bsdtakanenohana · 4 months
Takane No Hana │ 高値 の 花
Summary: (n.) someone or something one desires but is far away or unattainable; lit. "flower on a high peak” If you love long, drawn out stories and other people’s BSD OCs you’ve come to the right place.
Rating: T (will probably change in later chapters)
Relationships: Osamu Dazai & original female character, Chuuya Nakahara & original female character
Other AO3 Tags: Developing Friendships, Platonic Relationships, Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, Slow Burn, the romance is a lot later on when I say slow burn I mean slow burn, you get to find out which relationships develop which way(s), Pre-Fifteen Light Novel
AN: If any corrections need to be made to my chapter titles please tell me, I don't speak Japanese and I'm relying on phrases found online + an online translator (not Google). Thank you for reading!
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Chapter Four
Sono Shunkan Wa Watashi No Kioku Ni Yakitsuite Iru | その瞬間は私の記憶に焼き付いている
“That moment is burned into my memory.”
The Saturday after the next weekend Layla went to the Mafia headquarters again. Dazai wasn’t there.
She spent the days training to have better control over her special ability. While she kept Starbound’s true power a secret from all, the portion that she did allow others to know about was still difficult. When it came to manipulating nearby plasma, she thrived. As long as she had no emotions, there was no reason for it to get out of control. But when it came time to create plasma, the difficulties set in.
It ended up being a correct assessment to say that there was a time limit on her power to create. As long as she had been manipulating nearby plasma for a few minutes, no matter how small it was, she could create her own. The only exception to this, and she knew of this possibility before, was if she created it using her emotions. Layla could work with the time limit though. It was also a lot of effort to control the created plasma. As she created it, she had to focus and think of what she knew about her ability. Sometimes she had to read from science journals to understand its full capabilities. It wasn’t like other special abilities that just came naturally, she had to be aware of the very nature that surrounded her. It was its own scientific process.
After seven minutes of playing with a spark of electricity from an open wire, she was finally able to use Starbound to create a much larger and entirely different strand of purple electricity which went from one hand to the next, back and forth, getting more powerful with each charge she put in it. She stood on the roof of YYRGK’s hideout. With one push of her right hand, Layla pulled it all into one and then thrust it out, a zap a lot similar to a lightning strike shot out across the rooftops. It went past two nearby buildings before dropping to the ground and making a cracking sound as it impacted the concrete. Immediately afterward she shot out another purple bolt. If she went more than a few seconds without creating or controlling some type of plasma, the time limit would come back.
When Layla first discovered she was gifted, the time limit was one of the most puzzling aspects about it. Why did she have to warm up her ability in order to unlock the next level of it, every single time she used it? In time she understood what the kind old lady said was true, it was a sort of defense mechanism to protect herself. While controlling plasma around her didn’t have any negative effects, creating it did. It’s impossible to create something from nothing. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed, just change form. And Starbound used her own energy.
She tried again and again, shooting off lightning into the air. Layla did it with kicks and punches as if she was in a fight, imagining how it would be to trick opponents into thinking they only had to dodge her fist and then flinging fifty volts at them instead. There was a pause as she tried to create fire. Too slow. The change from creating one to the other needed to be quicker. Now she was out and had to wait to recharge.
Even though she was now hungry, Layla walked over to the other side of the roof and picked up a lighter she swiped from the convenience store. She wanted to always have one on her so she was never again in a situation like a few weeks ago near the docks. Electricity was everywhere so she had thought she would always have some form of defense. In the blindspots of the world where there was no electricity, she needed to carry her own fire with her.
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There were dark clouds in the sky that foretold heavy rain. Living so close to the ocean meant storms were more likely even in months that were not in the rainy season. But the clouds made the alleyway darker, creating a better hiding spot for Layla.
This was her first real mission. She did not think she was ready. She hadn’t trained enough with her ability, and she hadn’t trained with another ability user in years.
Her job was to reclaim money from an opposing gang. A year ago, when the city was still in bloodshed because of the constant wars started by the Port Mafia, this group had stolen items worth three million yen from YYRGK. They had been too weak to retaliate at the time. But today, a courier was taking that much money and more from one of their hideouts to the headquarters. Layla was sent to ambush and take the money back.
Four armed lackeys. None of them with special abilities, to her boss's knowledge. If the information was accurate, it would be easy pickings. If not, today could be the day she died. It wasn’t as if there were scores of Gifteds running around in all the gangs, so there was a good chance it was nothing. She kept quiet in her little nook seven feet off the ground, not even playing with the lighter which would only give away her position.
If a half trained twelve year old can take out four grown men with guns, that’s something to be proud of and celebrate. Layla had to tell herself these things. Sometimes she liked to think about what emotions others would feel in certain situations and pretend that that’s what she felt too. It helped her from being tempted to stop suppressing them.
There were footsteps to the right of her. She turned her head slowly and crouched even lower, hiding most of her face in the collar of her black shirt. This was a precarious ledge she was on, too much movement was risky. Five men cut through the alleyway, three already with pistols drawn. Layla waited until they were directly underneath her to make her move. She hoped the extra man wasn’t an ability user, flicked her lighter on and threw it to her left, in the direction they were walking. The alleyway lit up in a blaze. She had doused gasoline yards away as part of the ambush.
Since she threw the lighter at an angle, when it dropped, it looked like it dropped from straight above. The three men with their pistols drawn were looking up and ahead, the one who looked like he had a satchel under his coat stood still, and the fifth one spun around, seemingly ready to fight whoever was going to come from behind with his bare hands.
A skill user? Layla thought before reaching her left arm in the direction of the wall of fire and swiping it across herself like she was swatting a mosquito. The fire came flying at the men, burning the ones with pistols; she stopped the fire from getting too close to the man with the satchel, not wanting to burn the money. As it was, the fire was growing too fast. She had used too much gasoline.
The alleyway was filled with their screams as they attempted to put themselves out. She quickly called some fire to her and then aimed a blast at the man in the back. His eyes had been searching for the assailant but didn’t see the fire until it had already hit him. With no defenses, he too was left to burn and try to put himself out. It seemed he wasn’t an ability user after all, but had been calling for back-up.
With that she had given away her position so Layla knew she had to act fast. She launched herself off the ledge, ready to use the man with the satchel to break her fall. But in the commotion he had drawn a gun without her noticing. After he saw where the fire blast had come from, he aimed his gun in her direction.
They made eye contact as she fell.
Everything in her body told her to react and she managed to turn as shots rang out. The bullets went through the air where her chest had just been. But there wasn’t enough time to do much else and she landed with nothing to break her fall.
There was a jolt of intense pain, a scramble to keep her emotions from appearing, and a blur of black shooting through the air. Layla’s mind didn’t process the third thing at first. She was still waiting for the final shot that would kill her while reaching for the fire that would burn the bastard even after she was dead.
It didn’t happen. Instead she heard the sound of a body colliding into a brick wall. She turned her head to the direction the blur had disappeared. Standing over the man with the satchel, who was crumpled into the ground unconscious, was a boy her age. His hands were in the pockets of his dark green biker jacket. Her vision was blurry with pain, her left leg most likely broken, but she could still make out some of his face against the backdrop of the wall of fire.
Like an avenging angel, she thought in a daze.
“You shoulda never stolen from The Sheep,” the boy said as he bent down and picked up the satchel. He opened it and checked the contents.
Layla was trying to discreetly get away by scooting. One of the burnt men was passed out on the ground, possibly dead. Another had run off instead of stopping, dropping, and rolling. The other two were severely burnt but trying to reach their comrade whom the boy was standing on.
“Wow. This is twenty times the amount you took from us.” The boy laughed, not seeming to care at all that two men were trying to pick up scraps in the alley to use as weapons, their guns still too hot to touch.
Because most of that is our money, Layla thought. Nobody was paying attention to her, the other gang members probably thought it was the boy who had lit everything on fire. But how would she get the money from this red-haired boy? Maybe if she pretended to be a little injured kid, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, he would feel bad and give her what he didn’t need.
Didn’t he just say he was a member of The Sheep? Maybe I should approach and plead to join.
“If you ever try to retaliate for this,” he said, finally acknowledging the two injured men, “remember what The Sheep does to those who harm them.” And suddenly the man underneath his shoe began sinking into the ground.
Layla was confused for a moment before realizing who was in front of her. This was the gravity manipulator, the one called the King of the Sheep.
Another dark blur flew by and he was gone. She had managed to get behind a trash can to hide until the men went away. One was calling off the back-up and instead saying they’d need to kidnap a doctor to fix them up. The burnt man on the ground was still alive, as was the man the Sheep King pushed into the ground. But he was under the cement with serious injuries from being slammed around. He seemed to be stuck.
She decided then was as good a time as any to sneak away. As she continued to crawl behind trash piled up on the side of the alleyway, she heard sirens in the distance. The fire was growing. Once she was near the street entrance, she stood needing to get out of the area quickly. It hurt, but if she was able to stand, she doubted her leg was broken. Last time, she hadn’t been able to put any weight on it.
As she painfully limped down the street, she heard a gunshot ring out from the alley behind her.
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Nothing was broken but Layla’s left ankle and knee were sprained, the ligaments inside very damaged. And somehow her hip bone was bruised. It didn’t take her out of work for even a full day, but she was on office duty only until she was completely healed.
With a brace on her ankle and knee, and her leg elevated on a nearby chair she typed away on the office’s computer. She had one tab open to help her because she still sometimes she made mistakes when writing. And mistakes were not a thing she could afford to make in this line of work.
As it was she had failed the mission. She didn’t get even a part of their money back. It wasn’t her fault, nobody had planned on a third party busting in and taking it all. True, if it wasn’t for him doing that she would still have failed and also been killed, but she didn’t tell that to her superiors. The pain wasn’t as intense when she had made it back so she had been able to explain herself and lie so as to not be severely punished. There had been a hard backhand across her face which sent her off balance and collapsing to the floor, but the sting of it was blurred with the pain medication she had received not long after for her sprains. And because her injuries already took her out of physical labor, she wasn’t punished– corporally– further. They needed her skill back in commission too badly to injure her more.
Layla refused to stop for meal breaks, wanting to make up for her failure. It had put her in a precarious spot, even if her special skill was desired. Lunchtime was two hours ago but she was still writing up documents and making sure everything was translated properly. Her mind kept wandering away from her job and towards the boy she saw two days ago.
The rumors of The Sheep having a gifted who could manipulate the gravity of the things he touched seemed a little outlandish that even she almost doubted them. How could someone have a skill that gave him control over one of the four fundamental forces? Her ability was almost like that and she had already thought herself a freak amongst freaks. The idea that it would be better to leave YYRGK and join them kept making more and more sense.
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flobro · 4 years
Extra Practice
Eren Jaeger x Reader
o m o r a s h i
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2nd Person PoV 
Eren pulled your hand along as you trailed behind him, the sound of twigs and leaves snapping under your feet.
It was currently eleven pm and you were making your way towards the training area with your best friend, Eren. You two had been close your whole lives so obviously he had come to you with his problem first, even before Armin and Mikasa.
‘So tell me Eren,’ You asked him, ‘Why exactly are we going to train anyway?’
‘I still cant balance properly with my omni-directional mobility gear. I spoke a big game and then embarrassed myself in front of everyone,’ Eren huffed, ‘I cant let that happen again!’
You knew how stubborn and driven he was so you didnt even try to tell him to calm down. In fact, seeing him so engaged with his tasks usually pushed you to try harder too so you were quite thankful for it really.
Once you reached the training area, Eren was immediately prepared to begin.
‘Okay Y/n! Can you help attach me please?’ He asked me, already begining to clip one of the straps onto the training equipment.
‘Yeah, sure!’ I nodded and helped him get all of his leather straps connected.
It took at least ten minuets to get Eren fully ready and secured into the practice.
Erens PoV
I stood in the training gear and Y/n stood at the side, holding a rope which would hoist me in the air.
‘Are you ready?’ She asked me, preparing to pull the rope.
I double checked my gear when i felt a dull ache in my bladder. Of course i had forgotten to go to the bathroom before we left the cabins.
*Damn!* I thought to myself, *Well im not gonna be able to go now. I can hold it.*
I looked over at Y/n and nodded, completely ignoring my bladder, ‘Im ready!’
She smiled at me and nodded, yanking the rope and i felt my feet lift off the ground in a jolting and sudden movement.
The gear around my waist tightened as i hung in the air, pressing down on my bladder firmly. I gasped as i felt a short spurt of urine leave me.
I was about to grab my crotch to help stop the flow but i remembered that Y/n was there and I didnt want to embarass myself infront of her so instead i just squeezed my legs together really tightly and prayed.
Luckily, i managed to stop the stream after a few seconds so only my underwear was damp and nothing was actually visible on my trousers.
Y/n raised an eyebrow at me, ‘You okay?’
I nodded, ‘Y-yeah im alright! Lets just keep going.’
I ignored my need to pee as i tried my very hardest to stay upright on the omni-directional mobility gear. Each time i would tip the wrong way, my body would immediately tense, trying my best not to wet myself.
After about half an hour had passed, i found myself becoming extremely desperate and i could barely focus on the gear anymore.
‘Y-Y/n i think i s-should get out now.’ I said, urgency evident in my voice.
She looked at me with a concerned expression, ‘Are you alright!?’
I nodded, ‘Yeah im just a b-bit tired.’
She grabbed the rope and tried to lower me down but nothing happened.
‘Hmm i think the rope is stuck Eren.’ She said and my hesrt sank.
‘W-what!? I n-need to get out!’ I said, panicking as my palms began to sweat.
She yanked on the rope more but it continued to stay stuck, ‘Are you sure youre alright?’
My face reddened, ‘I r-really need to p-pee!’
Another wave of desperation came over me and i didnt even try to hide it as i crammed my hands between my legs, gasping as i felt more urine leave me. Once again i managed to cut it off after about ten seconds. My hands felt slightly damp and i knew i had leaked through my trousers a bit.
‘P-please hurry i... I CANT HOLD MUCH LONGER!’ I yelped as my bladder twinged uncomfortably.
She nodded and ran over to me, ‘Theres no way i can get the rope to lower you but if i remove your gear you can slip out of it.’
She pulled on one of the buckles and her fingers slightly pressed against my lower abdomen, adding more pressure onto my bladder.
My legs shook at the amount of effort i was putting into keeping them pressed together. My eyes were squinted shut and my teeth were clenched together.
I was so focused on keeping myself from leaking that i didnt even realise that my bladder was slowly letting go until i heard Y/n gasp and slight pattering on the ground below me.
Y/n stepped away from me and i looked down in horror to see my trousers darkening as the wet patch grew accross my thighs and down my legs.
The relief felt almost orgasmic as i tilted my head back, moaning at the strong sensation. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, embarassment filling my whole body.
The whole area was silent appart from the sound of piss dripping onto the floor and quiet hissing. Y/n was completely silent and i couldnt bring myself to speak, only panting slightly.
After about two minutes i was finally completely empty. The full impact of embarrassment kicked in and my face blew up in a bright red colour and i was lost for words. Right on time, the rope keeping me in the air came unstuck and i fell into the puddle i had made below me, the front of my trousers becoming even more soaked in piss.
Y/n walked up to me and gently held my arms and helped me stand up. I couldnt make eye contact with her.
‘Dont be embarrassed Eren. Its only human.’ She said softly.
‘I... Im so s-sorry.’ I said, ashame laced through my voice.
She pulled me into a hug, the piss on the front of my trousers rubbing onto her legs slightly. Somehow she remained completely unbothered by this.
‘Dont say sorry,’ She told me, pulling out of the hug.
I nodded, ‘Promise you wont tell anyone about this?’
She giggled, ‘I swear on my life.’
hiya !
ive had this idea for ages but only just got round to writing it so i hope you enjoyed it hahaha !!
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flobro · 4 years
Omovember 2020
Day Two - At a Desk
Nishinoya x Reader
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Nishinoya’s PoV 
I sat at my desk in History class, glancing at the wall every few seconds, my throat dry and my palms sweating slightly as i tried my best to focus on my work.
It was a really hot day so i had been drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated as any normal person would. Annoyingly, this had taken its toll on my bladder which was now quite full up.
It was third period with only twenty minuets until lunch time which meant i had already been holding for an hour and forty minuets.
I quickly stuck my hand up and the teacher looked over at me asking, ‘Yes, Nishinoya?’
‘P-please my i g-go to the b-bathroom?’ I asked shakily, putting my quivering arm back down.
The teacher glanced at the clock before shaking her head, ‘You only have twenty minuets until lunch. You can hold it.’
I nodded my head and quickly picked up my pen again even though i was thinking *No, actually. I really cant hold it.*
Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, sending a jolt through my body, painfully jabbing through my bladder. I had to squeeze my thighs together really tightly to stop anything from leaking out.
I secretly grabbed my phone from out of my pocket, keeping it hidden under my desk so that my teacher couldnt see.
Y/n Bestieeee
hey you good ?
you look really desperate :(
I blushed at the message, not only because Y/n was aware of how much i had to pee, but also because i had a raging crush on her.
My bladder twinged once again and one of my hands flew to my crotch, pressing tightly as i felt a bit more pee come out of me.
I managed to cut off the leak but as soon as i went to take my hand away a bit more came out so i had to keep my hand there as i replied to Y/n with only one hand.
yeah ngl i gotta pee real bad
just gonna have to wait till lunch >:(
I put my phone back into my pocket and looked towards Y/n who was sitting two seats away from me.
She was already looking at me with pity writen on her face. She did the sign of the cross at me and pretended like she was praying that i would be okay.
I chuckled slightly which applied pressure onto my bladder making quite a lot of pee come out of me.
I gasped loudly making a few heads turn to me for a split second before going back to their work. Luckily the teacher didnt look at me otherwise that wouldve been awkward.
My boxers were completely soaked and i knew there was a puddle on my chair as it soaked into my trousers as i shuffled around slightly, trying to be as descrete with my need as possible.
I looked at the clock quickly to see that fifteen minutes had passed and i now only had to hold for another five minutes.
I sighed in relief...
But then i realised that i wasnt only sighing in relief of the time...
But also the feeling of my blader emptying itself without my permission.
My face turned red and my heart hammered against my chest in utter panic as my lap and legs began to slowly get covered in my urine.
‘Class is dissmissed.’ I heard my tracher say and students began to pack up.
Y/n quickly grabbed her stuff and stood in front of my desk, shielding me from view. She gave me a look which told me she knew exactly what i had done.
‘Dont worry,’ She whispered so only i could hear, ‘Ill hide you until everyones gone.’
Luckily she always came to my desk at the end of lessons so no one thought twice about it as they left the room.
Once the room was empty appart from me, Y/n and our teacher i stood up from my seat, a deep blush coating my whole face.
‘Erm... s-sorry but... can i go home e-early today?’ I asked my teacher who looked at me with wide eyes.
‘Yes, you’ll have to. Y/n im guessing you want to go with him?’ The teacher asked us.
Y/n nodded, ‘Yeah of course... come on Yuu. Lets sneak outta this place... spy mode.’
I smiled at her, glad about how chill she was being regarding the situation and happy that we could always count on each other.
hey guys !
hope you liked day two !!
~ flobro
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flobro · 4 years
Omovember 2020
Day One - In a Vehicle
Kageyama x Reader
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Kageyama’s PoV 
Could i get any stupider?
In the rush of Hinata, Y/n and I finishing our tests, scrambling into Tanaks sisters car and setting off immediately for Tokyo I hadnt had time to pee.
Hinata was sat in the front passenger seat as Y/n and I were in the back of the car.
To make matters even worse, i had a huge crush on Y/n and the nerves of sitting next to her were bugging my bladder even more.
I tried to keep my breathing steady because i knew that if i panicked things would only get even worse for my nerves.
I wasnt too desperate yet but the need was still there. We had only been driving for about ten minuets so i definitely couldnt ask how much longer we had to drive yet otherwise everyone would definitely know something was wrong with me.
I crossed my legs which seemed to ease the pressure a little bit and made everything a bit more bearable and i tried to focus my mind on anything but my need to pee.
I jumped slightly as Y/n tapped my shoulder five minuets later and i felt my bladder twinge slightly, making me squeeze my thighs together as descretely as i could.
‘Whats up?’ I asked Y/n, who sent me a stunning smile.
‘You look bored, you wanna listen to some music with me?’ She asked, holding out one of her earbuds to me.
I nodded and shakily grabbed the headphone, ‘Yeah, thanks.’
She just nodded, ‘No problem!’
We had to shuffle slightly closer to eachother so that the earphones could reach to both of our ears and i couldnt help but notice how my seatbelt uncomfortablely pressed down onto my bladder, making my desperation go from a 4/10 to a 7/10.
Hinata and Saeko (Tanakas sister) were chatting happily about volleyball and the tiny giant in the front seats and i was glad that they werent focused on me because then i would feel even more pressured.
Another fifteen minuets had passed and I had tried my best to get lost in Y/n’s music but now my bladder was almost at its maximum capacity and i was beginning to shuffle around a bit, squeezing my thighs together as tight as possible.
Y/n looked at me and yanked the headphone wire, making them fall out of both of our ears.
Y/n went closer to my ear and whispered, ‘Hey, are you okay? You seem uncomfortable?’
My body shivered at the feeling of her breath on my skin and it relaxed my body for a second, making a bit of urine leak out of me.
I gasped and crammed my hands onto my crotch, tensing my body up again, stopping the flow as fast as i possibly could.
Y/n’s eyes widened in realisation and i blushed a deep red, hiding my face away from her, waiting for her to tell me how disgusting and gross i am.
But she didnt...
Instead, she placed a hand comfortingly on my shoulder, her touch making my heart rate speed up even more.
‘Is there anything i can do to help you?’ She whispered to me once again, continuing to keep her voice low so Saeko and Hinata wouldnt ask questions.
I shook my head and tried to calm myself down. There was no way in hell that i was gonna show myself up in front of the girl i like by acting like a four year old.
‘N-no,’ I said, trying to act as calm as possible, ‘Im f-fine dont worry.’
She didnt look like she believed me so i slowly removed my hands from between my legs to try and prove that i wasnt as desperate as it seemed.
Bad idea.
As soon as i took my hands away, another bit of urine left me and i gasped once again, putting my hands back onto my crotch.
This time the flow was harder to control and i knew that there was a 99% chance that there would be a wet patch on my shorts.
Saeko and Hinata must have heard me gasp because their conversation stopped abruptly.
‘You okay back there?’ Sakeo asked and i felt my throat dry up.
Hinata began to turn around to look at us and Y/n and I both panicked, knowing he would see my obvious state of desperation.
Y/n suddenly unclipped her seatbelt and laid accross my lap gently, covering up my crossed legs and hiding my odd hand placement.
Her arm momentarily dug into my stomach, pressing on my overfilled bladder, forcing a two second stream of urine out of me which i painfully cut off, knowing that my boxers were almost fully soaked now.
‘How come your laid down, Y/n?’ Hinata asked her and she sighed.
‘I just feel a bit car sick,’ She said, ‘Do you know how long it will be until we get to Tokyo?’
*Slick* I thought to myself. She had somehow managed to cover up the fact i was about to pee myself AND had a good reason to ask how long it would take until we would arrive.
Hinata frowned, ‘Oh thats not good, i hope you feel better soon!’ and turned back around to look out of the front window.
‘We will arrive in half an hour but were gonna be on this stretch of road for another twenty minuets and wont see another place to stop for a while.’ Saeko said, sounding worried about Y/n.
Y/n frowned at me and sat up again, ‘Okay dont worry, im feeling a bit better after lying down but when we come across a place to stop it would be nice to be stationary for a while.’
Saeko chuckled slightly, ‘Okie dokie! Ill keep that in mind for you!’
Y/n mustve seen the tears in my eyes and my expression showing that i had completely lost hope as she placed an arm around my shoulders, hugging my side for a second before whispering, ‘Sorry i couldnt help you much. Dont stress out, we’ll find a stop for you. You’ll be okay.’
I got butterflies in my stomach from her touch but i ignored them, not wanting to focus on anything else other than holding myself in.
Y/n clipped herself back into her seat and I decided that i would have to speak up. Y/n already knew and Saeko wouldnt make fun of me. Surely i could just scare Hinata into keeping his mouth shut too.
‘C-can you drive a-any faster?’ I shakily asked, panic evident in my voice, ‘I r-really need t-the bathroom.’
Saeko immediately sped the car up, ‘Ill drive as fast as i can. We’ll reach a stop in about fifteen minuets. Can you last?’
I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, feeling pathetic and stupid, ‘I... I d-dont know!’
‘Its usually me who need to pee.’ Hinata said from his seat, making me bubble with anger.
‘S-shut up idiot! This i-isnt funny!’ I growled at him, unable to make my voice any louder.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, putting all my energy into keeping my muscles tensed as much as i possibly could.
My eyes widened as my body began to relax itsself against my will.
‘No... NO.. NO!’ I panicked, ‘YOU N-NEED TO PULL THE C-CAR OVER!’
Saeko quickly turned the wheel and brought the car to the side of the road and i unclipped my seatbelt, threw the door open, and scrambled out of the car.
As soon as i got out i immediately crumbled onto the floor, my legs giving out underneath me as my lap began to feel warm.
Wow. I had really gone and done it hadnt i? I pissed myself in front of my senpais sister, annoying volleyball partner AND my crush. Could it have been any worse?
My shorts were completely soaked and a puddle had began to grow around me. I couldnt even bring myself to try and stop it because my body felt so weak.
No amount of embarassment would ever compare to what i was feeling in that moment. I didnt even want to begin to imagine what Saeko, Hinata and Y/n were thinking of me.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and i kept my head down so no one would be able to see my face.
It took at least a minute for my bladder to fully empty. I felt so pathetic and dumb but there was nothing i could do other than just sit there and wait for myself to be finished.
A pair of shoes came into my line of vision and i looked up slowly to see Y/n with her hand stretched out to me, offering to help me up.
I looked away from her quickly, my voice barely above a whisper, ‘You s-shouldnt touch m-me. Im a-all gross. Even m-my hands.’
She crouched down and placed a hand on my cheek, wiping away one of my tears and making me look up at her, my face even redder.
‘I dont care. Dont stress about it okay? Its a human need. There wasnt anything you could do to avoid it.’ She said in a calm and genuine voice.
I nodded and she grabbed my slightly damp hand. I glanced at her face and she want even slightly disgusted.
I stood up and Y/n kept her hand laced with mine.
We got back into the car, I was sat on a towel. Saeko said that she didnt mind and strangely Hinata hadnt even mentioned it which i was thankful for. Although everyone was being very calm and unaffected by it, i still felt mortified. 
Y/n suddenly lent over to me to whisper in my ear one last time, ‘Dont worry about it so much. Ill always have a crush on you.’
My face reddened as i looked at her, ‘I h-have a c-crush on you too.’ 
Y/n giggled, ‘I guess that makes me your girlfriend then.’
hey guys !!
this was my first time writing an omofic so i hope you liked it !!!
~ flobro 
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