
'That guy on the left, his name is Uhtred. What a strange name. Anyway, the Irish man is called Finan and… there should be another guy named Sihtric, but he hasn't shown up yet. Big surprise,' she sighed, 'but they'll be here only a few days… for community service.'
'I know, I know! I didn't want them at first either, but it's nothing bad. I mean, nothing to be scared of.'
'What on earth did they do?'
'Apparently,' Thyra giggled, 'they stole a holy relic from a church and they got caught.'
'You're kidding?' you started to laugh.
'I knew you'd be amused at that,' she grinned.
'But how did they end up here? This is an animal shelter, shouldn't they volunteer at that church?'
'That was the plan, but the church doesn't want them. And since we need the help, I accepted the request. So,' Thyra patted you on the back, 'good luck!'
'Well, thanks,' you scoffed.
'Oh,' Thyra stopped at the door, 'they always show you a picture of the people who come to work, so they can't send someone else in their place, and,' she paused to give you a smile, 'I hope that other guy shows up. I think he's your type,' she winked, 'he has tattoos.'
'What? What is that supposed to mean?!' you called after her, but she only gave you another wink and left.
'Okay, so, now that you know who I am and what we do here, are you two ready?' you smiled.
Finan nodded and Uhtred gave you a hesitant smile.
'Okay, let's go. Uhtred, you can clean the enclosures. Finan, I think you'll do good helping my colleague, feeding the animals.'
You sent both men on their way and quickly noticed that Finan was good with overly excited dogs, and you chuckled when you figured that Finan actually had the same energy. As for Uhtred… well, let's just say Uhtred tried. Uhtred did his job well, it was just that the animals didn't seem to like him. You told Uhtred that animals can sense fear, to which Uhtred quickly said he wasn't scared. But you saw the terror in his eyes when he faced that one vile parrot that had been in the shelter for years already, and you expected Uhtred to gain a few more scars the next couple of days.
You let them do their job and went back to your own duty, walking a few dogs. But before you could leave, you were stopped as a handsome man entered the shelter, looking sleepy and a little lost. You saw his face had a couple of scars and soon your eyes spotted a tattoo in his neck, and you figured this was probably the guy Thyra told you about.
'H-hi,' you stammered when he looked at you, 'can I… can I help you?'
'Eh,' the man smiled and a rosy colour appeared on his cheeks, 'I- I'm here for my community service.'
'Oh!' you blushed too, 'yeah, I was told we, eh, were missing one guy.'
You held out your hand and introduced yourself, albeit with a lot of tripping over your words, and the blushing man seemed to have the same issue.
'Nice to - to meet y-you. I- I'm Sihtric, lady.'
'Sihtric,' you smiled, still holding his hand, which he didn't seem to realise either, and your eyes darted over his toned arms, 'you're like an animal, I mean, I mean… you, d-do you like animals?'
'I actually do not, lady, not really,' he chuckled lightly, still holding your hand, 'I apologise.'
'Well… maybe, maybe you'll learn to l-like them… or something,' you felt yourself get lost in his eyes once you noticed they were two different colours. You only snapped out of your trance when you heard Finan mimic the bark of a very happy golden retriever, and you finally let go of Sihtric's hand. You both looked away and cleared your throat while looking red in the face.
'S-so I was about to walk the dogs. M-maybe you could help with that? We have a-a great Dane, a lovely dog, but huge and doesn't really listen. He dragged me over the street once already, so maybe you,' you looked at Sihtric's muscular arms again and sighed when you thought about how he would have to flex those while walking the dog, 'y-you could…maybe, flex- I mean help! H-help with that dog.'
'I, eh, I suppose,' Sihtric chuckled.
When you just started your walk with the dogs, the great Dane was overly excited and Sihtric really had to showcase his strength to not let the dog escape, but he did it with grace. And it made you weak to your knees. Luckily, soon all dogs seemed to calm down, especially the great Dane, and the dog didn't seem to stray far from Sihtric, and if he did, Sihtric would whistle and the dog obeyed immediately. You didn't even know the dog could do that.
'I can't believe he's actually calm,' you smiled in disbelief, 'who are you, the dog whisperer? He really seems to like you.'
Sihtric chuckled and patted the great Dane on his head, 'I don't know,' he smiled, 'maybe it's because we're both Danes,' he joked.
'You're a Dane?'
'I am, lady. Maybe the dog knows,' he winked, 'and… I guess I might be a little fond of him as well.'
'Really?' you raised an eyebrow, 'and a few hours ago you told me you didn't like animals.'
Sihtric shrugged with a sly smile and continued to pet the dog. You looked at them and thought how Sihtric would be the perfect person to adopt this dog. They say dogs tend to resemble their owners, and that's exactly what you saw. The dog's fur was smooth and dark, he was well built, friendly but clumsy, shy at first but curious and simply won over your heart in no time. And Sihtric, with his dark, long hair tied together, his muscular body and his dazzling smile gave you the same energy.
'What's his name?' Sihtric asked, crouched down next to the dog.
'Oh, sorry, I never told you. It's Thor.'
'It is?' Sihtric's eyes grew big and looked up at you. Then he looked back at the dog and reached into his shirt. He pulled out his necklace and clutched it in his hand. You weren't sure why, it was only moments later when Sihtric got back up that you saw his pendant. Thor's hammer. And you couldn't help but smile.
When you and Sihtric got back to the shelter it was almost time for the men to leave already. You placed the dogs back in their enclosures and took out one of the recently brought in kittens. You had grown fond of the little thing and simply couldn't leave her alone. You held the cat in your arms while you thanked the men for doing their jobs today and looked forward to seeing them tomorrow, and unless they wished to stay longer today, they could go home now. Finan, with his thick accent, told you how he had loved the dogs and was excited to come back again. Uhtred, who was hissed and scratched at, gave you a polite but fake smile and mumbled that he'd see you again tomorrow. The two men left while Sihtric seemed to linger around a little longer before he awkwardly walked over to you.
'I, eh, I- I was wondering if, if maybe I could, eh,' he stammered, 'I- I just wonder how it would work if I were to, you know, want to look into … adopting a pet.'
'Really?' you smiled widely, 'eh, it requires some paperwork and rules, but, I-I can tell you some stuff about it tomorrow, if you like?
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric blushed, 'I-I'd like that.'
'Me too,' you felt your own cheeks reddened too, and you both quickly focused your attention on the kitten in your arms, 'would you like to hold her?' you blurted out.
'I-I don't think I'm good with animals,' Sihtric said.
'Are you sure?' you chuckled, 'you seemed great today. Here,' you said and handed him the young cat, 'try.'
Sihtric tensed up and awkwardly took the cat in his arms. The cat, however, seemed completely at ease rather fast and nestled against his chest as he held her. You almost squealed at the sight of Sihtric, the muscular "thief", with Freya, the white fluffy kitten, all cuddled up in his arms. And you saw Sihtric slowly relax and his face softened into a shy smile when he chuckled.
'I think animals just love you,' you said as you stepped closer to pet Freya.
'It seems,' Sihtric smiled, watching Freya while you petted her. As you petted the kitten, you accidentally brushed your fingers against Sihtric's arm.
'Oh, sorry,' you blushed and looked up at him, to find he was already looking at you, and you both stopped breathing for a moment when you locked eyes. You could just kiss him right there, and you felt he thought the same when you saw his eyes trail down to your lips. But then Thyra walked in and you both took a step back quickly.
'H-hey,' you greeted her and cleared your throat, pretending to look for something that wasn't there while you tried to hide your red cheeks. But you were lucky that Freya drew all the attention to her right away, so you didn't have to feel awkward much longer. 
Eventually Sihtric brought Freya to her enclosure, and you saw how he stopped by Thor, the great Dane, to pet him before walking back over to you.
'I was actually thinking,' Sihtric mumbled slightly, 'maybe… maybe you could, if-if you want, m-maybe explain the adopting procedure to me, eh, while y-you maybe get a-a, a drink with me?'
Sihtric quickly looked down at his feet and sighed, feeling he completely fucked that up.
'Oh,' you said softly and felt flustered again, 'I-I would actually… like that, but… I-I have to work here until later tonight.'
'Oh,' Sihtric said and shook his head, 'no, it's okay. I-I understand.'
'But,' you quickly said, 'maybe… I mean, if the offer is still standing tomorrow, then I-I'd like to, to get a drink with… you, yes.'
The next morning you were anxious to see Sihtric again. You had agreed to get a drink together after work, but you still felt he might cancel it. There was no way he could be interested in you, you thought. And as you arrived at the shelter, usually being the first to do so, you found Sihtric, smoking a cigarette, while waiting for you near the entrance.
'My type,' you muttered in your car as you studied his side profile, 'you're not wrong, Thyra, I just wish he didn't smoke,' you chuckled to yourself before you got out.
'Sihtric?' you smiled, 'you're early. And also you can't smoke here,' you grinned.
'Oh,' he chuckled, 'sorry, lady.' And he threw the cigarette away before he turned to face you.
'Oh, god!' you said when you saw his hair, 'what happened to you?' you snorted, 'I mean, oh, sorry, I don't mean it badly! I-I just… I didn't… expect this to…,' you coughed slightly.
'It's fine,' Sihtric chuckled and rolled his eyes, 'I actually only wanted to shave the sides, but I messed up. I either had to go completely bald or,' he shrugged, 'make the most of this.'
'Oh, god,' you snorted again and took a step closer, inspecting his half shaved head. You saw he had a small braid with beads in it, and on the other side of that braid he still had his longer curls, 'Actually,' you smiled with a blush, 'it's kinda cool.'
'You don't have to lie, lady,' Sihtric laughed.
'I would never,' you said and couldn't help but look away and bite down on your lip. Goddamnit, you thought, he looks really good.
After Finan and Uhtred arrived later, and had finally stopped laughing at Sihtric's haircut, you put them all to work again. Today Finan was to walk the dogs with a colleague, and because Uhtred had taunted Sihtric the most, you told Uhtred he was to feed the evil parrot again, much to his disgrace. 
You nudged Sihtric and told him to watch. You both stood at safe distance while Uhtred closed in on the parrot's cage.
'You're a good bird,' Uhtred kept saying, to which you and Sihtric already giggled. You watched Uhtred cautiously open the enclosure, and just as you expected, the parrot started screaming curse words to Uhtred.
'Did he just call me arseling?' Uhtred yelled back to you.
'The parrot is right,' Sihtric whispered to you, and you both couldn't stop laughing while Uhtred kept being cursed at by the hostile bird. After a few minutes you thought it was enough and told Sihtric you'd help Uhtred, but Sihtric was quick to offer his help too.
'Are you sure? The bird is pure evil,' you laughed, 'I'm serious.'
'I'm sure,' Sihtric smiled, and you beckoned him to follow you.
'Okay, try to get him out then. We need to clean the cage,' you told Sihtric.
Uhtred quickly stepped away and you told him he should go and feed the rest of the animals, you'd take care of the bird.
And to your surprise, and Sihtric's, the parrot grew rather quiet when he approached. Sihtric held his hand out, a little nervously, but you gave him an encouraging smile, and before you knew it the parrot calmly stepped onto Sihtric's hand.
'There is just no way,' you whispered, seeing the event unfold in front of you, 'that bird hates everyone. No one can get him out.'
Sihtric looked at you with a smirk and shrugged lightly.
'You're like… like Ace Ventura or something,' you laughed, and Sihtric definitely appreciated the joke and chuckled.
The rest of the day went by fast. Finan, once again, was completely in love with all the overly excited dogs, while Uhtred needed a few plasters after a cat named Brida had scratched him. Sihtric was given the task to clean the enclosures and every time you checked on him, you found him petting a different animal. And just like every animal at the shelter, you were also absolutely smitten by that man.
You wished the men a good evening again and like the day before, Uhtred and Finan left while Sihtric waited around, but this time he was waiting to take you out for a drink. You quickly got changed in some comfortable clothes and met up with him outside the shelter.
He took you to a quiet, local bar where you came to realise that Sihtric was just all kinds of interesting. And attractive. You explained him how the adoption process goes, and if he was really serious about it, you could help him get approved. Sihtric said he'd love that, and soon after that you both chatted about all kinds of other things.
'So,' you said after a while, 'I have to ask this.'
'Ask what?' Sihtric raised his eyebrow with a half smile.
'Your community service,' you tried to hide your smile as Sihtric looked at you while he took a sip of his drink, 'a holy relic? Why?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric sighed and chuckled, 'in my defence, it wasn't my idea. It was Uhtred's. But,' Sihtric sighed and clicked his tongue, 'look,' he said curtly and locked eyes with you, 'I am not a real thief or anything, I am not a criminal. We were drunk, we passed the church as we walked home and we just thought it was a good idea,' he shrugged.
'But what did you steal? Or, well, try to steal?'
'A comb.'
'An ivory comb.'
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'you got arrested for stealing a comb?'
'St Cuthbert's ivory comb, yes.'
'Still a comb.'
'Uhtred said it's worth a lot of money.'
'Is it?'
'I don't know, lady,' Sihtric hissed playfully, 'we never got to sell it.'
'Oh my god!' you laughed, 'this is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. I love it. But what were you going to do with the money? I mean, if it really was worth a lot?'
'I don't even know, I was drunk, okay,' Sihtric laughed.
'Who even is St Cuthbert?' you frowned.
'I have no idea, lady,' Sihtric snickered, 'I am a pagan.'
'You don't even know who you stole from? Jesus. Well, I hope it was worth it,' you smiled and shook your head.
'Yeah,' Sihtric smiled and looked at you, 'it was worth it.' 
You blushed and looked away when you understood he was flirting, and you didn't know what to do.
'Hey,' you finally said, 'I know you keep saying you don't like animals. But they clearly like you. Have you considered continuing working at the shelter after the community service? I mean, we could really use your help.'
'You know,' he sighed, 'I wouldn't mind. But, I need a paid job to live.'
'We have those too,' you said quickly, 'I get paid for example. It just depends on how many hours you can work. If you can work full time, you'll get a contract and a payment. But a lot of people only come in for one day a week, and those are the ones who volunteer.'
'Hm, I might consider that,' he nodded, 'but would you want me to work there?'
'Maybe,' you blushed, 'you're the only one who has been accepted by the evil parrot.'
'Oh,' Sihtric laughed, 'is that all I'm good for?'
'Well, that and… y-you're good on the eye,' you blurted out, 'I mean good on the…the,' you sighed and buried your face in your hands, 'I can't talk myself out of that one, can I?'
'Nope,' Sihtric smiled and sat back, watching you in amusement as you tried to regain your confidence.
'But if it helps,' Sihtric smiled as he leaned in, 'I think you're good on the eye too.'
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 months
A Very Fedaravicius Christmas - Day 13
Animal Shelter Sihtric
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You feel him slip into bed again. It's the third time this night. Caring for neonatal puppies is hard work. And Sihtric is dedicated.
He snuggles up to you. "M horny." He mumbles, burrowing his face between your breasts. You rake your fingers through his fluffy hair. "Go back to sleep baby, we'll have guests for brunch." You mutter. But Sihtric grinds his hardening cock against your leg all the same.
"Please." He whines.
He mouths at your breasts, sucking a nipple between his lips. "Please mama, please." He whimpers against your flesh. "Hush, it is too late." You try to dissuade him. But you know it is futile. He's full hard and wetness is already trickling down your thigh. He needs you and you need him. It is like clockwork.
You slip your hand between his thighs, carefully jerking his cock. Sihtric moans around a nipple. "Ah f-fuck." He sputters. He eagerly suckles at your breasts. You help him line up and Sihtric pushes himself into your velvet wet heat. "Hmmmm, so good." You run your fingers through his wild curls. He grunts and sucks greedily on your nipple. His tongue flicks at your hardened bed and he shoves his cock deeper inside you.
He is still once he's bottomed out. You feel his cockhead against your cervix.
His full focus is on your breasts. He laves at your nipples and your flesh, with lips, tongue and teeth. You moan and writhe against him and feel his cock throb inside you. You know he could cum for this, just ging ham on your tits. You let him. He has earned it, your hard worker.
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So you posted about how you would insert yourself in the Halloween fic you wrote and you asked your readers which one they inserted themselves into and I have an answer 😊 I would have to say the one where the reader works at an animal shelter and sihtric has to work there for a couple of days, the reason why I would pick that one is because 1. I love animals 2. If I don't become a baker and own my own bakery I would/will work for an animal shelter and 3. I absolutely loved how you portrayed him in that one, still reread it a lot 😫
That is so valid because that Sihtric was very cute!! And thank you! 😭 also totally rooting for your dream jobs, both sound amazing 🥰
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 months
Alright, Yous asked for this - PART ONE
Here is the full list of all my active WIPs:
Warning: My WIPs will occationally feature RPF / RPS or incest/crackships
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Priest Masema Longfic - God's Wonders Pagan!Reader x Priest!Masema. Masema goes to great lengths to convince Reader of his faith, but also does everything God has forbidden. Turns a bit culty and toxic. Masema is basically touch/love starved and eats up every morsel Reader gives him.
Ray Merrimen Fic Probably gona be three or so chapters, about Reader having been in love with Ray for her entire conscious life, being on and off with him, reminiscing and eventually having his baby.
Two Plus Two For my GF, it's smutty, it is Gerry Butler and Pablo Schreiber and the two of us. Nothing to see here, move on.
New Years Resolutions - DJ Sihtric New Years smut, Sihtric having you in the DJ booth at the NYE party.
Everything is a Fight with Me Jay Kulina Smut, mommy kink, dom!reader.
By The Grace Gods - American Gods Fix It Fic Lame self insert, bc I don't want Sweeney to have died. Chapter One; I meet and shack up with a certain well beloved Leprechaun.
Cassa Nova's Silver Lining - Chapter 3 Chapter Three of my Napoleon Solo Arranged Marriage fic. You are still on the fence about Leon, but have a wedding to prep for.
Bodyguard Sihtric - Only You - Longfic Sihtric is your bodyguard and you really want to make him fuck you. Odd Dom-Sub dynamic and a lot of tension.
At Your Altar - Modern Cultist Unhinged Toxic Masema Longfic Reader is a trust fu baby, Masema a personal trainer. Masema is convinced reader is a Goddess reincarnated and goes full unhinged.
Puppy Boy - Animal Shelter Sihtric Long Fic Second Chapter of my needy subby slow burn autistic cutie pie Sihtric fic. Sihtric is falling in love with you and will use every excuse to see you. He is being disgusting about you and Finan gets a bit fed up with it.
Free Use - Sub Sihtric Does what it says on the tin, Sihtric being free use to reader.
I can handle you. Nyneave and Lan engage in some rough bedroom activities.
Free Use - Lukas Nowak Reader being free use to Lukas
Heir!Sihtric Arranged marriage-ish. Heir!Sihtric and reader get too know each other the quick way.
Between Them [Finan x Sihtric x Reader] Bard!Reader gets a bit more than she bargained for when she finds herself between a Dane and an Irishamn.
Werewolf!Sihtric - Do I have to teach you? Alpha!Werewolf!Reader x Newly Bitten Wolfie!Sihtric. Puppy boy has no idea what he is doing and is looking for a place to belong, which you gladly provide him with.
Caught In The Middle Sihtric x Reader x Masema. You just can't seem to tear yourself away from Masema, even though he is a toxic asshole. But then you meet Sihtric and nothing else seems to matter.
Undercover Life - Masema During the time in Falme, Masema poses as a Soldier, coming home to you.
Two Versions of Showersex Two for one smut, one with subby Sihtric and one with dommy Sihtric.
Tied Up Brat - Sihtric Some bondage with Sihtirc being bratty.
Doggy Style - Masema Does what it says on the tin, Masema fucking you Doggy.
Riding Masema Doing it cowgirl with Masema
Missionary - Masema Well duh...
DJ Sihtric Longfic - Ch 2 Sihtric takes you out on a date and things end up in your bed.
Sweetheart Prompt #12 Secret little nugget featuring the one and only Mr F.
A Language I Don't Speak [Credence x Aberforth] Credence has no idea how to recieve love and Aberforth sorta forgot how to give it. Fuck ups ensue. TW: Incest
Dojo Owner Masema A modern verse Masema having reader on the work out matt.
Marked - Cain El-Adam Some SCP 073 smut I have no true aim with yet.
Taunting Sihtric "You get so horny, it's cute." With Sihtric.
Taunting Finan "You get so horny, it's cute." With Finan.
Taunting Osferth "You get so horny, it's cute." With Osferth
Taunting Uhtred "You get so horny, it's cute." With Uhred.
Blind for me - Bassist Sihtric You are set up on a blind date with Bassist!Sihtric and it goes a little too well.
Some Voyeurism, Bc I am evil Some post partum sexy time with Mr F, bc I do this for me.
Lordly [Lord!Sihtric] Sihtric as Lord of Dunholm, hoping to find a new wife in reader. No true plot, just smut.
This is the honeymoon [Modern!Sihtric] Honeymoon night smut
Race Me [Underground Racer!Sihtric] Underground racer Sihtric picks up reader after she is harassed by members of a rivalling 'team' and takes her home for some extra curiculars.
Home at last [Soldier!Sihtric] Your husband is home from war and he is here to fuck you.
Pitter Patter Paws [Animal Shelter Sihtric] More subby desperate animal shelter Sihtric BS, just a smut this time.
Flashing Light [Model!Sihtric] Model Sihtric hooking up with photographer reader.
Marching a Band [Bebban Boys Poly Shit] Poly Band!Pretty Boys x Manager Reader, pure smut.
Drinks on me [Bartender Sihtric] Bartender Sihtric x Waitress reader, smut af!
Baby It's Cold Outside [Jotun!Sihtric] Jotun!Sihtric smut I have no aim with yet.
Make it up to me [Cagefighter Sihtric] Requested make up sex with Cagefighter Sihtric.
Dance with the Devil [Demon!Sihtric] Reader comes home to roomies summoning a demon, Sihtric, who ends up fucking reader rather than roomies, as intended.
Slipping Off The Racetracks [Motor Racer!Sihtric] Smut without plot about reader and Motor Racer!Sihtric
Bad Wrong Vampire Sihtric Just vampire Sihtric being bad wrong for reader, with smut as the main course
Rebounding [Modern!Sihtric] He got he arse dumped and comes back to you.
Lawless [Police!Sihtric] Police!Sihtric x Witness!Reader doing things they were not supposed to do.
All Mine [Dom Modern!Sihtric] Smutty smut with dom Sihtric
Bend for Me [Gym Instructor!Sihtric] Sex as a work out, plain ol' smut.
Lace and Leather [BDSM Club!Sihtric] Switch Sihtric helps readr explore what she likes
Bound to You [Tatted Pierced Collared Modern!Sihtric] Veyr subby Sihtric smut.
More of Your Magic [Hunter Sihtric] Basically SPN AU smut
Wana be a Step Dad [Modern!Sihtric] Single Mom!Reader gets too close too quickly with Modern!Sihtric.
Flintwood - Not At All Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood, post war smut
Pop That Melon! Arnas F Arnas popping a melon with his thighs and reader cleaning him up.
Modern! Omega! Sihtric! - I Need a Hero Omega Sihtric is desperate for a mate and reader is just the right Alpha for the job.
Shadows and Storms on the Horizon SCP longfic abt me and my gf
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