pungenticeboy · 9 years
Love is All, Love is You (60s AU) // Anna & Kristoff <RP with annabjorgmxn>
Kristoff smiled again, Anna’s rambling having an effect on him. “I’m not actually a member of the band.” Kristoff explained, “We just happen to live in the apartment with them.”
“But you do play with them when they rehearse at home.” Sven added.
“Well... yeah. I do, but only because they let me do that. I couldn’t ever play live with them, even if they did make me a member of the band...” Kristoff said, trailing off again.
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pungenticeboy · 9 years
Love is All, Love is You (60s AU) // Anna & Kristoff <RP with annabjorgmxn>
As he sat in a noisy diner in the heart of the city, Kristoff Bjorgman took a long sip of his milkshake. They had had them in Norway, where him and his brother, Sven, had come from but since they’d arrived in America a few weeks ago, everyone was saying that they simply must try the shakes. They’d moved in a crowded apartment run by some woman they’d met through letters and advertisements. Her name was Bulda and she was the landlady. Living there were a few others, all members of a folk band called “The Trolls”. Kristoff had gotten a good laugh out of the name, trolls being a big thing in Norway.
He hadn’t really felt like going out, but Sven had convinced him, bribing him with diner food, which he had enjoyed the first time they’d had it. 
“Aren’t you glad you reconsidered coming out, Kristoff?” he heard Sven ask. A relatively large young man, larger than him and much sweeter, Sven had brown eyes, the same as Kristoff and a large nose. He also had a small gap between his front teeth, giving his grin a little character. Kristoff’s teeth were relatively straight, his nose on the thicker side, but not as thick as his brothers. His face was young, particularly when he was clean shaven. Kristoff’s hair was dark blonde, long, shaggy and unkept, though not as as long as Sven’s, who was a brunette with his long hair tied back out of his face. Kristoff had a sturdy, stocky build, but his brother’s was larger. Sven had ended up throwing Kristoff over his shoulder like he was nothing and carrying him out the door to get him to come eat, Kristoff turning red with embarrassment as he begged to be put down.
“Once again, the promise of unhealthy American food and milkshakes has coaxed me out of the house. Good job.” Kristoff joked. Sven gave him a playful kick under the table, making Kristoff grin, his straw between his teeth.
“You know what we need?” Sven asked, taking a rather large bite of hamburger, getting the sauce all over his lips. 
“A napkin?” Kristoff suggested, handing Sven a napkin from the dispenser. Sven licked the sauce from his face and wiped away what he couldn’t reach.
“No. We need a girl. A friend. A friend who is a girl.”
Kristoff furrowed his brow. “We have one already that’s in the Trolls, big guy.”
“I think she plays for the other team, if you catch my drift.”
Kristoff  rolled his eyes. “So what?”
Sven looked behind Kristoff and smiled, nodding his head. “Oooh. Speaking of which. Look behind you.”
Kristoff turned around and looked, his eyes finding a really... really beautiful girl with orange hair and blue eyes.
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