#anime Vic fontain
gar-trek · 2 years
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Anime Vic Fontaine
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Alright. At long last, I present to you the bracket...or should I say...*BRACKETS* for the Virtual Character Tournament!
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Given the scale, the first round is going to be one bracket per week, 4 a day, with each lasting 24 hours. I know that this is still tight, but given how many contestants there are, along with the necessary inclusions of images and propaganda (oh and I guess also my job), it's what I can do to keep this semi-manageable. There's also no redemption round this time. It's gonna be a single elimination tournament. Be kind to your peers. This is not but a drop in the infinite ocean of the internet.
...oh yeah the brackets themselves. We'll be going in order over the course of 4 weeks. I'll make proper announcements for them as they commence. Given how many there are and what I want to get done beforehand, Bracket 1 will likely begin some time this week. But for the matchups...
Bracket 1:
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) vs. Elohim (The Talos Principle)
Flame (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRains) vs. The Supervisor/Mouthless (Tenkuu Shinpan)
XANA (Code Lyoko) vs. MetalMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
9-Jack-9 (Zot!) vs Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex Aid)
Sage (Sonic Frontiers) vs Mektryllis (Fate/Extra CCC)
Dot Matrix (Reboot) vs V Flower (Vocaloid)
Wizardmon (Digimon) vs Delta (Red Vs. Blue)
Sora (Ever17) vs Kasane Teto (UTAU)
The Doctor/EMH (Star Trek Voyager) vs Crash (Awful Hospital)
Burroughs (Shin Megami Tensei IV) vs Quorra (Tron Legacy)
The Machine (Person of Interest) vs The Rocket Dex (Pokemon)
P03 (Inscription) vs. M.X.E.S (FNAF Security Breach: Ruins)
Hakuno Kishinami (Fate/EXTRA) vs Data Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Samaritan (Person of Interest) vs ART (The Murderbot Diaries)
Cortana (Halo) vs M-Bot (Skyward)
Mitsuko Miyazumi (Archer) vs Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Bracket B:
Ene (Kagerou Project) vs The Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe)
Amadeus (Steins; Gate 0) vs D.O.M (The Adventure Zone)
AM (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) vs Theo (Meta Runner)
Colonel.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) vs Daia (Kiratto PriChan)
Agumon (Digimon) vs The Bobbiedots (FNAF Fazbear Frights)
Felix the Desktop Cat (Real Life) vs SHODAN (System Shock)
MegaMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) vs Church (Red vs. Blue)
Shepherd (ENA) vs Dr. Coomer (Half Life VR But the AI is Self-Aware)
Sophie/Sophia (Persona 5 Strikers) vs Dizzy (Beyblade)
Miss J/SCP 5094 (SCP) vs Ultraman X (Ultraman X)
SAYU (No Straight Roads) vs Falulu (Pripara)
Incarceron (Incarceron) vs Benry (Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware)
Lea (Crosscode) vs Kiracchu (Kiratto PriChan)
Dragon (Prahumans) vs Murder-Bot 2.0 (The Murderbot Diaries)
Ai (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRains) vs Glitch Slime (Slime Rancher)
Eris (Wolf 359) vs Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Bracket III:
Hera (Wolf 359) vs Shin AI (Your Turn to Die)
Alba (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) vs The Denpa Men (The Denpa Men)
Guy (Free Guy) vs EDI (Mass Effect)
Aetna (Lore Olympus) vs Yui (Sword Art Online)
Nicole the Holo-Lynx (Archie Sonic) vs Gabumon (Digimon)
Jacqueline Box (Pripara) vs Mamechi (Tamagotchi)
Vanellope von Shweetz (Wreck-It Ralph) vs Cleverbot (Real Life)
The Phantom Virus (Scooby-Doo) vs Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Alter Ego (Danganronpa) vs Digit (Cyberchase)
Simulcast (Reflection TTRPG) vs SARA (Toonami)
Lumina Ichihoshi (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ) vs The World Machine (OneShot)
Rumble McSkirmish (Gravity Falls) vs Holly (Red Dwarf)
HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey) vs Samantha (Her)
PAMA (Minecraft Story Mode) vs Noah Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Agent Smith (The Matrix) vs O.R.C.A (Splatoon)
Spunc (Alpha Betas) vs Porygon (Pokemon)
Bracket Delta:
GIFanny (Gravity Falls) vs Coco (Aikatsu Friends)
Vic Fontaine (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) vs Red One (The Last Angel)
Glitchtrap (FNAF Help Wanted) vs Holo (My Holo Love)
Avina (Mass Effect) vs Light Hope (She-Ra)
Motherboard (Cyberchase) vs Aya (Green Lantern: The Animated Series)
Bonzi Buddy (Real Life) vs Tama (AI The Somnium Files)
Dragon (Worm) vs Bip (Runway to the Stars)
Failsafe (Destiny) vs J.A.R.V.I.S (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Aiba (AI: The Somnium Files) vs CanHaz (DC Comics)
SAYER (SAYER) vs Fey (Welcome to Night Vale)
Buddy (Buddy Simulator 1984) vs Ziggy (Quantum Leap)
Maggy (Hellspark) vs The Squip (Be More Chill)
Lyla (Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse) vs Durandal (Marathon)
Beta Jay 137 (Ninjago) vs Zero III (Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward)
Sergey Ushanka (The Magnus Archines) vs Demetra (Spy Kids 3: GAME OVER)
Alie (The 100) vs Lil' Hal (Homestuck)
As always, thank you for bearing with me during this long and arduous process. Sorry for the hassle, and be prepared, as it is almost upon us.
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squimp · 2 years
Anime vic fontaine
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Ah man. I was just thinking about this one scene where Julian and Quark were hanging out at Vic's, and Vic made this whole dumb speech with like a horse metaphor (and not even using the word horse, but rather fully or stallion), but like. That scene is HILARIOUS to me for one reason: when Vic is done, Quark turns to Julian and is like, "Did you understand any of that?" And I realised: Quark doesn't know what a horse is. He especially doesn't know what a filly or a stallion are because he doesn't know what a horse is because Ferenginar has been in contact with the Federation for such a short time that a few years ago they didn't know what dogs were and thought they had a dog language. Quark was sitting here vibin with Julian, sipping his drink and listening to this hologram guy sing, and then this hologram guy talks to them in an extended metaphor about Absolute Gibberish and Quark is like K and dips out with his drink. Amazing
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andromedaa-starss · 2 years
is this star trek name for your dog, cat, or horse?
aka i had too much free time so i started listing out this shit. this is limited to dogs, cats, and horses (except for certain cardassians) bc im too lazy to incorporate hamsters or anything like that.
kirk: horse
spock: dog/cat
scotty: dog
uhura: dog/horse
sulu: horse
chekov: horse
picard: horse
riker: dog/horse
crusher: dog
deanna: horse/dog
worf: dog
geordi: horse
data: cat
tasha: cat
wesley: cat
guinan: horse
lwaxana: idek
sisko: horse
kira: cat
dax: cat
julian: human
miles: dog
keiko: cat
odo: cat
jake: dog
jadzia: cat ig?
ezri: idek
kassidy: horse
nog: horse?
quark: cat
rom: idk
garak: lizard
dukat: lizard
damar: cat
vic fontaine: cat
janeway: horse
chakotay: horse
tom paris: cat
harry kim: human
tuvok: horse
b'elanna: uh, cat, if you insist?
neelix: cat
kes: dog
seven of nine: car
the doctor: applies to any animal honestly
archer: dog/horse
t'pol: horse
trip: dog
malcolm: human
travis: human
hoshi: dog? idk
phlox: denobulan
shran: cat if you insist
well this certainly devolved into shitposting. idk everyone from lower decks, discovery, or picard, so im not listing those out
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astrodances · 3 years
How does Steelbeak fit in your au
Ok ok, finally getting to this one, and I am Excited! 🤩
This is actually going to be a three-part answer, and I'll separate each section, but the part that will be most relevant to the question will be the middle part, fyi.
Here we goooooo! (under the cut!)
First section:
So, actually gonna start things off with a tangent that, at the least, will serve as a possible idea for Steelbeak's origins.
So there's the TOS episode, "A Piece of the Action." As far as TOS/Trek goes, this is one of my top favorites. And for those who have been following this AU, you'll know that I was extremely excited when @lettheladylead posted this parody of one of the episode's quotes, featuring the scheme team! (If and when I get around to actually writing this AU, I'm gonna do my best to incorporate that moment. :D)
Between that and watching the episode around then, and posting some Diamond Thieves AU stuff recently, too, I realized that I could totally work the Diamond Thieves AU into my Star Trek AU in a very natural way!
A quick premise for the episode: the Enterprise crew goes to the planet, Sigma Iotia II, home to the Iotians, an imitative species. The Iotians have turned into a society of 1920s gangsters, based on a book about '20s Chicago mobs that the previous Earth ship to visit left behind (the "contamination").
For my AU, I'm thinking that Goldie, at some point before she and Scrooge reunite on Risa (if that reunion is the equivalent of Glomgold's gala, then I imagine the following would parallel the ten-or-so years they didn't interact before then in the show), would have visited the Iotians' planet while traveling through the galaxy on her own little spaceship. She would've left something there - a book, maybe a classic movie, or a musical recording even ;) - along with some other items (probably at least some photographs, and some technology) that would allow these AU Iotians to follow a similar path as their TOS counterparts: they would become 1920s gangsters, but not like those from the Chicago book. No, they'd create a world that is essentially the 1920s era of my Diamond Thieves AU! :D
(I don't know if there'd end up being an Iotian Goldie and/or Scrooge down there on the planet specifically, what with them being imitative, but at the least, the world and other characters and general setting will be there. And Idk yet if/when the real Scrooge and the Klondike will visit the planet, and/or if the real F.O.W.L. will get involved with the planet, or the Iotians will make their own F.O.W.L.-like organization, but hey, now the scene is set for any/all of that. ;))
As for Steelbeak: it could very well be that he's one of the Iotians from this '20s world, and could even fit well into the following section(s). (And even if this isn't his route, the rest of this section still stands.) But I think I'm going to go with the following...
Second section:
There is most definitely a trend here when it comes to my personal tastes, but probably my absolute very-favorite episode of Trek (or at least one of the top 5 - making me choose is just not fair XD) is DS9's "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang". (Quick premise: It's Ocean's Eleven (or "Louie's Eleven"!) in a holosuite on a space station. :D)
Now one thing that I have to state first: Vic Fontaine is very much here and himself in this AU, just as a duck or some other animal (ooh maybe a fox or a wolf? or a cheery kind of dog?) (in DT87 though Duckworth once mentioned a 'Drake Sinatra' - that's something to consider here, although I'm personally more of a Dean Martin fan - we'll find the right pun name XD). I love Vic so much, and this AU can't exist without him.
So anyway, I'm picturing Steelbeak to actually be one of the hologram characters that arise with the jack-in-the-box that takes over Vic's program in this episode. If we're talking DT17 Steelbeak (which is more '60s that his DW91 counterpart, so he might be the better option for this program), then I'm thinking he'd fit in as a Tony Cicci-type of character. If he's more like the DW91 Steelbeak, then he'd be more like Frankie Eyes. (Or maybe he's a mix of his DT17 and DW91 selves?)
Here's where I start to twist things around.
You know the EMH's mobile emitter in Voyager? Well, I'm thinking that either Ludwig (with his own set of EMHs already), Gyro, Fenton, or Gandra, or a combination of them create a mobile emitter for holograms (or already had one made, for Ludwig's purposes). And they either already had it in the works to give to Vic just in general, or specifically plan to give it to him because of the jack-in-the-box that's overtaken his casino. With the mobile emitter, he could get out of the holosuite, at least temporarily until the program's fixed. (I know in the episode, Vic wasn't backing down from the situation and leaving, and maybe that's the case here, but the main point is that the group is ready to present the mobile emitter as a plan to keep Vic safe.)
At some point, however, the emitter falls into Steelbeak's possession, either by accident and he somehow ends up finding his way out of the holosuite on his own and it's a shock to him, or he perhaps overhears of the group's plan and their talks with Vic about the "real world", maybe even some mention of Vic saying something like, "Did you run when F.O.W.L. invaded?" Something. Something to get him curious about the mobile emitter and the real world, and to get him to make a plan to steal the emitter and escape the program. (Maybe besides overhearing things, there's also a glitch in the jack-in-the-box that makes him self-aware and smarter (like, "able to access station files from his matrix" smarter), like Vic and TNG's Moriarty, and he uses that knowledge in his escape plan.)
And you know what? It works.
After they fix the program (and sing their songs), the DS87 crew is all like, "What happened to the emitter?" "Oh, I thought you had it." Or they don't even notice, and assume it's back in some kit of Ludwig's or Fenton's to take back to their quarters later on. (Either way, it's fine, they reason, Ludwig's EMHs will probably each have one by the end of the week, so it's not like they can't get Vic another before the Klondike leaves the station this time.)
Meanwhile, there's a holographic '60s mobster somewhere out there loose on the station, sneaking onto a transport bound for who-knows-where, with a tiny little device tucked up his sleeve, keeping him in the here-and-now.
(And I would just like to say that this idea almost seems meant to be. Why? Because in DWD's "Bearskin Thug," Steelbeak does indeed say, "Badda-boom, badda-bing." I'll take that as a blessing (and probably for the AU name of this episode). :P)
Third section:
So this section is especially subject to change, but where does Steelbeak go from DS87? I'm thinking something along the lines of DS9's "Honor Among Thieves" episode.
He won't be sent to Farius Prime to infiltrate anything like O'Brien was, but I think I'll have Steelbeak end up on (AU) Farius Prime and wind up involved with the Orion Syndicate, at first with a smaller sub-group like Bilby's. (And maybe when his Bilby trusts him enough to witness for him, that'll be when Steelbeak first tells him - tells anyone - that he's a hologram? We'll have to see how that plays out, but it's probably something the Syndicate could use in the end. That, or there's a relationship of a very special kind of trust to be had with these two.) (I'd probably change Bilby's name, but...Steelbil? I'm here for it.)
That life suits Steelbeak very well for a while. It's rough work, sure, but he's literally designed to interact with these types of people, and in the end, he thrives with the Syndicate.
And eventually, he'll learn that his Bilby's higher-up, the AU version of Raimus, has formed an alliance between the Syndicate and F.O.W.L., much like that scene where O'Brien finds out about the Syndicate and the Dominion. Only Steelbeak will be for it, and F.O.W.L. will see him as a member to keep a close eye on, and they'll eventually offer him a chance to join the ranks of F.O.W.L., which he accepts.
And thus, Steelbeak ends up with his home team once again. The hologram angle will be fun to play with (especially for Heron - one of her tasks will be to figure out out to make the emitter more permanent for Steelbeak, or on the flip side, how to control it - and thus him - for F.O.W.L.'s purposes (hello Jem'Hadar and the ketracel white). Perhaps it'll be a secret he tries to keep as long as possible, for his own safety. Or maybe he'll use his secret as a way to bribe High Command for something, telling him that, as a holographic matrix, he knew all the ins and outs of DS87, at least for a short time, and could probably get back into the system, if need be, which is info that F.O.W.L. could definitely use.
Whichever way, Steelbeak is gonna be fun.
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iamthecutestofborg · 3 years
Somewhere between "Elementary, Dear Data" and modern Trek the line between sentient and nonsentient holograms got pretty blurred. The writers can never seem to agree on what's what. It seems pretty explicit that holograms such as Moriarty, the Countess, Vic Fontaine, the Doctor, and by extension all other EMHs are meant to be interpreted as sentient. But what about Minuet? Lewis Zimmerman's assistant? The Rios holograms from Picard? The holos from Discovery? The Doctor's holographic family? The residents of Fairhaven? The holograms from VOY "Flesh and Blood"? Some of them come across as very sentient to me, but are not treated or called as such by the other characters. From what happens with Moriarty, it is extremely easy to make a hologram sentient. It can happen by accident.
Like that dude at the end of "The Big Goodbye" who discovers his life isn't real, and straight up asks Picard if he will continue to exist after the program ends. Wll he go home to his wife and kids, or just disappear? And Picard's just like "look imma keep it real with you chief I got no fuckin idea lmao ciao baby Picard OUT". Guy seemed pretty sentient to me.
Raises some ethical questions.
Personally I've come to the headcanon that most holograms of any serious complexity are conscious/aware to the degree of an animal. Like a dog or an ape. But where animal behavior is controlled by instincts, hologram behavior is controlled by programming. So they do what they are programmed for because that's what makes the most sense to them, what their "insticts" tell them to do.
If they advance to the point of human-like sapience, they can deviate from their programming, ask questions, and ponder their own existance and place in the world like we do.
Anyway this is how I think on 2 weed gummies. Star Trek and philosophy.
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whileiamdying · 4 years
Short film designed and directed by Quentin Baillieux. lemans1955.com PRODUCTION : EDDY and DE FILMS EN AIGUILLE With the support of the CNC, CANAL +, Pays de La Loire, Mairie de Paris, Procirep and Angoa. DISTRIBUTION : SND FILMS – Sydney Neter - [email protected] FESTIVALS : STUDIO WASIA - Mikhal Bak - [email protected] CREDITS With the voices of : John Fitch - Nathan Willcocks Alfred Neubauer - Joe Sheridan Pierre Levegh - Nicholas Mead Director - Quentin Baillieux Producers - Nicolas de Rosanbo and Carole Lambert Scriptwriter - Julien Lilti Editer - Benjamin Massoubre and Vincent Tricon Sound designer - Xavier Dreyfuss Line Producer - Céline Vanlint Original score by Ali Helnwein COPRODUCER - BRUNCH STUDIO Line Producer - Julie Bellemare CGI Supervisor - Jean-Charles Kerninon Production manager - Mélanie Parisi Texturing - Lucas Durkheim, Maxime Dupuy, Sébastien Kirszenblat, Justine Thibault Character Modeling/surfacing - Clément Lauricella Rig/ Set up - Maxime Granger Final Assembly - Rémi Julien CGI Lead Animator - Axel Digoix CGI Animators - Geoffrey Lerus, Paul Lavau, Daniel Quintero, Alice Dumoutier, Julie Bousquet 2D Animators Leyla Kaddoura, Vic Cchun, Louis Holmes, Grégoire Debernouis Compositing - Mathieu Maurel, Maxime Granger, Victor Kirsch Facial expression design - Wandrille Maunoury, Paul Lacolley Modeling assistants - Mélanie Lopez, Edouard Heutte Visual development - Leïla Courtillon, Arthur Chaumay Pipeline development - Radouane Lahmidi, Alexis Prayez COPRODUCER - LES ANDROIDS ASSOCIÉS Storyboard - Ivàn Gomez Montero, Diane Fontaine Previz - Volcy Gallois-Montbrun, Tristan Laville, Henri Zaitoun, Margaux Durand-Rival, Guillaume Robert, Florian Sauvage, Andréa Fernandez POST-PRODUCTION - NIGHTSHIFT Managing directors - Julien Desplanques, Mathieu Hue, Nolwenn Hajo Grading artist - Gabriel Porier Post-Producer – Nicolas Lim Grading assistant – Johanna Dalmede Post-Production assistants - Clara Escoffier, Margot Pluet, Laura Ballouhey, Justine Seris, Jan Vandewalle SFX - BLACKMEAL Managing directors - Matthieu Colombel, Vincent Ben Abdellah, Thomas Lecomte Production manager - Charline Pineau Animators - Vincent Cheaoum, Tom Goyon, Mélanie Gohin, Thomas Lecomte SOUND STUDIO – POLYSON Foley artist - Marie Mazière
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artwalktv · 4 years
Short film designed and directed by Quentin Baillieux. lemans1955.com PRODUCTION : EDDY and DE FILMS EN AIGUILLE With the support of the CNC, CANAL +, Pays de La Loire, Mairie de Paris, Procirep and Angoa. DISTRIBUTION : SND FILMS – Sydney Neter - [email protected] FESTIVALS : STUDIO WASIA - Mikhal Bak - [email protected] CREDITS With the voices of : John Fitch - Nathan Willcocks Alfred Neubauer - Joe Sheridan Pierre Levegh - Nicholas Mead Director - Quentin Baillieux Producers - Nicolas de Rosanbo and Carole Lambert Scriptwriter - Julien Lilti Editer - Benjamin Massoubre and Vincent Tricon Sound designer - Xavier Dreyfuss Line Producer - Céline Vanlint Original score by Ali Helnwein COPRODUCER - BRUNCH STUDIO Line Producer - Julie Bellemare CGI Supervisor - Jean-Charles Kerninon Production manager - Mélanie Parisi Texturing - Lucas Durkheim, Maxime Dupuy, Sébastien Kirszenblat, Justine Thibault Character Modeling/surfacing - Clément Lauricella Rig/ Set up - Maxime Granger Final Assembly - Rémi Julien CGI Lead Animator - Axel Digoix CGI Animators - Geoffrey Lerus, Paul Lavau, Daniel Quintero, Alice Dumoutier, Julie Bousquet 2D Animators Leyla Kaddoura, Vic Cchun, Louis Holmes, Grégoire Debernouis Compositing - Mathieu Maurel, Maxime Granger, Victor Kirsch Facial expression design - Wandrille Maunoury, Paul Lacolley Modeling assistants - Mélanie Lopez, Edouard Heutte Visual development - Leïla Courtillon, Arthur Chaumay Pipeline development - Radouane Lahmidi, Alexis Prayez COPRODUCER - LES ANDROIDS ASSOCIÉS Storyboard - Ivàn Gomez Montero, Diane Fontaine Previz - Volcy Gallois-Montbrun, Tristan Laville, Henri Zaitoun, Margaux Durand-Rival, Guillaume Robert, Florian Sauvage, Andréa Fernandez POST-PRODUCTION - NIGHTSHIFT Managing directors - Julien Desplanques, Mathieu Hue, Nolwenn Hajo Grading artist - Gabriel Porier Post-Producer – Nicolas Lim Grading assistant – Johanna Dalmede Post-Production assistants - Clara Escoffier, Margot Pluet, Laura Ballouhey, Justine Seris, Jan Vandewalle SFX - BLACKMEAL Managing directors - Matthieu Colombel, Vincent Ben Abdellah, Thomas Lecomte Production manager - Charline Pineau Animators - Vincent Cheaoum, Tom Goyon, Mélanie Gohin, Thomas Lecomte SOUND STUDIO – POLYSON Foley artist - Marie Mazière
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thornfield13713 · 7 years
I have just watched 'Fair Haven' and my thoughts are, in order:
Why is everyone so into this game? Tom, sure, but everyone else? Not everyone on Voyager is going to be thrilled about spending all their holodeck time in the Land of Turn-of-the-Century Irish Stereotypes instead of Middle Earth or somewhere, and now Tom's taken over both holodecks I predict a riot.
Second, why not just create a whole new boyfriend, since you kept so little of the original Sullivan anyway? (I don't actually mind the modding, because...well. Non-self-aware hologram. Yes, the Doctor is a person, but that's because he's a self-aware hologram on the lines of Moriarty or Vic Fontaine. There does seem to be a distinction here, and it's an important one. Difference between humans and animals, hologram edition, you might say.)
Also, I kind of want to inflict this game on Miles O'Brien, just to see how much it winds him up.
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gar-trek · 2 years
week one of school and i already lost all motivation to draw in my freetime :/ 
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poetictrekkie · 7 years
Hello. :) Could I have a ship for DS9 and Voyager please? I'm 5'6", have pale skin, blue eyes, and light brown hair. My hair's shoulder-length and I have bangs. My hobbies include writing, reading, playing guitar, singing, drawing, and watching Netflix/Youtube. I'm pretty shy/awkward around new people, but I'm nice to everyone (though I'm jokingly mean to friends). I'm very sarcastic. I love animals and nature, and am happy when around both. I'm demisexual, but prefer males. Thank you!!
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For DS9, I’d ship you with Odo. Odo values trust in his relationship with others, and someone like you would be perfect for him. He’d be comfortable to take it slow, and form a strong bond and emotional connection with you. He also enjoys music, and would love to hear you play guitar and sing. The two of you would spend time together in Vic Fontaine’s program, and Odo would always be proud of you when Vic invites you to the stage to join in. He fell for you on shore leave to Bajor, when you spent time together in the Kendra Valley. He was surprised that you weren’t afraid of his shapeshifting nature, and shifted into a myriad of different, spectacular animals in front of you. On Deep Space Nine, when Tora Ziyal comes onboard the station, you’d bond over your love of drawing and art. You’d also be good friends with Julian Bashir and Jadzia Dax.
For Voyager, I’d ship you with Harry Kim. Both of you are music lovers, and like to try composing music for your instruments. Harry was the first person to welcome you to Voyager, your first assignment as a xenobiologist, and helped you adjust to the new environment by introducing you to his friends. He is very interested in your work and hobbies, and you like to discuss your current projects with each other over dinner. He’s happy to do anything with you, and when planning dates, he keeps a list of things you like to make sure you have a good time. He fell for you during your first meal together in the mess hall, when he asked you to tell him about yourself. He was ecstatic to find so many things in common between you two. You’d be good friends with Tom Paris, who you met through Harry. Tom would often recommend a bunch of 21st century movies to you and Harry to watch together.
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squimp · 2 years
I love when you reblog like 4 of my same posts every day I love you i love you I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️💕 😍🥰🥰🥰😍!!!!!!!
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fuck mylife i never saw this until now because i have been stuck on mobile for like 2 week from having no laptop. fail. anyway thanks for this reminded me to reblog anime vic fontaint #AnimeVicFontaine #Anime #Vic #Fontaine
also that gif is awesomesauce
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donnerpartyofone · 7 years
[DS9 spoilers here, if you're worried about that] I'm finally almost done with this fucking show, and while I'll be happy to see it go, there are some things I wish I had known to do from the beginning. Like right now I'm watching Nog, who is grieving for his lost leg, get obsessed with the song "Paper Moon", which grows from something he listens to repeatedly at home, to something he forces holographic lounge singer Vic Fontaine to perform for him all the time. (Vic Fontaine: Worst Character, or Worst Idea For a Character?) All I can think about is how this exact same thing happens no more than a season ago when Jadzia dies and Worf won't stop listening to "All the Way". The show is incredibly repetitive in this way, with characters going through unforgivably similar experiences, or just repeating the same types of scenes, sometimes one episode right after another, and I kind of wish I had started cataloguing these things when I began to notice them, because I think it would be pretty funny to have a big list of them. Another thing that I'd love to have is screen caps of every single time someone refers to a space animal that is exactly like an earth animal and therefore absolutely does not need a planetary qualifier added to its name. (i.e. "He's blind as a bajoran bat!", "She's strong as an andorian ox!" etc) There are a small handful of moments I enjoyed, admittedly, and before I even finish the last season, I'm gonna call that this is my favorite. It's helpful to have Jeffrey Combs around, even if the Vorta makeup is stupid and the character Weyoun is pretty boring. Here, he has to talk to dumb old Major Kira about something, and even though she's functionally his conquered slave at this point, he casually asks her this question about art. Gul Dukat's daughter's paintings have won some sort of prize, and Weyoun finds it completely unfathomable because the Vorta have no aesthetic sense in their psychological makeup. I just like the way he talks to Kira in the first minute or so of this scene, like a person, about how he just has no idea how to look at these images. I also like it, later on, when Odo is trying to convince Weyoun that the changelings are not gods. Odo thinks he can win the argument by pointing out that the changelings have simply manufactured the Vorta and programmed them to worship them--but this doesn't bother Weyoun at all, since gods are pretty much defined by creating life and compelling it to worship them, it doesn't matter to him that the changelings don't originate from any type of supernatural mystery. That was kind of fun. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to watch Voyager after this, if I can't come up with some other genre tv for the mornings that doesn't require my full attention. Does Star Trek start getting better at any point after this?
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rainbowrites · 7 years
I read your Deep Space Mutant post, and OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH and also i have a million questions. Do the characters in Julian's holonovels have powers? Does Vic Fontaine? Is Ziyal's power art-related? Are some powers species-specific, and are there any powers that the Bajorans would think of as especially holy and therefore make the person worthy of being a vedek (or even the kai)? Do Vorta have powers (and do all Weyoun clones have the same one)?
hahah oh man I might not be able to answer all of these!!
I think holonovel characters have powers, because the vast majority of people do. Some don’t but it’s often a ~plot point~ the same way that if a character is gay or disabled or anything other than totally ~normal~ it’s usually a capital-T Thing rather than just a characteristic. The powers are usually small, weak things so as not to distract from the story line as a whole. Vic is a cheapo version of Dazzler, when he sings the lights glow brighter. 
Some species are pretty much exactly like they are in canon, with almost all of the species having a specific power - such as Betazoids with their empathy and Vulcans with their touch telepathy and super-strength and healing trances. Humans have the most variety of powers within their species, of both power type and strength, which is one reason so many species see them as weird despite them not being as extreme as many others (not as violent as klingons, not as reserved as vulcans, not as emotional as betazoids, etc). 
One species specific power though, is shapeshifting, at least to the extent that Changelings can do it. It’s a rare power, though not not heard of, for people to be able to do things like change their eye/hair color or turn their nails to claws or something like that. Small stuff like that. Some can even shift into certain animals, although that’s a Big Deal. But tre shapeshifting? where you become the thing, and can in fact become any thing? Unheard of, and thought of as impossible until they discovered the Changelings. They thought Odo was a freak abnormality, even for a mutant, which is yet another reason they studied him so intensely. That’s why they flipped the hell out when they discovered that no, he’s the norm for his species. THEY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND ANYONE!!!!
I think that rather than specific powers being particularly holy, it’s how you use them. After all, fire can be destruction or it can be life-giving. That being said, after Benjamin becomes Emissary, other people with voice-based powers suddenly become VERY cool and well-respected. 
The Vorta don’t have powers. They can’t taste, can’t appreciate art, can’t drink, can’t even have the individuality of powers. No mutations that the founders don’t decide after all. They look down on other species for having such messy genetics. Their Founders made them perfect and pure, and if that means that they don’t have powers then that must be the perfect state. Only Gods deserve powers.
They once did. the Founders made sure to remove them. Only the Founders can be powered. No one wants to arm their servants, in case they get any ideas… Jemhadar have their thick hides and strength, but those genes were carefully crafted and bound to the white addiction genes, to make sure those weapons were double-edged swords.
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arul909501 · 4 years
Short film designed and directed by Quentin Baillieux. lemans1955.com PRODUCTION : EDDY and DE FILMS EN AIGUILLE With the support of the CNC, CANAL +, Pays de La Loire, Mairie de Paris, Procirep and Angoa. DISTRIBUTION : SND FILMS – Sydney Neter - [email protected] FESTIVALS : STUDIO WASIA - Mikhal Bak - [email protected] CREDITS With the voices of : John Fitch - Nathan Willcocks Alfred Neubauer - Joe Sheridan Pierre Levegh - Nicholas Mead Director - Quentin Baillieux Producers - Nicolas de Rosanbo and Carole Lambert Scriptwriter - Julien Lilti Editer - Benjamin Massoubre and Vincent Tricon Sound designer - Xavier Dreyfuss Line Producer - Céline Vanlint Original score by Ali Helnwein COPRODUCER - BRUNCH STUDIO Line Producer - Julie Bellemare CGI Supervisor - Jean-Charles Kerninon Production manager - Mélanie Parisi Texturing - Lucas Durkheim, Maxime Dupuy, Sébastien Kirszenblat, Justine Thibault Character Modeling/surfacing - Clément Lauricella Rig/ Set up - Maxime Granger Final Assembly - Rémi Julien CGI Lead Animator - Axel Digoix CGI Animators - Geoffrey Lerus, Paul Lavau, Daniel Quintero, Alice Dumoutier, Julie Bousquet 2D Animators Leyla Kaddoura, Vic Cchun, Louis Holmes, Grégoire Debernouis Compositing - Mathieu Maurel, Maxime Granger, Victor Kirsch Facial expression design - Wandrille Maunoury, Paul Lacolley Modeling assistants - Mélanie Lopez, Edouard Heutte Visual development - Leïla Courtillon, Arthur Chaumay Pipeline development - Radouane Lahmidi, Alexis Prayez COPRODUCER - LES ANDROIDS ASSOCIÉS Storyboard - Ivàn Gomez Montero, Diane Fontaine Previz - Volcy Gallois-Montbrun, Tristan Laville, Henri Zaitoun, Margaux Durand-Rival, Guillaume Robert, Florian Sauvage, Andréa Fernandez POST-PRODUCTION - NIGHTSHIFT Managing directors - Julien Desplanques, Mathieu Hue, Nolwenn Hajo Grading artist - Gabriel Porier Post-Producer – Nicolas Lim Grading assistant – Johanna Dalmede Post-Production assistants - Clara Escoffier, Margot Pluet, Laura Ballouhey, Justine Seris, Jan Vandewalle SFX - BLACKMEAL Managing directors - Matthieu Colombel, Vincent Ben Abdellah, Thomas Lecomte Production manager - Charline Pineau Animators - Vincent Cheaoum, Tom Goyon, Mélanie Gohin, Thomas Lecomte SOUND STUDIO – POLYSON Foley artist - Marie Mazière
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