#annabelle mcgucket
vulpixen · 7 years
College Connection
Characters: Stanford Pines, Fiddleford McGucket, Annabelle (my Mrs McGucket oc), and Lucina Evergreen (my oc). 
Summary: Ford gets a break from his study time to unwind, thanks to his friends insistence he should. However, Ford was unaware of what his friend has in store for him as he’s introduced to someone named Lucina Evergreen who may change his life forever. 
A/N: Hey there, guys! Writing this late at night to contribute for @forduary in this week’s theme: College. Also, I wanted to take this chance to introduce two of my own characters, Lucina Evergreen and Annabelle McGucket (my own interpretation of her), for an au I have in mind where Ford finds someone to love. Don’t know what to call the au yet, though. Hope you all enjoy!
In Ford and Fiddleford’s dorm, 1972….
Stanford was at his table, stacked with a large variety of textbooks he needed to study for upcoming exams, wanting to have high grades on all of them to get through Backupsmore University as quick as possible and earn those PHD’s. Of course, he studies as if he was running out of time with the all-nighters he’s pulled so far into his first year. He was leaning back in his chair, something menial to do to help him focus, not being aware of anything else happening in his surroundings.
He was well into one of his books with a pen in his mouth when his roommate and best friend, Fiddleford McGucket, comes inside the room, looking rather happy about something.
“Hey Stanford, I’ve got somethin’ ta tell--”
The sudden opening of the door made Ford lean back further on his chair, making him fall with a thud, but thankfully, he wasn’t harmed, though rather annoyed. Ford gets up and repositions the chair he was sitting in, grumbling from having been disturbed in his study time.
“Is it important, Fiddleford?” Ford asked with a slightly raised brow while placing his book on the table. He was curious nonetheless what his friend was so cheery about.
Fiddleford smirks a tad, excited to tell him for what he has in store for his friend, “~Weeeeellll…~ Mah girlfriend, Annabelle, has a roommate she wants ta introduce ya to. I’ve met her and boy will you two have loads to talk ‘bout!”
Ford was unimpressed and inquired, “Really? You want me to go out on a double date with you? With a woman I haven’t met myself yet?”
Fiddleford sighed, bringing up, “Ford take a break from studin’ fer at least one night. The exam isn’t for awhile and ah just think, as yer friend, ya need ta unwind. If this here night doesn’t go well fer ya and her, then ah promise ah won’t try ta set ya up again. Deal?” He extends his hand for a handshake. To humor his friend, Ford returns the gesture, knowing Fiddleford means well in what he’s doing.
However, Ford questioned if a girl could ever accept him fully -- flaws and all. Ford hadn’t pursued a relationship since high school and it was a trainwreck for him, nor has he since coming to college. He thought back to how Stanley tried more than once to help him get a date, but end up failing one way or another. Why would this time be any different, he wondered. Ford took a deep breath, just this once, he’ll give the benefit of a doubt.
“Can I know some about her to get an idea how she’s like, at least? And where we’re going too?” Ford asked, leaning against his bed to give Fiddleford his undivided attention.
Fiddleford nodded with a bright smile, elaborating, “Glad ya asked! Her name is Lucina Evergreen and she’s ‘bout yer age. She studies in philosophy and cryptozoology. She’s polite, if a bit shy with people, like someone I know. Can mostly be found studyin’ outside in that big ol’ tree near the wooded area with a book in hand. Plus, she has complete Heterochromia Iridium: her right eye blue while her left eye is brown. The rest ya gotta know yerself,” Fiddleford grins a tad when he finished.
Ford’s eyes widened slightly from the intriguing details he’s hearing. Perhaps meeting Lucina herself would yield a promising relationship once he gets to know her more. Her fields of study were an interesting choice; someone who ponders about the world and shares their thoughts and feelings about life itself, with the addition she is interested in the paranormal. At the mention she has a physical anomaly does give him confidence that Lucina would know what it’s like to be different compared to everyone else; a smile forming on his face at the thought. At the same, he was nervous and anxious about meeting her, hoping he somehow doesn’t screw up that would make her turn away from him, like all the other times before.  
“Also, we’re goin’ to the roller disco place close to the college.”
At the roller disco place...
That night, the whole building was alive with music and college students having a grand time, well almost everyone as it wasn’t Ford’s preferred destination to be. Ford didn’t plan on roller skating, but knowing Fiddleford, he would coax him into it. The music playing was a good selection that even Ford finds himself nodding his head.
Further into the building where the tables and chairs were near the snack bar, Fiddleford guides Ford to one table where two women their age, Annabelle and Lucina, were conversing. Annabelle had a head full of long curly, chestnut brown hair wearing a flower crown Fiddleford made for her earlier.
Annabelle wore a dark purple jumpsuit with a pair of boots of a lighter shade and pink-rimmed glasses; her caucasian skin dotted with freckles on her face and the brightest smile to light up a room in the void, so it seemed; possibly how Fiddleford fell in love with her not too long after meeting her.
However, Lucina was clearly different, she seemed more reserved by her posture. Her smile was pleasant and shy upon her seeing Ford for the very first time. Lucina wore a short brown sweater vest over her yellow long sleeve top, wearing blue bell bottom pants and black boots. Lucina’s physical features included her medium toned skin with light freckles under her eyes -- those eyes one would see on a husky dog where her right eye is blue, while her left is brown -- and her long raven black hair in a feathered fashion. For once, Ford was excited to know her more. Lucina being the same when she sees him and his unique hands with the extra digit.
“Oh there ya’ll are!” Annabelle chirped, getting up to greet her boyfriend with a big smooch on his cheek, “I was just tellin’ Lucina ‘bout yer friend. I swear by my mother’s name they’re good things.” Annabelle peaked over Fiddleford’s shoulder to see a sheepish Ford with a nervous smile. Fiddleford and Annabelle exchange knowing looks, putting their plan into motion. Fiddleford grabs Ford’s hand, guiding him over to have a seat next to Lucina, the poor man and woman not knowing what’s going on.
“How ‘bout you two chat while Annabelle and myself go groove it on the floor,” Fiddleford gently takes his girlfriend’s hand, the two heading over to the counter to go get roller skates and getting to dancing like pros.
Ford and Lucina didn’t know what to say to the other first, the two already learning each other’s names before having the chance to make proper introductions.
“Thanks a lot for putting me on the spot”, the two thought in unison regarding their respective roommates.
Ford tapping on the table for a moment to think before he spoke with a small smile, “So Lucina, I… um… what got you interested in your fields of study?”
Lucina brightens up a bit and shares with him, although a bit shy to say in case he may find it too weird to his liking, though finding the courage to bring up in her soft spoken voice, “Well… I’ve always been curious by all that’s around me and what wonderful, yet dangerous things may lurk in the land, sea, sky and beyond what we can see,” she chuckles a bit in thought before continuing, surprising herself she’s holding a conversation, “Comes from being born and raised in a sleepy town in the deep woods of Oregon.”
Ford found himself in awe of what the woman’s sharing with him, beginning to grow more and more comfortable with talking to her about their shared interests. Thinking about his own “anomaly” he asked her, “Lucina, do you sometimes feel insecure about your eyes? I think they’re gorgeous personally--” Ford blushed, the thought being blurted out of his mind.
Lucina blushed back, hiding away her eyes behind her bangs out of habit, but then smiles pleasantly from processing what he said, slowly revealing her eyes once more as if they were curtains.
“Th...Thank you, Stanford. I do feel insecure about my eyes sometimes. Some people don’t like to look at me for too long, thinking my eyes stare into their soul and judge them or something. But in the woods where I live, I don’t feel the need to hide them away. Where I feel at peace and free. Basically my life story, just about. Sorry that I droned on, I haven’t even gotten to ask you about anything to know you yet,” she nervously laughs, glancing away.
“Don’t worry about it, Lucina, I’m patient. Ask away,” Ford said. Neither of them could believe they’re bonding, but they are as they continue to talk more about one another, completely toning out the sound around them as if they weren’t at a roller disco anymore.
Fiddleford and Annabelle looking on with bright smiles on their faces, glad to have found that their plan worked without a hitch.
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vulpixen · 6 years
Series: Gravity Falls
Characters: Stanford Pines, Lucina Evergreen (my oc), Fiddleford McGucket.
Word Count: 1,095
Summary: Stanford Pines and Lucina Evergreen spend the afternoon studying, finding that they share much in common than they thought. 
A/N: This will possibly be my only entry for @forduary this year, going with week four’s theme, Love. This fanfiction is set in a different au (I call Lost and Gained) where Ford finds love while attending Backupsmore. And a nod to a fic I wrote last year using my oc, Lucina Evergreen. All my Gravity Falls oc’s exist in the au as well such as Shauna and Shannon Pines, but have a different mother. And that in this au, Shifty wasn’t found by Ford, but he hatched earlier and was raised by Multi-Bear and becomes like a protector/guardian of the forest. Hope you all enjoy the read!
Backupsmore University, 1973….
Ford was studying some academic reading material in the dorm room he shares with one of the only few friends he made, Fiddleford McGucket, but he was out at the moment to run an errand. Out of the norm, Ford was not alone. Taking notes with writing in her moleskine notebook, Lucina Evergreen, a young woman --  the same age as Ford -- of Native American (Klamath) descent, moves aside her long, feathered black bangs out of her heterochromic eyes (right eye brown, while the left was blue) to see the paper clearly and try not to strain her sight. It wasn’t working that well when she averts her eyes to face the rain pouring from outside the window.
For the most part, Lucina would perch herself up the tall oak tree outside in the courtyard and study to herself, but she didn’t want to stay out in the rain and possibly get pneumonia. It wasn’t worth it. Lucina, however, was happy to study with Ford and get to know him more since their first meeting at the roller disco, Fiddleford and his girlfriend, Annabelle Emma-May Dixon, setted up for them. It was a nice exchange, even if it got embarrassing when the two were struggling to steady themselves while trying to roller skate. They laughed it off later and promised to stay in touch. It’s been awhile since then. Today, they chose to do a study date.
Lucina could see how engrossed in the material Ford had his eyes on for over an hour, peering over his shoulder to read about astronomy. Lucina smiled to that as the stars were one of her favorite subjects to talk about; next to discussing on the topic of magical creatures and cryptids of course.   
Ford takes a glance to his side, not having noticed Lucina looking over his shoulder, “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t see you looking, Lucy.”
“Oh don’t mind me, what you’re reading just caught my eye,” said Lucina, pointing at the illustrated page with stars.
“You have an interest in astronomy?” smiled Ford, happy to talk to someone about one of many of his interest.  
“That I do.” Lucina settled her notebook aside to provide Ford her full attention, “Where I came from in a small town surrounded by woods, we don’t have a whole lot of light pollution that blocks away many of the stars in the night sky. It was perfect! I used my telescope to watch them for hours. I even saw shooting stars and different planets when the conditions were right.” Despite it raining and clouds block out the sky, Lucina still looked towards the window. “I’d look at the stars, wondering if there’s anything beyond them and why they’re so far out of reach. My mother and father would tell me that stars can guide you home on the darkest nights among other stories of the past. I do believe there is, indeed, something more beyond those stars and planets where it’s teaming full of other lifeforms.” Now that she said it aloud, Lucina expected Ford to not wholly believe in that sort of thing, but to her surprise by the way he grinned ear to ear, he felt the same way.
Ford cupped her hands without thinking into his own, expressing, “I have many, many theories of what could be out there and more! Would you like to hear about them?” Lucina blushed, glancing to her hands that were feeling the warmth from Fords. Ford lets go, feeling embarrassed he was so forward. He rubbed his head, apologizing for touching her hands without permission, “Sorry… I got excited. Not too many people I bond over when it comes to topics like this.”  
Lucina gave an understanding smile, relating to Ford in a sense, “I feel the same when it comes to my own interests I can talk for hours about.” She took his hands into hers, affirming with great interest, “I’d love to hear your theories about our strange, crazy universe we live in and beyond.”
Throughout the afternoon, Ford and Lucina discussed for hours on physics, space and the unknown, the two bonding further on the fundamentals of how such mysterious, wonderful things could come to being in their world. It felt as though fate itself brought the two kindred souls together, but neither were entirely sure if it was the case. Ford finally found another person of whom he can share his interests and not be mocked or viciously teased for it. And Lucina found she doesn’t feel alone to her own interests when she was with Ford.    
Later that night when the clouds faded away to reveal the starry, moonlit night, Lucina and Ford drove to a clearing some miles away from campus to watch the stars with little to no disturbance. The ambient sounds of the night were enough. Lucina propped up her newer telescope she got on her birthday, positioning it accordingly while Ford silently remarks the fine looking instrument that has broadened perspectives an expanded minds.
Ford and Lucina spent the night looking for constellations that they can identify, and reminding each other of what one of them was called. The two enjoying one another’s company all the while. Is it beginning to feel like love is blossoming where it couldn’t before? Both believe it may be so. Never had Ford ever bonded with a woman on a deeper level such as Lucina, who was appearing even more beautiful in the pale moonlight in his eyes while they lie next to each other on the grass basking in the starry sky above. Ford saw the opportunity to become even closer to her and took it.
“I wouldn’t mind going on more dates like these.”
Lucina gladly takes his offer, “I’d like that a lot, actually.” Ford had many qualities about him she admired. Something told her that Ford will lead her to a much interesting future ahead of her and him.
Ford returns to his dorm, being greeted by Fiddleford who was grinning ear to ear, knowing he’d been out with Lucina.
Ford yawned and greets, aiming to actually get some sleep, “Oh, hello, Fiddleford.”
“So, what?”
“Ya taken a shine to my girlfriend’s roommate, I see. You seem happier since I’ve known you,” remarked Fiddleford with a smile. “Think she’s a keeper?”
Ford smiled back to Fiddleford, his time with Lucina having left a great impression on him. Ford wants to believe so, “I think so. She has a brilliant mind and I can’t wait for another date soon.”
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