#vulpixen fanfiction
vulpixen · 8 months
I made a fic for @stanuary in going with the prompt Animals. This is set in my Lost and Gained AU where Stan has a wife and kids as well as grandkids. Enjoy this small read of the animals Stan has had in his life!
A young Stan huffed when he was tasked to take out the trash this time around after dinner. It was full and heavy, but his dad Filbrick told him to suck it up and take it out to the trash cans outside. Out the back door, Stan was dragging the hefty load to the back when all of a sudden, he heard the sounds of chittering and the clanks and shattering glass falling out. It alarmed Stan so he put up a tough-guy attitude to confront this supposed intruder. 
“Hey! Stay out of our trash or I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich! And not the edible kind!”
Stan marched up the trash and what he found shocked him. It was a young possum that was munching on a tossed out sandwich when it looked up at the young boy and hissed at him. Stan expected a seagull or rat in there, but this possum seemed like a cooler animal than any other animal he encountered. A little guy trying his best to survive in this world all alone. Stan couldn’t help but to give some sympathy. 
“Uh… actually,” Stan presented the garbage to the possum, “you can have this. I’m not allowed to have pets, but you seem real neat! I’m gonna call you Shanklin!” The possum inched closer to Stan and sniffed at him. Stan slowly reached to touch the possum and pet him, disregarding he was stinky and covered in trash. 
Some years later….
Stan and Andrea took the time to go camping with their three children, James, Jessie and Leroy while in Perdido Key, Florida by the water. The day was sunny and the water was fine for sailing on the Stan o’ War. It was a good, sturdy boat for the occasion, even without Ford there to enjoy it, too. Stan thought back to him, but he wanted to be happy for his kids and put on a smile.
It would be the afternoon while James and Jessie were chasing each other by the shore when they come across a young chocolate labrador looking at them with interest. 
James stopped in his tracks to take notice of the dog. The dog seemed to be a stray and didn't see another person around whom the animal could belong to. Jessie was immediately happy to see a dog. 
“Doggie!” Jessie slowly goes up to the dog to let him sniff at her and open to being petted. 
“Hey, dog, what are you doing out here?” James and Jessie noticed the dog not having a collar and name tag. “You lost, boy?” The dog licked at him. 
“He doesn’t belong to anyone, it seems like,” Jessie smiled brightly at an idea. “Think we can ask Mom and Dad if we can keep him?” James appeared doubtful, having heard his dad say they can’t have a lot of pets, but pets weren’t exactly out of the question. 
“We can try, but you know Dad doesn’t approve of most animals. Like that one time we tried to convince him we wanted a hamster.” Jessie frowned but she was hopeful. 
“We can still try. This dog needs a home.”
The twin boy and girl lead the eager dog back with him to the camper where Stan and Andrea were cooking hotdogs and displaying the chips and soda/water for them all to have. Leroy helped with setting it up. 
James and Jessie arrived with the dog walking next to them, wagging his tail smelling delicious food. Leroy gasped seeing the dog and brought a smile on his face. 
“Mom! Dad! We found a dog!” announced James. Stan looked from the grill and Andrea from the cooler to see the dog. Stan wasn’t too keen about it. No other pet can replace what Shanklin had in his heart. 
“No. We can’t keep the dog.” The dog stopped wagging his tail and the kids were disappointed. Andrea seemed dismayed as well. Stan continued grilling the hotdogs. “We don’t have the means and that dog could belong to someone.”
“But he has no collar and name tag. He’s a stray that needs a home.” Jessie displayed the puppy eyes and quivered her lips in pleading. 
“We never had a dog before,” mentioned Leroy. 
Andrea looked at her husband and got up from her seat to go up to him. 
“We can make room, Stan and pick up pet supplies on the way home.”
“See? Mom wants a dog, too!” James spoke. 
Stan could see he was outvoted four to one. He took a look at the dog and was reminded of when his dad denied him pets, but not Shanklin as he never told him nor his Ma of him when he was around and stayed outside. The white cat they had was more of their Ma's cat named Pearly than his and Ford's, the cat having been considered an exception. A dog was very different from a possum. But he cannot deny the family a pet when he’d been denied for much of his life. Why deny them this?
“... Okay. We can keep him. So long as he doesn’t pee and poop on anything, he can stay.” The kids cheered and hugged the dog. Stan gave the dog an unseasoned hotdog and pet the animal. 
“What name do you think we should give him?” The kids each had their idea of what to name their new family member. 
“Lion.” Andrea suggested. “Like the Sea Lion, dogs of the sea.” The kids seemed onboard with the name. “And they love the water like this one does.”
Stan felt his heart warmed seeing his family happy with the new addition and agreed to the name. “Alright, Lion it is.”
Years later….
Stan found a kid(young goat) on his property when one of his grandkids showed him the small goat outside in his front yard. 
“Grandpa, look!” exclaimed one of the grandsons Leon, looking much like a younger version of his grandpa Stan, but with blue eyes filled with excitement. “Someone left a goat here and drove away. I don’t think they’re gonna come back.”
Stan snorted, recognizing the guy who shorted him on cash that drove off. “That cheapskate! … Well, I’m stuck with a goat now.” He knelt down to the brown goat with the chipped horn as he bleets at him and reached for his burgundy fez hat to chew on, making Leon laugh. 
“I think he likes you!”
“He ain’t gonna be eating this. I’ll get him some food and think about what to do with him. I have to talk to your grandma about it.” Leon perked a smile. 
“I think you should keep him. You and Granny Andy should have a pet.”
“Oh? How come?” The young boy shrugged. 
“Goats are neat to have, I think. He can keep the lawn from growing more and less money for you to spend on mowing.” Stan laughed in amusement. 
“That’s a great idea! We’ll just see.” 
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sailormew4 · 8 years
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Quincy Pines
Owner: @vulpixen Age: 7 Parents: Shauna Pines and Marcus Valdez Pines Siblings: N/A My Imagined Voice: Collin Dean
Sorry it’s been awhile. I’ve been very busy. This adorable cinnamon roll is Quincy Pines. Didn’t take too long to draw, though the portions were quite challenging. Shauna Pines and Marcus Valdez Pines are both owned by @vulpixen . Though Shauna’s mom is Addi owned by @hntrgurl13
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vulpixen · 2 years
Week Four: Worth
Summary: When Dipper comes to his Grunkle Stan for advise of worth, Stan has the answer he's looking for.
A/N: Hey all this is the last entry for @stanuary and I hoped you guys enjoyed the short chapters! This one set in the Lost and Gained AU. Yes, Dipcifica is canon here. ^^ Can find the new entry here too: Worth
Worth. It sounded like a foreign concept to Stan Pines when applied to himself, but for others, he sees genuine worth in those he loves and cares for. On the other hand, he sees worth in everyone else who holds cash in their wallets to keep the Mystery Shack going for years to come. Worth in himself was harder to grasp in himself when his father and childhood bullies made him feel worthless, and it was allowed to fester in his mind. Hearing those who see real worth in him made it feel less painful. 
“Grunkle Stan?” Dipper approached his great-uncle while he was lounging on his chair in the living room. Dipper had something to ask him, Stan could tell. “Do you ever feel sometimes the thing you want most to happen doesn’t seem worth it when it seems too hard?” 
Stan quirked an eyebrow, “What do you mean, kid? Tell your old Grunkle Stan about it.” He patted on the dinosaur head stand and helped Dipper climb up it. Once Dipper gets settled, he shares what’s been eating at him. 
“You see… I still don’t know how to talk to girls. There’s this one girl I like but…” Dipper blushed and lowered his hat. “I just don’t know how to get my feelings across. This isn’t like when I was crushing on Wendy. This feels…”
“Like the real deal?”
“Exactly!” Stan chuckled in response, he knew that feeling all too well; just like when he fell in love with his wife Andrea. 
“Lucky for you, you came to the right Grunkle. Don’t tell your great-uncle Ford, but I know a thing or two when it comes to getting your feelings across,” Stan nudged his great-nephew, but he got serious when he started to share his wisdom with Dipper. “First thing to do is go to just tell her how you feel. You may or may not get rejected, but it ain’t the end of everything. It’ll all be worth it, I promise.”
“What if I –”
“Dipper, life’s too short to worry about what could go wrong,” Stan smiled at his great-nephew in confidence. “So, whose this girl you have your heart set on? Can I guess who?” Dipper scratched the back of his head, Stan getting a good idea who ever since he’d seen Dipper and Pacifica were being witty to each other. “The Northwest girl.”
“Yes,” Dipper began to ease. “She isn’t the bratty rich girl she came across as in the beginning. I should have figured that there was more to her than what she presented herself, but I had to defend Mabel from bullies like Pacifica was acting like. Pacifica is intelligent, she’s great at wordplay and video games, and… she’s wonderful. And… I don’t think I’m worthy.”
“Why not? Look at yourself. You’re adventurous, you’re a nerd, and you’re the bravest kid among many I got to know over the years. You have the qualities that make you more than worthy. Heck, you even saved her life a few times! If that ain’t worthy, then they’d be stupid to think otherwise. It was something Andy and the family have to remind me everyday and I couldn’t be more grateful. If there are people who can see something of worth in me, then I can, too.” Dipper reached to hug his great-uncle. 
“Thanks, Grunkle Stan. I actually feel better now. I’ll go tell Pacifica how I feel.” Dipper got off the dinosaur skull and dashed off out the door and called back. “I’ll let you know how it goes!”
“You got this, Dipper!” Stan saw Dipper leave and closed the door, “You got this.”
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vulpixen · 2 years
Chapter One: Arrival
Summary: Dipper and Mabel return to Gravity Falls and are greeted by old and new faces in the family.  
Chapter One Arrival 
Ten months later…
It didn’t feel like almost a year had passed since that fateful summer and it was the first of June again, but Dipper and Mabel and Waddles were making their way to Gravity Falls on the same bus they took the year prior. Life went on in the lives of the twins and their family. It was decided by Dipper and Mabel’s parents to move to Portland where Alex, Dipper and Mabel’s dad, was granted to transfer for a promising computer job opportunity in the city. The twins looked forward to being closer to their extended family in Oregon. And of course to be staying in Gravity Falls for the foreseeable future ahead of them. Dipper and Mabel’s parents thought it best that given their children’s situation.
The recent passing of Shermie seven months ago left them little reason to stay in Piedmont any longer. The loss fell hard on the family, but like they always did, they got through it together and mourned. Dipper and Mabel had since added their grandfather’s name and image to never forget him and how kind and patient he was. 
Dipper sported the hat Wendy gave to him right before him and Mabel left for home all those months ago, having kept it in good condition and washed it often enough. Dipper changed his wardrobe by wearing a blue plaid jacket with a white shirt underneath, wearing brown pants and blue and white sneakers. Among Dipper’s luggage lies his own journal with a pine tree symbol. 
Mabel has since changed up her wardrobe to include a shooting-star pink top, fashioning her hair to appear layered and wavy, blue striped skirt, and black soles with colorful knee-high socks. And instead of a headband, Mabel wore a red bow in her long brown hair. Waddles sat by her side, having grown larger over the course of the months as domestic farm pigs do, and too heavy for Mabel to pick up anymore, but she didn’t mind this. 
Dipper and Mabel kept in touch with all their friends and family; entering their dreams often made it easier, having visited before during the holidays and special occasions. Back in December, the twins attended their aunt Shannon’s wedding when she got married to Clyde Bone, the old flame of Shannon’s whom they assisted in removing the cursed ring of Nimue from his finger after five years. Shannon was now the stepmother of Clyde’s young son Drake, and from what the twins heard, the couple adopted twins recently and they couldn’t wait to see the new family members. And couldn’t wait to see their grunkles and graunties when they heard they’ll be coming back to Gravity Falls from their seafaring trip to Antarctica. 
Soon enough, Dipper and Mabel and Waddles find their stop in Gravity Falls. They were greeted by their grunkle Stan and Ford who were waving at them and excited to see them. The three in the bus practically were rushing to get their belongings, but making sure they had everything before they got out and went to embrace the two old men. 
“Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!” Mabel exclaimed. “You smell like sea water and waffles!” That made Stan and Ford laugh with her and pat her back.
“Just had waffles and my signature Stancakes for breakfast, pumpkin. Which are waiting for you guys at the shack!” Stan announced that got the twins looking forward more. 
Stan and Ford would also give Dipper a big hug as well. 
“We missed you kids so much, even if we see you often enough in our dreams.” Dipper chuckled. 
“The feeling’s mutual, Great-Uncle Ford. We’ve been doing good, we think. Not going into people’s memories without their permission, also.”
“Good, good.” Ford pets the large pig, recognizing him as Waddles. “Waddles has certainly gotten bigger since the holidays.” The pig delights in the scratches behind the ears. “Luckily, we installed a wagon for him to ride.” Ford thumbs behind him to show the wooden, wheeled wagon with a ramp for the pig to walk into easily. Mabel was impressed, having wondered how they would be able to fit her pig inside the car. 
Ford and Stan would help load the twin’s luggage into the Stanleymobile and coax Waddles into the wagon before making the drive to the place that felt like a second home. The Mystery Shack. 
At the Mystery Shack…
The twins look out the car window to see how the place has changed. The fallen S from the sign was still in the ground and always will be. Everything else now with Soos in charge being Mr. Mystery as he had the place expanded to make more room for not only new attractions, but the growing family. Melody moved in, and Soos wanted to make sure his grandmother had a room to be comfortable in, while keeping Stan and Carla’s, and Ford and Adeline’s bedrooms intact. And of course Dipper and Mabel’s room in the attic. 
“I dig Soos being in charge,” remarked Mabel, reminding her of the time she was boss of the Mystery Shack for three days. “He’s really made some improvements.”
“Among them having been incorporating animatronics with childproof padding to make sure no child gets hurt or worse,” said Ford in sharing one of the new inclusions for the Mystery Shack. “Fiddleford helped create them and it seems to be going smoothly with no incidents.” 
Stan parked the car by the shack and he and Ford helped Dipper and Mabel with their luggage and get Waddles out of the wagon. The second Dipper and Mabel stepped out of the car, Soos was the first to step out of the shack to greet the twins. Soos wore the iconic fez hat that Stan passed onto him and the black suit tailor with a red bowtie made for him. Soos was as amiable as ever. 
“Dudes, welcome back to the Mystery Shack!”
“There’s our Mr. Mystery!” exclaimed Mabel as her and Dipper approached to give him a hug, the man using his big arms to embrace the twins at once. 
“My Pterodactyl-Bro!” Dipper laughed. 
“Been too long since I got to hug you both, physically. Dream hugs aren’t the same.” Soos gasped seeing Waddles. “And there’s Waddles! Good to see you too, big boy.” The large pig snorted happily. “How ‘bout we all get inside. Everyone else is waiting.”
“Everyone?” Dipper and Mabel asked together.
Soos opened the wooden door into the living room. Within the living room stood all of the Pines family members, including Wendy among them next to Stanley Jr. Old and new faces gathered together and threw confetti in the air with a colorful banner from the ceiling that read: ‘WELCOME HOME DIPPER AND MABEL’ in blue and pink lettering. Even all of Dipper and Mabel’s best friends Candy; Grenda; David; Kevin; Pacifica; and Mermando are present to see them. The family has grown bigger since Dipper and Mabel came to Gravity Falls last summer. Their older cousin Tanya had her baby girl named Cadence back in December during Hanukkah, having her father Kyle’s black hair, but Tanya’s amber eyes. The infant wore a purple onesie and was held by her second dad Fred. Shannon married Clyde Bone back in November and became Drake’s new mom, as well as having recently adopted two orphaned four-year old twins with blonde hair and green eyes named Connor and Connie who stand next to their brother Drake with the rest of the family and friends. 
“WELCOME HOME, DIPPER AND MABEL!” cheered everyone present. 
“Hey, family!” Dipper and Mabel greeted their gathered family. 
Carla and Adeline were the first to hug Dipper and Mabel and gave the twins each a kiss on the forehead and cheek. 
“Grauntie Carla! Grauntie Addi!” Dipper and Mabel happily laugh from the affection shown. 
“We missed you so much, kids!” gushed Carla. Instead of sporting a suit and skirt combo she originally wore as Mrs. Mystery, but now, she sported a brown sweater vest with a long sleeved purple top and comfortable black pants and brown boots. 
Soon enough, everyone settles and Dipper and Mabel get their breakfast to eat as does Waddles. Family talked among themselves and to Dipper and Mabel while they all ate breakfast.
This is going to be a great summer, thought Dipper and Mabel as they cleared their throats. 
“So, everyone,” Dipper began. “Me and Mabel are looking forward to spending our summer with all of you again. And hopefully many more summers to come.” Mabel giggled as she went next to add. 
“There will be many more summers because…”
“WE’RE GONNA BE LIVING HERE FROM NOW ON!!!” Everyone in the room was stunned and silent, and only the sneeze from Cadence was heard. But Stan and Ford, and Carla and Adeline already knew the news and wanted to wait until the twins arrived to tell everyone in person. After a second, everyone cheered for the twins and gathered them up in a group hug. 
“That means we’re gonna see you in high school!” exclaimed Ty. 
“We’re going to show you how to survive high school, dudes!” added Stan Jr.
Dipper and Mabel are sure going to need it when they start high school in September, but it’ll be a while until then. For now, they’re in the present and aim to have another great summer with those they love and care for. 
A/N: Hey, all, another chapter done! November was busy and I’m just going to say there is no update schedule, so the chapters will come out when they are finished such as this one. Always remember that this is a hobby for me, not an obligation. Thank you! As always, Adeline Marks belongs to @hntrgurl13 and @scipunk63 
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vulpixen · 2 years
Fears to Face
Summary: Stan faced many fears over the course of his life, and he was able to conquer them thanks to those who believe in him.
A/N:  Hey all, hope you enjoy this new entry for @stanuary! Set in the Lost and Gained AU where Stan is a husband, father, and later grandfather. Conor and Hannah Pereira are Andrea's late parents who played an instrumental part in Stan's life when they gave him a place to stay after he was kicked out of the house by Filbrick. Can also find the new chap here.
Stan always put on a brave, confident face when it came to the obstacles he faced in his life. Whether it be against bullies or eating something he knows has bits of hair or dirt in it. Stan isn’t afraid of most things, from how he puts on a facade, but under that cheeky grin is fear. Fear of never being good enough. Fear of never meeting the impossible expectations that were placed onto him by his father. Fear of his father. Fear of heights. Fear of losing the strong bond with his twin brother Ford. Fear of being seen as weak and useless. They all plague his mind and thoughts.
When Stan held his newborn twin infants Jessie and James, a new fear rose. Failing them as a father. He was just an older teen on the cusp of graduating high school with his girlfriend/mother of his children Andrea Pereira, and his twin brother who had since stopped speaking to him. It took time to be attentive to the babies and learn each of their needs, but thanks to the help from Andrea’s parents, Conor and Hannah, they were there to assist him and Andrea with whatever they needed.
Stan always looked up to Conor as the father figured he needed in his life, provided with a place to escape from his judgemental father and given the freedom to talk about what was bothering him. Hannah was a kind, warm woman who doesn’t seem to have a bad bone in her body and taught Stan a thing or two about cooking, where Andrea got much of her appearance from, too. He was thankful they live just down the street from him and his family’s shop and home. It gave him the courage to be more open about his true feelings about what bothers him, especially with what he fears.
One day, while tending to Jessie, Stan faced Conor as he was helping with James, a question came to mind.
“Dad, do you have fears?” The older man with black hair and wise gray eyes turned his head at Stan to give a slow nod as he picked up James. Conor had gotten used to Stan calling him that out of endearment. Stan considered him as more of a dad to him than his own at this point.
“I do, son. I fear a lot of things, but I know they’re out of my control. Well, most of them.” Conor gives little James a warm bottle of formula for him to drink while he keeps talking. “For years, I feared for the future of my family ever since coming here from Ireland. I feared for your future and your brother’s, too. But those fears faded as I see you, Andrea, and your children will be alright. Me and Hannah will do what we can to ensure that.” He reached to gently touch Stan’s shoulder. “You’re doing great.” Stan felt reassured and something he always wanted to hear from his birth dad, but never will. At least he has this dad to look up to. Stan knew his own kids would be looking up to him, too.
“Leroy, don’t eat that!” Stan rushed over to his four-year old son from putting a spider in his mouth. “Spiders aren’t for eating, son.”
“They’re full of venom and can kill you if it bites you,” Stan explained while he put the spider back in the tree above them.
“Oh… Okay!” Leroy beamed, seeming to be satisfied with the answer.
Stan’s new fear was something horrible happened to them. Leroy had his mother’s auburn hair, but kept the gray kind eyes he inherited from his grandfather Conor. Everytime Stan looked at him, he could tell Leroy would become a good man like his grandpa. It also reminded Stan to check up on him, too.
Ever since Conor’s wife and Andrea’s mother passed, Stan and Andrea kept a close eye on him and even offered him to stay with them in their home in Florida, but he declined as he wanted to give them space. Stan feared of not hearing from him one day and finding out too late of what happened, so he reassured Conor he wouldn’t be a burden on them, and convinced him to live with them. Stan returned a favor to his father-in-law like how he needed help the most when alone.
Stan feared he’ll never get his twin brother back from the other side of the Portal, along with the woman he called his friend Lucina. Andrea was greatly distraught over what happened to her best friend and sister-in-law and brother-in-law herself, while the kids have no clue what’s going on and are upset. He feared his nephews may never see two of three parents again. He feared he may never get the Portal to work like it did when it turned on and took his brother when he got too close. He feared what’s going to happen to him and his family after this. He had to keep things together and get through this as a family.
Against it all, Stan pushed through it all stronger, thanks to those believing in him.
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vulpixen · 2 years
Forever Falls Prologue
Synopsis: A year has passed since that one fateful summer. Seasons have come and gone and now Dipper and Mabel return to where their journey began for another unforgettable summer in Gravity Falls. Some things changed while others stayed the same. Families growing with one or more new members, friendships formed, and love blossoming among many things have happened. And new mysteries around the corner. 
Since that summer, Dipper and Mabel face the consequences of their choice of having not only their minds erased everything of who they were, but having much of those memories returned thanks to the efforts of their friends and family. However, despite their best efforts, the Mystery Twins face memory issues that’ll affect the rest of their lives. And the power they wield in their beings since Bill, like it or not, became a part of them. Now it’s up to them with what they want to do with it. Together. A/N: Hey all! Been a good while since the last story. Life happens as usual, but I am back and getting into the swing of things again and keeping the promise of a sequel fic to OBWHF. There is something else I want to add as well. There are going to be some changes to the story and a few less notable characters. I honestly don’t want them in the story anymore for this au such as Fiddleford’s raccoon wife. And this story will be significantly shorter than the first. After this story, that’ll be it in terms of giving this a conclusion as I, Vulpixen, have been moving on to different stories but I'm still going to write Gravity Falls related stories. Hope you all enjoy this one. The character Adeline Marks belongs to @hntrgurl13 and @scipunk63 (Purpledragon6 on AO3) and thank you.
Here's the family tree with the Pines going forward as they'll make an appearance in future chapters: Stanley and Carla ---> James and Jessie Pines (41) Stanford and Addi ---> Shauna, Shannon Pines (30) and Shifty Pines (37) James Pines and Tara Grayson ---> Cormac (20), Arya, Aria, and Anais Pines (16) Jessie Pines and Lillian Prescott ---> Tanya (22), Stanley Jr (17) and Tyrone “Ty” Pines (15) Cormac Pines and Evangeline Tremblay (engaged) ---> Xavier, Colten, Gweneira “Gwen”, and Rose Shauna Pines and Marcus “Spriggs” Valdez ---> Quincy Pines (8) Shifty Pines and Tate McGucket ---> Isaac McGucket (15) Shannon Pines-Bone and Clyde Bone (married) ---> Drake Bone (6), Conner and Connie Bone (4, adopted). Tanya Pines, Frederick "Fred" Palovich, and Kyle Harper ---> Cadence Pines, Matthias and Mordecai Pines Prologue on Ao3 
Night in Piedmont, California…
It had only been a week since Dipper and Mabel returned home after that eventful summer they had with their extended family, and all the adventures they had together. Dipper and Mabel had returned to school for their eighth grade year. There was a stark difference between the towns. Piedmont is nowhere near as small as Gravity Falls; too many faces seem to blend in with one another and can’t distinguish someone in a crowd almost.
And there was the challenge of remembering old friends and classmates. Hell, even navigating through their middle school became a maze of unfamiliarity in their eyes when they should be able to know the campus by heart in the years they’ve attended. Nothing much changed with the school, physically, but specific landmarks they’d recognize became a blur in their vision.
Dipper and Mabel remembered on the fifth day the concerned looks they got from their peers who’ve known the twins for years, or at least seen their faces, asking them if they’re alright when the pair couldn’t recall which class to go to next they shared. And didn’t recognize the faces of the teachers who’ve started teaching them, and the other students. Something that warranted a parent-teacher conference. Something Alex and Dana Pines find concerning as well. 
Now, Dipper compiled a list of reminders on his notepad for himself and Mabel to use if they were to forget again, turning on alarms on their phones in case they forget the list. Mabel slept soundly with Waddles on her pastel sheets. Dipper rubbed his tired eyes and thought of his grunkles and graunties, considering the idea to call them for advice. He took his phone and pushed back the intrusive thoughts to not call them and speed dials the number. He lets the phone ring until he hears Stan on the other end. 
“He-Hey, Dipper!” Stan greets on the other end of the phone. Stan, Carla, Ford and Adeline have yet to make their trip out to Antarctica, but will be soon. “How’s it hangin’? Are you and Mabel adjusting alright at home?”
Dipper lets out a tired sigh. “Things are going pretty well, but when it comes to things like school, we’re still getting pieces of those memories in middle school back to us.” Dipper picked up the goodbye letter Wendy gave him and Mabel, looking at it as he misses where his and Mabel’s lives changed forever. For better and for worse. “And it’s been overwhelming and… we miss you, Grunkle Stan, and the rest of the family.”
Stan let out a husky sigh. “It’ll be okay, Dipper. If not right now, it will be later. I really can’t imagine how much the memory wiping affected you and Mabel. Wish we were over there to give you two a hug, but pretend we’re there, giving you and Mabel a big one.” Stan couldn’t see it, but Dipper smiled at the mental image of everyone there with him and Mabel again.
“Thanks Grunkle Stan, that helps more than you know right now.”
“It’s no trouble, Dipper.”
“Have a good night. Don’t want to keep you up.”
“Alright. Night, Dipper.” 
Dipper placed his cellphone on top of his dresser, inserted the cord of his charger in it, and falls asleep in his bed, hoping tomorrow will be better. 
Within Dipper and Mabel’s dreams...
Dipper found himself within his own dream, fully aware like he and Mabel discovered not too long after coming back home. He gazes upon the world he created for himself in his dreams: orderly, filled with many creatures he’s come to learn of within a forest, and town nearby. The sky was cloudy and there was a breeze. Dipper takes a walk on the brick road he created towards the town when suddenly, a colorful pastel door poofs into existence and out comes Mabel and Waddles. 
“Dipper!” Mabel exclaimed and her pig squealed in delight. “Took you long enough to get to sleep.”
Dipper laughed with ease to see his sister, making his dream brighter as the clouds disappeared. He opened up about what was on his mind.
“I was talking to Grunkle Stan before bed. I miss him and everyone in Gravity Falls. The memory lapses, and Bill’s power. We’re more fully aware within our dreams than we’ve ever been and can manipulate and enter other dreams too, I bet. Something we haven’t tried. Yet..” Mabel listens to her brother and thinks. Instead of trying to distract him like she would have before, she expresses her own feelings. 
“I know exactly what you mean. I miss them too and these powers, like Uncle Maurice warned us about, are pretty cool when used the right way.” Mabel makes a family photo appear out of thin air. 
It had everyone in the large family present in the photo: James and Jessie, Stan and Carla’s grown twin children. Tara Grayson-Pines, James’ wife and mother of their own children, Cormac, and the triplets Arya, Aria and Anais. Lilian Prescott and Maurice Pierce-Pines, Jessie’s wife and husband and parents of their three children Tanya (who is expecting a child of her own), Stanley Junior and Tyrone. 
Then there’s Shauna, Shannon and Shifty, Ford and Adeline’s own grown children where the latter had been adopted long ago. 
“Yeah.” Dipper sighed sadly while looking at the picture and he got a bright idea. “You thinking what I’m thinking, Mabel?”
“We should totally use our powers to traverse distance and enter the dreams of our friends and family?” Mabel paused and showed her bright grin. “Heck yeah!” Neither knew if it would be alright to just appear in their loved one’s dreams, but they won’t know unless they try. 
Dipper and Mabel together manifested a door to appear before them. The twins held hands as they entered through the door together with Waddles in tow, closing upon the three entering. They enter what appears to be a central hub within a cosmic landscape containing many, many doors -- unique to each and every person -- that lead to a multitude of people and animals' dreams. The twins have their mouths agape in wonder of it all. Dipper, Mabel and Waddle’s feet were no longer touching the ground as they simply floated within the space. 
They almost didn’t know where to start. 
“So many doors!” Mabel’s voice echoed, making her giggle. “It would take an eternity to open them all.” Dipper gave his sister a telling look that she shouldn’t do it. “Which is something we don’t have!”
Dipper created a console with his mind before him and his sister and pet pig with the intent to make searching for their family member’s dreams less of a hassle. He touches the sphere of the imaginary machine and inputs the names of each person into the memory. Then suddenly, he felt a jolt of shock run through his head that made the console turn staticy. Mabel felt it too as she held her head. 
“Ah!” Dipper groans. “There’s… there’s someone I’m forgetting!”
“Me too!” 
Waddles, being quick to act, used his pig brain to create the scrapbook from nothing with his mind from memory, squealing and showing it to the twins with his hooves turning the pages for them. Dipper and Mabel squinted at the image of the whole family gathered, voices echoing in their minds that told them of each one; starting with the older and young adults and then to the teens and a young child. Stan; Ford; Adeline; Carla; Jimmy; James; Jessie; Shauna; Shannon; Tara; Lillian; Maurice; Spriggs; Tanya; Cormac; Stan Junior; Arya; Aria; Anais; Tyrone; Isaac; and finally Quincy. 
Seeing all their faces and names in the picture, it brought back memories of all the adventures they had together. For better or for worse. Their adventures with their Grunkles and Graunties, learning the deep and dark secrets of their family members, and how they all became closer through the best and worst moments of that summer. It hurts that Dipper and Mabel were looking at the picture not too long ago, only for their mind to have blanked their memory. They’ll never get used to this. 
It brought a sense of relief to the twins as they started to remember everything again. Dipper finishes the process of making the doors of each family member appear before them; each door is unique and set apart from one another that reflects the person they belong to. Dipper and Mabel didn’t hesitate to start from the oldest members to the youngest members of the family. 
The first dream Dipper and Mabel and Waddles enter within their montage of dream-hopping is Stan’s. Stan dreams of the adventure at sea with his brother, wife and sister-in-law onboard the old Stan O’ War; they'll soon get to go on. Stan fights sea monsters, pirates, and singing shanties no matter how bad his singing was. Dipper and Mabel were pleased with what they were watching and got them excited to see more, but they had to move on to the other dreams and left through a door they created. Stan took notice. 
In the next dream, that being Ford’s, and the twins and pig watch to see Ford dreaming that he ended Bill before Dipper and Mabel could make the deal with him. It brought some unpleasant memories in the twin’s minds so they quickly left as soon as they came. Ford, too, took notice of Dipper and Mabel’s departure, presuming to him that it means Bill’s power has begun to manifest within them. 
Dipper and Mabel move on to their grauntie Carla’s dream where she is in a field of white and purple flowers with the sun in the horizon still in a permanent sunset, creating a lilac sky above. The twins find their grauntie sitting on a red and white blanket surveying the land before her. Carla appeared younger with her wrinkles nowhere to be found on her face, her gray hair back to its original brunette, and a flower in her hair. Then suddenly, a younger version of Stan appears, in a red suit and tie, his own brown hair in a mullet fashion, and a bright smile on his face. It endeared the twins while watching Carla interact with the dream version of her husband. And then, Carla and Stan began to age until they appeared as they do in the real world. Dipper and Mabel found it time to leave and move on to another dream. 
The twins and pig find themselves in Adeline’s dream. The scene depicts a forest on a summer’s day with the sun shining through the trees. There was a noticeable amount of deer that grazed on the grass and stags butting heads against each other. Dipper tries to look for his aunt, but he sees that familiar blonde doe nearby who was utterly frightened and running away from the yellow demon triangle that cackles madly. This is a nightmare. Dipper and Mabel exchange looks, knowing what they felt to do was right, and fly to catch up to the triangle and Adeline. Dipper and Mabel punch the triangle together and put an end to him tormenting their grauntie. The twins and Waddles leave quickly before Adeline has the chance to approach them as she returns to her human self. 
Dipper and Mabel and Waddles enter inside the dreams of their uncle, James Pines. The twins and pig watch him appear to be comforting a younger version of himself after pulling him out of the Bottomless Pit, looking no more than ten, and tending to the wound on his arm that will leave a mark. James reassures himself that things will get better for him. Something James needed to tell himself time and time again. Healing is not a straight road. Witnessing this made Dipper and Mabel feel relieved it wasn’t a nightmare, but a healing dream. They take their leave for their next dream. 
Jessie was fighting her own demons within her dreams. Dipper and Mabel watch their aunt fighting against a shadowy manifestation of Thistle Downe in his ragged siren form. But Jessie wasn’t so much as fighting and showing that boastful confidence she often gave off, but running away from him in fear within the setting of the Woodstick Festival at night and no one but her, Thistle, and the twins and pig present. Dipper and Mabel knew they had to do something for her, too. Mabel makes two axes appear before Jessie on the stage and Dipper warns his aunt to get them and gives her morale in encouraging her to be much stronger than him. It gave Jessie enough motivation to run up to her axes, raise them high, and charge at her nightmare, cutting him in two. But before Jessie could thank the twins, they vanished. 
Inside Tara’s dream, the twins and Waddles immediately witness Tara herself running across a vast distance within the woods in pursuit of an elk in her wolf form with red fur. Tara was getting closer and closer to her target. Mabel verbally encourages her aunt to keep going, but realizing she spoke, she covers her mouth. Tara reaches her goal and a bright light flashes, Dipper and Mabel’s cue she was waking up. The three take their leave to the next dream. 
Within Lillian’s dream, Dipper and Mabel and Waddles find themselves on a highway on a moonlit night. And driving on that endless highway was Lillian riding on a polished white Harley wearing a pink helmet, having the time of her life, driving with no destination in mind. It was just Lillian and her train of thought wandering with not one obstacle coming into view. Seeing they were not needed, Dipper, Mabel and Waddles take their leave. 
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles enter inside Maurice’s dream, finding it wasn’t like the other dreams and nightmares of the others they entered through thus far. It was the living room of the house he shares with his wives and sons. Maurice himself, a tall man with long blond hair, bushy beard and orange eyes was watching tv on the sofa. He turns and faces the twins and Waddles with a welcoming smile on his face.
“Oh hey, kids!” Maurice waved at them. “I see you figured out the dreamscape.”
“Sure have, Uncle Maurice!” Mabel took a seat next to him. “We’ve been missing you guys so we thought to see you all in your dreams.”
“We’ve only been going in their dreams, no one else's.” Dipper joined his sister and pig on the sofa.
“Good.” Maurice turned off the tv to give them his undivided attention. “I’ve been watching how their dreams have been playing out from here without interfering. I’m no dream demon, but I can see other people’s dreams of my choosing from within my own dreams. And I’ve seen what you have been doing.” Dipper and Mabel frowned, believing they were in trouble for it. 
“We were trying to fix the ones with nightmares. Is that bad?” Mabel asked. 
“I don’t think so, but I’d be careful. What happens to you in the dream will affect you in real life, too. People’s nightmares can get pretty nasty. It’s not your job to try to fix anyone’s dreams. You two deserve a break.” Maurice lets out a sigh as he can’t stop them. “But I know you guys will want to try all the same.”
“We don’t like seeing them go through those terrible things.”
“No one does. It’s up to you what you want to do.”
Dipper and Mabel nod at each other and get up from the sofa. 
“Thanks for having us here,” says Dipper, keeping in mind what he said. 
“It’s all good. Stay safe in the dreamscape.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Mabel smiled as her, Dipper and Waddles take their leave.
Within Spriggs’ dreams, Spriggs himself was flying across the forest as a fairy on a sunny day, resembling a Spanish moon moth in terms of the colors of his wings. Spriggs was carrying a piece of metal with gloved hands as he brought it to what appeared to be a metallic gateway of alien nature. Spriggs was engrossed in his work to not notice the twins and Waddles nearby behind the pine trees in working on his project. Dipper was interested in where it would lead. Soon enough, Spriggs finished and turned on the gateway and shines a great blue light upon activation. Spriggs flutters into it as if compelled to. But before he could enter it, Dipper, Mabel and Waddles see everything turn white and fading, a familiar occurrence when they were in Stan and Ford’s dreamscape all those months ago. 
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles couldn’t get into Shauna’s door when it faded away from their view. It was telling she must have woken up that got Spriggs, her husband, to wake up as well. They hoped she was okay as they entered into their aunt Shannon’s dream. 
Shannon’s dream was a spectacle. Dipper, Mabel and Waddles found themselves at a night club full of colorful lights, upbeat music, and familiar faces that danced on the floor or mingled at the bar. At the center stage, Shannon was the center of everyone’s attention as she danced with what appeared to be her boyfriend Clyde. She seemed happy and in her element. Mabel was digging the music and dancing with Waddles. Dipper, too, nodded his head to the beat of the music. But it didn’t last long with Dipper focusing back on the rest of the dreams he wanted to visit before the night ended. He tugged Mabel’s sweater, taking her out of the groove and followed him as did Waddles.
The next dream is Shifty’s. Shifty dream involved himself exploring a vibrant field of an array of colors Dipper, Mabel and Waddle have never seen in their world. Trees that stretch towards the red-orange sky with a blue sun shining above them. Definitely not of their world. Was it a genetic memory? Much of Shifty’s origins still remains a mystery. It is unlikely Shifty himself will ever know, but these kinds of dreams leave him to wonder what could have happened all the same. There wasn’t much the twins and pig could do but take their leave. 
Within Tate’s dream, he was fishing out in the middle of Gravity Falls Lake. Everything was quiet, save for the ambient sounds of nature around him and the light breeze on a sunny day. The perfect day to fish. But he wasn’t alone as his adoptive son Isaac was fishing with him without a care. They waited for something to happen, but nothing of significance. It was just a pleasant time without disturbance. They couldn’t blame him for desiring this after everything that happened. Dipper, Mabel and Waddles leave the dream on a positive note. 
Tanya’s dream was another story. Tanya, an intersex young woman with long blonde hair and partially toned skin, faces across from her a huge wolf with piercing yellow eyes and black as night fur. It was a face off. Dipper and Mabel knew better than to interfere in this as Waddles cowered behind Mabel, shaking in fear. They watch Tanya approach the wolf slowly. She was afraid, but she had to face it. Something unique to her since her lycanthropy awakened and began throwing her off her composure. On top of being pregnant at that.
“Okay, bud. This is how we’re going to do this.” Tanya stares down the wolf who gave her his undivided attention. “This body is my own. I don’t want you to do anything that could harm me and my child, or any children I have after. We share control of it. Got it?” The wolf narrows his eyes before he gives a snort as if agreeing with her. “Heh. Simple as that.”
Seeing as Tanya has it handled, Dipper and Mabel leave along with Waddles.
Within Stanley Junior’s dream, it was much more vibrant and quiet as if they were in a painting themselves of an open field next to a lake on a bright sunny day with little clouds in the sky. It didn’t take long for the twins and Waddles to find the sixteen year old boy who resembled much like his grandpa Stan as a teen, with the exception that his brown hair reaches to his shoulders and a full beard on his face he let grow out. Junior was painting a picture on a canvas of Dipper and Mabel and Waddles, having felt their presence the second they entered his dream.
“Oh! Hey Dips! Mabs! And Waddles, too.” Junior turns to face the trio with a smile on his face. “Dad told me to anticipate a visit from you guys.”
“Junior, your dream looks so pretty,” complimented Mabel. 
“Why thank you. Ever since, um, you know, I became more aware within my dreams and can make it whatever I want it to be, for the most part.” Junior makes the finishing touches of the painting, showing it to them when he turns the canvas around for them to see. “What do you think?”
“You captured our likeness!”
“We’ll be heading off here to see Ty’s dream, now, before our alarm wakes us up,” said Dipper. 
“No problem! It was nice seeing you again. It’s only been a week and we all miss you guys.” 
“We missed you, too, Junior!”
Dipper and Mabel waved goodbye to Junior as they left for Ty’s dream next. 
Inside Ty’s dream, the tall black boy with blue eyes, plays a white violin before a crowd of anonymous people with his right arm intact. Ty wearing a clean black suit and shoes. The melody on the strings was sorrowful and contemplative. Tears were shedding from his eyes when he concluded his song. On the final note, Ty let lightning strike him in a great flash of light, but he was unharmed and appeared renewed by the electrical energy brought upon him and his being. 
Ty was aware of Dipper and Mabel’s presence and walks up to them, his right arm fading away as he greets them with a small wave of his left hand. “Uh, hey, guys. Did you like the performance?”
The twins nod, showing sad smiles in making a quick glance at his missing arm. 
“We loved it!”
“It was electrifying!”
This made Ty laugh a little. “I’m glad to see you two and Waddles again. We all miss you back home.”
“We missed you and everyone, too, Ty.” Mabel smiled. 
Dipper couldn’t beat around the bush about it any longer. “Ty. How are you holding up without your arm?”
Ty glanced at where his arm was and showed a small smile. “I… I think I’ll be okay. Just not right now. Carrie and Fiddleford are helping me build a better prosthetic. Which is good since they’re hella expensive, normally, even with health insurance.”
“Hope it works out. Let us know how it goes.” Dipper and Mabel take their leave with Waddles and wave goodbye to their cousin. 
Within Cormac’s dream, the albino werewolf, with a long scar across his nose, was running across a grassy plain with no destination in mind on a full moon night in the middle of nowhere. It reminded the twins of Lillian’s dream. But this time, Cormac does come across a pack of wolves he joins. Cormac and the wolves howled together that sounded melodic and it seemed to carry a long distance. It was as if he and the others were singing. Dipper and Mabel leave the dream pleased with what they’ve seen. 
Within Arya, Aria and Anais’ dreams, more often than not, share the same dreams. No one knows why this is, but their strong bond could be a factor. This dream was no different tonight. The teenage werewolf triplets were enjoying themselves at the lake, a similar scene Dipper and Mabel saw before when they were saving the girls from their nightmare induced by the mares. A recurring dream. Arya was hesitant to go into the lake water, but Aria and Anais take each hand and all go together, reassuring their sister she’ll never be alone. Dipper and Mabel get closer to the end of their adventure. Only two more left. 
Inside Isaac’s dream, the teenage boy with long golden hair was looking at his reflection in the mirror. Despite having said he wanted to accept the image he was born with, he hated the possibility of looking like his biological father Preston Northwest, a man he’ll never call his father after all the horrible things he committed. A face he is ashamed of looking at. He missed what he used to look like, before the raccoon shapeshifter lifted the spell she placed on him as a baby to look like someone else. A complicated situation for not only Isaac, but for the family he was raised in. Isaac placed his forehead on the mirror and sighed. Dipper and Mabel walk up to him to share some reassuring words. 
“Hey, man, it’s gonna be okay.”
“No matter what you look like, you’ll always be you, Isaac. No one can take that away from you.”
Isaac lifted up his head to face himself again and brightly smiled at Dipper and Mabel. “Yeah. That’s right. I’ll try to keep that in mind. Just needed a reminder.”
With that seemingly settled, Dipper and Mabel and Waddles travel to one last dream. 
Quincy, the young boy of age seven, was having himself a good dream in playing with his friends he made during the fateful summer. Dani, Jack, Kylie, Jill, Gus and Sebastian, kids around the same age as him and unique in many ways. The boy in the green shirt sprouted full green butterfly wings to fly without a care in the world, and all his friends flying with him in his pleasant dream where the sun shines bright in the sky over a flowery field in perpetual spring time. Dipper and Mabel marvel at the dream being shown, and Waddles takes delight in eating some flowers. 
Dipper smiles and lets out a sigh of content.
“I think this is a good dream to leave off on.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other --”
The sound of their alarms rang that cues their adventure’s end in the dreamscape.
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles awoke from their adventurous slumber, greeted by the sun that begins a new day. It was thankfully Saturday and they’re in no rush to get dressed yet. 
Dipper and Mabel’s cell phones, however, became the first thing they had to address as they started to ring and ring in addition to text messages from their family members. It was going to take a bit of time to answer them all. 
But there was one question they had on their mind: how was Shauna doing? Shauna, Shannon’s fraternal twin sister, having woken up before Dipper and Mabel could enter her dream. The twins imagine Shauna not having been well after what happened during Weirdmageddon, having been tortured alongside her siblings and parents by Bill before she and everyone else in Gravity Falls were rescued. In addition, residual trauma in her teens at the hands of Bill, or from scenarios unrelated when it had to do with her college friends and their adventures. 
The first call they answer is from Ford. 
“Kids!” Ford began. “Do you two have any idea what you’ve done?” He didn’t sound angry at the slightest, more so astounded by what the twins accomplished. 
“Enter your dreams and everyone else in the family; save for our parents and grandpa?” answered Dipper while scratching his head. 
“Yes! Kids, with this power, you have to be careful how you use it.” Ford paused to form his thoughts before saying. “Like Bill, I imagine you both would be more vulnerable in the dream and mindscape while visiting each person. If you get hurt in there, you get hurt in real life. I’m thrilled about this and… concerned, not going to lie.”
“Yeah, we get that. We talked to Maurice in his dream and we’re going to be careful with this power. We didn’t enter anyone else’s dreams besides you guys. We missed you.” Mabel replied while sitting next to Dipper in joining the conversation. 
“Good, good. We all miss you, too. Looking forward to seeing you both during the holiday breaks.”
“The only dream we didn’t get to enter is Aunt Shauna’s. Is she going to be okay?”
The twins hear an audible sigh on the other end and a heavy pause until Adeline’s voice could be heard on the other end. 
“After what happened to Shauna and Shannon’s eyes years ago, it was so traumatizing to Shauna she was having night terrors and couldn’t sleep at all. There’s reason to believe it’s happening again because of what Bill did to us. To put it short, he hurt us in more ways than one.” There was another pause. Adeline collected her composure to bring up the unpleasant topic. “Please don’t feel you have to fix everyone’s dreams like you did with mine and likely others. You and Mabel have already done so much. We know how to handle this with Shauna. Rest assured, she will be okay, even if not right now.”
Dipper and Mabel exchange concerned expressions and Mabel was the one to respond. “Okay, Grauntie Addi. Keep us updated, okay?”
“We will.”
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vulpixen · 4 years
Summary: After all is said and done, Arthur, Vivi and Lewis take time for themselves as they plan what is to come for the mystery trio and their futures together. They are more certain than ever they want to be together and face anything that comes their way in life. Such as what they're going to do on their honeymoon after the wedding. And seeing what truly matters to the three. One year later…. 
It is an early morning in Tempo, and the first to wake up in the large king-sized bed is Arthur as he stretches and yawns while sitting up, being well rested more so nowadays. Next to him, Vivi snoozes with her plush turtle in one hand close to her chest. It always makes Arthur smile to see how adorable his and Lewis’ fiancée is while sleeping peacefully. And at the foot of the bed was Mystery stirring awake with a bark yawn and stretch of his form’s small legs. 
Despite the gang knowing what he truly is, they still regard Mystery as being a companion for a long as they all live. And now better with Mystery feeling comfortable to speak to them ever since what happened at Kingsmen Mechanics that eventful year ago. So much has changed since then; mostly for the better. 
Arthur and Mystery sniff the breakfast scented air of bacon, eggs and more, telling them that Lewis made breakfast and all that was needed was their presence. Mystery, too, looking forward to it like every morning before the trio have to go to their respective jobs. Even the hamster Galahad crawls out of his small burrow of his enclosure to sniff the air. 
Lewis having since returned to work with his parents at Pepper Paradiso and looking after his younger sisters when needed; Vivi still working as assistant manager at Tome Tomb; and Arthur working with his uncle and little assistant Galaham. The jobs they are content with performing for now.
 “Time to wake up the sleeping beauty,” chuckles Arthur, reaching over with his right hand to lightly shake Vivi since she forgot to set her alarm again to ring at seven. Vivi is not one to miss out on Lewis’ cooking. Arthur and Lewis knowing this all too well. “Good morning, hun. Hun, you don’t want to miss out on breakfast, do you?”
Vivi rises from her sleep, sitting up as she rubs her eyes to open more with the sand out of them. “Wouldn’t miss it for anything Artie.” Vivi leans in close to Arthur, her lips meeting his in a kiss. Despite the morning breath, it did not bother them much with it being quick as soon as it started. “Good morning to you, too, Mystery.” She reaches to pet her dog/kitsune’s head and scratch behind his ear. Arthur nodding at the canine companion and to his own hamster, not having forgotten about him.
Mystery bows his head at Vivi and Arthur. “That it is, Vivi and Arthur.” Mystery gets a good whiff of the air again before announcing to Vivi and Arthur. “Judging by the delicious scent from the kitchen, the morning meals are finished.”
 Vivi gets out of bed and makes her way to the closest and vanity mirror to dress for the day. Arthur doing the same as well as making sure Galahad is fed and gets fresh water before placing him on his shoulder to hold onto. Vivi and Arthur putting on their two respective engagement rings on each finger as Arthur puts on his arm with the ring Lewis proposed to him with already on the ring finger. 
Vivi and Arthur recall that day at the Pepper Paradiso where they and Lewis proposed to each other at the same time with two engagement rings each. Arthur’s are of his own craft of steel with topazes embedded into the band. Vivi’s bought hers custom made with three sapphires shaped into snowflakes on the white gold band. As for Lewis, his engagement rings he presented to Arthur and Vivi are rings of gold with the purple gems resembling roses engraved into the band and stone. The three had a laugh, but they each said yes on that wonderful day, overcoming their doubts and reaffirming how they truly feel about one another.  
Not long after, Arthur and Vivi are dressed in their usual wear and head downstairs and into the small dining room to see Lewis happily whistling a tune while him and the Deadbeats set up the table and place the full dishes and silverware there. Lewis appearing much like his former living self; even down to his eyes having life brought back to them without the darkened sclera and pink glowing rings. Lewis having since regained much of his former self again, bringing much joy to those he loved dearly like before. Lewis brightens to see Arthur and Vivi appear, as did Mystery, the much taller one of the team scooping up both his fiancée’s in a close embrace in his strong arms. 
“Good morning, my beloveds.”
“Good morning, Lew,” Vivi and Arthur greet their loving ghost, kissing his lips as he did theirs, tasting sweet peppers like he used to. 
The two, even Mystery, takes a seat at the dining table, Lewis preferring this over taking the food to their computer/gaming room. Even if Lewis cannot eat, he enjoys seeing his loves and Mystery enjoy his cooking. Though every now and then, if Vivi and Arthur permits it first, Lewis can possess one of them to feel those sensations again as if he were alive. 
At the table, the three discuss what comes next. Vivi having big plans for her men. The bluenette sets out a notebook on the table with an enthusiastic disposition. “Alright, guys! I have plenty of ideas on how to make our honeymoon fun in more ways than one!” 
Vivi opens the page to reveal illustrations and a long list of activities she wants to partake in, intimidating Arthur and Lewis as they skim through each line that consists of in non-specific order: paranormal hunting; surfing; parasailing; arcade; mini golf; escape room marathon; and it goes on since the location of their honeymoon is in one of the major cities in Japan. The wedding is in a few months from today and they still had not settled on what they plan to do when they go to Japan. 
“Uh… Vivi?” Lewis and Arthur speak up with nervous smiles. 
Arthur being the one to express his concerns. “We’ll be there for a week if all goes to plan. Even if we don’t end up doing everything, we’ll all have fun and get to spend time together… as a family.” 
Then it is Lewis’ turn when he smiles. “That’s what really matters and maybe even encounter the supernatural most likely.”
Vivi gathers up the notebook in hand and lets out a breathing, brightly smiling at the men she loves. 
“You’re both right! This is real big trip and I wanted us to be prepared for anything. And I’d like to show you both where my family once lived while we’re there.” 
Arthur, Lewis and Vivi get up from their seats, coming together in a join hug between the trio of mystery solvers. Death itself will never part this trio. Their love will go on, forever, and ever, and ever.  A/N: Tagging @msa-secretsanta-2020 here. This is a secret santa gift for @polyskulls over on tumblr and I want to share my first Mystery Skulls fic here too! Hope they and everyone else here likes it! And Happy Holidays, everyone! You can also find it on my AO3 here!
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vulpixen · 6 years
A Friend in Fanfiction
This is my entry for @gwenvidweek Day One: Camper AU. Hope you all enjoy!
On a clear summer’s day in Camp Campbell, young Gwen sits by herself on the shore of Lake Lilac, using a pencil write her fanfiction on a flowery notebook page inside it. Gwen was writing a story that involved cheesy, innocent romance and werewolves in it, having a fondness for supernatural creatures. Gwen smiled at the thought that there could be some handsome fishman hidden in the lake, including it in her writing. So far during her time in camp, Gwen found the lake to be one of the few places where she can feel at peace and not be bothered by anyone. Except for David, of course.
“Gwen!” chirped young David as he was looking for her, having wondered where she went. David beamed when he spotted her, “Hey, Gwen, what are you writing there?”
Gwen lets out a small yelp from the sudden appearance of David, not having noticed them coming toward her before one of them said something. Gwen hastily tucked away her pencil and notebook, not wanting to deal with possible embarrassment if it came to it, “No…. Nothing! I don’t know if you will like it.”
“Don’t know unless I read it. What’s it about?” David takes a seat beside her on the earthy ground, seeming to be interested in what she was writing. Part of him hopes it’s about her loving Camp Campbell as much as he does.
Gwen takes a deep breath while blushing, guessing since it’s only David, he may like it. Gwen takes out her notebook and shows him the page of her fanfiction, “You may not like it.... It’s a cheesy romance fanfic about two werewolves falling in love and overcoming issues. Plus, I added a fishman in the story. Mushy, self-indulgent crud….”
Contrary to what she thought, David brightly smiles from reading her original fanfiction the more he read the pages and sees the small illustrations. Gwen could hardly believe he was actually liking her work. Back at home, Gwen got heckled by girls her age who didn’t give the best criticism, having made her more self-conscious. However, David seemed like he’s enjoying what she wrote.
When David got done, he tells Gwen, “I really like your story. A fishman seems far fetched, but I can tell you really put effort into this story. I like how creative you are! And… it’s great because you wrote them.”
Gwen blushed while covering her mouth, wondering when she asked him, “You really mean it? It’s not crud?” At least she found one supportive person.
“Yes I really mean it, and no it’s not crud at all, Gwen.” He gasped happily when he came up with an idea, “Maybe, if you want to, you can tell these stories around the campfire sometime.”
“I… I don’t think I’m ready to share my stories, yet, Davey,” Gwen admitted, afraid she’ll get mocked again. “Maybe another time.”
David turned to see Jasper nearby, calling for him, “Hey, Jasper! Come over here and read this good story Gwen wrote!” David assured Gwen, “I think by giving people a chance, you’ll never know if they’ll like it or not. I know my best friend, Jasper may like it too.”
For the first time since arriving at camp, Gwen couldn’t help to smile herself, seeing that David wanted to bring out the best in her. Gwen looked down at her notebook, coming up with another idea of what her next fanfiction could be about.
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vulpixen · 6 years
Play Among the Winter Stars
Here’s another short fic in honor of @gwenvidweek as I combined day 2, 3, and 4 into one fic with the themes Stars, Parents, and Winter. And I took advantage of including my gwenvid fanchild oc, Douglas, into the story to test his personality. Hope you all enjoy!
Out on a cool, starry night in winter, David and Gwen watch fifteen-year old Max playing with their youngest son, Douglas, being only four-years old out on the snowy lawn of their home while drinking hot chocolate. In the back of Gwen’s mind, she never thought of ending up with a great man such as David, adopting Max as their son, and especially having another child that her and David made from their love-making during the process of adopting Max and planning their wedding. David thinks in his mind that he’s so lucky to have found a great woman in Gwen, a son in Max, and another son in Douglas.
Douglas wasn’t part of the plan, but the three wouldn’t have it any other way; David and Gwen have another child to love and raise, while Max gained a sibling to cherish and influence.
Douglas shared his mother’s brown hair, yet it appeared to somewhat resemble David’s hairstyle, but shorter that was concealed by his purple winter cap that paired with his green parka. Douglas took after his father’s enthusiastic nature as he ran around in the snow, seeming to have bountiful energy to play. Douglas being quick on his feet as Max chases him around the lawn in the snow. 
Max himself had certainly grew taller over the years, so far reaching up to David’s midsection in height. Max still wore his signature hoodie, seeming to have aged with him as he did get a bigger size. In personality, Max hadn’t changed too much, tending to be easily annoyed, especially by David and Douglas. Max having thought holy shit his brother is almost like a mini David, but he was going to teach Douglas how to be assertive and take no crap from anyone. Max did swear he was going to be the best brother he can be for the little squirt.
After falling down to make his snow angel and gazing up at the night sky to see the infinite stars, Douglas asks Max while pointing at one of the constellations, “What’s that star, Max? Momma was telling me about con… con….”
“Constellations, squirt,” corrected Max, laying on his back next to Douglas. To think, Max wasn’t going to like the little kid when he was born, at first. Sure, Max tried to avoid Douglas when he was an infant, but it was another change in status quo he learned wasn’t so bad as he thought. “I’ll be honest with you, Doug, I don’t know too much about constellations. Too many of them for me to name, and there’s an infinite amount of stars to try to make out. To me at least. Mom, you tell him.”
Gwen points one out for them as her and David approach the two boys, “Up there is Canis Major among many others such as Taurus and Orion.”
“What do they look like?” asks Douglas again, trying to spot them.
David gladly tells him as he pointed toward the specific stars, “Orion would resemble a man wielding a club and shield. Canis Major kind of resembles a dog in shape. Same with Taurus. They’re named after important figures and myths throughout history. You know as a kid, I loved looking out at the stars and figuring which constellations are which.” David smiles over to Gwen, wrapping an arm around her waist, “Your mom and myself both do.”
“Ugh,” Max sticks out their tongue in unison at the cheesy scene.
“I figure you would be used to seeing us be affectionate, Max,” Gwen grins, giving David a kiss on the lips that made Max roll his eyes with a small smile and Douglas cooing.
“Now let's all get inside before we get hypothermia!” suggests David to his and Gwen’s little family. They couldn’t agree more with Max and Douglas wanting hot chocolate as well. 
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vulpixen · 6 years
Trying is Enough
Words: 647
Characters: Adeline Marks (oc), Shirley Pines (oc), Shifty. 
Summary: Adeline and Shirley find time to talk between friends when they’re not out investigating the mysteries of Gravity Falls. 
A/N: Hey there guys! This is a short fic as a birthday present for @hntrgurl13 . Adeline Marks belongs to @hntrgurl13 and Shirley Pines belongs to @scipunk63 . Hope you all enjoy! 
Adeline Marks and Shirley Pines were inside the attic room that became Adeline’s room -- her own living space -- she decorated to her heart’s content. Adeline was drawing illustrations for Ford’s recent discoveries at her desk while Shirley interacted with little Shifty, playing with the small creature as she watched him morph into a bouncy ball. It was unlike Shirley had ever seen in her life and she was loving it.
“You sure are neat, Shifty!” praised Shirley, picking up the squishy young creature in her hands, “Can you turn into a kitty?” Shifty nodded, morphing into a tabby kitten he’d seen from the pictures Adeline showed him earlier. “You, little one... are amazing!”
Adeline turned around, smiling at the scene, happy that Shirley and Shifty are getting along better than she expected. Like brother like younger sister, she thought positively. It almost made her think what if she had her own siblings. Would they have been supportive of her leaving home and standing up to her mother? Would they have been there when she needed it most? Would they have playfully teased her as a way of sibling affection; like Shirley does to her older brothers? At least she could get a good idea from Stanford and Fiddleford’s own experiences, having grown up with older and younger siblings around for the most part. Fiddleford was almost like a sibling to her even.
Shirley asked Adeline, lying on the bed while holding Shifty, “Say, did you ever found more these guys like Shifty and if his parents are around?”
Adeline shook her head, “No. Shifty’s egg was the only one we found. We don’t know where his birth parents are, or if they’re still alive, but we do have a theory that his ancestor may have come from the fallen spaceship on the outskirts of town.”
“Ah,” Shirley said, almost felt bad for the creature, “Shifty doesn’t have any siblings either, but that’s okay. Most of my life, it was just me and my parents. All my brothers were out of the apartment before I even started talking, but Shermie and Ford occasionally visited.”
“That’s nice,” Adeline smiled some, mentioning, “Fiddleford was telling me the other day about his several siblings back in Tennessee and how chaotic it was, but for the most part, they cooperated well when it came to performing tasks around the hog farm.”
Shirley blushed for a moment at the mention of Fiddleford before switching topics, “So, um… when’s your birthday? I wanna get you something when that day comes around.”
Adeline chuckled for a moment, telling her in modesty, “October 9th. A few months away. You don’t have to get me anything if you don’t want to.”
“Nah, I wanna do something nice for you.” Shirley sat up from the bed with Shifty on her shoulder now, “We’re friends. You’ve been a good help for my brother to keep him on track when I’m not around.” Shirley frowned for a moment, confiding to Adeline concerning her brother, “Ma and I worry about Ford since he’s been distant over the years. I can understand why because of my pa can be…. But I’ve been trying to help my brother see that he’s got people looking out for him.”
Adeline totally understood Shirley. From the time she’s worked with Ford, she could get the feeling that he kept details about his family to a minimal. There was somethings about his family he didn’t want to talk about. Adeline sure doesn’t like bringing her own issues with her own family.
“I try what I can do, Shirley. Boy do I try, and that’s the best we both can do for him,” Adeline said, hoping it would make Shirley feel a bit better. When she sees Shirley’s lips curved to a small smile, it was enough to know that she appreciates her friend’s words.
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vulpixen · 7 years
A Better Life AU
Presenting a new au idea: Meteora was never given away to St Olga; instead, the baby Meteora was stolen away by a monster who raises Meteora in a loving, accepted, supportive environment. It’s where Meteora could have a more fulfilling life, but not without its problems as I tell more:
In my version of this au, Meteora was raised by a monster lesbian couple: Gorra the chameleon-like septaran that stole –liberated– Meteora away  and her water deer-like monster named Bonny “Bonbon”. The couple raising Meteora as their own with love, acceptance and support. Gorra teaching Meteora not only self-defense, but to tell her where she really came from, and who and what happened to her parents. Of course Meteora would want revenge against those who wronged her and her family, and being denied the throne for her lineage.
Meteora eventually finding love with another monster and having children of her own to love and teach them everything she knew. During those many years, up until season three’s timeline, Meteora founded her own clan of monsters, some consisting of her descendants that continue to thrive thanks to their longevity. Gorra still being around, but greatly concerned for Meteora as she was growing ever more powerful with her own army to take back Mewni to rule it. Meteora’s seven or eight times, fifteen-year old great-granddaughter, Obsidia, along with some of the other family members shared Gorra’s worries.
Obsidia can only hope that Star Butterfly can sway Mewni to be a better place for monsters and mewman alike. Of course, Obsidia herself would be more than glad to join Star and friends on that quest.
This is what I have for the au so far as well as my own take on it.
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vulpixen · 7 years
Out At Sea (Drabble)
A/N: Here’s my possibly last contribution for @forduary for this week’s theme: Stan ‘O War. It was pretty fun to participate and I may or may not do the extra prompts too. Anyways, enjoy this small drabble by ours truly. 
Out at sea….
The skies were mostly clear with scattered clouds, seagulls flying overhead the Stan O’ War II. Ford overlooking the vast waters from the deck with a bright smile on his face. Waves slushed against the hull as him and his brother venture forth for the Arctic. Stan and himself deserved it after over forty-years - it was well overdue. Ford looked at the compass in his hand, looking like they’re heading in the right direction, sailing into the Gulf Of Mexico.
Stan stepped out of the cabin quarters to get some fresh air, and out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw some mermaids in the water. He rubbed his eyes to adjust and low and behold, he sees a merman leaping in the air with a pod of dolphins, making the same click noises as they did.
The merman appeared to be about twelve-years of age with long flowing brown hair and a short mustache, medium tone skin on his upper half while his tail and scales were green in hue, wearing a salmon colored shell necklace. It was Mermando! Stan and Ford remembered Mabel having several times mentioned him and showed pictures.
Stan grinned and got his brother’s attention, “Hey, Sixer! Come look at what I’m seein’.”
Ford turned his attention to his brother, asking, “What do you see?” The moment he turned his head, he sees the pod of dolphins and Mermando swimming their way. To him, it was a great find to witness a merman in person. Ford making a suggestion, “How about we go say hello?”
“Way ahead of you, Sixer!” Stan grinned, going over to the wheel to steer the Stan ‘O War II. A little detour wouldn’t hurt before heading up towards the Arctic. Plus, Mabel asked that if the two saw Mermando, she told them to say hi in her place.
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vulpixen · 7 years
College Connection
Characters: Stanford Pines, Fiddleford McGucket, Annabelle (my Mrs McGucket oc), and Lucina Evergreen (my oc). 
Summary: Ford gets a break from his study time to unwind, thanks to his friends insistence he should. However, Ford was unaware of what his friend has in store for him as he’s introduced to someone named Lucina Evergreen who may change his life forever. 
A/N: Hey there, guys! Writing this late at night to contribute for @forduary in this week’s theme: College. Also, I wanted to take this chance to introduce two of my own characters, Lucina Evergreen and Annabelle McGucket (my own interpretation of her), for an au I have in mind where Ford finds someone to love. Don’t know what to call the au yet, though. Hope you all enjoy!
In Ford and Fiddleford’s dorm, 1972….
Stanford was at his table, stacked with a large variety of textbooks he needed to study for upcoming exams, wanting to have high grades on all of them to get through Backupsmore University as quick as possible and earn those PHD’s. Of course, he studies as if he was running out of time with the all-nighters he’s pulled so far into his first year. He was leaning back in his chair, something menial to do to help him focus, not being aware of anything else happening in his surroundings.
He was well into one of his books with a pen in his mouth when his roommate and best friend, Fiddleford McGucket, comes inside the room, looking rather happy about something.
“Hey Stanford, I’ve got somethin’ ta tell--”
The sudden opening of the door made Ford lean back further on his chair, making him fall with a thud, but thankfully, he wasn’t harmed, though rather annoyed. Ford gets up and repositions the chair he was sitting in, grumbling from having been disturbed in his study time.
“Is it important, Fiddleford?” Ford asked with a slightly raised brow while placing his book on the table. He was curious nonetheless what his friend was so cheery about.
Fiddleford smirks a tad, excited to tell him for what he has in store for his friend, “~Weeeeellll…~ Mah girlfriend, Annabelle, has a roommate she wants ta introduce ya to. I’ve met her and boy will you two have loads to talk ‘bout!”
Ford was unimpressed and inquired, “Really? You want me to go out on a double date with you? With a woman I haven’t met myself yet?”
Fiddleford sighed, bringing up, “Ford take a break from studin’ fer at least one night. The exam isn’t for awhile and ah just think, as yer friend, ya need ta unwind. If this here night doesn’t go well fer ya and her, then ah promise ah won’t try ta set ya up again. Deal?” He extends his hand for a handshake. To humor his friend, Ford returns the gesture, knowing Fiddleford means well in what he’s doing.
However, Ford questioned if a girl could ever accept him fully -- flaws and all. Ford hadn’t pursued a relationship since high school and it was a trainwreck for him, nor has he since coming to college. He thought back to how Stanley tried more than once to help him get a date, but end up failing one way or another. Why would this time be any different, he wondered. Ford took a deep breath, just this once, he’ll give the benefit of a doubt.
“Can I know some about her to get an idea how she’s like, at least? And where we’re going too?” Ford asked, leaning against his bed to give Fiddleford his undivided attention.
Fiddleford nodded with a bright smile, elaborating, “Glad ya asked! Her name is Lucina Evergreen and she’s ‘bout yer age. She studies in philosophy and cryptozoology. She’s polite, if a bit shy with people, like someone I know. Can mostly be found studyin’ outside in that big ol’ tree near the wooded area with a book in hand. Plus, she has complete Heterochromia Iridium: her right eye blue while her left eye is brown. The rest ya gotta know yerself,” Fiddleford grins a tad when he finished.
Ford’s eyes widened slightly from the intriguing details he’s hearing. Perhaps meeting Lucina herself would yield a promising relationship once he gets to know her more. Her fields of study were an interesting choice; someone who ponders about the world and shares their thoughts and feelings about life itself, with the addition she is interested in the paranormal. At the mention she has a physical anomaly does give him confidence that Lucina would know what it’s like to be different compared to everyone else; a smile forming on his face at the thought. At the same, he was nervous and anxious about meeting her, hoping he somehow doesn’t screw up that would make her turn away from him, like all the other times before.  
“Also, we’re goin’ to the roller disco place close to the college.”
At the roller disco place...
That night, the whole building was alive with music and college students having a grand time, well almost everyone as it wasn’t Ford’s preferred destination to be. Ford didn’t plan on roller skating, but knowing Fiddleford, he would coax him into it. The music playing was a good selection that even Ford finds himself nodding his head.
Further into the building where the tables and chairs were near the snack bar, Fiddleford guides Ford to one table where two women their age, Annabelle and Lucina, were conversing. Annabelle had a head full of long curly, chestnut brown hair wearing a flower crown Fiddleford made for her earlier.
Annabelle wore a dark purple jumpsuit with a pair of boots of a lighter shade and pink-rimmed glasses; her caucasian skin dotted with freckles on her face and the brightest smile to light up a room in the void, so it seemed; possibly how Fiddleford fell in love with her not too long after meeting her.
However, Lucina was clearly different, she seemed more reserved by her posture. Her smile was pleasant and shy upon her seeing Ford for the very first time. Lucina wore a short brown sweater vest over her yellow long sleeve top, wearing blue bell bottom pants and black boots. Lucina’s physical features included her medium toned skin with light freckles under her eyes -- those eyes one would see on a husky dog where her right eye is blue, while her left is brown -- and her long raven black hair in a feathered fashion. For once, Ford was excited to know her more. Lucina being the same when she sees him and his unique hands with the extra digit.
“Oh there ya’ll are!” Annabelle chirped, getting up to greet her boyfriend with a big smooch on his cheek, “I was just tellin’ Lucina ‘bout yer friend. I swear by my mother’s name they’re good things.” Annabelle peaked over Fiddleford’s shoulder to see a sheepish Ford with a nervous smile. Fiddleford and Annabelle exchange knowing looks, putting their plan into motion. Fiddleford grabs Ford’s hand, guiding him over to have a seat next to Lucina, the poor man and woman not knowing what’s going on.
“How ‘bout you two chat while Annabelle and myself go groove it on the floor,” Fiddleford gently takes his girlfriend’s hand, the two heading over to the counter to go get roller skates and getting to dancing like pros.
Ford and Lucina didn’t know what to say to the other first, the two already learning each other’s names before having the chance to make proper introductions.
“Thanks a lot for putting me on the spot”, the two thought in unison regarding their respective roommates.
Ford tapping on the table for a moment to think before he spoke with a small smile, “So Lucina, I… um… what got you interested in your fields of study?”
Lucina brightens up a bit and shares with him, although a bit shy to say in case he may find it too weird to his liking, though finding the courage to bring up in her soft spoken voice, “Well… I’ve always been curious by all that’s around me and what wonderful, yet dangerous things may lurk in the land, sea, sky and beyond what we can see,” she chuckles a bit in thought before continuing, surprising herself she’s holding a conversation, “Comes from being born and raised in a sleepy town in the deep woods of Oregon.”
Ford found himself in awe of what the woman’s sharing with him, beginning to grow more and more comfortable with talking to her about their shared interests. Thinking about his own “anomaly” he asked her, “Lucina, do you sometimes feel insecure about your eyes? I think they’re gorgeous personally--” Ford blushed, the thought being blurted out of his mind.
Lucina blushed back, hiding away her eyes behind her bangs out of habit, but then smiles pleasantly from processing what he said, slowly revealing her eyes once more as if they were curtains.
“Th...Thank you, Stanford. I do feel insecure about my eyes sometimes. Some people don’t like to look at me for too long, thinking my eyes stare into their soul and judge them or something. But in the woods where I live, I don’t feel the need to hide them away. Where I feel at peace and free. Basically my life story, just about. Sorry that I droned on, I haven’t even gotten to ask you about anything to know you yet,” she nervously laughs, glancing away.
“Don’t worry about it, Lucina, I’m patient. Ask away,” Ford said. Neither of them could believe they’re bonding, but they are as they continue to talk more about one another, completely toning out the sound around them as if they weren’t at a roller disco anymore.
Fiddleford and Annabelle looking on with bright smiles on their faces, glad to have found that their plan worked without a hitch.
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vulpixen · 7 years
Hey guys, got another chapter for all of you to read! You can also find it on @sailormew4 ‘s fanfiction.net page here: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12293105/44/ . Adeline Marks belongs to @hntrgurl13 . The Addiford ship used in this fic was created by @scipunk63 . Hope you all enjoy!
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vulpixen · 7 years
Caught Red Handed
Word count: 800-something
Characters: Stanley Pines, Carla McCorkle, Stanford Pines (mentioned), Shifty the shape shifter, James, Jessie, Sheldon and Shelby Pines (my ocs).
Summary: Stanley and Carla try their best being parents to their rambunctious twins, needing to remind them what’s right and what’s wrong. Stan gets some... reminders of when he got in trouble as a kid. 
A/N: Another fic for @stanuary month. This week’s theme being Trouble. I wanted to get this one taken care of before I have to watch some dogs for a week. This au where Stan and Carla stayed in a loving relationship and have kids together. On another note, my newest oc’s, Sheldon and Shelby, are part of another Gravity Falls au I’m working on and hope to share in the future. For now, enjoy!
At the Mystery Shack in 1984.
All the twins had to do was not cause trouble. Was it too hard to ask of them? Stan glowers at the mess made in the attraction room, his and Carla’s “Love-Dove” display having be wrecked when red doves having once formed a heart now in two halves. Didn’t help that the scene gave him flashbacks of all the times him and Stanford screwed around in their dad’s pawn shop, having broken a thing or two in play time without thinking. He lightly pinches the bridge of his nose to address to his kids.
“Alright, kids. Which one of ya busted the “Love-Dove” attraction and tried to glue it back together? The day before Valentines Day no less. Just wanna know who,” Stanley asks of his twelve-year old twins, James and Jessie Pines, holding up the broken halves of the red feathered stuffed doves, the halves having some glue on it, but not enough to put it back the way it was. Carla, standing next to her husband with her hands to her hip and a furrow brow. Jessie and James both looking guilty as charge while blush made their cheeks rosy, shuffling their feet where they stand. Their brown hairs having specks of glue from bickering earlier and fighting over it. Around the corner, the seven-year old Shifty, Sheldon and Shelby were snickering out of their twin cousins expense like the little kids they are to laugh at the expense of their cousins.
“Well?” Carla raised her brow.  
Jessie goes first and shifts blame onto her twin, “James suggested we try to improve the display by putting crowns on their heads.”
“What?!” James retorts his twin sister, “That was your idea! And it was you who dropped it!”
“Slander!” Jessie gasped, “You did it when we were arguing over if it needed crowns or not. You even tried to take the glue away from me.”
The twins dissolved into further arguing over who did who, causing Stanley and Carla to groan, pulling the twins apart the moment they got into fight mode. Stan holding Jessie back while Carla held onto James by his shoulders, the twelve-year olds needing a bit apart.
“You two knock it off, or so help me you’ll be grounded for a month!” Carla raised her voice. Hearing their mother seemed to make the twins stop trying to go at each other, knowing they’re both in bigger trouble than before.
Stan takes a deep breath and collects himself before addressing the two, “Kids, all we asked was an honest answer, not a game of shifting blame onto the other.” Jessie and James frown when their dad kneels down to their level and gets straight with them. Stan continuing, “When I was a boy, I got in trouble more often than your uncle Stanford. A lot of trouble and the scars to prove it.” Stan couldn’t help to shift his eyes over to the mark on his right shoulder for but a moment before continuing, “I took the blame every time so my brother wouldn’t get the wrath my Pa delivered onto me. Which was harsh…. Called me a screw up and everything. I never will treat you two the same way your gramps did to me, that I promise you two and your cousins. How about we get that glue out of your hair -- if we can without shaving your heads -- and fix the attraction together? What do ya both say?”
Jessie and James couldn’t agree more with their dad as the two gave him a hug, not wanting to disappoint him and their mom. Carla smiles to the scene. It had been years since Stan ever mentioned his father, the very man who kicked him out as a teen to fend for himself. However, Stan thanked whatever was in the sky that he has Carla to stay by his side and worked together as a team. Stan never thought he’d become a father himself until Jessie and James entered his and Carla’s life.  
It was almost hard to talk about Filbrick after so long for Stan, having disconnected contact ever since his mother and father divorced not long after he was kicked out. The biggest trouble Stan ever found himself in, next to the times where himself and Carla found themselves in trouble with crooks. Stan thought lightly that at least his mother wasn’t so strict with him and Stanford. However, even she couldn’t fix the damage that was done, entirely.
“I’d rather not be bald, thank you very much. I worked hard to maintain this hairstyle, almost like Georgy Mike’s,” James remarks, hesitant to touch his hair.
“It’ll grow back, James,” Jessie chuckles while walking with him to see who gets in the shower first.
Carla smiles over to Stan, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder while kissing his cheek, praising him, “You handled that well, Stan.”
Stan smiled back at his wife as he picks up the broken attraction, “Thanks, Carla babe. Thank you for getting them to stop fighting,” he lets out a sigh, really hoping that their friendship won’t crumble apart like him and his brother did years ago, though eventually reconciling when the kids enter his life and Carla’s. Stan hopes his brother hasn’t gotten into too much trouble himself and that he found who he’s looking for on the other side of the portal.
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vulpixen · 7 years
Taking Shelter
Rating: T 
Characters: Stanley Pines, Carla McCorkle, Wesley and Camellia McCorkle (my oc parents to Carla), James and Jessie Pines (my starla oc children of Stan and Carla), Filbrick Pines (mentioned), Ma Pines (mentioned), Stanford Pines (mentioned). 
Relationships: Stanley Pines/Carla McCorkle. 
Summary: Having just been kicked out of his own home, Stanley Pines finds a place where he can rest and find peace in loving arms. 
A/N: Well this is my last contribution for @stanuary with this weeks theme being Safe. I will warn that it does imply child abuse being involved, but there is family fluff that Stan sure needs. Hope you all enjoy this fanfiction journey and I’m glad to have taken part! You can find it on my AO3 account with the rest of the entries here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13464525/chapters/30872520
The McCorkle family apartment/flower shop, 1972...
It had been a horrible night for a seventeen-year -- going on eighteen the following month -- old Stanley Pines, having been kicked out of his home by his father at eighteen. All because of a mistake that could have been fixed if he’d let his brother know sooner with his science project. He resists to rub the bruise on his elbow and cheek from the fall against the concrete sidewalk the moment he was pushed out the door by his abusive father.  
Thankfully, he knew of one place he could stay in the meantime; the only few that mattered: his girlfriend, Carla McCorkle, her parents, and the two resting infant twins, James and Jessie, in their shared crib. Where else could he go that wasn’t the streets? It was a much better living arrangement that his children stayed with their mother and her parents, rather than subject them to his father’s yelling and drama. Stanley had already endured his father’s insults thrown at him for being a teen father and how screwed up the kids will be later in life when they were born a week ago. The only person he couldn’t be mad at was his own mother, of whom he knows was giving Filbrick a great backlash for his actions. Stan couldn’t be entirely mad at his twin brother either, he had every right to be upset over such a screw up.
Stan rubs the tears away from his red puffy eyes before he knocks on the door a few times until someone answered. To his lucky stars, it was Carla who answered and greeted.
“Hey Stan…” Carla’s bright smile quickly forms a concerned frown when she gets a good look at her boyfriend’s broken-hearted face. She beckons him inside her home, “Come inside, Stanley and we can talk about all this. I just put the twins in their crib.”
“Thanks, Hotpants….” Stan spoke quietly as he moves inside with his duffle bag over his shoulder.
Inside the apartment was quaint with earthy colors on the wallpaper and furniture that seems to make the whole living room pop, as did the kitchen and the bedrooms upstairs as they arrived through the flower shop. It was a great contrast to how his -- former -- home’s like in appearance. The scent of lavender filled the air, a calming smell that greets Stanley’s nostrils as he took a whiff. It was those kinds of flowery scents, besides those from the beach, that lets him know he’ll be safe.
The mother and father of Carla McCorkle, Camellia and Wesley, were pleasant enough folk, both having invested in creating a flower shop with the rise in popularity of floral arrangements. Wesley wore flared white pants with rose petals spotting the leggings and a blue and white shirt, black shoes, and his short hair being black in hue along with his short moustache. He was of Scottish descent. Camellia herself wore something that definitely fits the theme of the shop with a jumpsuit with camellia flowers adorning the wear with her long, curly auburn hair flowing freely.
The moment Wesley and Camellia McCorkle heard Carla come back, it was the father who walked from in the dining room to ask his daughter what was going on. Though when the father sees Stanley with his daughter and the emotional state he was in -- of which they’ve seen quite a few times -- he immediately grew worried of what happened.
“Oh my,” Wesley whispers to himself before turns to the kitchen, asking his wife, “Darling be a dear and fix up some tea. And a ice bag. Stanley’s here and something happened.” He clears his throat to give a warm greeting to the teenage boy, “Hello, Stanley, due make yourself comfortable.”
Stan simply nods with saying, “Thank you, Mr. M.” heading over to the purple couch on the shag carpeting, he lays his duffle bag on the floor and gets comfortable on the couch next to Carla. Funny, he was on a couch before all hell broke loose. Now, he doesn’t think he deserves to be on one as nice as his girlfriend’s parents. After what happened at home, he felt absolutely awful.
Carla places a gentle hand on Stan’s as she inquires, “Stanley what happened to you?” She glances down at the duffle bag she noticed him carry, “And the….”
“I’ll tell you everything, babe,” Stan turns to look at her and her beautiful hazel eyes.
After he told her and her parents everything over tea, Camellia and Wesley were angry for what Filbrick did to Stanley. No child should ever deserve that kind of treatment. Stanley rests the ice bag on the bruises he got.
“That’s how it happened and now I don’t have any other place than here to go to…. I don’t even know if I can even go to high school without seein’ my brother there. He hates me….” Stan laments with a frown, drinking his tea. It wasn’t often he drinked the stuff, being more used to Pitt Cola, but he drank it out of respect for Carla’s parents. He liked his sweetened with honey, so it’s almost like his favorite soda.
“It’s horrible what happened, Stanley, but know you’re always welcomed here to stay. Carla and your children would appreciate--”
“WAAAAHHH!” cried the infant twins upstairs.
Camellia chuckled a little, “Speaking of, I think they’d like to see you more anyways. We’ll figure things out in the coming days with what you can do.” She gets up from her chair and heads upstairs to get the crying twins. Carla was incredibly thankful her parents are around to help her and Stan out with the babies. Wesley and Camellia having been teen parents themselves when they had Carla.
Wesley had the home telephone in his hands, dialing the number to the Pines family Pawn Shop, about to give a piece of his mind. The phone rings but no answer on the other line. He huffs and hangs up the phone, calming down when Camellia brought the infants with her in each arm to Stan and Carla. Stan holding Jessie while Carla holds James in their arms.
“It was only a diaper change they needed,” Camellia chirped, picking up the empty cups and taking them to the kitchen.
Stan puts a small grin on his face, holding his baby girl when he greets her, “Hey, Firecracker, how you doin’? Me? I had a rough night, but it’s better now that I’m here with you two and your mom and grandparents.” He smiles lightly over to Carla and James, definitely feeling much better now that he’s there with the family he managed to make for himself. For now, he felt uncertain as to what he’s going to do, but he knows now he can rely on Carla and her parents to help him through the rough patch in his young life.
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