#anit NH
narhinafan · 1 year
Theres a twitter account running naruhina month 2023 and is blocking other nh twitter account who is anti sakura.
That account mainly ship disgusting borusara ship and sasusaku. It's so sad that sakura hypocrite is blocking nh accounts who doesn't stan sakura.
Even here in tumblr all nh accounts are sakura stans hidden under nh name.
That nhmonth2023 call themselve bighest nh but in reality is a biggest disgusting hypocrite who is trashkura fan.
Seriously that is just wrong, sure if they don't like anit Sakura fan, but its rude just to block nh who want to take part in NaruHina month they are running just cause of that.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
Nomad, on the Wolguard battlepass:
Things got tense when Nighthaven left, but Doc got calm. No more what-ifs, no more infighting. He was relieved. He was ready to go out and help people. 
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Nessie’s F:GO profile and voice lines~
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Bond Levels
A strange and unique summoning that usually shouldn’t be possible, but since things have come to this- it may as well happen.  Her presence is quite low, but the throne of heroes ended up picking her up anyways. Not really an ally of humanity, but even this monster doesn’t mind helping out, either. 
This is Nessie- The Loch Ness Monster. 
Level 1
Height/Weight: 197cm・93kg Source: History / Folklore Region: Scotland Alignment: Neutral - Monster Gender: Female Nessie technically doesn’t fit into the human gender binary but allocated herself as ‘female’ because she liked how the words felt. 
Level 2
Nessie is not human. This is a fact any Master should learn quickly. While she looks human, this is where the comparison stops. She can be cold and uncaring toward humans, and she’s neutral at best toward her master. She follows orders just fine but would prefer her Master leave her to her own devices outside of combat.
Level 3
Though servants don’t require food, Nessie insists upon eating even so. Raw meat, specifically fish, seems to be her favourite. Even in this humanoid form, her teeth are sharp enough to easily rip through meat like this. Combined with her inhuman strength, isn’t she a little scary?
Level 4
Even if she’s not human, as Nessie bonds with her master, certain questions will arise. Questions like “Hm, hey, is my body okay, Master? What do you think of it?” and “Are you really okay with having a monster like me around? No, I don’t mind being a monster, I’m just...never mind, never mind.”   She will grow more thoughtful toward her master and other humans. Even if she is not human, even if she never will be, and even if she has accepted that...There’s no harm in enjoying their company, right? 
Level 5
Nathair O' Iverness Rank: C - A Type: Anit-Unti (Self) An extremely powerful reality marble that re-creates Nessie’s home- The Waters of Loch Ness.(sort of.) A thick fog rolls in and the water is still and calm. The water is shallow, just barely reaching the ankles on most people, however... In this reality marble, Nessie reverts to her true form - The Real Loch Ness Monster.  She is capable of diving into the water as if it were incredibly deep, and surface wherever she wishes, and attack the enemy with her large and powerful body. 
This noble phantasm is hard to maintain, not because of it’s power (it’s not that strong compared to some others.), but because of how much mana is needed by Nessie in her true form- as the mystery surrounding it increases the drain some great amount. 
Despite everything, Nessie is a Monster. But, still, she’s aware of human concepts, like fun, love, and heroism. Even if she doesn’t know it yet, she’s adjusting quite well. ..this time she’s spent with her master is truly precious to her...For a self-proclaimed monster to fell this way...
It’s such a sticky kind of 2-faced situation, isn’t it?
Bond LVL 10 CE:  Lake under the stars-  Gain 6 C.stars per turn and start the battle with Evade (2 times), and increase buster card effectiveness for yourself by 25%, only when equipped by Loch Ness Monster (Assassin.)
“The stars above her home shone down on those quiet lonely nights. Reflecting upon the surface, her eyes filled with some hope for the future. With such a beautiful sight before her, the monster can’t help but smile, before diving back down into the starless darkness below...”
Upon Summoning: “...Assassin, Loch Ness Monster, has risen. I’ll do what I can...hm? Oh, you can call me Nessie, if it’s easier.”
Level Up: “Mhmm, mhmm...Tasty~!” 1st Ascension: “Clothes....I changed my look slightly. Since you’ve paid this much attention to me, I figured it was fine...”  2nd Ascension: “...My teeth feel sharper than ever before...Ah? No, it’s nothing...!” 3rd Ascension: “ Raaaghhr!!  I’m really getting stronger now...Doesn’t it make you nervous, master? A real Monster getting this strong~?” 4th Ascension:  “ Well this is me. You might be, uhm...the first human to see me like this, like...ever... Weh? I’m not embarrassed! I don’t even know what that entails! Hey, tell me! Tell meee--!!”
Battle Start 1: “Let's go.” Battle Start 2: “Fighting on land isn’t my speciality, but...” Skill 1: “Alrighty, Master.”  Skill 2: “Look away, please...” Skill 3: “ This’ll do nicely.”
Command Card Selected 1: “Understood.” Command Card Selected 2: “I’ll do it.” Command Card Selected 3: “Command Acknowledged!” Extra Attack: “This is the true power of a Monster! ” Noble Phantasm Selected: “Time to go home, already?” Noble Phantasm Selected 2: “ Shapeshift- Go~~!”   
Regular Damage 1: “Gh-!” Regular Damage 2: “Ah-!” Regular Damage 3: “Nh~!” Damage from Noble Phantasm: “Kyaaaaaaaaaah--!!?” Defeated 1: “This was my fate all along...to be hunted like this...ahh...” Defeated 2: “Ahh...I'm sinking, I'm sinking...it’s dark..cold...no...”  Battle Finish 1: “That was fun, wasn’t it?” Battle Finish 2: “I hope I didn’t scare you, Master.” 
Bond Lvl 1: “I’m The Loch Ness Monster...you... have heard of me, right?”   Bond Lvl 2: “Master, I’m hungry. Give me some food, already...actually, could you just step a little closer...?” Bond Lvl 3: “You’re an odd one, Master. Keeping a monster around so casually. I’m not at all human, you know? So stop treating me like one! Just give me commands and leave it at that!” Bond Lvl 4: “...Eh? You want to sit next to me? I could eat you, you know! ...ah, I won’t though. I don’t fancy disappearing just yet. I’m enjoying myself. ” Bond Lvl 5:  “I get it now, Master. You weren’t treating me like a human...you kept your distance, but still tried to treat me nicely. You figured out my likes and dislikes, and how I acted...just to make sure I felt comfortable Master. You treated me like me, and that’s all there is. Well, uhm...that’s so like you!!”
Dialogue 1: “It’s really easy to get lost around here, isn’t it?”  Dialogue 2: “...Hm?” Dialogue 3: “Got any food? I like meat the best, you know.”  Dialogue 4: “I’m not too used to walking, so could you help me up if I fall?” Something You Like: “My likes? Haha! I’m not a human, so i never really developed something like that. I like food, and not dying, like any animal..did you expect something else from a Monster like me?”   Something You Hate: “...I’d say nothing in particular, but...Men in boats wielding harpoons, I suppose...If I see any, I’ll eat them immediately, so keep them away from me.”  About the Holy Grail: “Hmm? A Holy Grail? I don’t really care for it at all. I guess I’d wish for as much food as I’d ever want?”  If Gwenllian(Saber) is summoned: “That Saber...Hm? My face is red? Really? What’s that mean? Master! Master, why are you laughing!?” If Sun Wukong(Lancer) is summoned: “Lancer...He’s pretty cool....stronger than me, for sure...but it makes me think...is he even human, either?”  Birthday: “Birthday? Uhm...Enjoy it, I guess? I don’t know when mine was, but if you can enjoy yours, then...well, that’s a present enough for me, Master.” 
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
Bond Levels
A strange and unusual summons eve possesses the body of olga to be a servant. In her battle mode, she can transform into her battle-dress from Magical Energy to enclose her. Under her gloves she has Command Spells engraved on her hand meant for olga for her servant self. 
The servants true name is Eve the first woman. 
Level 1
Height/Weight: ???  
Source: History / biblical text. 
Alignment: chaotic-evil 
Gender: Female
Eve requests to be called a different name due to personal dislike of her decisions. 
Level 2
Eve knows that she's not a proper servant due to the half formed merged between her and olga. Because of this eve tries her best to keep the body of the director away from unnecessary danger while coming up with a reasonable plan. 
Level 3
Eve can be a caster or ruler but it seems berserker fits due to the many tales that have been told about her. Maybe it was because she hasn't heard God's words words unlike her husband she wasn't as close to God as he was. While she can no longer go home to edon she did grow to care for her family. Once she heard Olga's plea to be loved and live, eve decided she would help. Because of this eve grew to learn about chaldea and wanted to protect it. 
Level 4
Eve starts considering being summoned as a proper after growing to love chaldea and the servants there. while she remembered her life and Olga's eve can't seem to hold a grudge. If asked why she'll often smile and walk away. 
" master what's the point of being angry if you have but one life to live?" 
While she does grow angry and go into a berserker like rage when people talk about certain aspects of her past eve doesn't really do anything unless pushed. 
Level 5
Forbidden fruit of knowledge.   
Rank: C - A
Type: Anit-Unti (Self)
This noble phantom allows Eve to tap into magic all around her witch helps strengthen her and push past her body's limitations as well as give her knowledge about her surrounding area and to an extent her opponent.  Her attacks are often stronger and her fighting style becomes more berserker like. 
This noble phantasm is hard to maintain, not because of its power (it’s not that strong compared to some others), but because of how eating the fruit can lead to consequences regarding Eve's and olga's mind. It is in a scenes a double edge sword. 
While eve shares her body with olga it's easy to tell which one is in control. Eve has light blue eyes and is often extremely friendly to whoever interacts with her. Olga has orange eyes and has a bit of a snarky attitude with most people. Over time it seems that eve is slowly starting to allow olga to open up with others. 
Upon Summoning: “servant berserker! I'm -.... Oh sorry…. Yes i do look like olga …. Feel free to call me whatever suits makes you feel better  master!" 
Level Up: “oh ...well thank you!”
1st Ascension: “mmm i don't like clothes mutch but my host likes them so ...why not ? ” 
2nd Ascension: “! Master...thank you for looking after us...”
3rd Ascension: “....please continue to look after her…." 
4th Ascension:  “ thank you master for caring enough to help me know who i am.. Mmm? Why am i crying? ”
Battle Start 1: “on it.” 
Battle Start 2: “I don't like violence , but…” 
Skill 1: “as you wish, Master.” 
Skill 2: “hm…”
Skill 3: “ forgive me.”
Command Card Selected 1: “ yes.”
Command Card Selected 2: “hmm”
Command Card Selected 3: “good bye…"
Extra Attack: “grrr ”
Noble Phantasm Selected: “it seems as if my sins come back to haunt me...”
Noble Phantasm Selected 2: “ as you wish!”   
Regular Damage 1: “Gh-!”
Regular Damage 2: “Ah-!”
Regular Damage 3: “Nh~!”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: “nghhh–!!?"
Defeated 1: “ it's ...cold..is this what it's like to die again ?”
Defeated 2: “…oh ...it hurts ” 
Battle Finish 1: “lets go home master… "  
Battle Finish 2: “we did it master !” 
Bond Lvl 1: “please don't call me eve…. Or olga…. I'm nether "
Bond Lvl 2: “Master, what do you think makes a place home?”
Bond Lvl 3: �� ah…. Master who… who do I look like in your eyes? Am i eve or...olga? I want to be me…. But i promise to help her "
Bond Lvl 4: “…Eh? Master please tell me if I disappear would anyone care? I'm a woman who caused a lot of trouble so ...never mind.  ” 
Bond Lvl 5:  “master….chaldea is so nice. It's… nothing like edon but i want to protect it with all my being. I can see why olga loves this place but….it makes me sad that I'll be leaving soon. I hope miss olga is happy here ”
Dialogue 1: “it's so big.. And seems familiar” 
Dialogue 2: " heh..thank you..to be considered anything other than a servant even if im temporary is nice ”
Dialogue 3: “... Thank you for protecting chaldea the way you have. I was too weak to do so .” 
Dialogue 4: “ah...my body feels different like i'm almost whole...maybe I should go to the doctors and ask what's wrong ?”
Something You Like: “My likes ? I….id don't know i like dried fruit and a nice book... ”  
Something You Hate: “…...i hate shoes....” 
About the Holy Grail: “ i…. It seems too good to be true master..please be careful ”
If Lucifer is summoned: “…forgive me master ill be in my room " 
If Lovecraft is summoned: “ ah ...he's a dear friend to me...i…. I hope he finds happiness...hm? What do you mean i'm blushing! 
Birthday: “Birthday? Ah...let's go make you a cake master!”
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narhinafan · 2 years
I'm a multishipper but the ss fandom is crazy. I saw a cute Sakura figure that was labeled anti Naruhina wtf?! The picture was of only Sakura, why the anti NH? And on another a retsuden manga page post gushing how Sasuke was thinking of his wife that also labeled anti sasukarin? Like for no reason at all. I know I see NH and SNS sometimes post anti on the others tag but that's only when the other ship has something to do with it. Why does ss bring other ships that have nothing to with them?
It happens at times some Sakura and SS fans label content as anti just for the hell of it or cause they want to make NH or other ships feel ashamed for whatever reason and that Sakura and SasuSaku are anit other ships.
Retsuden at least makes somewhat sense, since it is SasuSaku, but SasuKarin has no involvement they just want to show off SasuSaku and rub in SK's faces.
Like the same with the Sakura figure they label it as anit NaruHina or Hinata so they can gloat about it.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
soooo, how are you feeling about the new op?
He can take his bee drones and go home, hopefully taking the whole of NH with him. Aside from that, I haven't seen much of it since I muted every variation possible of the name NH in Twitter. And I had to uninstall the TTS a long time ago for disk space reasons, so I haven't been able to check his bio either. Ultimately, his bio will decide if he's to be put in the "die in a fire" pile, the "eh, I don't care" one, or if he joins the "it's a shame you're in NH you're interesting" one 😂
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