#anni and ocv Varrick hours
h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay so I have another ocv idea...hope you don't mind. So this is where cp Anni ends up in the oc-verse.
Fang and Viper are freaking out, Kellin and Vince are sitting there like dude....this human is kinda cute, Varrick is standing there holding onto Anni and quite literally is about to kill anyone who tries to touch or get too close and ocv Anni is being unreasonably aggressive, insulting Anni and threatening her, saying things like... "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed ! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you."
"I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact i'd relish in it." which is making Varrick tug her closer to him. Once everyone calms down they realize that human Anni is very much human and smells like such so they have to get rid of the smell. Fang offers to use a spell but Varrick practically jumps at the chance for affection and scents her by hugging her, rubbing his face against her, kissing her cheeks and neck, ocv Anni is seeing this and is just glaring, she feels jealous and kinda lonely but says nothing and sits there with her...."cat". Human Anni even tries to pet her "cat" but Azrael goes into his actual form and screeches, unhinging his jaw and scaring the piss out of poor cp Anni, and Varrick just shields her and glares at ocv Anni and her "pet."Then cp Anni just looks at her other self and narrows her eyes and says, "Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?"
Ocv Anni: "YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" and the arguing goes on until it gets to cp Anni just completely calling out ocv Anni.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what your scared of. Your scared of being close to people, your scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and me may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
(I am so so so sorry this is so long, no pressure, feel free to ignore this or change and get rid of/add anything you'd like and if you have any questions then feel free to ask!)
[ jealousy. || simp party. ]
Warnings: none.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Never mention Ris around her...-- also, not really proof read?
Word count: 2,769
Fang and Viper found themselves in a dimly lit room, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. The room was filled with demons, their glowing eyes fixed on the two of them as they entered. Fang's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had messed up, and now she was in the presence of Enid and her shadow-proxies. She could feel their stares piercing through her, and her mind raced with thoughts of what kind of punishment Nightmare would inflict upon her.
"Oh no, Nightmare is going to be so angry with us," Fang whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "We're going to be in so much trouble! We allowed them to bring another human— you know how much Nightmare fucking hates humans?! We're all going to be fucking executed by her fucking proxies!" She paced back and forth in a panic, her heart racing as she began to sweat
Viper, who had been calm and collected up until this point, suddenly became more forceful. "Fang, pull yourself together!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls, she jumped up and grabbed Fang by the shoulders and striking a palm on her face to get to snap out of it, "We knew this was a possibility, and we have a plan. If we handle this correctly, everything will be fine." Fang nodded, trying to steady her breathing. She knew that Viper was right, but it was hard to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach.
Fang looked at Viper with wide eyes, her breath coming in short gasps. "How the fuck would you know?! You're the one who got us into this mess!" she asked, her voice trembling.
Fang's eyes blazed with fury as she confronted Varrick, the large demon who had brought a human into their world. "How could you be so fucking idiotic?!" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls of the cavernous room. "You know that Nightmare will punish us all severely for this! And if we manage to escape death like that, then creatures from all over are going to TRACK her scent down just to get a taste of this human!"
Varrick looked sheepish, his eyes darting around the room as if he was searching for an escape. "I didn't think it through," he muttered, his voice barely audible over Fang's angry tirade. "But I know I didn't make a mistake— she's so precious.."
Fang shook her head, her long black hair whipping around her face. "You never think anything through," she snapped. "Now we're all going to suffer the consequences of your stupidity!" Everyone's eyes fixed on Fang and Varrick as they argued. Fang could feel their collective tension and fear, their bodies tensing as they braced themselves for the wrath of her furious state. "Varrick? Are you even listening?!"
Varrick, a large demon with rippling muscles and a fearsome countenance, looked down at Anni with a tender expression. He had always been fond of the small, fragile human, and he couldn't resist the urge to show her affection. Gently, he reached out and traced his fingers along her cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin. Anni looked up at him, her eyes wide with wonder. "You are so delicate," Varrick murmured, his voice low and rumbling. "I must be careful not to hurt you."
Anni smiled up at him, her face glowing with happiness. "You're always so gentle with me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Varrick leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, his large, calloused hands cradling her face. "You are precious to me," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I will protect you, always." Anni felt a warmth spread through her body as she gazed up at him. Despite his fearsome appearance, Varrick was always so gentle and caring with her. She felt safe and loved in his arms. Varrick pulled her close, his massive arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. Anni snuggled into him, feeling his heartbeat steady and strong against her chest. For a few moments, they stayed like that, lost in their own world of love and affection. In that moment, nothing else mattered. They were together, and that was all that mattered.
Finally, Varrick leaned back and gazed down at her with a soft smile. "You are my treasure," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "And I will cherish you always." Anni smiled back at him, feeling her heart swell with love. She knew that with Varrick by her side, she could face anything that the world might throw at her. He was her protector, her guardian, and her love— he was nothing like the other Varrick back at home. When Vince tried to walk up to the human, Varrick started growling— glaring at his brother with disdain.
"Seriously, can you stop touching that human? It's fucking pathetic to see you that desperate for attention, Varrick." Ocv-Anni bit at him, clearly angered by his irritating display of affection towards her alternate self. Kellin snorted with a chuckle at her behavior, but quickly shut his mouth when he realized she had been glaring at him with vicious intent. "I can't believe you can even be considered a proxy with this behavior."
Ocv-Anni grunted and rubbed her head, a headache suddenly eating at her brain. Clenching her eyes shut, she moved towards her alternate self that was being smothered in affection, "And you. You pathetic little human. I can't believe you're even a version of me! Why are you so weak looking? I could kill you right now!"
"And I can't believe even when my alternate self is some badass asshole, I still don't get any taller." Anni said bluntly— looking at the angered woman with a completely flat-tone while saying that. "Why are you even trying to threaten me? You're like 5'3…at most." Anni narrowed her eyes.
Ocv-Anni felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as the room erupted into laughter.
The laughter continued, growing louder and more raucous with each passing moment. Anni could feel the weight of their amusement pressing down upon him, suffocating her with its intensity. Finally, one of the onlookers spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, Anni," Kellin said. "Why are you threatening her? Varrick could easily just pick you up…and put you on top of a fridge so you wouldn't hurt his treasure." Kellin's tone was laced with mockery as he snickered and teased both ocv-Anni and Varrick.
Ocv-Anni's embarrassment turned to anger as she bristled at the insult. "Shut up," she spat, her voice shaking with annoyance. "I could kill you right now." The room fell silent, the laughter dying away as her threat hung in the air. He felt a pang of regret, knowing that he had probably ensured that ocv-Anni was going to kick his ass later.
"And you." Ocv-Anni was sharp with her words, but she managed to spit them out. Her colorless-eyes were venomous with her, letting the human know she wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, "If you were smart you wouldn't be here. You are weak and pathetic and could get us all killed! In fact I hope some demon catches you and decides to eat you— in fact, I hope a crawler comes to tear you apart. Limb by limb."
"You know what? I don't need those creatures to do the job." The much more dangerous version of Anni paused to look at her, her eyebrow raising and it was enough to send her little human heart leaping from her chest- but she smirked shortly after. "I won't fucking hesitate to kill you. In fact I'd relish it. It's your fault for being stupid enough to decide to come here in the first place."
Varrick, the large demonic man, could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he surveyed the dimly lit room. He knew they were in danger, and he would do anything to protect Anni, the young human girl who was with him. "Anni, come here," he said, his voice low and urgent. He pulled her closer to him, his massive arm encircling her protectively. Anni looked up at Varrick, her eyes wide with wonder. She could see the worry etched into his face, and it made her so curious— why was he so worried? Would that other version of her actually go through with her threats?
Fang, the only other human, let out a low groan as she surveyed the group of people gathered before her. She couldn't help but shake her head at the tension in the air.
"Can we cut this soap-opera act and come up with a plan, please?" Fang said, her voice dripping with annoyance, "Do any of you have a plan to cover up Anni's human scent before the crawlers come to hunt her down? Or are we just going to let her be a sitting duck?" The other demons looked at Fang with a mixture of annoyance and confusion.
They knew that Fang had a tendency to be sarcastic and snarky, but they couldn't deny that she had a point, "The moment she steps out of this place, crawlers are going to surround us. My magic has been lacking as if recently, so I'm not certain I can hold them all off. These things can't be killed with regular weapons, people."
"We could use some of the herbs from the forest," suggested Vince tentatively, a look of concentration as he carefully set his finger on top of his chin, "They might help mask her scent."
Fang rolled her eyes. "Oh, great idea," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because I'm sure the demons won't be able to smell the human girl walking around with a bunch of herbs stuffed in her pockets." Vince quickly flipped her off, while the others were unsure of how to respond to Fang's biting comments.
"Well, then what do you suggest we do, smart-ass?" Kellin rolled his eyes at the snarky woman, his azure-eyes trailing to her with annoyance.
Fang let out a sigh, her expression softening slightly, "We need to be smart about this. We need to find a way to protect Anni, or else we're all in trouble." She said, "I guess I can cast a spell on her temporarily but—"
"Let me do it." Varrick quickly interrupts— an adorable yet goofy smile as he grinned down at his little treasured human. Anni certainly was confused on what they had been talking about, this entire situation as a whole was confusing— I mean, until now, she didn't even know other worldly travel was possible— like at all. She didn't even know she had an alternate self, with differences that she'd never begin to imagine. Anni's eyes widened even further, and she instinctively moved closer to Varrick. She could feel the heat radiating off his massive body, and it was comforting in such a difficult moment.
Anni felt her face getting warmer. She hated to be the center of attention, and at this moment all the girls were piercing her with their curious eyes, making her sigh. It was all irritating to her, until she felt a chaste kiss being pressed against her soft skin— that was the one thing that hadn't changed about Varrick, he wasn't ashamed to show her affection— at all. A soft smile crossed her lips without her realizing it, her eyes glued to her intertwined fingers resting in her lap while he continued with practically rubbing himself against her. Smiling sheepishly, she turned to run her fingers through his hair, enjoying the way his large fingertips slipped alongside her skin, abnormally warm fingers drawing random patterns on her skin while he pressed kisses all over. Placing her hands over his, she slightly bumped her head against his chin, receiving a kiss on the cheek in return. Giggles were spilling from their throats, and Ocv-Anni felt sick.
Ocv-Anni sat serenely on the plush velvet couch, her long fingers delicately stroking the soft fur of her magical feline, Azrael. The feline purred contentedly, arching her back in pleasure at the sensation of her owner's touch. Ocv-Anni's eyes were narrowed, lost in the moment of pure jealousy that came from watching Varrick throw himself at somebody new, as soon as they gave him the attention he craved. As Ocv-Anni continued to pet Azrael, the room grew quiet, the only sounds being the soft purring of the cat and the gentle rustling of fabric as she shifted position. Anni approached the couch, a look of curiosity on her face. She reached out to pet Azrael, but as her hand made contact, something strange happened.
Azrael's fur bristled, his eyes turned deep red, and his body began to contort and twist in a grotesque manner. His once-soft fur became spiky and sharp, and his purring turned into a low, menacing growl. Anni recoiled in horror as the creature before her continued to shift and change, growing larger and more monstrous by the second. Varrick's face fell as he realized what was happening. He had forgotten to warn Anni about Azrael's tendency to shape-shift when she was agitated or startled. He quickly leapt to his feet, grabbing Anni's hand and pulling her towards the door. As they fled across the room, the monstrous creature that had once been Azrael let out a deafening roar, its sharp claws raking the furniture as it began to unhinge its jaws— before it turned back into a small feline, jumping back onto Ocv-Anni's lap as she snickered.
"Why are you such a bitch? This entire time you've been sitting scowling and sulking, so what the hell is your problem?" Anni heard her alternate self scoff under her breath, while her feline followed her lead. Anni was already prepared for her alternate self's disgruntled stubbornness— quickly flipping off her and her terrifying cat— which only caused the feline to hiss even more.
"YOU are my problem. You shouldn't be here!" Ocv-Anni's nails were buried deep in the palm of her hands, creating moon shapes. Her fists tighten, shivers running through her spine and her arms shaking uncontrollably, "You're causing nothing but problems, once they find out an ordinary human is here, we'll be killed. If not by the hundreds of crawlers tracking us, it's gonna be by the same damn goddess who killed the only fucking person I've ever cared about!" Varrick felt oddly offended by that statement, he narrowed his eyes slightly and sadly buried his head into Anni's neck, pulling the human closer to him for utmost comfort.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous and you know what, I know what you're scared of," Anni could feel the power of her alternate self, a few meters away from her and her friends, like she was just by her side— her aura was terrifying. It was like her hands smashing her body, pushing her to the ground. Just standing there was hard, and all she could do was repeat the same phrase; 'please don't kill me for saying this,' "You're scared of being close to people, you're scared that if you get close to anyone like you did with Ris, something bad will happen and you'll get hurt again....you and I may be different but we both have the same fears. So stop acting like you're all high and mighty."
Ocv-Anni's heart accelerated. She observed her fingers. They were the same as when she had stretched them towards Ris, seconds before her life was taken by the blue–haired devil. Anni could still see her eyes being engulfed by black— smoke even emitting from them. She could hear her voice echoing her name, the pain she felt once she reached the floor alone. And the darkness, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY HER NAME, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" Her fist struck the wall near them, causing the unstable wall to collapse beneath the strength of her fist. The entire house they were hiding in almost collapsed, with most of it already being obliterated. Light steam emitted from her fist, from the pure strength and velocity from the punch.
Everyone watched in sympathy as ocv-Anni hyperventilated, smoke still engulfing her fists while she glared at her freckled alternate self. Vince glided his hands to her shoulder, in an attempt to calm the shadow proxy, but she only shoved him off and turned on her heel, towards the forest.
"I'm going out to let off some steam."
3 notes · View notes
h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
So..song fic. Here we go. Song: Dinner and Diatribes by Hozier
Here are the main lyrics that really go with the idea!:
-Dinner and diatribes, I knew it from the first look of, The look of mischief in your eyes.
-I'd suffer Hell if you'd tell me, What you'd do to me tonight, Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, ah
-Honey, I laugh when it sinks in, A pillar I am of pride, Scarcely can speak for my thinking, What you'd do to me tonight, Now that the evening is slowing, Now that the end is in sight, Honey, it's easier knowing, What you'd do to me tonight
----------- -----------
The general idea for this fic is having like being in the middle of a very intense dinner party with tons of people all around, talking and watching. So ocv Anni and the others are forced to attend another one of Enid's fancy dinners and Enid loves to invite lots of people. So they all go to sit down, most of the guests are already there and Anni sits right in front of this one man that she is all too familiar with. Zane. Zane has his usual assassin outfit on, the hood, the mask over his mouth and she can just see his eyes and the look he gives her, especially when he takes off his mask and she can see his glowing red eyes and smirk. She knows that this is going to be a hellish night. When the dinner starts, all Zane has to do is look at Anni in a seductive way and suddenly her world is spinning and her body starts to heat up, its from Zane's influence.
Anni tries getting up to leave, but two of Enid's servants stop her and Enid shoots her a look. So she is forced to stay and endure Zane's torture. Someone even tries talking to Anni and Zane won't shut up in her head.
"Darling, someone is talking to you. Wouldn't want to be rude and keep them waiting, now would you?"
"Oh sorry, am I distracting you, honey?
Anni is embarrassed, flustered and pissed. Maybe one of the others notice and they ask if she's okay...
(Feel free to add or change anything. If you have any questions about Zane then feel free to ask and I also recommend watching the music video for inspo and ideas if you need it!)
[ Dinner and Diatribes. || Simp party. ]
Warnings: Slight mentions of NSFW.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: No comment🚶‍♀️
Word count: 2,069
Honey this club here is stuck up
Dinner and Diatribes.
Anni took a deep breath as she stepped into Enid's opulent mansion, adorned with chandeliers and gilded frames on the walls. She was used to these fancy dinner parties by now, but that didn't make them any less intimidating. Enid, their Goddess and host for the evening, loved to show off her wealth and connections, and always invited a crowd of wealthy and influential people. Anni and the other proxies were expected to attend as well, to add to the ambiance and make Enid look good.
As Anni made her way to the dining room, she could hear the chatter and laughter of the guests already seated at the long table. She saw a few familiar faces, some she had met on previous occasions, but most were strangers to her. She tried not to make eye contact with anyone as she made her way to her seat, but she couldn't help but notice the man seated directly in front of her. Zane.
I knew well from our first hookup
The look of mischief in your eye
Your friends are a fate that befell me
Zane was a fellow assassin, and he and Anni had worked together on a few jobs in the past. They had a complicated history, to say the least. Anni tried to ignore him, focusing instead on the elaborate place settings and the food being served. But she could feel his eyes on her, and it made her flustered— uncomfortable even.
Zane was dressed in his usual assassin outfit, all black with a few weapons hidden in various pockets. Anni couldn't help but wonder why he felt the need to wear that to a dinner party, but she knew better than to ask. Zane was unpredictable, and she didn't want to say or do anything that could set him off.
Hell is the talking type
I'd suffer hell if you'd tell me
What you'd do to me tonight
As the dinner started, Anni tried to keep her head down and focus on her food. But then she felt it, that familiar sensation of heat and spinning. She looked up and saw Zane, sitting across from her, looking at her with his seductive gaze. Anni tried to resist, but she knew that Zane had a way of getting under her skin.
"Dinner is quite something, isn't it?" Zane said, his voice low and smooth. She ignored his words, but it only egged him on. "Darling, someone is talking to you. Wouldn't want to be rude and keep them waiting, now would you?"
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me
Anni tried to focus on the conversation, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Zane was watching her every move. She felt like she was under a spell, and she knew that it was from Zane's influence. She tried to get up to leave, but two of Enid's servants stopped her. Anni could feel Enid's eyes on her, and she knew that she was trapped.
That's the kinda love
I've been dreaming of
As the night wore on, Anni became more and more uncomfortable. The other guests were drinking heavily and getting louder, and she was starting to feel claustrophobic. She tried to make small talk with the people around her, but she was distracted by Zane's presence. He was watching her, always watching her. She could feel his gaze, lingering all over her body. It was uncomfortably hot.
That's the kinda love
I've been dreaming of
Anni couldn't take it anymore. She needed to get out of there. She stood up and tried to make her way to the door once again, but the servants blocked her path— annoyed to see her try to leave again.
"Leaving so soon, Anni?" One of Enid's snarky servants questioned, her voice laced with venom. Anni tried to explain that she wasn't feeling well, but the servant wasn't having it. She ordered Anni to sit back down and finish her meal. Anni was trapped, and she knew that there was no way out.
As the night dragged on, Anni felt like she was in a nightmare. She was surrounded by people she didn't know, and she couldn't escape. And worst of all, she was under Zane's spell, unable to think clearly or act on her own. She knew that this was going to be a long, long night. The way his eyes occasionally dragged to her, practically begging for her to just come near him— it only darkened the blush in her face.
Honey I laugh when it sinks in
A pillar, I am upright
As the meal progressed, Anni found herself getting more and more anxious. The conversation around the table was focused on wealth and power, things that Anni had little interest in. She felt out of place, like a fish out of water. She tried to contribute to the conversation when she could, but she felt like her opinions were dismissed or ignored— but that was delusional thinking, considering everything she said came out in incoherent mumbles that both Kellin and Vince couldn't seem to understand.
Scarcely can speak for my thinking what
You'd do to me tonight
Zane, however, seemed to be right at home. He was charming and witty, and the other guests seemed to hang on his every word. Anni couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy— his charismatic attitude was something she wished for. She didn't want to admit it, but she was still attracted to him, despite everything that had happened between them.
Now that the evening is slowing
Now that the end's in sight
As dessert was being served, Enid stood up to make a toast. Anni braced herself for another long speech about Enid's accomplishments and wealth, but instead, Enid surprised everyone by announcing that she was possibly inviting a new candidate to her empire and passing on the majority of the responsibility to her proxies. Anni couldn't believe it. This was a huge opportunity for her, but it also meant that she would be working even more closely with Zane.
As the other guests congratulated Enid and began to filter out of the dining room, Anni felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Zane standing behind her, a small smile on his lips.
"Congratulations, Anni," he said. "Looks like we'll be working together more closely from now on. I definitely wouldn't mind that," His eyes once again dragged across her figure, this time a gloved hand gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear— before he leaned in to whisper, "Not at all.."
Now that the end's in sight
Honey, it's easier knowing what
You'd do to me tonight
Anni tried to keep her cool, but her heart was racing. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this. But as she looked around the opulent dining room, surrounded by all these wealthy and powerful people, she knew that she had to step up. She was a proxy now, and she had to prove herself worthy of the title. She practically shoves him away, before flipping him off, and marching back to the only people she was familiar with.
Tell me
Tell me
Tell your man
Anni takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down. She can feel her heart racing, and she knows she needs to get a grip. She looks around the ballroom and takes in the stunning decor. The walls are draped in rich fabrics in shades of red and gold, while the chandeliers sparkle with thousands of crystals. The room is filled with people dressed in their finest clothes, chatting and laughing over glasses of champagne.
That's the kinda love
I've been dreaming of
Anni takes a sip of her own champagne and tries to focus on the conversation around her. She's here with Varrick, the demonic man who had loved her for several years, and similarly didn't wanna attend this stupid party. Though, Varrick is a successful musician, and he's always involved in some philanthropic endeavor or another— especially since it would look good on Enid's reputation. Anni secretly loved that about him, but she can't help feeling a little out of place in this world of glamour and wealth.
That's the kinda love
I've been dreaming of
As she looks around the room, she catches sight of Zane again. He's standing in a corner, surrounded by a group of people who seem to hang on his every word. Anni can't help but feel a little envious of his effortless charisma. She knows he's one of the most skilled assassins in the world, but he's also incredibly charming and handsome. Anni hates to admit it, but she's always had a bit of a crush on him.
That's the kinda love
That's the kinda love
That's the kinda love
That's the kinda love…
Varrick notices her staring and follows her gaze. "Zane, huh?" he says, a hint of jealousy in his voice. He's practically pouting with how much his face was scrunched up in disdain.
Anni rolls her eyes and takes another sip of champagne. "Don't be ridiculous," she says. "I just think he's an arrogant prick."
Varrick chuckles. "Well, he is that."
They continue chatting and mingling with the other guests, but Anni can't shake the memory of Zane's touch. She feels a mix of anger and confusion, and she can't help but wonder if there was something more behind his comment. Was he trying to flirt with her? Or was he just being his usual obnoxious self? As the night wears on, Anni finds herself growing more and more restless. She can't stop thinking about Zane, and she keeps glancing over at him whenever she gets the chance. She can see that he's watching her too, and she can feel a strange pull between them.
Let there be hotel complaints and grievances raised
And that kind of love
It's very rare for Varrick to come to dinners like these, only because his goofy personality is switched over to a sharper version of himself when he’s at work. At work, his charm is ruthless and enticing, made of cleanly sharp blades and clever posterity. The insecurity and poutiness that the demon usually displayed was buried.
Let there be damage ensued and tabloid news
And that kind of love
Varrick slips a hesitant hand across her waist and plants a sweet kiss to the side of her neck, his favorite spot. “You look absolutely stunning.” Anni rolled her eyes at his compliment and slightly pushed him off. And he was right, she was stunning, even getting some looks from around the large ballroom. They made jokes, talked about Enid's prestigious reputation and floated alcohol with her. She would have enjoyed the night and the attention, if Zane wasn't clouding her mind with those taunting eyes of his.
Let there be damage ensued and tabloid news
And that kind of love
Varrick seemed fine, but Anni knew him well, despite the smile on his face. She notices something wrong and her forced, tipsy smile drops into an annoyed frown. She excused herself in between the little group that had formed around her and leaning against the table beside Varrick, gripping his button up shirt with her fingers. He had already pulled back his sleeves to his elbows, nursing a scotch.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” She asks, watching as he puts the glass to his lips and takes a sip.
“Nothing, just feeling a little bit lonely.” he smiles. “I told you that you were stunning. But now I'm a little jealous of everyone getting your attention. Especially Zane.”
“What's with that?” Despite her words, her smirk beamed wildly. As soon as he saw it, he cackled out a laugh. He smirks, adoring her words as he pulls her into a tighter hug, resting his head on the side of her head in an appearance of sweetness. She doesn't see the harsh look he gives out to Zane, the wave of warning coming off of him in waves as he stares at each and everyone of them down whilst pressing a possessive kiss to her shoulder.
That's the kinda love
I've been dreaming of
That's the kinda love I've been dreaming of
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Okay so I had an idea for ocv Varrick....I kinda forgot demons had heats for a minute there and when I realized that demon Varrick has heats...well I just had to do something with that idea. So this is obviously gonna be smutty....
So the idea is Varrick having his first ever heat. He has no idea what it is that's making him so hot and aroused and very grumpy...but lets say that ocv Anni is gone on a mission and Varrick just can't get his heat stricken mind off of her. He's sure that she won't be back anytime soon and he is so horny that he goes to Anni's room and lays in her bed, surrounded by her scent and all her personal belongings. He's super pent up so he obviously tries to fix his issue and is too caught up in his issue that he doesn't realize that Anni is standing in the door, mouth open in shock and just staring at the display in front of her. When Varrick sees her he freaks out, thinking she'll be mad or call him pathetic but she simply shuts the door and walks over to him, stripping and then crawling on top of him. She decides to be generous and help him out, but not before she teases him and edges him for a bit, making him all whiny and needy and he practically has to beg for what he wants.
"Aw, does that feel good? Keep making those sounds and I may just give you what you want~"
(this request is just pure filth, so there is no obligation for you to do this...and if you do decide to do this, then take your time, no rush, especially if you aren't feeling good...)
[ beg. || simp party. ]
Warnings: Smut...pure shut.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Did I really just write pure unfiltered smut? Yes, yes I did.
Word count: 2,246
The pillow covered in Anni's scent was at the center of Varrick's little nest, its soft olive scent giving him comfort. Normally the scent of her was too strong and overwhelming for him to enjoy, something almost bringing her to tears. Anni's scent however was sweet and rich, drawing him in closer instead of pushing him away. Waiting for Annu to arrive started to grow unbearable the deeper into heat he fell. Varrick could feel his  pants tighten and precum begin to seep through his boxers, soaking the blankets in his 'nest' but he was too overwhelmed to even care. His skin was crawling, the temperature nearly unbearable.
He was unsure how long had passed since Anni had left on a mission but it had to have been hours, he was in absolute misery. How in the hell did he ever think he would be able to handle this on his own? The pain only grew worse with each minute, and the need was unbearable. Tears started to gather in the corner of his eyes as his mind started to haze. 
The house was deadly quiet as Anni walked down the hallway. She found herself looking for signs that he was home. Her nostrils flared automatically; searching the air for the scent of recently cooked food. All she smelt was the soft, pleasant smell of the pine air freshener he scented the house with. She heard nothing but the soft pitter patter of her boots on the hard-wood floor. She took them off after a moment’s consideration. 
She placed her shoes to one side of the door and walked further along the corridor. It was clear that Varrick was not downstairs. She had half-expected that he would still be on a mission when she arrived. He would be home soon either way, she knew. Quickly checking through the two adjoining doorways, Annu started to head upstairs. She was careful to be quiet, despite the fact she suspected that Varrick was not home. She felt like an intruder. She reached the top of the landing and turned to face his bedroom. His bedroom door was slightly open; just a crack. She could not help but take a step closer. If he was home, great. If not, she could take the opportunity to have a quick snoop around his room. As she approached the door, she thought she heard a quiet hum of sound as she pressed on the wooden door, as though a television was playing very very quietly.
Anni heard his small grunts before she had even reached the half-closed bedroom door. Although she had heard those exact sounds dozens of times before, it didn’t quite register in her brain and she pushed on the wooden door firmly. It swung open and she took a step into the room without thinking. The double bed she usually slept on alone was adjacent to the door; giving her a full body view of the demon who had snuck into her room. He was lying on his back against the white sheets, his body completely naked. His left leg was tucked up on the covers; his foot flat against the sheets. His left hand was wrapped tightly around the center of his straight, hard cock; pumping up and down in rough, jolty movements. With each little jolt, he let out a throaty grunt. His eyes were half-closed; eyelashes fluttering against his lower eyelid like the wings of frantic summer butterflies.  
Her mouth lulled open as she took in the sight. It wasn’t as though she had never seen him touch himself before, but she had never observed the act in these stark conditions. Slowly, Varrick lulled his head towards her and met her gaze. His deep, amber eyes connected with hers and she felt herself stop breathing. Anni's mouth was open but she found herself unable to speak. He carried on his little violent motions as he looked at her; his fingers tugging on his cock. She felt herself growing redder with each passing second as realized he was challenging her to do something; either take a step closer or leave. He felt pathetic for doing this, but his heat didn't let him stop— not even for a second. He ended up finally pulling away, desperate tears springing up into his eyes from the loss of pleasure, "F-fuck, Anni, I'm sorry— I-I didn't think you would be home so early—"
His eyes watch in shock as she closes the door behind her, a little smirk gracing her lips before she sheds herself of her clothes— giving Varrick a little show as she smirks at his widened eyes before crawling on top of his body.  Varrick squirms around on the bed beneath them, hips arching up for some sort of friction but she lifts her hips and moves her hands away. Varrick lets out a frustrated sigh, cock throbbing and standing at full attention from her constant teasing.
“Anni, please just… just touch me!” Varrick whined, shivering as she raked her nails up his sculpted chest and looked at him teasingly. He loved her, but right now she was being a horrible tease! She'd teased him the entire week, brushing past him and leaning in to whisper things into his ear throughout the day, making dirty jokes between missions.
"No~ I don't think so~" Anni purred, a dark glint in her eyes as they stared down at the submissive male under her. The demonic man blushed, biting down on his lip.
“P-please, touch me. I need it, please…” Varrick pleaded and her tongue dipped out from between her mischievous lips to drag across her bottom lip at his obedience. Mercifully she trailed a hand down his toned stomach, and took his hard cock into her palm, slowly pumping him from base to tip. Varrick moaned, hips arching up into her hand. “Oh! Anni, please, more… faster—Mmh—oh god!”
"Aw, does that feel good? Keep making those sounds and I may just give you what you want~" 
Anni swiped her thumb over the head of his dick, smearing the precum across his heated flesh and using it to lube up her fingers, her hand sliding up and down his shaft easier. She varied ner pace and grip, keeping him guessing with a sudden squeeze or series of faster pumps. As her boy twisted above the sheets she made her way down his body, dragging the flat of her tongue over his abs and trailing her kisses down to his hips. Varrick shuddered as she peppered kisses across his inner thighs, hand still moving up and down his cock. 
“Ahh, ah…!!” Varrick panted, fingers digging harshly into the sheets as he drew close to the edge. A strangled groan and then several curses were torn from his throat as she licked a stripe up the underside of his length before taking him into her mouth all at once. “FUCK! Yes, please~ Anni, yes!”
She could tell he was getting close. His hips were struggling against her firm hold in a desperate attempt to fuck himself up into her mouth, his mouth was agape and babbled praises and mewlings for more streamed from it. His abdomen was contracting underneath her palm, and his frantic breaths only quickened as she sucked earnestly on his dick. Before she suddenly pulled away— he looked up at her questioningly, until tears spring up into his eyes from the sudden warmth around his length.
Varrick sobbed, head tossing from left to right and hips bucking wildly into hers, causing her to moan out at the sheer force of his frenzied thrusts. His hands ripped from the sheets to grasp at any part of her he could reach, searching for purchase. She hissed as his fingers bruised her thighs, his back arching off the bed in increasingly frequent intervals as rapidly approached his end, no doubt a tightly-wound coil of heat festering deep within his belly, ready to explode at any moment. His hands slid from her hips and she startled as he sat up, throwing himself into her arms and burying his face between her breasts as he mewled and moaned into her flesh. She adjusted her position, leaning back onto her haunches so she could still bounce on his lap efficiently, her head tipping back at the glorious angle it provided.
His eyes met her suddenly, an intense, unconditional love spiraling in those gorgeous amber hues that made her melt and wrap her arms around his trembling form.
“AH! Ahh-HAh~ MMmmph… fuck me, fuckfuckfuck… Yes, I’m ‘b-bout to c… ‘bout to—” Varrick clenched his eyes shut, his entire body tensing and his back arching into hers. His heart threw constant punches against his chest, the air momentarily stolen from his lungs. And then he finally shattered, a wail of absolute bliss ripping itself from his sore throat and filtering out into the humid air of her bedroom. His noises only continued as his cum spilled inside of her in thick, hot spurts, his teeth burying themselves into her shoulder to muffle the rest as he shook in her arms. Varrick was still cumming, the most satisfactory orgasm he’s ever experienced overtaking him, plunging him into a whole other world of sensation.
When he finally stopped squirming, he collapsed into her. She pressed him forward to lay on the sheets, running a hand through her overloaded demon's hair in a moment of soft vulnerability before she started moving on top of him again. Varrick cried out, hands moving to hold her but couldn’t bring himself to follow through with it when he felt himself twitch back to life inside of her. The pleasureful overstimulation of it all overwhelmed him, sending him reeling. She continued to ride him without mercy, chasing her own release as his hardness pressed against her walls in all the right spots, the head of his cock jutting into her sweet spot hard enough to send her into convulsions each time.
The way Anni squeezed around him, slamming down onto him with every bounce had Varrick teetering on the edge again. His eyes were rolled back into his head, mouth open wide and tongue sticking out of his mouth like a hound, panting heavily as even more drool pooled from behind his lips. Sobbing moans filled her ears as her walls clamped down around him like a velvety-coil, squeezing his orgasm out of him not a moment later. Varrick let out a broken moan, his entire body shaking and the bed underneath her squeaking in protest. Her own eyes stared at the ceiling as she finally came after what seemed like hours of denying herself any relief, her jaw dropped, eyes rolling in their sockets as she came all over his hips and the sheets beneath them.
Anni fell forward after the contractions finally stopped, her own whimpers mixing with his own as the both of them collapsed onto the sheets. In her daze, she didn’t realize that her hips were still moving, grinding back and forth just slightly— it drove him crazy. Running her fingers through his hair, she murmured soft praises to him and gently slid him off of her to lay down on the bed. After stepping out to grab a washcloth, water and snacks, she returned to see Varrick looking at her with a soft and tired smile, reaching out to her with wide open arms. She joined him on the bed, letting him lean on her and giving him sips of water as she helped him clean up.
— . — . — 
Kellin strode down the hallway with purpose, his footsteps echoing off the walls. He had been searching for Anni and Varrick for what seemed like hours, and his patience was wearing thin. As he approached Anni's room, he paused for a moment and took a deep breath before pushing the door open.
To his surprise, he found Varrick lying on top of Anni, their bodies intertwined in a warm embrace. Kellin couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before him. "Well, well, well," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "What do we have here?"
Anni's eyes widened in shock as she realized she had been caught in such a compromising position. "Oh, shit," she muttered under her breath, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Varrick, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by Kellin's presence. He merely snuggled closer to Anni, nuzzling his head into her chest with a contented sigh.
Kellin shook his head in disbelief. "You two are just too soft," he teased, a grin spreading across his face. "I never would have guessed that you, Anni, of all people, would be such a cuddler."
Anni rolled her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment behind a facade of annoyance. "Shut up, Kellin," she grumbled, pushing Varrick off of her and sitting up. "It's not like you've never cuddled before."
Kellin laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Touché," he said, before turning to leave the room. "Just don't let me catch you two getting too cozy again, alright?"
As he walked away, Anni let out a sigh of relief, glad that the embarrassing moment was over. She turned to Varrick and gave him a playful shove. "Thanks for making me look like a complete softy," she said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Varrick merely grinned in response, pulling her back into his arms. "Anytime," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I love cuddling with you."
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h0rr0rsaxo · 1 year
Hi there! So I have a few ideas, here's on for Oc-verse.
So Lucien gets dragged back By ocv Fang and Viper and just rants to The Shadows (Enids proxies) about how adorable and cute the humans from the Cp universe are. Everyone is sitting there like..."Wtf I sound so fucking weak." like Kellin is talking about how big of a pussy he seems and Lucien talks about human Anni and describes how small and "cute" she is and Varrick is like..oh? Ocv Anni obviously is not happy about being so "weak" in the other universe and she just scoffs and ignores Lucien. Demon Varrick though...he listens and gets curious. So he goes to Cp verse and finds Anni. She's in the woods and he kinda watches her until she spots him and just sees glowing eyes. In an attempt to run, she slips on a rock and hits her head on a tree root, and gets knocked out.
Waking up she sees this demon dude who is just staring at her, she is slightly concussed and very confused and he says who he is and she's like...."uhhhh....what?" but he just stares at her eyes, her freckles, how small she is, and even takes notice of her hands lmao. All in all its adorable and cute until Ocv Anni pops out of nowhere, pissed and annoyed and she tries to get Varrick to come back but he refuses and grasps onto human Anni. Ocv Anni, being pissed off, she just leaves and goes and finds someone else to intimidate and then flirt with lmao-
(tysm, this is a lot so no pressure and feel free to change or add anything!)
[ humans. || simp party. ]
Warnings: None.
Tags: @insane-horror-movie-addict
A/N: Lucien beng a little shit is so funny. He doesn't care if he's getting hateful glares, bro just keep TALKING. Lawd. Also, this isn't proofread, so if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry- I was just writing and was hyperfocused. Writing without thinking?
Word count: 3,781
Fang stood with her arms crossed, her eyes flashing with anger as Viper tried to defend himself. They were standing in a dimly lit alleyway, the only source of light coming from a flickering street lamp above them. Fang's long black hair whipped around in the wind as she glared at Viper— creatures of sorts crawled and scrambled amongst Nightmare's realm. The luminous sky above adorned not one— but three moons, all shining down on the three figures in the dark.
"Are you kidding me, Viper?" Fang spat, the little fox on her shoulder growling along with her, as if to emphasize her anger, "We were supposed to capture Lucien two hours ago! And now, because of your incompetence, we're going to be in so much trouble with Nightmare. What are we supposed to tell her?! That you got your feelings hurt, and fled to another realm?! I can't believe you decided to pull this stupid bullshit on the most unforgiving Goddess we've EVER worked for!"
Viper rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Well, maybe if you didn't reject me, this wouldn't have happened!" She retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Fang's eyes widened in disbelief. "This is not the time for this, Viper!" she shouted. "You're being unreasonable!"
Viper stepped closer to Fang, her face twisted in anger. "Unreasonable?" She growled. "You're the one who's always been so cold to me! Maybe if you had just given me a chance, we could have worked together better and caught our target on time. Maybe— I wouldn't have to resort to finding a Fang who would actually appreciate me!"
Fang shook her head in frustration, "This is not about us, Viper!" she yelled. "This is about our mission and our duty to Nightmare. You need to focus on the task at hand and stop bringing up irrelevant issues."
Viper took a step back, her anger deflating slightly. "I know," she mumbled. "I'm sorry. I just...I'm frustrated. I feel like I can't do anything right when it comes to you."
Fang softened slightly, her anger giving way to sympathy. "It's not about you, Viper," she said gently. "It's about our duty to Nightmare. We need to focus on that and get to our target before it's too late. Before we get a public execution— one slip up, and she's going to feel us to the rats."
Lucien was being dragged while tied up, his arms bound tightly behind his back as Fang stood before him, a look of determination on her face. She had finally caught him, after hours of chasing and battling him, and now she had him right where she wanted him. But Lucien was not deterred. Even in this precarious situation, he couldn't help but flirt with Fang. "You know, you're even more beautiful up close, and that other version of you? So adorable. " he said, his voice low and seductive.
Fang rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the way Viper audibly growled at this man— she had absolutely no time for their antics right now. "Save it, Lucien," she said sternly. "You're going to pay for what you've done."
Lucien smirked. He marveled at Fang's determination and the way her darkened eyes seemed to flicker like an unsettling fire. The radiant strength that seeped off her body was contagious, and being next to her, Lucien felt like he could stand up to anything that was in his way, "Oh, I'm sure I will," he said, his eyes roaming over Fang's body. "But maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement? I'm sure we could both benefit from a little...negotiation—" 
"I will slaughter you, and feed you to my hyenas if you continue to flirt with her." Viper let out an unsettling growl emerge from her throat, her eyes glistening a mischievous glint as she reached for her scythe to deliver the last blow to Akuma's pathetic and irritatingly strong son— Lucien only laughed at her— her threats meant nothing to him. 
The moon shone down on the deserted street, casting an eerie glow on the empty buildings and silent alleyways. It was a night of stillness and solitude, a time when most people had retreated to the safety of their homes. But then, out of nowhere, a group of figures appeared in the distance. They were cloaked in darkness, their movements swift and silent as they made their way towards Fang, Viper and Lucien. They called themselves "The Shadows," and their presence was enough to make Fang's skin crawl with absolute annoyance— what the hell were they doing in Nightmare's realm? Last time she remembered, they weren't allowed here.
As they approached, their condescending laughter rang out like the howls of wolves, echoing through the empty streets. Fang and Viper stood their ground, but they knew they were outnumbered and outmatched. The moonlight glinted off the blades and weapons that The Shadows held, casting a chilling glare across their faces. 
"I'd never thought you would actually return, Fang. After all, you're still just a little human— you can barely fend for yourself." Anni laughed, their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, as if she was a creature of the night themselves. Fang felt a surge of anger and frustration. These Shadows had been a thorn in her side for months, always popping up when she least expected it, always causing trouble. She was tired of their games, tired of their taunts and their laughter.
But as they closed in around her, their menacing presence looming over her like a dark cloud, Fang knew she had to stay focused. She couldn't let her fear get the best of her, not when the lives of her friend and the safety of the city were at stake.
With a deep breath, Fang stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination. "What do you want?" she demanded, her voice steady and strong.
"Hey! What's up guys? Was wondering when you would show up!" Lucien was clearly unable to sense the tension in the air— this air-head seemed to chat with just anybody, even if they considered him an enemy. "I need to tell you about the crazy fucking things I saw! You will never believe this— but you guys were all humans in this universe I went to!"
"Humans? What the hell are you talking about, Lucien?" As the night sky hung heavy above, a silvery luminescence cascaded down from the full moon, casting an ethereal glow upon the world below. It was in this otherworldly light that Vince finally showed his face in the street light. The moonlight seemed to dance upon his skin, illuminating every facet of his being.
"I wouldn't even talk to him if I were you, this guy is a complete fucking nutcase." Kellin rolled his eyes, also stepping into the comfort of the moonlight— his blades glinting. Despite his precarious situation, Lucien remained calm and collected. His mind was a steel trap, sharp and agile, and he used it to carefully consider his words as he spoke to The Shadow proxies that surrounded him. 
"Oh yeah? Well, you can always see it for yourself, I have the exact portal coordinates," They loomed large, with faces that twisted and contorted in the flickering light, yet Lucien did not falter. He spoke with an air of confidence and authority, as if he were a scholar lecturing to a room full of eager students. "First of all— you should have seen Varrick, oh dude— he was human! A cocky human at that— he was much smaller of course, but man, that guy had some balls, I'll tell you that. He threatened to kick my ass so many times— even if he knows I could kill him, can you believe that?!" Lucien laughed loudly, his sounds of laughter echoing off the streets— causing Varrick to narrow his eyes slightly. 
"A little human wasn't scared of the son of Akuma? He seems so brave, and confident— I like that in a man." Anni let a little smirk tug at her lips, putting her hand onto her hip as she listened to this tale that Lucien told. Varrick— who was right beside her— felt oddly offended.
"I'm confident too.." Varrick muttered quietly, while Anni slipped a hand onto his face, teasingly brushing her gloved hands against his sensitive and untouched skin.
"Oh please, we all know you're lying to yourself, Varrick. You just have to accept that there is a more handsome version of you out there." Anni teased, nudging the much larger man with her hip as he slumped with a little sigh. The Shadows listened intently, their forms shifting and swaying in response to Lucien's words. 
"And Kellin! When I tried to speak to your human version, I kid you not, he started screaming because there was a spider on my shoulder! Never in my life, would I have thought I would hear any version of you scream. I couldn’t stop laughing, I wish I recorded it.." As Lucien spoke, the moonlight seemed to intensify, casting them to glare down athim. Yet he remained unafraid, his voice ringing out clear and true in the night. He knew that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary, and he was determined to share it with them.
"What the fuck? I sound so fucking weak. I didn't kill hundreds, just to be patronized like this." Kellin felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as the group erupted into laughter. His eyes darted around, searching for a way out of the situation, but he found no escape. He had made a foolish mistake, and now he was paying the price. The laughter continued, growing louder and more raucous with each passing moment. 
"Vince, don't even let me get started on you— when I saw you, you were wearing an apron and you were holding a tray of cupcakes!" Lucien continued to laugh, tears started to even spring to his eyes as he howled with laughter, "Your human version even offered me one!" Vince could feel the weight of his group's amusement pressing down upon him, suffocating him with its intensity— he crossed his arms angrily and waited for the laughter to die down.
"Oh my god— and Anni? She was so small, and cute. I swear, she had the cutest little freckles on her face and get this—" They seemed to be drawn to the tales he wove, their interest piqued by the stories he told of the other world he had seen. His descriptions were vivid and intricate, each word carefully chosen to paint a picture in the minds of his captive audience. "This Anni was actually….nice!" 
"No fucking way." Kellin crossed his arms, "You're so full of shit, Lucien."
"Am I?" Lucien challenged, his Chesire-like grin carved onto his face, "Go see it for yourself— you won't regret it." 
Anni's voice was hushed, almost reverent, as she began to insult this supposed version of herself, "I seem so fucking pathetic. I can't believe a version of myself even exists— I'm so glad humans barely exist in this world, they fucking disgust me." She said, her eyes alight with annoyance. "I'm done hearing about this weird shit. I have more important things to do."
Varrick's face flushed as he felt a warmth spread across his cheeks, the telltale sign of a blush. He couldn't believe how much of an effect Anni had on him with just the very thought of her being not only human, but a kind-hearted human— the thought of it had his heart racing, and he was going to take Lucien's advice— he was going to go see this Anni from another universe. 
— . — . —
Anni wandered through the woods, her senses heightened by the eerie silence that surrounded her. The trees loomed above her, casting dark shadows that seemed to follow her every move. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Unbeknownst to Anni, Varrick was indeed watching her from a distance, his eyes fixed on her every movement. He had been exploring the woods when he stumbled upon her, and something about her had captivated him. He couldn't resist the urge to follow her, to see where she was going.
As Anni walked deeper into the woods, Varrick stayed hidden, his eyes never leaving her form. He watched as she stopped to inspect a flower, her delicate fingers tracing its petals. He saw the way her hair caught the light, making it seem like it was on fire. But then, something changed. Anni's head snapped up, her eyes scanning the surrounding area. Varrick froze, hoping against hope that he hadn't been spotted. But it was too late. Anni's gaze settled on a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness, and she gasped in fear.
Before Varrick could even react, Anni turned and ran, her movements quick and panicked. She didn't see the rock in her path until it was too late, and she tripped, her head hitting a tree root with a sickening thud. Varrick rushed to her side, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw the blood trickling from the gash on her forehead and knew that he had to act quickly. He cradled her in his arms, his hands gentle as he tried to rouse her from unconsciousness.
"Anni, can you hear me!?" he whispered, his voice filled with worry.
For a moment, there was no response. But then, Anni's eyes fluttered open, her gaze unfocused— before she immediately fell back to sleep. Varrick let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. 
— . — . —
Anni groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through her head, causing her to wince and fall back onto the hard, cold ground. Blinking rapidly, she tried to assess her surroundings, but all she could see was darkness. She could barely remember what had happened, but she knew she was in trouble.
Suddenly, she heard a deep purring sound coming from beside her. She turned her head and saw a large demon standing over her, his glowing eyes fixed on her face. He was massive, with weapons that stretched out behind him and a set of razor-sharp claws that glinted in the darkness. Anni's heart raced as she realized she was in the presence of something otherworldly.
The demon spoke, his voice low and guttural. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes still trained on her.
Anni was so disoriented that she couldn't find the words to answer. She just stared up at the demon, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"I am Varrick," he said, his voice echoing through the space around them. "I know you, and you know me, but…in another world."
Anni tried to sit up again, but the pain in her head was too much. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Don't be scared," Varrick replied, his eyes still locked onto hers. "I'm not here to hurt you— I would never dream of it." Anni's eyes widened as she realized that this large demon strangely resembled the Varrick she knew. She tried to sit up again, but the pain in her head was too much. She felt dizzy and disoriented, and she couldn't focus on anything. Varrick seemed to notice her discomfort, and he leaned down closer to her. His eyes scanned her face, taking in every detail, from the freckles on her nose to the small size of her hands. 
Anni's head throbbed as she slowly opened her eyes once again. She groaned and tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through her skull, causing her to wince and fall back onto the hard, cold ground. She was disoriented and confused, unable to recall what had happened. As she tried to regain her bearings, she noticed the demon who continued to loom over her. She squinted, trying to focus her vision, and saw that it was the same demon and glowing yellow eyes. He was staring at her intently, as if he were trying to read her thoughts.
"You're so…cute. Lucien had mentioned that you were a human— but I'd never imagine you to be so…adorable." He mentioned, his voice deep and rumbling.
Anni blinked, still trying to process the situation. "Uhhh...what?" she managed to stammer.
The demon's eyes never left her face as he spoke again. "Sorry," he said. "Was that too much?"
Anni's heart raced as she realized she was in the presence of something otherworldly. She tried to sit up again, but the pain in her head was too intense.
"What happened?" she asked, struggling to remember how she had ended up there.
"You hit your head against a tree root— hard. But I brought you to a cabin I presume was yours, it had your scent." Varrick replied, his voice surprisingly gentle. "You're safe now." Anni felt a sense of relief wash over her as she realized she wasn't alone in this strange place. She looked up at Varrick, taking in his intimidating presence, but also sensing a kindness in his gaze.
"Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Varrick nodded, his eyes scanning her face with a look of curiosity. "You are different from the other Anni I know," he said.
Anni furrowed her brow, confused by his statement. "What do you mean?"
Anni felt a shiver run down her spine as Varrick reached out and traced his finger along her freckled nose. She was taken aback by the sudden intimacy of the gesture, but she couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her body at his touch.
"You are very cute," Varrick said, his voice low and husky.
Anni blushed, feeling a flutter in her chest at the compliment. She had never been called cute by anyone before, let alone a demon. Varrick continued to trace his fingers across her face, taking in every detail. He gently brushed his thumb over her lips, causing her to gasp in surprise. His touch was surprisingly tender, and Anni found herself leaning into it, wanting more.
As Varrick's hand moved down to her palm, Anni couldn't help but feel a jolt of electricity shoot through her body. His touch was sending tingles up her arm, and she found herself wanting more of his affection.
Varrick seemed to sense her desire, and he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "You are so small and delicate," he whispered. "I could hold you in my arms forever."
Anni's heart raced as she felt Varrick's breath on her skin. She was both scared and excited by his closeness, unsure of what would happen next.
But instead of doing anything more, Varrick simply sat back and looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of tenderness and curiosity.
"You are different than the other Anni," he said, his voice soft. "You have a purity and innocence to you that she lacks. It is refreshing."
Anni felt a sense of pride at his words, grateful that he saw something good in her. She had always felt like an outsider, never quite fitting in with the people around her. But here, in this strange realm with a demon, she felt like she belonged.
"Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Varrick simply smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "You are welcome," he said. "I am here to protect you, Anni. You are safe with me."
Anni felt a sense of contentment wash over her as Varrick continued to trace his fingers along her skin. She was captivated by his gentle touch, feeling as though she could stay in this moment forever. But that moment was shattered when a sudden noise echoed through the darkness. Anni jumped, her heart racing as she looked around for the source of the sound.
And then, out of nowhere, OCV-Anni appeared, her eyes blazing with anger. "What are you doing with her? We were supposed to be out on a mission— and youre cuddling with a pathetic human version of me?" she demanded, her voice sharp and menacing. Anni's jaw had practically dropped— was she on drugs, or did a more badass version of her just casually break through the door— what the hell was happening?
Varrick stood up, pulling Anni up with him. He held onto her tightly, as if protecting her from Viper's wrath. "We were just talking— shes so…cute." he said, his voice calm and even.
OCV-Anni scoffed, her eyes flicking between Varrick and Anni. "She's just a human," she said. "What could you possibly see in her?"
Varrick bristled at her words, a little smile tugging at his lips— hugging her closely. "She is not just a human," he said. "She is you! But nicer— and kind— I want to take her home with me…she's just so precious. I've never met someone like her.." Varrick was obviously being dramatic— he had only known this Anni for about five minutes, and yet he couldn't keep his hands off of her.
Anni felt a sense of gratitude towards Varrick for standing up for her, but she also felt a sense of fear at the intensity of the situation. OCV–Anni seemed to sense her discomfort, and she turned her attention back to Varrick. "Fine," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "Do what you want. But don't say I didn't warn you. I'm gonna go explore, maybe bring home some humans. Demons will kill each other over a single piece of human meat." And with that, she disappeared into the darkness, leaving Varrick and Anni alone once again.
Varrick turned to Anni, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice soft.
Anni nodded, feeling a sense of relief that the danger had passed. "Thank you," she said. "For protecting me."
Varrick simply smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Of course," he said. "You are special to me, Anni. I will always keep you safe."
Anni felt a sense of warmth spread through her chest at his words. She was grateful to have found someone in this strange realm who cared for her, who saw her as more than just a human.
But as she looked up at Varrick, she couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay in store— I mean, what the actual hell was happening? This entire situation was just so confusing— was this demon even actually Varrick, or was it just some shapeshifter claiming to be him? She had a hard time understanding this situation, anybody would be confused— and it all started with that mysterious woman, apparently named Viper. 
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