cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
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ANNA FRICKIN' KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🚄🚄🚄👟🚂🚂🚂🚂💗💗💗💗
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merryfortune · 4 years
Day 24 / Daisy
Ship: Toughshipping | Anna/Rio
Universe: Alternate - The Dressmaker
Word Count: 1,043
Rating: T
Tags: Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt/No Comfort
   “It’s safe as. I’ve done it once, I’ve done it a hundred times.” Anna bragged.
   “That sounds dangerous. I’m not going to be impressed either way.” Rio worried for Anna, reaching out to her and holding her forearm.
   “Jumping off the silos onto the ground is for kids.” Anna lectured Rio as serious as a heart attack. “Real idiots jump into ‘em. In the dark.”
  Rio had an ominous feeling. As nonchalant as Anna was, with bravado coming out of her ears, Rio didn’t think that it was advisable.
   Since coming home, Rio had made many enemies, fewer friends, and even fewer lovers. She had also made many, many dresses and very little progress towards the very quest that had brought her to this tiny town with such eternal memories for hostility. Even now, as an adult, when Rio closed her eyes, her earliest memory of this place was not picking flowers from the front yard of her house but rather, being thrown into the back of a rickety automobile with a hastily put-together suitcase. It was having putrid farewells sneered at her from the grown-ups around her. Not even a sweet goodbye from her parents. All because the golden boy of the town, her very own twin brother, Ryouga, had been killed and she was the presumed killer.
   But being cast aside was preferential to being kept forever. Exiled on her own, at least Rio had gotten to see a little of the world, but what she saw had her harrowed, she was by no means the poorest, most unfortunate souls out there and in fact, it tended to be those who loved her and were loved in return who were worse off. And they were worse off for loving her. Even now, she shivered to think their fates but at least they had left her still alive, if narrowly.
   Rio had also been given the opportunity to learn a trade in this world outside the tiny town she hailed from. She apprenticed to a tailor and had learned greatly from them. Now, after learning her needlework, she could return in glamour, in silks and chiffons, and for whomever there was here, if they would pay her, Rio would make dresses for them. She did not care if they spat in her face, so long as their spittle followed the clanging of coins, she minded not.
   Anna, of course, being the sole exception in the ugliest pair of trousers that Rio had ever seen. At least her britches were handsome but she was good-hearted through and through. She was like the sun in that regard  and being out in the starlight like this, atop the reserves, with Anna was breath-taking. Made all the grim circumstances worth them. Even for a moment with cheap wine and fresh fruit and cheeses to savour with them.
   “It’ll be fun.” Anna told her.
   “It’ll be dangerous.” Rio insisted. “What if there’s seed in there? Lucern and the like?”
   “Naw, we haven’t got anything in the stores, it’ll be sorghum, but not ‘til next week, promise.” Anna said.
   She wasn’t listening to Rio either way. She was a farm kid and this was just how farm kids were when they were smitten. She got to her feet and she scuttled around the side of the silo. She lifted the hatch - easy, one hand - and Rio inched closer. Anna flashed a smile at her.
   “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m not afraid of anything.” Anna said. “I love you.” She chirped it so casually and she took the plunge.
   She didn’t even give Rio a second to say something - anything - in return but she smiled as Anna went down that drop. Straight as a pin but Rio never heard the drop. She waited and she waited and she felt the cold breeze of the night on her arms. She prickled. She couldn’t wait any longer.
   She was certain Anna was just playing a mean joke but - but what if?
   Rio grasped onto the rim of the hatch and she stuck her head through the wide hole. She strained her eyes but she was certain. The silo was not empty. It was full. Close to capacity levels of full. Her eyes widened as she felt tears bulge at the bottom of them. Her voice was raspy but she still yelled for Anna. 
   Anna didn’t respond. Rio couldn’t even see her but Rio yelled for her. Over and over. She yelled for help to come but they never did. Rio didn’t see Anna again until the morning. When the ruined harvest spilled from the bottom to find the farmgirl buried at the bottom of it.
   Rio knelt in the red sorghum with Anna’s lifeless body. She clutched onto her stained shirt and she wept. She had always feared that it would only be a matter of time until someone whom she loved and was loved in return by would die by her coincidence again. Just like Ryouga, she hazarded the thought as she sobbed at Anna’s lifeless body.
   She didn’t even let Allen - Anna’s brother - take Anna away from her for preparation. It was no different to making clothes for mannequins. In the shade of Anna’s favourite tree on her and her family’s farm, Rio wiped down her body with a cloth, removing the sorghum from her hair and from her skin. Dressing her up in the finest that she would have worn if they could have been betrothed. Trousers charcoal black; a white linen shirt; even a blazer to match. It’s what she would have wanted, Rio thought, as she sobbed but it would all be for naught.
   Rio surrendered Anna’s body to Allen only when she was prim and proper. When she looked like she was asleep, not suffocated and dead. Allen was the one to carry Anna to her funeral possession, like how an older brother should, cradling his little sister whilst those of the town who watched wept. He took her out to what would be her least favourite bonfire. Out in the blazing sunlight and in the dry, yellow grass where only hard daisies could grow to the cremation pyre that would be all hers and all eyes, accusatory, were on Rio as she grieved.
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blooming-blooming · 6 years
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still in a graphics mood somehow, made some AnnaRios because i will take this lesbian rarepair to my grave
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meusbaggo-blog · 7 years
Coreografia (Malandramente - Dennis Dj e Mc's Nandinho e Nego Bam) Prof Snap: JhonnysMarks
Coreografia (Malandramente – Dennis Dj e Mc’s Nandinho e Nego Bam) Prof Snap: JhonnysMarks
Coreografia Nova Roupa: Shap Shape Instagram: @Shape_Shape tênis Maculino: SalePalmas Instagram: @Salepalmas Nos sigam nas redes Sociais Face/Insta/Snap: Gabriela Barboza Face/Insta/Snap: kiseRegina Face/Insta/Snap: Jhonnysmarks Coreografia (Malandramente – Dennis Dj e Mc’s Nandinho e Nego Bam) Prof Snap: JhonnysMarks annario Ao Vivo, Cd Leo Santana Ao Vivo, Cd Bailão do Robyssão ao Vivo, Cd ao…
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
'toughshipping' is a such a weakass ship name for annario like man come on. 'icetrainshipping' is right there. call that ship zambonishipping. Snowpiercershipping .Icicle Crash. work with me here.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
I'd love to know what the other Barians are up to in the college AU!
YESSS like i said when i was talkin about Vector, I rly wanna properly draw all these guys sometime this year, theyve been bumping around my brain for Months now. some tidbits about the other guys:
Shark/Nasch: MISTAH TRANS MASC HE/THEY OF ALL TIME. Has a really dense Carrd covered in sea predator gifs and dA stamps. I thiiink I assigned him Pursuing a Marine Biology degree, naturally--he spends a lot of time at the aquarium wishing he worked there (he works at a country club currently. he drives golf carts to go pick up errant golf balls. his little nametag says 'Reginald'.) Does really well in his classes but is becoming. a Little Bit Burned Out trying to deal with them And work And whatever bullshit his current and ex-roommates are entangling him in. Vector stole his Ikea blahaj plush and tied it to a ceiling fan. Frequents Not-Lawrence State University's esteemed Smogon Club (usually because Yuma begs and begs for him to come,) and runs a nasty Walking Wake led Monotype team.
Rio: I NEED TO DECIDE ON HER MAJOR WAHHH Atmospheric Science would be kind of insane... invested interest in meteorology and winter events. I know she's dabbled in a bunch of campus sports and ice skates at a very skilled level, probably is banking on maybe doing that professionally if she can qualify. She's also buddies with Alexis! :3 Works at a bougie gelato place not far from the country club Shark works at so sometimes she will come bother him on her break. Has a modest interest in birding and sometimes meets up with the town Birding Group. All in all just likes being active and stylish and is closing in on a date with Miss Anna Kaboom~ lord dont get me started on butchfemme annario i aint got no brakes
Girag and Alito: THE BESTIES. THE ROOMIES OF ALL TIME. They actually live in the same apartment complex as Primo and Claus so they hang out and shoot the shit sometimes. Alito I feel is majoring in something like English, he's not super attached to it, what he really is banking on is a boxing career (whether or not that pans out for him remains to be seen.) He goes and spars at a local gym frequently! Girag is a history major with a focus on feudal Japan and he's also a furry. The boys' r/malelivingspaces ass apartment is a haven for the other Emperors if they dont want to be in the Nightmare House for a hot minute. Don't mind the giant knockoff red panda squishmallow taking up half their couch. Also Ponta is still there he's still a little spirit guy that Girag is nebulously aware of but Alito isn't.
Mizar: OH MIZAR..... one of my favorite zexals in the College AUverse tbh. my failwoman. Tentatively out transfem overdramatic fake blond trying out she/they pronouns for the first time. Has a big expensive gaming desktop that lights up (it looks vaguely like Tachyon Dragon lol) and uses it primarily to get into heated furry drama online and write extensive papers and lab reports for her Physics degree, usually while under some degree of white knuckle meltdown stress. She and Dumon were dating for a while but broke up and truth be told Mizar's still got a couple hangups about it. Gets into a LONG, STUPID beef with Kite over their fursona designs "being too similar" that culminates in them having a brawl on the roof of a hotel mid furry-convention. Yes they were both in fursuits. No you can't tell anyone you saw Kite in a fursuit keep you voice down shh!!!!!!! They end up having some kind of t4t qpr-ish situationship i think. not avoiding the mizakai allegations i fear HDFHSFGF
Dumon: WHO UP STUDYING THEY MEDIEVAL TEXTS. god. I love college AU Dumon. little library dyke. dweeb he/him butch kind of sort of dating clark's Paula From Earthbound and they are having In Depth discussions about a podcast they just listened to. Medieval lit major who knows more about knights than you ever will in your entire life. He was born in Utah. Organizes the finances of the Barian Rental House and takes it all dead seriously and Vector still owes like three months of back rent and he kind of wants to strangle him over it. Type of guy who spends all day at the campus coffee shop nursing the same matcha latte for five hours. Mizar is his best friend and they still hang out post-break up and they're both just kind of constantly putting up with Vector's bullshit. i mean all the Barians are but STILL.
Shark, Rio, Dumon, and Vector also all have the distinction of having known each other when they were kids, before they all moved off on their separate ways (until reconnecting in college) As you can imagine, Vector and Shark's playground wars would get. Violent. 🥴 Dumon has had a bit of a crush on Shark since they met but has absolutely never disclosed this. Because I think it is funny.
The funniest detail about them as a whole in college AU to me is theyre all transfer students from NLSU's sister-campus in Barian, Indiana. WOE! Midwestern be upon ye! And also the previously mentioned nightmare queer housing situation they live in under Don Thousand The Dogshit Landlord (or, well, at this point it's just Mizar, Dumon, and the Kastle twins living there. The situation has improved Somewhat after Vector got kicked out HHDFDF he still loves fucking with all of them though in true 🥕 fashion)
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blooming-blooming · 5 years
Getting back to my AnnaRio Snow White AU after 2 and a half years and wondering why my prose skills skyrocket when I write lesbian fairy tales
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blooming-blooming · 5 years
1) i love your background sm 2) have you ever made a really self indulgent themed house in animal crossing, and if so what was it?
@sluttyberfomet I didn’t see this oops but 
1) Thank you, I love AnnaRio sm
2) ACNL came out summer my junior-senior year of hs and playing it a minimum of an hour a day every day for a year was what kept me from killing myself my senior year and thusly i have well over 350 hours on it, almost all of which went to perfecting my house so uh
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yeah. you can say that.
(fun fact: the last hha reward is actually at 1,1000,000 points but i didn’t care enough to get it.)
I acually wanna make another Fairy Tale house and started a new file in the same town as this one to do so, but unfortunately I can’t get back to it because all the sets I want for it are out of season. F.
Full house tour under the cut because it’s my pride and joy to this day 5 years later, the caps on my computer are slightly outdated so just know i also have the giant bear from the happy home designer update in my bear room and the giant resetti balloon in my basement now, courtesy of my gf
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(K.K. Swing doesn’t add any points to the Fairy Tale theme, but the entire reason I love the Lovely set is because Monique is my favorite villager, so I play it as a homage to her!)
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(Similar to K.K. Swing, Cafe K.K. doesn’t add Fairy Tale points. However, I grew to love the Regal set through Portia, so I play it as homage)
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(The painting is of one of my favorite PreCures, who was major in helping me be ok with liking girls when I was 15. I changed it to Mai a few years ago when I got older and I thought these caps were taken after I did that, but apparently not.)
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blooming-blooming · 7 years
UMM how about. Athena/Sasha and Anna/Rio
i hate this i love bothim going with annario because i am currently much deeper in ygo hell than aa
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blooming-blooming · 8 years
Hmmm how about AnnaRio since I'm writing some!! C;
im very glad you get me on My Ship
Hrrrrrghghgh I love this ship a lot. Unless I’m getting blessed with PreCure, I tend to fall for the rarest f/f ships possible.
I just really like how they contrast each other? They’re very much fire and ice – Anna is so hotblooded, quick tempered, and acts on emotion, while Rio is much more calm and collected in how she thinks things out. I think it makes for a very interesting rivalry, too; I’ve said it before, but because the series ends with Anna transferring to Yuma’s class and Rio on the disciplinary committee, I love the idea of Rio taking interest in Anna and hunting her down for detentions (which isn’t hard, lbr) so they can have alone time. Anna challenges her to get out of it, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but it only makes Rio more interested in her. And I’m sure Anna would be very, very flustered when she found out Rio’s true intent behind the detentions, hehe.
But for as interesting of a rivalry that they have, there’s a softer side, too. Rio is shown to be very caring and devoted to those she cares about, and is sweet to Kotori in particular. And, as brash as Anna is, she’s still shown to do things out of love, and Kotori even mentions her defending kids who get bullied. I think things get more complicated with Merag because Anna is a kid; she tries to be as supportive as she can be, but she just can’t comprehend it. And I think Rio is aware of it and has other coping methods for when things are too hard for Anna.I also have headcanons about Anna being a trans girl, which plays into it, too; I think Rio would be very supportive and validating to Anna, and always be willing to help her be comfortable and help build her confidence up.
Overall it’s just really good 10/10 can’t blame people for not shipping it because they don’t interact, but like… what if they did, man
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