#This is probably going to have to be a three part post fam
mrsarnasdelicious · 4 months
Alright, Yous asked for this - PART ONE
Here is the full list of all my active WIPs:
Warning: My WIPs will occationally feature RPF / RPS or incest/crackships
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Priest Masema Longfic - God's Wonders Pagan!Reader x Priest!Masema. Masema goes to great lengths to convince Reader of his faith, but also does everything God has forbidden. Turns a bit culty and toxic. Masema is basically touch/love starved and eats up every morsel Reader gives him.
Ray Merrimen Fic Probably gona be three or so chapters, about Reader having been in love with Ray for her entire conscious life, being on and off with him, reminiscing and eventually having his baby.
Two Plus Two For my GF, it's smutty, it is Gerry Butler and Pablo Schreiber and the two of us. Nothing to see here, move on.
New Years Resolutions - DJ Sihtric New Years smut, Sihtric having you in the DJ booth at the NYE party.
Everything is a Fight with Me Jay Kulina Smut, mommy kink, dom!reader.
By The Grace Gods - American Gods Fix It Fic Lame self insert, bc I don't want Sweeney to have died. Chapter One; I meet and shack up with a certain well beloved Leprechaun.
Cassa Nova's Silver Lining - Chapter 3 Chapter Three of my Napoleon Solo Arranged Marriage fic. You are still on the fence about Leon, but have a wedding to prep for.
Bodyguard Sihtric - Only You - Longfic Sihtric is your bodyguard and you really want to make him fuck you. Odd Dom-Sub dynamic and a lot of tension.
At Your Altar - Modern Cultist Unhinged Toxic Masema Longfic Reader is a trust fu baby, Masema a personal trainer. Masema is convinced reader is a Goddess reincarnated and goes full unhinged.
Puppy Boy - Animal Shelter Sihtric Long Fic Second Chapter of my needy subby slow burn autistic cutie pie Sihtric fic. Sihtric is falling in love with you and will use every excuse to see you. He is being disgusting about you and Finan gets a bit fed up with it.
Free Use - Sub Sihtric Does what it says on the tin, Sihtric being free use to reader.
I can handle you. Nyneave and Lan engage in some rough bedroom activities.
Free Use - Lukas Nowak Reader being free use to Lukas
Heir!Sihtric Arranged marriage-ish. Heir!Sihtric and reader get too know each other the quick way.
Between Them [Finan x Sihtric x Reader] Bard!Reader gets a bit more than she bargained for when she finds herself between a Dane and an Irishamn.
Werewolf!Sihtric - Do I have to teach you? Alpha!Werewolf!Reader x Newly Bitten Wolfie!Sihtric. Puppy boy has no idea what he is doing and is looking for a place to belong, which you gladly provide him with.
Caught In The Middle Sihtric x Reader x Masema. You just can't seem to tear yourself away from Masema, even though he is a toxic asshole. But then you meet Sihtric and nothing else seems to matter.
Undercover Life - Masema During the time in Falme, Masema poses as a Soldier, coming home to you.
Two Versions of Showersex Two for one smut, one with subby Sihtric and one with dommy Sihtric.
Tied Up Brat - Sihtric Some bondage with Sihtirc being bratty.
Doggy Style - Masema Does what it says on the tin, Masema fucking you Doggy.
Riding Masema Doing it cowgirl with Masema
Missionary - Masema Well duh...
DJ Sihtric Longfic - Ch 2 Sihtric takes you out on a date and things end up in your bed.
Sweetheart Prompt #12 Secret little nugget featuring the one and only Mr F.
A Language I Don't Speak [Credence x Aberforth] Credence has no idea how to recieve love and Aberforth sorta forgot how to give it. Fuck ups ensue. TW: Incest
Dojo Owner Masema A modern verse Masema having reader on the work out matt.
Marked - Cain El-Adam Some SCP 073 smut I have no true aim with yet.
Taunting Sihtric "You get so horny, it's cute." With Sihtric.
Taunting Finan "You get so horny, it's cute." With Finan.
Taunting Osferth "You get so horny, it's cute." With Osferth
Taunting Uhtred "You get so horny, it's cute." With Uhred.
Blind for me - Bassist Sihtric You are set up on a blind date with Bassist!Sihtric and it goes a little too well.
Some Voyeurism, Bc I am evil Some post partum sexy time with Mr F, bc I do this for me.
Lordly [Lord!Sihtric] Sihtric as Lord of Dunholm, hoping to find a new wife in reader. No true plot, just smut.
This is the honeymoon [Modern!Sihtric] Honeymoon night smut
Race Me [Underground Racer!Sihtric] Underground racer Sihtric picks up reader after she is harassed by members of a rivalling 'team' and takes her home for some extra curiculars.
Home at last [Soldier!Sihtric] Your husband is home from war and he is here to fuck you.
Pitter Patter Paws [Animal Shelter Sihtric] More subby desperate animal shelter Sihtric BS, just a smut this time.
Flashing Light [Model!Sihtric] Model Sihtric hooking up with photographer reader.
Marching a Band [Bebban Boys Poly Shit] Poly Band!Pretty Boys x Manager Reader, pure smut.
Drinks on me [Bartender Sihtric] Bartender Sihtric x Waitress reader, smut af!
Baby It's Cold Outside [Jotun!Sihtric] Jotun!Sihtric smut I have no aim with yet.
Make it up to me [Cagefighter Sihtric] Requested make up sex with Cagefighter Sihtric.
Dance with the Devil [Demon!Sihtric] Reader comes home to roomies summoning a demon, Sihtric, who ends up fucking reader rather than roomies, as intended.
Slipping Off The Racetracks [Motor Racer!Sihtric] Smut without plot about reader and Motor Racer!Sihtric
Bad Wrong Vampire Sihtric Just vampire Sihtric being bad wrong for reader, with smut as the main course
Rebounding [Modern!Sihtric] He got he arse dumped and comes back to you.
Lawless [Police!Sihtric] Police!Sihtric x Witness!Reader doing things they were not supposed to do.
All Mine [Dom Modern!Sihtric] Smutty smut with dom Sihtric
Bend for Me [Gym Instructor!Sihtric] Sex as a work out, plain ol' smut.
Lace and Leather [BDSM Club!Sihtric] Switch Sihtric helps readr explore what she likes
Bound to You [Tatted Pierced Collared Modern!Sihtric] Veyr subby Sihtric smut.
More of Your Magic [Hunter Sihtric] Basically SPN AU smut
Wana be a Step Dad [Modern!Sihtric] Single Mom!Reader gets too close too quickly with Modern!Sihtric.
Flintwood - Not At All Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood, post war smut
Pop That Melon! Arnas F Arnas popping a melon with his thighs and reader cleaning him up.
Modern! Omega! Sihtric! - I Need a Hero Omega Sihtric is desperate for a mate and reader is just the right Alpha for the job.
Shadows and Storms on the Horizon SCP longfic abt me and my gf
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stillness138 · 1 month
where are characters from the first Hades game now, and some other character-centric theories:
inspired by this post by @thebuttsmcgee
so from the technical test gameplay stream we learned that Chronos straight up took over the underworld and kidnapped not only Hades, but Zagreus and Persephone too. out of the underworlders from the first game, Charon is still doing his thing in secret, Skelly returns in a new coat, the Wretched Broker is back too, and Hypnos is the only other guy from the House who's hiding at Hecate's hub, but he's also fast asleep...
personally, i think Hypnos might be cursed or something like that. Chronos using Hypnos's schtick against him? lose time by sleeping through it all? or maybe he just wakes up a bit later. hell, maybe he's always asleep during the test but not the final game because he would've dropped a spoiler or something.
so what about the rest?
assuming they're not all imprisoned somehow,
-Nyx and Thanatos: they could've fled to Chaos. a narrator's note at the Crossroads says that it houses 'those still loyal to lord Hades', but doesn't necessarily say 'all of them'. Nyx visits Chaos in the first game once their relationship is mended, and like the post i linked said, Than would've probably tried to protect the family and the House for as long as he could. but in the face of no other option, i think Chaos would be a viable place to flee to for the two of them, out of Chronos's reach similarly to the Crossroads. Than also visits the surface though, so maybe he'll show up at the Crossroads at some point? maybe in a plot point, trying to help Mel free Zag and the fam? both of them are important enough to warrant an appearance.
-the Furies: my idea is that all three of them were forced to serve Chronos. they're a very important part of security and upkeep down there, i think he would've wanted the realm's employees on his side. i don't however think they're going to be the bossfight between Asphodel and Tartarus. they, or Meg alone, should have some presence however.
-Sisiphus: it would be kinda cute if the furies went behind Chronos's back and helped to tuck Sisiphus away somewhere safe, given that he is loyal to Zag/the family and maybe that'd mean they were ordered to torture him again. depends on what Chronos's rule over the underworld looks like for the different shades there, but Melinoë speaks to the few that hang around at Crossroads in an almost comforting manner, so i imagine Chronos is trying to rule by fear and get shades on his side that way. Bouldy's gonna be sad, but fine. i hope. but at least a mention would be nice.
-Achilles and Patroclus (and Theseus&Asterius): ...they're probably separated again, aren't they... brainstorming now, i like (pain and) the idea that they're both in Elysium, just not together. because i think Elysium would've risen up as an army of sorts trying to oppose Chronos, given it's all warriors and heroes. separated by war. Nemesis having Stygius with her makes me believe Achilles could be wielding Varatha. additionally, Theseus being forced to step up and put his vanity aside, delicious idea i think. also, Mel arriving to this supposed paradise only to find it in a desolate state. all of them, i think, should be at the very least mentioned too.
-Orpheus and Euridice: they could be both hiding or imprisoned or forced to serve, but. what if this time it's Euridice who's looking for Orpheus. he's at the house and at Chronos's whim, while she makes it to the Crossroads and asks Mel for help. it'd be a shame if they were never heard from again.
-Cerberus: probably locked up with the fam :( orrr he's running wild all around the realm and Chronos is literally incapable of taming him. that would've been fun. Cerberus bossfight tho... nah. no way he wouldn't see something familiar in Mel. but it could be fun too if done right. he definitely has to reappear.
-Dusa: wild theory time but she's hiding in the rafters, spying on Chronos. :D. if the situation is much more dire, she's either also forced to serve, or even banished into Asphodel to be with the other gorgon heads. either way i think she'll pop up again in some capacity.
-House Contractor, Head Chef, Resource Director: probably unwillingly continuing their jobs under Chronos's rule. although the chef might've lost his job, depends if Chronos like, eats normal food. well mostly onions and fish but still. alternatively, the chef will also show up at Crossroads like the Wretched Broker does.
-THE GOOD SHADE from Elysium: okay war hero good shade arc when? i'm sorry, but i love them.
some other ideas, theories and wishes:
-the obvious one is Hera, like many others i also hope she will appear as a major boon giver.
-i have a feeling, however, that Hermes might not. it seems a bit that Artemis and Selene are filling up his role as the little bit specific boon giver, but maybe i'm wrong. Artemis provides crit boons just like in the first game and Selene has a bit more of a Chaos vibe to her. let's see.
-i do think, or would like it if, Chaos shows up, but not as a boon giver. but i believe they would definitely have something to say about Chronos's actions.
-back to Hermes though... there's that sealed staircase that leads upwards from the Crossroads. people have already been theorizing this, but there might seriously be a section of the game taking place on Olympus, or at the very least somewhere under it. still, i don't think Hermes would be a boon giver either if he does appear. i would however like to see him interact with Charon.
-the Fates will, i think, remain obscure, even if Moros has more of a connection to them. maybe they'll be mentioned and explored a bit more, but i wouldn't count on them appearing by themselves.
-i would however like to see at least one more of Nyx's kids. originally, i also hoped Erebus himself ever shows up personified, but i like what they've done with it as a place.
Eris is i'd say the biggest contender, given that she's namedropped in the first game through a weapon aspect and a purchasable item. maybe she's even boss material (again, if Nemesis has the sword, Eris may wield the rail).
-same thinking can be applied to Ariadne (she lives with Dionysus on Olympus, does she not?), Talos (giant robot made by Hephaestus, how cool is that), and Lamia (snake lady with personal history with Zeus and Hera, would even make for a cool boss too i think, although i always viewed her as a more melancholic figure. but i'm just spitballing here). there are also Atlas, Prometheus and other names on Charon's many items, those are less likely to make an appearance imo.
-Talos also obviously has a weapon aspect in the first one, and then there's Chiron. in myth, he is the son of Chronos. the juiciness of that situation, given he has a relationship with Achilles and Patty as well... perhaps he'll be Elysium's miniboss in the spirit of Asterius? or straight up a main boss? or actually a friendly? i really hope they did something with him, the potential is so very there.
-i think Daedalus will remain present just in name and spirit.
-now that i'm on the weapons though, for all we know there might not be such a thing as weapon aspects (at least not tied to specific figures) in Hades 2, but if there are, including hidden aspects, i'd like to see nods to more of other world mythologies/histories/cultures, like Egyptian, Japanese, pre-columbian American or Slavic.
-this brings me to keepsakes and companion plushies, if they're in the game at all and if so, who gives them out.
keepsake-wise, beside the olympians, Hecate is obvious, as well as Odysseus, and Nemesis and Moros are too. Arachne and Skelly also. Charon seems likely, so does Dora. maybe Hypnos if/when he wakes up. Selene, probably.
i'd say, if companions are a thing, it's also up to Nemesis and Moros, Odysseus, maybe Hecate, likely Arachne, and if there's 6 of them like last time, the final one will be from either Dora or someone we haven't seen yet. or Hecate doesn't give one (she's pretty op for a summon) but Skelly does.
-this also ties into romance! it's been deduced a long time ago, right when the trailer came out, that Nemesis and Moros are very likely romanceable. i also see the appeal and potential of romancing Dora, and from the technical test, i like Melinoë's friendship with Artemis. Hypnos's presence at the Crossroads is interesting from this point too, but i wouldn't guess he'll be romanceable if/when he wakes up.
there are more details to speculate about, especially in gameplay and resources (boss room rewards! the equivalent of nectar/ambrosia to give characters!) but i wanted to keep this mainly about the npcs.
honestly curious what other people are saying!
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ghosty-0w0 · 5 months
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What up! Name is Ghost but moots and friends can call me Ghosty! Pronouns are any (Middle of gender crisis) and my sexuality is lesbian! Age: 15
Hyper fixations and tv shows I like:
Rottmnt, owl house, Loki, amphibia, bluey, Scott pilgrim, ducktales, good omens, Heartstopper, the amazing world of gumball and many more!
Sonas: ref sheet(old), Spider sona
(I’m calling it my ref sheet for now maybe I’ll do an actual one with like the full body someday)
internet fam
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my pfp drawn by @chaos-potat and @qeelovestea
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Rottmnt human version refs: Mikey, Leo, Donnie, Raph
Cat reactions
Goober turtles: main four, sharkfinn’s and elli’s, averagetmntfan’s, n30nnnl30nn’s, missingleon’s, potatoefwisdom’s, Echo’s, August, Diona’s, qeelovestea’s, icequeenabby’s, afreakingdork’s, clown-froggi’s, bootswiththefurclub’s, daboyau’s
drawing requests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Sketch book tour: 1 and 2
Also I have a reblog account: @ghosty-reblogs-0w0
•No nsfw and stuff like that I am a minor and it makes me feel icky
(Probably will update rules later cause I can’t think of any more)
My comics:
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Chapter one-the disappearance: Chapter cover, Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four
Chapter two- look the past to find the future: Chapter cover, Part one, Part two, Part three,
co author/illustrator is @taffycandyqt!!
Just trying to save New York City from the foot clan when Leo accidentally gets time traveling powers and disappears. What will happen next?
(On going)
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A Ghost’s Farewell
Chapter one: Part one, Part two?
Meeting a ghost isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be. Ref sheets of characters
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Ok so I wasn't gonna say anything till I had at least the first chapter done but screw it
Spilt Blood, Ancient Gold, Solemn Secrets Never Told, Something Lost, Never Found, Beware the Heir of Dismal Downs
As I said a while back, me and a friend of mine had been discussing ideas for a villain arc for Scrooge, and I guess this is gonna be the result
I have all the chapter titles, the year each chapter takes place in, and a vague plan for where each chapter goes (titles and years under the cut, and you can all feel free to ask me or speculate if you wanna know more)
Part 1 - Past
The Cold Heart of Clan McDuck (1870s)
The Dark Angel of the Klondike (1880s-90s)
Any Means Necessary (1890s)
Desperate Times, And So Forth (1930s, Great Depression)
“Note To Self: Never Trust Anybody” (1942)
Making Connections In Unexpected Places (1964)
And Fate Turns On A Dime Once Again… (1966)
“You Didn’t Fire Me, I Quit!” (1978)
You Don’t Know Me, But I Know You (1987)
Two Little Angels (1993) Part 2 - Present
Ground Control To Della Duck (2007)
Exodus (2007)
Slipping, Fading, Falling, Sir, and Nothing Left To Say (2009)
Fortune Favours The Wicked (2010)
Anything For Company (2017)
A Slip Of This Respectable Façade, Perhaps (2018)
Flames Old And New Ignited (2018)
We Meet Again, Agent 22 (2019)
Not Quite Healing (2019)
We Run This City (2019) Part 3 - Future
What’s A Little Emotional Trauma Between Old Friends? (2019)
The Trickster Of Glomgold Industries (2019)
Making A Name For Himself (2019)
A New Challenger Approaches! (2019)
Dark Moon Rising (2019)
The Old Gods Return (2019)
F.O.W.L. Play (2019)
Unconventional Alliances (2019)
“Everybody Hates Me, And I Hate Everybody” (2019)
The Second Burning Of Alexandria (2019)
Tale’s End? (2019, mayyyybe 2020)
Note that up until "Fortune Favours The Wicked", anything and everything I talk about is either part of Scrooge's 2017-canon backstory, or is a part of that history that's never filled in in the show (so it COULD'VE happened but probably not). The fic diverges more and more from 2017 canon as it progresses, as we see what things would be like if just a few things changed, here and there...
Also the story starts moving SUPER FAST after "Flames Old And New Ignited", that's intentional.
Also also I split it into three parts and named them after the Christmas ghosts because, y'know, Scrooge, and also that his life in the show really does have three distinct phases - from his youth up till when Della left, his Post-Spear Depression, and his reconciliation with the fam. But of course, in this AU, things don't go according to plan all the time...
But yeah if anyone wants to know more PLEASE ask, I would love to infodump about this, it'll probably be the longest thing I've EVER written when it's done.
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scruffyplayssonic · 6 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 56: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish (part 1)
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon!
…sigh. Buckle in, kids. This one is going to be a bumpy ride.
Episode 56: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish (part 1)
I mean, where do I even start with this one? Over its 23 year long run, there were sooooo many different fetishes that popped up in the comic at one time or another. I’d even go as far as to say that if you have a particular favourite fetish that it probably showed up in ArchieSonic at some point.
Are you into magical girls?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Are you into furry love triangles?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Are you into feet pics?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
But maybe you’re more into cannibalism.
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
How about tickle torture?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
What about leather and whips?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Or maybe asphyxiation and/or drowning?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
How about vore?
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ArchieSonic’s got you covered, fam.
Whatever the f*** this was?!
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ArchieSonic’s (clap) got (clap) you (clap) covered (clap) fam.
But hey, no kink shaming here. I’m all for encouraging the kind of things you sick, twisted readers are into. 😀 But what about the writers themselves? What kind of weird stuff are they into? Well… look, I’m not going to say that Ken Penders has a fetish for tickle torture, but I will point out that he wrote that Tails scene I showed you earlier, and also drew this... “political statement.”
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I’m just going to let you come to your own conclusions with that information. 
There is other stuff we could look at as well though. I’m not sure whether or not the rest of this stuff technically counts as “fetishes”, but considering the number of times it got written into the comic, I don’t think we can completely rule it out. For this section I’d like to concentrate on the three writers who contributed to ArchieSonic the most: Ken Penders, Karl Bollers, and Ian Flynn.
Ken Penders is first up, and there’s a lot to explore here during his time on the comic from 1994 - 2006. First of all, he had a habit of introducing zillions of new characters (usually echidnas). But as was pointed out by former ArchieSonic writer and colourist and current awesome person Aleah Baker, that topic might be a little too broad. So let’s break that down into several smaller categories. The first one is “Introducing secret family members that no one knew about and/or were supposed to be dead.” There were so many instances of this!
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Sonic’s long-lost parents!
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Sally’s long-lost brother and mother!
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Antoine’s father!
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Knuckles’ father!
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Knuckles’ mother!
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The League of Extroadinarily Racist Grandpas!
This is in stark contrast to both post-reboot ArchieSonic and the current IDWSonic run, where very few of the cast have family members making appearances.
Another one Penders loved to pull out was introducing unnecessary new characters who were there for the single purpose of replacing already established characters, usually those that were introduced in the games or SatAM. ‘Wait, who did Penders want to replace?’ you may be asking. Quite a few people, actually. For starters, he wanted to get rid of Princess Sally. Do you remember this infamous moment from the Endgame saga?
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Sally eventually recovered from that fall, but Penders’ original intention was the death fake-out to be for realsies. Ken wanted Sally gone, as he felt that having King Acorn back gave us a character that served the same purpose as leader of the Freedom Fighters, and that Sally, in Ken’s own words, “cramped Sonic’s style.” Fortunately SEGA intervened and demanded that Sally live, partially because they were using her for marketing SEGAWorld Sydney. I got to visit that place as a kid, fun times. 
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It wasn’t long after this that Ken pulled Sally’s long-lost brother Prince Elias out of his hat, whom I can only assume was also designed to serve a similar purpose to Sally.
Is that not bad enough? Well then how about the time when Ken killed off Dr. Robotnik and planned to replace him with this guy?
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Meet Dr. Ian Droid (ugh, I hate the pun), a guy who basically boils down to “Dr. Robotnik but cooler because he was made by me, Ken Penders.” Who is this guy? What are his motivations? Buggered if I know. He was supposed to be the villain of Ken Penders’ original series, The Lost Ones (which only ever had a single issue released), and Knuckles: 20 Years Later (which was scrapped and replaced with the Mobius: 25 Years Later storyline).
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Dr. Droid was implied to be a time-traveller who had fought Sonic and Knuckles in the past… or future… or whatever! We didn’t really find out anything else about this guy in the single issue he showed up in - a crossover with Image Comics. We should all be grateful that this bland knock-off never showed up again.
Lastly, whether or not he intended this, Ken Penders largely replaced the Chaotix. With whom? Why more echidnas, of course! The Chaotix may be an independent team nowadays, but back when they were first introduced ArchieSonic established that these guys were Knuckles' crew. I’ve talked about this before, but as the Knuckles series progressed the Chaotix tended to make fewer appearances, often becoming background characters whose page time was eaten up by Julie-Su, Constable Remington, and the League of Extroadinarily Racist Grandpas. Even in a three-issue arc called “The Chaotix Caper,” the Chaotix spent a large chunk of it hospitalised while Julie-Su and Remington investigated the case they had been working on.
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Penders even used this arc to write Charmy out of the story for the next few years aside from a few brief cameo appearances.
Were there any other “fetishes,” Penders constantly wrote about? Well yes, and it’s a big one: daddy issues. There was King Max of course, a jerk mostly known for making typical boomer calls such as demanding Sally agree to an arranged marriage with Antoine or lose her right to the crown, or calling for all the robots who used to be Robotnik’s mindless slaves to be disassembled.
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Obviously, Sally’s relationship with him was rather strained. But it was Knuckles’ father Locke, introduced and mostly written by Penders, that was quite possibly the most controversial character in the entire series. On the one hand, he was something of a guardian angel (pardon the pun) to Knuckles, watching out for him from afar and secretly helping him in his most desperate times. But wow, did he ever go about it the wrong way. Locke took Knuckles away from his mother at a young age to train him to be the next guardian of the Floating Island, and when that training was complete Knuckles had to watch his father yeet himself into a wall of fire, leaving him completely alone.
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Obviously Locke didn’t actually kill himself but instead took up residency in a secret base called Haven where he could spy on his son all day long. But Knuckles didn’t know that and was left alone to suffer. When Knuckles finally reunited with him and wanted to know everything he’d been kept in the dark about up to this point, Locke was surprisingly forthcoming and finally came clean with the big secret.
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Before Knuckles was born Locke had a vision of him in battle against forces he couldn’t comprehend, so Locke decided the only way to ensure his future son’s survival was to pump himself full of steroids before impregnating his wife and then blasting Knuckles’ egg with radiation from a Chaos Emerald. You all know the meme:
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Penders was famously upset by other writers’ interpretations of Locke, especially when Ian Flynn became head writer of the comic and killed Locke off.
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Penders had already previously written Locke’s death to take place during the future events of the Mobius 25 Years Later arc - and dedicated the story to his own late father - but despite his insistence otherwise, this was not considered to be the canonical future of the series but rather and "elseworlds" or "what if?" story.
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It’s quite possible that this incident was the reason Penders decided to copyright all of “his” characters and start writing The Lara-Su Chronicles. But no matter what Ian wrote for Locke, nothing can be as bad as what Penders himself wrote for him:
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Ick. I’m sorry, I thought I got all the gross stuff out of the way at the start of the post.
Tumblr has a limit to the number of images you can put in a single post, so I’m going to have to save Mr Bollers’ and Mr Flynn’s fetishes for next time. I’ll try to have that one out for you tomorrow. 🙂
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sassenach082 · 2 months
I gotta know, what is your writing process? Is there a specific mindset you get into or can you just write anywhere? take me through the process please:)
Hey there! Okay, wow, so. I'm going to attempt to answer this without sounding like a lunatic. It's going to be long so I'll put it under the cut for those of you who want to move on.
First, my actual writing process, which is mostly planning.
The first thing I do is decide how I'm ending. I'm a work backwards kind of writer, probably because I'm a teacher and that's how we plan, the first thing we decide is what we want them to know. So in writing, I always decide, "How is this going to end?" and write that first. I've had the final scene of I'll Ride in my google docs since about 3 hours after I saw TG:M for the fourth time (I saw it 12 times in theaters, hence the lunatic comment above, but I digress).
Once I know how it's going to end, I decide, who are the characters? Where is the setting? What is the conflict going to be? Once I have a vague idea of that, I start my google doc for my outline. Since I write both POVs, I do three columns:
chapter number
main scenes / summary
I'm not someone who writes out every little thing in an outline. Just to give you an idea, here's the summary for chapter 8
title: that fear that’s inside you will lift, give it time
-Ice & his fam vs. The Colonel Who Is An Ass -Sarah is a gem and already knows he’s gay and loves him anyways because, she’s A Gem™  -ice talks to Pete on the phone after dinner, listens as Mav and Bradley read the dinosaur book to him -ice goes to the o club to see the boys and is all ‘yo maverick is fucking struggling also we’re all adopting bradley’ and the boys go ‘aiight cool bro’ -slider pins him against a building and is like “so how long have you been fucking  mitchell” and ice is like ‘fuck off ronnie’ and ronnie is all ‘ice for fucks sake how stupid do you think i am i don’t give a fuck if you like dick i know you’re in love with him i’m not an idiot’ etc -He checks out books after Mav’s panic attack on how to help with trauma
So as you can see what I had in my outline isn't exactly what happened, it's basically just "which scenes do I want in this part". I don't write them in order I just kind of write the main things I want to happen, the scaffold if you will, and then I build the house. I usually go through 2-3 drafts which is why it sometimes takes me a long time to post. It's a 4 step process.
+ decide the scenes I want to see + write the main scenes + put them in chronological order in a new doc + go back and fill in details to connect the scenes together
I'm a very visual person and I have a gift of being able to read something and play it like a movie in my head while I'm reading. It's actually called "visualization" and lots of people can't do it which is my theory why they hate reading but that's whole other conversation. The point is I make the movie in my head, but I pay attention to - where are they? What are they doing? How are they moving? Where are their hands? Ice picked something up, now he has to put it down, where is he going to put it down, how, when, etc. I call it setting the scene but I don't know what it's actually called. As a reader it annoys me when I have no guide on what they're doing in a scene so I try to include those details just because it's easier for me to picture it and I hope it's the same for my readers.
Sometimes my brain decides to do other scenes and I'll add those in as I go. Sometimes my chapters get too long and I have to shove scenes down into the next chapter. It all lives in my google doc so I can keep track. When I'm working on a chapter I will just highlight what I've written so I can see what I still need to write.
Once it's written, and I think this is the most important part, I go back and reread. The whole thing. Start to the end of my new chapter. I check for: 1. am I following my own canon 2. do I have a plot hole on accident, and if I do, I have to fill it 3. do details match (like descriptions) 4. does it flow Sometimes I don't like the flow and that's why I will scrap sections and rewrite them to get more in the headspace of whoever the POV character is. This is extremely difficult for me to do with Ice, he's the harder of the two to write and his chapters take me a life age. I've straight up had Mav's chapters done for over a year. It's the Ice ones I'm working on now. Some of the later chapters will have both POVs just because Ice is so hard for me right now.
Once I have it done I send the link over to my beta. She's great and gives feedback on scenes etc. (Love you mtnofgrace!) and helps me to check that it makes sense / is in character / etc.
Then, I post! I can write pretty much anywhere, and I get into the writing mood by listening to the Top Gun soundtrack mostly. Or just rewatching one of the movies if it's been a while since I've written. Some days I write nothing and others I crank out thousands of words, it just kind of depends on if my muse is flowing. Listening to asmr Top Gun youtube videos with the music and jet noises helps me focus that's what I usually listen to while writing.
Hope that answered your question!
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peony-pearl · 1 year
(this was part of a discussion from another post that I wanted to move to it’s own post bc this right here is the crux of my emotions for Iroh and Zuko and Azula; it does end kind of abruptly but yeah this is me wordvomiting my feels)
Man the Iroh and Azula relationship in atla breaks my heart because, yes, there is favoritism - but the situations that built up to it are so specific and tragic on both ends (this is more of me rambling bc I have brainworms for this fam oughghghg if you read this thank you)
I do believe that Iroh did what he could to maintain a good relationship with both Zuko and Azula before he left for BSS. Zuko was 8, Azula was 6. That’s YOUNG. I almost wonder if she could remember what he looked like, because after Lu Ten’s death, I think he immediately took that journey before returning to the Fire Nation, thus there could have been another year or two+ until she saw him. She potentially went from ages 6-10 years old without seeing her uncle. Not to mention that even before Ursa left, Azula was already parroting Ozai’s rhetoric. Now with her mother gone, Azula had her father’s full attention and her friends (until the three were separated).
Zuko on the other hand, after his mother’s disappearance, didn’t have any friends from what we saw, nor did he have his father’s approval, and his relationship with Azula? We’re unsure of at this time, but all things considered, he’s had a resentment towards her because of the trauma Ozai is putting him through (which is also trauma to Azula by emotionally excluding her and putting her on a pedestal that he himself will topple). When Iroh returns, Zuko, who is most likely lonely AF, gives his uncle some attention, who then in turn, gives Zuko attention he’s wanted from one of his elders for a long time.
Azula, entrenched in Ozai’s teachings, resents Iroh for abandoning Ba Sing Se, and sees how he overindulges with tea and food to cope with the pain. She won’t be like him; and to even be seen near him by her father is embarrassing. But I’m almost certain she would see the relationship Zuko and Iroh were forging and it HURT. Iroh probably doesn’t force her to talk; that’s not the conversation he wants to have is to force her to spend time with someone she doesn’t want to be around. Besides, to anger Azula could lead to angering his brother, and he’s not at all ready for that mess. He of all people knows the almighty power of the Fire Lord; he was prepared to carry that glorious burden his whole life until it slipped from his fingers.
Ultimately Iroh is fine talking to just Zuko; but no one sees the seeds that are being planted. Iroh doesn’t realize how he’s still playing the game his father embedded in their minds. Iroh leaves Azula to her devices, unaware of how she is living the life that created and destroyed Iroh himself, while he can put his misplaced fatherhood upon Zuko. At this point, Zuko still just sees him as uncle.
And then the Agni Kai. Zuko is burned, and Iroh goes with him. I’m not entirely versed in the manga about Azula getting Zuko his ship, but I think it says a lot that Azula, even when upset that Zuko and Iroh had a relationship, made sure Iroh was part of the team because she knew Iroh could ensure Zuko’s survival. Plus it got him out of the palace so she wouldn’t have to keep seeing him or hearing his dumb laugh, or be invited to Pai Sho games (Which she did want to play but Uncle is SO ugh you know?)
And then three years pass. 3 long years in which Iroh and Zuko may not expect to go home. Iroh probably comes to terms with this; he’s older, jaded, still messed up from losing his son and everything that came with it. Zuko, however, wants his birthright (aka his father’s approval and love). Zuko and Iroh are waging this part of their lives together while Azula and Ozai are holding down the fort; she is becoming stronger and smarter, and has every ounce of her father’s approval.
I have a couple of headcanons as to why Iroh’s demeanor had a bit of a big change once we get to season 2. Nearly losing Zuko to the pirates made him realize how much he saw the boy as his surrogate son. So yes, the favoritism is there; they have endured things together for 3 years that have forged a bond that gives Zuko a father figure (that he didn’t really ask for) and Iroh a surrogate son (that he is more than willing to guide and smother) and this topic alone is enough to make me want to scream and wail because Iroh wanting nothing more than a second chance than to guide a son who wants his actual father who cares nothing for him and yet Iroh CONTINUES to try with Zuko? brain goes BRRRR
(but I also heavily headcanon Iroh’s presence during Yue’s sacrifice to have been a game changer in the way he carries himself and continues to live; but that’s just a headcanon; but the way that he watches a princess from a nation he has waged war upon sacrifice her life for a world she’s never seen when he’s lost his son and he almost lost Zuko and watching her fade away gives him stronger convictions to be a true father figure to Zuko; even if he’s still kind of bad at it for a while, his dedication to Zuko as a son really takes flight in the following season and I think this all ties together)
and then when Azula comes to collect them to take to Ozai and lies to Zuko about the thing he’s been wanting for 3 years. The thing that’s kept him up, ate away at him, the thing that SHOULD be natural - his father’s love. It’s a lie.
And Iroh defends his nephew unflinchingly from his sister - who is also just a pawn and a soldier, just like Iroh was. I personally like to imagine he taught her some of her skillset (but would she have retained it since she was last willing to learn from him around the age of 6? She is very smart after all).
But could Iroh have looked at Azula, realizing it was her that shot that lightning and, after Zuko called him a ‘shallow old man’, gone to Azula and asked what Ozai had put her through over the years? Or did he still revere the power of the Fire Lord, and the magnitude of power Azula holds.
This leads to one big problem with the family - communication. Especially for Iroh. Communication SUCKS in this family. Zuko is so volatile that Iroh often cannot bring himself to really explain things to Zuko in a clear way, which doesn’t help because Zuko NEEDS to be spoken to clearly because he does not get metaphors and proverbs - but is Iroh really even the best person to explain to Zuko that his father is hurting both him and his sister? When Zuko wants so desperately to go home and be loved? And yet hearing that his sister is suffering would enrage him when she’s only been adored by Ozai. And even then, if Iroh acknowledges Azula’s suffering, he doesn’t act to help her. Could he though? He doesn’t give up on Zuko (who struggled for validation) but he never attempts with Azula (who had the Fire Lord’s entire approval).
For Season 2, everything about Zuko and Iroh is the path to stay alive and stay free… which they’re not free. They never will be again because the Fire Nation wants them and in order to stay safe they must seek refuge indefinitely in BSS. Thus, they must avoid Azula, who is willing to enact on her father’s orders (he IS the Fire Lord, after all). Azula has also shot Iroh with fire. Yes, Iroh is much older and Azula is 14; but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a point that Iroh looks at her and sees her traveling with her friends, facing the Avatar, besting Iroh himself in a situation and as he wakes up from his injuries after she attacks him, he goes ‘I’m done.’ He would continue to put all of his efforts on Zuko. There is a very potential life or death situation with them being wanted, and Iroh won’t relive losing a child under his care.
And yet he would know where Azula’s life is eventually going to lead her, because he was once her. But he left the Fire Nation to escort Zuko and to keep him safe. Zuko did everything he could to try and finish his father’s task, and now his efforts have only landed him a wanted poster. Azula has the Fire Lord’s blessing and her crown - Zuko and Iroh are all each other have, and they also have the bounty on their heads. The efforts Azula put through to ensure that Iroh kept Zuko safe have now reversed, and they are actively evading her as enemies. The painful irony.
Had Ozai never sent her out to collect them, I absolutely think Iroh would still remain open to his niece. Unfortunately, Ozai continues to task her with ways to divide her from her family and therefore keep her closer to his will. By entrusting her with their capture, he alienates her from her shamed brother and uncle, and then gives them reason to have grief with her and not want to be in her life as she actively and willingly serves her father, not once hearing them out on their side of the story. They are rushing to find a way to stay out of chains and survive while she flawlessly continues her family’s goals.
What if she was never tasked with capturing them? But was still traveling the Earth Kingdom to broaden the Fire Nation’s reign? What if there had been a point when she wasn’t poised to capture them or attack them? I can still see Zuko naturally being bitter that she’s there. Iroh may still even be wary, as having her around after they have not achieved a goal means failure and capture (which is what I reason their reactions to her showing up in The Avatar State to be; they immediately know something is off because without a letter, without warning, Azula shows up in full armor after they have not achieved their goal of capturing the Avatar; and Iroh heard lightning earlier, and if it wasn’t Ozai and he deduces it was Azula? Oh lord she knows how to conjure lightning now which means they’re in deep sludge); but imagine if she’s just there to start her overseas military career, not to capture them. What if she knew they were wanted? What if they saw her, knowing they’re wanted, and they avoid her until they come face to face with her and she’s even more hurt that they immediately believed she would be cold enough to turn them in? They really thought that low of her? lol okay HEY GUARDS. Or what if she was like ‘Zuzu I made sure you had that ship and crew, you really think I’d turn you in?’ Or the opposite? In which Zuko sees Azula and knows they can trust her, but the more they get help from her the more she worries that Ozai is going to learn that she’s been secretly helping them through their escapades as wanted men? What if it had been Azula that got them their passports to BSS and was like ‘go here and stay out of my hair I am BUSY and I can’t keep risking my neck for you like this’.
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darkartistyt · 10 months
I SAW THE TAGS U LEFT ON THAT DES ART I DID AND YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GET IT SO GOOD!!!!!!!!! the fact that hershel did the exact same thing his dad did and how des loves his brother so so so much but is just so angry because hershel fell for the same thing his father fell for, and how desmond did everything right as a parent but lost his wife and daughter but hershel, the golden son, got to have three kids and he just left them, and how in LBMR al is mad towards his father but in LMJ/LMDA kat seems so happy to have him back and how it furthers the parallels of al/des and kat/hersh and not even to think about how flora feels about all this, always being left behind by the prof and now it’s her siblings’ turn to get left behind with her, just OOOOUUGGGHHH THE LAYTON FAM… AAAAUUUUGGHHH
looking back at the post itself i am now realising that it cut off the last couple of tags for some reason. probably hit a tag limit or smth idk. so since it didnt keep it there i'll mention it here; there's no way in hell that the happy ending we got in LMDA is going to last
its like. kat's satisfied but al's pissed, des is pissed, and flora doesnt even know how to feel about the whole situation. i imagine with her its like "well this happened before but then it got better but then it got infinitely worse so how do we know it wont happen again." she cant trust that he'll actually stay this time, and it'll probably lead into her growing distant from him. she'll still stay close to her siblings, of course, but how can she trust that their father will be there to, yknow, be their father
meanwhile alfendi and des are unable to put the past behind them and move forward (des i think more so due to trauma but knowing al i think he'd be more vocal about it). so with alfendi it's more like "you left your family behind and we all went through hell and back in the meantime" but with des its more like "you are not only abandoning everyone but you are also continuing the cycle." and its like, the parallels between des and leon are way more obvious and in your face (mostly in the character designs) but with hershel you gotta think about it for more than five seconds. so it makes me wonder how much of leon does des see in hershel...
not to mention the fact that des suffered so much with at least two of his families being stripped away from him and here's his little brother--the one family member he has left, the person who was so disconnected from his bio family that he didnt even know he was a part of it for most of his life--pulling the same shit that fucked up des's entire life in the first place
istg trauma spice and abandonment issues just run in this family... i want to send all of them to therapy
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“Born from the Same Ink” Ch. 5 Sneak Peek
Hey fam, not dead.  [Insert good explanation for not updating here] Gonna post an update this weekend. Probably on Friday? Still figuring that part out. 
This sneak peek is my favorite part of the chapter (which is why I’m sharing it) but it requires a titch of background info. They’re in the hotel/building where you get the ID card in the game and Bendy is carrying an emotional support plush of himself. Yep. 
Enjoy! 😘
“Alright Bendy, I’m going to need you to wait here for a bit while I explore the hotel’s upper floors, okay?”
It was not okay.
The demon immediately latched onto her leg, wrapping his arms and legs around the limb. He vigorously shook his head with a pleading gaze. 
Heart panging, Audrey attempted to gently dislodge the little guy. “I’m sorry, but I need to find the ID card. I’ll be right back-”
His  eyes filled with tears and she worried that if he started crying she wouldn’t have the mental fortitude to leave him. Glancing around frantically for a distraction, she spied a Boris plush on the chair behind the reception desk. 
She took a single step towards it and was unable to lift her other leg due to the distressed toon clinging to it.
Exasperated, she wondered how he managed to weigh her down now despite the ease with which she was able to carry him earlier. 
“I’m not going yet,” she sighed, “just…please let me reach the desk.”
After a tense second, he mostly released her leg and she hobbled over to the counter. Turning the swivel chair around, she picked up the Boris plush. Crouching to Bendy’s level, she offered him the toy. 
“Look!” she feigned excitement, speaking in an overly cheerful tone, “now mini-Bendy has a new friend! You three can play together while I’m gone. Does that seem fair?”
Hugging the Boris plush against the Bendy plush, he fixed her with a fearful and desperate expression. Audrey regretted giving him the doll as she found herself facing not one, not two, but three sets of cartoon eyes instilling her with a sense of neglect. Almost like they were accusing her of abandonment. 
Skin prickling with shame, the animator glanced away and stood up. This time, Bendy allowed her to approach the hole in the ceiling without protest, although she could feel the burning weight of his gaze on her back. 
As she stood underneath the gap, she hesitated. Her desires to explore and locate the ID card brawled with her worries and concern. A new fear was shoved to the forefront of her mind. What if a lost one wandered in while she was gone? If the toon needed her, he couldn’t call out to her for help. 
As the Ink Demon, he could clearly handle himself, but as Bendy? She wasn’t so sure. Considering how he reacted to her previous fights, either he was unwilling or unable to change at the moment. Could she really justify leaving him alone, especially if he was vulnerable? It’s not like he could call out to her if he was in trouble…
Audrey had an idea. 
Swiveling around, she strode back to the reception desk, easily locating the object she desired. She tested it out and it let out a satisfying ding. 
Lifting a confused yet unresistant Bendy into the air, the animator placed him on the swivel chair. 
“If you need me, ring this-” she pointed meaningfully at the call bell resting on the reception desk's dusty surface, “and I’ll come right back. Can you do that for me?” 
The aura of fear plaguing the toon lessened. Still nervous, he nodded. 
Relieved, the artist went to leave. She managed one step forward when the bell rang. 
When she turned to face Bendy, he was watching her with an expression of deep longing.
Quenching the bit of annoyance that rose up within her, she forced a smile. “Wait to ring the bell until you can’t see me anymore, okay?” 
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marengogo · 2 years
Well Well Well … - 1 : … BRUH~!
Shinunoga E-Wa - by 藤井風 (Fuji Kaze)  [HELP EVER HURT NEVER]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I’ve been wondering.
For the past week, I’ve been wondering about what Jeon Jungkook would do for Park Jimin’s birthday  privately. Because I was 100% sure he wouldn’t appear in JM’s vlive, just as much as I was 100% sure JM wouldn’t vlive from his private home (my reasons being, are probably for another post though … 😁). BUT, at the same time I did  wonder; since JK doesn’t have the excuse of being at the company anymore, and since he is not going to release another 100% centric Jimin GCF; … what is he going to do? So you might be wondering: if you didn;t think he was going to do anything public, why still wonder about what he could do?
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MIND YOU, being the private person that he is (they are), I did for the most part  expected JK to not post anything at all. So I was actually at work wanting to talk to my loved one and not being able to (don’t ask…) while waiting for some Jikookers to beg for JK to post something, the whole time thinking “…  it would be nice if they’d leave JK alone, is not like he is going to publicly do anything ..”. AND THEN, the second I thought that, I remember about last years birthday and I was like “🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😒😬…”.
Which brought me right back to the me that had been hypothetically thinking about “if, then what?”. If JK really wanted to publicly wish JM a happy birthday in a still intimate way but still not being caught: HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT? 
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Believe it or not, I thought he’d rely on his Golden Closet Film. Crazy right?! I mean there is  NOTHING remotely covert about that. To be precise, in my imagination, they’d already be in Busan, and he’d gift us with GCF in BUSAN. But … BRUH~! That would be so fucking OBVIOUS. Like, trying not to be caught wearing a black hat in a sea of white hats obvious. So I kept thinking, and thinking and thinking and fucking thinking and I couldn’t come up with nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. So I chalked it up to “There’s nothing he could ever do” but BRUH~! Low and behold, not only did he actually pull up for the occasion at STUPID O’CLOCK KST, but, in my opinion, he was extra (which as I watch him almost purring for the cameras I was like … “booooooi if you don’t stop!”) and then, he crowned it all with a BRO. 
B - R - O.
The unrivalled magic word that just by merely uttering it, it’s capable of having a sea of people hella insecure and another strongly rooted in their fraternal beliefs, ALL at the same time. BRO; three letters one (apparent and alleged) meaning; The word that would rule them all. The word that was apparently never used in any other meaning aside from its “blood-relative” dictionary meaning, never in any type of history. JK uttered this word and successfully appeased and potentially misled all those who suddenly got lost. 
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Nevermind the shivers I got when JK came on weverse just saying jjyaman... I was like “JK?...👀👀👀” which proved me that I was wrong 😬😬😬
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Which he then followed with a happy birthday … to which I was like “oh, I see, okay, never mind, an awkward but simple, happy birthday…”
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to then suddenly hit with:
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I don’t even know where to begin with this, no cap. Like … FAM, BRUH~, BRO! The whole almost minute before he delivered his very simple message, what was that?! Like WHAT WAS THAT?? Like I know every hater and insecure Jikooker is jumping on the BRO-TRAIN but mate!! Hold that mess for a second … JK looked like he was in a hotel, maybe already from Busan (who knows!!) feeling himself (as he wasn’t in mere pyjamas with bed hair etc …) and making sure that the person to whom the message was address knew about it?? Like … FAM, BRUH~, BRO! A simple “Happy birthday, I hope your wishes come true and bla bla bla … with love your lil bro” would have sufficed. IT REALLY WOULD HAVE. BUT NO BRO. I mean … what the hell was that? If anything, doesn’t that final bro just make you wonder “... okay?”. 
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In my very not-humble opinion, that bro was so out of place, it seemed intentional, but then again, I am not JK, so 🙄… BRUH~! I dunno, but I’m you know?!
Always respectfully yours,
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safyresky · 1 year
Hullo bestie, it me. So sorry for the late(ish) ask but since the weather's been warming up I have a question about CS. Specifically about how a Beach Episode would go lol.
Cause Away with the Fae is kinda almost like that considering that they go to a beach at one point. But I wanna get inside your head and wanna know how a true to form Beach Episode of Crystal Springs would go.
Considering that the Frost Fam aren't exactly beach people (I wouldn't think) this has gotten me curious as to how this would play out. Would there be snowball fights at the beach? Would the twins try and make glass by super heating the sand? Would they make it such a mess for every other beach goer? Idk, just a fun thought that I thought you could answer 😌
ANDIE GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF A BEACH EPISODE OF CS ALL WEEK! (probably bc of the post I saw earlier this week that mentioned how gr8 filler episodes are tbh)
And this isn't the FIRST TIME I have thought of the Frosts at the beach >:). this shit's been BREWING!
First off, surprisingly, the Frosts are beach people! 5/6 are, of course. Three are Summer Sprites and enjoy the day spent on the sunny shores of the Southern Province; and for the other two, the summer sprite blood gives them a penchant for occasional tropics, and this includes beach days :)
The only Frost that ISN'T a beach person is Winter, but she goes anyway because she does enjoy her beach ritual. BUT I AM GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF, OF COURSE! FIRST THING'S FIRST.
I cannot decide for sure if both Blaise and Jack wear that old timey stripey shorts tank top one piece swimsuit, or if it's funnier if only Jack does and Blaise goes for the swim trunks and open Aloha shirts, or vice versa, or they BOTH go for the funky shirt and swim trunks combo!
The mental image of the pair of them in this number absolutely sends me tho, tbh:
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Though when I picture beach episode they are both in the funky shirt and swim trunks :)
but GOD if the old timey trunks aren't funny as FUCK
Winter covers tf UP. She wears a HUGE sunhat, absolutely GINORMOUS, and just as big black shades, probably like Gucci or Prada or something, to shield her eyes. She burns SO easily (being made of snow and ice and love would do that to a gal, she supposes) so she covers tf UP
Something victorian-esque for her as well, like this:
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but with longer pants and a longer skirt, if not a full on bathing gown from way earlier like the lady behind the first one there, lmao
Jacqueline is ALSO in big sunhat mode, but not as big as Winter's. She does not burn as easy as Winter does, but does burn--usually the tops of her shoulders, her cheeks, and her nose! Her aviators are PLANTED on her face, they do NOT come off
She and the Twins are more modern in terms of swimwear. She wears a one piece, with your typical asymmetrical long beach sarong
The Twins are pretty versatile! I think usually they BOTH wear swim shorts and tops, though Fiera will switch out for a swim skirt every so often! she deffs prefers the shorts, though, since they are always running around on the beach and in the water like the wild hellions they are
but in point form because I'm not that much of a monster!! ANYWAY, BEACH DAY
Winter's beach day ritual is as follows:
bundled up as breezy as can be when you burn as bad as she does, she finds a nice, shady corner, preferably up against a rock side or cliff face
sets up her umbrella, which Blaise has enchanted to keep her out of the sun at all times (like moving solar panels but opposite)
lays her blanket down beneath the umbrella, sits down with a good book in one hand and sunscreen ready to attack all four kids with it if necessary
She stays put in her shady corner ALL DAY.
Blaise, meanwhile, goes to the bar, gets himself a drink, plants his reclining beach chair with attached umbrella that is never deployed down right beside his wife, sits down with drink #1 (tells the bartenders to keep them coming when they see it empty) and does not move at ALL.
he sinks into the chair, kicks his feet out into the sand, and BEACH BUMS. He melts into the ground. he becomes one with the beach. he is in MAXY RELAXY mode and the ONLY THING that could move him is if Winter, in a moment of cloudy weather, asks to go for a walk or swim with him
he'll be out of that chair SO FAST
But that's IT
Some say he COINED the term beach bum; he INVENTED it! He is the OG beach bum
He will also on occasion substitute the sand for the water, and his chair for a beach floaty
these leads to a fun game Jacqueline, Fino, and Fiera enjoy called TIP DAD INTO THE WATER! They never win. Unless Jack plays. Jack always wins
(Both of these Blaise scenarios work best picturing him in the trunks and funky shirt >:)
If Summer finds out that her sister is at the beach, she will put everything aside to go hang out with Winter! The pair will spend the ENTIRE day chatting up a storm (literally on one occasion. the resulting tsunami was surfed by Jack and averted by Summer being the literal season and the one with the fastest reflexes) and lounging about together for the day while Blaise melts beside them
I never thought about the twins trying to make glass out of sand, but I am thinking about it now! Summer shows them how. They have yet to master it, but they're getting close!
(Summer fears the day that they learn she can do much the same but with diamonds, as they both will want to learn it immediately!)
The Twins are the most active people you'll ever see on a beach! They spend a LOT of time swimming, mostly splashing the crap out of each other (and the cold front if they join, but Jacqueline is really good at splashing them BIG TIME)
They make HUGE sand structures and run amok, with NO concept of beach spot boundary etiquette which means a lot of people have to deal with, you know, messy blankets, sand flying up as the pair rush by, sparks threatening to set fire to their dry beach towels, and so on and so on. The lucky ones only have to deal with a sand structure potentially cropping up beside them!
Aside from that, most people actually don't mind too terribly when the Frosts hit up the beach! Which is gr8, bc they be in situations a LOT, and Blaise deals with the dumbest people sometimes, so they're more than happy to see them chillin'
A lot of magibeans are quite happy when the twins are in the water! It warms up NICELY. Not that it's FREEZING. I mean, the South is HOT so the Arctic Sea can be refreshing, and Summer pulls some strings to take the edge of that portion of the CS shoreline--it's just nice to have warm water knowing it is because of magic children gifted with fire manipulation and not, you know, PEE
Though Fiera sometimes snickers when people say that, which gives Fino cause to be SUS
Fiera gets buried in the sand at some point by Fino and hangs out there, watching her twin wading in the shallows, trying to catch some minnows with a little net
Like. The Twins try to do ALL the beach things at once!
And if they make rivals via sand castles or any other beach sport, it's an EXPERIENCE
Since Blinter is checked out, Jack usually takes up the "parent" part, but in the most big brother way you could imagine: very irresponsibly, encouraging the rivalries and participating until all four kiddos end up defeating said rivals
This has happened more than once. Jacqueline has lost count.
SPEAKING OF THE FROSTY BASTARD HIMSELF, He camps at the bar! He gets ALL the local gossip on beach days. ALL OF IT
Later he shares with Blinter and when Blaise gets into work the next day, my GOD do people get OWNED and does shit get DONE.
Everyone's like wow Blaise! Relaxing looks good on you!
And Blaise chuckles like thanks, but inside he's just a gossipy old man and so is his son >:)
BUT ANYWAY Jack deffs wades into the surf, ankle deep, sipping his drink and freezing the water as people drift by. He gets a kick out of it; it's very amusing, even more so when they can't tell why it's happening, AND DOUBLY SO when he does it to the Twins
who THEN proceed to warm it up again, only for him to freeze it again, and it goes on and on and Jacqueline watches from her chair like "Fino and Fiera are two halves of a whole idiot"
Jacqueline would be the person roped into a volleyball game and kicking ass with her new magibean pals
She also will go for swims too! And beach walks! And she'll hang out in the shores with Jack to shoot the sleet as he antagonizes the swimmers
That's how Jack gets his Legate gossip >:)
Joke's on him, bc that's how Jacqueline gets the latest goss on the Legends
>:) >:) >:)
SOMETIMES DITE APPEARS! And when this happens, it's bc she heard there was a beach day and jumped at the opportunity to stare at her beautiful curvy lil girlfriend in one of her fave locations
Jacqueline LOVES when this happens bc then she can spend the entire time staring at her strong gf bc Dite goes full bikini and Jacqueline is positively ENTHRALLED with her all day
And vice versa with Dite @ Jacqueline 😂😂
On these occasions, Winter scoots closer to Blaise's chair, rousing him from his zen mode to try and once again figure out where on earth Jacqueline gets her curves from
"You're curvy," says Blaise. "Well yes, but also, not quite; I have some unfortunate lankiness here and there. Perhaps she gets it from your mother?" To which Blaise SCOFFS and says "That woman was ballroom gown shaped, I am convinced. She may not have even HAD legs." And Winter giggles and says "Well, it shall remain a mystery, I suppose."
the things parents discuss about their kids! (my parents have this discussion about my nose quite often. I think wedding photos finally put that debate to rest tho)
Jacqueline, funnily enough, actually gets the curves from her maternal grandmother, the Snow Queen.
She was a very curvy woman, so much so that the Winter Warlock called her "Bodacious Bianca", and, well, Bianca simply didn't have the heart to tell him that "bodacious" doesn't quite mean what he thinks it means.
(had she, he would've replied like so: "Ah, yes, but you see, that's the beauty of words! They can mean whatEVER you want them to! And that's why I'm one of the best Warlocks there has been >:)" and she would laugh in kind at her silly little warlock)
(Queen Frost probably HATED him, given that she considered herSELF the best Warlock and did NOT appreciate this man in dress pyjamas and bunny slippers and pointy hats bouncing around claiming to be better than her)
(it was a very one sided rivalry, for certain)
(Unless Winter Senior knew she hated him and hammed it up just to piss her off more, which, goofiness aside, is highly probable)
I think that about cover all my musings! Honestly, a CS beach episode would go SO well. The Frosts would just have a very good time, probably at the expense of a couple of disgruntled magibeans but hey, can't win them all, Blaise always says.
but yeah! It'd go VERY well! An enjoyable day for them all! I think in an actual beach episode, Jack would be gossiping, Jacqueline would be chilling, the Twins would have a BEACH DAY BUCKET LIST and try to do it all, upsetting a few people on the way. By the end of the day, they have a small angry mob and Fino and Fiera look at each other like >:) because guess what the last thing on their list was?
When it's time to head home the Twins are soaked (crowd tossed them into the sea and they love every second of it), Jack is burnt af bc he BURNS BAD, Winter is chipper, Blaise is seven shades darker and so relaxed he's actually slouching, and Jacqueline has a first place volleyball trophy in her hands, a group of magibeans waving bye to her, one of them miming CALL ME.
They return later once the beach is clear to collect abandoned/forgotten sand toys, bc I used to do that with my cousins and our grandfather and I can see Blaise walking on the beach in the sunset, twins skipping ahead and collecting loose toys, tossing them into their big red bucket!
When they get home, the Twins pass out bc long, energetic day, and Blinter enjoy a quiet evening with Jack, who they chat with all evening while Jacqueline sleeps on the couch!
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aphel1on · 8 months
tag someone you want to get to know better
tagged by @woobifiedvillain a few days ago and finally remembered to do it!!
Favorite color: Yellow, but not an overwhelming yellow, like that soft warm yellow? I love it. People tend to not expect this answer, I think I give off more of a blue or grey vibe. Honestly a pretty grey/silver is probably my second favorite color, but a buttery yellow is just so good for the soul.
Last song: You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi. Danced to it in the kitchen, got consumed by the guitar riffs, nearly knocked a chair over. Before this morning it would've been the Genshin OST... I've been listening to it a lot while I write or do chores recently.
Last movie: An exceedingly mediocre romcom on Netflix that I watched with my sick mom to be nice. Genuinely couldn't tell you the title or more than like, two or three plot points. Last movie that I watched bc I wanted to was the Barbie movie, which was genuinely better than I expected. Enjoyable but would still give it, like, a mixed review. I'm not getting into two months' ago Barbie Movie Discourse on this post
Currently watching: I'M STILL TRYING TO FINISH THE UNTAMED!!!! woobifiedvillain i'm speaking directly to you and quoting you: i too am "chronically incapable of paying attention to visual media, even the good shit" and when i try to explain this to people irl they act like i am insane!!! I haven't watched Good Omens season 2 yet even tho I am reblogging posts about it rn. I think it's mostly adhd, or really just a part of the larger Neurodivergence Soup (tm) that makes it nearly impossible for me to learn something from a YouTube video. I mean, sometimes for a hands-on task a video is essential, but can't there be a written list of instructions to go with it too, bc that sticks in my mind way better sobs... ANYWAY i'm currently on episode 43 of The Untamed, so I should be able to finish it by, like. The end of the year at least lol?
Currently reading: I started reading SVSSS recently because, like. The mxtx mania is in full throttle. I just got here a little later than most people lmao. I'm also currently "reading" like seven different books that I bought or pirated this year and have on hold. One of my Unfortunate Skills is bingereading like 200 pages of something in 1-2 days and then not finishing the rest of it for 8 months.
Currently working on: Keep My Shadow Alive, my big xue yang-centric fix it fic!!! Well, more like a fix it, and then break it more, and then eventually actually fix it fic. Starting from the canon divergence of "Add Pre-Teen Xue Yang to the Burial Mounds Fam" and going from there. I read every fic like that that's on ao3 and was still being eaten alive by the brainworms so I started writing my own take on it and ~6 months later it's the longest fic I've ever written and only 25% of the way through its outline???? So. Who knows if it will get finished (my track record is admittedly not great)- but I've had such a blast writing it so far. Xue Yang is just SO fun to write. Yes it has a plot and character arcs and I could even go full English Major* and start telling you about its Themes, but also it's just an excuse to write Xue Yang interacting with every member of the MDZS cast. Going to STOP talking now bc I fully am the type of writer who will get carried away talking about their wips.
*i am not an english major, but spiritually i am an english major.
Current obsession: Yeah uh, MDZS. My friend convinced me to finally read it in January of this year, and the hyperfixation train has simply not stopped since then. Genshin Impact also dragged me back in with the Fontaine update and I've been having a lot of fun playing it. But MDZS is still mostly the thing that's eating up my RAM. Particularly the Yi City crew, but 3zun is rotating in there too. Sometimes even The Man WWX Himself, i talk about him less but i do love him a lot also lol
Tagging: I'm honestly too shy to do this!!! But thank you for tagging me anyway<3
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littlemissidontcare · 10 months
Mod I’d love to your thoughts about the aw being called out on the podcast twice and with everything that followed after from those two sightings to her being his godmothers business dinner and any predictions you have on what she will do baiting wise or what you think is gonna happen!
Obviously DM and Enty get a lot of blinds about Sebastian, fan submitted or from a direct source. Fact. Enty and DM have more connections and sources than we will ever have that know about Seb & Annabelle. Fact. Enty saying he thinks it’s PR because Annabelle is known for attaching herself to high profile men, that’s not a very odd thing to say and makes the most sense. When Deumoix said that her source (which she was surprised to hear say this), said that Annabelle and Seb were set up by “mutual friends”, I definitely think it was someone like Deanna or someone they don’t hang around with a lot. Someone closer to Annabelle than Seb is what I mean. Could it easily have been their teams setting it up? Yes.
As the podcast goes on, she says that Seb had boundaries from the very beginning, and that Annabelle wanted more out of it. Most likely meaning that she wanted more pics, more stories to post, more paps, and more baiting. It’s all the same. She wanted more of those things for the attention, and he won’t give it to her.
So here we are with Anastasia of Beverly Hills. We got the awkward as fuck Easter meal. (Not saying dinner because it was not a “family” thing). And then the party for whatever and whoever’s brand with the trees and the shirts and who gives a fuck. Annabelle was there. Was Seb? We will probably never know. Or she may post something with him this weekend showing he was there, but at this point I doubt it.
Was Annabelle invited? Probably. Why? Because she needs the attention, and even rich people won’t turn down money. Her team probably paid Anastasia (also since she is connected to seb), to have Annabelle there and post that singular picture. It raises eyebrows and gets people’s attention, something Seb isn’t giving her that much of.
Shit, even Seb’s team could have paid Anastasia to have her there. Either way, she wasn’t invited because she’s “part of the family” and Anastasia wasn’t even right next to her in the picture. You would think that if she was becoming part of the fam or Anastasia gave a fuck about her she would stand next to the “girlfriend” for a pic.
Anyways, the silence I believe is because she got called out on deumoix’s podcast by herself and enty, got called out in her comments on IG, and simply doesn’t know what to do with herself. She posted pics then deleted them, and we got basically nothing until yesterday with her brand deal then some videos of some flowers. She’s trying to play “shy” and “private” but only because she got called out THREE TIMES.
She’s probably twiddling her thumbs as we speak. As for any predictions, I’m not sure I have any. We may get something this weekend, we may not. Maybe they’re going to end it before his birthday, maybe we’ll see them together, but who knows. I’ll tell you this much, she isn’t endgame. This won’t last no matter what the hell it is. Also, I don’t see how anyone can believe this is real when we’ve seen it all before, but twice as bad. You guys are falling for her shit just like she/they want.
Pictures speak a thousand words and I will die on the hill that says he wishes this was over.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
Just some Simblr updates and *cough* other ramblings. Click if you’re interested. Warning: it is long.
It's 5:30 on a Wednesday evening. I am sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair in a church basement. The air smells of mildew and fried chicken (it's a Baptist church). I'm holding a paper cup full of lukewarm water in both hands. It's still full. The bottom is beginning to sag. I stare at it.
"Laura!" comes a voice from my right. I startle, sloshing my water slightly. "It's your turn to speak," comes the voice again, softer this time.
I look up. A large, tight smile stretches across Shelly's face. She probably means for it to look reassuring but it just looks forced. I swear I can make out the faintest twitch in her right eye. I drop my gaze to my paper cup again. All around me, metal chairs creak out a chorus as the other members of the group shift. I know eight pairs of eyes just turned towards me, though I don't look up to confirm it. It would have been nine if Greg had showed up tonight. Fucking Greg.
I open my mouth, attempting to speak, but all that comes out of my dry throat is a strained "u-uh." I raise the paper cup to my lips and down the water like a shot. Some of it floods into my windpipe. I begin coughing uncontrollably, my body's reflexes desperately trying to save me from drowning myself on dry land. Shelly is still smiling at me.
"Take your time," she says. I continue to choke. Jennifer, on my left, half-heartedly pats my back.
After what feels like an eternity, my airway manages to clear itself and I am no longer dying. I only wish I were.
"Uh," I say again, even more hoarse than before. "I-I'm Laura and I can't--"
"'Don't'," Shelly corrects me. "We don't say 'can't' here."
"Right, uh, I don't finish things," I say. Shelly nods her approval. "Uh..yeah."
"Hi, Laura," eight voices drone in response.
"It's been two weeks since I posted the last part of Denizens of Woeford," I continue. I know that I should--"
"Ah ah ah!" interrupts Shelly, wagging a finger at me. "We don't 'should' ourselves here."
"Right. I know I sh--I mean, I need--I want to post another part but..." My voice trails off. Sentences are another thing I struggle to finish, apparently. Shelly's eye twitch becomes a bit more pronounced. "You know what, I have to go to the bathroom," I blurt out, holding up my empty paper cup as if it is exhibit A in my legal defense.
"Of course," coos Shelly. "We'll still be here when you get back. Unless it's after 6:00, because the ladies have to set up for prayer meeting."
I scramble out of the room as fast as my legs will carry me. To my credit, I do stop at the ladies' room to toss my cup into the wastebin. I flush one of the toilets, hoping the sound will drown out my footsteps as I bolt down the hallway towards the exit. Greg had the right idea ditching tonight. Fucking Greg.
I won't be back.
So. If you’re wondering what that was all about, me too, fam, me too. Ever get a shower thought you can’t shake until you write it down? This was that. I’m so sorry I put you through all that.
That was just my round-about, extremely convoluted way of acknowledging my faults. I have started like three stories on here that I’ve dropped already because I didn’t have time to do a good job or I was bored or *dismissive hand flap* whatever else. I do have a hard time finishing things, I admit that. I have limited time to play because of my full-time job and when I do play, I tend to prioritize my own enjoyment (as I should, as we all should) so if I’m not enjoying something, I drop it. That’s what happened to Bellaverse.
Bellaverse was going to be a multiverse-spanning story about Bella Goth née Bachelor in several different iterations just...just going through it. I actually wrote like 90% of it. All I had left to do was set up pictures for it. Problem was, due to my limited time, I kind of ended up half-assing the pictures in the prologue. I wasn’t really happy with any of them but I didn’t feel like I had the time or attention span to redo them. So I dropped the story rather than putting something out I’m not happy with. Maybe at some point, I’ll take another crack at it. Like I said, I do have most of it written and I don’t want a story to go to waste. 
All of this is to say I feel bad when I drop something else or I don’t feel as excited about something as I once did. And that’s dumb. This is a game that I play for fun on a Simblr I maintain for fun. I shouldn’t be making myself feel bad for only focusing on stuff I enjoy and dropping what I don’t. But, this isn’t really about the Simblr. I have trouble finishing things in other areas of my life, too. I have mental health problems and I tend to put too much pressure on myself and get too overwhelmed and...things just don’t get done. I’m working on it in therapy. My therapist is not Shelly, thank God. He’s actually really good and he’s helping me get over a lot of self-inflicted guilt.
So I’m not dropping Denizens of Woeford. However, I am changing it. 
My original plan was to play every family in Woeford in a rotational save, posting their stories one part per rotation and continuing on like that, tying each family’s story into each other. Ambitious, you say? Nah, not really. The intertwining narratives were always going to happen with what I had planned, so that wasn’t my issue. My issue is this stupid game doing what it does and making life difficult for me. I found Pleasant Sims’ detailed instructions on how to play Sims 3 rotationally and I followed them. to. the. letter. And it didn’t work. Even after I set up castes, even after I added everyone to them, even after I installed a mod to enable Sims 2-style aging, even after I set lifespans on epic, my unplayed Sims decided “hey fuck Laura, let’s just do what we want!” and aged up without my input anyway. It was really annoying trying to focus on one family when I had to go jump into other households real quick to fix people. 
And that’s when I realized, hey, I don’t want to do this. The only households I was really enjoying playing were Aiden’s and Eleanor’s, in that order. So, instead of my grand rotational plan, I’m going to focus just on Aiden and Eleanor. I’m still going to post introductions to the other Denizens of Woeford (because I worked hard on those, dammit), and you’ll still get to see their stories play out, albeit in the background of Aiden’s story. It’s just better for me this way and I think it’s better for anyone who wants to read this mess, too, because not only will it be less confusing, it’ll be more fun. And I’ll be having fun instead of wishing I was playing with Aiden instead of whoever I’m posting about. I know my feelings would show through, and that’s no good for anyone. 
So, Tl; dr, I will be posting Denizens of Woeford once more. I scrapped all my initial plans and screenshots, and moving forward, I’ll just be focusing on Aiden and Eleanor instead of everyone.
More than likely, I am literally the only person on the planet who cares about any of this, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there anyway. If you are reading this, holy shit why?! But also, thank you, and if you learn anything from this, prioritize what you find fun over what you’ve made yourself think you’re obligated to do. Because at the end of the day, nobody is going to care anywhere near as much as you do, so you might as well stop making yourself stress out over nothing. Nobody is forcing you to do anything except you. And maybe Greg. Fucking Greg.
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scary-grace · 11 months
ooh! 1, 4, 7 and 8 for the choose violence asks please! :D
Thank you for the ask! You sent some good ones :)
1) the character everyone gets wrong
Mmm, I'm weighing how much trouble I want to get myself in with this one. I'm going to go ahead and say Thorin, and I'm including myself in the "everyone" statement. He's one of the more complex characters Tolkien created, and I think we all have a tendency to move him to one side of the equation or the other -- either he's totally woobified or he's so much worse than he is in canon. I feel like the real answer as to "what is Thorin? why is Thorin?" is probably that he's selfish in the way we're all selfish, proud in a way that doesn't let him back down even when he knows he's fucked up, brave even when it's the wrong thing to be, so loyal and affectionate that it makes him look stupid. I love him very much, but I beat the shit out of him when I write him, and I think the level of complexity is part of the reason why.
4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
It was a certain Silmarillion headcanon that makes me spit nails. I saw the same dumb post three times in a row on my dash and unlucky blogger number three got blocked because of it, even though it wasn't their fault.
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
FINROD. Admittedly I was already a little wary of him because of the Athrabeth (my girl Andreth deserved a debate partner who wasn't so condescending) but the fandom conception of him as a soft uwu bean and perfect angel baby drives me up the wall. He's by far the least objectionable Feanorian and I still want to put him in a jar and shake it really hard.
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I spent this whole ask-answering period trying to decide whether to go for it and I've decided that I am: The kidnap fam is not a cute little found-family lovefest. It's the tragedy of two children who are survivors of a physical genocide being abducted and promptly culturally genocided by two guilt-ridden mass murderers who were responsible for the genocide that orphaned them. Based on my family history/cultural history I have a huge allergic reaction to stories like that (look up the Catholic Church's unfortunate history of, uh, "rescuing" Jewish children) and while I'm aware this is fandom and not real life and Not That Deep, it still bothers me when I see demonization of the twins' real parents and utter woobification of two ambiguously evil fandom faves. I don't buy for a second that Elrond and Elros were full of warm fuzzies for Maedhros and Maglor, and I often wonder how much influence his experience with the Feanorians had on Elros choosing the fate of Men rather than Elves. I mean, who wouldn't want to get away from that?
(Bracing myself for a wave of unfollowings. It was nice knowing you all, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.)
choose violence fandom asks
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
The Lost Kanuki Kid
Incase you missed the post about it - today (6/1) is Yuuki's birthday! The sweet girl would be 21 - if we are keeping with real time.
disclaimer that in her story tormented reverie, Yuuki ages from 16 to 18 - and then tormented reverie: another daydream takes place centuries later. This information would be revealed then, in Rini's route.
This year I decided to do something a little dark, and talk about Yuuki's 21st year - rather than just her birthday. Now, this is totally spur of the moment - I had not planned to do this, I didn't even realize she was 21 until I looked back on last years birthday posts.
So, strap in - this one is going to be a doozy. There is quite a bit to unpack and it gets rather Yuuki-lore heavy. You might need to read The Koishikawa Family Debt before you read this, just to understand the back end of things (it needs fixed by its the bare bones). I'm going to dress this up as nice as I can - like I said this is something I just decided to do today.
there is mention of other OCs that are not mine, but have a home here in the Tormented Reverie story line. they belong to @pureblood-prey @subaruxayano and @/sanin-oni-lovers respectively.
Trigger warnings: abuse & child abuse / infant death
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While most humans spend their 21st either partying or working or even finishing college - Yuuki was in the same place she'd been for the last five years. 'Trapped' in a mansion with a vampire boy - though she'd hadn't felt trapped really in years. On the contrary, life had been something of a dream. As if a haze were put over what was supposed to be - and Yuuki lived in this big house that never changed.
But on this particular night, the unthinkable happened. A small spark of life made itself known inside of Yuuki. The news came as a shock to the couple, but Yuuki was as happy as could be. The coming months were filled with trials and tribulations as they prepared. The idea of sharing his doll did not sit well with Kanato, but he pushed those feelings down the best he could.
By this time there were not many left in the mansion. Ayato and Yuko had moved out. Reiji and Rika off to college. Subaru and Ayano gone as well. Which left only Shu and Akumu - who were not very helpful. So Yuuki did a lot of things on her own, but little by little she was able to convince Kanato that this baby would be a good thing. And that they would raise it together.
This was hard for Kanato and Yuuki both - since neither one of them had great childhoods. Kanato's internal nagging couldn't help but remember the neglect his mother felt from his father - and how that neglect moved onto him. As it was, he barely understood what it meant to love Yuuki - how could he possibly love someone else too. The concept was lost on him.
Yuuki was worried about her own lack of a parental figure too. She was rejected her entire life by her father - unwanted. Now that she was having her own, she wanted to shower it with all the love it could ever need but... would Kanato feel the same? She tried to open him up to the idea of them being a happy family. Assuring him that between the three of them there would be so much love that the whole world would be jealous.
While he had his doubts, Kanato did what he could to open up to the idea of a baby 'sharing' his doll. Only because it would be part of him as well - so it would be more of him for her to give attention to.
Finally, the day of the birth came. It was full of panic, no one probably more so than Kanato, even though he wouldn't show it. It was a rough delivery for Yuuki (i wont say its like Twilight pregnancy, but the baby do gotta eat fam so there was blood a-drank). Unknown to them at the time, the 'doctor' who had been monitoring the pregnancy and now doing the delivery was Karlheniz. A girl, ironically, entered the world after all of Karl's waiting and planning.
He reveals himself as Yuuki passes out from the delivery. Kanato is left to confront his father, who tells him that this child will be his ultimate undoing. Things have gone just as he had wanted - and he will continue to monitor the child's development. Kanato questions him, but receives no answers. Karl leaving the child with Kanato for the nurses to assist with the rest.
Once their daughter was home, things became difficult. The endless crying. Yuuki was meant to see to it all, as Kanato had no patients for the baby. After just the first few days, Kanato had all but become distant. He would purposely steal Yuuki away from the baby - as it was left to cry, needing fed or held.
The 'doctor', who had made house calls during the pregnancy, would continue to come and check on the baby. Unknown to Yuuki, he was watching and testing for something specific. The babies developments and constant needs were good indicators, but his blood test would confirm it. This baby was not only half human and half vampire - it was born just the way that Karl had hoped.
She was diagnosed with a developmental delay, and Yuuki was told to give her extra care. This was something Kanato simply couldn't stand. Yuuki would spend all her time with the baby, and it felt more and more like Kanato would be abandoned again. He started to resent his daughter - sometimes purposely drinking from Yuuki so much that she would be unable to awake to care to the baby.
Karlheniz noticed this - however, his experiment was finished. He found that a human and a vampire could produce a child with the faults found in the human's DNA. Once the conclusion was documented, he stopped coming to check on the child.
This went on for less than six months.
Finally, Kanato could stand it no longer. Yuuki was his until this child came into the picture. So, one day while Yuuki was sleeping, he went to see his daughter. She lay in the crib, sound asleep for once. Kanato decorated the crib with stuffed animals, and covered her with a blanket. Then with no remorse, set the room on fire.
To ensure the deed, he carried the flames through the mansion, ending in the room he and Yuuki shared. Kanato grabs Yuuki and jumps from their window, holding her firmly. Yuuki begged and cried for him to go back for the baby. To let her go back. He would not allow her to go.
The mansion was engulfed in flames. Cries of the baby finding their way through until they too were swallowed. Yuuki was unable to move. Her heart sinking as she watched the building burn. Kanato took her into his arms, holding her tight. Assuring her that he was there - and that he would be for eternity.
Something in Yuuki died that day. She devoted herself completely to Kanato from that night on. She lived for him. Breathes for him. And within the next year, she died for him. Taking officially to the world of the night - and became his vampire bride. While she forced her mind and soul to move on from that night - there will always be a part of her heart that is forever lost.
And that is the story of the lost Kanuki Kid. The first child between Yuuki and Kanato - tragically lost due to Kanato's instability. Centuries later, after Rini is born - Yuuki and Kanato take her in different ways.
Kanato sees her as his most precious baby doll. He showers her with his love and affection. Yuuki sees her as a ghost form the past. She cannot stand how much love Kanato has for her, when he struggled with all their other children. Not to mention she is jealous of the attention being taken from her as well.
For sticking around this long, I have an art gift. Many years ago (2016) I was given then by a friend at the time. While this wasn't meant to be the daughter - they drew it before I had any designs for a Kanuki child. I like to think she might have grown up to look something like this, but the art itself was intended to be a boy.
I hope that you enjoyed(?) this dark look into the Kanuki story. As I stated this would be a story that only gets unlocked in Rini's story - and depending on how things worked out you would either learn it from Yuuki or from Kanato.
art gifted by @/vibegravy
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